Why does the news media make things seem like they're much worse than they are but never talk about real problems like the massive wealth inequality in America?

67  2017-09-21 by [deleted]

If someone only watched the news and never went outside, they would think everyone was murdering each other, kidnapping, raping, being racist, sexist, etc. Why is the world always on fire in the media?

Also, why do they never talk about the biggest issue of all which is wealth inequality? This masses are getting poorer, fatter, dumber and dying earlier and all the media does it make it seem like we're all out to get each other.



The short answer is that the media is all owned by about 6 huge corporations, all owned by billionaires. Even twenty years ago, it wasn't as consolidated as it is now. These billionaires do not care about the rest of humanity. The view is much different from the top of the food chain.

Gosh, I guess rich people in the media don't give a shit about income inequality.

Well thats weird.

They're benefactors of it. They want the inequality because that means more money in their pockets.

I was going to make this point, but from a little bit if a different angle. If the media loves to fear monger, it's the stories that aren't heavily reported that always interests me. For instance, the Awan story seems like it's straight out of a movie, but when MSM reports it, they leave out important aspects of the story and marginalize it. Another examplr would be the US Diplomats that were attacked with a sound weapon in Haiti. Although there were several event before that made me question these type event, the one that really got me thinking about it was the San Jose Terrorist attack on the power grid. If you check sources on that wikipedia page, there is only one source from around the time of the attack, everything else is from 9 month and beyond. No one was interested in that attack and it was ripe for the MSM. Anyways, knowing the MSM loves sensational headlines, it's the stories they don't report that really interest me.

Shhhh, you'll ruin the plan. Wait, never mind, majority rules.

Well we finally have a president who is standing up to TPTB. And the establishment owned media is doing everything in their power to get people to hate him.

Yeah, proposals to slash taxes on the rich, cut funding for medicaid, and give the military another $700 billion are really sticking it to TPTB.

Those sources. Cutting social programs goes against everything the establishment stands for. Obama spent 8 years defunding and fucking over our military. Obama is establishment to the bone. So again this would be going against the TPTB that were trying to make our military weak. He's slashing taxes for everyone, once again something the establishment does not want.

You're not very good at this.

Lol, sure, the powerful people that run the U.S. hate military spending and war, and hate tax cuts for the rich. What a rebel Trump is!

I hope you're getting paid to spout this stuff, because it is depressing to think someone would voluntarily eat so much shit for the people exploiting him.

It's midnight, who would be paying me for posting right now? The establishment was defunding our military under Obama. The establishment hates any tax cuts.

If the establishment loves Trump they are the best fucking actors in the world and are pure geniuses. I've never seen a president attacked so viciously by the media, the entertainment industry, and shills.

If this is all a show, and that fact hasn't leaked out with so many people involved, maybe they deserve to run the world.

You really should take a look at Trump's cabinet, aside from a few military guys, all of them are a part of the establishment.

I wish you people would fuck off back to your sub. We might as well have shillary's in here telling us "TPTB" robbed her of the election. They're both bought and paid for, if voting made any difference it would be illegal.

So how do we fix that?

And the majority of them are Jews. Ban me

What commiefishcrotch said! (What a name, btw. Lol. ;) )

Thanks! I chose it after a comment made by a drunkard that frequents this sub. It was just too funny, because he's so stupid.

If people united

there is chance is a billion times that lower class people will united, you are to optimistic, how the fuck poor people able to do something when they have to work 18 hours a day simply to pay for food, rents and bill

Obviously the problem is social programs.

I can't figure out a meaningful way to ask what you mean by that.


Ah. Now it makes sense.

Why won't the companies owned by rich people say bad things about rich people?

Sounds like a Carlinism

Why do you think inequality is a problem?

Why do you think slavery is a problem?

How about indentured servitude? Was that a problem?

How about a student loan system that won't allow you to declare bankruptcy?

How about a system where corporations and the government steal the average person's retirement income with spending and bogus financial instruments?

If It Bleeds,It Leads..no conspiracy to the degree everyone claims. Its human nature to watch Criminal Minds instead of economics on EdTV. The reason is literaly economics, but nobody knows because theyd rather watch CrimeTV

Bullshit. This is a narrative being pushed to disguise the fact the MSM works directly for the establishment. Operation Mockingbird proved everything we need to know about the "news".


Exhibit A: news at ten," Man eats another mans face on bath salts!"

Exhibit B : news at ten " Socio Economics Proffessor Gives Lecture On Class Warfare!

Which would you watch/click/consume/$$$?

Its not bullshit, no conspiracy. If it bleeds it leads.

Neither, because the media is propaganda controlled by the establishment. They get no viewers any more, so it's obviously not about money.

Easily tested and falsified claim.

I'm from Missouri buddy.

You wouldnt watch the news if it was all normal stuff like a nice person helping granny. You want to watch abnormal stuff, the same as I. Youll follow a story twice as long if 100 people died vs 6 injured.
If it bleeds it leads, its human nature= profit because they are reporting what you want them to report.

I do not watch the news. They have been caught faking and manipulating stories so many times. Nobody I knows watches the news. My parents, who watched the news for 50 years, stopped watching the news. Reruns of Gilligan's island gets more viewers than CNN's top rated show. Nobody watches the news.

President Trump revealed what many of us here already knew for many years. The news is controlled by the establishment to shape public opinion.

That's only half the story. Media companies need to appease both viewers and sponsors, and sponsors' interests trump viewers'. This means that thoughtful programs on the evils of corporations are dead in the water right off the bat.

OP, are you new here?

I say this all the time. They want to talk about wars, and sending aid to other countries. We need/should be using that money to help ourselves. There's a homeless epidemic and even people with full time jobs are going hungry. Why are we feeding other countries when people in ours can't even eat.

The media?

Dude, if you read every post of this sub, you'd be convinced 500 different groups are about to break your door in before you ever go outside.

They do, you just don't watch every news channel or read every information source. MSNBC talks about income inequality like everyday. Caring about income equality is a liberal concern in America, so it would make sense that sources of information that are considered "liberal" would discuss it, and they do. MSNBC and VICE regularly discuss these issues. Don't assume grand conspiracy theories and act like you have watched every news channel at every minute, that is a certain way to acquire an incorrect understanding of the "media". I can already tell you that you are asking this question in the wrong sub, you should ask it in a general sub where people actually consume information and news from the media. You asking this here, you are just going to get some circlejerk about the msm that is typical here. You are confirmation biasing your understanding by asking people who don't watch the media yet somehow magically know what every channel is discussing at all times.

MSNBC fires reporters who criticize the wars. Every corporate TV news station is corrupted by the same influences.

That is complete nonsense they are always criticizing the wars and Israel, especially Bush's wars... You wouldn't know though because you don't watch it.

They fired reporters who actually spoke out against the Iraq war. They bribe the talking heads to follow the corporate script. Come on this is communications studies 101. It's the economics of the medium.

The better question is why & how the public hasn't woken up to the fact that we're manipulated by a very few essentially in control.

With risk of sounding like a "conspiracy theorist nutjobs" maybe we should educate the public more! No one else is going to do it!

Sounds like we need another meme war?