TopMinds: "What I learned from trolling r/conspiracy for 3 years". One of the many subreddits dedicated to brigading and destroying every discussion here. Our recourse? Nothing. Another reason why this subreddit is a shell of what it once was.

38  2017-09-22 by [deleted]



What would the recourse have been back in the day?

Before /r/topminds there was /r/conspiratard, so if you travel back in time, nothing changed.

I think the recourse should not be to "get back at them" or anything, which is what it feels like the op is implying, but rather to educate the userbase here on techniques used by shills/trolls/brigaders so people can recognise any of that and be able to simply mentally bypass it. If need be, also reply to any comment distracting from the point with an example of whatever technique they're using - not engaging in their tactics, but making it obvious what they're doing so any further readers who don't know of their techniques can recognise right there and then. I believe someone posted some "list of shill techniques" a while back, or something to that effect. I'll have a little dig and stick it in an edit. Unless someone else can beat me to it.

I was the user who reported Gentleman_Retard ( who made the post you are referencing ). The mods then banned him.

I watched it happen on the mod-log. So to those who say the mods are shills that won't ban the trolls - whoever they are: here is evidence to the contrary.

One begins to question themselves, and their report of the other - possibly even feel sorry for a multi-year account becoming banned. Then I saw they posted that - and it was sweet confirmation: justice served accurately.

Comment with a link to the post in question.

Can't link on mobile but on top minds of reddit forth post down.

I read this about 2 hours ago, then I noticed about 3 users there that are banned on this sub that usually target people on here that love to derail people and try to incite anger amongst the people here.

then I noticed about 3 users

lmao there are a lot more bad actors than that around this sub, i usually block at least half a dozen new ones every time I visit

I find tagging more productive, better to be aware of some of the derailment and tactics that are taking place and possibly point some particular brigading or voting manipulation. Though I understand simply not wanting to see all that crap may just ultimately be for having a better Reddit experience.

We need to have fun with it. Just call them out as you see them. Their job is to appear to be an ordinary user but unmasking them makes it a lot harder for them to work and they end up getting unmotivated after many unmaskings. This also helps unsuspecting members spot them. As long as we try, we will win. If we don't try, we lose.

It would be stickied that this sub gets gaslighted and had pedophiles from top mind muddying pedogate with false information to protect themselves. Top mind was the ones that kept putting fake dox threats to shut pg down to begin with.

This. Top minds was created in response to pg, not t_d as everyone assumes.

So by "top" they just mean dominant, not intelligent. Unless this is a very lame inside joke about being intelligence.

Top Minds refers to the people they make fun of.

...whilst failing to see the irony.

No it wasn't. It's been a around for longer than both.

Pizzagate got false flagged. Users who posted anything that broke site rules were promptly banned+muted, but admins were unbanning+unmuting them before they should have been. Without telling anyone. Here's one of the screenshots I saved from it

There is a reason that as you delve further into their history, more and more posts are by [deleted].

I got deleted yesterday day for calling one of them what they are. Yeah, yeah, I'm not saying the word but it starts with an S and then it ends with a hill.

Topminds denounces anything that hasn't aired on CNN. They mistake their slow-wit for intelligence.

thats the entire point ofnthe subreddit, it's a joke.

whats sad is they think they are smarter than everyone else

Well, I mean, just from how you interact, that is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black.

actually i was talking about you

Well I think we've been down this childish route in the past. Don't you remember? I won that game by the Davey vs Timmy precedent of 1993, wherein it was found that if one party is rubber and the other is glue, what bounces off of the defendant stick, in turn, to the plaintiff. Also, times infinity.

Good show, /u/EnoughNoLibsSpam. 10/10 really setting the bar high around your office.

keep getting those vaccines, eventually they help get you on the spectrum

lol and you have to have a bachelor's degree to do your job.

Hey OP, how much has the sub changed in just nine days? Seeing as that is how old you account is. Probably an alt account.

Always funny the loudest cries for the old days are always the brand new accounts.

I notice a little of this _____ a little of that ____ worse some days better others, but overall I can post what I want and defend my position when I want on this sub. I’ve never been censored for speaking from the heart on here. That might change someday but in 3 years I haven’t noticed any major shenanigans affect me personally.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of them. It's not enough to just brigade and troll people, they also want us to KNOW that they're coordinated to troll us.

Yeah? You joined three months ago. How much has this sub changed in just three months? Are you using an alt account? I'm using my alt account yet I've been here going on a decade now but it doesn't really matter because this isn't a tenure contest, dickhole. Keep embarrassing yourself with stupid comments like this.

Yeah? You joined three months ago. What's your point? What's wrong with an alternate account? I'm using my alt account yet I've been here going on a decade now but it doesn't matter because who fucking cares? Keep embarrassing yourself with stupid comments like this.

But I'm not embarrassed. Try harder.

Man, you guys sound like a bunch of bullied nerds. Just ignore them. It's not some vast plot to take you down; it's literally just some people fucking around because it's so easy to get a rise out of someone when you call their thought process into question and what better place to do it than a sub filled with delusional users who don't trust other users, Russian propagandists (i.e. recent "Fuck Morgan Freeman" post title), religious fanatics, Jew haters, and schizophrenics. Very few level-headed people comment here anymore and it's obvious why. Stop taking yourselves so goddamn seriously. No one here is changing the world yet everyone thinks they are.

Nah man shills exist and controlled opposition is a thing. I agree that it's best to just let them REEEE in peace, but it's foolish to believe that it is all organic.

What I've learned here is this is a conspiracy subreddit, but 90% of tge crap is political rep. And dem. B.s. come in you guys should know by now presidents are selected. Not elected.

Drives me bonkers to see folks falling for the partisan ploy.

I find tagging more productive, better to be aware of some of the derailment and tactics that are taking place and possibly point some particular brigading or voting manipulation. Though I understand simply not wanting to see all that crap may just ultimately be for having a better Reddit experience.

actually i was talking about you

keep getting those vaccines, eventually they help get you on the spectrum