What I learned from trolling r/TopMindsOfReddit for 3 years.

502  2017-09-22 by sufkmydickreddit2222

This headline (and submission*) is a parody of a current top r/TopMindsOfReddit submission. I would never "troll" a subreddit for 3 years because I am not a complete and utter failure of a human being.

But I'd like to discuss what I learned about the TopMindsOfReddit community and it's users. I'll break it down into separate categories for a more entertaining and educational read. Open this post in a separate window to really enjoy the little details.

Critical Thinking is for Dummies.

There have been many, many absurd posts mocking critical thinking over the past years so I'm just going to bullet point some major conspiracies and the reaction of the TopMindsOfReddit:

  • 9/11 - TopMinds have see no issue with a group of barely trained Middle Eastern men managing to highjack two planes, with box cutters, with such pinpoint precision that three NYC buildings then conveniently collapsed into their own footprints. These terrorist also managed to "fly a plane", inches above the ground, directly into the Pentagon, one of the most secure and monitored area of the entire country, but no footage of that plane even entering DC airspace exists.

  • Elite Pedophile Rings - TopMinds thinks that the idea of royalty and those in power having sex slaves is absurd. Those who have documented the history of civilization know otherwise. But TopMinds knows that it totally doesn't happen anymore because those in power pinky-sweared that they stopped.

  • Science vs. $cience - TopMinds clearly doesn't understand that one of the main pillars of the scientific method is to undergo criticism and scrutiny. Which is why TopMinds also doesn't understand the difference between real science and $cience.

  • Information Manipulation - TopMinds don't understand basic concepts like advertising, PR, and propaganda because most of them are very young and have no experience as working adults.

  • Vaccines - TopMinds believes that r/conspiracy believes, and I quote: "diseases aren't really a thing". These are the kinds of hyperbolic conclusions that they must cling to in order to feel superior.

  • NASA - TopMinds knows that everything NASA says is true because government agencies never lie. Anyone who questions any aspect of anything NASA presents clearly believes "the world in flat" and "Earth is run by lizards".

  • Flat-earth - TopMinds believes that every single person in r/conspiracy literally thinks the Earth is flat because a handful of people post about it (many are likely trolls from their own sub).

  • Seth Rich - TopMinds believes that only one of two options is possible: 1) Hillary Clinton literally murdered Seth Rich with her bare hands; or 2) Hillary was at her local shelter washing the feet of the poor

  • Donald Trump - Sorting by top "all time" you can easily see that TopMinds are absolutely obsessed with Donald Trump. Like the once fashionable "enoughTrumpspam" subreddit, TopMinds obsess over him so much that they actually become the very thing that they are mocking.

  • Mainstream Media - the gospel of truth for a TopMinds user

  • False Flags - Another things proven many times over by documented history, but TopMinds believe that people in power are totally past that kind of behavior and anyone who questions anything that ever happens deserves to be shamed for it.

The "TopMinds"

The real meat and potatoes of the subreddit. The things that sticks out for me the most is the dangerous level of superiority, and I do not say this in a mocking or insulting way. The sheer volume of users that have clear and obvious signs of a superiority complex is absolutely striking. While the desperate need to feel superior is the classic trademark of the TopMinds community, it goes above and beyond in too many people.

The Dunning–Kruger effect. Is r/TopMindsofReddit made up of people suffering from this? The answer is undeniably yes. "The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein persons of low ability suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is."

They're just smarter than everyone else, that's why they're so enlightened that they needed to create their own personal safe-space echo-chamber to seek validation from one another. They desperately seek acceptance from one another and it is truly interesting to watch a lone member fall into confusion when he or she accidentally steps out of whatever circlejerk the majority has decided is "true". They truly believe that they are enlightened enough to completely have a grip on everything about every aspect of reality and the idea of deeper meaning scares them, probably because of the difficulty presented by getting their echo-chamber to accept it. They have it all figured it out.

Another thing to keep in mind is that reddit is full of very young and very impressionable minds. A subreddit like TopMinds or Conspiratard is going to seem very attractive to that teenager who "has it all figured out" or that dead-beat adult who peaked in high school and still desperately clings to those power dynamics. When you add the very obvious signs of inflated ego and the Dunning–Kruger effect than the result is a subreddit like TopMindsofReddit.

The irony is that they are even projecting the term "Top Minds" based on their own inferiority complex. Because by ironically calling the conspiracy community the "Top Minds" the unspoken conclusion would be that the members of TopMindsofReddit are actually "smarter" and "better" than them. Another way to put it is that members of TopMindsofReddit feel threatened or challenged. They mock the term "Top Minds" on their perceived opponent because they feel that they actually deserve that title. But again, don't expect any of them to understand this.

The Community Itself

Wew boi. They are deeply challenged by the motto "question everything and always seek proof", because the only way to keep their manufactured validation-chamber intact is to keep everything as simple and as mainstream as humanly possible . If you question a mainstream narrative, you are ironically called a "Top Mind". To ask for further proof within a mainstream narrative is the ultimate sin in r/TopMindsofReddit, as has been demonstrated by various users. Many young, impressionable members of that sub suddenly find themselves being gang-downvoted for stepping out of line. Sadly, I doubt any of them even understand the psychology behind it. But they learn their lesson and the TopMinds circlejerk presses on.

Shills. TopMinds are so lacking in critical thinking and self-awareness, that they mock r/conspiracy users for being worried about shills while TopMinds have literally created an entire subreddit dedicated to brigading conspiracy threads. They make submissions like "What I learned from trolling r/conspiracy for 3 years" and then turn around in the same breath and call us paranoid for believing that they are trolling and harassing our threads.

These mental gymnastics are always a favorite part of that community. Every few hours they make a new thread which is essentially a "call to action" to attack a discussion that they feel threatened by. Then they will all flood over there and spread various types of hyperbole and nonsense, while all secretly having a laugh at how "cool" it is going to be to meet up later back at the base to give each other high-fives.

The irony of course is that many times they are actually seeing their own hyperbole and comments designed to be "something a crazy conspiracy theorist would say" and then they are actually using those comments as examples or proof of how "crazy" conspiracy theorist are. Completely oblivious to the fact that they themselves are the ones going over-the-top pretending to be lunatics. Again, the Dunning–Kruger effect seems to keep them oblivious to these truths.

For example, TopMinds see a couple random posts saying "Sept 23rd is Doomsday" and attribute this nonsense to an entire subreddit of a half-million people. They pat each other on the back over how all 490k+ subscribers have clearly "lost it" and have all quit their jobs to work full time on their underground bunkers. These are the kinds of exaggerations needed in order to feel superior and feed those immature monster egos. I used to feel sorry for them until I realized that the kinds of people who would create a subreddit just to mock and brigade a place that encourages thinking outside-of-the-box... well, I guess being that way is really a punishment in and of itself.

r/TopMindsofReddit In 3 Points

  • Superiority Complex
  • Dunning–Kruger effect
  • Projecting Insecurities

R.I.P. u/Gentleman_Retard

edit: (they already linked to this thread twice, but then I think they realized how desperate it looked and shamed the second user into deleting his submission)

*which is why it tends to be overly hyperbolic in places


Splendid post, thanks OP!

You hit the nail with Dunning-kruger, whewie. Ya, you do a good job of poking fun at the moist embryonic sock monster that is TMOR, but this is actually a pretty good analysis. Although you may be right about some of them being relatively young, leadership has been on reddit the better part of a decade. They have deep roots in internet cancer going all the way back to somethingaweful.

Shit, this should be stickied.

I'm infuriated by it. But it explains modmail yesterday. And I should probably not say more.

Vote him out. It was good enough for SC.

I doubt that vote would pass just based on this.

Are you a mod here or not? From what I can tell you always seem reluctant to actually do anything about the mods we know are corrupt. Bring it the fuck up every time you can internally!

This place is truly lost when one (or more) mods actively are trying to sink the community and none of the other mods do anything about it!

Thanks for everything you've done and have endured for this sub, Flytape! You are a personal hero of mine. Several months ago I came across a post in /new which contained conversation between you and other mods and it outlined some very severe problems brewing with the mod team. That post disappeared in under 2 minutes, never to be seen again. That was my first warning that /r/conspiracy had fallen prey to regulatory capture.

You've got a lot of patience and endurance to deal with the ridiculous shit thrown your way daily as you tried to maintain the integrity here.

Haha wtf was this

Haha wtf are you?

Thanks for everything you've done and have endured for this sub, Flytape! You are a personal hero of mine. Several months ago I came across a post in /new which contained conversation between you and other mods and it outlined some very severe problems brewing with the mod team. That post disappeared in under 2 minutes, never to be seen again. That was my first warning that /r/conspiracy had fallen prey to regulatory capture.

You've got a lot of patience and endurance to deal with the ridiculous shit thrown your way daily as you tried to maintain the integrity here.

Another point would be:

  • They are young. No experience in the real world.

The only problem with your post is your collectivization of the entire sub. I've never visited, so you could very well be correct that every single user in the sub fits your description. I just prefer to judge each individual based on the content of their character instead of the group. But that logic would ruin your thesis, so... BRAVO!

I just prefer to judge each individual based on the content of their character instead of the group

you madman!

Information Manipulation - TopMinds don't understand basic concepts like advertising, PR, and propaganda because most of them are very young and have no experience as working adults.

Saw that, m8. My point was to add it to your tl;dr bullet points. Good work, would love to see more of the same.

Indeed, I also tend to stay away from generalizations and gauge a person's individual worth rather than the company they keep, although can be synonymous in many cases, birds of a feather and all that.

I'm pretty sure that OP overused generalizations to imitate the writing style of the TMOR post he linked to.

Although... Why not pop in on the sub and see for yourself?

So I just took your advice and checked out the sub... scrolled down a bit, clicked a few links... it looks like nothing more than an artifically created pro-authoritarian ideology sub. As if there aren't enough of those on reddit already.

definitely a lot of bots

This is a good write up here. Don't brigade that foolish sub. Just know nothing they post is reflective of you or your beliefs. Stay here and continue to share with us.

It's really more of a word-replace of something someone else wrote.

Akkkshooooally it's really more of an arrangement of flowers. I like the hydrangeas.


They’re referring to the original post from TMOR

Ah okay

It's both.

Don't brigade that foolish sub. Just know nothing they post is reflective of you or your beliefs. Stay here and continue to share with us.

Also, shed not a tear for u/Gentleman_Retard, for he is not dead, he has only retired one of his countless troll accounts. He'll be back, trolling with the pack, indeed, he's probably posting in this very thread.

Make trashpost with alt here.

Upvote it with alts.

Post link of "stupidity" on t(u)mor


The way you break it down...........sheesh don't they have lives or anything? The time they must spend...

Three years as the guy claims lul

I was invited to that sub before. couldn't exactly figure out why. They recruit anyone that argues in their favor? I argue against flat earth at times and other things that don't make sense, IMO.

yeah well you can spend your time trying to reinforce your worldview or you can try to expand your horizons with people that enjoy talking about crazy ass shit. the people that tend to be worried about what other people think are the same people who tend to try to control what other people think. one is a monoculture the other a garden. pick which one you want. the monoculture, btw, always collapses.

Can we sticky this?

I would also in that sticky point to /u/theghostofdusty, this is the type of mental illness and type of Top Mind work you see permeating throughout this subreddit ever since pre-election. Apparently everyone you disagree with is a liar and a fucking idiot according to his tenets. Seeing him mod subs like /r/HailCorporate is disgusting.

i think GOD sold his account. They were cool at one time.

I created that account and gave it to crackduck when he got banned


Before 9am EST. All posts in the thread are supportive of the message. Let's see how that changes as the work day begins...

I'm here and ready to shill. The original post is too long for me to really respond though.

any specific reason you felt the need to speak up?

You called out shilling, I get called a shill a lot. The typical reasoning is that I don't post until I'm awake, around 8am.

Well, you should be posting while you are sleeping.

So defensive he pokes his head up to pre-emptively call himself totally not a schill.

More of a joke than a defensive response. I acknowledge that I'm a shill.

So funny, you should take it on the road or just go to /r/jokes

You guys are really defensive this morning.

You are per-emptively defensive so there that...

Top minds has broken /r/conspiracy

"you guys" shut the fuck up dude.

Joining the pack, I see.

coming here to troll I see. smh.

I've had you tagged for quite some time. You rarely disappoint with your idiot posts.

I do what I can. I usually debate stuff. Periodically I'll poke fun at someone complaining about shills.


I approved this, normally it gets removed by automod. But it happens several times a day, every day.

You can follow these links to see what they do, but I will have zero tolerance for anyone from our sub being disruptive over there. We automod these links normally to prevent brigading of our users over there.

Don't be that guy.

We don't mind. Really

Your feelings about it have nothing to do with it.

Wow, you guys really know how to work with people. Bravo.

Oh wow you adopted my old moniker. I am honored by your blasphemy :D To have my old username besmirched by a representative of the worst that TPTB have to offer. Wow. What a day.

Aha, so this your new account! I was wondering when you would show up again after your last three (or is it four? ) accounts were all banned.

For anyone who isn't familiar, this is the guy who was banned for:

1) Sending phishing links to doxx users he thought were shills

2) Repeatedly calling everyone who disagrees with him a shill

3) Trying to organize a brigade in /r/ConspiracyRight to spam this sub and others with comments pretending to be liberal shills

4) Admitting to already doing /#3 at least once or twice before.

Hey now, this is only my 3rd. But regardless, I love how you guys keep a list of the things I've done to rustle your jimmies and then spin them in typical delusional fashion. I'm shillinfamous. Up is down and right is wrong, but you're in "as above so below" territory. Must be terribly difficult for you.

No way, this has to be at least your fourth. You went through two different accounts during your attempted brigade and you had a third that was banned during the doxxing. If those are what you consider "rustling jimmies" then it's completely understandable why you were banned. What I don't understand is why you are so blatant about it and why you so willingly admit to ban evasion.

You guys' records need some touching up. Also, literally for the 57th time, I was suspended.

You keep saying "you guys" like I'm part of some massive group working against you. You've broken the rules countless times and been suspended for it every time. The problem here isn't other people, it's you. And whether it's a ban or a suspension, you are still evading it by coming back to the same subs with numerous alt accounts.


I remember that post. I dont remember him getting banned. If he did, thats bull-fucking-shit.
Ip addresses are public info. Using fake links to collect this info is neither phishing nor doxxing. Anyone who thinks it is shouldnt be a fucking mod.
Remember how many of the suspected shills had Amazon EC2 ips? Lets not forget thar when remembering his "doxxing".....

Oh, did you miss the explanation for that? It was all debunked. The Amazon IPs were from Reddit's spam filter. Regular, well known users were getting the exact same Amazon IP address when sending the links to themselves and each other. Ferf still denies this and leaves that part out when he reposts the results but it was all explained in depth in the original post. And yes posting people's IP address is still considered doxxing. It's revealing identifying information about a user.

I remember thar being suggested as a POSSIBLE explaination.

I dont care who considers what to be what. My current ip is I defy you to identify me without the use of a search warrant or national security letter.

That's fine, but it's still against the rules. Plus there was the whole brigade thing. This sub spends a lot of time complaining about brigades and has removed numerous posts due to "brigading" in the past. And now we have a user trying to organize a brigade with alts, fake accounts, and vote bots and pose it as a specific political group doing it all. And he admitted to doing "something similar" in the past. So all of these brigades in the past could have been from him for all we know just to get posts removed.

Dude don't put your ip address out in public.

Why? Anyone with the means to do anything with that info doesn't need me to tell them what my IP is.

armstrong doyle and carroll, eh?

wasn't debunked. just don't shill and you'll be fine

It was. Everyone was getting the same results, no matter who they sent the link to. Not sure how people are still in denial about this.

always doxx shills.

3) Trying to organize a brigade in /r/ConspiracyRight to spam this sub and others with comments pretending to be liberal shills

I think you posted an archived link to this in another post, could you dig it out?

Unfortunately I didn't save an archive link but I do have screenshots of the main post. I'll see if I can't find an actual archive link somewhere.

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That's it! Unfortunately, none of those include the comments where someone asked him if he had done this before and he proudly replied that he had and was banned for it. The reply was made with his other alt account after graglejobber was suspended.

Were they always insanely obsessed with Jews or is that a recent thing?

Are you reading through that thread too? No, I don't ever remember him ranting about Jews or how Germany should have won WWII before now. This sort of fits with a weird theory I have that this guy is actually trying to get banned. It's the only explanation I can think of for why he is so blatant about his rule violations. I don't get it.

That too. But I first saw it here https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracyundone/comments/6y62d9/the_conspiracy_that_ties_together_all/

That got linked to and they spammed https://np.reddit.com/r/TopMindsOfReddit/comments/6yy9nx/i_have_no_words_for_this (all the removed comments).

They've got an obsession that everyone mocks so they turn mad and disruptive.

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Wow...that's something alright. And go figure that several users I have tagged as "Nazi" show up in that thread too. It's so hard to tell if he actually believes all this crap or it's just the latest bandwagon to jump on. It seems like each one of his accounts has a certain "theme" to it.

We just thought you'd recently undergone a lobotomy! 😜

I don't believe he's been entirely masquerading as you. He completely ignored my recent prompt on a "hunting shills" discussion.

haha nope still in command of all my lobes, thankfully. :D Please direct all shill hunting queries here. lol

I was actually hoping he'd reply, just to see if he'd spin. Very disappointed.

I was going to, but the one mod got tricked and spilled his guts about some sad shit so I couldn't continue with the charade. I was even let into some exclusive racist club that is private. Before I had a chance to post, they figured me out it would seem.

I think the only shills around here are...

You were masquerading as another user and entered into a secret club of racism?Don't let your cronies see you saying this or they'll have you tagged as a "Top Mind".

I wasn't masquerading as anything. The mod approached me so I played along. I don't have any cronies. I'm my own one Man, communist army.

You're incredibly delusional. How's your wife?

Oh wow you guys, you guys. You gotta pick your jabs more carefully. You wear out the good ones with repeated use.

Waiting for a patriot to report you to admin.

Oh crying to admins again, who would have thought. What would their complaint be? "Hey handlers, this guy is rustlin muh jimmies real hard make him be quiet right nyaow!" Lolol you guys are amazing, like I hope your funding never runs out. I'd have to go hunt for stand up to fill the void you'd leave me.

No, more like, "This guy harassed people, trying to capture their addresses and find out their identities. He has a site wide ban. Also, he's a racist and his wife left him because he is addicted to marijuana."

Admin will say, "ok thanks, p.s. who gets addicted to marijuana"

Haha typical delusion. Absolutely delicious.

Addicted to pot, man. Jesus.

Lolololol oh my god, my sides, plz... i cant.. I can't....

Let's bury the hatchet. I have some medical weed and some gummy candies.

No thanks am sober

Good for you. I wish you the best in the future

Oh I'm sure you do

I do. I don't want people to fail even if they voted against their own best interests. I mean, don't we always vote against them? But you really, really sold out the earth this time, comrade.

What are you even talking about. Regardless, you couldn't maintain your illusion of goodwill for two sentences. Must be crazy to he jn your head. I think you actually believe the things you say

Ok fam. Best of luck. Go get em.

Alright, scuttle away now.

Nobody cares.

They should nuke this place and stay over with non-biased mods who know how to work with people. Your response is appalling. Looks like top minds has gotten under your skin. Huzzah.

I agree. At this point with how abusive these people are I say never bring it back. We can all beg for entrance at conspiracyundone or something.

It's crazy. The mods have allowed this place to get to the point of one who flew over the cuckoos nest.

I don't know how many times I've seen a comment of someone in TMoR who says they've been banned and that's why they troll r/conspiracy

I don't see how they've ignored that but paid attention to everything else TMoR does.

Problem is that you'll get banned from /r/conspiracyundone with haste if you say anything they don't like. And that's not hard to do, considering that the moderators view criticism of ideas as an attack.

I fail to see the difference.

But nobody does care.

I do. I think it's hysterical. I've never seen them link to something that is decently sourced and possible to believe. It's all insane conjecture and pizza parties. You can't blame other people for the actions of users egged on by lunacy at the top.

You're all for free speech as long as it coincides with what you believe in.

I do. I think it's hysterical.

Like I said, nobody cares. So if you care..

I've never seen them link to something that is decently sourced and possible to believe.

Exactly. They link to shitposts and then cast shade on the whole sub.

It's all insane conjecture and pizza parties.


You can't blame other people for the actions of users egged on by lunacy at the top.

Yes I can. Nobody outsa gun to these users' heads and forces them to link here and berate and ridicule our userbase. The blame lies solely on them and their shitty attitudes and shitty parents (most likely).

You're all for free speech as long as it coincides with what you believe in.

Where did I say I was anti free speech?

You can say whatever you want. But you'll get called out whenever it's necessary. This is a tired and lazy argument.

So in response to me calling you or for being a shitty moderator, you call me a nobody. Get a grip.

Kind of stings, having a mod who calls pedogate "shitposting".

Whoa what the fuck was that?

Wasn't someone hunting the C_S_T mods? And here we have one who called posts in TMoR about pizzagate shitposts all around. Whoa what is happening?

I think you're being intentionally ignorant.

That sounds hard to do. I wish I wasn't ignorant, that's for sure.

It's all insane conjecture and pizza parties. Shitposts.

He basically agrees in my opinion of what TMoR is and what the other guy was saying but somehow there's arguments.

It is a contradiction of principles, and as such is very ugly, but it's a common occurrence, these days. Intentional ignorance, that is. It used to be the definition of stupidity, but it was too potent a word so it was changed. You might understand it by "selective reasoning" or "bias", but it's weird how I have to explain that, considering, you know, you're still doing it.

I see, I see. Well, I believe that's also the definition of irony.

Not really, but it's promising that you're considering things like that. I think that language is a way to free yourself, if walked in earnest.

Lol there's your superiority kicking in

Sad AND desperate. OP was right.

I don't understand how this works. Now that I've seen this on this sub I'm not allowed to post there? Or only if I click on the link above? Reddit has some really weird fucking rules.

You can post over there. If you are disruptive in either place, that is where it goes south.

that's not what you just said

sorry I mean what celineneckbeard said

That this is stickied is not an excuse or endorsement to vote or comment in the linked thread. Brigading is against Reddit, Inc.'s TOS, and while that rule is not always enforced when our sub appears to be the target, the admins of this site may suspend or ban your account if you participate there.

Not sure what isn't clear? Following one thread into another and trolling the target thread is not allowed. Posting in both places technically is. Calling all your friends to go with you and troll a thread is against TOS.

"if you participate there" not equal to "whatever you just said"

I think it's about voting and shit, you can't follow the link and mass downvote everything - the definition and rules about brigading are intentionally vague to give leeway to the admin.

need to clarify and if the rule is we can't participate at all, must remove that bad rule.

I agree it needs clarification - like I said I think its left intentionally vague so the admin can ban whoever they want "for cause" ya know?

that's not ok

Then become an admin and change it or leave Reddit. Those are your choices.

3rd choice, speak out, whether it triggers you or not. blocked.

...why would that "trigger" me? I was just pointing out that whining about it on /r/conspiracy doesn't change corporate policy. Stop being unrealistic.

You can post over there. If you are disruptive in either place, that is where it goes south.

Why didn't you post this message with mod status?

Who put this guy in charge? Lmaooooo get over yourself you are nothing of importance lololol I can't even😅😅😅😂😅😂😅


Yep that's a letter!😅😅😅No sit and roll over!😂😂😂

Thank you for being a fine example of your species.

Woah take it easy on me😂😅😂😅😂😅😂

It's about conducting ourselves at a standard. r/conspiracy is about facts and reasoning and certainly not about retarded troll/flame warfare.

Their mockery is typical denial, from real people or shills it doesn't matter. We talk here about conspiracies and maintain a high intellectual standard, and that speaks for itself.

Basically, do not click on any of those links and proceed to post or upvote/downvote in them. Mods/admins can see that you were directed there from /r/conspiracy and they are very ban-happy against /r/conspiracy users for "vote brigading" (though not so much against TopMinds users whose entire subreddit is dedicated to brigading us).

If you're going to go into those threads and upvote/downvote, use the search bar or type in the URL. I've been banned a whole bunch of times for up/downvoting a few comments and it took me a while to figure out what the hell was going on.

if brigading not allowed from here you have to ban those from other subs that do it too. sorry if it's unfair for mods.

Yes, totesmessengerbot.


they say it's maximum kek. full circle indeed.

Just discovered TMOR recently. There's definitely something pathetic about an r/ whose sole purpose is to feel Superior to another r/.

What's really disgusting about it is that they claim r/conspiracy is filled with the mentally ill, but the make fun of them anyway. So from their perspective, TMOR exists to make fun of the mentally ill.

r/assholes is more like it.

something pathetic about an r/ whose sole purpose is to feel Superior to another r/.

They're not the only one, there's also /r/ShitRedditSays

see also /r/conspiracy

Don't forget /r/iamverysmart

Makes me think of the South Park episode where they smell their own farts constantly.

No different than /r/fatpeoplehate yet it's cool for autists to hate on stupid people. These people are such hypocrites.

That's entirely different.

Pls explain to me the difference between fat shaming and stupid shaming.

Fat people know when they're being made fun of?

That's exactly why it's acceptable to make fun of stupid people. Nobody thinks they're stupid.

But that doesn't apply to the previous mentioned subs. 99% of the posts the "victim" isn't aware of the persecution.

I've made it there couple of times and then got brigaded by angry feminists and cucks.

That's the worst sub I've ever come accruals

Its just people making fun of other people for kicks.

There's lots of places like it, sadly. We all make fun of others, and some people do it a lot.

Meh, speak for yourself. Some of us would rather elevate others than denigrate them.

Yeah, didn't mean it like that. Just saying it somehow part of human nature, at some point we have all made fun of people. But some enjoy it and do it a lot.

Not only do they mock them, they actively engage, very well may befriend, and then abandon and mock them more. So, sort of how the Fbi catches terrorists these days.

If I said:

Julius Caesar occupied the moon while riding a unicorn

... nobody would feel hostility. Indifference, or slight amusement perhaps.

If I say:

bearded acrobatic pilots don't throw passports outside of aircraft cabins and can't pulverize 3 steel skyscrapers with 2 aluminum planes

... many people (although fewer than we are lead to believe) would feel immense hostility.

So what's the difference? Cognitive dissonance. One intuitively knows the second self-evident statment to be true; in the case it goes against indoctrinated beliefs, the brain short-circuits and produces hostility. It is a common occurence with people that disagree with Aristotle. Their beliefs are tied to their identity, so by challenging them one is attacking who they (think they) are.

This explains the TMoR phenomenon. Or at least the unpaid people who participate in that sub.

I don't understand bully's. like why join a conversation you don't want to be a part of?


That's an interesting point.

I gather it's quite common internet parlance to mock, character assassinate and undermine someone's point by saying "hur dur did you forget to take you meds bro" while being the most abusive, trolling and reactionary POS as poss. never addressing the conversation at hand but basically bullying and abusing users you disagree with on the alluded to grounds that they need psychiatric medications...........and it's OK to mock them for it.....cunts either way.

Every Top Minds defense ever:

  1. You doooooooo realize where the name coooooomes from riiiiiiiight? Like, we're not calling ourselves the top minds, we're like, making fun of a guy who said that. You must be really dumb and I must be way smarter than you because you obviously don't get it

  2. We're not hateful

  3. Here's a bunch of reasons why I hate you

"Not-knowing is true knowledge. Presuming to know is a disease. First realize that you are sick; then you can move toward health."

"The more clever and cunning people are, the stranger the events will be."

  • Tao Te Ching

One of my favorite passages.

A corollary:

With greater knowledge comes increased awareness of one's ignorance. Anonymous savant.

It's humbling to know you'll never know it All. Hell, we can't conceive it all.

wouldn't it be a bit boring to know it all? i mean, there would be nothing left to discover!

Hahaha it's sort of a self-perpetuating mystery you're pursuing and since you're it , it goes on as long as you go on.

I was tempted to reply with "It's not the right question". Thought better of it.

42. That's all I know.

"The only true wisdom consists of knowing you know nothing" -Bill S. Preston

It would be foolish to think you aren't a fool.

i laugh each time i see u/ballsdeepinreality beast u/n.

Ah, I love this. The more we learn, the more we realize we know nothing. I love this quote because, ultimately, it is pointing towards enlightenment (letting go of all attachment to belief and embodying the nothingness we all are).

Clearly you missed the point of that sub. It is a place for those who think they are better to get together and have a circle jerk and leave the rest of us alone. Think of it as a refuse bin for them to play in.

Then what is with the snap shot bot? Is it really for stalking users I wonder?

If that were the case they wouldn't delete a thread advocating for exactly that and encouraging fellow circle-jerkers to stop brigading.

"For example, TopMinds see a couple random posts saying "Sept 23rd is Doomsday" and attribute this nonsense to an entire subreddit of a half-million people." - this is the worst part about being a truth seeker, your constantly fighting off the theories that go too far. So people will be like "Oh 9/11 was an inside job huh? Do you think the earth is flat too?" followed by rude laughing. So fucking annoying. Good post.

There is nothing wrong with theories like that. We are exploring ideas here. The problem is the perception that just because we talk about these things, we 100% believe them. And some people do sure, but I think most of us are extremely skeptical, and have mastered the skill of consideration without belief. Whereas TMOR has mastered belief without consideration.

Couldn't have said it better. I'd like to think everyone is a conspiracy theorist at heart, somewhere though people just stop asking why, so they can be comfortable in the way our society functions.

I find that in speaking to people in a respectful and deferent way, in a way that doesn't mock or belittle them, there are actually very few people that refuse to believe that there isn't at least some dodgy crap going on behind closed doors.

Your hardcore 'topmind' type is about as rare as the rabid "absolutely everything is the work of satan" (or whatever) "total" conspiracy theorist. Most people just don't like thinking about how fucked everything is. The key is in talking about it in a way that doesn't force them to see themselves as vulnerable in order to accept it. I.e., 911 being an inside job as a conspiracy theory is much easier to convince people of if it's framed in a way that doesn't introduce the idea that the government is an all-powerful evil entity.

Imagine the story of 9/11 – in terms of the best efforts made to work out what really happened – told in the form of a black comedy. It would probably be a lot more convincing, and god wouldn't the pathos be a killer!

TMOR has mastered belief without consideration.

I love your diction.

Let's keep it clean in here folks...

We are exploring ideas here

Then why is anyone who brings up ties between the Trump campaign/administration and Russia is banned? And all posts that aren't pro-Trump on the Russia issue are deleted? Why is the mother of all possible conspiracies not allowed to be discussed in a conspiracy sub?

Because the MSM is the one pushing the theory. But you know that.

So you disregard the information available...because the news knows about it?

No, I disregard because it is obvious at this point to anyone, that isn't consumed by these bizarro politics, that they are lying. I am patiently awaiting the results of Mueller's investigation, fellow conspiracy theorist.

obvious at this point to anyone, that isn't consumed by these bizarro politics, that they are lying

This is insanity.

no believing the MSM and their agreed on narratives in a conspiracy subreddit is either insanity or stupidity. There is like literally 50+ subreddits that will agree with you on those points. r/politics will be right up your ally.

“It is the mark of the educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. “ Aristotle.

I always thought this should be our subreddit slogan. We are open to exploring new ideas but that openness doesn’t mean we accept those ideas blindly.

That's a great idea, I'll put it to the other mods. Thanks!

If you don't take it, we will.


I agree. Aristotle it is.

but entertaining those thoughts is now considered 'wrong think'.

Zat ist aktually Wrong Think™ there komrade.

Next time I will report you.

This is not by accident. Flat earth is specific is pushed by tptb in order to make all alternative hypothesizers look crazy and stupid.

The worst part about being a truth seeker is having your mods and yourself placed on Top Minds of Reddit's Hall of Fame hit list. Last year, 3 mods of /r/electromagnetics were placed on Hall of Fame 2.0. Drew infiltrators, vote brigading, report as spam brigading, cyberstalking and bullying in other subs.

Today, I reported to the admins FOUR mods of Top Minds of Reddit and one subscriber cyberstalking and bullying me in /r/documentaries. For two years, I have reported vote brigading, report as spam brigading and harassment by TMOR. The admins have yet to ban a mod or subscriber of TMOR.

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We've expereienced this effect too.

They can stalk and harass us, but we don't dare downvote them for it.

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The whole flat earth thing is so strange to me. I suggested to somebody once on Facebook that the science might be unsettled on anthropogenic climate change, and was immediately branded a flat earther. So strange. Can people question anything anymore without being tacked on to the extremes? It seems like every conspiracy theorist is now a flat earther, and every conservative is a Nazi, etc. Crazy times ahead.

In the course of discussions of the whole phenomenon of criticism, a useful strategy may be to single out Epstein's theory for attack, using the attached Fletcher [?] article and Spectator piece for background. (Although Mark Lane's book is much less convincing that Epstein's and comes off badly where confronted by knowledgeable critics, it is also much more difficult to answer as a whole, as one becomes lost in a morass of unrelated details.)

From CIA Document 1035-960 regarding conspiracy theories on the JFK assassination. Was CIA behind Edward Epstein's book Inquest? Maybe, maybe not. But what is clear is that they did prefer his particular book as a target of their efforts to discredit all alternative theories around the assassination.

Likewise, I think it's reasonable to speculate that they would still be using a similar tactic, or variations on the theme, of either manufacturing or elevating particular theories as a means to taint via guilt by association any theory that strays too far from the current Overton window. If the truth cannot be suppressed, it must at least be obfuscated or ridiculed.

Yes absolutely, I agree with what you have said above. I suspect that the "no planes" crew is part of "elevating particular theories" as well.

No Planes?

There's nothing to elevate, silly.

The sad part is that the Earth actually is flat and conspiracy types are the most likely to scoff at it. The entire point of the Occult (Copernicus was a sun worshiper, Newton was deep into the Occult etc.) creating the spinning ball illusion over the past 500 years was to hide the existence of God by discrediting the Bible. The biggest conspiracy of them all is that the King James Bible is 100% literally true and the Satan worshiping world elite doesn't want you to know that. They want you to know anything but that.

Okay, I would say my mind is partially open to the flat earth stuff. Could you point me to where in the bible God/Jesus/other alludes to the Earth being flat? Otherwise, how do you figure the spinning ball was created to hide the existence of God?

Further, could you point me in the direction of what you believe to be the most credible or perhaps the watershed source on this topic?

I wouldn't focus on the whole "flat" thing. It's more about the lie than the whole flat thing. I would suggest you start here to get an idea of what this is all about. This channel like almost every flat earth resource is a gatekeeper of their own but he presents the best information from a Biblical perspective. You just won't figure out how to get saved from him. If you ever get to that point PM me:


Thanks, I will certainly review the video you attached.


KJB 100% true huh? I'll bet...

KJB 100% true huh? I'll bet...

It's the biggest conspiracy , and that the majority on a conspiracy sub don't find it to be a conspiracy makes me scratch my head.

People have different levels at which we will believe something, and different interests they want to focus on. You may think it's the biggest conspiracy. Others don't. I went through the satanic fear mongering in the 80's.

Oh did you? And what did you learn?

I played D&D and didn't sacrifice my family. They were going after kids with an imagination, or not quite in the main stream social circles. It was a psyop attempting to get people to think they were fucked up or unknowingly worshiping satan. Which at the time had a lot more weight, our parent's went to church, we were brainwashed into thinking that playing D&D would somehow makes us satanic and kill people. The 80's satan craze.

Now you understand the real reason for flat earth theories.

I think the key to this was when Obama mentioned it. That's what seals the deal for me that it's gov planted disinfo. Remember the 2008 stock market crash? I remember Bush himself saying at a white house press briefing that it was a good time to buy stocks, the Fed and US gov shortly after bailed out the global banking system and introduced never seen before amounts of liquidity creating bubbles in all asset classes.

I think it's easier to explain than that. Subreddits are communities. Opinions are expressed, and if they are responded to positively, people are going to make an association of that thing with that subReddit.

Your last example is easier, but I think it would be more accurate with Trump supporters than conservatives. r/t_d is constantly posting hateful things about Mexicans, Muslims, and every other person of color, under the guise of illegals, immigrants, and terrorists. But the thing is, it's simply people of color under a questionable reasoning.

Because it's not only accepted, but actually desired there, people make the association with racism/Nazism. How did Germany become Nazi/white only in their views? They wanted to get rid of any person of color, and probably used similar reasons early on.

I think less people make assumptions that conspiracy people are flat Earth people, unless they really haven't been exposed to anything but that kind of conspiracy. I also think a lot of things posted here are much more acceptable to the general population and only truly crazy shit like flat Earth strikes people as true conspiracy. I'm talking general population, not the small area that is top minds.

But, I'm just giving a different viewpoint to yours.

Great post thanks!

I never knew about r/Topmindsofreddit, that's hilarious they are using that name unironically. I would've sworn a sub bearing that name would be a joke.

From ten seconds over there, I think they are calling anyone who questions corporate / government claims a "top mind" sarcastically.

How dare you think you know better than paid experts! Only the official point of view is possible. Whatocy to do independent research from multiple sources. Go back to sleep everything is normal. /s

I'm pretty sure that name came from a 3 hour video that u/flytape made.

Leave them be, they wall themselves in.

You do realize the sub was created unironically by a conspiracy user and was taken over and turned into what it is today, right?


You missed the WT7 collapse.

9/11 - TopMinds have see no issue with a group of barely trained Middle Eastern men managing to highjack two planes, with box cutters, with such pinpoint precision that three NYC buildings then conveniently collapsed into their own footprints.

It was actually a lot more than three buildings that fell on that day. Around 13 or 14 if memory serves.

Most of the other buildings in the complex were heavily damaged, but only 1, 2, and 7 actually collapsed. The rest were torn down in the cleanup.

did they just decide to pull them

such a loss of life


This is actually a great idea, but make sure you do it on an alt.

what is

replied to the wrong person. My bad.

Lol Whut

That this is stickied is not an excuse or endorsement to vote or comment in the linked thread. Brigading is against Reddit, Inc.'s TOS, and while that rule is not always enforced when our sub appears to be the target, the admins of this site may suspend or ban your account if you participate there.

Why are we tiptoeing around the truth? Reddit created a series of safe space rules 2 years ago that it uses to target users whom its employees are ideologically against. Just assume that if someone is harassing you and your values aren't aligned with the employees that you won't be protected and that you'll have a target on your back when you try to have a voice of your own. This is the same site that banned the head mod of the largest alternative bernie sanders subreddit (main one is corrupt) for fucking downvoting a user who was spamming the subreddit. And of course the spammer was from topmindsoffaggotreddit.

Because this sub is complicit and relied on said protections in exchange for help overthrowing the existing moderation in favor of mods more Reddit Friendly ™.

need some more info on this celine

I would recommend looking into it on your own, rather than asking a party directly involved for their take on it. I find that more effective, personally.

Why not look at their comment history? Unless you're trying to dox them, which I'm somewhat sure is against site rules.

worrying post.

I agree. Trying to get more info about a user than what is available through their comment history is rather worrying.

Unless you're trying to dox them, which I'm somewhat sure is against site rules.

Even pedophiles have the right to be identity protected on Reddit.

They have the same protections on Reddit that every other person here has that hasn't committed a crime.

This one is a registered sex offender. Tried and convicted.

Who are you talking about now? What does this have to do with the previous comments?

That would be doxing.


Fuckin Right

Correct, and here's the thread detailing it all:


What's even more interesting is how many other users who have drawn the same conclusion that /u/therecordcorrected is the returning banned /u/michaelconfoy and made mention of it have been banned for "doxing."

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We don't use the np link when we're encouraging participation.

It doesn't seem to stick for mobile users anway. 😉

what if we already commented in that thread but it was before seeing this thread and has nothing to do with it

Then you're probably fine. At least theoretically, the admins follow what links you've visited in what order when investigating potential brigades.

What about the racism/white surpremacy? Specifically posts from /u/Mark_Dan are legitimately criticised imo.

Mark dan is just a user... posting in a sub that is light on censorship. They don’t define the sub nor the other users who post here. Equating his evident racism with blanket coverage across the entire sub, is the kinda bullshit, lazyass strawmen you can expect from a sub designed to mock critical thinking.

Ha ha ha, k.

They've linked me multiple times, embarrassing themselves both times. They equate support for Bernie Sanders with support for Donald Trump, which is insulting to both.

They linked me before when I explained how application of advanced science appears as magic to those unaware. They said "top mind thinks black magic is real!"
Just ridiculous.

Spot on, couldn't have said it better myself. I also couldn't help but notice their unwarranted sense of superiority and inability to critically think. They take the word of the government, the media, and those in positions of authority as the gospel.

I thought TMOR was a troll sub but I've never looked at a post that hasn't hit the front page so maybe I'm misinformed.

Wait, the Earth isn't run by lizards?

Well, metaphorically maybe?

I dunno mate shits looking fucked up. Lots of testimonies from reputable people. At least the satanic ritual aspect of it seems real. It can easily be said the deep state is running it as a blackmail system but then again we have so much history of UFOs going all the way back to ancient times before we would have had the tech like we do in area 51 now.

I also read a book about mushrooms and hullicegens once and some missionary was telling a story how he was offered some in South America and he hullucinated lizzard people and parts of the bible that he only read and discovered later. His visions matched what was written before he read it. I'm not sure why I'm even mentioning this but I thought it was kind of fascinating.

I wonder if we will ever find out. I hope that's fake and they're just plain old boring old human psychopaths

"Every few hours they make a new thread which is essentially a "call to action" to attack a discussion that they feel threatened by. Then they will all flood over there and spread various types of hyperbole and nonsense, while all secretly having a laugh at how "cool" it is going to be to meet up later back at the base to give each other high-fives. The irony of course is that many times they are actually seeing their own hyperbole and comments designed to be "something a crazy conspiracy theorist would say" and then they are actually using those comments as examples or proof of how "crazy" conspiracy theorist are. Completely oblivious to the fact that they themselves are the ones going over-the-top pretending to be lunatics."

Just wanted to comment on this part of the OP.

I do NOT think /topminds is doing this shit just for a laugh and for the high fives.

The activity is too well coordinated and orchestrated. It's like this is their JOBS or something...

Their jobs? Explain how that makes sense? I think people here and on 4chan take themselves too seriously, you aren't being watched, most of the internet isn't aware of Reddit, or you, or care what anyone here has to say even if they did know.

It's people pointing out bullshit. Which is good. I like it when I see it done in comments here, rather than everyone just agree. Conversations evolve thru their differences of opinion more than anything else.

I think people need to develop thicker skin. So what someone thinks something you said is stupid, maybe it is, adapt or move on. Assume they're just some loser living in their moms basement, that's what the OP did.

At the end of the day, we're all anonymous users that are hopefully enjoying the discussion wherever we are.

So do you believe that there are NO people on Reddit that paid to sabotage and sway/control topics and conversations? There is no behind the scenes fuckery to keep whatever conversation is being had in a particular biased light?

deep reddit

There is a lot of info on the astroturfing organizations Correct the Record, ShareBlue (formerly Correct the Record) and Media Matters. They are all run by David Brock. Their official mission statements that are publicly available state their intent to use propaganda for the DNC on the web and on social media such as Reddit, Facebook and Twitter. This implies the use of social community opinion management software and other tools.

Task force will help Clinton supporters push back on online harassment and thank superdelegates

Hillary Clinton PAC Spends $1 Million "Correcting" People Online And Reddit Is Furious

Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook

Podesta meets with super PACS (Priorities USA and CTR) at law firm (Perkins Coie LLP.)

Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TEDxUniversityofNevada

Reddit is Being Manipulated by Professional Shills Every Day

Troops, Trolls and Troublemakers: A Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation

From this Oxford research paper on astroturfing:

There is no doubt that individual social media users can spread hate speech, troll other users, or set up automated political communication campaigns. Unfortunately, this is also an organized phenomenon, with major governments and political parties dedicating significant resources towards the use of social media for public opinion manipulation.

... In many countries, political actors have no reported ability to field social media campaigns. In some countries, one or two known political actors occasionally use social media for political messaging, and in a few other countries there are multiple government agencies, political parties, or civil society groups organizing trolling and fake news campaigns.

Astroturfing Information Megathread- revision 8

No, I get that, but they were insinuating that top minds users are doing this as a job, which I'm saying sounds like bs.

Tho I will say thanks for the Ted talk, that was interesting..

Also, I've noticed that there's mostly claims with no sources.. I wonder how prevent this actually is, versus people being paranoid and making false accusations.


Evidence for bots.

Take a look at this https://imgur.com/a/uOjSw

Evidence for bots. That's paid for sure.

Because the comments are exactly the same as far as I can tell?

While it's certainly possible it may be jobs for some of them, I know for a fact at least one user (I can only assume many more) is not paid, not an angsty teenager or any of the other things being claimed here, as I personally know them. I really really dislike that sub and others like it, but I personally believe the user base there is genuine in their beliefs.

Someone who has nothing better to do in life than to actively denigrate others? Sounds like a loser. Must be an asshole to deal with.

pvt_hudson is paid for sure

Some of them are definitely paid. Most of them probably fit that description though.

pvt_hudson is paid IMO

No coincidence that their agenda and posts seem to mirror /r/politics

Is everything a conspiracy? You don't believe that a group of thousands of people on the internet can gather in a forum and make posts about something they all agree/disagree with without it being some sort of hyper organized group of people paid to belittle you? How is topminds any different than any other subreddit, a collection of like minded people who relate over similar views?

R/topmindsofreddit BTFO

If anyone is wondering why the voat pizzagate sub got brigaded all the time well here is the answer;

They have the same mods on r/TopMindsOfVoat as r/TopMindsOfReddit ;

Top Minds of Voat


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Yeah they're doing their part in covering up pedos so they can protect themselves

Well, they did ban one pedo not too long ago.

Great sticky Mods & comprehensive slaying OP. I hope you know by writing this you’ve incurred the lifelong enimity of the most terrifying sub on Reddit?!

Stay safe man ... I hear they attack you with the fluids they’ve amassed from the 24/7 circlejerk 😃

Wow you're so butthurt it's hilarious.

.TopMinds clearly doesn't understand that one of the main pillars of the scientific method is to undergo criticism and scrutiny.

Oh god, the irony, it's too much.

A subreddit like TopMinds or Conspiratard is going to seem very attractive to that teenager who "has it all figured out" or that dead-beat adult who peaked in high school and still desperately clings to those power dynamics.

Bingo...what a fun post!

After being the subject of multiple slanderous front page witch hunts instigated by TMOR, I can comfortably say that sub represents the scum of humanity, which you've remarkably spelled out for us.

What fun :)

Urm, I think subs like this skew WAY more in that direction. Haven't seen numbers, but I am pretty sure young people are being drawn generationally to rebel against their liberal parents.

I'm glad you wrote this; I was about to ask for an ELI5 on who they are

He didn't write it though.

Excellent analysis. Thank you for posting this and thank you to whichever mod stickied it.


All you need to be a Top Mind is to support the globalist swamp-thing MSM line on everything.

If you haven't figured it out yet, these subs are See Eye Aye / various intel agency controlled. They prey on useful idiots and herd think to marginalize concepts and ideas. Another day, another psyop.

"You don't want to be wrong do you? Your peers will mock you! Safer to agree with the majority."

Top minds , late stage capitalism politics etc just the douche bags of Reddit who need to feel special.

/Lsc banned me for one comment mildly disagreeing with another comment.

It's cause your an evil capitalist

LSC used to be about something, couple of years back.

It was filled with people being angry about the excesses of consumer culture and the crimes of globalization, with a healthy dose of workers solidarity.

Now they like Stalin and shit what the fuck.

Also I got banned from Fullcommunism for writing that North Korea resembles a bronze age god-king type nation more than a communist nation, as per the definitions of Marx in the Capital.

I don't think those tankies even read Marx, and it makes me very sad.

I've read Marx and it was rich person tricking people with bullshit. His ideas are flawed to the core. The ideas of socialism are top down systems of control designed to maintain power for the few. I spit on Marxism

I was talking about the Capital, not the Communist Manifest.

And they've dubbed themselves "TopMindsofReddit"... Oh, the irony.

I think the drama between r/conspiracy and r/topmindsofreddit is its own little micro-conspiracy of divide and conquer.

Just remember while a lot of conspiracies are certainly real and have truth to them, most everyone is filled with all sorts of distortions and is acting on their own belief systems and knowledge and doing what they think best. Basically, have fun, learn as much as you can about topics that interest you, but try not to get too disturbed by them or caught up in what the mainstream world thinks of any of these ideas. After all, the mainstream world doesn't know shit :)

Don't be afraid to talk about conspiracies either or subjects you have questions about. We are all working towards finding whatever truth we are seeking about whatever subjects we feel we have been lied to about, and IMO that is making the world a better place.

I think you're right. Something is brewing.

great. this sub is already rekt. now what?

Just remember while a lot of conspiracies are certainly real and have truth to them

I'm seeing more and more that it is not an intellectual thing, but actually genetics. that those 'sheep' are genetically programmed to fit into a society, and so are predisposed to not question any sort of consensus. this is their wired survival mechanism. whereas we lovely bunch do not give a fuck about the opinion of the hive mind.

They are dorks confirming a consensus reality so as to not have to go through any degree of cognitive dissonance. Smug, craven thinkers.

Bravo. Excellent post.

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.

The real meat and potatoes of the subreddit. The things that sticks out for me the most is the dangerous level of superiority, and I do not say this in a mocking or insulting way. The sheer volume of users that have clear and obvious signs of a superiority complex is absolutely striking. While the desperate need to feel superior is the classic trademark of the TopMinds community, it goes above and beyond in too many people.

This is an ironic sentiment from a sub that feels they are the most enlightened group around and everyone is either a shill, closed minded or complicit.

I see no difference when i compare this sub and top minds other than this sub is more in its feelings.

Thanks for your 2c.

What do you think reddit is for? lol

So you're just going to ignore the fact that the sole reason TMoR exists is to mock people they view as "lesser"? You'd have a point if conspiracy existed just to mock people we thought we were smarter than.

I'm not ignoring it. At least they are upfront with their mockery. That whole sub is seemingly mocking dumb things people say/do.

Its hypocritical however to pretend the same thing here does not happen. If anyone pushes against the grain they are labeled a shill, a bot, dumb, closed minded, etc. Hell depending on which conspiracy you could be labeled a pedophile. All with a smug since of self righteousness.

This sub is very quick to say "but they [...]" whilst having no self awareness.

You are ignoring it. You're using some things some users say as proof that our sub, as a whole, is hypocritical. That's an entirely different thing than TMoR existing solely for the purpose of mocking people they think are dumb.

Going to a store where someone is robbing it is a lot different than going to a store in order to rob it. Surely you understand that difference?

Thats a false equivalency and you are making yourself out to be a victim.

Looking at the threads there, they pick and choose posts that they find ludicrous and make fun of it. Whilst people here labels users that disagree with them mocking names. The thread that this particular thread is mocking even states that many do not feel all thoughts here are dumb or all conspiracies are without merit. But some are off the wall. And looking again, not all the ones they make fun of come from this sub.

Topics here, also do the same thing. In the pizzagate thread, those who feel that the pizzagate theory was dumb are labeled pedos by some. Some who talk about trump are called shills and a whole bunch of 'muh russsia' bs. The flat earthers are thoroughly maligned here (though i cant say its unwarranted).

Anyone who feels any msm (which encompasses any and everything apparently) has a valid point is an auto shill.

People get attacked in this sub quite a bit without so much of a second thought. But god forbid a select few posts that are off the wall get made fun of?

C'mon, thats just feelings being hurt. And you can tell its feelings because TMOR is being made to be a giant conspiratorial mega demon that deserves its own sticky, as opposed to just a bunch of douchehats raggin.

People get attacked in this sub quite a bit without so much of a second thought.

People get "attacked" when they come to this sub and post. We do not go out fishing for other people to mock. In fact, this may be the only thread of it's kind I've ever seen. Yet this post is all you see on TMoR.

You are trying to say we're the same, we're not. TMoR exists to mock, we exist and sometimes mock. Again, two completely different things which you don't seem to want to acknowledge.

And you can tell its feelings because TMOR is being made to be a giant conspiratorial mega demon

Nah, TMoR are just major dweebs. No lives who need to make themselves feel superior than other people. They're not some demon, though.

We are going to have to agree to disagree. I see numerous threads in here about other subs, other people in addition to the general mocking of dissonance. Why you seemingly feel its ok for the goose is something i do not understand.

Why you seemingly feel its ok for the goose is something i do not understand.

I never said it was. I said you're trying to say that some users doing it here is the same thing as a whole sub existing for the sole purpose of mocking other people. Those aren't the same thing. They're not even in the same stratosphere.

That you continue to fail to recognize that tells me all I need to know.

I wouldn't count on it.

It is because this sub is full of very diverse folks with all sorts of opinions. From investigative journalists to your quintessential crack-pot flat earther. We all know that folks generally judge the weakest link of the whole chain, so as a result when many come here, all they see is draco aliens on the flat earth floating in the astral plane.

One of the most prolific TMOR posters is a literal convicted pedophile...

"Powerful people never commit crimes." - top minds

Well except Trump. He gets the blame for everything. These useless TMOR creeps are enabling criminals to sweep their crimes under the rag. All swept in one shot and all we need is a scape goat and a bunch of idiots to go along with the narrative. I'm not saying Trump is all that innocent but usually the loudest mouths are usually the same ones who can't see how Hillary or Obama could be evil at all. They follow MSM and don't think a deep state exists yet they think themselves so highly opinionated because they simply cannot see past the theatre they are part of. So they feel proud to be that character of the show. It gives them confidence. But that's all they are, a character, and they'll do anything in their power to stay in that comfort and keep people away from truly discovering themselves, because the more people are part of their bubble, the longer they can keep their illusion going. I don't blame everyone who's caught up in the spell but these people really go out of their way to make sure the illusion keeps going. They don't even get paid to troll I'd bet. It's amazing seeing an army of dedicated authoritarian people ready to do follow criminal leaders at will and even go out of their way to defend their narratives. It really is something. Are they cowards if they can't see things for what they are and not what they appear to be? I think they are just scared and are complelty weak minded individuals because of the sheer resistance they show.

A lot of my friends are like that nowadays, even nominally anti-authoritarians.

A lot of my friends are too but they are cool for the most part. However TMOR take it to a whole new level of resistance by resorting to harassment, stalking and bullying people because they believe in some conspiracies in a dedicated and collaborated matter.

You can't beat someone whose only goal is to mock you. You can't outmock them or reason them into backing off. The only thing you can do is ignore them, or become them.

Op deserves a beer for this post cheers. 👍🍻

That sub exemplifies the left so well. A whirlwind of misinformation, feels, and virtue signaling. The greatest part? They're all educated so they actually believe they are intelligent.

They're all educated

Absolutely right. I'd say people educated beyond their intelligence are way more nefarious than ignorant simpletons with no pretension of knowledge. Pseudo-erudites, they're a modern scourge; knowing too many words for one's capacity to handle them leads to fanaticism and bigotry.

That's what the socialization of higher education will do. Someone who would have been happy and healthy as a janitor now lives a life of misery as an diplomat or a journalist.

I like the way you wrote "$cience", I'm gonna steal that.

TMOR and other stalker subs are nothing but a bunch of neckbeard losers with nothing else better to do.

as a female, i have a mental image of them as females without neckbeards. the type who think they are smart because they got good grades in school but now they have nothing to show for it, no unique or substantial contributions to the world, but they still feel pretty smart because they still read novels sometimes.

We call them legbeards ;)


It's interesting how TMOR berate other subs for censorship, yet remove posts by their own users who are uncomfortable with their brigading.

Archive of the now deleted post.

u/polkadotgirl has been stalked across Reddit by r/TopMindsOfReddit contributors. They also make posts mocking her almost on a daily basis. She created r/conspiracyundone so that users will not be attacked like she is attacked. The first rule of the sub is no topmindsofreddit users. If this post resonated with you, we would love to see you on r/conspiracyundone. :)

Their targeted harassment of her is ignominous. I still don't get why they'd pick her rather than anyone else. Everything I saw her post was always quite reasonable. Do they have an overt reason for their ire agaist her?

I think they are trying to discourage her from contributing to Reddit because she resonates with a lot of people. She actually responds to them as well to defend herself and in hopes that she can help them to see her side.

Just subbed. Thanks.

Hey brother how have you been?? I've been MIA for some time due to complete lack of time. Something popped up IRL.

To add to what you said, I've never seen anyone get stalked like that here before. It's rather harassing and seeing it first hand is really eye opening.

Thank you so much for helping out PDG and and the sub. I should be around more often in the coming week or so.

No problem! We have been holding down the fort well. PDG does the heavy lifting since she is in Reddit more during the week.

The first rule is "no shills", which is used to ban anyone who doesn't believe Hitler did nothing wrong.

Not true. I urge people to see for themselves rather than listen to this user.

You banned me for not agreeing with a guy who said Hitler did nothing wrong.

Or polkadotgirl did, anyways.

One of her attacks was "I think you're a shill" and nothing more. When I asked for details, she said she wasn't sure and just wanted other people to pile on and attack me.

She even labeled one of my posts "shill!" like a star of David or something.

You are taking things out of context and then over generalizing them. Pulling the Nazi card has been a consistent pattern with shills, top minds, and/or Antifa.

You posted what I deemed to be a troll post designed to make others not to take the content in our sub seriously. There were plenty of people in the community that wanted you to be banned as they too deemed you to be a shill.

I think she wanted others to voice their opinion on you.

Anyways, people can try out the sub and see how it goes instead of taking either of our word for it. What does it matter if you get banned from a sub you don't care about anyways?

I think veterans of this sub know that banning someone for being a shill is a gray area. r/conspiracy doesn't really do it. We try to do it. If you don't like that we try to do it, then stay on the main sub.

I'm not pulling the Nazi card, even though you're pulling the Antifa card on me. Pretty hypocritical, don't you think?

I'm telling you that a guy in your sub literally wrote "Hitler did nothing wrong" and I'm pretty sure the same guy posted a picture there saying Nazis killed no Jews during the Holocaust.

He's still there. I'm banned because I dared call it out. "all views welcome" huh

You are pulling the Nazi card because that's not why we banned you. It is clear that there is an agenda to label our sub as a safe haven for Nazis. Not too surprising when that is the same narrative pushed in the media with Antifa vs. Neon-Nazis.

I am not pulling the Antifa card on you. I used the word "or". It seems there are these new Antifa people popping up for us who would be indistinguishable from other shills or top minds if they didn't blurt out they were Antifa.

I detailed why we banned you. It wasn't because I suspected you to be Antifa. I don't have enough evidence to believe a given person is Antifa unless they say that they are at this time.

I don't agree with someone who says "Hitler did nothing wrong". Us not banning him shows we permit all views. What we are trying to create is an environment of productive discussion. I permitted you for a while until you made that post basically making a mockery of the sub among other things.

Boohoo, a pathetic troll who gets triggered by Holocaust conspiracies got banned and now you're crying about it.

I know, that post triggered you too. Maybe you should just block me so you are able to relax a little.

1) No shills.

2) No topminds users.

6) All views are welcome!


They do not intend to share their views. They come to push an agenda, belittle, and mock people. It is one of the things that separates us from r/conspiracy. It is not perfect but it is the best we can do.

I think mocking people who lack basic critical thinking yet think they are 100% correct is justified and hilarious.

I think people in the conspiracy community do have critical thinking. It takes critical thinking to pierce the veil. If you don't critically think, you will fall prey to mind control through means such as propaganda.

Only some think they are 100% correct. The same goes for people outside the conspiracy community. I think that conspiracy theorists are more likely to not completely accept things as 100% correct.

Why is it justified to mock someone when they "lack basic critical thinking skills"? Everyone is born different with different personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. Peoples' experiences also shape who they are. We all make our own choices but I think it is extremely difficult for some given the situation they enter into.

I don't think I have ever seen anyone call someone a normie here. For me, this isn't about seeking attention from our grade school classmates. There are always egotistical people but I think they are a lot less common in the conspiracy community.

Went to conspiracy undone and saw you were tagged with an INTJ label and wanted to relay a story to you, (so I stalked your most recent post.) Went to a shrink years ago, and then took the MMPI. My shrink said she thought she knew what I was and after the results came in she seemed more happy to see me. I am INTP, I think she thought I was INTJ. Haha quit judging people asshole.. just kidding.

Haha, what else is funny is I am a Christian. As a Christian, we are supposed to not judge others and leave it up to God to judge them.

I think it is a personality trait I got from my mom. My youngest sister also has Down syndrome so I tend to judge people who make fun of other people despite having been born with a handicap like they could have easily been born with hadn't they been so lucky.

As someone who is banned from their sub, I can concur. They use the word "shill" to label you comma and then you get banned. No reason is necessary.

I went there, subbed, read some stuff. It's all Christiany and Alex Jonesy. Unsubbed. not my thing.

Fair enough. We are definitely not Alex Jonesy, though. The post about him is to show how obvious of a psyop he is. Maybe you didn't literally mean Alex Jones,

Don't brigade them? I say fuck 'em all to death! Unlike some of you guys, I actually learned something from r/conspiracy. Give in to the dark side.

Well written my friend. From what I have read about this issue so far, you are right on the money. Preach it! Lawl

top minds think CIA never lies so we can trust them when they say Russia hacked emails and gave them to wikileaks. they also think showing actual emails showing Hillary is corrupt is the same as "hacking the election"

top minds also thinks we can see the moon landing area on the moon from earth with telescopes. they then realize this is not true so they say we can see it with pics taken from satellites. they then realize this is not true so they say we can bounce lasers off the moon. they are then asked for proof of this and then resort to insults.

TMOR are nowt but Self Appointed Guardians Of The Status Quo.

The community seems to be mostly disgruntled former posters of r/conspiracy with an axe to grind.

Reminds me of the more infantile guys in school who’d get rejected by a girl, then turn around and start chatting shit about them to save face.

But really we all knew.

former posts of here? now I don't think that is so. they are the folks we are not allowed to criticize here. there is where they organize their brigades that's all.

former posts of here? now I don't think that is so.

As counterintuitive as it might seem, I assure you, that’s the case.

I have experience with some of the users in that particular thread before they were banned in r/conspiracy and the attributes laid out by OP, are a fairly accurate representation of the kind of mind that is drawn to a sub like that.

Just scrolling through it I’m stuck by how anyone would actively exert time to mock others. Only (badly reared) children tend to do that- or the adults that they grow into. Who has the time, nay inclination to engage in such pettiness but a juvenile who lacks the ability to emphasise or exercise independent, non authority-derived, critical thought?

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I thought I did- I guess I was wrong.

can't use a post there as proof, they lie. and they get a monetary reward for it.

Proof of what?

That they’re former posters in conspiracy?

If that’s what you meant, I dont have to rely on their word. (as mentioned) I have my own personal experience interacting with them as well as their respective profile histories to draw upon.

they're former and current posters since they come to brigade.

This is true.

They're absolutely people who were unfairly banned here. There's probably thousands of them.

yeh so we're talkin guys fairly banned

mods would never ban those guys

They also say that the Russia collusion narrative has "mountains" of evidence, can't name anything specific, and then call pizzagate an insane theory with no evidence. Despite the fact that there is a mountain of evidence to support a global pedophile ring existing. I guess we just pick and choose what we want to be true nowadays.

then they say the evidence is classified. i ask for proof of that at least such as cia saying it's classified. crickets. and insults of course.

They also say that the Russia collusion narrative has "mountains" of evidence, can't name anything specific

No one except for what's remaining of the delusional hardcore Trump supporters believe that.

Trump Jr literally released emails showing they intended to collude.

That's the only piece of evidence I ever hear, if you even want to count that. What was said in those emails that would be useful to Mueller? Oh right, nothing. That's why this "investigation" is taking so long. I don't even support Trump, you just fell for a sad media-created conspiracy theory.

I don't expect you to see reason. Clearly you've tied your self worth to that of Trump no matter how terrible he fucks up.

Trump also lied about why Comey was fired and then admitted it was because of the Russian investigation.

Manafort and Flynn have had to resign because of them trying to cover up their shady Russian dealings. Sessions had to recuse himself for lying about meeting Russians.

Trump Jr lied over and over until the NYT was going to leak his emails.

Republicans spent years and millions trying to pin Bengazhi on Hillary and at the end admitted that she didn't do anything wrong. Yet you're angry that this investigation has taken months so far. Mmmkay.

It's a post about a sub that posts about the posts in this sub.

Inception baby.

spins Totem

Dunning–Kruger effect

I wasn't aware there was a name for this. Thanks. I used to ask people afflicted by this condition whether they were ever told they are probably educated beyond their intelligence. From now on I'll be linking to this WP page, it is much better in helping them becoming aware of it.

Honestly, I think the ideal mentality would be somewhere between the stereotypical r/conspiracy and r/TMOR user. It does us no good to question literally everything. But we should still question anything that truly seems suspicious. Of course, what is "suspicious" will differ from person to person, but if you're going to say "the mainstream explanation for [blank] is false," you should at least try to make a convincing argument for why your explanation is more plausible, and be prepared for others to tear it apart if it's bullshit.

Can we just completely ignore TMoR here? Don't mention them, don't link to them, don't acknowledge their posts, etc...? And if a user over there starts trolling this sub, just treat them like any other troll and either don't engage or kill them with kindness. And if they're not trolling, treat them like you would anyone else on this sub.

You're just feeding them with posts like this.

They still vote brigade here.

Then complain to the admins. The best method of dealing with trolls is to refuse to acknowledge that they're pissing you off.

If it wasn't for topminds I never would have known that r/conspiracy even existed, so for that I thank them. Other than that they are just a sad group of people looking to feel superior.

same story except with r/politics, what a shit hole now.

So who gave birth to Flat Earth, mamma CIA?!


Flat earth is an old jesuit psyop hundreds of years old.

An outstanding piece! Well done!

Elite Pedophile Rings

Good decision to state it this way rather than pizzagate. Pizzagate at this point feels more like a diversion away from real pedophiles given how shaky the evidence is.


u wana talk about connecting dots, look no further. vigilantcitizen.com

The Gentleman_Retard's name checks out.

Well they sound like cult, of which there are many. As bad as these guys are, I feel a sense of pity for them. On the other hand we have several cults running around here: the 'love and light' cult - don't you get it? They're enlighted and the love everyone. Then there's the serious political hack cult - they are going to shut you up because your fringe ideas are 'discrediting' the community. Conspiracy is a criminal issue and nothing more. We understand all.

That rick and morty article was mine and got 15 upvotes with a very low percentage, would u relly say this is reflective of community as whole. This assessment is riddled with arrogance and oversimplifications.

More like top narcissists of reddit... just a troll title for sub name, nothing to pay attention to other than to use as an example of how silly that sounds.

"What's up sweetie, did you know that I'm a frequent poster and 'Top Mind' on... reddit babeh? That's right, I'm a Top Mind"

Fucking idiots...

Great post/great homework/great share!

Fucking idiots...

They're not referring to themselves as Top Minds.

Great post/great homework/great share!

I don't think you read it because the post covered this point.

Excellent post

First I've heard of the Sept 23rd is Doomsday thing.

Racism. Is r/conspiracy racist? The answer is undeniably yes. The absolutely hate anyone that isn't white, or the right brand of white.

Funny how only white people supposedly browse r/conspiracy. Is delusion a mental illness?

Incredible post. Know-it-all egomaniacs. I've found, the more I learn about the world, the less I know. Heaven forbid an ounce of humility enters into their thought processes.

I've had a couple of those fuckwads pm out of nowhere. They really are retarded.


Great write up! Thank you for posting.

It's a bunch of sycophants over there.

/u/fthumb hee!

Too funny.

Shows you how bad /u/therecordcorrected is that even TopMinds banned him.

Another way to go about it is make a list of the dozens of logical fallacies TMoR employ to make their smug arguments. Pity I'm too lazy to write them all out but...

lol you mean pizzagate?

I think it's adorable that you made a post here about topmindsofreddit with one account, and another post on topmindsofreddit about this sub with another account. And they're both stickied!

Back in the day, we used to call this "trolls trolling trolls". Also, please remember, "do not feed the trolls". If you don't feed them, they have no power over you.

r/topmindsofreddit along with r/iamverysmart are essentially r/letsmakefunofpeoplewedisagreewith.

You can see both subs on the top of r/all often with anti-trump shit.

I wonder who the people are who are trained to throw a wrench into the good fortune of all. If it weren't for fuckers, many more people would be successful, and our World would be more interesting. In my opinion, it seems to be people educated at certain schools, and belonging to certain clubs. Bullying is a way to suppress and vilify potential competition. In my opinion, this is why creativity has been booted.

Awesome post. Thanks OP!

Hi I know this is unrelated but please don't flag me. it is for a prelim examination which i am currently doing right now. would anyone care to share their thoughts regarding fake news. Why they spread it. the conspiracies that it may lead to, and other things. Also the reasons why one posts such news. Could it be for fun, to prove a point, to troll as I sometimes do. I really need this. Help a mensch out.

Hey, here is an excellent mini-documentary about this subject by the Corbet Report.

I got banned by that sub for asking "what's the ratio of victims of white to black to muslim terrorists?" after someone said there were more white than muslim terrorists.

Best post ever.

So I checked out and subscribed to that sub because of this post. And wow. After reading about 5 of the most upvoted posts and perusing the front page... TOP WHAAAAAASTHATAGAIN??? WTF? lol What a bunch of fucking retards.

Def never even gonna once now. phew. That started and ended quickly. It's a wrap.....and scene.

This is how drama starts.

They're just pushing their own agenda. Ask them if the Trump-Russia conspiracy sounds crazy to them, they'll probably say no. I wish people would quit this stupid tribe mentality shit and get together, but that's a pipe dream.

I'm not disagreeing or criticising but just wanted to add that the name topminds I think was chosen from a comment here seemingly unironically/unsarcastically referring to /r/conspiracy users.

This is the first I have looked at this "top minds", which seems to be a bunch of closed minded 12 year olds that make up random shit. Who gives a fuck about them.

TopMinds has been outed as a pedo thread.

"Everyone I don't like is a pedo"

Top post, OP. 10/10

This has to be one of the best posts I have read in a year! Well done!

I feel bad for those people, because they're going to figure it out eventually, and it's going to be really rough on them. The thing is that they look at us the same way we look at them. They genuinely think that we have some kind of 'nerd in his mom's basement' superiority complex whereby we cling to conspiracy theories because it makes us feel special and reaffirms the idea that we know stuff other people don't know & are thus better than them, which makes up for the fact we're really stuck in our mom's basement playing with our genitals.

I think one of the main problems preventing people from understanding what's really going on, is getting you head round this idea that 'everyone has to be in on it' - I am someone who worked in mainstream media, I worked at a top university and am an academic and have worked on research projects with various government agencies and corporations like Facebook, Google, D-Wave, IBM, etc etc. And the people you meet seem like the same kind of people that you are, most of these people have no idea, they are all utterly brainwashed too. Most journalists I know fly into a rage if you question anything about the government's motives, because to them, these people are people they work with and talk to on a regular basis. What people don't understand is that those people aren't in on it, they perpetuate it because they are in that same bubble of completely unquestioning acceptance of the idea that all the people that are in the same circles as them and their bosses, and therefore their bosses bosses and etc, are the same as them - i.e. well meaning, striving for a better world, equality, peace etc. Uncomfortable things like war or the banker bailouts or the Panama Papers or NSA spying, they are all categorised as one-off anomalies.

Basically, until you see it for yourself, until you are there at an event and then you see it covered on the mainstream news completely erroneously, and you see it is being covered in such a way as to advance a particular agenda, and you know that it's not that a mistake has been made, because you've contacted the media and told them the truth, and until you're trying to relate your actual lived experience about something and your receive the same scoffing and disbelief and mocking that you yourself used to direct at people who claimed things like Sandy Hook was faked or that the government was spraying chemicals from planes or modifying the weather or that there's a secret space program and aliens are being covered up... then it clicks, or at least starts to click. That's what I've learned from my experience and from talking to people who have gone through this same thing - a lot of people 'woke up' with Trump and Brexit, because a lot of people were involved in something that they could see so clearly being utterly misrepresented in the media, and finally it clicked - these people are not telling the truth, they can't be trusted.. and then everything you've ever believed, or been told, is suddenly thrown into question - all of reality is up for grabs, which I guess is why some people go full on into flat earth etc, it's almost like a traumatic reaction to the realisation that you really don't know anything because you've so far trusted your perception of reality to sources that are now proven to be lying and manipulative.

And the thing about these people who go all out with the attacking the conspiracy theorists are often the people who deep down feel that there is something wrong, just beyond their consciousness, and their focus on tearing down 'conspiracy theorists' is often because somewhere inside they are terrified, they can't bear for it to be true, they're actively refusing to let it be true by trying to talk or write or circle jerk it out of existence. But they can't ignore it. Kind of like a closet gay person who goes all out with the homophobia.

So, the point of my saying all this is to say - if we want these people to understand and see the truth of things, then the best way to do it is to keep showing the discrepancies between media stories and other evidence/footage etc. Keep small to start with, I see way too many people trying to wake people up and going straight to all the Illuminati, Luciferian elites stuff, or other really way out there things, but I've found a lot of success with just showing people the small things, something that they're not going to instantly dismiss and ridicule, but something that shows without doubt, that the mainstream media is deliberately lying, and just ask them why, keep asking them, why are they lying about this? Just one small thing at a time, one small fact, without going into the details of what you've subsequently found out about the whole agenda behind it, or all the conspiracies, just keep to the facts and ask them the questions, ask them to explain it to you in a way that makes sense within the world view they are espousing. And when they do that intellectual work for themselves, and realise that they cannot make sense of it, that is when the brain washing starts to break down, that's when the crisis begins and they start tentatively looking into these things for themselves, uncovering more and more evidence, more of the bigger picture, and before you know it, they'll be calling you up and yelling 'I can't believe Michelle Obama is a man!!!' (Well that's what happened with my Dad anyway, who is a scientist and used to watch CNN religiously). :-)

Great writeup. But in regards to

they'll be calling you up and yelling 'I can't believe Michelle Obama is a man!!!' (Well that's what happened with my Dad anyway, who is a scientist and used to watch CNN religiously)

...are you serious? If so then shoot me a link lol, this will be interesting. I know about Obama's CIA past and heard he was gay, but... yeah.

There's a ton of stuff on You tube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=michelle+obama+transgender

Joan Rivers saying that she's a man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aakEvMc2110

Obama calls her 'Michael': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cgk732vfGQ

And theres a lot of other stuff. I don't know much about it actually, my Dad probably knows more, I think after I sent him some stuff on youtube he ended up following the sidebar down this particular rabbit hole!

I'm pretty sure Michelle is a man. Questioning her gender is enough to get heavily ridiculed, even in this sub. Conspiracies like that, where people have been fooled right in front of their faces, are the ones that bring out the cognitive dissonance and fury from people. I find it it psychologically interesting.

Everything NASA releases is backed up by empirical evidence. You deserve to be ridiculed.

That is how you pwn someone. God damn pwnage right here

Man this is so weird. Why the obsession with a sub that is 1/10 the size of this one?

And there are some legit criticisms in this post, but they also seem to apply to this sub.

There is nothing remotely believable about 9/11. I urge everyone to watch Christopher Bollyn's explanations of the event; extremely detailed, so much in fact that it got tedious plenty of times when he'd start speaking fast enough to sound like he was reciting items off a grocery list. Really well presented though, puts things across in a clear-cut way. Another in a long list of 'anti Semites' I guess!

Donald Trump - Sorting by top "all time" you can easily see that TopMinds are absolutely obsessed with Donald Trump. Like the once fashionable "enoughTrumpspam" subreddit, TopMinds obsess over him so much that they actually become the very thing that they are mocking.

How is this any different than this sub over-obsessing over Hillary Clinton?

Bravo! Great post.

3 years standing in sewage. Tells us sewage stinks.

Um. Thanks?

"I would never "troll" a subreddit for 3 years because I am not a complete and utter failure of a human being." This hurt me.

Love this post, ty.

False Flags - Another things proven many times over by documented history, but TopMinds believe that people in power are totally past that kind of behavior and anyone who questions anything that ever happens deserves to be shamed for it.

This is the one that really irks me. It has been proven that false flags were used to make Native Americans look like terrorists while we were colonizing. It has been proven that several countries in WW1 and WW2 used false flag attacks to rally support. It is very commonly believed, if not proven that there were false flag attacks at a fairly high rate before the year 1950, all the way back to the formation of the first real governments thousands of years ago.

People believe, somehow, that false flag attacks no longer happen in our lifetimes, for the first time in 5000 years, because the government said they no longer happen.

I'm unable to comprehend this level of retardation.

The worst part? Or maybe the best;

Whenever any mainstream/FP sub decides to criticize conspiracists they Always choose the most ridiculous ones and then "debunk" them (so smart lol)...

They're just smarter than everyone else, that's why they're so enlightened that they needed to create their own personal safe-space echo-chamber to seek validation from one another.

I bet many of them are narcissistic.

If you have ever met a narcissist you'll know that they do feel superior, and they project (i.e., they'll accuse you of doing the thing they are doing).

I've really tried to figure out how exactly narcissistic projection takes place, because it really is bizarre to see first hand - how can this person accuse you of doing what they just did?

What I think is that narcissists have a very high degree of intolerance for cognitive dissonance. So, the primary thought they have about themselves is "they are better than other people, and whatever imperfections they have are minor."

So, whenever you present a narc with evidence of an imperfection they can not tolerate it. It contradicts their primary belief that "they are perfect." So they then accuse the person that points out their imperfection as being the actual possessor of the imperfection.

I don't know. Still doesn't quite add up, but its as close as I can get to understanding their mental processes.

That they are self entitled arrogant cucks?


TIL what creates reddit liberalism ( communism)

Liberalism and communism don't have much in common though?

There's almost a universal belief on that sub that once you have a college degree, you have superior intelligence and a complete (or nearly complete) understanding of the workings of the human world.
Clueless, moronic children in adult bodies.

TIL God is a shill


One of the best posts ever.

Are you sick of the troll sub "TopMindsofReddit"?

Join us here: https://www.reddit.com/r/stevensaidbyebye/

I couldn't agree more about the troll behavior. When they descend en masse and carry out 10 minutes of mocking banter to clog your post ... then all leave together .. that's not noticeable to the mod? To all of us?

Hard not to think Reddit approves of their 'message" since they turn the other cheek to the obvious activity and the extremely rude behavior.

Hard for me not to feel like I was censored for content when I was banned on climate today for no reason (leaving content as the only logical reason).

After several personal attacks I simply responded to the only substantive question with data from an MIT publication which strongly supported my position and gutted theirs. They resorted to rude personal attacks and then I was banned without warning or explanation. No response to my question 'why' yet.

Very difficult for me to believe anything other than content censorship. Didn't like what I was posting and I crushed the trolls.

Is there a greater sin than censorship for a media organization? It's akin to actively lying but at least active liars permit the other side to be heard in the marketplace of ideas. Yes ... censorship is worse than actively lying. This will go down on all of their permanent records.

Disappointed and disturbed.

Top minds of reddit is r/conspiracy ;)


Well i am new to these subreddits like r/conspiracy and i tried to read throu both sides commentars etc. (Im from switzerland so.. You know im "neutral" as people like to say lol) btw. My grammar is shit sometimes so im sorry.

Here is the thing, i belive in some theories for sure because they are SO fking obvious. Or there ARE actually things happening which are proven. For example: chemtrails.. The US themself reportet that the army "tested" bacterial weapons in San-Francisco. I do belive that 9/11 is made by the goverment or something like that. Just because of these TONS of HIGHLY suspecious storys behind it. And a few other things are out there that are not trustworthy.

Your post is pretty good. Especially the part where i comfront people is about.. Beliving everything in the media atc. Just think back. In history class i ALWAYS had people that ask about WW1/2:"but why did all the people follow this bad guy?" Well, media etc. Back then people did not have the easy way of communicating all around the world. He made false flag attscks and so on. Ask the most people today how they feel about russia. Many people think they are super bad. Especially putin. Its just the fking same which happends right here. (I dont want to say he is the best guy in the world.. Some shit happends there too) but if you look at the history etc in the past years, russia has IMPROVED A LOT. And they minded somewhat their own buissness and kept things small for such a big country. Just in the past years things got heated up again.

And belive me if i say, the media here in switzerland is fking bad, horrible and hilarious in staging things. Making up statistics where a 12yo. can see something is smelly about it.

Now, about all this drama here there is a backstory which is happening with my friend. He goes full nuts sometimes and discusses things like flat earth and sometimes seems to be convinced about it. And i dont belive in it. For example he always laughts about since reports and how they explain why the earth is round.. Gravitation, and that all the space stuff is just lies. And the biggest thing that trigfers him is something like that. "what is it about theories? you cant say, it is shit just because it is a theory. If we WANT to solve something that is a problem, come up with a solution or WHATEVER we HAVE to make a theory first, which is most of the time, based on observation. Otherwise you can go by yourself.. Unlearn EVERYTHING you have learned throu shool and can make up things by yourself which are proven and not just theorys.. Oh wait. You cant. Because, first of you have to make a theory."

Again about gouverment. I fking hate to see ours here debating about anything. They are worse as some kindergarden kids. I could find some 12yo boyos which can have a better conversation as our high people. All they do is.. One dude brings up some facts and the other litelary denies it by blaming him in some way. Which makes no sense at all.

And here it is somewhat the same SOMETIMES. Conspiracy people bring up stuff.. With some nice facts which makes it better. The other partie just denies it with. "oh jeah. Hehe flatearth is also something you belive in? Hue hue hue. Scrub." If it is trolling.. Or he just WONT listen to the fact. Dont fking discuss it with this dude. Just dont. And sometimes it is the other way around.. Someone says, the sky is just some sort of hologram that is why the ISIS is fake etc. I cant argue against it.. It is just something you belive in but with no evidence and you just denie my part with your belive. And one thing i dont like, which my friend does. Is "Teaching" someone else about something with full on belive while not being better or having ANY idea about it. He is no astrophysic dude which can solve difficult math problems etc.

It is sometimes the same way around. So fking calm down everyone and also just argue like adults if you want to be something better. Jeez i just wanna read throu some nice leaks or discuss a topic but not have every second post about how shitty mainstream people are. Its hilarious from both sides sometimes if i go throu these posts. Get a grip.

The awkward moment when a Dunning-Kruger sufferer accuses others of being under the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Are you talking about your own post?

Bahahaha. Excellent write-up.

lol is this post really complaining about hyperbole

never knew of this sub. i know some conspiracies here are far fetched, but the fact that these guys don't believe ANY conspiracies really scares me. these are the types of people who hold back any meaningful progress

They are trying to get people banned from this site. All im saying is look


what the fuck even is This? Why is it stickied?

Great post. Love $cience...gonna have to use that from here on out.

I occasionally used to read /r/conspiratard, which was apparently similar. I don't really understand why they have to be so spiteful.

If we're so retarded, why even pay us any attention? Oh right because we're not.

Dunning-Kruger tells us that those who would call themselves "top minds" are probably not that.

Bragging about being one of the "top minds on reddit" is like bragging about coming in first place in the special olympics.

You realize "top minds" is what they call you, right? The subreddit is named that because it contains links to content by "top minds".

Ofc it is sarcastic.

I know you didn't mean to, but you sold this sub to me.

Just ask them what conspiracy theories they believe and see how many dares to post an answer.

Just blanket denying any and all theories is a special kind of mindset and requires determination.

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They don't have a life

Divide & Conquer strategy in action. Unity is what threatens the government the most.

I'll break it down.

-they control both sides -they astroturf disinformation like flat earth and reptilians -they come and debunk said information that they created in the first place -they have different groups that are assigned to cognitively infiltrate different subjects -they are engaged in social engineering both sides of the dialectic -they will encourage you to not "brigade" topminds because they don't want real discourse, they rather "balkanize" the internet and keep people boxed in to their own echochambers, just like how jewish facebook algorithms only show you likeminded posts. It's better to separate groups into: The antithesis (conspiracy theorists). the Thesis (basic bitch good goyim from topminds) and then the SYNTHESIS, which equals a conflict between the two resulting in conspiracy theorists getting discredited in the eyes of the masses.

Thats a gross oversimplification. The current storm they're cooking up is much more sinister and dangerous. All the squabbling over identity politics is a psyop to pit people against one another.

Now, this isn't going to fly with some of you, both sides are probably going to cry out in pain and downvote, but thats okay, reddit is for faggots and downvotes ain't even a thang.

Basically, it all comes back to the hegelian dialectic. Right now we have a storm brewing between 2 factions: left/right, alt-right/antifa, globalists/nationalists, republicans/democrats, Breitbart/Huffington post etc. Both sides are retarded. Alt-right nazifrogs from 4chan are just as bad as blue haired antifa trannies, both go in the trash along with the intelligence agencies who bankroll them.

You can call them both "countercultures" if you want, but they're both just taking real grassroots dissent and mutating it into useful idiocy. For instance, Andrew Brietbart was the pioneer of both Breitbart AND the Huffington Post.

This whole right/left paradigm is a game of charades

He didn't write it though.

I do. I think it's hysterical.

Like I said, nobody cares. So if you care..

I've never seen them link to something that is decently sourced and possible to believe.

Exactly. They link to shitposts and then cast shade on the whole sub.

It's all insane conjecture and pizza parties.


You can't blame other people for the actions of users egged on by lunacy at the top.

Yes I can. Nobody outsa gun to these users' heads and forces them to link here and berate and ridicule our userbase. The blame lies solely on them and their shitty attitudes and shitty parents (most likely).

You're all for free speech as long as it coincides with what you believe in.

Where did I say I was anti free speech?

You can say whatever you want. But you'll get called out whenever it's necessary. This is a tired and lazy argument.

You guys' records need some touching up. Also, literally for the 57th time, I was suspended.

That sounds hard to do. I wish I wasn't ignorant, that's for sure.

It's all insane conjecture and pizza parties. Shitposts.

He basically agrees in my opinion of what TMoR is and what the other guy was saying but somehow there's arguments.

I do what I can. I usually debate stuff. Periodically I'll poke fun at someone complaining about shills.

need some more info on this celine

So do you believe that there are NO people on Reddit that paid to sabotage and sway/control topics and conversations? There is no behind the scenes fuckery to keep whatever conversation is being had in a particular biased light?

There is a lot of info on the astroturfing organizations Correct the Record, ShareBlue (formerly Correct the Record) and Media Matters. They are all run by David Brock. Their official mission statements that are publicly available state their intent to use propaganda for the DNC on the web and on social media such as Reddit, Facebook and Twitter. This implies the use of social community opinion management software and other tools.

Task force will help Clinton supporters push back on online harassment and thank superdelegates

Hillary Clinton PAC Spends $1 Million "Correcting" People Online And Reddit Is Furious

Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook

Podesta meets with super PACS (Priorities USA and CTR) at law firm (Perkins Coie LLP.)

Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TEDxUniversityofNevada

Reddit is Being Manipulated by Professional Shills Every Day

Troops, Trolls and Troublemakers: A Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation

From this Oxford research paper on astroturfing:

There is no doubt that individual social media users can spread hate speech, troll other users, or set up automated political communication campaigns. Unfortunately, this is also an organized phenomenon, with major governments and political parties dedicating significant resources towards the use of social media for public opinion manipulation.

... In many countries, political actors have no reported ability to field social media campaigns. In some countries, one or two known political actors occasionally use social media for political messaging, and in a few other countries there are multiple government agencies, political parties, or civil society groups organizing trolling and fake news campaigns.

Astroturfing Information Megathread- revision 8

Inception baby.

spins Totem

No different than /r/fatpeoplehate yet it's cool for autists to hate on stupid people. These people are such hypocrites.

Too funny.

Shows you how bad /u/therecordcorrected is that even TopMinds banned him.

Urm, I think subs like this skew WAY more in that direction. Haven't seen numbers, but I am pretty sure young people are being drawn generationally to rebel against their liberal parents.

Woah take it easy on me😂😅😂😅😂😅😂

great. this sub is already rekt. now what?

So you disregard the information available...because the news knows about it?

I think people in the conspiracy community do have critical thinking. It takes critical thinking to pierce the veil. If you don't critically think, you will fall prey to mind control through means such as propaganda.

Only some think they are 100% correct. The same goes for people outside the conspiracy community. I think that conspiracy theorists are more likely to not completely accept things as 100% correct.

Why is it justified to mock someone when they "lack basic critical thinking skills"? Everyone is born different with different personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. Peoples' experiences also shape who they are. We all make our own choices but I think it is extremely difficult for some given the situation they enter into.

I don't think I have ever seen anyone call someone a normie here. For me, this isn't about seeking attention from our grade school classmates. There are always egotistical people but I think they are a lot less common in the conspiracy community.

pvt_hudson is paid IMO

Take a look at this https://imgur.com/a/uOjSw

Evidence for bots. That's paid for sure.