Controlling reddit from the top down; the segregation of reddit's userbase into /r/popular (for logged-out traffic) and /r/all (for logged-in users) is symptomatic of a larger fault within reddit; a designed inability to facilitate community oversight anywhere within sight of logged-out users.

28  2017-09-22 by AssuredlyAThrowAway

Throughout the history of reddit, the primary mechanism for curtailing abuse by those in positions of trust on the platform (mods/admins) has primarily focused on public discussion of on-site issues such as censorship and payola.

Examples of this phenomena from the early days of reddit include Saydrah, Solinvictous, and Cinsere (three heavily influential moderators who were found to have various conflicts of interest, thus sparking community outrage and their eventual replacement).

Although the form of the corruption that each of the above named mods engaged in were quite different, the pattern was the same insofar as they all were brought in front of the community and shamed for their actions in a very public way accessible to all users of reddit (logged-in and logged-out alike).

Within the past few years, the reddit admins have silently gone about segregating the userbase of reddit in such a way to prevent just that kind of oversight from occurring.

For those unaware, the way reddit is presented changes when one is logged-in with an account versus when one views the site logged-out simply by going to The main way for a logged-in user to see popular submissions from "all" subreddits is to view, a collection of popular submissions from across every subreddit (subreddits do have the option to delist themselves from /r/all should they choose). Reddit ceo spez has said in the past that daily visits to /r/all account for roughly 4% of reddit's total traffic.

However, /r/all is not the default sorting page for those who view the site from a logged-out account (which, if the above 4% statistic is to be beloved, thus represents the largest share of reddit's daily traffic). For logged-out users, it is actually /r/popular which is presented as the default landing page (to ward off any confusion, for many years the set of subreddit submissions presented to a logged out user was called the "default" front page. this has changed recently, as the site has switched to a new model using /r/popular).

The differences between what subreddits are allowed to have a presence on /r/popular (which is seen by a majority of reddit's daily traffic) and those subreddits allowed on /r/all (only 4% of reddit's daily traffic) is how subtle mechanisms of control can be exerted by those who run the website, in order to specifically thwart community oversight of those moderators whose subreddits are allowed to be on /r/popular.

While every subreddit on the site can theoretically reach /r/all should a post become popular enough (*as a side note, there is some debate as to whether the sorting algorithm for /r/all favors or disfavors certain subreddits based on ideological grounds, but that is a discussions for another time), only subreddits with the blessing of the reddit administrators may reach /r/popular.

Is it is a standing testament to the subtle mechanisms of control on reddit that this post would not be welcome on any subreddit that is included in the /r/popular listings, thus relegating it to, at a maximum, exposure to only 4% of reddit's daily traffic.

Furthermore, those subreddits which do gain the ascent of the administrators, and are thus included in /r/popular, are given special standing with regards to slack access to the site administrators. This thus creates a structural mechanisms of reinforcement, whereby the moderators within that select circle of "/r/popular approved subreddits" encourage the administrators to reduce the public visibility of oversight-posts related to corruption, and the administrators of reddit, in turn, can speak to the moderators of those large, logged-out user facing, subreddits with only a moments notice should there need to be a removal related to "corporate forces".

One can see why fiasco such as the "Fuck Sears" incident, in the early days of the sites history, have incentivized the administrators of reddit to reduce community oversight of nefarious corporate influence over select groups of moderators, as there exists far more corporate pressure on reddit's administrative structure than perhaps one would imagine.

It is perhaps no surprise, in light of this seemingly insurmountable structural barrier to community oversight of moderators close to the site's administrators, that the site's chairman, Alexis Ohanian, runs a social media consulting firm called "Antique Jetpack", and has, according to documents obtained by wikileaks, offered his "social media consulting services" to Startfor in the past.. it should be noted that the documents also suggest that former reddit general manager Erik Martin is a partner in the firm, and was involved in the introductory meetings with Stratfor.

Alexis (who goes by the username /u/kn0thing -aka, "you. know. nothing"), was interviewed by Luke Rudowski of WeAreChange regarding the Startfor email leak at SXSW a few years back (/r/conspiracy even gets a shout out in the video) wherein Alexis explains his desire to do "social media consulting" for startfor was because "they provide good coverage of the Balkans region", however Alexis' demeanor and tone, imo, are a bit hostile in nature.

Although the complexity of the picture painted here is no doubt evident, that very structural camouflage is perhaps the best example of the ruthless efficacy of a system designed to move silently, strike constantly, and facilitate a subtle shaping of a community's hexis in a way that would make even Edward Bernays fawn.

What we have seen unfold on reddit, in more ways than simply those outlined in this explication, is the fine-tuning of a system of soft power unlike any which has ever been seen in the history of modern information dissemination; what was once the dream of a beautiful boy seeking to engender the free exchange of information has now become a near totalitarian structure of control, which treats information as social/civic/economic/and political capitol in order to further the ends of a small group of monied factions.

Perhaps the parallels from the idealistic dream of a now dead founder collapsing into a system of nepotistically riddled pay for play schemes of control are relevant to more than just the 4th largest website in the United States, and in this way, much like our fledgling Union, perhaps there are indeed some brave, lightening-in-a-bottle, individuals capable of righting a ship clearly sailing far off course.

Now that I think about it, there was once a reddit CEO who compared the inner workings of the platform (and thus the way in which the battle over control of information unfolded) to the mechanisms of a Republic. Perhaps he wasn't so far off after all.

Thanks for reading, and apologies that this got a bit long; I wanted to ensure I covered the context of how the segregation of /r/all and /r/popular effects how information flows on the platform.


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I wanted to ensure I covered the context of how the segregation of /r/all and /r/popular effects how information flows on the platform.

He wanted to show off how he and his buddies ruined this sub.

The only way I can find critical info now is to use a multi, and segregate myself into the little same-think communities I agree with. Reddit is fucked. And a new version of reddit won't solve the problem. We need a new economic model. like a combination of voat and steemit perhaps.

How well does the information flow with the censorship that goes on here? Asking for the ten zillion banned liberals.

A group of right wings mods attempted a coup a few weeks back and were subsequently thrown off the team; we strive for ideological balance on the mod team as a way to check any one mod's predispositions.

We also have a public mod log to ensure that community oversight is not only encouraged, but welcome.

If all of reddit established, at the bar minimum, public mod logs, that would be a momentum step in the right direction for the platform.

Just because you make the unfair bans of users public, doesn't mean that "it's a step in the right direction".

You were the coup, as you have been in other subreddits.

It seems that if a sub wants to take a step in he right direction, then spezzing you off the modlist would be the first, and most important step.

I demand that you step down as a mod, and if you don't comply, I'll have the admin here within 30 minutes, to take you out.

Oh wait. That's not me. That's what you do. And you're no more authorized to make that demand than I am.

Do you mean the unanimous vote (8-0) the mod team took to remove an unstable moderator who had twice acted unilaterally?

When did you turn Reddit into a democracy? And who prompted all this "voting off the island" nonsense? You're a liar and a manipulator. And it's documented. Me. I'm just awesomo, but feel free to blindly accuse me of being a mod, if it helps you spread your lies better.

I'm just awesomo

Hehe, just like Cartman right :)?

Sounds pretty important to marketers, shills, and admins...

And btw... Have you guys made plans, on which sub to take over next? This one seems pretty much locked up, now, so surely, there must be a new one on the radar.

I'm sorry you have to leave the mod team here DronePuppet, but to imply anyone but yourself and your co-conspirators were trying to take over this sub is laughable.

In what way do I resemble dronepuppet?

You're 100% talking out of your ass, just like you always do.

Alrightly drone, best of luck man.

Blind, baseless accusations, from a known liar. Show me the faintest shred of evidence, for your claim. Anything will do.

You don't have it.

Maybe he does but can't say why bc it would expose the deep state dox program.

Thank you for this. Very informative.

r/all isn't the default for logged in users. They get nothing but their subscriptions and a link to r/popular.

r/all wasn't the default before r/popular either. The front page was default subs, not every sub like r/all.

It is crazy how much the site has changed, it definitely felt a lot smaller and like an actual online community back in the day (before the Digg implosion, Kevin rose what a fuckhead). I know I forget it's now the 4th most visited site, definitely makes you questions actions on even specialized subreddits (sports teams, video games,etc), and how reddit management as a whole has embraced censorship as a company policy to keep that front page advertiser friendly - iAMA for example, is a fucking joke now.

In conclusion AATA I know you're actually karmanaut.

Fuck Sears

Sears has a website?