Anyone else wishing that tomorrow really was the end of the world?

15  2017-09-23 by [deleted]

I have no savings my car is broke down I hope tomorrow is the end like some are predicting


Only if we get to relive our life or something

why is tomorrow the end?

Some people are saying it's in the bible idk

I think it has something to do with the Oroville dam...

What does name brand popcorn have to do with this?

Orville damisbroker

Gotta believe the Bible!!! It's always right! obvious sarcasm is obvious

Username checks out.

Bible shows revelations 12, not end of the world.

Ya, not the end yet. I think we still have 7 years of Satan or the anti Christ ruling us before it really ends.

not particularly. i've come to like the things society has created, but i realize that we've gotten there by breeding ignorance of the suffering we create. the end result of that culture is not tolerable by any human. that's the trend. so no i'm not down with an eotw sitch, but i am if it it's the only way. i'm more down with all the victims standing up and saying their piece, and that whole class of people who has yet to tap their resonance. should they do that we'd see a way better world and all the bomb throwers would be small instances of jackassery by a social infection we should have tossed 2 thousand years ago, who would be quickly ate up by the culture of life.

I don't know wtf you're saying, I'm just hoping for the thicc white women, sorry vodka gets the best of me. Hail Satan new world order.


I hope it actually does. This world we live in now isn't even real, so a change would be great

You must be fun at parties

Oh I'm a real hoot.

It's both real and not real, depending on your definition/perspective. This world in front of us we're living in is as real as it seems. It's definitely a thing, and it's here, and we're experiencing and interacting with it. But it's also definitely not "ultimate reality". It's a tiny slice of the bigger picture. One puzzle piece. It may be completely negligible and meaningless in regards to the bigger picture - that's entirely possible - but we don't know that yet. It does however have it's own respective meaning. Whatever you, the conscious observer and interactor, make of it.
Reality is subjective, based on your choice. Always changing. Reality today is different to reality tomorrow. Different to reality next door, or on the other side of the world. Is someone else's reality not reality just because you aren't currently experiencing it? It is. It's just their respective reality. It's not the final answer or explanation, but it's not to be entirely dismissed altogether.

I agree. We are definitely living in the real world. It's just that we as a society have evolved to the point where life isn't real. I would like some major event to change everyone's lives so we don't live in this shit show that we call reality.

There's a good suicide joke in here somewhere...

Fuck it - I'm going to get drunk as fuck and wake up in a new world.....or just with a hangover.

or both...

Cheer up, it can always get better... or worse

Lol thanks?

I feel like my life is totally destroyed so... kinda. But not really, I mainly just want a sign from God saying "Hey! I see ya down there and just hang in there coz' I've got you."

You should probably get help. Nothing wrong with that.

No, I have a kid.

No man, life is awesome!

I hope it does.., not because I want to die but because I want the simplicity of Just worrying about survival.

Me too man. I feel like I'd thrive in a post apocalyptic world. It would be fun I think.

Exactly. There would definitely be shitty parts about it, but I'm so fed up with the world right now, how people treat each other, how people blindly walk around and don't see anything, and how bullshit society is. I am currently a high school senior, and I think public school proves how shitty society is. I have always been told I have a very articulate and well spoken presence. But in school I can't do math or science for my life. People are pushing me to go to college and live a "normal" life. But these things don't interest me in the least. I am not the only one who should not be put in the public school system, there are many of us who aren't designed to do this bs. I we do poorly in school we are deemed stupid, if we are unattractive we are deemed less important and so on. It's so bullshit and everything in our society is based on chance. In a post apocalyptic world it doesn't matter how smart or how attractive you are, what matters is that you work hard and that you live your life to the fullest in a terrible situation. I fail to see how an apocalypse would be bad for man. We need a wake up call and a reinvention of society. Sorry for the rant but I needed to vent.

Yeah, and people would realize they need each other to survive, and maybe they'd treat each other with more respect. No longer would people worship paper money. The banksters and corporations wouldn't be getting rich off us anymore.

I could totally live in a remote area, hunting, fishing, and farming everyday with a small group of family and friends.

The best thing you could do dude, don't listen to anyone. Do what you want to do. It's not their life, it's yours. Of course your family wants the best for you, but sometimes they don't shoot high enough, or they want you to do something they wanted to do. There are also people jealous who don't want you to succeed, so it can be hard to reach your goals. But honestly, just do something you enjoy and would do on your free time anyway. Then it is not really 'work'.

Why not just move to Somalia or Venezuela? What your looking for is a plane ticket away.

I would stick out like a sore thumb in those countries, so probably wouldn't fare well. I guess what I mean is, I would be ok with another way of life if that meant getting rid of the scum sucking freemasons who run everything.

It already is that simple.

Taxes, public school, laws, government, expectations, societal values etc. it's not that simple

Post apoc you will be happy you radiation sore stop bleeding and maybe a moment to think about your dead family, this is easy mode right now.

You survive or die in a post apocalyptic situation. It's that simple. You might die within an hour of it starting or you might survive for 40 years. Either way it doesn't matter and everyone is doomed anyway

Same as now is it not?

Now I feel as if I'm expected to do things and I have hope for a better future. If the world was ending both things would go away

Wishing for death and suffering so you dont have to feel expected to do things ... hmm

Start the journey to turning your life around tomorrow. Consider it an end to your old life.

Just had to turn down two job offers because I can't find a place to live in the town they're in, and my job here fired me to avoid workman's comp.

Let it burn. :D

I just purchased some in-game currency and I'm planning to use it before next year February, can doomsday come later (like every other year) ?

When you wake up tomorrow and the world hasn't ended go to your normal life. Go to work and outwork all of your co-workers. Do that everyday. You won't be broke for long. I'm trying it out and it has been working for me. Best of luck.

No. Consider getting help though

now that nothing happened, they will all jump in the boat of subjective change... is your life that changes... is your soul... congrats!
you are all like you brothers and sisters, blind and willing to folow anyone that makes you feel right and the rest wrong, of couse, just to your eyes.