..and I feel fine.

0  2017-09-23 by ApocalypseFatigue

Today, September 23rd, 2017, is the end of the world.

I saw it on the internet, so it's true. Never mind that it wasn't true 2 years ago, the last time it was predicted. Never mind that every doomsday date is wrong since ever. Never mind that the Bible itself says don't bother setting dates because it doesn't work. It's a pity the doomslingers don't read that bit. Bad for business.

Somebody is selling the doomsday du jour for clicks or attention, citing the return of Planet X, or spooky shapes in the stars predicted by astrology they don't normally believe in, or the internet becoming self aware and turning all the butt-scanning toilets into laser guns or whatever. I've heard the boy cry wolf before, and paranoia is becoming passé as my hair and patience thin. I know I'm getting old because even the apocalypse is in reruns. Yawn.

Here's my 2 cents on the matter, as podcast mini-episode.


I hate that song and band.

Congratulations on your hate!

Damn..don't get so serious. It's only my opinion on a band not life.

I'm hardly serious, and we share the opinion. Just an ear worm from my youth.

Nibiru by Doomsday Du Jour?

*du jour


I don't understand why everyone is saying it's the end of the world when what's being said is that there's an astronomical sign involving the constellation of Virgo, Leo, the moon and some planets that could be described in the book of Revelation.

People claiming that are not saying this is the end of the world but just a sign that appears in the Christian Bible. Those are the actual facts. I don't understand why mainstream websites and other media are mocking something is not even being claimed.

I wish more people were looking at it like you do.

You're right, but even if it were true, this would essentially be the beginning of the end according to how those people interpret the Rev12 passage (which is wrong). So something would certainly have to be happening today, if it weren't nonsense.

This guy gets it.

I don't understand why mainstream websites and other media are mocking something is not even being claimed.

It's as if they're setting it up as a strawman

Boy do I love threads where somebody smugly tells a very very very small minority of this sub that they are wrong.

Me too, but not as much as I love it when somebody smugly comments on a post they deem smug to demonstrate their superiority because they can't take a joke.

Get over yourself. There were just as many people trying to discuss the significance of today rather than say end of world.

I'm very much over myself. It's you lot that are too Sirius.

I find that a bit niche.

In 2012 I patiently waited for the end sitting in Taco Bell as Dec 21st rolled in and today I work all day. If it were today I'd want my money back. At least the Taco Bell had repercussions.

All that's changed is Taco Bell is branching out into hipster taco bars and the 2017 enthusiasts don't have a sense of humor.

Enter the Age of Aquarius

The trailer was great but I don't think the movie's coming out.

On a more serious note, this is what a lot of people are correlating to September 23rd - the beginning of a new Astrological Age. It's not the end of the world - it's the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment.

You win for Comment I Hope is Right

Apparently they're doing something right though. After all, they do end up winning the franchise wars.

Using the doomsday du jour to plug your podcast...

I'm less annoyed by doomsdaythers.

Call your username then.

I did, a recording of your shitty podcast started playing.

By all means, wow us with your salient contribution.

fucking lul

This is so creepy, Im taking my morning apocalyptic dump and Im hearing trumpet sounds.

It's a Christmas miracle!

A Festivas miracle

fucking awesome post title!

Fucking awesome post history! Cheers man!

Aaaand its still 1 hour 10 minutes before the alignment is over Israel.

Are you always so premature??

Why so Sirius?

Jus coz these shit posts are getting tedious and if your posting for shits n giggles would be funnier if you actually used the correct timing....

Lately, most of this sub is clickbait crap from sensationalists. If anything, mine was a meta-shitpost.

Well you must feel so proud....

Nah just taking the piss. I'm old man, I've seen 23 doomsdays. Enjoy life. Have a laugh. The window closes for everybody with no predictability. Be a candle, not a shadow.

No your post is one of many with essentially the same message "look at me the world didn't end ,I'm very smart"

The world ends constantly. We're just ridiculous over here speculating on magic phones in air conditioned rooms while states go underwater and school buses get blown up over ideas. But good job putting me in my place man, walk wall today.

Thanks I will

Dang it!!!!! I skipped paying my mortgage this month for this.

This is how you do it, people.

I would actually be relieved if it finally was the end of the world.. I'm sick of TPTB ruining everything. I'd like to see all their hard work and money go up in flames and laugh at them as they burn and suffer.

I think a lot of folks feel that way. What you'd like to see will come of its own in good time because it can't be sustained indefinitely. In the meantime, why let hate shrink the range of your experience? Too many of us run victim scripts and our lives play out accordingly. What can you do today to make things a little better for you and around you? That's how this changes.

Somebody is selling the doomsday du jour for clicks or attention

And everyone is giving it attention. Society is more to blame for being so gullible than anything. If I could make a significant amount of money by doomsaying on Facebook and selling a book about it (that I pulled out of my ass), you can bet I'd do it. It's a lot easier than working every day.

Its not "the end of the world" its marking a point where things are going to begin to change.

Good! More of that please.

i bet nestle made a killing selling all kinds of emergency water.