Any sub recommendations that focus on conspiracies, but are more secular/non-religious?

3  2017-09-23 by JesusIsForPretend

I'm getting sick of Christian users spewing bullshit, and making this sub look bad. I've seen so many more posts recently that cite the Bible as a source, when I feel like this sub used to laugh at the mentioning of that ancient fairytale. I'd appreciate any suggestions :)


Leave the fairy tales and focus upon the facts. Request and require evidence. Objectivity is paramount.

Pretty much all of the smaller ones are dead. You might like /r/UnsolvedMysteries and /r/actualconspiracies. But generally, I'd recommend that you just post more of the stuff you like here.

Thank you!! actualconspiracies seems to suit my fancy. I don't really use this board to post things I find interesting, I use it to find discussion, and incite about conspiracies, and current world events. I'm more-so an information sponge rather than a benefactor.

Kind of looks to me from your post history and username that you want to bring up and comment about religion more than anyone.

Well I find religion to be a conspiracy... so mentioning religion isn't the issue. Pushing religious beliefs as fact is what I have a problem with.

Oh, so you're fine talking about Christianity as long as it's your opinion of it.

Nooot at all what I was saying. I would just prefer we keep to facts, and information, not personal beliefs.

Lol, you Are talking about your personal beliefs, not facts.

First you want it to be secular, then you want to talk about Christianity being a conspiracy, but then again "just the facts, man."...look, don't be a hypocrite.

Discussion of a topic isn't non-secular. There's nothing inherently wrong with discussing the material, I was referring to using beliefs to support theories as though it was evidence. Also the facts would point to religion being a construct of man, to control man. You can keep trying to spin what I'm saying to mean something else if you'd like, or maybe you just have poor comprehension skills?

Belief is silly. For once you stop believing in anything, reality is the only thing that persists.

Sounds like you're afraid of God, so you want to hide from Him.

Hahahaha ba dum tiss Your confirmation bias is showing ;)

Stay & enjoy this forum of opposing ideas, rather than hiding to your safe space echochamber.

Who said I was leaving? I was merely looking for a place I can visit that has less religiously biased nonsense to sift through.

You're also the one who only posts in /r/conspiracy and refuse to post in other subs like /r/debatereligion where people actually post RESEARCHED replies, which you're scared of. YOU enjoy the echo chamber here for your own personal self-affirmation and refuse to hear somebody else's side.

I can post wherever I like and I choose to post to this site because the issues I bring up are conspiracies. Maybe you should go to /r/debatereligion if you feel the need to bash Christianity with your false sense of understanding and your pseudo intellect.

I do go there, and I've learned a lot as being are actually OPEN regarding religion, unlike you. It's an actual discussion, not a soapbox. You post here for the soapbox.

This ain't nothing but discrimination towards Christians, for whatever reason, you have some deep seated hatred towards God and Christians and you'll do anything to oppose us. I don't see you going nuts on anybody else, except for people who believe in God, so you've been exposed.

I've told you plenty of times I'm agnostic. We can't prove God exists and we can't prove God doesn't exist. I do have something against Rome (/r/romerules) as they are extremely corrupt and run everything. They are dangerous.

So no, you aren't "exposing" me, that's a silly notion.

My biggest issue with you is you soapbox a lot of bullshit to an echo chamber here because something happened in your life where you need to be right and need to be special. You are very close-minded as your comment history shows, which is very unfortunate.

You just hate God, that's why you're so passionate about anything about God. If I had to guess, you're influenced by Satan unknowingly, that's why you express so much hate towards God. So stop being closed-minded and hateful. Your trigger word is "God" and you instantly become angry. So chill out

I've never posted anything angry here. And ONCE again, I'm agnostic. Don't hate God, don't love God, because nobody (including you) know if he exists or not.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't have a "trigger word".

And it is. But I like the faith based conspiracies too. See, maybe they get certain things wrong from my POV, but they still have a good nose for skullduggery. Treat your lack of faith less like a faith itself, and you will be less offended.

Also, we have a xtian prophesy thing going on right now, so there is going to be more of that. In a month we will see the reverse of your post. Xtians looking for a sub that is less packed with godless heathens. It ebbs and flows.


Almost everytime a topic about aliens or false flag comes up, there will be one or two preachers saying it's all fake then proceeds to quote the holy book and tell people to repent before it's too late. Usually there will 'amen' and 'preach brother' replies to the that.

It's one thing to discuss, to preach is another.

Don't completely discard the bible or any religious text for that matter. They're a form of propaganda that has existed for centuries berfore the adaptation of modern technology and are still widely used the world over.

They have been revised throughout the ages. This is an interesting research topic to provide insight into times past and how propaganda has changed with time.

'The "truth" is often hidden between two lies'. I can't remember who said that but i think it is a good quote to keep in mind when reading/researching religious text and any official government documents for that matter.

It's the beliefs and ideology associated with religious texts that I find to be the problem, not the material itself. Very rarely is someone mentioning any of "God's" man made books without having a bias or some sort of personal interpretation they're attempting to push.

Yeah they do get a little intense around this time of year. Happens every year.

Didn't seem nearly as bad pre-election year. sigh

I think last year we had that near earth meteor that was supposed to hit, the year before that was the jewish 7 year cycle thing. It never ends ironically.

Jesus loves you

only when I make him quesadilla, and give him shiny gardening tools and his own tv with Univision on it and the Futbol channel.

The Easter bunny loves you

Nah you mean the Beaster Bunny. I got too stoned and ate the Easter Bunny. Turns out he was made out of white chocolate.