Ever since I went down the rabbit hole and found out the elite want to basically enslave humanity, it's all I can think about and I'm constantly depressed/can't stop reading about conspiracy theory. How do I learn to cope?

86  2017-09-23 by jmd30

It's become all I think about. How much they're lying to us, how they created a system hundreds of years ago and have indoctrinated us to be apart of it since birth. What they have planned, where we're going, if there actually is a god/forces at play we don't understand and atheism is pushed on us on purpose? why did they murder JFK? if they we're willing to kill 3,000 citizens on 9/11, they obviously don't care about us at all. The occult rituals, the high ranking government & celebrity pedophiles, etc.

It's literally all I think about for hours and hours every single day. I can't stop.

Even the fact that I'm depressed and fearful makes me angry because I know these satanist fucks love it when we're scared. They get off on it.


If it's any consolation, I was just like you at first as well. Obsessive. Then I got pulled into more of the spiritual aspect and started taking control of my own consciousness and working on developing more love and positivity. Slowly everything started to become more integrated. I still believe humanity is being enslaved, but I no longer feel depressed or obsessed. Little things like smiling at everyone I meet and being kind go a long way :)

To biggie back on this..... people have been waiting for the end times since Jesus died. Well, its been 2000 years and if its a damned miracle we haven't destroyed ourselves. Despite what your fears you are one of the luckiest people to have ever existed because you are alive right now in an industrialized world. At no other time on earth have people experienced the comfort and security we have. Appreciate it and live your life.... there's no point in worrying about the future or things thats are out of your control.

I too can relate to his experiences in youth and eventually seeing the world for what it is. Travelled the world and worked a lot of hours. Read a mountain of books and imbibed enough drugs to kill an army. Lived life up and down, experienced a lot in and out. It all led me to realize there are forces at work in this world that we can't fully comprehend. That consciousness alone is proof of creation, God. Pairing those core elements, what feels positive and negative in life, and the revelation that the people who hold a majority of the positions of power worship the dark forces are more than enough to steer me towards the lighter side of life. Kudos to both of you guys for finding your own paths through the darkness.

How did you tAke control over it?

Meditation, mostly. Yoga helped a lot initially, just to calm the monkey mind, then got more into mindfulness. And researching esoterics. It's put things into a very different perspective and given me a lot of tools for my own self reflection.

why did they murder JFK?

Such great advise!

OP asked how to cope. One could spend a lifetime trying to answer the above question alone, and anyway, there are plenty of books, docs, even conspiracy posts on this subreddit if that's what he's really looking for. I got the impression he wanted to know how to deal with the pain of learning our world is not what it seems.

come to terms with your inevitable death accept that.

and fight against any forces trying to enslave you.

Death is in illusion and by fighting the system you are powering it.

realise that your body is a biological computer that allows you to decode a reality and it is not you.

Replace the word god with love in the bible and everything will make sense.

You're currently in a life lesson matrix that is designed to allow you to grow consciously while experiencing free will.

The catch?

you're powered with 'love' and the parasites that have infected the matrix cannot access this 'source'.

What they do is manipulate the matrix to trick you into using your free will to convert that divine essence into a low level energy so they can feed off it.

the system essentially takes your soul and converts it into fuel for these parasites.

the solution? Defeat your demons, cleanse your body (no meat, meditation, meditation) and control yourself to prevent the release of negative energy.

Once you realise this is all a game and that you're an immortal portion of 'god/love/energy' etc that is being abused you can adjust and find the Christ consciousness antivirus within you

I've been reading a bit about how they feed off of our negative energy, but it's always through random comments that I happen to come across like yours.

Where can I learn more?

This ia idiocy, there's no energy Crystal to protect you. Say no, get away. End of

I disagree. I think there’s more to our existence than they tell us.

You're always going to find people who shrug spirituality off as hippy shit, even though it's one of the main things each individual ancient religion agreed on. Funny how something so common back then is now regarded as fake. I'm not religious at all but I can tell you if you want to find an inner peace away from the worlds fear mongering , start practicing meditation and lucid dreaming.

I look at it like a scale. The equilibrium of good/evil +/-, light/dark, etc. Stays in constant flux based on everything. Every action has a reaction. Deciding to do or not do do something, and the manner in which you do it push/slide the scales up and down. Even miniscule things effect this. The significance of an ant. "Kukainít, redz ká saulé spít." Or, "tiny insect, look how the sun does shine." -Ziedonis

Yes there is. This is the ultimate conspiracy.

I second this its the direction I've been heading lately

"Biological computer that allows you to decode a reality."

Great phrasing. Love it.

We've all been there. It's terrifying when you realize how dark things really are in this world. Are you aware that there is now, and has always been a resistance to the evil people holding power?

Literally why the Bavarian illuminati was created. A resistance that the freemasons took control of, after a few hundred years.

Yes. But how did you figure that out? No one knows that, they all believe the JBS propaganda that the Illuminati corrupted the masons.

Canon by William Stirling published in 1897 mostly focuses on sacred geometry of the masons and what we call neopagans. Dr. Stirling was a professor of physiology and made some bold claims such as that the illuminati was compromised soon after the founders died and replaced.

Dr. Stirling was a professor of physiology and made some bold claims such as that the illuminati was compromised soon after the founders died and replaced.

Yes, that's absolutely correct. Have you read High Level Insider?

Idk if HLIanon is a hoax or the real deal. A lot of what I've heard of HLI are echo chamber-esc. What's the verification?

What's the verification?

I found them and verified most of what they said.

How did you do that?

Lots and lots and lots of research.

Does he discuss it in The Canon, or is it elsewhere?

Yes in the Cabala chapter.

No resistance lol.

Or they are weak enough to be of no consequence

Focus on things that you can control, things like what you do with your money, your time, what kinds of foods you eat, etc. Buy land, farm your own food, keep family and friends close. The best way to fight the system is being not being a part of it.

Research flat Earth and find the real bottom. There is no coping with a situation this fucked. It should feel aweful until things change. Nothing is ok and it's ALL fucking lies tip to tip.

I used to laugh so hard at flat earthers but lately I don't know. I've been reading so much about how the elite are very into the occult and how they want to strip us of our identities, what makes us human, our connection with god, etc. I don't know what to believe anymore.

Oddly the deeper I go the more interested in religion I get.

You can most clearly see the earth is flat in maps of undersea cables, just one connecting two southern hemisphere continents would disprove the flat earth. Google that please, southern South is actually north not east or west of southern Australia, that's why all the cables in the south go north

NASA for sure is a fraudulent organization flat or globular. I already knew we didn't go to the moon and back in a homeless tweaker's shelter so flat Earth seemed less crazy to me than most from the start. Google "space hoax compilation" and there is a 3-hour video of just them getting caught in the fraud over and over and over. Some things are maybe not what they seem but other times they fall from harnesses during zero G backflips on the ISS and get all embarrassed. If you had a real space station or could really do moonwalks you wouldn't need to fake anything ever but it seems it's all faked always.

Imo they are hiding the man IS god, not that god exists. They want you too afraid of witchcraft to even think to use it against them back.

I really hope you're joking because I'd like to think no one is this ridiculously delusional

Waking up has been a hard process for me also, very depressing, and it's been a long road. I've been trying to learn about conspiracies and the 'way things work' for about 5-10 years but the depression and confusion really just hit me this year, starting around January. There's been times I thought I was literally losing my mind.

The BEST way I've found to deal with it when it gets too rough is to just Let It Go for a little while to the best of your abilities.

I just let myself consume mindless television, hang out with non-woke friends, scroll facebook, whatever it is that will keep my mind off of the 'truth' to give my Mind/Soul a break. Usually I'll take these breaks at least once a month and will let my mind rest for a week or more, it just depends on how I'm feeling.

Also, when I'm not taking these occasional breaks, reading through this subreddit and realizing I'm not the only one going through these thoughts and worries helps quite a bit as well, and helps me not stress about it so much when I'm taking these breaks because tons of people are always working and thinking on this stuff at any given time, So there's no need for any single one of us to feel as if we need to constantly have this stuff on our mind.

Also, PLEASE watch these two cartoons when you have a spare ~20 min and take positive symbolism from them. I saw them for the first time months ago and they still stick in the back of my mind and help me out. It may seems silly because they are 'kids' cartoons, but I think they could help you or someone else reading this.

Please watch this one >


And then this one >


Good luck out there, we're all with you though! : )

Take a break. Seriously, nothing is going anywhere. Try focusing on another topic like Bigfoot or ancient civilizations for a bit. Your brain will thank you. Besides, it ain't anything new. They have been trying to enslave us for like practically whole existence and guess what? They still haven't pulled it off! A lot of what you read will always have you believing that it's right around the corner.

Here's what works for me so far:

Step 1: There is no fear. Fear is a lie. Step 2: Know yourself. Both good and bad. Kill the ego, it is your "fear-factory" so to speak. Step 3: Know your enemy; do not fear your enemy. Step 4: Reconnect with yourself in whatever way you see fit; but retrain yourself to look for answers within. The external forces will eventually make you dependable on them. Dependability allows them to bend you to whatever they see fit. Step 5: Learn to ask "why" again. Explore how things work, get creative.

Just remember: they have the upper hand but that does not mean it cannot improve. The sooner people truly treat others as they would like to be treated, the sooner that group can become cohesive.

Do what I do and hope for an apocalypse to wipe them out and start a new generation

It's become all I think about. How much they're lying to us, how they created a system hundreds of years ago and have indoctrinated us to be apart of it since birth.

Then youre uninformwd and reading bad source material.

What they have planned, where we're going, if there actually is a god/forces at play we don't understand and atheism is pushed on us on purpose?

Can you link to this? why did they murder JFK? if they we're willing to kill 3,000 citizens on 9/11, they obviously don't care about us at all. The occult rituals, the high ranking government & celebrity pedophiles, etc.

It's literally all I think about for hours and hours every single day. I can't stop.

Even the fact that I'm depressed and fearful makes me angry because I know these satanist fucks love it when we're scared. They get off on it.

Tell everybody what you know and have learned during the many hours you've spent researching conspiracy topics. Never stop telling the truth, never be afraid to speak the truth. Never cease to seek the truth. Ask your family/friends what they know about Freemasonry. Talk to them about Building 7, show them the videos. Make sure people understand basic NWO tactics like divide and conquer. Follow current events closely. Shout out every time you see a lie in the news/media. Call them on it when they push or pass some new unconstitutional bullshit Deep-State bill. Respect everyone's freedoms. Never concede your own. Carry a gun if you're eligible and don't already.

Once you see the bigger picture, you don't continue to live in an ignorant bliss (unless you don't really understand what's going on). If you truly value your freedom, and the freedom of everyone else, you'll fight against the Conspiracy for the rest of your life. But life can be happy and the world is beautiful, so there is no reason to ever stop trying to find peace.

Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly.

Sure, the world is fucked, I'm not going to pour sugar on a shit sandwich and tell you it's all going to be okay...but I am going to tell you that you are at the helm of your own life.

Focus on your relationships, friends, family, your dog, I don't care, but focus on that. Know that love is more powerful than all that darkness that surrounds us. It's not pulling a blanket over your eyes to hide from the monster under your bed, it's instead, making a stand.

Sharing your love with those around you is a small step, but if we ALL do it, things will change. It's easy to fall deep into the hole, and it's a hard climb to get yourself out, but that climb makes you stronger than them.

When you meet someone who has questions that you can answer, or thoughts you can inspire, do it. When you can walk outside, clear your mind, and enjoy what is at your fingertips, do it.

Don't let them instill so much fear that you are afraid to live. Live in spite of them, thrive because it's your fucking right.

Cannabis. Specifically a sativa. Some indicas promote depression.

Accept Jesus, start a business, control your own destiny, master death itself

fight back, get rid of your fear, spring into action, speak out, but also change your life, take a break, start a hobby, excersize, eat healthy, get a pet, etc they cant stop you from enjoying your life if you dont let them, the stronger you are the weaker they became

Laugh that they are silly enough to actively engage in such futile pursuits, and smile at the irony that they will be worm food as we all will, while the universe churns onward

Gonna go on a religious rant. You've been warned.

I was taught from a very early age that the world is overthrown. That it is run by evil, that it is Enemy territory, and that money/power is the root of it all. I was also taught that Satan actively recruits followers, and subtly leads the masses away from good things, misleading them and enticing them with things that feel good but actually are destructive.

The people who taught me these things focused on the culture, taught me to reject materialism and the sexualization of society. As I grew up I didn't care much for this teaching. The assumptions seemed overblown, exaggerated. "You mean the devil is telling Miley cirus to twerk like that so everyone will become whores like her? Bullshit! That's just a stupid whore getting some attention after she figured out how to do it." That was my response.

Fast forward to the present day. It is obvious to me that everything I was taught to believe is actually true, it just looks different than I was told it would look. It doesn't look like some young cunt rag dancing dirty without any clothes on at a rock concert. Instead it looks like poverty. It looks like human/weapons/drug trafficking. It looks like false intelligence reports and mass terrorism to manipulate the public into feeling like going to war. It looks like orchestrated race wars meant to keep people preoccupied and distracted while these crimes continue.

So.... I've come full circle. I know what I believe about the world, and it's the same thing I alwayed believed growing up, so in a way I still know who I am. I am good. I will fight to be good, to do the right thing, because it's right, not for a reward or an accolade.

Good luck friend

Pretty good post here. I like where your head (Soul?) is at. Peace to you.

This is exactly how I would describe my spiritual journey throughout my life. Full circle, thinking people around me were ignorant for believing certain things, only to find out they were true but in a different context.

Yooooooo!!!! This is truth!

I was an atheist my entire life, but over the summer something changed. I'm not really part of any one religion, but I suddenly felt as if the world was literally about to end rather soon. but even if that was an imagining,

I really do see the world in a religious way now. nothing else makes sense to me, with what I've seen. Ive lived in sin most of my life, intoxicated most of the time, been around some of the wildest parties like ever.

Ive seen what people in success actually do and how they live their lives. ive seen how generally everyone is led astray, thinking the things you thought about how its overblown, we're just all doing this for fun.

but there is a sinister aspect of it, once you get close enough to the sources, or the big people. the level of organization involved in it, and the fact that even sides that are against each other often work to accomplish goals together, unknowingly, as if it were some grand Manhattan project.

Some of these decisions that were made, in current times and in history, always opposing popular opinion, and most that still are, all feel contrived to me.

who decided on this system we live under and why, why would it be like this unless a centralized evil force was manipulating us all? one so sinister we would never even know it?

why does money and power, to these people mean so much more than life?

Isnt it obvious, in a better world we would all have more, including them? If that's not the case, somethings seriously wrong -- and they would either have to be hoarding tech for themselves to an extreme degree, or perhaps even following the agency of some higher being.

the world is fucking insane, all of us are addicted to hedonism in some form or another, and honestly I think society is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah -- and not because of homosexuality at all. just because nobody gives a fuck about nothin but their fix in life. whether its sex, or drugs, or another distraction.

nobody feels like they can change anything but they know somethings wrong and that's pretty universal, all they can do is feed it by further distracting themselves from the pain of existence.

unfair aspects in life are everywhere, breeding an idea of entitlement among middle positions -- raw talent and ingenuity don't mean as much on a resume as they used to.

It pushes more and more people into a criminal underworld where their skills determine their earnings alone.

Its like no matter what you do in this life you end up having to sell your soul for a fix. a fix that isn't even real, anymore, because people have been taught to worship instant gratifications, to obey feelings on a whim without logic.

yeah, I feel that satan's real and pulling the strings. or something equally nefarious that fits the bill perfectly.

some of the shit that goes on, hell most of it, doesn't even really fit a personal power agenda anymore. its as if the sole purpose of social engineering has become insane. is there never enough? has life become like heroin to these people where standards have to increasingly go up exponentially to get their fix?

Or is there actually a deeper purpose, and maybe even they don't have control.

it would make a lot more sense, to me, if unlimited hedonism was a reward for obedience, rather than a primary goal for so many individuals.

Be a man and drink whiskey.

Just live your life. You have now. You are not promised tomorrow.

Atheist here. Have a dog? Get a dog.

It’s all in the mind

Action is the antidote to despair. Do what you can do be less of a slave. Pay less taxes, stop money and gasoline and industrial food from moving through your life, refuse to participate in the popular narratives(or better yet, disrupt and subvert)... There's plenty to do, and it feels good to do it.

Ruminating isn't good and unless you believe in that white light archon reincarnation stuff, you are a completely sovereign being.

"Wants to"?



We are shifting to a wider awareness so naturally we will have temporary conflict with what we become aware of. We all do this on a personal level. As the awareness widens of the bigger picture you automatically address to and focus on its limitations and negativity. That focus draws a kind of energy where you feel stuck in it. Like you know too much and you want to inform others just so you can get out of it. Perfectly normal awakening process.

How you cope with it is join in sharing what you are aware of. You will find many who are aware of the same stuff ,even though some think they are isolated for being a conspiracy theorist. You do have a couple choices when you start to get stuck in your own newly widened awareness. Stay stuck, or get motivated.

It motivates me, anger can be channeled into many outlets to challenge the system. I wish more people were angry. Don't get passive, you just accumulate info and without an outlet it just sits on your conscious.

Like most People here, you are most likely surrounded by people you think 'dont get it' . And when your natural impulse is to say something conspiracy related you hold off , you store that energy and depression and stress accumulates.

When I'm here I make like twenty posts at a time. That's how pissed I get. Best advice I can give is to make it your goal to share what you know.

Psyops are real but keep in mind the term duality, light, dark, above, below, and the reasoning behind it makes a little more sense.

Dude, you've just described Mexico since the time of conquistadors to the present to a T. Global elites, not least of all those in the U.S., seem to be intent in transforming much of the world into a plantation of socially-engineered consumerist serfs, with only the slightest capacity for global and/or holistic awareness or intelligence.

So death, the most terrifying of ills, is nothing to us, since so long as we exist, death is not with us; but when death comes then we do not exist. It does not then concern either the living or the dead, since for the former it is not, and the latter are no more. - Epicurus 341-270 BCE

He who hath learned to die hath unlearned to serve. There is no evil in life, for him that hath well conceived, how the privation of life is no evil. To know how to die, doth free us from all subjection and constraint - Michel De Montaigne (1533-1592)

Nothing that happens on this planet is truly important. You do not live in reality.

Getting your soul straightened out before it's too late is the only thing that matters.


I feel you man. I just figure feeling bad about it isn't going to help anything. (I know, easy to say) But take control of your life to mitigate what is being done to us. Eat healthier. Eat real food. Learn. Always always keep learning, no matter what the subject. Do what you can to resist, and try to wake your fellow man. This cannot go on forever.

you don't even need to go down to the rabbit hole to know that...

activate yourself and do what u gotta do

I say just accept it. Follow the masses- watch sports, drink and go to work. Repeat. That's the best way to cope - forget the truth.

Not to sound cruel or dismissive, but you'll get over it. We've all been there. It IS depressing. It's downright disgusting. Then to realize that most of the population has no idea and doesn't want to know what's really happening is really sad. But you get used to the idea and learn to live with it. The hard part is not becoming cynical. I don't know how not to feel jaded anymore. Nothing surprises me. It sucks.

Live simply. Take a walk once in awhile. Everything else is just for fun. When it's not fun anymore, simply stop.

don't take grand conspiracy theories too seriously. there is truth everywhere, but rarely do they tell the whole tale. as above, so below. live your life and your positive actions will reach above and influence the 'grander' events that you imagine to happen above you. the world today is objectively a better, more prosperous and peaceful place than before. its easy to view the world through a pessimistic lens when all you do is focus on the dark, evil things that happened, but consider that in spite of that, the world is a better place than before.

Take a break from conspiracies and start practising meditation, pranajama etc. Do your regular daily things, do what you love and try to stay away from depressing topics for a while. It is not healthy in a long run, I've been there, trust me.

Suffering forces people into action. Take action and do something to help.

I have a strong belief in God, the afterlife and a larger meaning to existence that stretches over many incarnations, both past and future. If I thought this one life was all there is, I would be hugely depressed too.

In the face of unfathomable evil, you must develop and get to know your true self, ie, the part that cannot die, or you are lost.

Continue down the rabbit hole and it will soon be liberating. You will understand nothing can ultimately harm you, you are fundamentally free, and there is strictly nothing to fear. Here are the five levels of truth.

I don't understand how anyone can not believe this.

most of the time I feel like I'm living in some giant matrix honestly, and maybe even 90% of people aren't even real and don't have souls or whatever and are just complete simulations

You are getting worked up for nothing. Calm down. There are bad people in high places yes, but they’re not bogeymen, they’re just people. It’s not as organized as you may think. There no all encompassing elite, just a bunch of rich shitty people trying to stay rich by doing shitty things. I find when I look at it like that it’s not that scary.

stop caring

My best advice is to try and help others who are just rats in the maze. So often these days we see people of different races creeds and religions squaring off against one another and playing right into the hands of TPTB. Use your energy to lessen the divide. All the freethinkers need to be on the same side to prevent this. Stop fighting over stupid crap and turn your eyes on the real enemy.

Stop reading conspiracy stuff?

you will be contacted

Try to take a break and do something else, like work, study, exercise, practice a musical instrument, meditate, etc.

Talk to normal humans instead of conspiracy websites.

Own it. Walk like you know the truth. I'm a debt slave pleb like the rest of us but I feel greatly empowered knowing the truth. I use my knowledge to enlighten others. The mood is changing btw, it doesn't take much to make others see these days. You might be a small cog but you're an important one. Keep going to work because you gotta eat. Use your knowledge to your advantage. Tell people what's up. The more who know the better off we all are.

Psst. Bitcoin. They can do this because they control the money. Bitcoin/crypro is rhe only hope left for humanity.

The world is no different than it was yesterday when you knew nothing about conspiracies. You have already internalized your bias will focus on aspects of the world that fit your subconscious models. beware of the low hanging fruit (conjecture and poorly referenced/researched material). Read books. The boring stuff; war, international finance, the CFR, propaganda, etc. are all open conspiracies. Speculation on the internet is generally emotional responses and very lightly sourced.

Thank you OP for posting this. Based off your questions I have faith that you on the kusp of learning this next truth that I am about to share with you.

Once you go down this rabbit hole it is very easy to slip and become very jaded. You start to hate those who partake in this shit, you become frustrated at people that won't discuss it, and you fear what may come in a future where these people control the world.

Yet, I would also advise that if you do harbor such feelings that you set some time aside for yourself and learn to let go of the hate and negativity.

From an occultist view on this topic, these people do these things because they believe there is power to be gained by negatively affecting others. So if we let the natural feelings that they have invoked with in us fester and consume us then, then they still have won. Take away their power by not being consumed for vengance\justice and be mindful of how you feel.

Granted this takes practice and I happy to help provide more info on some different styles of meditation if you would like but with all of the crazy things in this life that are out of our control, I believe that the only thing that you really can control is how you respond to the world around you. Don't let them sway you to start looking at everything in a negative light. Stop and enjoy the little things in life. Thank you for caring, let's be the change we want to see in this world. I love you all!

I too obsess about the evil which holds sway over our reality. Whenever it gets me down, I try to research the Holofractal theory, which I consider to be a more scientific approach to our shared predicament.

There is an awakening going on you are not alone. I went through a crisis when I realized that evil people control the world. You woke up and now your eyes are just adjusting to the light. It hurts, you will adjust, there is a lot of good in the world too, we have just been conditioned to notice the negative. There is evil but there is good too. It's just not in our faces like the evil stuff. Soon as your eyes adjust you will see the good. :)

Meditation, mostly. Yoga helped a lot initially, just to calm the monkey mind, then got more into mindfulness. And researching esoterics. It's put things into a very different perspective and given me a lot of tools for my own self reflection.