seems like a lot of anti-drinking rhetoric has been on here lately.

7  2017-09-24 by AaronSwartz56

for example, the top comment in a thread about doomsday prophecies is anti-alcohol, and in the anti-alcohol thread the other day my pro-alcohol comment was upvoted the most but remains at the bottom of the thread.

idk maybe im just a baised alcoholic but ive never seen anything against alcohol in this sub before, and now it seems like many of the threads are discussing alcohol.


alcohol is bad.

The only "positive" to drinking alcohol is the social benefits and the fact that you get overemotional.

Makes me a champion in the sack as well.

Try low doses of opiates. I am actually surprised that US pharmaceutical companies don't market them as a sexual aid.

Haha no thanks. That sounds addictive. I was just messing around

heroin is like super alcohol with twice the good effects and none of the bad effects at first. it makes it... highly psychologically addictive. and at first it doesn't seem physically addictive.

but once it gets its claws in you your down and out for years, if not for good.

Id highly recommend against fucking with opiates in any form, be they pills, dope, etc. its all the same thing. recovering addict

Heroin wasnt exactly what I was talking about. A single Percocet will suffice.

its the same thing as taking like a tiny bit of a bag of dope man.

most of us started there, but you don't have to heed my warning, you can definitely follow my footsteps and make the same mistakes.

I wish you the best of luck

bad advice, dude.

if it works for you, fine - but thats a slipperly slope most people cant handle.

Upvoted this. Am alcoholic.

Alcohol kills, up with marijuana!

Might have something to do with the posts I've seen in the past about alcohol being called "spirits" because of its occult ties to invoking possessions.

People have been programed to snap "alcohol is bad" anytime it is mentioned.

Humans have been drinking alcohol for thousands of years and people of European descent rarely have any physiological consequences from drinking regularly. A large percentage of people who live to be 100 are drinkers. They eat very little but drink alcohol on a daily basis. Excessive sugar is more harmful than alcohol but these people who decry the benefits of alcohol don't think twice about putting sugar in their tea or having that extra slice of cake.

People who don't drink don't realize that their bodies produce ethyl alcohol to supplement what they're not taking in.

"Measurable amounts of ethanol are normally formed in the gastrointestinal tract.... During recent years it has become evident that the colonic microbes take part in ethanol metabolism not only by fermenting sugars to ethanol, but also by oxidizing exogenous ethanol to acetaldehyde (Jokelainen, 1997; Salaspuro, 1996, 1997). ... Alcohol dehydrogenase is abundant in the liver and its physiological role has been postulated to be the degradation of the low levels of alcohol produced by microbial fermentation in the gut. ...

Conditions associated with bacterial overgrowth producing markedly elevated endogenous ethanol levels detected even in the blood indicate intestinal microbial-derived ethanol production in humans. "

I was going to post sources but Google is operational at this time. Most people will downvote this without reading the sources anyway because it goes against their pre-packaged opinions.

My brothers and I are all heavy drinkers and we are all in good health. I've been an 'alcoholic' for 25 years and I'm in great health. My sister, on the other hand, didn't drink at all and she died of liver cancer.

I've seen first had what alcohol can do. It is probably one of the worst substances on earth. Why do you think it's legal and marijuana isn't. One makes you consider your actions and how they impact others, and one makes you impact violently with others. Alcohol is bad, bad for your health, bad for those around you, just bad. So yes the conspiracy forums have awakened to that. It's one thing to enjoy a few beers or a few glasses of wine and it's another to drink the way they do "in the movies"

It has more to do with personal responsibility than with the substance itself. People can destroy themselves with alcohol, pills, gambling, eating, etc. but the majority of people who engage in regular human activities are responsible enough to not let it get out of hand.

I saw this post as asking what the association was between alcohol and any number of random things that get demonized on this sub. I've noticed it too.

I mean that sounds good in theory, but don't you think as the alcohol consumption goes up, so does the "personal responsibility" go down?

what if it remains constant, as in my case?

i think it depends on the person.

my ex-wife with 3 drinks goes from polite and docile to angry and hostile.

i am the opposite. sober (and its been this way since i was 2 years old, so don't blame the drinking) i am a miserable fuck. like suicidal miserable.

give me a burger, a beer, and a joint, and im happy as a clam for the next 5 hours.

stress is literally the most damaging thing you can do to your body. if 2 joints and 5 beers can reduce my stress by 75%, give me an additional 2 hours of sleep a night, and make me happy, alcohol can have 20 years off my life.

and I've lost my friend when he was 19 y/o, he drank too much and had an internal bleeding

if you are heavy drinker and feeling ok, that doesn't mean that alcohol is good, it is destructive and its a fact

bro come on.

equating a 19 y/0 kid drinking himself to death and a grown ass man with a construction job and kids drinking 8 beers a night with 2 meals is just poop.

Good. Alcohol is consumable death. Fermentation is decomposition and drinking it fills your body with the energy from death.


Deny that fact all you want its in the science of alcohol.

lol this fucking guy over here.

Didn't say I don't drink on occasion, but I'm aware of what I'm doing and who supplies it to us.

The companies are extensions of pirates from yesteryear.

i smoke weed i buy from a random black guy on the corner and i drink beer i have no idea where it came from, and in 1000 years from now youll have died 944 years ago and ill have died 922 years ago.

basically, who gives a fuck. if you told me every beer i drank shaved a day off my life, i'd drink the same amount.

fuck it.

Cool attitude bruh

actually, food is the same thing lmao

Yep. Makes one wonder what our true necessities are.

Alcohol is estrogenic. Gross.

pussy is too, lol.

Destroying yourself is too accessible and no matter what substance, action, and thought you do, you are the sole person responsible with how you follow through.

People in this sub are more woke than the usual. Discussing things that are detrimental to gaining and maintaining an aware mind would be expected here.

im just a baised alcoholic

So, your post kinda makes sense. . .i guess.
