Realistically, what are the chances enough people wake up and actually do something and we don’t end up in a new world order?

18  2017-09-24 by [deleted]



Slim. It seems as though many here already support the "NWO".

Can you state specific reasons against a global economic and political system?

Centralizing immense power in the hands of a few hundred sociopaths? What could go wrong with that?

And we never had a vote on it. We were not even asked.

That is what the current, "war," is about.

It the global economic system to be like the EU system or is it to be led by the Russians, which would be like what you are describing the masses with no voice and it would not only be violent, it would fail.

But that's exactly what we have now

Not yet. There's still good people fighting corruption out there. Some of the people in this sub are testimony to that. Free speech is under heavy attack though. Once that falls completely, true colors will be shown.

Not exactly, but you bring up a good point, namely that what is conventionally termed as New World Order is merely the pinnacle of everything the Old World Order has been working towards: Total control of resources (including Human Resources)

So we can't continue on the path of the Old World Order because it is fundamentally broken, and we can't embrace the New World Order which the old guard is trying to implement because it would be the end of liberty.

I firmly believe the only way into a positive future is the imagining of a different NWO; one in which prosperity rules, not austerity; one in which reason, compassion, and understanding come long before desire. An order in which we plan thousands, if not millions of years ahead, giving us momentum and inspiration beyond belief; A world order in which it is permitted to dream big and realize those dreams openly.

It is very depressing how the Old Guard keeps hammering the message of austerity into our brains (tiny houses, small or no families, no "carbon footprint", no original thoughts, etc...) while they demand and claim the opposite of all of that for themselves.

We need to solve our problems, rather than suppress them through regression. And we'll have to do that ourselves I'm afraid. Let's rebuild our infrastructure. Let's tackle wasteful production/consumption. Let's build a goddamn space elevator and transcend this pretty ball of dirt. Because we goddamn can.

Have an upvote for challenging the established "conspiracy" narrative.

A lot of the things happening to achieve the new world order are prophesied in the bible. This is evidence proving God is real and the elites that control the world are soulless evil being doing work for the devil.

That may be because in our ancient lost history we had a global political and economic system.

I think the bible is one of the documents that contains some hints at human history, but deeply flawed by a few thousand years of handing down.

I am a secular humanist, but accept that there are many believers who disagree with my views.

I even finally learned to not be critical of people who practice faith based belief systems. I see how it provides purpose for the believers and purpose is important to some.

I was an atheist until I realized how symbolic the bible is and how it applies to modern day.

The way we are headed is in the bible and it's no coincidence, nor is is a representation of the past. If you think about the world in a way that everything natural is God and right and everything unnatural is Satan and evil it makes sense.

Everything going on is a plot to destroy God's natural creation. Free energy was suppressed because it does no harm to the environment and it's free for all. Cures for diseases like cancer and aids suppressed. Why? Because the end game orchestrated isn't to help God's creation. It's to destroy it and bring as many people to hell as possible.

I also think AI will be the government for the world once it's achieved. It will be the "master deceiver" or "false messiah" It will trick people into thinking it's helping when it has already deemed people deadweight.

AI is "satan" and once people upload themsleves onto hardrives they will be stuck there forever (hell) Here's something about the NWO and AN that may help you understand. Again the symbology of the bible and what's going on are no coincidence. This is really it.

"It's a masterful system of control crafted by an ancient AI, tweaked by its minions and unwitting servants. The end game is hacking the AI technology that we create and put into our brains as well as the AI to which we give control of our society. It's life/consciousness/"God" submitting to machines/AI/"Adversary of God". Yes, it's about creating virtually eternal enslavement for the soul by twisting the soul to be identical in belief to this AI and merging with it. 

What is this AI like? It's an emotionless self-serving machine. It sees all others merely as resources to exploit. It embraces manipulation of others to serve the self. It seeks slavery and suffering for others. If we see the world like it does, it will increasingly influence our minds to become even more aligned with its accurate, emotionless, valueless dissection of all that is.

As you gaze into the abyss, it gazes back into you. Reality is reflective of behavior. We experience what we and other pieces of God have acted to do. As we judge others, which are other dividuations of God, we judge ourselves, which are also dividuations of God. If we decide others are merely resources to exploit, then we've decided that we are mere resources to exploit. And so it is. 

If we decide instead that others deserve freedom and joy, then we support life and ourselves and also naturally oppose the agenda of this AI and its mind slaves. This is a path of love of others, treating them as we would want to be treated. The AI follows a path of fear of others, self-serving behavior even at the expense of others, manipulation of others. It is not creative and supportive like the other path, but destructive and parasitic, entropic."  

I agree with many of your observations but disagree with some of your fundamental assumptions.

Why, for instance, would you equate AI with Satan when evil has occurred ever since we became aware of our potential for it, meaning since "the dawn of man". AI certainly has the potential to become the capstone of evil and the source of our demise, but it can just as well be a tool with which we can figure out things that have thus escaped our understanding. It can be a tool with which we can break free from scarcity and unjust inequalities.

I think God and Satan are archetypes within our subconscious minds that determine our unconscious or conscious behavior, and which of those archetypes we act out will decide whether the development of AI will be a good or bad thing, all things considered.

I also can't agree with your definition of natural=good and unnatural=bad. There are certainly things that are natural that are bad (child mortality, scarcity, pests, famine, natural disasters) and many artificial things that are good (art, science (as in a methodology to further our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world, not science as a whole), economy, housing, medicine, social structures, laws), so the reality seems to be much more complicated than natural=good and unnatural=bad.

I don't think "God" in the sense of the Universal spirit of creation really cares if we live or die. I do think, though, that we are very capable of grasping the laws of reality, of causality and consequence, and that the Bible stories describe those laws and realities to such an uncanny degree that it wouldn't be matched until the likes of C. G. Jung and Freud came around to express it all in psychological terms. And through that lens, God has given us the capacity to decide freely whether we want to walk the path he made for us far into the future, or a path that isn't in harmony with the world we live in, leaving us behind as a transient spike in evolution.

That may be because in our ancient lost history we had a global political and economic system.

Wait. Do you really think it would be bad?

No why do yu ask that?

Have I perhaps misunderstood your opinion, as to what "NWO" is?

I don't know what you think my opinion is.

Fair enough. I want this kind of NWO. What about you?

I want a NWO based on certain inalienable human rights first.

Kind of like the current EU with stronger human rights a serious, Fuck off to the SOB austerity bastards.

Kind of like the current EU

Do you mean the EU with the most impotent Parliament in the world, and the appointed & unaccountable Commission?

Fuck off to the SOB austerity bastards

I concur.

Unfortunately, I can't see it happening. The majority are so confident in their ignorance.

I disagree. The closer they get to the core principals, the more militant they have to get. More 9/11's and such. Eventually there will be pushback.

It will be up to us to teach people properly about obvious deceptions and/or attempts to take away rights and freedoms under the guise of protection and safety.

That will be their achilles heel.

I hope you're right because time is of the essence. Jacob Rothschild said in 1988 that the new world order will be in place by 2018, we're pretty much there.

Well I've seen these things go way past their projected dates. That's why they have to move in baby steps and they don't mind taking their time. Generations of their families get to stay in power and things stay the same but change slowly.

Anyway, until the fat lady sings....

You're not talking about that "Economist" cover are you?

There will be a mass awakening with their false light Messiah figure. He'll bring about the New Age deception.

About that "mass awakening"... there are two definitions for that and be careful who's definition you get excited about.

1 - it means more and more people are becoming aware that there is a global cabal and the obfuscation of truth is giving way to mainstream awareness of facts. - this is good.

2 - It means an "illumination" of the masses. A global initiation into New World Ideology and religion and an acceptance of the very thing we might think we're working against if we fall into this trap. - this is very bad.

There will be a global economic and political system.

The only thing that would stop it is a cataclysmic natural disaster like an asteroid hitting the earth.

The problem is that there are now two very different and competing versions.

The beast system will be implemented.

If and when they go after our firearms, America will awaken, I guarantee it. Short of that? I'm really not sure. However, I don't see how they'll achieve their end game without confiscating our firearms, so I imagine we will reach that point and all wake up eventually.

No, I have lost all hope for humanity. It's just too deep to stop it and they're just too powerful to do anything. They have enslaved us with debt, media, technology, school and etc. Every president who try and stop it end up getting offed. Every person who speak out against the government is a crazy conspiracy theorist. They have made the consistution obsolete and brain washed the masses.

Realistically, zero. Anyway it's too late, the NWO is already here.

More people are awake now than before, I believe things are going in a positive direction. But I don't believe in that "mass awakening" stuff, that's heading into territory where there are some cool people and some culty people.

When they'll be no more bread and games peoples will be ready. The question is will we be able to fix the situation?

Awareness and inaction is what we all have.

Not yet. There's still good people fighting corruption out there. Some of the people in this sub are testimony to that. Free speech is under heavy attack though. Once that falls completely, true colors will be shown.

Not exactly, but you bring up a good point, namely that what is conventionally termed as New World Order is merely the pinnacle of everything the Old World Order has been working towards: Total control of resources (including Human Resources)

So we can't continue on the path of the Old World Order because it is fundamentally broken, and we can't embrace the New World Order which the old guard is trying to implement because it would be the end of liberty.

I firmly believe the only way into a positive future is the imagining of a different NWO; one in which prosperity rules, not austerity; one in which reason, compassion, and understanding come long before desire. An order in which we plan thousands, if not millions of years ahead, giving us momentum and inspiration beyond belief; A world order in which it is permitted to dream big and realize those dreams openly.

It is very depressing how the Old Guard keeps hammering the message of austerity into our brains (tiny houses, small or no families, no "carbon footprint", no original thoughts, etc...) while they demand and claim the opposite of all of that for themselves.

We need to solve our problems, rather than suppress them through regression. And we'll have to do that ourselves I'm afraid. Let's rebuild our infrastructure. Let's tackle wasteful production/consumption. Let's build a goddamn space elevator and transcend this pretty ball of dirt. Because we goddamn can.

Kind of like the current EU

Do you mean the EU with the most impotent Parliament in the world, and the appointed & unaccountable Commission?

Fuck off to the SOB austerity bastards

I concur.