For you.

133  2017-09-25 by Catsarenotreptilians

The fear of doing nothing, of not moving on, not growing, living stagnant.

I want to grow, nothing grows in a safety or comfort zone, there is no meaning to life, we are all waves that are put together as neutrons, protons, electrons and other shit we still don't fully comprehend, quarks, antimatter, but that doesn't matter, you are here, I am here as well, that is what matters, that is all that matters in life, is that we find a way to live through harmony, not control, not fear. You are the fruit, life is the tree, it has birthed you, the seed is the earth, earth is the seed, life is the tree, and you are the fruit.

I do not know if there is a spiritual side of life, but I have always tried to reach for an answer, just as you have, what if I told you the answer is literally right in-front of us, what if I told you I wrote this just for YOU, you are powerful, the hope you bring to this world is light, no matter what you face, you are here, with me, reading this, if you go, your light goes, the hope you will bring to the world would be gone, don't go.

All I know is you are here reading this with me, and I am here hoping for life to get better, just as you are, I think about taking action, but I fear people would not understand my intentions, just as we all do, none of us want to sound insane, but we all want to help, we get tripped up and scared of the result of trying to simply help bring change.

I don't know what the world will bring in the future, but I know I need you here, we all need each other, there are monsters in this world, and they will continue to feast on those who remain alone, the only action I can think of, is trying to reach out to each other.

I do know the future looks horrible, we see it, corporations are trying to control everything, and they destroy what they cannot control in hopes that they must rely on the system they put in place.

I do not know how to change the future, I do not know how to take the necessary action to change the world, to change all of our futures, but I know if we work together we will find something together, we are not a hive-mind, but we are still one.

I will never surrender what I love, that is my love for seeking the truth, an answer, a path, something that will provide us with the assurance that something better is ahead, or even the steps to take to lead to a better future for everyone.

Maybe I am crazy, but most men don't fear their future, they fear their childrens' future, they fear what they are leading their children into and what they are leaving them behind to build with.

We are not building anything for the future as long as we keep distancing ourselves.

Is the future you see ahead what you want to leave your children? I have no children, but I can tell you that with children or not, I fear the future for everyone, due to us losing our connection with each other, and allow barriers to be placed between us.

In the time you have read this, something bad has happened in the world, I don't need to use an example, we can all think of tons of various examples of the bad.

The only answer I have found in my searches, is that we are all here together, no matter if there is an ethereal higher dimensional plane, or if we are on a flat earth, or if we are in a simulation, or any of that, what matters is that you are here, at this moment, with me, with everyone. The answer is in our hearts, not in our minds.



Thanks for this

You have my upvote! :) very well written.

If we are to work together though, we need to let go of our egotistical belief systems. People are so set in their ways, so adamant that their beliefs are correct, that they are willing to impose basic, needless, restrictions upon others lives.

I have been guilty of doing this, as have most, if not all people on this planet.

If we are to move forward, we must all learn to change. If we set our beliefs in stone, and refuse to question them, we cannot learn, we cannot change. Otherwise, we will just keep fighting amongst ourselves.

when you lose faith you become the very monsters you swore to never become solely because there is some evil that will make you blind as a bat for generations to come.


Excellent post. Also. Once again; I have seen that Cats have Interdimensional Capabilities, as you know...

You sound anxious.

Aren't we all?

Can't speak for others but I am from time to time. Much, much less now since I got off weed and alcohol, two drugs I had foolishly convinced myself were 'okay' despite their negative consequences.

Nice, I don't really drink, unless its wine, but marijuana is fine, we are learning about Cannabinoid receptors, receptor 2 with CBD oil is known to aide those with epilepsy and other various ailments that don't have treatment options available.

Receptor 1 works with ceramine, known to cause cell apoptosis in tumors.

Alcohol is a depressant, marijuana is not, marijuana is a tool used this day and age that leads to procrastination and the lack of action though, and was probably one of the primary contributors to my past procrastination as well, alcohol is a depressant that exponentiates any negative effect of everything, nicotine, THC, etc.

Getting drunk when your with family, friends, and other people you care about is something that helps build connection between each other, but if alcohol is powerful enough to control your negative desire, than avoidance would likely be the best course of action.

marijuana is fine

Keep telling yourself that.

Just because something controlled you in the past, doesn't mean it will continue to control your future, the marijuana caused you to procrastinate likely, but all the super negative and the bad likely revolved around alcohol, I guarantee it.

I smoke weed because the financial situation I am in will not change until I am in my mid 30's, which is okay, it reduces stress, makes me feel calm, etc.

For all you know, you have mental issues and the alcohol and marijuana was not to blame at all, just things you used as an excuse instead of facing a deeper truth about yourself.

But, you keep telling yourself whatever you'd like to feel better.

I smoke weed because

Because you can't 'cope' with life sober, yeah?

thank you for this! Good vibes :)

yeahhhhh I needed that. <3

Fantastic post - keep positive brother

So what is the conspiracy?

"Conspiracy - a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful"

I have no idea who is behind it all, or if we are all slowly contributing to the division that exists between us, but the conspiracy is that someone intends to stop our growth, to stop our connection, to create division and barriers of various means (Religion, race, social status, financial status, career, etc), we are all just human, but we are here together, and that is all we have.

The conspiracy is that someone intends to keep barriers between us, when we should be growing.

What is evil and good without God? Who decides what is evil and good? Morality requires belief in a deity.

We're born with a conscience that tells us. Sure people can ignore it but it doesn't just go away. There's no need for a "deity." If you wanna get all Bible on us, remember it says that God is love. Not a deity, not a giant guy in the clouds but a sensation within us.

The conscience was installed by God. Without God, the conscience is an obstacle that is to be overcome to do something that is "evil" but "good" for you, like stealing money and getting away with it. Guilt and conscience are just evolutionary defects then? If God is love, is love God? Are all rectangles squares, if all squares are rectangles? If there are "rules" to evil and good, then shouldn't there be an entity who made the rules? Is there an entity that enforces them? If not, why don't people just do "evil" things and try to get away with them?

Are you talking about the christian god, or the idea of god in general, no matter what religion, if any?

Are you talking about god as an entity, as a person, a deity, separate from us, sitting somewhere up there in the clouds? I think that is still how many peoples "religion" works, have some kind of authority above you to be responsible for everything.

What is the difference between religion and spirituality for you?

Nobody decides what is good and what is evil, what I mean is there is no official objective guideline defining that and what you say doesn't make sense to me, everyone builds their own understanding and picture of good and evil through experiences and life itself, your conscience grows and develops with you, how can something holistic like good and evil even be grasped by rational words and definitions. The only thing morality requires is two dualistic extremes, good and evil. without one, the other wouldn't exist or be defined.

From my point of view people do just do evil things and then try to get away with them. All the time.

A God = someone who makes the moral rules, who decides what is good and what is not, and who can enforce them. But the rules for good and evil have to come from somewhere. Here's an example. Two people are alive on the planet, and one kills the other. If there is no God, that act the first man did was just "something that happened". It wasn't right and it wasn't wrong. It only happened. If there is a God that told both men the rules- whether by giving them consciences or by telling them- that the killing was wrong, then they just violated the rules. So without a God there to arbitrate, what rule has been violated?

Why do anything "good" if it takes a lot of effort, and why not do anything "evil" offering rewards, if there is no God? If it is a social convention or an instinct, then the conscience is an obstacle to be overcome. It gets in the way of doing something that may be perceived as "evil".

Religion and spirituality don't matter. The only things that matter are desire, ability, and consequence. If someone has the desire to do a thing, the ability to carry it out, and is ok with the consequences of doing so, then it will happen. This is reality. I believe there is a God. I believe He has desires, abilities, and consequences. I believe these desires decide what is good and evil.

I don't think good and evil are dualistic. It is possible to have good without evil, but it is not easy. Good is like a default state. Evil is a corruption of the default state. We wouldn't need laws if everybody lived in a certain way, but they are there because people are not perfect enough to live in these ways. Evil and corruption are not the original status quo.


Then you are the deity in which the rules are set, you have the power to kill someone with the tools in your kitchen, you also have the ability to pull out a first aid kit and provide nurturing support.

You are the deity, the arbiter in which the rules are set.

Best of luck to you for you seem to have chosen the wrong side.

Can't appreciate all the good without the bad.

Can't speak for others but I am from time to time. Much, much less now since I got off weed and alcohol, two drugs I had foolishly convinced myself were 'okay' despite their negative consequences.