Followed, Targetted, and Harassed by TopMindsofReddit

28  2017-09-25 by raygun_cisnut

Apparently, I got on their radar with this post: which they linked and upvoted to their front page.

Today, I posted in a very small sub /r/punchableface ( a smaller version of the similar sub with the plural name, it has less than 7,000 users and usually shows around 10 people online there ) and well, some characters showed up to attack me personally in that thread, then it was linked to topminds:

What I suspect in how this was possible, is there are keyword searches, for example "Racist" which was in the post title - and then it goes to the Reddit Community Team, who is in league with TopMindsofReddit. Either that, or they have somehow followed my account to monitor anything I post so that they can give me that artificial miserable reddit experience of angry people and downvotes, a form of gangstalking and gaslighting.

How did ElCaminoSS396 find that post, and why would he put it on TopMinds? I suspect that perhaps he himself was one of those alts who showed up to try to bait me etc - to provide more of theatre that he could then post on his sub. Who told him I posted that? How did he know? Something is wrong here. Even the only comment so far on the TopMind post is just basically saying they don't see the problem. What is going on?

There has to be some recourse here, this stalking is abusive.

And it's not just happening to me.


Uh, they just looked at your comment history bro. They don't need to collude with admins to do that.

In order for what you say to be true: ElCaminoSS396 would have had to of been subscribed to that very small subreddit, then organically and naturally seen my post, then look up my comment history and decide to crosspost it to TopMinds ... that is highly highly unlikely - did you even read my post?

Your explanation makes no sense unless you are giving weight to the theory that ElCaminoSS396 refreshes my post history several times a day to check where and what I am posting - in case he needs to post what I post to TopMinds. How else?

I'm not subscribed to it and I see your posts and comments there right now.

You are not saying anything relevant. Stop derailing my thread. Ignoring you now.

Yeah, but he was on TMOR a week ago. Why are they checking his comment history now?

Thank you. Exactly this.

I dunno, maybe they have him tagged/followed in their RES. They might have TMOR lists of people they follow to post on.

Ask them, I dunno.

It doesn't have to, if you read my post I suggested more than one theory to explain:

Either that, or they have somehow followed my account to monitor anything I post

They might have TMOR lists of people to follow

Imo this is probably the case, but why? I'm pretty certain I dislike Flat Earthers as much as they dislike the Conspiracy community and I know there's a lot of people here that are the same way, but I don't follow them around on reddit criticizing them for it, nor is there some kind of database on them as far as I know. It just doesn't seem like something that would happen organically to me. It's so much effort for no payoff at all

Feed the beast I suppose. Look I'm not condoning them, I'm just explaining how easy it is to do.

I'm not trying to argue with you, just making discussion, I never thought you were condoning them. I agree that it is easy to do, it's just time consuming and unnecessary which is something people don't usually want to tolerate without some sort of payoff.

Yea, reddit and mods here do not care, imo. Fun fact, I was [removed] for calling someone a "libtard" yet someone who called another a "nazi cunt" still stood, till this day. TMOR has infiltrated this sub. Way to go guise! Sit on your hands because modding this sub is such wow!!! Pathetic.

I miss the old days before the signals were drowned in noise

I wonder how it feels like to have so many fucking dildos up your ass, to even shed one minute of your time to harass people on here

They used to have a bot that monitored targeted users to check if they posted in other subs -- "leakage", they called it. Then it would post results in an IRC channel they had so they could brigade.


There is, but it's against reddit rules, and indeed the law. Reddit admins are akin to the State; when the government is in bed with the very people they're supposed to protect their citizens against, the citizens have no other recourse than to enforce natural law (and seek justice) by their own unilateral means.

Frankly I hope this drama between r/conspiracy and the frustrated teenagers over at TMoR doesn't break into all-out war. Indeed that would entail great violence, and useless suffering on their side.

I know for a fact lots of good hackers hang on r/conspiracy. They are free thinkers by definition, and are thus attracted to this place. These people know what remote code execution vulnerabilities are, and have client-side exploit kits ready-to-use. Submitting links to unfamiliar people is similarly trivial.

Personally I chose to empathize; I realize how insecure and sad one must be to engage in such sterile activities. This is the kind of reply I tend to prefer when one of those guys addresses me.

A few weeks ago when I searched google for "r/conspiracy". "r/topmindsofreddit" came up as the second link. I was wondering what it was... clearly they are targeting this sub to the point where they were using r/conspiracy in the metadata to acquire google search prominence.

In order for what you say to be true: ElCaminoSS396 would have had to of been subscribed to that very small subreddit, then organically and naturally seen my post, then look up my comment history and decide to crosspost it to TopMinds ... that is highly highly unlikely - did you even read my post?

Your explanation makes no sense unless you are giving weight to the theory that ElCaminoSS396 refreshes my post history several times a day to check where and what I am posting - in case he needs to post what I post to TopMinds. How else?

I'm not subscribed to it and I see your posts and comments there right now.