The real reason anti-Semitism is so big in the West

2  2017-09-25 by goroboldo

Christians were forbidden from usury (lending with interest) for centuries in Europe by the Church. Jews weren't forbidden, and weren't treated well in other professions, so they ended up filling that sector of society as Mercantilism and later Capitalism appeared in Europe. Christians have only themselves to blame for this turn of events. Basically, the Church set up a legal and social environment that funnelled Jews into banking.

You don't have to be a conniving genius to see an opportunity when banking as an industry has almost no competition and your ethnic/religious group is uniquely permitted to work within it. Oh, and you're also de facto barred from most other professions because Christians think you eat blood bread or some other dumb shit.

Now, if you're poor, or even middle class, Capitalism is more than likely going to fuck you hard at one or more points in your life. So for centuries, when Christians got fucked by the bank or some other lender, it was a Jew sitting on the other side of the counter. For various stupid reasons, people tended to conclude based on this that Capitalism is fine, the problem is that there are too many Jews involved in it. Get rid of the Jews and Capitalism will finally start working for us. Too bad it never will, it's not designed to, the whole point of Capitalism is to distribute the fruits of labor upward, doesn't matter if the boss is Jewish, white, black, green, whatever.

Basically, it's class anxiety transmuted into a racial/religious bigotry because the operative economic systems weren't well-understood by commoners of the time. They still aren't, even modern anti-Semites have gross misunderstandings about how modern Capitalism operates, where value comes from, and exactly how Capitalism exploits us (no, it's not the Fed).

It's fairly straightforward, it's sad people fall for this bullshit.

The problem isn't Jews. It isn't bankers. It's Capitalism. The actually-existing Capitalism that's been around for centuries, not the alternative-history fantasy world libertarians babble about in between tongue-polishing their boss's shoes. Stop attacking Jews and start attacking the people who are telling you to attack the Jews. They're the ones who are trying their hardest to maintain your enslavement.


it's sad people fall for this bullshit.

No. I think we're alright. Nobody's falling for your bullshit today.

It's really funny how a gram of scepticism (and no more) can turn people into complete fucking idiots.

You're only the latest in a long line of rubes who've been convinced by their masters to fight amongst each other based on color of skin or shape of nose.

You have no idea who you're talking to. Don't project your bullshit on me.

"basically it's class anxiety transmuted into racial/religious bigotry" LOL

No. Just no.

what a crock of shit dude. take this garbage elsewhere.

Capitalism is to distribute the fruits of labor upward This wealth, well over a trillion a year, goes to the owners of the federal reserve. They control the market, the money, the banks, the loans, and really flat out own much of business which they have been sending jobs away to other nations for some time.

I suspect you are right to a degree, but I think generally they have been making focused effort to concentrate wealth into just a few hands. A lot of people think a lot of their nations, USA for example, is a capitalism, but it's really much farther into socialism, the owners of the federal reserve being the oligarchy.

It's Capitalism.

Can you accurately, without emotion, define capitalism? And then, define and explain your preferred economic system?

Capitalism is to distribute the fruits of labor upward****

This wealth, well over a trillion a year, goes to the owners of the federal reserve.

Resource distribution follows, and has always followed, a pareto distribution.

The only way to avoid this kind of distribution would be to perpetually "reset" resource allocation to a flat distribution. Let any system run long enough without this reset, and it will always trend to the pareto.

You've been conned by the actual Capitalist class into believing the only true Capitalism is one which empowers them even more.

yeah, nah

This is how Capitalism works, in a nutshell:

  1. All land is privatized and enforced with State violence. This is done either by enclosure (Europe) or conquest (Americas). What once belonged to inhabitants by right of ownership must now be bought and sold using government-undersigned deeds.

  2. The privatized land is bought and sold so many times that people forget how it was originally stolen from the indigenous (including the European indigenous) inhabitants.

  3. People are born homeless, and all land is owned, so the only way to get the basics of sustenance (as opposed to homesteading and farming) is to "voluntarily" enslave yourself to a master.

  4. Because of the inherent bargaining power imbalance in employment, people accept a wage that is far less than the actual fruits of their labor. This gap between value-generated and compensation, minus operating costs, is the source of profit for the owner class.

  5. The only reason people accept this shitty deal is because the alternatives are starvation/exposure from homelessness, or imprisonment if you try to homestead absentee-owned land.

  6. This system of slavery covers for itself via a brainwashing campaign where such "freedoms" are emphasized, such as the "freedom to choose your master in a marketplace" or "freedom to maybe become a master yourself someday" or "freedom to buy a plot of unused land from a speculator."

  7. People defend the system of their own enslavement because they've been ideologically blinded to the tyranny inherent to it.

I think what you see is the federal reserve system, but I don't think it's possible to convince you of this.

No, it's capitalism.

Good stuff, but these aren't exclusive to capitalism. The other Ism's oppress in the same, or similar ways. Replacing one Ism with another Ism is just a sideways move. Until the predatory lenders are removed, they're all just a slightly different flavor of shit.

You do realize that you're not being forced to keep your assets in dollars in banks? Only idiots do that! The solution is not more fucking regulations which inspire different shades of authoritarian corruption! The solution is educating people (red pilling) and then decentralization. Like with bitcoin but we need to work harder at it.

Don't be fooled by the communists. They are literally trying to blame freedom itself for human folly and advocating for individuals to be tightly controlled because they delusionally believe that some authoritarian institution will know what they should do with their lives better than themselves.

Blaming capitalism is literally nothing but blaming freedom. It's like blaming the oxygen for forest fires and arson cases alike. There are much more nuanced issues which can be solved individually instead of just saying fuck it and submitted 100 percent to authoritarianism. Marxism is an incredibly over simplified and immature theory to describe economics relationships.

Example: they literally describe every boss-employee relationship as negative when that is simply untrue. Meanwhile they want to be permenent employees of the state without any option to become individually wealthy and escape the 9-5 grind.

I have worked in government and there is just as much, if not more corruption than the private sector yet the good thing is that there are other options at the current moment but destroying the private sector would allow unchecked corruption in the public sector without any way to escape. And history has showed us the end result time and time agian.

Doesn't matter what sort of money you use, you'll still be enslaved and controlled by them. If you don't pay the taxes they take everything and put you in prison.

False. Ever wonder how rich people don't pay taxes? There are ways to hide your wealth which are impossible to track or prosecute and all kinds of loopholes.

But anyways you were talking about the debt pyramid and I informed you that there are a number of other practical options to hedge against this. Gold is probably the best of them.

Website that lets you spend gold like a debit card:

Podcast with world's leading economist who predicted 2008:

They already have and own the majority of basically everything, this is a huge issue in itself. Just removing yourself from the system doesn't solve the problem.

Good news though that Trump just cut taxes.

Last I heard it's largely a tax cut for the rich. Have much that says contrary?

Really, it hardly matters though. The national debt is a falsehood to enable your enslavement through the federal income tax. This is why the upper .1% have more wealth than the lower 90% combined, well over a trillion a year goes to the owners of the federal reserve. The entire government is a puppet show as well as the media, actors.

Hurr durr (((they))) run everthing so we should just give up or convert to communism/national-socialism.

What do you suggest we do about it? I'm suggesting solutions which, if more people took part in, would decentralize wealth and power. Cryptocurreny, open-source software, gold, and even the Uber Model all are things which give an individual more agency and more power!

Last I heard it's largely a tax cut for the rich. Have much that says contrary?

You're implying that rich people don't avoid taxes already! Do you understand how trusts and off shore account work?! Do you understand that many rich people in the United States have family members that are residents of other countries specifically for the reason that they can avoid taxation?

This taxcut is mostly for the middle-class. People who actually have ancillary income and will actually spend that money! It's going to have a huge boost on the economy and you are implying that we get benefits from giving the corrupt, warmongering, prison and military industrial complex more money! The US federal government needs to be bled dry.

Also, I don't think you exactly know how the debt system works. It's completely separate from federal income tax. Also low interest rates are usually a good thing which helps people start their own businesses.

So yeah basically I don't understand what your solution is? Decentralization and privatization is my solution.

Hurr durr (((they))) run everthing so we should just give up or convert to communism/national-socialism.

Hah what? What the hell kind of opener is that?

Sarcasm.. maybe you've heard of such a thing?

Also, Trump cut the death tax. The death tax is atrocious. Seriously, proves how terrible the neoliberal establishment is for supporting it. That money is already taxed and people should never ever be forced to pay more than 50 percent of their income to taxes and the death tax only serves to create a cottage industry in "trusts," and off shore accounts.

But most of all the death tax is extremely and overtly unethical. That money was already taxed and it's meant to steal money from families which work hard. Imagine working hard your whole life to give your kids a few million dollars and someone like Hillary Clinton says you have to give 2 million to the federal government when you die! DISGUSTING

Imagine a family suffers a tragic loss in some terrible accident and the government swoops in and takes 2 thirds of the children's inheritance! That is atrocious! And the intention of the tax was to make the federal government the de facto richest organization in the world. In reality though rich people just find ways to get around it and there is a whole industry which does this.

The worst part is that the people less likely to set up trusts are the ones who have the minimum required capital which qualifies them for the death tax. That means that parents who are tragically killed in accidents right after finding success really are the ones that are most likely to leave their children only two thirds of what they worked so hard for!

By capitalism, do you mean the centrally planned system where a bunch of old men (and one toad) manipulate interests rate and print money ad nauseam?

Or is it the system which follows most of the "10 commandments" of the communist manifesto?

Just to make sure we agree on words...

In truth, the USA is a perfeclty "mixed system". The "perfect" mix of communism and fascism, a so-called social-democracy - a syncretism between the two deadly opposing forms of 20th-century collectivisms. As always, it is meant to serve the privileged few.

The only valid political dichotomy is liberty vs tyranny.

Capitalism is tyranny, but heavily propagandized to be liberty.

You're free to sell your labor for a fraction of its fruits.

You're free to compete with fellow workers for the necessities of life.

You're free to be born into homelessness and spend the rest of your life working for the same means of basic sustenance that was available before Capitalism privatized the commons.

If by capitalism you mean neoliberalism, i.e. the system founded upon the neoclassical school of macroeconomics, then I have to agree with you. One must realize the backbone of this tyranny is the fraudulent and coercitive money system.

If we had real liberty, people would be free to voluntarily form/join whatever system they like, whether a secluded valley à la John Galt, or a collectivist utopia (or to live alone in the forest). The key is the absence of coercion and respect for the golden rule (no initiation of violence).

It is my impression that the Internet will allow such a panarchist dream to emerge; as it is increasingly making government irrelevant. In particular P2P crypto-money is an important stepping stone to fully separate money and State, an essential endeavour.

If you think an Ism will save us, or condemn us, you're wrong. The Ism's are just the tools they use to oppress us. Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, etc. They all have their ideals, and their fatal flaws. Until we build an Ism with the built in protections to empower us against the Banking Mafia, then our governments will always be swept up and bought out, sooner or later.

And they'll be bought out by the same religious and banking parasites that have plagued us for centuries, and longer. Many of them are "Jewish". Many of them are "European" monarchs. Many rule over America. Russia has been theirs for over a century. It's not about one race vs another. It's about all of us vs the ones who rule over us with debt, religious and financial.

and here I am following all the clues left in lower manhattan. gawd I'm an idiot.

Incidentally, the Salem Witch Trials and similar witch hunts had a similar character to them. Most of the "witches" were relatives of landlords and bosses to the poorer sections of colonial towns. People at that time very poorly-formed conceptions of themselves as economic agents, and so conceived of their sorrows in religious terms, as the work of evil spirits and witches. Many of the children who accused adults of witches had, for years, heard those adults' names being uttered with disdain by their parents who paid rent to them or worked for them.

Caliban and the Witch goes into this in much better detail, but the point I'm making here is that it's a tried-and-true tactic of the ruling class to turn working people on each other using divisions of religion, race, and gender. Don't fall for it.