The Wide-Spread Degradation of Mitochondria

23  2017-09-25 by keball

As both a biomedical and public health researcher, I have often tried to find a universal connection behind the prevalence of chronic disease and the health of our mitochondria seems to be the answer.

The mitochondria are bacteria that live inside most of our cells and supply most of the energy currency, ATP, through a near motor-like system called Oxidative Phosphorylation (OXPHOS) along the Electron Transport Chain. Healthy mitochondria elongate, and the surface area of the cristae, folds wherein OXPHOS occurs, increases, promoting more energy potential per mitochondria unit. Similar to cells, mitochondria can divide, move, and former networks in strategic locations near structures that require large amounts of energy.

Furthermore, mitochondria are inherited from mothers. Giving a direct genetic line where metabolic disease, disorders, and energetic inefficiency can be inherited. Many pollutants, carcinogens, inflammatory agents, drugs, foods, and more, promote the production of Reactive Oxidative Species (ROS) and other DAMPs (damage associated molecular pathogens) which can easily cause structural damage to the mitochondria or mitochondrial DNA (it is more susceptible than nuclear DNA because bacteria have limited protection). As these agents increasingly affect a person, the ratio of healthy to unhealthy mitochondria can change, promoting disease states. Furthermore, the mitochondria in your eyes and brain can be completely different than those in your leg muscles or heart, a state called heteroplasmy (nuclear DNA is homoplasmy, same in all cells). Returning to the maternal inheritance: a proposed theory of maternal inheritance is the "mitochondrial bottleneck" wherein RANDOM mitochondria are transferred from mother to egg. So it's a chance game on what mitochondria will transfer to child, however if 50% of your mitochondria are healthy and 50% diseased, the chances of child inheriting disease is more likely.

We have all heard of the "beer belly" or the person who just exercises their biceps and triceps but not their calves. What this phenotype comes down to is as the person exercises or drinks the mitochondrial energetic potential in these regions change so the person can support the mechanics of these structures. In the beer belly case though, the mitochondria in the gut organs become diseased and produce scant amounts of energy and cant process the rush of carbohydrates hitting the system, promoting fat deposition. A similar story occurs in the development of Diabetes Type II where the Beta-cells which produce insulin according to blood sugar are chronically inflamed and destroyed by the immune system. The mitochondria in these regions are ravaged and beaten and end up contributing to the destruction of the region. Mitochondria additionally control the on and off switch for apoptosis (cell death) and can be implicated in cancers (immortal cells, the on/off switch is gone!)

The connection between mitochondrial health and these modern diseases following the 1950s is infallible. However, indirectly, synthetic ways of life, the capitalistic societies we live in, and disregard for community health promote environments where mitochondrial damage is inevitable. The real conspiracy I am attempting to illuminate is the disregard for viewing ENERGY as source of disease rather than just MATTER. I consider this as logical, given life in a materialistic society, focused on body parts or organs being diseased, however these organs would not exist without ENERGY.


Energy is too often portrayed as "plus' or minus (+, -). I feel there is a runaround with this description of the 'energy' flowing in or out of cells.

Sure, whenever you turn something into a dichotomy, you lose information in between. In a sense, what I am saying is that more energy is flowing out of us than can be made in a sustainable way.

it woul not be the case that the mitochondria in the ovaries will be the same since you said that they vary according with the part of the body that they are in. so a bad mitocondrial mother would varry acording with the time not by chance?

Both time and chance, mitochondria at time of development of ovum and chance of those mitochondria in that region

Yes, but oocytes are developed at, and shortly after birth. Ergo, reducing the ability for environmental influence and epigenetic changes in the ova to accumulate.

Fascinating post. Can you expand a bit on the jump from matter to energy though?

From a clinical and medical view, so many "disease states" are viewed through a lens of material diagnosis: i.e. a tumor, a physical characteristic, a biomarker, a genetic marker. However disease states are dynamic and energy seems to be the intermediate between environment and matter. If you have heard of the field of epigenetics, this relates to the programming of genes and processes in order to best compensate for the environments the organism is in. In a sense, epigenetics can guide the energetic programming of the organism which will be a key protocol in the growth, repair, and regeneration of the organism.

I am using matter and energy loosely here, in a very biological sense.

Epigenetics is one of the most important medical discoveries of all time, and seems deliberately kept at a very low profile in the collective consciousness - you simply never see it in popular media or entertainment and yet it effects the very expression of who we become as people on the most fundamental level. It is another bridge constructed of western science that potentially affirms eastern concepts like intentionality, mindfulness, and karma.

Have you heard of Luc Montagnier's take on oxidative stress? Or Linus Pauling's advocacy of ascorbic acid, essentially arguing in the same direction? Do you think this relates to what you write? If not, could it provide an alternate explanation/solution to the morbid prevalence of chronic diseases in your opinion?

Yes, these pieces are cited in some of the resources/readings/classes I have taken and are part of the united theory.

Check out DC Wallace: "A mitochondrial bioenergetic etiology of disease" Figure 1

what you are saying is that we eat a lot of calories, but our degraded mitochondria is unable to convert all of it to atp and thats whats causing modern diseases? but isnt atp matter too?

In a sense, yes, but the greater association is the "by-product" from those degraded mitochondria as they are trying to supply the amount of energy required by the human. A motor simile is good: imagine a racing engine, clean and efficient, vs. a beater-up car with insane exhaust fumes. (healthy vs. diseased mito.) If both need to go 1 mile, the exhaust from the beater-up will be much greater than the racing car.

A snowball effect occurs because the "exhaust" from the diseased mitochondria promote more damage in nearby regions.

ATP is matter, however I am speaking more to when ATP is dephosphorylated to release energy for cellular processes.

so excersize and anti-oxidants (like vit. c) are the solution? and obviously other factors, like stress and pollutant free environment etc..

is this reversible with positive lifestyle changes? can we restore our cellular health?

Yes positive lifestyle changes can definitely restore your cellular health. The amazing thing is that mitochondria are very malleable and the key is to restoring your ratio of healthy to unhealthy mitochondria.

Check out Ray Peat brah.

This may be totally unrelated....but have you heard of biophoton emissions from humans? (Literally difficult to detect light photon emissions from humans)

6 pointed star.... O_o

I wonder if this has anything to do with spirituality (like how some people say "imagine your body filling with light" type meditations).

Could be related to mitochondria somehow. My science memory is a little fuzzy, but aren't photosynthesizing plant chloroplasts (which involve photons) similar to mitochondria, something about oxidative phosphorylation?

Man, it would be pretty cool if we could live off the sunlight. :D

Yes look up cytochrome c.

Ah interesting. Thanks.

Yes this is tied to vitamin D , it's a bit of a jump start for the mitochondria motors

My best friend has mitochondrial disease. After years of medical visits she was diagnosed by an intern. This disease is heart breaking. The loss of body function, brain function and life are really harsh. Keep up the research.

any pollutants, carcinogens, inflammatory agents, drugs, foods, and more, promote the production of Reactive Oxidative Species (ROS) and other DAMPs (damage associated molecular pathogens)

Please include electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency. Papers:

[WIKI] Mitochondria Dysfunction

[WIKI] Mitochondria Dysfunction: Treatments

Dr. Jack Kruse created the epi-paleo diet:

Thank you for the resources, will read when I get the chance.

Thank you for your easy to comprehend post on a difficult topic to comprehend.

Any thoughts on pqq, q10, and alpha lipoic acid?

Do we know how mitochondria react to persistent presence of radioisotopes like cesium, strontium, and alpha emitters?

Sure, whenever you turn something into a dichotomy, you lose information in between. In a sense, what I am saying is that more energy is flowing out of us than can be made in a sustainable way.

Yes this is tied to vitamin D , it's a bit of a jump start for the mitochondria motors