The Social Justice Conspiracy

4  2017-09-27 by petrus4

I've seen a consistent pattern of subversion online, aimed at literally anything which men in particular find, or are assumed to find, culturally valuable. It has been done to Linux and the BSD computer operating systems, it has been done to Doctor Who, and now it has been done to Star Trek.

There has been a visible astroturf campaign for Discovery on both Reddit and YouTube, as well; I'm seeing enormous amounts of spite directed at fans of the old series. The format of this initiative is very similar to the campaign that Hillary/Democrat supporters were running on 4chan immediately prior to the last election, as well as Gamergate.

These campaigns seem to consistently have the following characteristics:-

a} Subversion of cultural leaders/authority figures.

In the case of 4chan, the owner of the site was seduced by a woman who was later discovered to have strong connections with radical feminism. The previous moderation staff were almost completely expelled, with new moderators engaging in censorship that was meant to further the radical feminist cause.

The feminist infiltration of Doctor Who has been a lot more subtle; I only really know about it because of the way the writing for the program has changed. There is a lot of complaint about it on YouTube, however; and some of it is ironically coming from women themselves.

In the case of Linux, the administrators of a large number of distributions were somehow forced to accept systemd, a piece of software that has taken over many of the system's core functions, and which has been harshly and repeatedly criticised by many people associated with Linux's development. FreeBSD and NetBSD have also had their earlier package management systems usurped with excessively complex replacements; and on one occasion I observed radical feminists discussing in email, how FreeBSD's mailing lists were going to be subverted into "safe spaces."

b} Blanket replacement of all male figures/images with female ones, without any regard whatsoever for serious integration of the characters in question, or the quality of new storylines.

This has apparently been done to almost the entire line of Marvel comics, with the result that sales have plummeted. A particularly silly example was the replacement of Thor with a female character; which was irrational for the reason that the Aesir (the Gods who Thor is a member of) already have Goddesses and powerful female figures (Freya and the Valkyries, among others) who the feminists could have used for inclusion purposes, without destructively disrupting the existing comic's story.

c} An attitude of intense spite and vindictiveness, and an apparent desire to destroy, purely for said destruction's own sake.

One of the main forms this has taken, is the use of hostile and condemnatory stereotypes as a means of attempting to silence opponents. 4chan users are generalised as "autistic, sexually deprived neckbeards who live in their parents' basements," as one example. In the case of Star Trek Discovery, there has apparently been an intense campaign to ridicule both the old series and anyone who values it; I've noticed age-related attacks seem particularly common.

There are two things about this pattern which I do not understand, however.

a} Inclusion of minorities, by itself, does not seem to be the goal; despite the attempts of these people to claim otherwise.

I say this because of the incredibly diverse casts that virtually every series of Star Trek in particular has had, including people of colour, women, extraterrestrials, and artificially intelligent characters. I don't understand how any alleged social justice advocate can logically make the claim that Star Trek is not inclusive.

The main purpose of this seems to be to simply destroy things which the group in question perceives as valuable, to those who they view as their enemies. In other words, if I am a man and I appreciate Doctor Who, then Doctor Who should be destroyed in order to remove something I like and attempt to cause me unhappiness. There really doesn't seem to be any other reason for it.

b} How so many of these campaigns have been so successful.

I will never understand, in particular, how systemd managed to ram itself into so many Linux distributions. Systemd's supposed advocates have claimed that it is simply because systemd is a better alternative, but from the volume of technical criticism that it has received, I know that that is not the case.

I can only assume that in each case, the pseudo-feminists have found a way to coerce the relevant subcultural leaders, (as they visibly did in the case of 4chan) and have then used online vilification and astroturfing as a means of bludgeoning audiences and end users into line.

I want to achieve three other objectives, here.

a} I want to understand the psychological process, in terms of childhood development in particular, which produces radical, vengeful pseudo-feminists. I am using the prefix "pseudo" here because, if you do some research into early feminism, you will discover that the original feminists not only had much more rational goals, but their attitude towards men was not vicious and destructive like this group's is.

b} I want to identify and publically expose the individuals who are primarily responsible for both the existence of this group, and its' actions.

c} I want to find a way to reverse the effects of their current campaigns, and to innoculate subcultures against being vulnerable from these kinds of attacks in the future.


Thank you for this.

Be sure to check in on the affiliations of NGO'S and earlier tax free organizations that were supported by them. This seems to be the start of the control of the narrative. Way to hit it in the base of the tree killerjavi98, unfortunately this institution is the top of the root system o d the tree. Don't forget the roots that grow underground are as big as the tree that you see. I believe the Tavistock is the culmination of the Khazarians ideology.

Point..1A youre referring to moot right?


Just making sure - that's a very lofty description of a dude who founded an image board for manga and anime.

Probably the only nice thing written about him on the internet, so good job.

4chan is unpleasant in many respects, but it has also served beneficial purposes.

Yeah he passively contributed to early internet memes, and at least 4chan had some selfawareness in his days, its now entirely metastasized with the cancer killing /b/.

its now entirely metastasized with the cancer killing /b/.

I've always considered /pol/ worse. As disgusting as /b/ might be at times, it's essentially aimless. The malevolence of /pol/ on the other hand, is consciously directed towards specific objectives.

In other words, if I am a man and I appreciate Doctor Who, then Doctor Who should be destroyed in order to remove something I like and attempt to cause me unhappiness.

I understand what you mean, but I don't think this particular one is as sinister as you would believe. The general idea behind them doing it comes down to two points (in my opinion) :

  • Why does the doctor need to be a man to please some fans?

  • Do women fans "deserve" a woman doctor since it has been a man for so long?

I think the main issue is that they are not trying to come up with something creative and new to appeal to this set of fans, instead of just hijacking established characters to make a point.

Eh, he mentioned the writing and it's been downhill since the Danny Pink season.

The writers devalued Capaldi's character to make Clara the lead.

This sort of garbage was once relegated to University Campuses and rarely saw any traction in the mainstream. The moment they start to take over mediums that are open to all spectrums of thought, they begin to lose. Their ideology is a transperant divide/conquer power-play. Luckily, it seems to have the opposite effect. So much so that simply supporting freedom of thought and speech becomes a radical act, almost a counter-culture.

Now they've brought it to sports. The one place where the majority of America goes to distract themselves from the daily bullshit political grandstanding. It's going to be interesting how it turns out.

As someone who works with Linux servers for a living, fuck systemd and fuck Lennart Poettering. The guy literally got death threats for making systemd and people talked about crowd sourcing the funds for a deep web hit contract on him.

The guy literally got death threats for making systemd and people talked about crowd sourcing the funds for a deep web hit contract on him.

I'm glad I wasn't alone in feeling like that.

Use void Linux.

They are those who literally hate and want to destroy the West. Particularly straight white Christian males.

Def something to this.

Thanks. It's just something I've noticed, over and over again. Check the Tavistock link I was given in this thread as well.

4 Chan has kind of brought its derision in itself. They call themselves autists, so I don’t think it’s a conspiracy they get called neck beards. Also I enjoyed the female Thor storyline, it was based on Thor’s comic book history so it doesn’t really count as a bastardization of Norse mythology (especially since Thor never fought Ultron in Norse mythology either, but nobody is complaining about that) Doctor Who being a woman shouldn’t be that upsetting to you also. I think the conspiracy is why people use simple changes like this to push the idea of a bigger culture war, only furthering the divide in this country, and distracting from actual issues, of which defending 4 chan and complaining about writers trying something different in mediums that have been around for 30 plus years and are running out of ideas.

4 Chan has kind of brought its derision in itself.

I can agree with that.

Beware the Feminists are watching this.

Feminism is creative destruction against women under the guise of empowering them.

Reverse Psychology at its finest form.

Beware the Feminists are watching this.

I've known that /r/Socialism at least has had sleeper agents in here for some time.

Assuming that they are watching, however; what can they do?

I hate to distill such a simple answer out of such a thoughful post. But, misery loves company. Everything is derivative of that basic idea. I think it is weaponized self-loathing, and an utter incapacity for self-awareness. The problem masquerading as the solution.

As I've written elsewhere, I think the plan behind this is to completely destroy what is perceived as male culture, to the point where they eventually manage to provoke a violent response. Once that happens, they will either force Trump to pretty much completely destroy what little is left of civil liberty, or will continue demonising him as a fascist if he refuses to do so.

They're trying to cause incidents.

Ya, but it is about goals. I was referring to the soldiers and useful idiots of the movement here. But if women were seen as the greater power in the world, this program would be aligned against them instead. And you are exactly right, they want us to destroy ourselves.

I was referring to the soldiers and useful idiots of the movement here.

I am not really worried about them any more. I want to know who the ringleaders are, because they are the people who we need to do something about.

Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter.

There seems to be some weird stuff going on with the feminist movement. It has become quite divorced from the everyday concerns of women, like quality childcare for example, or violent pornography, and moved onto nebulous ideological battles that I don't really know if anyone gives a shit about. For instance, I don't think many of the feminists applauding a female Dr Who will actually watch the show, I'm quietly hoping ratings drop so drastically that other shows think twice about enforcing a PC agenda - and I used to be a full on gender studies feminist before the whole thing went batshit. The only conciliatory thing I can say is that I think the feminist movement has been high jacked and weaponised to cause the maximum amount of annoyance possible, while achieving very little of practical substance for women in general. It used to be championed by passionate women, now it looks like an agenda appears from nowhere, like women and the draft, for example, and the media crack on with it before the average household feminist gets to say WTF. Personally I'm hoping that the obsession with PC scripting is short lived and things will get back to normal as viewers turn off and market forces take over. I don't think women want to watch female characters that have been clumsily shoehorned into male roles and act like men except with the odd joke about periods before the obligatory lesbian kiss that shows they're empowered etc.

The only conciliatory thing I can say is that I think the feminist movement has been high jacked and weaponised to cause the maximum amount of annoyance possible, while achieving very little of practical substance for women in general.

Agreed. You probably know more about it than I do, but from what I have seen, the first and second waves were much more rational and focused on genuinely helping women. To a certain extent I blame seperatist lesbianism as much as anything else. Feminism doesn't seem to have been a predominantly heterosexual movement for a long time now; and I think that's where a lot of the hatred of men comes from.

Good post, glad it did not turn into the opposite narrative as so often is the case with polarizing issues.

The only conciliatory thing I can say is that I think the feminist movement has been high jacked and weaponised to cause the maximum amount of annoyance possible, while achieving very little of practical substance for women in general.

Agreed. You probably know more about it than I do, but from what I have seen, the first and second waves were much more rational and focused on genuinely helping women. To a certain extent I blame seperatist lesbianism as much as anything else. Feminism doesn't seem to have been a predominantly heterosexual movement for a long time now; and I think that's where a lot of the hatred of men comes from.