Question: why is this place absolutely infested with trolls who won't allow conspiracy theorists to discuss conspiracy theories unassaulted?

48  2017-09-27 by naturalproducer


The AI's are being consolidated. The machine mind, the Internet or "ether-net" is becoming god. We're literally watching it happen. These trolls are probably all paid or bots. At least I hope they are cause otherwise they're just confrontational and a handicap on our movement.

What conspiracy theory are you not allowed to discuses?

Where did I say there was a conspiracy theory we aren't allowed to discuss? Go back and read the OP again and then come back and harass me some more.

Oh, sorry, yes, I See. You seem to be demanding the right to post free of any challenge to what you post.

No, the right to post without being targeted by loser censors

Only mods can censor you.

So which mods are you saying are losers? I'm sure they'd love to know.

Every single one

Don’t take the bait. They’re trying to get you banned.

Removed. Rule 10. First warning.

But a very good show of the left’s true character. Reminds me of Soviet era informants.

I'm sure some will be surprised to find out they're actually liberals.

You said you're being assaulted. By words. Think about that. That's the ultimate snowflake talk.

Because as crazy and sensational as some of our material can be, we get many important things right. Not just that, but when we are wrong the allegations are still very serious. So, right wrong or indifferent, it comes down to reputation management. It does not benefit anyone in power to let anyone else take us seriously at any time. So we are indiscriminately carpet bombed by astroturf campaigns from numerous entities.

That we have any real users here anymore is a testament to our tenacity. Godspeed fellow CTs.

Not just that, but when we are wrong the allegations are still very serious

What does that mean? Are you saying it is ok to promote wrong claims if they are strong enough to cause damage even if wrong?

How does promoting theories that are easily disproved help this sub?

It's not that we're promoting blatantly false claims, but when searching through such an entrenched mucky mixture of falsities and half truths, things are stated as hypothesis that may be wrong, though if true would cause serious damage.

The point of the sub is to formulate hypothesis in search of the truth, and just like in science, or like a police detective, things are researched that turn up untrue.

How many innocent people have been jailed or executed for crimes they didn't commit, after the available evidence suggested it was indeed them who perpetrated the crime, enough evidence to even convict in court?

Allegations around here, even if they are not true, are still bad news for whoever they are about, they are serious in that regard. This is not a good thing, it is a consequence of how these communities work, where we rarely have definitive information.

But you knew that.

What conspiracy theories aren't allowed to be discussed?

Anything involving Hillary Clinton.. Weird we’re not supposed to talk about the crimes of a former Secretary of State and someone who could have very well been President if the media brainwashing was more successful. Everyone knows she’s a dodgy bitch and no amount of whinging shills are going to stop us discussing her

There are thousands of posts about Hillary Clinton on this sub. You're clearly allowed to talk about her.

relevant username

Now go through them and look out for the unusual downvoting and the inevitable “why are you still talking about her she lost” questions

"Now go through the 20,000 Hillary posts that weren't allowed to find downvoting and comments of disagreement"

Yep, dishonest as fuck.

You went through them quick. If only the FBI were that fast going through her 33,000 deleted emails!

You know exactly what I mean when I say ‘not allowed’. You choose to pick at that technicality instead of addressing the actual point. If you flock to a conspiracy sub to defend Hillary Clinton, something is wrong. When I see ‘people’ here defend Clinton over crimes she’s been caught out doing - that’s the real dishonesty

If you go to a conspiracy sub and only post about Clinton while remaining silent on Trump's meetings with Russian agents and his administration's use of private email servers, something is wrong.

People usually don't actually defend Clinton, they just show the hypocrisy of bashing Clinton while Trump is the actual president and guilty of many sketchy things.

If Obama or Hillary had numerous meetings with Russian agents during their campaign, that's all that would get posted here.

His administration hasn’t been caught sending classified information over private email servers yet. Nor did they delete 33,000 emails when this was brought to attention. That’s a big difference.

No doubt Trump isn’t 100% clean but he’s not the one who fucked over Libya and Haiti like Clinton did. There is a lot of hard evidence for a Clinton being a shady person. No hard evidence against Trump yet despite heavy monitoring before the election.

Hillary received hundreds of millions of dollars in donations from fucked up places like Saudi Arabia... why would a country that doesn’t think much of women at all donate to a female presidential candidate if it weren’t for some expected political favours? The Ukrainian government which Obama helped put in after a coup was also trying hard to influence the election to help Hillary. We know Hillary’s team met with Chinese government officials before the election, no doubt they were trying to get some dirt on Trump too. That’s politics

To be fair, Hillary (and Bill) have been in politics for decades. Of course she's going to have more political blood on her hands than Trump.

Considering Trump's last few decades of business dealings and his current start to politics, I think it's safe to say he's going to have plenty of blood on his hands once it's all said and done.

You hit the nail on the head. I can't tell you how many times I've been told "you're just bitter Hillary lost" when I criticize Trump. Actually, no, I'm not.

The obsession is just weird. There's so many posts about her that don't have anything to do with a conspiracy, it's just trash talk.

You're dealing with people who hold hard, binary beliefs that depend on the delusion that everyone who doesn't believe what they do must believe whatever they see as the polar opposite. Somehow, I'm not allowed to think Hilary Clinton is an entitled lifer politician and that Donald Trump is the world's most flamboyant douche bag all at the same time.

TIL that people in the sub that promoted the pizzagate theory the hardest think they "can't" talk shit about Clinton. As if anti-Clinton sentiment wasn't the entirety of this sub during the election and the months immediately after. Who is stopping you from talking shit? They must not be very effective at their job because the very purpose of this sub for the last year has been as a clearinghouse for anti-Clinton=/pro-Trump propaganda.

I don't know why people in this sub get so obsessive over their "powerful" enemies; it seems to me that their enemies are so ineffective that they can't prevent this sub's denizens from speaking out against them.

The whole pizzagate theory would never have taken off if it wasn’t for the creepy suggestive Podesta emails and fucked up Instagram posts. That wasn’t pulled out of thin air, these were Podesta’s own words. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but the way it was shut down so quick was eerie and unsettling

Question: had those e-mails been between two non-Democratic politicians - say, between two normal, regular-ass businessmen somewhere - would the conversations contained in those e-mails, the ones that mentioned pizza - would they have bothered you at all? Would you have interpreted them to be about child pornography and pedophilia if the exact same words had been exchanged between politicians you didn't already dislike? Because it seems to me that, if you remove the imposed context of, "these are high-level crooked politicians discussing raping and murdering children," that much of the material in those e-mails that led to pizzagate were actually benign and straightforward. It seems like the only reason people thought that they had any sinister double-meaning is because they originated from public figures that people on this sub already hated.

You mean like the perverted instagram posts by Alefantis? Someone who isn’t a democratic politician and whom most people on this sub had never heard off? I won’t post the links here because they seriously are messed up. Look them up for yourself and try to make a sane explanation for them. Fair enough the $65,000 worth of ‘hotdogs’ Obama had flown in for a party could have been drugs, however the instagram posts are far less ambiguous

I've seen them. The guy likes weird art. So do a lot of people. Again, the only reason why this is even an issue is because Alefantis is connected to the Clintons and Podesta via this theory. Of course, independently of his connection to Clinton, no one would give a shit about Alefantis. Your rebuttal just bolsters my original point.

You must be entirely delusional if you don't think Hillary Clinton is allowed to be discussed here. Search "Clinton" in the search bar for this subreddit. I mean where do you idiots spewing easily verifiably false claims even come from?

anything relevant to the corruption of the power elite in the USA.

Well, yeah, I've noticed that a lot of people don't like to hear anything negative about Trump as if somehow he's not among the power elite.

That's different though. Of course if you're conned you don't want to admit it. I'm not talking about individual politicians.

Awesome transition! Sure doesn't get tiring see you constantly do it!

Who is stopping you from talking, and how are you being assaulted?

This is literally safe space snowflake talk, ironically.

Even more ironic is that your response is an example of what the OP is talking about.

But nobody is assaulting anyone, how do you assault someone with a reddit comment?

By hurting their feelings.

If you're going to be a pedant, you could at least be correct. Acting like colloquial use of language doesn't exist in order to dismiss someone's claim does fit in with your blatantly disingenuous discussion style, though.

Purposely being obtuse to make a stupid point is exactly the kind of stuff that ruins discussion on this sub.

try harder

I'm impressed that you're doubling down on the same arrogant, dismissive schlock you provided yesterday.

You always make great contributions to this sub!

As a long time lurker. It sucks to see this place go down hill.

Dedicated conspiracy sites aka AboveTopSecret are already lost to the shills a loooooong time ago. It is no different here.

It takes little effort to shill, they just have to disrupt any thread that goes off the official narratives.

This has been going on for years and years. The groups who troll and harass come and go. Before Hillary's clan it was EnoughRonPaulSpam, before that it was the PancakeBreakfast jewish shills.

The main difference over the years is that the mod's have included more and more shills as time has gone on.

What kind of mod on a conspiracy site bans people for using the word "shill"? Fuck that.

As a long time commenter, it is nice to see that even though people complain, the sub still attracts the occasional diamond in the rough, making it worth visiting here daily, which I still do.

The 'glass half empty' types are their own worst enemies.

Because they're paid by the government to disrupt and discredit alternative theories. But most of the people who put forth these theories are also government shills paid to misdirect and discredit alternative thinkers. So it's a real shit show out there, with the truth covered in a layer of nearly impenetrable fog.

As someone whose been called a paid shill on here for various topics, I’d say this is false. The reality is half these theories are so easily disprovable or unbelievable that when they get called out, threads like this pop up.

Besides, who the fuck would hire people to troll users on this tiny, insignificant sub? What purpose would that serve? It's such a ridiculous notion.

This is what I've never understood either.

I think even conspiracies need to be questioned. In most cases, conspiracies are realized by questioning the accepted narrative.

If the government tells me that fluoride, lead and cyanide in my water is safe, I'm gonna have to question it.

If Alex Jones tells me that Sandy Hook was a False Flag incident orchestrated by The Reptilian Overlord aliens in order to propagate their species in Antarctica, on the bottom side of our flat Earth, I'm probably going to question it too.

Since you are on a conspiracy type forum, I hope you recognize that discourse must be encouraged, even if it's against your own beliefs or tribe.

Theres discourse and then there is mocking, harassment, and people who will badger and argue no matter how sound the theory is. I think we're all talking about the latter.

Eh; I've seen a lot of people ask serious questions on this sub and just get shouted down as a troll. I've often wanted to ask questions and have conversation about things I've seen posted here but never wanted to get in a pissing match with someone calling me a troll for daring question something.

Question everything. Trust no one.

(Except for an uncited post I read on 4chan, that can be taken at face value.)

As is tradition

We all know the less evidence there is, the more it must be true.

I used to consistently ban them to thin their numbers, being an impossible task to 100% clear the place of trolls I was happy with just banning the most obvious ones.

And now you can't. Why is that?

Because I resigned as a mod.

Weren't you and DronePuppet running troll sockpuppets (i.e. MAGABolt et al) that you would unban when banned by other mods?

How is that helping what OP's complaining about?

I don't run sock puppets, can only speak for myself.

Funny how this post is currently downvoted to zero, presumably by the "trolls" you are referring to. I think some are trolls who enjoy making fun of people who discuss conspiracies because it gives them a sense of superiority, but I think most of what you are seeing is inorganic shilling to get us not to discuss certain topics that their handlers deem off limits.

If anything, this attempt at suppression has made me want to discuss these conspiracies more. Clearly, some of the posts here are hitting very close to the mark.

I agree with you, theres lots of accusations and personal attacks, sarcasm and just overall poisonous behaviour on here, instead of actual discussion of topics. The reason is obvious, but its a shame. Topics like pedogate, aliens, spirituality etc are just bogged down with this toxic stuff. Sad.

The Left know on some level that their arguments are rationally unsupportable, and as a result, they don't try. The only tactics they have available to them are defamation, psychological abuse, and censorship. The only real reason why downvoting has ever existed on this site, is to ensure that the radical Left are able to prevent people from seeing posts or comments which demonstrate the logical illegitimacy of their perspectives.

Cointelpro is an issue to a degree; but I think it's more often SJW brigading than the government or intelligence community. It's mostly a combination of /r/Socialism leaking, and/or permanent sleeper agents who have been installed here to run interference.

A big clue is to look at posting/comment history length and karma score. If both of those are low, that is a warning sign about the legitimacy of the account in question. I find that most promotional accounts don't bother trying to make them look like real users, so they're pretty easy to spot.

Another trick that the /r/Socialism crowd have been trying in here recently, is to simply start submitting the sorts of threads that they'd have in their own sub, in order to try and simply drown the rest of us out. If you encounter threads in here about Chelsea Manning or minority politics, then that is what you're likely seeing.

Over the seven years I've used Reddit, I have become much more angry with the Left than the Right. The hard Right can be dangerous at times, but in my experience they are nowhere near as devious or indirect as Marxists are. A conservative who disagrees with you will usually try and debate you, because they will be confident that they can prove their point. A Marxist won't, because they have no confidence in the validity of their opinions, and they are also fundamentally motivated by malevolence.

Marxists believe in operating by subversion and the complete destruction of their opponents. They have no integrity, and no regard for anyone who is not part of their own groups. If you're not one of them, then as far as they are concerned you are the enemy and may be destroyed with impunity. Mercy is not something they believe in.

Great comment, only reinforced by the downvotes.

It’s also worth acknowledging/TopMindsOfReddit and their pitiful trawling of this sub (and others they’re threatened by) to crosspost and brigade.

A conservative who disagrees with you will usually try and debate you, because they will be confident that they can prove their point, and because they often believe in civilised debate

That has not been my experience at all. I love a good debate. And I'm able to debate my leftist friends well. My conservative friends? They are good for about 2 minutes before I'm called a liberal cuck (I'm not) a commie/socialist (nope) or a God hating sinner (not that either).

Perhaps it's my environment, perhaps my friends on the right are just hotheads - but either way I thought it was worth mentioning.

Good ideas survive scrutiny. I'd be more worried if everyone here agreed with each other.

Short of more advanced tools, there isn't much to be done about manipulation, so why worry about it? Don't get all your info and opinions from cheap websites like Reddit and you'll be OK.

It seems like the old people who make up our economic elite in North America have discovered (finally) that generations are growing up without corporate TV warping their minds. In their senile state of mind, they think they can turn up the noise / static and effectively silence our communications.
Meanwhile peer to peer communications are being developed that make the current internet look like the Gutenberg press. The ancient oligarchs can barely understand the current internet, let alone the future of decentralized networks.

I'm of the opinion that if you feel like you have a theory to be discussed in a public forum, you should be willing and able to defend that theory in a public forum. That is, after all, part of participating in one.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

I done, it's a conspiracy or something!

Like everything, gotta take the meat and spit the bones.

Thought is power. Proper thinking and accurately assessing what's really going on around you gives you a much greater ability to control the outcome of things.

This creates a stronger populace...and TPTB don't want that - so some hire paid shills and trolls to disrupt a natural, organic flow of information and divert it away from actual knowing.

There's that, and there are also individuals who are not paid by anyone, but are ignorant "useful idiots" as it were who troll the waters for free. This is lamentable because they only detriment themselves by disrupting honest inquiry.

Why cant conspiracy theorists research both (or all) sides of their arguments and not just their one sided perspective? They ask non-conspiracy theorists to be open minded but they rarely are! Amd why is it so impossible to have a civil discussion with them?

Perhaps we would like a place to discuss things without the likes of you. That's why reddit subs exist, so enthusiasts of whatever subject can meet and communicate about that subject. Why don't you go to r/pokemon and harass them?

Im not harassing but very seriously asking. I would lpve tp actually discuss all sides of these theories but Im the outcast for even considering that there may not be a conspiracy at all in some cases.

No, I'm asking you why don't you go to some other sub? Why are you here? You think conspiracies don't happen?

I'll ask again...

You think conspiracies don't happen?

Because im open to discussion on all sides. I want to try and understand what conspiracy theorists believe and see if that seems reasonable enough for me to believe as well. I like to view all sides. I believe that there is some truth to some of the theories out there, but its all open for discussion.

Trust me there are a lot of lurkers who agree with you. And people like OP will never have an honest discussion about other viewpoints. They want validation or nothing at all.

Why are you being so hostile? They're being polite and you're attacking them for no reason.

His cognitive dissonance probably killed him. That's why he didn't reply.

Sounds like you need a safe space.

So you want an echo chamber?

There is a lot of interference from astroturfing organizations connected to the DNC and Hillary Clinton, among others.

There is actually quite a lot of corporate and political astroturfing organizations all over the world that are active on forums and social media sites. The USA has the most registered organizations when measuring worldwide.

There is a lot of info on the astroturfing organizations Correct the Record, ShareBlue (formerly Correct the Record) and Media Matters. They are all run by David Brock. Their official mission statements that are publicly available state their intent to use propaganda for the DNC on the web and on social media such as Reddit, Facebook and Twitter. This implies the use of social community opinion management software and other tools.

Task force will help Clinton supporters push back on online harassment and thank superdelegates

Hillary Clinton PAC Spends $1 Million "Correcting" People Online And Reddit Is Furious

Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook

Podesta meets with super PACS (Priorities USA and CTR) at law firm (Perkins Coie LLP.)

Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TEDxUniversityofNevada

Reddit is Being Manipulated by Professional Shills Every Day

Troops, Trolls and Troublemakers: A Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation

From this Oxford research paper on astroturfing:

There is no doubt that individual social media users can spread hate speech, troll other users, or set up automated political communication campaigns. Unfortunately, this is also an organized phenomenon, with major governments and political parties dedicating significant resources towards the use of social media for public opinion manipulation.

... In many countries, political actors have no reported ability to field social media campaigns. In some countries, one or two known political actors occasionally use social media for political messaging, and in a few other countries there are multiple government agencies, political parties, or civil society groups organizing trolling and fake news campaigns.

Astroturfing Information Megathread- revision 8

Because a sub that exposes criminality and moral depravity is going to be targeted by those same people.

Also, I knew a dumb conspiracy theorist kid so now I dismiss the bulk of their discussions /s

Are you trying to prevent a 2 sided doscussion.... that's just a fucking echo chamber

Aww....are you concerned?

ugh you're just an asshole then. this post is the same type of snowflake safe space stuff that you likely accuse others of.

Removed. Rule 10

Yeah, it's pretty concerning. Echo chambers aren't interested in truth, they are only interested in validation.


Ego-Masturbation more like it.

Godlike Productions

r/conspiracyundone was created for this reason.

So, no one would debate or discuss anything and you could ban them if they did? Because that's all you and polkadotdude are doing over there.

There is discussion when the rules are followed. This happens when we are not being brigades like we were today.


"Why isn't this sub an echo chamber?"

Man, because they're trying to get karma for their shitty subreddit to make this place look less respectable by comparison and convince the other people that this place is insane

^ Top Mind Regular

If you need a safe space, open your own sub and set it to private.

No, I'm asking you why don't you go to some other sub? Why are you here? You think conspiracies don't happen?

I'll ask again...

You think conspiracies don't happen?

This is what I've never understood either.

There is discussion when the rules are followed. This happens when we are not being brigades like we were today.