flu shots?
76 2017-09-27 by missyhills2001
Why does EVERYONE push flu shots? I was at the checkout at Walgreens yesterday- not near the pharmacy- and they asked me if I wanted a flu shot. NO! I am trying to check out! Its everywhere. What do they gain from pushing it so relentlessly? Is it a huge payout?
1 Rayfloyd 2017-09-27
1 High7323 2017-09-27
Gotta put those heavy metals in you.. And yes the vaccine industry is worth billions.
1 kja68 2017-09-27
I work in CT for a large hospital,it is automatic dismissal if we don't get the flu shot. You are exempt for religious or medical reasons and you have to show documentation for that. I see something in this also and I don't trust it
1 8BitFlash 2017-09-27
yep I work in a hospital too. They FORCE all employees to get one. you do not have a choice. Its fucked up
1 ProfChaosMSU52 2017-09-27
Yeah. Hospital employee here too. I hate that I do not have a say in this. Well I do I just wouldn't be employed if I refuse.
1 kmordic 2017-09-27
California here. We are given a choice to refuse but are forced to wear a mask at work for 4 months or during "flu season"
1 ProfChaosMSU52 2017-09-27
That's ridiculous. Even though I have no patient contact they claim I can still be a carrier so I am required to get it. No exceptions
1 kmordic 2017-09-27
You should look into that. There has to be a legal way around that. You should contact hr. Or your union if you have one. Even a labor lawyer. I can see a company having the right to put things in your body.
1 Kolyin 2017-09-27
They have the right to require it as a condition of employment.
1 liverpoolwin 2017-09-27
As the vaccine insert warns, you're not meant to be around immunocompromised people just after a the flu vaccine, so those who've had the vaccine should be kept out of the hospital for two weeks post vaccine, so as they don't shed the virus and cause an outbreak in the hospital
1 Kolyin 2017-09-27
Actual health care professionals assess the risks totally differently than you do. Why is that?
1 liverpoolwin 2017-09-27
They are bought and paid for, all about sales and bonuses
1 Kolyin 2017-09-27
The doctors and nurses at every hospital in the country care more about money than people?
1 kmordic 2017-09-27
So they have the right to place thing in your body even if you disagree, to employ you. Seems kinda fucked up, dont you agree? Whats to stop an agency thats employing anyone ( health, construction or retail) to start placing thing in your body weather or not you aprove. Shit it might not even be for public health. What if starbucks wanted to chip all there employees to see if there calling in sick for legitimate purposes. And find out they wanted a day off instead or had a sick relative to care for. Do they get fired for that?
No thanks dont want to live in that world.
1 Kolyin 2017-09-27
No, they have the right to make it a condition of employment. The employee has the right to disagree and leave.
1 rudbek-of-rudbek 2017-09-27
Do you eat in the cafeteria? Do you have contact with people that are in direct care? Do you use the same bathrooms, touch the same door handles? It's all about refusing risk of infection. Just like requiring tb tests and immunisations.
Hospitals are accredited and graded on things like nosocomial infections. Anything they can do to reduce risk like mandating hand washing, glove wearing, viral vaccinations all reduce the risk of patients that have compromised immune systems becoming sick or sicker because of things they catch while in the hospital.
If the flu vaccine is effective of course they will require it. Hospitals are probably the one place that should be able to manatee required vaccinations because of so much contact with people that can easily contact illnesses that can be fatal due to their conditions.
1 Censoredreddit2k16- 2017-09-27
That's how it is in Florida as well.
1 Osziris 2017-09-27
Isn't that borderline illegal?
1 8BitFlash 2017-09-27
Idk. All I know is if you don't comply, you lose your job.
1 Osziris 2017-09-27
Ouch, I'm sorry, maybe you can wink wink and get a water vial instead.
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
I've known some who have done basically that.
1 Juicechased 2017-09-27
Yup lost my Job working in the emergency room for 6 years over this issue . I tried to fight it by getting a doctors note and yet I was still fired over this .
1 8BitFlash 2017-09-27
Yeah I'm just baffled at how they can make us get these vaccines, or we lose our jobs. Its crazy
1 kmordic 2017-09-27
When you allow large corporations to employ everyone. They can make up whatever they want and if you disagree you dont get any money...
1 ShittyGrammar-Nazi 2017-09-27
Or when you don't want the staff, who's job it is to make patients healthy, spreading the flu to already sick patients.
Seriously if you believe vaccines are a corporate-government conspiracy and you refuse to understand how they work you shouldn't be in medicine.
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
Do you understand flu vax at all? And do you honestly think it is the med staff, while constantly hand washing and wearing gloves, that spread flu around a hospital?
1 ShittyGrammar-Nazi 2017-09-27
No because hospitals mandate that their staff get flu shots like they damn well should
1 rudbek-of-rudbek 2017-09-27
Yes. People forget to wash their hands all the time. I've worked in hospitals. It is so fast paced that it gets missed. Also some people don't because it chaps their hands. People cough and touch their faces without thinking.
Healthcare withers aren't immune to making mistakes. The rate of nosocomial infections in hospitals is tremendous because mistakes get made in sterile and aseptic technique, and because people are filthy in general.
Hospitals are going to do whatever they can to minimize that risk. I guarantee that it you are in the hospital getting chemo you are going to hope that everyone is up to date on all vaccines and flu shots. Your immune system will be shit and you will need every advantage you can get.
If you don't want to vax, that's your business. It's unfortunate, because of herd immunity. But antivaxxers have no business working in hospitals. It's unethical, dangerous, and write possibly would open the hospital up to liability if they knew and allowed someone to continue working.
1 CivilianConsumer 2017-09-27
You’re blurring fly vaccines with established vaccinations (like polio), then throwing it in with all of modern medicine as an accept or GTFO decision. That’s wrong and unfair.
Plenty of medical professionals have concerns about the flu vaccines for variety of reasons. Doesn’t mean you don’t believe in modern medicine. There are legit concerns with the flu vaccine, and serious risks to taking it.
1 rudbek-of-rudbek 2017-09-27
Because you with in a hospital with sick people
1 PreachyVegan 2017-09-27
thanks for fighting the good fight! sorry about the job :(
1 conandy 2017-09-27
When a patient walks into a modern hospital, they should be able to trust that the people working there believe in modern medicine and are using it to make the hospital a safe and healthy environment. That includes keeping the employees vaccinated to prevent the outbreak of easily preventable diseases. If you want to risk your own health by dismissing science in favor of your misguided conspiracy theories, that is your right. But you do not have that right when acting as a health care professional in charge of vulnerable patients, many of whom do not have the option to be vaccinated because their immune systems are already compromised. If you don't trust the medical establishment, don't be a part of it. Unilaterally dismissing accepted medical practices makes you a danger to everyone who walks into your hospital.
1 bri9and 2017-09-27
Nobody is arguing about the effectiveness of vaccines, but the flu vaccine in particular is hit or miss. Often times, people experience side effects and end up getting the flu anyway. Also, while vaccines are a miracle, the debate comes down to what preservatives are being used in the vaccine.
1 rudbek-of-rudbek 2017-09-27
If it is even got 15 percent of the time that is worth it. The flu can be fatal, especially for people that are already sick. Some years it is much more effective than others. You are right, some years they don't get it quite right, but by the time they know they made the mistake it's too late.
1 Blainerss 2017-09-27
The one year my mom ever took the flu shot, that was the one year she actually got the flu... I don't ever get the flu, so i think ill pass on getting it
1 ccray218 2017-09-27
They should argue...merck faked efficacy saying MMR vaccine 95 percent works. Actually 20 to 65 depending on what year. Court case says rabbit blood added to fake immune response....since the 1990s
1 8BitFlash 2017-09-27
gotta pay bills. doest matter if I believe in it or not. I do it to make a paycheck
1 conandy 2017-09-27
You don't gotta work at a hospital, but since you do, you gotta get a flu shot. The hospital exists to heal the sick and suffering, not to employ you. If you want to make a living off of it, you do it by their rules. That's capitalism, and also really just basic decency and common sense. There's nothing fucked up about it.
1 8BitFlash 2017-09-27
yes....and I do, do it by their rules. I get flu shots because I have to. whoa buddy. All of us do not agree on the vaccinations. But we get them or else we would lose our jobs.
1 rudbek-of-rudbek 2017-09-27
They force you to have a tb test too and to be up to date on immunizations. I don't see the problem. People in hospitals have compromised immune systems and don't need any extra stress out on their bodies.
Im not saying flu shots are legit, but if any place was to require them it would be hospitals. If they are effective I would want my health care workers to have them. It my mom's if she was taking chemo at the hospital.
1 ed_at_work 2017-09-27
Whoa! They want people who work around at risk sick people to be immunized? How dare they! That's insane!
1 chiup 2017-09-27
You don't get immunized to the flu with a shot. That's insane!
1 boondockk 2017-09-27
So if someone offers a logical counter argument they get down voted?
1 LurkMcGurck 2017-09-27
Probly downvoted for the condescending sarcasm.
1 boondockk 2017-09-27
Oh ok just checking
1 ed_at_work 2017-09-27
it's a conspiracy! obviously i'm a pro-vaccination shill!
1 TheBigShrimp 2017-09-27
Look what sub you're in
1 CelineHagbard 2017-09-27
Removed. Rule 10. First warning.
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
Well if the vaccine works, take it. What's the problem? The unvaccinated should be no threat to you.
1 Benskien 2017-09-27
You can still carry the disease even if you are immune
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
And then what? Give it to a not so immune, vaccinated person? Lol...well isn't that a fine time of backwards bullshit.
1 Benskien 2017-09-27
or kids that are to young to get the vaccine, or sick people with compromised immune system
and do you forgot that vaccines dont work all the time?
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
the shit is recommended for anyone older than 6 months. Injecting a 6 month old with this is child abuse but it's a legal choice. It's also recommended heavily for people with a compromised immune system which is also the last thing someone of the sort needs but it's their choice.
And.. oh, no i didn't forget vaccines don't work...nope. didn't forget that.
1 Benskien 2017-09-27
could we stop grouping the flu vaccine with the others? the flu vaccine is utter shit compared to the others
i should be more specific, but was more thinking about people who basically dont have a immune system (chemo etc) not people with bad immune system
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
This post is about the flu vax. Literally. Maybe make your own post to talk about other vaccinations.
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
This is bullshit. The same number of kids get the flu as ever. Start focusing on letting parents have paid time off to keep their kids at home when they are sick instead of sending them to school and daycare and causing flu epidemic and we won't need a useless vax.
Christ, the immunosuppressed community is more at risk with recently flu-vaxed people walking around as carriers.
1 Benskien 2017-09-27
wait, you guys dont get sick days if your kid is sick?
1 StillAders83 2017-09-27
We don't get sick days if we are sick.
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
And children are practically prohibited from taking time off from school unless they are literally in the hospital.
1 Benskien 2017-09-27
That's fucked up. Having a bunch of sick people running around ain't good
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
It is. People should stay home and keep their children home when they are sick. A freaking shot for last year's virus isn't the answer.
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
That's not how vaccines work, you don't become impervious to disease, it makes you have better chances against the disease. Unvaccinated people cause higher disease rates because they don't have protection and can therefore cause higher contact with people who do have protection. You can just look at the recent measles outbreaks in the US for an example of how failing to maintain herd immunity causes the disease to be spread to many, many more people.
1 ShittyGrammar-Nazi 2017-09-27
B-but if it doesn't make me impervious to the flu that must mean it's a hoax! And by the way you should read this kids book about how fun it is to get measles and it only makes you stronger to live through it naturally rather than get poison injected into you /s
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
That is one lovely crock of shit you're stewing.
You kind of sort of have a somewhat better chance maybe of not getting flu if by chance they chose to inject you with the strain you may come in contact with...(disclaimer: as long as you don't come near an unvaccinated person.) I get it.
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
They don't get it at all. I'm wondering how this group even found the thread to begin with.
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
I found it thanks to going through conspiracy pretty commonly, usually I don't agree with any of the conspiracies but don't think it's necessary to talk about but this one worries me because it could drive people to ignore hundreds of years of medicine and possibly put themselves and others around them at risk of spreading pathogens that could have been protected against.
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
Hundreds of years of research on the flu vax?
Do you know what strain of flu this year's jab is even fighting? Do you know what strains of flu are going around?
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
Immunization against disease has been in use for at the very least centuries. And the vaccine doesn't fight one Syrian it fights several. I do not know but if I want to find out I can either ask the person administering the vaccine, check the label of the vaccine, ask my doctor or check the CDC, WHO or other health organization websites.
After checking I found the WHO recommendation to the FDA for 2016-2017 was H1N1, H3N2 and the B/Victoria lineage flu strains for the trivalent flu shot. For quadrivalent vaccines here are other recommendations but I think you understand, the data is readily available to see which flu strains are being prepared for. You can also find the data which causes those strains to be chosen from the websites of the different organizations.
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
I think it is hilarious that you think you are schooling me on vaccination. Thanks for dropping in to r/conspiracy to show off your Google skills! Good luck with your flu shot that is designed for last year's flu. Let us know how it goes when you get completely knocked down by the virus that this shot has prevented your immune system from preparing itself for.
Btw, the same medical science that says this shot is good annually, is the same community that treated every sniffle with antibiotics, wrongly and to our peril. They literally caused superbacteria that we can't fight naturally. This is absolute fact. But you are cool with their understanding of a constantly mutating virus??
Please explain.
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
I do think I can school in vaccines, you seem very uneducated on the topic. Antibiotics are for bacteria, not viruses, they are unrelated to vaccines. The development of super bacteria is unfortunate but has nothing to do with antibiotics being overused but more to do with there being many people who would be dead today if they weren't treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics are not prescribed for a sniffly nose, they are used to combat diseases which need antibiotics. If they weren't dead then more people would die from diseases, or just wouldn't be possible for them to one day die of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Antibiotics have saved infinitely more lives than they have ever or at risk.
Vaccines and antibiotics are unrelated, they are also actually studied by different doctors in different medical fields.
Vaccines cannot cause a virus to mutate any more than you being sick and getting better could cause one to mutate. Vaccines do not cause mutation, to suggest otherwise shows blatant ignorance on the subject of the development of diseases.
The flu virus does not mutate a new strain which becomes widespread ever year, new strains take a long time to propagate throughout a population.
Flu shots are administered based on the current worst flu viruses, not on the virus of the year prior.
Vaccines cannot prevent your immune system from preparing for the flu, they do the utter and complete opposite. You don't seem to know how vaccination works, I recommend you speak to your doctor or another medical professional or perhaps do some research yourself to learn how they function.
The immune system does not prepare for diseases on its own, it manufactures countermeasures against a virus when it is infected with said virus. This is why vaccination is vital to keep people alive and prepared for viruses.
Millions of people would die of diseases every year which don't already if it weren't for vaccination. Many still do because others refuse vaccination and put them at risk. One of my siblings was immunocompromised as a teenager. An unvaccinated person would have likely caused his death if he had met them at that time. Please remember, your life is yours to waste but you are also causing the deaths of others if you do not vaccinate.
1 perfect_pickles 2017-09-27
is this english or gibberish !?
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
You're actually the first person on the internet to find out english isn't my first language, I was a French-only speaker. I try to do my best to look over my comments after I type them but I have to ask, what confused you about this one?
1 KarmicEnigma 2017-09-27
English only speaker here - it was well stated. Also, that was fabulously explained, thanks for that.
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
I absolutely know the difference between virus and bacteria, and virus is much more complicated.
You are telling people to trust the very same community that completely fucked up for decades treating bacteria, hence creating superbugs, to now believe them to understand treating virus as if the medical community is infallible and has a clean track record when it comes to understanding the human immune system.
That is nuts.
But thank you for the Wikipedia and CDC stuff!
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
I actually didn't read any of that on Wikipedia or the CDC, I typed it all myself :)
The medical doctors who study antibiotics are not the ones who study vaccines. Since you do not trust researchers and doctors on antibiotics, the people who actually discovered antibiotic-resistant bacteria, shouldn't you refuse to accept super bacteria exist before you disbelieve in vaccines? Vaccines are handled by completely different researchers after all.
You also seem to think antibiotics are bad for some reason. Antibiotics were not a mistake, they are highly necessary to save millions of lives every year. Super bacteria have not made antibiotics obsolete, they are still used and are still important.
Considering the entire medical community has saved more lives than you or I can imagine, I will trust their recommendation on vaccines rather than think a bacteria which has failed to affect even a fraction of the people regular bacterial diseases have has any bearing on whether or not vaccines work.
You say you don't trust doctors at all, but why specifically vaccines? Why are you so against vaccines specifically when there isn't any research or history to show them being dangerous?
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
"I'm wondering how this group even found the thread to begin with."
i have my theories.;u)
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
I bet we could go check a certain sub and find an actual part of this group discussing this very thread. What do you bet?
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
you know it. that sub with all those Great Critical Thinkers.
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
A bunch of know-it-all twenty year-old men with no children, but believe they have it all figured out.
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
It's not a somewhat better chance, it's the difference between some diseases being able to propagate at all. Look at measles which was almost wiped out, just like polio. Consider it like this. You and a friend have a one in one hundred chance of getting the flu from each other. You decide to get vaccinated and now have a one in ten thousand chance of getting the flu from each other. Your friend later also decided to get the flu vaccine, you both now have a one in one million chance of getting the flu from each other.
Flu vaccines do not cover a single strain of the flu virus either, they are designed to protect against the most common flu strains of each year.
1 conandy 2017-09-27
You are around at risk people all day whose immune systems are already compromised. It is unacceptable for you to be an unnecessary disease vector in that environment when vaccines are readily available to you. If you don't trust modern medicine, then you should not be working in a hospital. Go work for a witch doctor.
1 WaterCarrierFuckhead 2017-09-27
1 liverpoolwin 2017-09-27
You're not meant to be around immunocompromised people just after a the flu vaccine, so those who've had the vaccine should be kept out of the hospital for two weeks post vaccine, so as they don't shed the virus and cause an outbreak in the hospital
1 onetimerone 2017-09-27
I got out right before they started that, I used to take a lot of shit for not getting the shot. I washed my hands vigorously, never had a problem.
1 monkey-see-doggy-do 2017-09-27
Flu shot has spermicide in it.
Just some fertility lowering agenda 21 shit
1 ProfChaosMSU52 2017-09-27
This is so messed up
1 yellowsnow2 2017-09-27
Lower our fertility and import in foreign people who have already been conditioned to tolerate less freedom and more corruption.
1 kmordic 2017-09-27
I also feel its conditioning of the masses when they finally role out those RFID chips.
1 WaterCarrierFuckhead 2017-09-27
kills alot of birds with few stones
1 Curl_of_the_Burl_ 2017-09-27
That website claims Polysorbate 80 and Triton X-100 cause infertility and can be used a spermicide.
A 1956 study saw no effect on reproduction in rats during their lifetime at up to 5% of their diet being polysorbate 80. Reproduction decreased at 20% of their diet. Gajdová M, Jakubovsky J, Války J (March 1993). "Delayed effects of neonatal exposure to Tween 80 on female reproductive organs in rats". Food Chem. Toxicol. 31 (3): 183–90.
I can't find any results for human testing (for both Polysorbate 80 and Triton X-100) AND the only sources that speak on this are holistic medicine websites that are also trying to sell product and re-link to each other in endless source loops. AND the only vaccine that I can find that has the ingredients in it is a swine flu vaccine.
1 kingcubfan 2017-09-27
They are just doing it in our best interests, trying to keep the populace safe. Psych!
1 Saucedaddy3 2017-09-27
I work in a service dept at a car dealership and there are signs everywhere offering free flu shots lol no thanks
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
Makes you wonder what pharma guys the owner and upper-management of your dealership are playing golf with on the weekends, doesn't it?
1 HarryPatchanus 2017-09-27
Every company I've ever worked at has given free flu shots because it's more cost effective than dealing with personnel shortages and sick leave.
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
Does it, though? Can you cite that with actual data?
1 HarryPatchanus 2017-09-27
No, but I assume that my companies have crunched the numbers and determined that the flu shot costs them less money in the long run. Their purpose is to make money.
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
You are right, their purpose is to make money. That is exactly why you should question why they would insist on you being injected with a poorly tested vaccine with terrible results and very little understanding as to what is happening to your immune system as an end result.
Are you saying you are blindly trusting your employer and the reason you trust is his profit??
Wow. Seriously, wow.
1 Zeploz 2017-09-27
Quoting you.
1 HarryPatchanus 2017-09-27
I'm not blindly trusting them, I'm trusting my own ability to rationalize and research as well as the mountains of data produced by scientists and institutions all over the world.
I'd love to see your sources for the following:
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
I'd love to see your source on how well-tested the flu vax is. The flu virus mutates constantly. There is a new flu vax annually. When did they get a chance to test it properly? Last week? Last month? If it was a year ago, it was too long ago because that virus has mutated.
1 HarryPatchanus 2017-09-27
1 way9560 2017-09-27
You are trusting your own ability to rationalize and research along with the mountains of research and evidence that's out there stating how great vaccines are?
You see how such a statement can lead the masses into hamster wheel thinking. Have you really done research? So you do know about all the ingredients that are in there right? Open your mind bud and realize what's going on out there. Your best interest and your mundane task getting accomplished on time for your company are definitely at the top of the list
1 HarryPatchanus 2017-09-27
Yes, critical thinking definitely leads to hamster wheel thinking. Everyone should stop thinking for themselves and only believe what you and other conspiracy theorist believe.
1 Saucedaddy3 2017-09-27
They sent nurses to my dealership for free flu shots. Just got asked if I wanted one wow
1 op-return 2017-09-27
I just laugh when I they ask while shaking my head side to side. They usually catch my drift.
1 Yserbius 2017-09-27
So that it normalizes it to the point where enough of the population can become immune to the flu and prevent vulnerable people, such as infants, the elderly, people with anti-immune diseases, and chemo patients, from acquiring it.
1 LDLover 2017-09-27
weird, my friend is a doctor and he says the flu vaccine is a huge scam because we never target the correct strain. He is NOT anti vaccine at all... just firmly states the flu vaccine is a money grab and completely ineffective
1 Yserbius 2017-09-27
Vaccines are actually an inefficient money maker for pharmaceutical companies. The only reason they keep producing them is government regulation.
They don't never target the correct strain, they target several strains. Sometimes they target the wrong one and the flu gets out. But it's still far more effective at protecting people than if it's not distributed.
I'm curious. Would your friend recommend against immunization?
1 liverpoolwin 2017-09-27
Vaccines are a growth sector, they are preferred to drugs because only minimal testing is required, saving money, the pharmaceuticals don't have to payout for vaccine injuries, not much marketing is required as they can simply lobby the jab into the schedule. Paul Offit became a multi millionaire by getting the vaccine he holds a patent for into the schedule, he recently admitted that he lies to the public about vaccine safety, he recommended that other doctors do the same.
The biggest money maker of all with vaccines is the lifelong diseases and allergies they induce, leaving millions dependent on expensive drugs for vaccine damage such as epilepsy, asthma, ms etc. That is the big reason why real testing will not be permitted with vaccines and why the witch hunts are started. Without vaccines the pharmaceuticals would have a much smaller number of sick people to sell drugs to, their profits would be less than half of what they are now.
1 LDLover 2017-09-27
No, he wouldn't. He is solely making the statement that Flu vaccines are a marketing scam and nothing else and that we never get the right strain (I'm aware we target more than one, btw).
1 becomesthehunted 2017-09-27
its predictive. The process of producing a flu vaccine takes a lot of time. So we use predictive modeling to try and figure out what the strain will develop into each year. Some years are definitely better than others
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
Wait. The flu vax is successfully causing people to be immune to the flu? Do tell.
1 bittermanscolon 2017-09-27
Don't get one.
1 KarmicEnigma 2017-09-27
Unless you work with kids or old people, then maybe go ahead and get one.
1 bittermanscolon 2017-09-27
I just stay away when I get sick. If you get the shot, you can pass it on. That's what the shot is, a little bit of the flu.
1 SomeFabulousDame 2017-09-27
Sweet. Now my husband doesn't have to get that vasectomy he's been talking about since flu vaccines are mandated at his job.
1 MilkyWitness 2017-09-27
I don't know why you're being downvoted, maybe because people don't understand the joke. Flu shots have a spermicide in them...
1 becomesthehunted 2017-09-27
had a flu shot every year for the past 5, you should tell my newborn about the spermicide. what a joke
1 MilkyWitness 2017-09-27
That's like saying you smoked cigarettes for 5 years and don't have lung cancer lmao. Have fun with your flu shots.
1 becomesthehunted 2017-09-27
I will thanks!
1 SomeFabulousDame 2017-09-27
My thoughts exactly. I guess nobody read the article and lacks a sense of humor.
1 ithinkoutloudtoo 2017-09-27
I’m pretty sure that his side chick is on the pill and he’s also using a condom.
1 ithinkoutloudtoo 2017-09-27
He wants a vasectomy so that he doesn’t get his side chick pregnant.
1 Ls2323 2017-09-27
Itt av cj
1 liverpoolwin 2017-09-27
Think of it along the lines of what a gardener does in the garden, pulling out weeds, trimming the hedges, cutting branches and cutting the grass. He/she still wants most of the plants to be there, but it's about cutting them down to the size he wants, allowing him/her to keep control of the garden.
Of course, the flu jab is nothing about flu, it's an injection with substances which will help to socially engineer society e.g. reducing fertility levels, inducing lifelong and highly profitable diseases (making us a profitable plant in the garden). The flu vaccine will not benefit the individual, it benefits only those at the top of the pyramid, the gardener who sees us as plants and weeds.
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
"The flu jab is the gardeners tool"
Indeed. it's a pesticide.
1 liverpoolwin 2017-09-27
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
"Get your injection of roundu..i mean flu vaccine today, little bugs!"
1 liverpoolwin 2017-09-27
Great point!
Glyphosate Found in Childhood Vaccines
1 ed_at_work 2017-09-27
*citation needed
1 liverpoolwin 2017-09-27
Glyphosate Found in Childhood Vaccines
1 ed_at_work 2017-09-27
Do you even know what you're reading, or just spouting paranoia you've "researched". The MCL for glyphosate is 700 pbb.
Now do some actual "research" so you know what I just even said, since you probably just read headlines without knowing wtf you're talking about.
1 ezshucks 2017-09-27
oh dear lord. Where do they grow people like you?
1 conandy 2017-09-27
Clearly somewhere with no gardeners. Possible on top of a nuclear waste site.
1 CelineHagbard 2017-09-27
Removed. Rule 10.
1 ezshucks 2017-09-27
1 factisfiction 2017-09-27
As a doctor, I just wanted to take the time to tell you how fucking stupid what you just said was.
1 liverpoolwin 2017-09-27
Thanks for admitting your conflict of interest and bias on this matter
1 factisfiction 2017-09-27
How is it a conflict of interest? Sure there is a bias, its towards science.
1 eks91 2017-09-27
Because all pharmacies have a quota
1 giggleznbitz 2017-09-27
I'm pregnant and my doctor at UCLA tried to make me get one. I thought their job was to keep my baby alive?
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
It is, vaccines are something to protect you and your baby, please get proper medical care, at least for the sake of your child.
1 redditeditard 2017-09-27
Hmmm, wanders into r/conspiracy to give medical advice....
1 giggleznbitz 2017-09-27
Seems.... suspicious...
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
I'm not sure what you're saying, I just got intrigued because I saw it was a vaccination thread and it bothers me to think that people could be ignoring sound medical advice.
1 redditeditard 2017-09-27
While the vast majority of us are glad we don't have polio, we don't trust modern vaccines for ample reasons. Something something HIV...
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
I'm sorry but I'm not sure what you mean by this, what does HIV have to do with vaccines?
1 redditeditard 2017-09-27
Many believe HIV was created by some medical fuckery, of testing vaccines on impoverished African citizens. I'm not trying to throw you down a rabbit hole, you wandered into here, and if you'd like to read more, search this sub.
Many of us appreciate science and are not against the ideas of vaccines, but are against the neurotoxins that are increasingly being introduced to our air, water, food and medicine.
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
I remember hearing how the polio vaccine caused HIV to develop but I've never heard that story. Why do people hate the idea of vaccines so much when all research shows their effectiveness? I just don't understand it.
1 redditeditard 2017-09-27
Like I suggested, search the sub. I'm not going to engage further. Sorry, not sorry
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
Ok I'm not arguing against you, I was just expressing some shock, no need to be hostile over nothing.
1 redditeditard 2017-09-27
I assure you that is one of the least hostile responses you're going to get in this sub, especially in regards to vaccines.
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
What about vaccines are not sound?
1 dankweeddoe 2017-09-27
Do some research. Stop trusting the government.
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
Do some research. Stop trusting anonymous internet sources. I don't get vaccinated because the government tells me to, I do it because I know that doctors are educated on these topics and I've read about exactly why they work.
1 dankweeddoe 2017-09-27
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
I'm going to watch these and I'll post a response, but please next time just cite the source, YouTube videos are not in any way accountable or all that reliable.
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
Your first video is rather pointless, thiomersal is not in any vaccines for infants or pregnant mothers. There have also been numerous studies on the effects of thiomersal (thiermosal for americans) demonstrating there is absolutely correlation between thiomersal or autism. There is also conclusive evidence that thiomersal is harmless to humans, having a significantly shorter half life than methylmercury. Ethylmercury is both safe for infants and is not an ingredient in vaccines for any child. There are also vaccines which do not contain thiomersal available to people of all ages, it is their choice if they wish to have a vaccine without ethylmercury as an ingredient. Once again, studies have shown overwhelmingly that thiomersal is safe and has no ill effects when used in vaccines and once again it is not used in vaccines unless for an adult patient, where the adult has the choice of receiving a different vaccine.
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
Your second video talks about how a certain vaccine is ineffective in children but is still recommended for adults and the elderly. Still recommended. There are now multiple effective vaccines for children for influenza so I'm not sure what that's meant to prove. There is also no cited source for the study showing ineffectiveness that was apparently created by the four scientists. In fact there's zero source for any of the claims in this video.
Second of all, even the video that this anonymous YouTuber is using as his basis says that the cancer found in lab animals was caused by a contaminant and that the vaccine was removed immediately from use. So a contaminant is first of all something that isn't supposed to be in the vaccine and second of all the contaminated vaccine was removed from use. How does this prove anything? Please use your own words in your response, neither of these videos were anything but completely idiocy.
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
Welp, the flu jab, for one. Chickenpox, the heps, HPV, any of the "cocktails", the rhrogam shot is really questionable.
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
Why are any of those questionable. What about the vaccinations are questionable?
1 dankweeddoe 2017-09-27
This is r/Conspiracy. "Sound medical advice" isn't always the correct advice.
Doctors used to promote smoking cigarettes. I guess you should go out and smoke some cigs?
1 giggleznbitz 2017-09-27
You appear to be in the wrong sub
1 conandy 2017-09-27
1 ShittyGrammar-Nazi 2017-09-27
You're seriously retarded or trolling. And if you're not trolling I sincerely fear for your child's safety
1 glugglug 2017-09-27
Maybe you are the one trolling. There is plenty of evidence that vaccines while pregnant are a BAD idea, including the flu vaccine.
1 WaterCarrierFuckhead 2017-09-27
YEP. Just like anything, takes a minute or two of reading.
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
You just projected there.
1 perceptionate 2017-09-27
Study showing 7.7 times more likely to miscarriage after flu shot: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2017/09/19/cdc-study-shows-up-to-7-7-times-the-risk-of-miscarriage-after-influenza-vaccine/
1 raisingrebelles 2017-09-27
Recent study shows an increased risk of miscarriage when you get the flu shot. Refuse and the TDaP as well.
1 giggleznbitz 2017-09-27
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
"I thought their job was to keep my baby alive?"
Unfortunately, no.
1 giggleznbitz 2017-09-27
Forgot the /s ;)
1 giannone 2017-09-27
UK here. We have optional flu jabs at work. Can anyone ELI5 why I should / shouldn’t have it?
I read about metals and other things but they are all US people. Can I assume it’s the same over here?
1 McDuffBSmith 2017-09-27
Yes you can assume it's the same thing over there.
Ultimately it comes down to what you want to do. If you think it works, get it. Just know the side effects beforehand. A lot of people get the flu right after getting the shot.
It's also full of heavy metals that can build up in the brain and other organs and eventually cause cancer.
I for one, have never gotten, and never will get the flu shot and only had the flu 3 times in my life.
For me, the cons out weigh the "pros".
1 MethLeppard 2017-09-27
Nobody gets the flu FROM the flu shot. You might have got a different strain than was protected in the shot, but it didn't come from the vaccine. Flu shots are pushed because those who can't get the shot (elderly, babies, immuno compromised) will still be protected from herd vaccination.
1 McDuffBSmith 2017-09-27
And the heavy metals?
1 becomesthehunted 2017-09-27
depends on what youre referring to for "heavy metals" in the flu shot. Many people fear over some chemicals added, which act as preservatives. Other things pointed to are added to act as a way to induce the immune response by creating an irritation within the region. Foreign protein particles, like what come in the flu vaccine, can induce an immune reaction from the human body. But combine that with irritation, it induces a much more effective response and creates a secondary immune reaction readiness, so if you get the same flu strain as what was predicted in the vaccine, your body will be prepared to fight it quickly
1 McDuffBSmith 2017-09-27
Lead, Mercury and Barium are 3 off the top of my head. Formaldehyde as well.
Why would they need to put those in a vaccine of any kind?
1 HarryPatchanus 2017-09-27
Ethyl mercury, not mercury.
The metals are typically contaminates in another ingredient. They aren't intentionally adding them and aren't apart of the serum/recipe. I guarantee everything you consume has some level of contamination by something that sounds dangerous and scary.
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
Mercury is not just shoved in a vaccine, vaccines contain thiomersal, a mercury-based preservative. There is no obligation to receive a vaccine containing thiomersal (thiermosal if you're American) and you can request one without he preservative from your doctor, despite the extensive testing showing that thiomersal in vaccines has no negative effects on humans if you're uncomfortable with it alternative vaccines are always and easily available.
Formaldehyde is a chemical your body produces on its own and is only considered carcinogenic in high doses, the kinds of doses that a vaccine is nowhere near equalling. The reason for formaldehyde being included in the vaccine is to keep the virus in the vaccine inactive, otherwise anyone who got a vaccine would just be getting an injection of the live unweakened virus. You'll receive a higher dose of formaldehyde from walking on a sidewalk for thirty seconds than from a vaccine. It's found in car exhaust, but again don't be afraid to walk outside, it's still in such low doses that it will never have an adverse effect on the human body.
Lead and barium are not ingredients in vaccines, it is absurd to say so when they aren't even used. You should speak to your doctor about vaccines and see if maybe the other beliefs you hold about them are myths as well.
1 MethLeppard 2017-09-27
That's for someone else to find out. I know about microbiology but I'm not a chemist, so I haven't tested vaccines myself. I suggest that you use peer reviewed articles for research though, and if you find some that prove there are dangerous levels of heavy metals, please post it
1 sexymcluvin 2017-09-27
But the shills /s
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
There are no heavy metals in vaccines that build up in the brain, that's absurd and ignores simple biology.
You having the flu three times in your life does not change the fact that vaccines lower flu infection rates, based on statistics you would have likely had the flu two or less times in your life if you had been vaccinated.
People cannot get the flu from a vaccine, vaccines cause an immune response in the body by placing inactivated or in patients with weakened immune systems dead viruses in the human body. The immune system produces a response to the weakened virus and destroys it. Many symptoms of the flu are caused by the immune response to having the flu, such as having a runny nose and upset stomach. The immune response can cause these symptoms for a short time after the vaccine, but in the vast, vast, vast majority of cases these symptoms are unnoticeable. After the immune response the immune system is better prepared for if it receives the virus again, meaning your body is now trained to kill the virus if you become infected with the real thing.
1 perceptionate 2017-09-27
No dude. It is well established that the flu vaccine has mercury in it. The CDC 0admits it](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/vaccine/thimerosal.htm) -- they just try to blow through it by unsubstantially saying it is fine to put mercury in your blood stream.
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
I didn't say there isn't thiomersal in vaccines, though you are allowed to request vaccines without thiomersal. What I said was vaccines do not have heavy metals that build up in your brain. I wasn't unaware of mercury based preservatives being used in vaccines, I had already talked about them in an earlier comment. But the claim I was objecting to was that heavy metals build upon the brain due to vaccines, which is absolutely baseless and insane.
1 becomesthehunted 2017-09-27
No, get the flu shot. It will lessen the likelihood you get the flu. That is it
1 Visualmnm 2017-09-27
The metals contained in vaccines are not damaging to humans, if you want me to explain why that is I can though I explained it in an earlier response to someone who responded to you. Vaccines are overwhelmingly a positive thing that have a large effect on people being protected from disease. Talk with your doctor about receiving a vaccine and definitely don't have one at work if you're immunocompromised.
If you aren't immunocompromised getting the flu shot from your work sounds like a good idea. Thiomersal is the mercury based preservative in multi vial vaccines, if you don't want to have a vaccine containing any mercury compound you can request it from you doctor and it's possible your work also offers them. This does not mean that thiomersal is dangerous, hundreds of studies have found no adverse effects from the doses placed in vaccines. If you don't want it though you can request a vaccine without it. Overall I would recommend very strongly that you get the vaccine to better protect yourself and others from disease.
1 bri9and 2017-09-27
Hey not only that, but they are FREE!
1 dogapples 2017-09-27
if I already got the flu this year do I need a flu shot? i mean getting the flu is even better than the shot right?
1 becomesthehunted 2017-09-27
if you already had the flu, theres no reason to get the shot
1 MilkyWitness 2017-09-27
Vaccines are a direct line to your blood stream straight from the powers that be. Flu shot enables them to get that line every year. Please do not get a flu shot!
1 ithinkoutloudtoo 2017-09-27
I’ve had the flu shot pushed on me before. I’ll pass.
1 RemixxMG 2017-09-27
This year will be year 3 of me not getting a flu shot. And it will be the third entire year I have not been the least bit sick as I previously would be in the winter after getting the shot.
1 ezshucks 2017-09-27
To keep people from getting the flu which can be disastrous to a workplace? Seems right.
1 Saucedaddy3 2017-09-27
Oh yea definitely makes you wonder.
1 Zorsterer 2017-09-27
Never gotten a flu shot, never got the flu. Neither me or my brother
1 jakcspellgood 2017-09-27
1 puphenstuff 2017-09-27
Besides Thimerisal, who knows what heavy metals and formaldehyde, etc is really in that crap, they are barely more effective than frequently washing your hands, and it is another avenue into your body by Big Pharma, Take loads of cannabis, I haven't had the shots or the Flu in years!
1 iamnotnotarobot 2017-09-27
I got the flu shot a couple times. Each time, a week later I was so sick that I couldn't fucking move for a month. Two years ago I got the flu after about 5 years of not getting a shot and not getting sick and was sick for four days tops. The same goes for almost everyone I know who got the flu shot. Deathly sick a week after, sometimes lasting longer than 3 months. I don't know what to believe when it comes to the flu vaccine, but what I do know is that I've had bad experiences with it. I won't get the shot again.
The last time I went to my family doctor she got very belligerent with me about not getting the shot. I told her what I wrote above. "it's all in your head," she said. Yeah. OK. Just as I was about to leave, my favorite nurse came in with a syringe ready and when I asked what the fuck she was doing, she told me that the doctor told her I wanted the shot. She apologized profusely. My doctor did not. Bitch.
1 papagolden 2017-09-27
i got the flu shot once...then i got diabetes...no thanks!
1 cheesyvagina 2017-09-27
Uh because tens of thousands of people needlessly die from Flu every year...
It's not rocket science. Also the populations most prone to Flu are children and the elderly, i.e. Those with weaker immune systems, not people who are exactly reproducing too often, so the infertility argument doesn't hold much water
1 Darnaldt-rump 2017-09-27
I have never had a flu shot in my life, I get a cold once a year when the weather transitions from hot to cold and it lasts about 2-3 days max and isnt anything worse then a runny nose and slight cough.
This flu shot stuff is just a way for big pharma to make cash. And who knows what else.
1 Ellemmen 2017-09-27
I get the flu shot every year (plus pneumonia shot every couple of years). I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis and an immune disorder when I was 14, I used to get pneumonia and bad flu's all the time, and each time it was detrimental for my health. Ever since receiving flu shots I may get a cold every now and then, but nothing severe, and not one case of pneumonia, and since then my lungs have not produced any more fibrosis.
So I have to say, I do appreciate the flu shot, as well as others who get the flu shot, you may be preventing the spread to someone with serious immune disorders.
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
first reddit post ever
1 Ellemmen 2017-09-27
indeed, just looked through your posts, see it's not your first troll reply
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
Where do you think you are that between me and you, i've got the troll narrative here?
1 Ellemmen 2017-09-27
Guessing you are probably male, middle class, American? either that or a bored housewife, its hard to pick really. But yep, troll narrative is all yours, have fun
1 Ellemmen 2017-09-27
unless you were congratulating me on my first reddit post, then yes, you have the troll narrative
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
Congratulations on having your first reddit post be supportive of the human pharm industry.
1 Ellemmen 2017-09-27
For an industry that saved my life, I am also thankful
1 txstoploss 2017-09-27
Also note the concept of 'pre-season' vaccinations has pretty much turned into "Year-Round".
1 missyhills2001 2017-09-27
I know what the flu shot helps or doesn't help. Thank you everyone. Considering this subreddit is about"Conspiracies", I wanted to know what was behind the big push and what do doctors, pharmacies and others have to gain from it.
1 chiup 2017-09-27
You don't get immunized to the flu with a shot. That's insane!
1 boondockk 2017-09-27
So if someone offers a logical counter argument they get down voted?
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-27
Well if the vaccine works, take it. What's the problem? The unvaccinated should be no threat to you.
1 McDuffBSmith 2017-09-27
And the heavy metals?
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
Does it, though? Can you cite that with actual data?
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-09-27
A bunch of know-it-all twenty year-old men with no children, but believe they have it all figured out.
1 bittermanscolon 2017-09-27
I just stay away when I get sick. If you get the shot, you can pass it on. That's what the shot is, a little bit of the flu.
1 conandy 2017-09-27
You don't gotta work at a hospital, but since you do, you gotta get a flu shot. The hospital exists to heal the sick and suffering, not to employ you. If you want to make a living off of it, you do it by their rules. That's capitalism, and also really just basic decency and common sense. There's nothing fucked up about it.