What is a popular conspiracy theory you think is really dumb?

0  2017-09-27 by [deleted]




Are you serious lmao, the first comment here shits on Pizzagate? Have you even taken a look at the mountain of evidence for it. Go back to r/politics dude.

There are no wrong answers. He was giving his opinion. Would you care to give yours?

I already gave my opinion in my reply..

I mean your opinion in regards to the topic title. As opposed to harassing people.

I'm not harassing people friend, I'm calling them out.

In a disrespectful manner.

Sorry dude I don't know why you're being so uppity with me. Sometimes it's hard to be nice to people who disregard something that deals with the physical, mental, and sexual torture of children.

I'm guessing op is not fine with child abuse

That does not make sense. OP would be fine with child abuse if he thought the idea of Pizzagate was dumb...maybe you're thinking backwards?

I'm assuming he disagrees with your statement about the evidence being so strong. Perhaps he believes the proponents have an ulterior motive.

He never replied to my statement, he only made one post lol. You replied >.<

And you said he is pro-child abuse. Pretty disrespectful.

Rofl why am I feeding a troll. You also said that sandy hook being a false flag was not true, jesus dude. You're some kind of person I tell you that.

You attack and mock people for having different opinions. You must be fun at parties.

Why are you attacking me like this? Why are you judging someone so harshly for one sentence they wrote? You must be fun at parties.

You are a troll that doesn't stop. Why even come into this subreddit? What do you want to gain here?

I want to have a cordial discussion.

Is this a troll megathread?

No. Would you care to contribute?

That Katy Perry is actually Jonbenet Ramsey.

Yea that one seems dumb to me too.

I'm old-fashioned. I think Bush let 9/11 happen, not orchestrated it.

<Nobody was selling the war in Afghanistan on the basis that the towers fell down.

I assume you weren't born at the time, because no one can be this stupid.

What an odd comment when that's the main reason the american people were told we were going in. "We had to get the terrorist "responsible" for 9/11" Such a very odd comment

It's scandalous enough to just allow some disgruntled Muslims to smack the towers with a plane or two.

My point was that, from a planning standpoint, a controlled demolition would have been overkill while posing an unnecessary added risk of discovery as the conspiracy expands in scope.

  1. I was 18 at the time, I know exactly how the war was sold and

  2. My point was that nobody was saying, "Well, if they just hit the towers, then we wouldn't need a war, but because they fell down well shit we gotta go in."

Sandy Hook being a false flag is sick.

Wrong sub.

How so?

Everybody here knows it was a DHS drill.

That's weird, because my grandma used to live one town over from Newtown and she knew quite a few parents with dead kids who weren't aware it was a fucking "drill."

Lol I'm sure you do.

My friend knows one of the parents who lost a child, so I'm gonna go ahead and believe them.

Is it Robby Parker? He was one of my favorite actors.


Don't you have a Norwegian bridge to hang out under?

I don't get the reference.

Removed. Rule 10.

Yeah, because that Sandy Hook stock comment is totally genuine.

You are trolling a meme right?



I asked about conspiracy theories.

Removed. Rule 6.

the dallasgoldbug/wellaware1 guy that says prominent people are all 'played' by crisis actors, like winston churchill was also hermann goering, jimmy carter is jfk, dumb shit like that. prosopagnosia, sheesh.

9/11 ... all of it. I dont believe in any of the 9/11 report from .gov

Do you still believe in the physically-impossible planes?

Nice link. Its not even good CGI honestly. Thank you

No problems.

You are right, they didn't even really try with the CGI.

They knew they didn't have to.

The Queen is not a lizard.

Is Rumsfeld a lizard?


There is several of them. There was the one about Saddam having WMD's and that he was working with Al'Qaeda in sending Anthrax to US politicians. There is the one about 19 hijackers, mostly from Saudi Arabia, crashing 2 planes in NY and taking down 3 towers. There is the one about Obama claiming Assad used WMD's on his own people. Oh and something about how the Russian government is hacking elections, or causing social discord or something.

'Weed cures cancer'. Give me a break.

Flouride in the water as a means of Controlling the populace.


Flat Earth is the one that comes to mind first.

I am still uncertain if people that believe that are serious or if it is sarcasm.

I think it's a bit of both, and a bit of taking a thought experiment too far. I admit I enjoy flat earth stuff just because it makes me brush up on geometry and astronomy to engage with it.

oh boy here we go...

  • 9/11, bush did it/7th tower.
  • ((the jews!!!!)) seriously, all of it, just stop.
  • hillary is worse than hitler.
  • hitler did nothing wrong.
  • Sandy Hook is a false flag.
  • pizzagate.
  • flat earth.
  • both sides are bad. always said when the GOP fucks up hmm.
  • anti vaxxers.
  • the shadow government/illuminati. It's not that deep the rich and powerful fucking over the poor and weak.

What DO you believe?

I believe in a thing called love! i also believe in life after love, and that i can fly. But enough quasi psych references.

  • hillary was complacent in the DNC's fucking over of bernie sanders.
  • russia helped trump win
  • 9/11 is weird af I'll give you all that, but two airplanes did fly into the twin towers and they did fall due to the damage caused by said planes.

Mandela effect


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Mandela effect'.

Sandy Hook and Flat Earth are on the same level of ridicules in my mind

ufos and aliens

I asked about conspiracy theories.

Removed. Rule 6.