Why are PizzaGate comments with links and information being deleted in this sub with no explanation?

131  2017-09-28 by Loud_Volume

So far, twice, within 24 hours I have seen two PizzaGate comments that had a great deal of links, formatting, and information, just randomly get deleted.

And it's not deleted by the user, it says [removed]

Who are deleting these comments and why hasn't there been an explanation for deletion of those comments?

Here's some proof



Does it involve auto mod or queue or something? Or is a mod actively deleting PizzaGate comments


I personally haven't noticed PG stuff getting deleted but you can parse https://snew.github.io/r/conspiracy/about/log which is the public mod log for clarity.

Thank you! I was trying to find out what the link was.

Looks like I found my answer.

/u/CelineHagbard I am curious as to why you deleted these mentioned pizzagate comments?

Here's a picture for clarification (leaving the username out of this, will PM you the name if need be)


You got it, it's in the sidebar if you need it again.

We have automod set up to filter (which removes, but puts the link in our mod queue) any link to "voat.co / v / pizzagate." This was done several months ago due to the admins taking action against several of our mods who had approved such links which the admins determined to be doxxing.

As the admins explained it to us, we're responsible for any content found on these external pages which is deemed to be PII in their eyes. Given that voat pages can be changed (edited or additional comments), we decided to take this perhaps overly cautious approach of removing all v/pizzagate links to defend this sub from the fate of r/pizzagate.

If you want to post the content of those links, and that content does not contain PII, we will not remove them.

Wow this raises a lot of questions in my mind. First off, thanks Celine for the speedy reply, I truly do respect the mods here.

Second, is this the first time admin action has been taken against moderators of conspiracy for links/content posted on this sub?

Why are they so quick to jump to doxxing? These are all well known people, Podesta, James Alefantis, etc. How is this determined to be doxxing?

Has there ever been any concern over voat links before regarding other subjects or only in relation to pizzagate?

My apologies for the barrage of questions I just find it sketchy about their targeted interference with anything regarding pizzagate. Meanwhile other things slide right by them yet pizzagate always receives this kind of attention from Reddit Admins.

I understand the cautious need after the removal of /r/pizzagate but something really is not adding up here and it makes me kind of sick to my stomach.

Any insight from a moderator's perspective is appreciated, and again, thanks for the speedy reply.

That is really fucked up and makes me all the more suspicious about /r/conspiracy mods being compromised. I cant believe they have auto censored links to the main source for PG discussion.

PG really is the 800 lb gorilla in the room since you can talk about everything else in here including 9/11, holocaust denial, sandy hook hoax, etc. Really hitting a deep nerve with the PG topic.


What part of Celine's comment about admins/doxxing don't you understand? It seems a reasonable response considering its in reddits TOS.

She seems to be saying not that the linked voat pages have personal information, but that pizzagate on voat is generally un-linkable because there have been doxxings on that part of that site historically.

Which would be pretty weak. And, if true, I can't believe really in the reddit TOS.

Whether the TOS is about doxxing on Reddit itself, or also prohibits links to pages that doxx, this seems beyond even that in kneejerk auto-removal.

So reddit doesn't allow doxxing. An easy loop hole would be to oinkntonan external page with doxxing info on it so the admins banned that too

Just GTFO and go to voat if you want to view it's content.

It's reasonable from the perspective of the moderators trying to prevent the community from being shut down. It's indefensible from the perspective of the admins censoring information to protect powerful criminals.

I think the only fair compromise is that the mods place a loud-and-clear sidebar or permanent sticky informing readers that the admins really don't want us linking to that particular subverse and that is the sole reason for the automoderation.

PG really is the 800 lb gorilla in the room since you can talk about everything else in here including 9/11, holocaust denial, sandy hook hoax, etc. Really hitting a deep nerve with the PG topic.

Want to really hit a nerve? Try asking PGer questions they can't answer. It appears there default response is to attack and insult then change the original story so it better reflects current GoodFact.

direct opposite

So, they're auto-modding links to pizzagate information "for our own good"?

Someone doesn't think its a 800lb gorilla, and are taking it upon themselves to ensure that gorilla isn't seen at all and save us the embarrassment or something?

I find the anti pizzagaters are the ones who harass and resort to negative labels, they tend to be extremely hostile and aggressive. Also they try to publicly demean Reddit users who r simply open minded.

The thing about PG is that it is based on verified emails. These emails undoubtedly contain very strange things, things that are very suggestive of pedophilia and weird occult practices. So if these things are actually just totally innocent, why has there been no explanation, no 'oh, you silly people, this actually refers to this' 'or this means that' or whatever, so that people could go 'ohhhhh rigghhhht, that's what that means. Thank god, I was really worried.'

Because people are genuinely really upset and worried about it, and you'd think the people accused of these things would do more to prove the harmlessness of their communications if they were easy to prove to be harmless. You'd think if they really had nothing to hide, the whole thing would have actually been genuinely debunked somewhere. But whenever you see the word 'debunked' with relation to PG, that's all it is, a sentence saying 'it's been debunked' and never any actual debunking, no going through all those seemingly sick images, or the weird emails and explaining at least a portion of them. No nothing. Just links to other articles that also say 'it's been debunked' with no explanation, and perhaps a link to another article that just says 'debunked' with no debunking and on and on.

What are the questions you ask that people can't answer and that elicit this default attack and insult response? You can ask me, I promise I am never an attack and insult type person and am very open to having my mind changed. In fact, that's how come I ended up realising that there was a significant amount of truth to the PG thing!

If they had nothing to hide why were they using an unsecured, illegal server in the first place?

I dont think it matters if a mod is compromised or not if they have to implement rules that admins enforce.

we have found the heart of the hydra!

How about putting that actually in the removed comment so people actually know what happened.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

How are you responsible for content on those pages? If that's the case, why not ban all posts that link to non reddit.con domains?

Though i remember when that was done, i've seen Voat link posts on here recently so what gives?

Jeez, I hope I don't accidentally link to any page that has any personal info...its external site doxxing lol.

As the admins explained it to us, we're responsible for any content found on these external pages

what other websites besides VOAT are r/conspiracy mods responsible for the content of? are there any conspiracy topics besides pizzagate reddit admins get involved in?

As the admins explained it to us, we're responsible for any content found on these external pages which is deemed to be PII in their eyes.

It seems that only immutable links may be submitted. That takes out the whole internet except possibly Steemit.

"Given that voat pages can be changed (edited or additional comments)"

Forgive my confusion and possible misunderstanding, but isnt that exactly what happened here on reddit? Admins editing comments? It seems to me that disallowing voat links for when this websiteis guilty of doing the same thing seems a little suspicious, though i may very well be misunderstanding things...

What the hell kind of standard is this from the admins? It has been a basic feature of hyperlinking since the advent of the internet that the content a link points to can change.

celine has got to go

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

Links to voat automatically send a message to the mods. If there are any questions about personal information being available in those links, they are removed. We do our best, but no one has time to validate a stack of 20 voat links that link all the way back through the history of PG. Some of these links are like pedo-archeology choose your own adventure games. If it looks like it was not submitted in bad faith, we don't always notify of the removal.

Because they literally have nothing better to do.

They need to stop being so petty about what other people think and get on with their own conclusions - if they differ from us, I couldn't give a fuck. I don't persist in fucking with them, so I've no idea why they wish to fuck with me.

I just view them as angst filled teenagers personally.

They're not angst filled teens. More than likely the leaders are paid professionals to derail anything about pizzagate. That literally will be the straw that breaks the camels back.

That's it. Reddit has their corporate sponsors to protect.

I understand, but I view them as teenagers..

paedophiles are basically people that didn't grow up

Hey now, that's not really fair (most blanket statements aren't.)

As I get older, I realize more that the quality of "childlike wonder" is very useful in the adult world to assist in thinking outside of the box. I like people that "basically didn't grow up" and that is such a dumb, arbitrary measure of someone's personality.

i was born with saturn rising

getting older is what i do

I genuinely don't understand how anyone could take an objective, take-a-step-back view of the evidence of several 'conspiracy theories' and just not be totally shocked to find out that there really is a lot to them. I think anyone who spends time and effort really fighting against 'conspiracy theories' is either part of the conspiracy or they're desperately clinging on to their fragile belief that it's not true, i.e. they're in denial. Like my boyfriend ridicules me constantly and asks for evidence, and then refuses to actually look at any of the evidence I send him, and then continues to ridicule me! And anyhthing he has looked at that can't be denied, he responds to with 'why are you so negative, why are you looking at this stuff anyway, there's nothing you can do about it.' Or, 'why odn't you go to the police?! Go to the police with this info right now if you're so sure it's real.' It's ridiculous.

Your boyfriend sounds like a close-minded douche

sin of sloth......

prayer is something we can do about this!

Well you sound smart articulate to me, n2m passionate, I bet if you found someone who was supportive of u, could begin to really make change

I hate the question of: why are you looking since you can't do anything?

Like, yeah ok. I'll just go over here and bury my head in the sand again. The point is that even if "nothing can be done" at this moment; steps towards justice can be taken.

(Just adding my perspective; I know the message you conveyed was saying something else.)

never heard of that subreddit before this comment. crazy to me there is a sub full of people who actually seem to fight conspiracies being brought to light. weird to see that many people forcibly trying to get everybody to be willing slaves

they're losing and we know it!

Maybe this is why:

The conspiracy theory has been widely discredited and debunked. It has been judged to be false after detailed investigation by the fact-checking website Snopes.com and The New York Times and numerous news organizations have debunked it as a conspiracy theory, including the New York Observer, The Washington Post, The Independent in London, The Huffington Post, The Washington Times, the Los Angeles Times, Fox News and the Miami Herald. The Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia characterized the matter as "fictitious".

Thanks for that Wikipedia rundown there, champ. We all know absolute truth comes from Wikipedia.

the Los Angeles Times, Fox News and the Miami Herald.

Don't forget Fox News.

What's your point?

Pizzagate is fake, it's not real.

No, you're fake. Pizzagate is very real.

Do you understand that the photons coming from your monitor and the audio from your speakers is not real.

Have you verified anything for yourself?

Do you also think the Starship Enterprise is real?

Great argument. Points for the starship shit. Makes it spicy.

Step away from the computer and go talk to real people. Go on some sort of outdoors activity with friends. Make some friends first if necessary. Bye.

you too, buddy. bye now.

Have an upvote, you earned it.

why, thank you

Yeah trust the media who is legally allowed to lie to you now that the propaganda ban was repealed by Obama.

that the propaganda ban was repealed by Obama.

Never heard of a 'propaganda ban' 'repealed by Obama'. What was that?

Sensationalism, it's what this sub thrives on.

I meant amendments to the Smith Mundt act under Obama.

2012? The 112th congress had a Republican house so they must have been cool with it.

U.S. Congressmen Adam Smith stated with the respect to the bill's purpose that al-Qaeda was infiltrating the Internet in order to promote anti-American sentiments and that with passage of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 the US government would be able disseminate public diplomacy information by the State department to counter that in the Arabic language abroad.

A big list of fake news media and corrupt D.C. police calling pizzagate a debunked conspiracy theory means nothing. Look at the facts not the main stream news articles, big difference in many cases today. Also, fuck you for trying to defend this evil.

Do you understand the photons coming from your monitor and the audio from your speakers is not reality?

Have you verified anything for yourself? Do you also think the Starship Enterprise is real?

But Sandy Hook stuff can stay, I guess...

Right... but other than them saying it has been debunked over-and-over again; what has been debunked?

Exactly. This is what made me realise it was real. The emails were very odd but I was open to there being some kind of odd explanation for them. the fact that no one ever offered any such explanation and yet kept claiming it had been debunked without doing the work of debunking it made it very obvious that they couldn't debunk it, so had to settle for the hope that most people would just unquestioningly accept the sentence 'it's been debunked' simply because it came from the mainstream media.

however, the restaurant actually has no basement

There's an easily debunked claim. Go find out.

The basement is shared with Bucks, although debunking one claim doesn't immediately make all other claims debunked.

You assume I subscribe to the thought that the basement claim was fact.

Not so.

However, if you look for the actual debunkig anywhere, you can't find it. Nowhere is there a rundown of the evidence and the claims, and an explanation of why the interpretation is wrong. Because Pizzagate was based on actual verified emails from actual people in government and their employees and contractors. And people wre very concerned about what was in those emails. Yet nowhere has anyone gone through all those very strange, sinister emails and pointed out why they are actually innocent and nothing to do with pedophilia.

Even the police department - they said they'd debunked it because they'd investigated and found nothing, but an FOIA request for details of the investigation forced the police department to admit that they hadn't actually done any investigation. Why not? Because it had already been 'debunked' apparently. They said that without saying who debunked it or where. All the claims of debunking are circular and lead to no actual debunking. Just saying something has been debunked does not mean it has been debunked. And it's not as though PG came from made up stuff, it came from real evidence. If people interpreted that evidence wrongly, then fine, but it needs explanation at the very very least.

And remember that anyone can edit Wikipedia. That PG article did include much more genuine information, but it kept getting deleted over and over again. Information with links to the Wikileaks emails, with links to historical articles from Wikipedia-approved sources etc. But they were deleted over and over. It's also a known issue with Wikipedia that it can get corrupted by people paid to edit it, by corporations, individuals, governments etc. And that's what happened with this.

Just saying something has been debunked does not mean it has been debunked.

however, the restaurant actually has no basement

There's an easily debunked claim. Go find out.

Its because pizzagate is real

Ding ding ding.

Because this is not a conspiracy website anymore. Are you daft?

Reddit is 100% controlled opposition. Welcome to reality

Oh, you know why

Pointing it out so people know is almost more important than brushing it off, don't you think? This is part of it.

Can't be apathetic about it the whole time.

No, i'm not apathetic, and i agree but we sure do know why PG is censored any way it can be.

I appreciate the reply. Thank you.

Yes, I was not aware of any removals.

Why don't you speak out against people like RMS of the Free Software Foundation?

This is from his website https://www.stallman.org/archives/2006-may-aug.html#05%20June%202006%20%28Dutch%20paedophiles%20form%20political%20party%29

I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing.

RMS is very very intelligent, he know what words mean as demonstrated by all his writings so his choice of a wording is important as the word used to indicated sexual mature teenagers isn't the word he used.

Only state-approved and totally not psy-op conspiracies allowed here. Get ready for flat earth AMAs.

Step 1- Shills Step 2- Mod shake ups Step 3- bans of sites/users and increased shilling.

Usually it's because of doxxing with libel risk for Reddit. Pretty sure r/pizzagate got banned for this and not because it was based on a conspiracy. Mods don't want to see their subs shut down.

That excuse is total shit, because the mods in the old subreddit and the sister subverse made a perfectly reasonable effort to police genuine doxxing. By this logic, any subreddit could be attacks by relentlessly posting PII. Even if the mods respond appropriately, tough shit. Your community is now toxic.

Wow. Im blown away.
