Evidence of Russian Twitter propaganda

0  2017-09-29 by fuster_cluq

Does anyone have some evidence of the Russian Twitter propaganda? I am really interested to see it because it must have been really good if it brainwashed so many Americans into voting for Trump. I mean, correct the record and media matters couldn't convince enough people to vote for Hillary but 200 Russian Twitter accounts got the job done for Trump. Seriously, it must be some really good propaganda if it was so effective


Op That is a really pathetic talking point since billions of dollars are spent influencing people and the sole purpose of Fox News to influence people like the Trump voters and yourself.

And you are showing us you don't know how Twitter works, but are here pontificating as if you do. Twitter is all about how many followers you have.

So, where's the propaganda?

Which of my alts should I be using?

About your question:

Don't know I am not really giving much notice to that story except to note that both Facebook and Twitter were behaving as if they were the tools of the TeaParty and Russia in the recent election.

Cool, so you must have at least a single example, like a tweet or a Facebook post. It's really hard to combat Russian propaganda when I've never seen an example of it

I haven't made a claim that Twitter or Facebook produced propaganda, you are here making that claim to promote a conservative created talking point.

The talking point being that people are not affected by propaganda.

Do you think you have a valid point when your post is evidence to the contrary?

What? When the hell did I say people aren't affected by propaganda? I am asking you to back up your argument with evidence, it's obvious you don't have jack shit

Exactly those 200 accounts can reach millions of eyeballs with the power of Russia's twitter bot army to amply the message by retweeting them.

What about the power of David Brock's army? You're telling me a foreign country knows how to manipulate Americans more than an American company whose sole purpose is to distort the truth to fit in whatever mold serves its purpose, namely media matters/shareblue/ctt/whatever stupid name David Brock comes up with?

If it's not Russian propaganda, then what is it? Who was paying for it? How were 62 million people convinced that Trump would be a good president?

Well, in case you forgot, he had huge rallies all over the country. Unless you think those we're all fake or something

What does that have to do with anything? Why does he keep having rallies, and what does he insist on lying about the attendance at said rallies every time?

You asked how 62 million people were convinced he would be a good president, I'm saying that he probably didn't need to convince that many. He was on the news 24/7 if you don't remember. He got more air time then any other candidate, I think he got something like a billion dollars worth of free air time because they reported on him every single day for months on end

Oh, so the media actually helped him. Huh.

Were you paying attention at all during the election?

But unfortunately, she didn’t campaign in some states at the end, people don’t want to feel ignored, and she didn’t get out the vote. All those buses used to bus protestors around should have been bussing people to the poles.

"only Russians could have produced propaganda meant to encourage people to vote for one of the only two major political parties"

congrats, that's one of the dumbest takes I've ever read on here

Try reading my comment again, slower than this time.

just did, derived the same thing. Especially after reading your post history for 10 seconds.

I asked who paid for it. You think that the liberals are the only ones that do these things. Apparently you've never heard of the Mercers or Cambridge Analytica.

(shrugs) he wasn't Hillary? I don't like the asshole either but its not a conspiracy and the electoral college isn't either. Yes she won the popular vote blah blah. That's not how this works.

It is no-ones fault but Hillary and the DNC for fielding the shittiest of candidates.

"I have an idea. Let's sandbag the best candidate. Let's give him shit coverage. Let's show the people how out of touch we actually are. That will definitely work".

All they had to accomplish was getting about 30k people in the midwest to not vote at all....

So, the Russians could do this but Hillary's campaign couldn't? Didn't she spend like millions of dollars in her campaign? And that couldn't defeat the Russians Twitter bots?

If you want to see evidence of twitter bots take a look at Trump's twitter feed the first comments are almost always a bot spamming a bunch of pro or anti trump messages.

Ok, do you have a link because I don't use Twitter


Pick any post by Trump. It is a bot spam war and this is after Twitter removed 200 users/bots (lol).

Ok, I believe you. The only problem is, I don't use Twitter, I don't follow Donald Trump, I never have. I honestly don't like him at all, I voted for Bernie who is basically the very opposite of trump in terms of policy and politics in general. Honestly man, I don't want to argue with you about trump, I don't care about trump. I want to talk about how to make this world a better place to live in. Straight up, that's what I want. I get caught up sometimes and angry about the state of Reddit and the media in general but all that anger and energy is just misspent. I just like this website, I only joined to follow Bennie's campaign at the beginning, but I guess I got sucked into Reddit somewhere during along the line.

Anyways, it's sad that this site has degraded into such a dismal state. There is no conviviality, no manners. It's like a free for all of pure negativity and hate. R/s4p was such a wonderful, positive place. We accomplished so much just on our own, no authority to tell us what to do, we all just phone banked and donated on our own, just for fun I guess you could say. It was so empowering being part of the effort to get Bernie elected. I wanted something and I was proactively contributing towards making that goal a reality and it felt great.

Then, Reddit got shitty with shills everywhere and it has sucked ever since.

So, the Russians could do this but Hillary's campaign couldn't? Didn't she spend like millions of dollars in her campaign? And that couldn't defeat the Russians Twitter bots?

Ok, I believe you. The only problem is, I don't use Twitter, I don't follow Donald Trump, I never have. I honestly don't like him at all, I voted for Bernie who is basically the very opposite of trump in terms of policy and politics in general. Honestly man, I don't want to argue with you about trump, I don't care about trump. I want to talk about how to make this world a better place to live in. Straight up, that's what I want. I get caught up sometimes and angry about the state of Reddit and the media in general but all that anger and energy is just misspent. I just like this website, I only joined to follow Bennie's campaign at the beginning, but I guess I got sucked into Reddit somewhere during along the line.

Anyways, it's sad that this site has degraded into such a dismal state. There is no conviviality, no manners. It's like a free for all of pure negativity and hate. R/s4p was such a wonderful, positive place. We accomplished so much just on our own, no authority to tell us what to do, we all just phone banked and donated on our own, just for fun I guess you could say. It was so empowering being part of the effort to get Bernie elected. I wanted something and I was proactively contributing towards making that goal a reality and it felt great.

Then, Reddit got shitty with shills everywhere and it has sucked ever since.