What are your thoughts on abortion?

0  2017-10-01 by amateurrocketbuilder

It's becoming not only a socially acceptable thing to do, it seems to becoming trendy.

Is it murder? Is the fetus just a bunch of cells and it doesn't really matter?

Do they really sell the fetus or put it into our food?


Where are you seeing abortion becoming trendy? As education increases, abortions decrease. The current young generation is the least lilely to do drugs, have sex, more likely to go to church, etc.

Cdc website says its at the number in years (based on most current available data.)


Also just from what I follow on Twitter, it could be biased I guess..

But >The current young generation is the least lilely to do drugs, have sex, more likely to go to church, etc.

I find this extremely hard to believe

Okay so one dumb actress being edgy to trigger religious people, news at 11.

Gen Z more conservative than millenials, bunch of nerds.


or put it in our food


Abortion is another depopulation scheme by TBTB.

A few years back planned parenthood got busted selling the fetus.. Who do they sell it to and for what purpose?

A few years back planned parenthood got busted selling the fetus.

Did they now?

In a less-edited version of the first video, PPFA staff repeatedly state that the organization makes no money from tissue donations, and that the US$30–100 charge only covers procurement costs.[2] PPFA have said they may donate fetal tissue at the request of a patient, but such tissue is never sold.[2][11] At one point in the video, a PPFA staffer states "nobody should be 'selling' tissue," and "that's just not the goal here".[12]




Mike Pence, basically as nutball conservative as you get, even said it basically amounted to a bogus sting.

She said that as a sort of cover her ass type of thing, If you watch the video you clearly see her haggling prices


I have to ask politely if you have issues reading peoples' tone, because she's clearly making fun of the conspiracy theory there.

Not even going to rewatch the video. She does haggle.

no they didn't.

..yeah, they actually did. On video.

no they really didn't.

... Ok

I'm saving up for my future abortion already! How much can you really know about yourself if you've never had one before? Pro-Choice is the only thing that separates us from those filthy heathens!

It's a woman's individual choice.

Jesus Christ, you are demonstrably awful. What the serious, ever living fuck?

Didn't you tell me not to talk to you like two hours ago?

I asked you not to continue replying to that thread. You were boring me.

New subject. I am 100% for bodily autonomy. That also includes rights for the life that may be living in someone's uterus. That life has rights, too.

My cutoff is eight weeks pg. A little lower that the standard which is 12 wks. I've been pregnant. I've lost babies. You can feel them living at five-six weeks.

And that's your personal choice, which I support.

Book of Enoch says a fallen Angel taught man about abortion. Kasdeja/Tamiel: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamiel

Woman's choice.

I don't understand why its not OK to kill violent criminal offenders but unborn babies is totally fine. Abortion should be a very last resort .

Abortion should be a very last resort .

then make all of the other options freely available and abortion will become rare and odd.

If only this could be.

Abortions for all!

Abortions for some, tiny american flags for others.

Yes! you get it! The last time I used this line, oh the downvotes.

I deeply believe that a person's body is absolutely their own, the state, or anyone else, should have no word on the subject. But, when you are pregnant, that life inside you has the same rights as any human. He is just trapped, in a uterus, beyond his will, because he was put there. And now we kill him?

Is it murder?

Yes, our many wars that we are now continuously involved in cause murder of many innocent people worldwide, including children. Yet most fundies are oblivious to our continuous wars, and don't care. If they did, the MIC would have to grind to a halt.

Pro-life means murder everything but fetuses.

I am 1200% pro- abortion, if someone is feeling like they can't handle a pregnancy then they should get it taken care of yesterday. Should they have done more to prevent the pregnancy if they were able to do so ? of course but many don't have access to decent BC or education and this should be remedied but we still have those crazed christian lunatics that are still fighting for that 20th century abstinence like it's the temperance movement during prohibition. fuck anyone that is against abortion, birth control or sex ed, you are literally the problem.

Pro abortion, but only up to the 300th trimester. It's very trendy now, all the kids are doing it. A study found that due to bad music, women are intentionally getting pregnant so they can get abortions... Out of pure boredom and angst. It's the bad kind of murder, as opposed to the good kind of murders, like poisoning our water, wars and poverty. A 12 piece white fetus meal goes for $9.99, but you can get a deal on a bucket of dark fetus for $7.99 plus biscuits and a large drink.

I don't like it but it's not my body so a woman can do what she wants.