Twelve Mile Club - alleged sect of the Ninth Circle operating out of Vancouver BC that brings children out on private yachts for abuse and sacrifice

101  2017-10-01 by agent570358201

Vancouver was ranked by UNESCO as one 3 global trafficking hubs back in 1998. Not much was done about it.

It appears there is a sect of the Ninth Circle satanic sacrifice cult called the Twelve Mile Club, which moors private yachts in West Vancouver and then takes children 12 miles out to sea (international waters) for abuse, murder and disposal.

Often the children are Native, taken from the streets of Vancouver, or from reservations.

Many people have given testimony on this, and it reaches deep into the Catholic church and the government. article here

Here is a timeline of related events in BC, including details on court complicity, media bans, and cooperation from some Native Chiefs themselves.

Details of government/Ninth Circle involvement here

further reading

12 mile club

There was some talk about this situation many years ago, and I think ITCCS was actually able to get a bunch of Ninth Circle members arrested, but I don't know the details... Also I'm wondering if anyone's able to find a mirror to the missing video that's linked in a few of those articles.


I don't think anyone gets shat on quite as hard as native Americans. Even abos in australia get government subsidies to huff gas, we make them pan handle for that shit over here.

They pan handle here too, and huff gas, dont pay taxes, get free post secondary education, ya know, basics.

It seems there are people in the US of a different skin color that fits that description.

Native American communities in Canada have faced atrocities that they openly speak about. Children being taken off never to be seen again, lots of church molestations, secret society shenanigans, and overall using them as cattle. It deserves a lot more attention than it gets. Human trafficking is quite an epidemic up there from what I hear from Canadians online.

Outrageous and sad beyond words. I believe you.

I used to work with a native from the reservation in Saskatoon Canada and he was telling me how a lot of his family/friends were receiving settlements from the boarding schools because of sexual abuse and molestation. It was a huge huge problem and many boarding schools got shut down. They were all government run and the government had to pay out millions of dollars for all these sex abuse cases. That was just his family. It was very very wide spread and many natives faced abuse and rape and molestation. It really freaked me out how systematic and wide spread it was and it really didn't seem to surprise him much, just another day. Native Americans have faced a lot of abuse

Breaks my heart to hear this stuff, but we need to acknowledge these problems to move towards fixing them. Thanks for sharing this information.

Apparently 50,000 kids were killed at those schools

I listened to a podcast a last night about Robert Pickton... He did his vile deeds right around Vancouver... Some real life Texas Chainsaw Massacre type stuff... That area seems to be a hotspot for depravity.


If you like TLPOTL, check out the podcast "Our Big Dumb Mouth". It's one of my favorites.


Picton was just a disposal guy. He had a farm full of pigs to deal with the corpses. Most of the media only stated information about female prostitutes but when they did the excavation of his property dozens of unidentified male DNA samples were discovered.

Remember that really subpar "Texas Chainsaw" from the 90s? The one where "the family" worked for a shadow government... Are you thinking something like that?

Nah... bikers. We have a high number of missing men around here. Early 20's large guys. Rumour has it that there are illegal fights and people are kidnapped and forced to fight.

One of these illegal fights was filmed by the RCMP using a car mounted FLIR camera.

I've heard of that stuff happening a lot in Mexico, didn't know it was also going on in Canada too.

Lived in a particularly bad city in BC my whole life until a year ago. The racism towards natives from people outside of my age group (high school) is widespread and if not accepted, pretty open. There's a belief that they think white people owe them everything, that they don't like us, etc. There are also quite a few programs (financial aid, schooling) that actually do prioritize them, which if beneficial doesn't help their cases, especially when there's a seemingly disproportionate amount of lower income families. Definitely a detachment between the two, but it doesn't matter in school. Same thing here in Alberta, just with fillipinos.

"They hate us already so it's okay to be cruel." Projecting assholes.

There was a conspiracy thread after the 2016 US election about trafficking activity in Seattle that would be linked to Vancouver. It was very eye-opening for me at the time.

I'll try to get a link to it, since I commented on it.

Please let me know if you find it.

Turns out it was a link to a very interesting article of a situation with the police department. I hope you also find it interesting.

Why did you think Justin Trudeau had that bizarre & secretive meeting with Elizabeth II in Edinburgh?

Elizabeth has a warrant in Saskatchewan Canada for her arrest concerning the disappearance of a dozen native children.

I nver knew that. Interesting. Is it a legit warrant though?

This also has to do with the 9th circle cult btw.

interesting. Thanks for the link.

Wow. This sounds crazy at first, but there's at least some legitimate sources that make it worth looking into. It seems like it'd be a really easy to thing to confirm though, right?


Ah, OK--thanks. I wasn't sure if they had any legitimacy. Guess I'll wait for better sources before giving this any more thought.

Elizabeth has a warrant in Saskatchewan Canada for her arrest concerning the disappearance of a dozen native children.



Picton was just a disposal guy. He had a farm full of pigs to deal with the corpses. Most of the media only stated information about female prostitutes but when they did the excavation of his property dozens of unidentified male DNA samples were discovered.