The food and water supplies have been made toxic by design.

34  2017-10-01 by LightBringerFlex

In case people haven't noticed this, here are a few examples:

  1. Our sink water is totally contaminated with stuff like Flouride to dumb us down and make us sick.

  2. The food being fed to cows is full of every poison imaginable. The cows eat that food and then we eat the cows.

  3. Everything in convenient stores are full of unhealthy, fattening garbage plus poisons such as aspatame (found in many drinks).

  4. Also we are injesting chemtrails forcefully.

The idea behind toxicity in our foods is to make us overweight, physically unhealthy, mentally unhealthy, and for us to die an early death.


That and to curb the shelf life of stored goods and liquids. Its a financially sound business model, ethically not-so-much...

  • each of us is worth shitloads to big pharma over that unhealthy lifespan

  • built in redundancy in most consumer products (eg PC's) that kick in days before warranty expires


Shit sucks, for sure. We can grow our own food, eat wild edibles, collect rainwater, barter skills and supplies etc.

Sadly, it seems the majority of distracted humans prefer the system to do their thinking for them and are unable to care enough about important things like contaminated food/water.

Too busy watching the latest vacuous shit on the idiot box and yelling at the screen. Whilst chugging a toxic blend of take away grease and mass produced beer.

We can grow our own food

In some states you cannot. Florida has legislation about this iirc.

collect rainwater

Again, Illegal in most areas around me, anyhow.

In addition to your points, most Americans don't have time to grow all they eat because we have to pay our rent/mortgage which is big enough to force us to have to spend the majority of our time at work. Cave men could spend all their time worrying about food because they had no landlords.

They value luxury and things being handed to them ober their own well being... What do you expect?

On top of that, standard agricultural practices cover the produce with toxic chemicals and grow everything in heavily minerally depleted soils so the food itself is much less nutritious than it would be if it was grown properly. I remember seeing some study claiming a modern grocery store apple has something like 70% less magnesium and a bunch of other minerals than grocery store apples tested from 50-60 years ago if you need to eat 4-5 apples to get the same nutrient quantity as one apple in the past it's no wonder people are getting sick on top of everything you said. Don't even get me started on what we're doing to the gut microbiome and how fucked up our dairy industry has become.

All oats and wheatz are sprayed with cancerous glyphosphate immediately prior to harvest because it makes the grains plump and ripe. Do they wash them off? No. And if they did, it wouldn't matter because the chemical is absorbed.

Include scented products on the list. Kitchen wastebasket bags, laundry and dish detergent, etc.--who asked for all that stuff to be scented? What you breathe gets into your body and that's not good.

They gotta kill all sub 8 men somehow. May as well make money in the process.

This is the main reason that I've become a vegetarian recently. That and cutting junk food and snacks out of your diet. That right there will extend your life span by a decade. It also makes you generally, and noticeably, healthier than others around you.

Soy is a precursor to estrogen, which has a hand in the modern day feminization of men

Preaching to the choir man. Vegetarian = tofu to most places. I always have to ask for just vegetables. White people problems, right.

Good on you, bud. You have more will power than I.

Better deregulated the market!
