They admit it!
50 2017-10-01 by Deficatingdefender
Our elected officials admit they have no control over the Deep State!
Schumer's quote "You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday to get back at you,"
Jay Rockefeller's quote "Don’t you understand the way Intelligence works? Do you think that because I’m Chairman of the Intelligence Committee that I just say I want it, and they give it to me? They control it. All of it. ALL of it. ALL THE TIME. I only get - and my committee only gets - what they WANT to give me."
We pay these people to prevent this crap but they admit they have absolutely no control over anything the Deep State does. Why do these elected officials even exist?
1 AIsuicide 2017-10-01
Why do they exist?
To be sock puppets for the deep state?
1 Orangutan 2017-10-01
To give the illusion of democracy or a representative government and choice.
1 AIsuicide 2017-10-01
The camera is the guilty one here. It helps them create the illusion while they use it to make sure we're buying the illusion. Bad camera.
1 435435435 2017-10-01
So someones always got a finger on the nuke button too
1 QuantumMessiah 2017-10-01
What do you guys think the goal or purpose of the Deep State is?
1 Orangutan 2017-10-01
Complete control.
1 QuantumMessiah 2017-10-01
Don't they already have that though?
1 435435435 2017-10-01
No they'd prefer the populace be more behaved
1 QuantumMessiah 2017-10-01
I guess it's really all about playing god, they get to control who reproduces, when, and how. What foods you eat and what jobs you get. etc etc.
1 Addisonavery 2017-10-01
They just want to plays The Sims.
1 AIsuicide 2017-10-01
Yes...and less population. They'd prefer a less behaved population.
1 AIsuicide 2017-10-01
To make sure banks continue to exist so they have somewhere to cash their checks.
1 435435435 2017-10-01
I assume the top dogs don't deal with legal tender / money
1 AIsuicide 2017-10-01
I assure you 100 percent that the "top dogs" deal strictly with legal tender / money.
1 435435435 2017-10-01
How would you know? With respect.
I know the Vatican has a bank. I doubt the pope needs a credit card however.
1 AIsuicide 2017-10-01
On behalf of its clients, the Institute carries out financial activities authorized by the AIF, and offers the following services: acceptance of deposits, asset management, certain custodial functions, international payment transfers through correspondent banks, and holding salary and pension accounts of employees of the Holy See and the Vatican City State
1 Deficatingdefender 2017-10-01
I once thought it was control. But the mechanisms for societal control are already in place - money, the education system etc. And these mechanisms seem far removed from the deep state. The deep state makes their own funding outside of monetary control (e.g. the drug trade). Their 'education system' consists of secret societies and Ivy League institutions which don't rely on the 'education system'. Their purpose must be something that must kept hidden at all costs.
My own opinion is they intend to remake society and civilization completely.
1 435435435 2017-10-01
The worship of Satan / Jesuit theories / return of Satan theories sounds plausible to me
1 Iworshiplemons 2017-10-01
Really? The existence of a biblical Satan sounds plausible to you?
1 435435435 2017-10-01
These days it does . Yes.
That's not what i meant however. I mean; they already have control of the education systems, money systems and seemingly everything else. Perhaps what drives them is religious motives.
1 iccixxi 2017-10-01
The Devil doesn't die (or hasn't) like we do. The age of the Devil and the other fallen angels is unknown. However, the human tools (the elite) and their human soldiers (the military industrial complex - not all, but a lot) are under their control from when they are young. They have been fed another set of lies, but they have been lied to like the rest of the world. The soldiers and worker bees that aren't controlled from a young age are kept in line through fear and money. Death is the punishment for disobedience, and they do not hesitate to use that option. They do not care about the people (elite, soldiers, or bees,) they only care about maintaining the systems they have created and implemented throughout society. Their battle is against God and the delay of his return. The Devil also has quite an ego and thinks he/she is God. The Devil seeks self-glorification and worship. The Devil has a mental illness, too.
1 fuckingshitman11 2017-10-01
Guys like soros want nuclear war so they can survive it in their bunkers in tazmania.
1 arlaman 2017-10-01
Breakaway civilization
1 seeking101 2017-10-01
the feeling of knowing they can do X and get away with it
1 swordofdamocles42 2017-10-01
status quo..... it really wants the income from all the taxes to continue. they are the bee keepers and we are the bees. its all about the money honey.
1 Orangutan 2017-10-01
"There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."
— Senator Daniel K. Inouye at the Iran Contra Hearings (1987)
1 HideFoundHide 2017-10-01
CIA SCIF Farmhouse owned by the Rockefellers who's staff had direct access violating national security laws - CIA agents operating in the SCIF-center stated it was "very problematic."
Sorry man, the guys investigating are investigating themselves. It's just a big joke on you.
1 MahSelectah 2017-10-01
Not one person in our government is actually in control.
1 swordofdamocles42 2017-10-01
the masses need to have an illusion of choice or they wont work so hard....
1 MrJDouble 2017-10-01
Curious that Schumer would say that. He's obviously a deep state guy
1 thinks_he_has_gold 2017-10-01
It was a threat, not a warning.
1 MrJDouble 2017-10-01
Rightly so, makes much more sense