Anyone here think the Trump Russia hack is a hoax and never occurred and that Russia didnt interfere or influence the election?

12  2017-10-02 by clit123

If so, do you foresee any event whether JA admitting Seth Rich was the leaker, and testifying in front of Congress or Muellers grand jury that the leak was not Russia?

or the left and never trumpers being presented evidence that the hack was actually a leak and then admitting they were wrong?

Will Trump be vindicated at some point in his presidency and this coup being exposed as trying to bring down Trump a democratically elected president?

Will those who spread and advocated the Russian-Trump hack theory be brought to justice at some point?


1) no

2) no

3) no

4) no

So you think it's possible, eh?

Me to, and I agree with your four no's.

If this is scripted it will continue to unfold in many different ways--like the JFK assassination or 9/11.

And Trump is not a victim of this hoax, he's a willing participant.

Assange can never admit Seth Rich was the leaker if it is true, as it would seriously harm Wikileaks' ability to get leaks in the future.

You won't see actual evidence of Russian interference because there isn't any. The most you'll get are testimonial lies from CIA/NSA employees.

Sadly, Trump probably will end up on top somehow, but I don't think this issue will be why.

No one will ever face retribution for spreading lies about "Russian hacking". All these weasels are in bed with each other, whether there is a D or an R in front of their name.

Assange can never admit Seth Rich was the leaker if it is true, as it would seriously harm Wikileaks' ability to get leaks in the future.

It would also prove him to be a liar. The whole point of wikileaks is the system that guarantees anonymity. So he doesn't know. If he does know, then he's been lying too the world for over a decade about the site.

I disagree. We know manning and Snowden were both WL sources. WL has never admitted it, but its obvious and its known by the world and by WL itself. And Seth is the source in the leak this time. Theres no other explanation why WL would spend so many tweets about his death, offer a reward and then up that amount. Continually draw attention to his death and all but name him as the source. He's clearly the leak source. And if Aaron rich was paid for the leak WL knows that as well, I assume they dont blindly give money and not have it cleared by the organization as a whole.

Its not anonymous to them, WL. Its anonymous to us. They know who sent them information. They chose to not release it because they protect whistleblowers but its ridiculous to assert they themselves dont know who leaked the information.

Are you sure? Why wouldn't wikileaks use encryption or something to keep their sources seceret?

additionally I think its clear Charles Murray played a role in it. Assange said he Murray spoke out of turn, but I do think he was a intermediary or middle man for all this. I think Murray did meet Seth or Aaron or someone Seth trusted to give Murray the thumb drive in that wooded area near American University.

Ehh I dont think every "wikileak" is submitted anonymously. Also Assange may not know whether Seth Rich was the leaker but he might strongly suspect it.

Or else there are other possibilities. You cant pretend to know that Seth Rich isnt the leaker though.

Then President Obama told the world it was a hack not a leak December 16, 2016.

Why do conservatives and Trump and Russia supporters continue to talk about it as if it is a hack?

Why does anyone think this is important when it is not a major focus of the Congress or Mueller investigations.

Think you had it right the first time... In that 12/16 press conference Obama repeatedly says the DNC was hacked. The emails were hacked to obtain them, then leaked to release them. He says wikileaks leaked the documents after Russia hacked them. Repeatedly.

Yes, sorry, I posted the wrong press conference and date..

Why do you even care what obama said?.. he's clearly lying evertime he opens his mouth with that robotic, coached, monotone trained style of speech of his.

Why do you even care what obama said?

Cause I was responding to a comment about what Obama said

yeah cause the neoliberal establishment is so trustworthy

What does that mean?

My point is this. This is not very important in the investigation but conservative media treats it as the holy grail of the Russian interference.

My point is your listening to the neos and shitstream media in the first place. Remember Iraqi WMDs?

I scan MSM to see what the primary operation is and I check conservative media to see what lies their consumers are being told about the actual movement the nation and the people are being pushed in and who they intend to blame and who they intend to start a hate fest against.

hate fest

Who specifically is trying to start a hate fest? Libertarians? Have you really been convinced that freedom is bad? Jesus man you have really lost it havent you?

Have you ever actually listened to infowars? Have you listened to Alex Jones's older broadcasts? He may be wrong sometimes and he also is admittedly on Trump's team but he is also right about a shit ton of fucking shit. Like he predicted 911 and frogs really are being turned into hermaphrodites by atrazine.

Atrazine was actually discovered by a cross dressing black man so libs should love him, very brogressive xDd:

Also 911 prediction:

He knew because of this:

Also Alex Jones is not some fucking racist like everyone thinks he is hes a fucking suuuuuuuper open minded guy. He is just the only one with balls enough to call out radical Islamists on air. He also features Muslims on his show sometimes and they even talk about how fucked up parts of the fundamentalist culture are. What happened to liberals rejecting dogma!??!?!?

If you found this post informative and ironically become an Alex Jones fan in the future please consider buying some water filters or dick pills from him:

Also I comepletly disagree with her but Abby Martin is my favorite liberal political activist. Her and her brother have a podcast which is good because theyre red pilled on most things even though theyre infected by the socialist mind virus:

TL:DR and what did I say to deserve that?

But now the goalposts have shifted and there are reports 20 or some states had their electronic systems probed and the insinuation is it's the Russians.

You are moving the goalposts and I think we have read that 3 of those states, including California say no Russian hack.

It seems to be primarily a narrative pushed by conservative media to ultimately discredit the idea of Russian interference, but that discrediting seems to have strong evidence to the contrary with the disclosures of Drudge report connections to Russian media, the Facebook disclosures and the yet to be revealed Google disclosures.

I didn't say the Russians did it, just that some people have insinuated as such.

I was mostly pointing out the federal government claimed 20 states were "hacked.":

The federal government on Friday told election officials in 21 states that hackers targeted their systems before last year's presidential election.

And many of those states claim Russians are behind it, as noted in the article linked above:

The Wisconsin Election Commission, for example, said the state's systems were targeted by "Russian government cyber actors." Alaska Elections Division Director Josie Bahnke said computers in Russia were scanning election systems looking for vulnerabilities.

And even California claims its the Russians:

It is completely unacceptable that it has taken DHS over a year to inform our office of Russian scanning of our systems, despite our repeated requests for information," California Secretary of State Alex Padilla a Democrat, said in a statement.

That is old news, here is the latest from California's Secretary of State.

I don't think NYPost is the greatest source but they say Wisconsin also says no hacking.

Who's to know what really happened.

This very well can be a concocted drama with lots of twists and turns.

Yes, that is the goal, fuck up the ideas, fuck up what is real with what is manipulative lies.

So you've obviously made your mind up already. Are you just looking for someone to argue with? Either way I'll play along.

Seth Rich was not in a position to leak the emails, but if you pretend he did, it still doesn't matter because there was nothing in the emails worth killing for.

Assange could put a stop to the speculation, but he won't because he can't. He enjoys the attention. He likes to say he'll never reveal a source for their protection, but if Seth's the leaker and he genuinely believes he was killed for it, by either Russia or the DNC, it's irresponsible to keep that to himself.

Hillary and the dems and many on the left blame WL and JA for throwing the election to Trump. Read her book. Read what they say online about JA and WL. They've explicitly said this. Seth its been theorized saw emails relating to Hillary rigging the primary against Bernie, saw emails about pizzagate, saw emails about voter nullification, saw Awan emails. To say he was killed over that isn't insane. People have been killed over way less.

Seymour Hersh said it happened. And WL has spent an absurd amount of time discussing his murder. JA has hinted more than once he was the source.

Jennifer Palmieri, Hillarys campaign communications director and Hillary herself said in the final days of the campaign, that WL was going to release something completely mind-blowing and that we shouldn't believe it.

The reveal never occurred.

All you have are hints and theories. Assange is probably laughing at how he's been stringing people along while he desperately tries to stay relevant.

On your 2nd question are you referring to the Forensicator articles in particular?

not specifically. Im just talking about anything that would be publicly stated or shown that would prove Trump/Russia is a lie and hoax. Theres alot of people, left and never trumpers who are all in on the Trump Russia thing. They are 100 percent convinced that Trump is a russian spy/agent and so is JA. My main question is regarding whether there will be fallout when its proven there is no Russia connection. Russia didnt hack anything. Trump isn't friends with Putin and Russia didnt influence the election. And WL and JA have no connection to Russia. When that comes out, Im wondering if the people who are pushing this witch hunt will have to face justice and say sorry for putting the world and Trump himself through this absurd coup attempt