Mass casualty shooting in Las Vegas. Multiple dead. Shooters were firing automatics into a crowd at an outdoor concert.

2052  2017-10-02 by Fuckaduckfuckaduck

Twitter link

Video of people running


I’ve been listening to the scanner since this began, first reports were 2-3 shooters from multiple floors of the Mandalay Bay hotel. The Tropicana and Ali Baba have also been mentioned as possible locations, but not confirmed.

Edit - Ad for crisis actors in Vegas placed over a month ago

Edit 2 - Report of shots fired in New York New York now.

Edit 3 - Report of black car in parking garage with wires hanging out.

Edit 4 - MSNBC and LVPD (on the scanner) confirming at least 2 shooters.

Edit 5 - “Multiple subjects down at NYNY” - LVPD on scanner.

Edit 6 - Confirmed incident at NYNY, and just confirmed active shooter at The Tropicana.

Edit 7 - Suspect down, floor 32 Mandalay Bay, room 135.

Edit 8 - No shots fired at The Tropicana, that was a false alarm.

Edit 9 - No shots fired at NYNY. Also a false alarm. Kinda feels like these guys were calling in false calls as diversions.

Edit 10 - Possible shots fired at the Caesar and Bellagio. What the fuck?

Edit 11 - Suspects targeted people at an outdoor country concert (Jason Aldean).

Edit 12 - No shots fired at Bellagio but it just went into lockdown.

Edit 13 - Looks like the remaining active shooter is at The Flamingo.

Edit 14 - Video

Edit 15 - Male walking into The Bellagio with a rifle.

Edit 16 - More video

Edit 17 - Flights in and out of McCarron have been halted.

Edit 18 - Loose confirmation of Audi car bomb in a parking garage.

Edit 19 - Shot fired at Bellagio. Automatic fire could be heard on the scanner.

Edit 20 - Audi with carbomb was left by 4 males.

Edit 21 - More video

Edit 22 - Image NSFW/L

Edit 23 - More video

Edit 24 - MSNBC now saying on air “no more shooters involved.” However eyewitness accounts claim multiple. Let the fuckery begin.

Edit 25 - More video

Edit 26 - This guy claims a shooter shouted “Trump!”

Edit 27 - “Can you please tell media to back off, we don’t have all suspects accounted for.”

Edit 28 - MSM continues to push the “no more shooters” narrative. Meanwhile, LVPD keep saying they have not apprehended all suspects.

Edit 29 - This will be my last edit as it is 4:30am and I’m fairly tired. LVPD Sheriff says only one shooter, and thus the lone shooter narrative (he even used the phrase lone wolf) for this tragedy has been born. And of course the shooter is dead. I think the wise among us realize what has happened here.

Edit 30 - Okay, this is my last edit. Link to eyewitness describing woman screaming “you’re all going to die” before concert.

10/2 Edits

Edit 31 - Live shooter training at a casino on Sept 30th

Edit 32 - One shooter, but 2 windows broken out

Edit 33 - Eyewitness accounts of multiple shooters at multiple venues

Edit 34 - ISIS claims responsibility

Edit 35 - Link to full audio from LVPD

Edit 36 - Shooter worked for predecessor of Lockheed Martin

Edit 37 - What the fuck? Harvest 91 Festival on 10/1. 9/11/01. Which wouldn’t be nearly as curious if there weren’t fucking twin towers behind the stage

Edit 38 - 32nd floor, + ground floor = 33. The people who were shot, were shot right in front of a pyramid, a sphinx, and an obelisk. The Luxor (pyramid) is 33 stories tall.


Arent fully automatic weapons super illegal? How would one even get one here?

Dude. Fully automatics are not hard at all to obtain in the states. You just have to know the right people.

Refer to the Fresno bank robbery in the 90’s, or the San Bernardino shooting a couple years back.

I believe he was being sarcastic

Heh. My bad. I’m sucked into trying to keep up with the scanner. My sarcasm filter is off.

I understand dude, it's much too early for the sarcasm, the shooters are still on the loose as I write this. If anyone believes it to mean something, I'd suggest a little prayer so the real perpetrators are identified and face justice.

you can be sure the instruments will be having dirt naps shortly, in any case.

And this is how I know nothing will actually change. Just pray for it to get better.

The unfortunate thing is that they people seem to be trained and actually good shots. In both of those circumstances the perps were awful shots and in the bank robbery one basically complete morons and did everything wrong. These guys seem trained and coordinated.

Yeah. They have the cops running around. They seem to be moving north up the strip.

Those back robbers, if I'm thinking of the same instance as you, had the advantage of having significantly superior firepower and body armor for the times. The cops didn't have a chance until they got some better equipment from, IIRC, nearby gun stores and SWAT. Then they cleaned house.

SWAT was created in response to the robbery...

no, the Texas tower incident, way back.

off topic but ya--There was even a TV show called SWAT in the mid70s. Way prior to that bank robbery.

I'd suspect some kind of break-in is also going on with this event too, given there are way too many juicy targets in that regard. Multiple teams in this instance. Two or three are causing chaos to keep the police busy, and some other team is blowing into vaults. Might not even be stealing bulk cash, but transaction records and various ledgers which are likely just as important for big casinos these days.

However if that guess is right, I'm not sure if the unseen group is going to make the news like the ones doing all the random shooting.

You arw literally just making shit up on the spot based on Nothing, and then accusing the media of covering it up.

Engage brain.

There has been prior precedent for this kind of thing before. An attack for terror alone can be anywhere, but attacking a place where all the money tends to be concentrated tends to have a dual motive. And casinos are super-secretive about their financial dealings, it's just how they operate. I'm going to stick with my hunch that there's more to this crime than what's in the news.

If you want to rob the casinos, causing a massive scene and having all of the casinos get locked down under max security, is not the way to do it.

Spraying full auto isn't a good shot

doesnt take much training to shoot into a barrel full of fish.

Fully automatic weapons are very expensive and difficult to obtain, must be registered. Sounded like a trigger crank or bump stock.

Or they have to be untraced, which is the simplest way for someone to obtain an automatic weapon when planning something like this. A modified semi automatic is still more likely.

Where are they obtained from in the first place? A middle-of-the-night smash and grab at a gun store? Stolen from a burglary on the off chance that the owner just so had an automatic weapon? Smuggled from South America? Illegally converted?

All of the above, making fully automatic weapons illegal does very little to prevent criminals from obtaining them. I'm sure the majority of them are converted or smuggled in. Either way, they're still being used in gang/drug related shootings in places like Chicago and Detroit.

Wow how many of you spellbound imbeciles are there? I can't believe there are so many fairy tale lives being lived out atm. It is not some mythical event to possess an automatic weapon in the US. Motivated individuals can and do obtain them, and some of those individuals use them for nefarious purpose. The only bumping this guy was doing was off an 8ball as he reading his fucking Vietnam weapon. That's exactly what his weapon sounded like. Some automatic shit poppin off like you hear in them Vietnam videos.

Fully automatic weapons are very expensive and difficult to obtain

Not true at all. A friend of my dad's sent his AR-15 lower receiver to a gentleman in Arizona and got it sent back fully auto.

I think there's more to it or it wasn't legal

Yeah, that sure doesn't sound very legal.

I'm not sure what connections you have, but they are pretty hard to come by. Pistols and shotguns are easy. But finding an actual machine gun with no real connection to the market is near impossible. You probably have a better chance of being robbed an skilled than ever seeing one.

These firearms were most likely converted to full auto from semi auto, which is very easy and can be done with basic machining skills depending on the firearm.


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it's easy for the deep state to acquire fully automatic weapons

/false flag terrorism

To what end? Wouldn't the deep state want to target "left wing" groups to discredit trump supporters?

These people operate above the left/right paradigm. It may be to further push gun control laws. Armed citizens is what really worries them. I’m not saying this was a false flag as I really don’t have enough info yet but if there’s a motivation for any element of the CIA / FBI or rogue elements it might be this. Remember the deep state is a completely separate entity to the shadow government, the intelligence agencies and rogue faction within said groups.

$200 tax stamp background check paperwork fingerprints and thousands of dollars will get a legal one in most states.

or steal one= $0

The way he was firing the weapon doesn't give me the impression that it was a weapons enthusiast or someone familiar with weapons (a typical person that would go through the process of obtaining pre-1986 automatic).

It's jerry-rigged heh

it's both tbh

Ask yourself how jury-rigged really makes sense?

Like all older slang, it doesn't really make sense in any contemporary context.

Unfortunately, the original phrase that you still hear in some regions is 'nigger rig'.

It's an archaic term from sailing.

More like 10s of thousands. Going rate on auto M-16 is 25-30k

You can still find MACs for under 10.

Damn I wanna get on that train. I’d love a Mac.

Just a few years ago they went for $3-4k. I should've gotten one.

Not really. First of all, whomever was firing was not trained properly to use that weapon. He was holding the trigger down and emptying the magazine in one pull, which renders an automatic kind of useless at the range he was allegedly firing (hundreds of meters to over 1000m likelyt) To me it sounded like an AK platform, probably firing from drum magazines - they're kind of a pain in the ass to reload especially if you're in a hurry.

Believe it or not had he been firing a semi-automatic weapon it could have been more deadly. Automatic 7.62 at that range, and with no proper control of the weapon will just send rounds tumbling into the distance off target.

he was firing down into the crowd as if shooting fish in a barrel. Not much chance of rounds tumbling off into the distance in that scenario.

It's really not that simple over 500m.

Actually,it is that easy.

The shooter had the high ground,which every military in the world seeks out for its tactical advantages. Especially when conducting an ambush into a target rich enviroment,,which is basicly what this was. Of course, with aimed fire, it might be difficult to hit a specific target,but that wasnt the case here. All he had to do was point his weapon down toward the crowd,then spray and pray.

It's not like they were directly below him, they were more than 1400 feet away, which if youve ever fired a weapon is not an easy shit even with the best conditions, and this guy unloaded fully automatic fire at them. Not as simple as shooting fish in a barrel if the barrel is more than a thousand feet out

Yeah... I think it was more like the dude was aiming at a football field, not at a person. Hard to miss the general area.

I think what he is saying, that if the person knew what they were doing it would've been far worse.

With a crowd packed that tight together, even a semi experienced long range shooter would have no problem keeping the spray in an area that is hundreds of meters wide. One sand bag and a 6 power scope and he would have no trouble if he had practiced a little. Its scary how easy it really is to do something like what this guy did. No gun laws short of mandatory weekly house inspections with metal detectors would ever stop someone thats not an idiot. These people that do these shootings piss me off beyond belief.

How did you get satellite photos? Or have they been released to the news?

Where are you getting 500m from?

If the shooter is on the 32nd floor then he’s less than 400ft up.

500m is more than a 1/4 of a mile.

apparently he was firing a semi automatic but he was bumping it

Thousands and thousands of dollars at that. I've got a Pre-ban CAR-15 that was $22k.

Local shop has an m16 for the bargain basement price of $30k.

But I thought they were so incredibly easy to purchase???????? Christ.

If you have 10s of 1000s of dollars to burn, 13-18 months, and an insanely clean record for the atf and fbi to go through with a fine tooth comb, then yeah, its simple.

Mine was filed last July or August and the stamp was just received two weeks ago.

I'm definitely thinking drum mag. I tried to slow down one of the videos to count the shots, it was difficult to get the precise number, but it was definitely more than a standard 30 round magazine.

Shooter was counting on the Accuracy by Volume theory.

Not really. You can't legally purchase or operate a 'machine gun' manufactured after 1986, so everything 1986 and prior can be purchased with an extensive ATF process and 'tax stamp'. They are limited stock, so they costs thousands of dollars - anyone that buys a weapon like that is not using it to go on a killing spree, they're for hobbyists. This was either an illegal weapon, stolen, or illegally tampered with to make a particular semi-auto an 'automatic' - which a lot of people do, but the weapon isn't safe or reliable if you do that.

Not to mention, there has not been a single use of a legal fully automatic firearm in a crime in recorded history.

There was that HK dealer or what not who had a dealer sample and used it in self defense after a motorcycle gang attacked him. (The Gary Fadden Incident)

From the sound of it fireing it wasn't full auto.

It's a semi-auto with one of thise doohickys that pulls the trigger as fast as you can crank the doohicky.

Because the cadence of it varys exactly like that.
Full auto is just that tho. full auto. one sound. one cadence.

Listening to the audio it sounds like a semi auto that was being bump fired, which is why the rate of fire increases and decreases.

"Ex CIA operative, after listening to video of Vegas shooting, tells me 'that's a fully automatic weapon. There's no question.'" —Natasha Bertrand

Why would CIA operatives know much about guns? They sell them, sure, and they have others use them, but for the most part, the CIA would rather use any tool other than a gun.

lmao I love it how some people think all CIA members walk around in suits and briefcases and don't do their business with gunfights. Search a little bit about the CIA S.A.D, those guys know a lot about fully automatic gun fire

The only people that use fully automatic guns are amateurs and people trying to make a scene. The CIA wouldn't use fully automatic guns in any situation. They're wildly inaccurate. They only make sense (from a professional perspective) up close, a la the Vector.

I don't know from where you take this kind of information but it's all BS. While yes, most of Spec Ops soldiers use semi automatic fire for almost all situations, full auto fire it's also very used in Spec Ops: Supressing enemies especially if they are a big group, CQC when cleaning rooms/buildings, etc... You should read about the CAR-15

people trying to make a scene

Literally covers all of your examples.

Wtf are you talking about? How a Navy SEAL supressing enemies is "trying to make a scene"? lmao

This or a crank gatling gun. Check out the sticky on /r/guns seems, to me, this is what most people there think. But I'm not saying it is or isnt. 10 fully auto rifles would cost a shit ton going through legal channels and take a shit ton of time to get the stamps for them and fbi and atf would know you have them. 10 ar15s with bump stocks wouldn't be nearly as costly and could get that stuff at pretty much any gun store. :/ super sad shit.

Yep, my first guess too. Slide fire stocks, bipod or mount and drum magazines.

The audio makes it sound like two or more guns are being fired at once, but this could easily be echo or something, I'm no expert, but I do shoot automatic weapons at the ranges here in nevada, I'm guessing all the buildings and wide open space below just made it sound that way, but when I first saw one of the videos, sounded like two automatics firing into the crowd, not sure.

No freaking way was this guy bump firing 300 yards away and got 50+ kills. No way. He had a fully automatic AK47 with a 50 round Drum Magazine. I’ll bet on it.

Thats what my army friend said too, he could tell from the sound

it's probably a bump-fire stock on a semi-automatic rifle

how is that legal? dafuq america lul, this reminds me of all the 'pistols' these days with short stocks and short barrels that basically are compact rifles

People get illegal things everyday, b

Super illegal if owned illegally. You can legally own machine guns. It’s just over 15 grand to own one. Not to mention you have to pass an additional check from the ATF.

No legally owned machine gun has ever been used in a crime.

Ha! You're funny. Yeah, there aren't any autos in LA or Vegas because they are super illegal. There also aren't meth labs making hundreds of pounds of meth around victorville, because it's illegal. Super illegal.

You can make a poor mans full auto using a bump fire stock for cheap. Slide fire is the best, I have shot full auto and it is very close in terms of being accurate, as far as shooting accurately with auto fire goes, especially if you use a bipod.

These videos are legal semi-autos using slide fire stocks.

The scanner is saying there is an active shooter at flamingo as well.

Jesus Christ. This is bad.

Holy fuck, heard shots on scanner!

This is so fucked

Hold on. Isnt the technology there to fake such blood streaks? Anymore nsfw evidence released? Thats tbe only one I found thus far.

What are you implying?

That the story may have elements of fakery (it does).

No, not saying everything is fake. Think logically. Never believe what talking heads say. Analyze the shoddy first hand evidence that has been publically released.

Now this is weird..

They are now saying that they are not looking for anymore shooters, but I heard them shots on scanner and this was after they confirmed the first shooter was killed.

Doesn't make sense

Same. Very bizarre. I’ve also heard reports of Asian and White suspects who dropped off the suspicious Audi which apparently is a car bomb.

This all sounds like an absolute clusterfuck on the scanner.

"white male all in grey camo SE of tropicana"

"suspect possibly on 4th floor of tropicana"

-scanner just now

Sounds ricocheting off of huge buildings makes it sound like it's coming from multiple places when it isn't.

Goddammit OJ

that was literally the first thing I thought after seeing some video of him being released from jail and being in Vegas

Wtf? False flag?

Something tells me this is an "islamic" terror attack and that news reports will be filled with strange hermetic references (e.g. "terrorist killed on the 33rd floor of the mandalay bay hotel").

May the real perpetrators of this heinous act be identified and face justice.

29th and 33nd floor.

North Korean

hahahah... riiiiight?

more like... mossad... trying to pin it on islamic north koreans :D

Egyptian North Korean. Korean - e = Koran

Something tells me this is an "islamic"

oh yea? lemme guess.. because they hate our freedoms ??

/you small like a an idiot

/you small like a an idiot


Did you notice the quotation marks? Did you read the rest of my comment? Do I really need to spell out everything?

/you smell like someone with reading difficulties

What if you are wrong?

Then I'm wrong. That's a possible side-effect of educated speculation.

But don't worry, you won't catch leperacy because of it.

educated speculation.

What exactly is educated about your speculation? What are you basing it on?

If you want me to be responsible for your political education, I will have to charge you for it.

But here's a freebie: Daniele Ganser's seminal work, NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe (full book PDF). TLDR

And that has what exactly to do with the Vegas shooting?

Gladio B. Other link.

I'd happily engage with you Schotel, if I thought you were participating in this sub in good faith. I've been noticing your "contributions" here. Tchuss.

Right now, the person who is allegedly the shooter is an older white guy. Doesn't sound very islamic to me.

Alex Jones said his sources said he had just converted to Islam and local law enforcement was already aware of him. Alex actually has good sources but youre probably too closed minded to even consider that.

Anyway ANTIFA was fucking threatening to kill people this fall so it seems likely it was them. Although obviously it could have been other things.

A huge fucking problem honestly is that the Media and politicians use these kinds of things as a way to gain control. If only they would just be rational and outdoor concert venues would just develop better security practices.

If you enjoyed this comment please consider donating to help fight the globalists:

Alex Jones said

Are you fucking joking?

He has good sources sometimes! Your using ad hominen now just because youve been radicalized by leftist media to not believing anything which comes from Alex Jones. He literally has good sources sometimes even if he is wrong about some other stuff.

Anyway even if you dont believe him this guy was obviously targeting conservatives. He was photographed at several radical leftist protests.

Leftist media is constantly trying to hammer it into people that all Trump Supporters are racist and all white people are evil nazis. It's honestly not surprising that crazy people take it literally and then do horrible things. Use occam's razor. Its obvious why he targeted a country music concert. This guy's friends and family apparently said that he was against guns to. I think it's pretty obvious this guy was motivated politically at the very least. Maybe even ANTIFA had influence on him or radical islam.

You sound like a parody account. Are you for real?

Are you?

Your bias is soooooo strong you wouldn't even know the truth if it bit you in the ass!

Do you not fucking know about ANTIFA threatening to conduct massive attacks this fall? It's honestly the most plausible theory.

GTFOH, Dude. This is like the 6th comment of yours I've seen on this thread alone. You're all over this sub copying and pasting the same comment on anything LV related. Your account is 66 days old and you've posted 3 times all of which are on the same free karma sub r/freekarma4u Whatever you're pushing, whoever you are, you're a fucking scumbag for using this tragedy, no matter how questionable, to ask for money. Especially under the guise to support crazy ass Alex Jones. Really?

It's a free country mother fucker. I'm exercising my 1A to support the 2A, and hopefully warn people about radical leftism. Antifa really has fucking been threatening to get violent lately and there is nothing fucking wrong with Alex Jones.

Think how many people you know who would justify stealing from a rich person or a corporation. That is basically what leftism is all about, and it's a way bigger problem than racism. It's richism. Antifa has been justifying violence like crazy and saying they were gonna start ramping things up this fall.

Why the fuck do you think that guy shot up a country music concert? Probably to kill conservatives. You're just fucking mad because I'm telling the truth and your delusional view of reality is caving in on itself.

Omg what if.

His name was Joseph Paddock. Sounds real Muslim to me.

"Sounds Muslim" says the racist.


Something tells me this is an "islamic" terror attack

Is that something literally nothing?

Educated speculation

So, literally nothing.

Crisis actor link already taken down. Unbelievable, I remember seeing it on here. This fucking reaks.

Link was broken. I fixed it.

Welp my bad, still looks extremely odd

what looks odd to you?

multiple shooters is odd, for starters

/ill bet you 100 bitcoin they are all killed -- these guys are NEVER captured for questioning... TPTB never want anyone who find out who is financing/directing the shooters.

I now recognize your name as a prolific pizzagate poster, so I don't necessarily trust your ability to separate fact from fiction

You seem tired, bud. You should get some sleep.

nice try you fucking soros shill!!!11

Removed. Rule 10. First warning.

keep up the censorship of obvious jokes. that's what a conspiracy sub is all about!

He just need a lil nappy nap

Dzhokar says hello...

That there were crisis actors hired in Las Vegas a month ago and we are now here. This is a conspiracy forum, and false flags are not unknown. This all looks like a tidy 'lone gunman'?

They're rolling them out in interviews on CBS news as we speak. Real or not these goofballs always pop up. The first girl who was there literally had someone else standing behind her helping her along with her lines. Like, really? Getting sloppy

Oh well then that settles it. Case closed.

I saw a Craigslist ad taken down for a moped recently. I bet that's how the crisis actors got around. Also there was a long line at Starbucks. I bet that's how they got free coffee.

It's all coming together now.

I can not get this damn scanner to work

Download the Scanner Radio app on your phone. It works far better.

What is the name of the scanner app you're using?

Scanner Radio

I think it was shut down. A lot of Twitter posts saying stop sharing officer locations from scanner feeds

It was blacked out at the highest part of the incident, just after breaching the hotel room where the shots were coming from.

So somebody shooting from a hotel window down into the crowd?

Yes. Fully automatics. Just opened fire. I’m trying to find links to videos.

Lots of witness videos cropping up.

There were alot of phones running video already, but I'm assuming none knew where to film.

That was Dan Bilzerian

Why the fuck would he film that pointless video after seeing someone get shot?


Agreed-I'm disturbed by how odd that sounded. Fucking models all day must have him desensitized.

Heard Dan lost like three Instagram models in the shooting

what the fuck is wrong with you

Sorry, Thought I was in Imgoingtohell

Ayo I laughed

He was trained as a navy seal.

Because he made up the girl getting shot story for attention. See how we're all talking about him now? He's a socialite, being at the scene of a terrorist attack is great for his image and will probably end up being quite profitable for him.

What a fuck head.

You're calling him a fuck head based on what?

What a random guy just speculated vs a guy running away from a shooting spree?

Which is more likely true, a guy knows enough about Dan Bilzerian to confirm he is lying, or Dan Bilzerian really did just see a person get shot in the face at a location where a man opened fire on a crowd? Hmm.

You're calling him a fuck head based on what?


Dan Bilzerian


Because he made up the girl getting shot story for attention. See how we're all talking about him now? He's a socialite, being at the scene of a terrorist attack is great for his image and will probably end up being quite profitable for him.

But someone literally just sold you on him making up a story with 0 context or proof.

Welcome to your typical easily convinced user on r/conspiracy

Says the 4month old account that exclusively posts in news.

Get back to work!

Lol no one sold me on anything the dudes a tool.

Yeah because recording a selfie for your followers is a typical response to a traumatic event. I'm surprised there aren't thousands more of these videos!

This video was just a way to get people to tune into his channel and sell ads.

If his life revolves around the internet and being seen it's kinda normal.

Kind of like if your life revolves around your family you'd probably call them immediately.

If his life revolves around the internet and being seen it's kinda normal.

What if his revenue streams revolve around the internet?

He was worth millions of dollars before social media was a thing, you're grasping at very thin straws but I forgot which sub I'm stuck in... with a bunch of fuckin looneys.

He inherited millions of dollars but he spends like he's actually earning more. If you don't think he's working with advertisers to monetize his internet presence you are incredibly naive.

You really think Dan Bilzerian recorded that video because "the internet is like his family so it's normal"?


Do you think celebrities use social media for fun? You really don't think they're getting paid?

I thought it was weird too. I'm not sold this is 100% real yet.

Attack on pro-gun crowds, with a major pro-gun celeb in attendance? Smells fishy.

Smells fishy.

Hell yeah it does. Like a fish shop on a Sunday morning.

Because...Dan Bilzerian?

because he is fucking tool

It's called being in shock, it would not be abnormal for a regular person to start filming themselves in that moment, let a lone a social media star, he was acting like anyone would in shock.

I disagree 100%.

There are endless videos of people in shock, during and after events that immediately start recording. What is your explanation?

There are endless videos of people in shock, during and after events that immediately start recording.


Show me a single video recorded by a regular citizen after people realized what was going on. I'll wait. (you won't find one)

that took two seconds, at the end of this vid is a kid recording himself in far worse shape than Dan was

I wouldn't say he was in worse shape, just not a huge pussy like Dan.

The dude does nothing but shoot guns and fuck bitches and post it online all day.

Because he's famous and likes attention. Could easily be lying or embellishing the situation.

There are clearly two separate fully auto firearms going in that vid.

good lord please people, dont snap chat a scene of terrorism. We dont need web quality 15 second videos that disappear in 24 hours of some of the most valuable footage available. High quality footage is not only important for the historical document but also to help find clues and identify faces.

That's why I save my snapchats

You can also download everything you've posted to your story, if anything its a decent way to get things out quick while actually archiving (15 sec is weak tho I'll give you that)

whats the quality like

Proof they are/were fully auto? Very rare and expensive weapons even in LV. Semi auto can be fired darn quickly and if you bump fire it can simulate full auto fairly well.

Words are important so incorrectly labeling the weapons is a dire mistake.

Doesn't sound fully auto. Sounds like a semi-auto converted with a trigger crank. 0:07 actual shots on the ground

That's so scary. I got goosebumps. There is a child in the video. So fucking scary.

This video here clearly shows 2 guns shooting. You can hear two completely different firing patterns. It's like one on the ground one in the hotel type of deal? or more?

the guy supposedly brought 7 different guns into his hotel room

This video was already pulled, can you reupload to dtube so it can't be censored

ok for me

It must be my phone thank you for reply

Thanks for monitoring the scanners. The situation reports are invaluable when creating timelines if this turns out to be what we all suspect. Especially with the way info is getting scrubbed lately.

yes, please try to record and post audio

Yeah if anything, do it on the repost after this post is abruptly deleted.

Thanks for unfiltered information. I just moved from LV and have a lot of friends and family there.

if this turns out to be what we all suspect

Why is every mass shooting immediately suspected of being fake / false flag as soon as it happens? Are ALL of them fake?

Honest question, not trolling.

This is /r/conspiracy we're talking about, there are some legitimately insane people in this thread right now

Yeah, fucking nut jobs go to a sub about conspiracies and suggest that something is a conspiracy.

I get that. What I don't get is advocating distrust of anything the government says but treating Craiglist ads and blurbs from police radio as the word of God whenever it supports a belief they want to validate.

Devils advocate, again. The thing about the craigslist ads is that they were posted before the event. They could be anything, they could be for a TV commercial or even a legitimate training exercise. But we know they were posted beforehand, and I think that's why people weigh so heavily on them. We know the government has lied in the past to push agendas; we know about secret courts and illegal wiretapping, and we know about a current push to re-legalize said wiretapping.

I don't believe it's as much people are believing what they want to believe as it is not trusting a source you know you can't trust and has an agenda to push. They're taking the facebook thing at face value, which in comparison looks 'like the word of god'.

You're right, the ads could be anything. But in this thread right now are people who will tell you that this is obvious evidence of a false flag operation and all of the victims are paid actors. Once the seed of possibility is planted you'll see grieving family members being called liars and two hour YouTube "documentaries" that people smugly post links to in comment sections telling users here to wake up and see the influence of Hillary Clinton and the Illuminati.

The CL ad is proof that manufactured outrage is a political tool. If a "cause" is willing to hire people to create the appearance of a protest, all involved are human garbage. In this case, there is no need to use actors (aside from a key witness or something like that.)

Yeah, there are also people in here that 100% agree with the official narrative and wouldn't believe anything else no matter what

Because we're in a political climate where the government doesn't care about the will of the people. Look at the referendum vote in Catalonia. Look at the fisa courts, which pretty much everyone agrees are a violation of rights. They want to push this again, and as operation northwoods proves, they are willing to kill people to push an agenda. You should be proud that everyone is questioning everything.

Also, you're in /r/conspiracy. That's what this sub is for.

You should be proud that everyone is questioning everything.

Also, you're in /r/conspiracy. That's what this sub is for.

Questioning everything, even in a sub for conspiracies, doesn't excuse the fact that this isn't questioning at all, just blatant declarations and assumptions without any critical scrutiny whatsoever, just jumping on things that seem to confirm your narrative. That you never come to the conclusion something isn't a conspiracy means that either everything is a conspiracy, or that perhaps you're not as astute as you think, and aren't critically analyzing the situation to determine it's veracity but are instead just looking for confirmations of your biases.

Seriously, when is the last time /r/conspiracy threw in the towel and said, "nope, not a conspiracy, just coincidence"...? Shouldn't that be fairly often in the real world? If these conspiracies were so rampant and pervasive, don't you think some of them would be revealed as time goes on?

rocks the boat

I think the answer is that it's far easier to collect evidence as if it were a false flag AS ITS HAPPENING rather than wait until its over, speculate, piece together something you find compelling, and then submit it to the world when everyone is, more or less, over it already.

  No, its not great to question everything undoubtedly and to think way ahead of time that you're looking at a conspiracy, but, as was mentioned above, we live in a time when its probably a good idea if SOME people reacted that way and archived information as it was happening. Its seemingly already impossible to get anyone who isn't conspiracy-minded to give this any real consideration, anyway.

  It helps the community and damages its credibility at the same time.

Or, or, it's possible people are investigating as best they can and publishing as much info as they can. Drawing conclusions at this stage is stupid regardless of your perspective. We can entertain and explore an idea without completely subscribing to it.

My comment is saying that you're all just assuming these bits of published info are automatically true without critical scrutiny, benefit of the doubt, or consideration of other options... nor is there much information to the contrary being gathered and counter-analyzed against your position.

It's really simple - there's no scrutiny here, just assumptions. That isn't a scientific inquiry, it's groupthink.

In other words based on your requirement for 100% of the evidence it would be impossible to ever prove a conspiracy happened

/r/Conspiracy isn't a monolith and what you're describing as throwing in the towel happens on an individual level all the time.

Some conspiracies do get revealed in time. Other suspected conspiracies have their disclosure dates extended indefinitely for reasons of national security.

Less will be revealed if incongruities aren't immediately pursued before loose ends are cleaned up. The alternative is to passively absorb whatever information secondary sources curate for you.

I could see the DOD or any department of our military having something to do with this.

This is the type of shit that the CIA and DOD do to affect regime changes in other countries. They literally have a budget for it. Assasinate xyz. Drop leaflets with propaganda. Send operatives into protest to spark violence. Arm Isis.

We have a department that illegally wiretaps American citizens. Why anyone would ever think they don't do that kind of thing here 'because morals and laws' is beyond me.

Don't you know? Conspiracies are totally impossible! I mean just listen to this former CIA agent (who would never lie)

"There has never been a conspiracy in this country"

Wonder if he still believes in the tooth fairy? Santa claus? How about the well documented Iran-Contra affair? Watergate?

...And right away, he moves right into personal attacks.

I think is the reactionary narrative they are in control of. Spin crisis to their favor.

It's not immediately suspected of being fake per se, but its likewise not automatically accepted as fact.

The goal is to be skeptically open-minded. The "everything is a conspiracy" mindset is as counter-productive as the "nothing is a conspiracy" mindset.

Its better to evaluate the evidence available and draw logical conclusions. At this point in time, its too early to tell. There are lots of social media posts, and reports about alternate shooter locations which are possibly due to fear, adrenaline and shot echoes.

Other than lurkers, this sub is a closed loop where we can discuss these sensitive topics without offending anyone and draw on our collective knowledge to suss through the info.

Be patient with the comments, as many are bots or trolls. The core group on this sub is quite logical and pragmatic, and don't take offense when someone makes a good counterpoint.

There are usually a handful of possibilities in any mass casualty event:

Totally true-really happened exactly as described (most crimes and murders)

Partially true-really happened, but info about how or why was altered or distorted for various reasons (directing political policy)

Not true-didn't happen at all (hoax)

Most events fall into the "partially true" category; and example would be an MCE where the shooter used a pistol and shotgun, but the media reports it was an assault rifle to garner support for increased gun control.

There are also other metrics for carefully analyzing these types of events, but this reply is running a little long.

well said. I right now am a skeptic waiting to hear more information before I draw any kind of conclusion. yes there are some details about it that don't quite click at this time but does that mean its a fake thing? no. lets keep gathering information and find out what we can before we grab our pitchforks and start screaming false flag. keep in mind that false flag or an organic mad man off his rocker that people have died and there will be a lot of emotions involved in this event and discussions of it. so people will react wildly one way or another when talking about it.

Thank you for putting words to the way I view the world now.

I'm glad it landed well with someone.

A lot of people lack basic common sense and enjoy feeling like they have some kind of insider insight that differentiates them from the masses.

It depends on the evidence presented vs the "official story" which isn't always the truth. Could this be what the story says? Absolutely. But the rational thing to do is to remain skeptical of what we're told and what comes out as well as conspiracy theories.

For me, this is where I'm currently at:

No muzzle flashes on any of the videos that catch the building, particularly the floor they're saying this happened from. This could indicate weapons fire from another, possibly closer location. Could also indicate more than one shooter.

There's no break in fire- at least not one that indicates changing a 30 round magazine rather it indicates a belt fed machine gun.

Those are just a couple observations. As this unfolds, keep a close eye on the facts they give us and see if that holds against your own observations of common sense.

In Canada we learned 240 RCMP have a mandate to fake terror attacks as a national priority.

Its less an assumption that this is fake, and more about taking a critical look. I love that this sub takes a fine tooth comb to everything (including weird shit on the police scanners). I mean, are you surprised to see conspiracy focused discussion on /r/conspiracy?

Because most people don't go shooty-shooty by themselves.

By some counts, nearly half of the 500-plus terrorism-related convictions in federal court since the Sept. 11 attacks have involved informants.


Aaronson’s book catalogs the cases of more than 500 federal terrorism defendants and finds that fewer than 10 dealt with would-be terrorists who independently planned to carry out attacks on American soil. Far more were cultivated by the company of men like Torres.

My answer to that question is the fact that the Smith-Mundt act was repealed a few years ago...making it legal for the government to create and present false events as true.

Why repeal the one act making it illegal to propagandize citizens of the United States, inside the borders of the USA, unless that's exactly what they intend to do? That's a rhetorical question, by-the-way.

what we all suspect

What's that?

sus·pect VERB have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain proof.

... are you really that stupid or do you think playing dumb is a valid defense mechanism? I'm asking what is it that you suspect.

I'm really that stupid.

What do “we all suspect” ?

That grown-ups can't see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch.

O J Simpson was released from prison last night, and the very next night a mass shooting appears in Las Vegas.... As main stream media portrayed his release, the juice is now loose in Las Vegas and here we have a terrorist attack/ false flag event in Sin City.

Are you implying OJ had something to do with this? Or are you just saying that you think the media might try to connect unrelated events?

A bunch of people on twitter are saying it as a joke, I don't think any reporter would actually say it as anything but a joke.

Underrated comment.

What about that post you included says crisis actors? Am I missing it?

The ad was put up by Crowds On Demand. COD is the same company that had ads up in Orlando before the Pulse shooting, as well as ads before the Boston Bombing. Type in “Crowds On Demand” in the r/conspiracy search bar. You’ll find plenty of info on them.

so they'll just take anybody off the street, then hope that the people don't spill the beans afterwards?

They wont spill if they sign an expensive non-disclosure contract

100% of the people accept? No one leaks this the rest of their lifes? Come on now...

am expensive non-disclosure for being part of a conspiracy theory? WHAT? I can't even wrap my head around how you'd think that'd work... "OK so I illegally was asked to sign this saying that I won't tell anyone that I pretended to be a victim of a terrorist attack" It's illegal to hire anyone to do that sort of thing, and so illegal to enforce a non-disclosure. I'll put it in a small scale so it makes sense. Can a weed dealer get his customers to sign a non-disclosure, ensuring no one rats him out? of course fucking not

I'm not sure what to think about this "crisis actor" theory, but when it comes to expensive non-disclosure agreements, it isn't always the threat of money/things being taken away - what would you keep silent about for a million bucks? How about ten? AND the threat of your money/things/life being taken from you in addition..

Just playing devils advocate. I'm not really sure what to think anymore.

I highly doubt they're paying hundreds of people millions of dollars. It's just really silly to think this would work without someone saying something.

sure maybe for a handful of people, but if you're getting hundreds to play along, chances are one of them will know the law, or know someone who knows the law, well enough to say thats all bullshit that is 100% illegal. that doesn't even include the morons who would just brag to all their friends even if they signed something. People never keep their mouth shut-- especially when its 100s of people

Please seek help. I highly recommend you speak to your doctor about your beliefs.

Removed. Rule 4.

How the hell would that hold up in court?

Crisis actors are a discrediting technique designed to make conspiracy theorists look deranged and keep us looking in the wrong direction.

This isn't a hoax like Sandy Hook, no actors needed when you carry out a false flag because the event actually happens...

Very true.

Contract would be unenforceable in court. Only way that it would be possible to keep a huge amount of people quite is with a fuck ton of money, or by killing them. If your going to kill later them then there is no point in hiring actors and might as well just do a false flag. If the government is willing to fabricate a whole event like this or sandy hook they would just do a false flag and skip the high cost of paying a ton of people to be quite. Its not like we are talking about a government that has any true moral standard's, and the dead can't talk so there is no chance that they can expose it if they actually kill everyone.

The assumption that the Craigslist ads have anything to do with this is ludicrous. Like you said, there is no way to keep everyone quiet and no way to make sure hundreds of actors are killed at the event so hiring actors for something like this would just be stupid. I cannot understand how some of these people think like this. Maybe people just want to feel like detectives and link two things together, I just don't know.

So you're saying that huge conspiracies recruit participants through ads?

Not impossible. Just vet them with background checks.

Instead of looking for the good people. Look for the bad ones.
Or ones you can get leverage over. Drug habits, Evidence of crimes, Into weird shit like 'pizza', Police records, Massive debt, etc...

Yeah, those are exactly the people who can be trusted to keep their mouths shut /s

The LVPD just tweeted this:

Please do not livestream or share tactical positions of our officers on scene. This may put emergency responders in danger.

Two reasons they wouldn't want that:

  • They think the terrorists are holding their weapon in one hand and their smartphone in the other, frantically searching the Internet for "tactical" intelligence

  • Something fishy is going on they wouldn't want recorded/broadcast (having learned the lesson from 911 and all the contradictory material still floating out there to this day)

That's actually a great point

Its actually the furthest thing from a great point

I mean I thought it was a pretty rational point. Why do you think it isn't?

They think the terrorists are holding their weapon in one hand and their smartphone in the other

HAHAHAHHAHA... so true ;)

/false flag bullshit -- not syaing that people are not dying... just saying that the terrorists are totally under control by American (or Israeli) powers that be

the terrorists are totally under control by American (or Israeli) powers


Not so much that the active shooters are but often things are planned so that they have non active participants that film the reactions and relay relevant information to the active shooters.

Do you know what critical thinking is?

They're just saying not to do it live, not to not document anything whatsoever.

Get out of here with that logic nonsense!

If it is a group of terrorists, it would make sense to have a member of the group monitoring stuff like that and relaying information to the shooters.

Yes. Exactly. It’s so simple really.

Yeah... Those are the only options.

They say it every time, they even said that yesterday when there was the lone idiot in Edmonton, I think they still said it after they caught him to. I think the fear is that these people may have a guy with a cell phone sending them information, although they would probably have a police scanner of their own if they are local.

They could probably just get a Bluetooth headset connected to a phone to communicate with the information guy if they have one in the group, who could be on a phone call with them the whole time.

That is definitely a possibility, I agree.

Note the thread on r/news got deleted because people were relaying what they were hearing on the police scanner, seemingly as it risked being useful to the shooters (that's what they're saying on r/undelete). As if the criminals couldn't download the app (or own a scanner) themselves.

I tend to be very skeptical/reluctant at this systematic shutting down of crowd-sourced efforts; at the very least it implies the State and State-sponsored media should be the only competent/responsible enough to report.

It could also have something to do with them not wanting people to realise how I'll prepared or confused that they become during terror attacks. Dosent inspire confidence in the ability to prevent and contain the attacks.

Not reporting on publicly available information in real time doesn't erase that information from existance. If criminals want to use publicly available information to help evade police, they're going to do it. They don't need to rely on amateur journalists reporting on social media, they can get the publicly available information from the same sources those people got it. "Don't report on police radio because the bad guys might hear it"? What? If they cared to know what police are doing and planned this in advance, why not just assume that they themselves are listening in on publicly available information like that?

I totally agree. See my comment about the r/news thread being censored for the same preposterous reason.

I remember when the police announced the same ans switched freqs for the same reason just before shooting into the boat during the Boston event. They hadnt cared for hours before.

they do this to avoid what happend in munich in 1972, where the cops had everything they where doing brodcasted on tv

to be fair, that is standard operating procedure ever since the '70s, when during the hostage situation at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich the local TV stations broadcast the approach of police forces on the roofs. The terrorists saw that on live TV and demanded a withdrawal of all forces.

It's called OpSec, you don't go blasting out your information if there's even a slight chance they could get it.

They are referring to the attacks that happened in Paris where the news footage caused the terrorists to know where the police were and ended up with them getting shot. It also happened in eastern Canada when an RCMP officer was killed because people were tweeting locations of how cops were outside their house etc.

You can't always assume something is fishy, sometimes they just have genuine concern for the people on the force. Plus during a time of crises like This, they wouldn't know how many active shooters there were. If you listened to the scanner it sounded like the police were super confused so they may have thought there was multiple people armed.

Is this happening at more than one location?

Ya. Info is hazy. Multiple times shots have been reported at differing places, and then recanted. And then reported again. Fucking weird.

Probably confusing because the shooter was up like 30 floors, so had a large area he could hit. And I'm guessing people heard echoes too

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The shooters are most like CIA or Mossad or MK ultrad people.

Or captagon-drugged patsies, employed and controlled by the aforementionned

What the fuck? Why is that stuff schedule 1? It sounds like a safer alternative for amphetamine, which is a popular prescription drug!

Captagon is the "jihadists' drug". You're right it's just regular amphetamines, and you have prescription drugs that are worse / equivalent. This is illegal so intelligence agencies may conserve the monopoly on its fabrication and distribution.

Wikipedia makes it sound safer than regular amphetamine

Fenethylline is metabolized by the body to form two drugs, amphetamine (24.5% of oral dose) and theophylline (13.7% of oral dose), both of which are active stimulants. The physiological effects of fenethylline therefore seem to result from a combination of these two compounds, although this is not entirely clear.

I think it's pretty equivalent; anyhow the pharmacological effects are utterly equivalent. True the wiki says Captagon was considered to have fewer side effects, although I don't really understand why as Captagon is metabolized as amphetamine.

the number of mass shootings the past year has been tripled. definitely mk ultra monarch/cia behind.

they basically let them in, despite being obviously suspicious as hell.

i wonder if they have "catcher in the rye", or if they're gonna be drugged during trial, like james holmes. wait, did they apprehend them, or did they conveniently shoot them dead?

if it is a false flag, it makes me wonder if anyone specific at the concert was a target, buried over the civilian casualities, or if it's to push an agenda or get media views yet again. or just cause scared people are easier to manipulate/don't complain.

or if it's distracting from a worse subject.

MK Ultra popped into my head immediately upon hearing about this.

SOP. Lets get some info straight. Pull ourselves togethet and identify the situation. This is what we do. It may sound like hell but nobodys getting anywhere sqwuaking back and forth.

This one feels different though... Can't help but shed a tear.

I wonder which of the Alphabet soup fronted this one?

I've seen a lot of people saying "ISIS" for no reason in the comments. One commenter said an ISIS flag was found in a vehicle?

So I guess the answer is CIA?

Yes, the ISIS member by the name of Joseph Paddock.

It's not for no reason. They tried to claim responsibility immediately. They always do.


so why can't i upvote this? is it below zero?

Crisis actors and false flag already being thrown around alread?

Its a real event people.

A false flag doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. A false flag is an event pulled off by nefarious persons to further an agenda. There is nothing “false” about the dead bodies when this shit happens.

To imply that’s what we are insinuating is flat out ignorant.

^ This ^ And it's really fucking peculiar that right when 'someone in the government' has jammed his foot in his mouth harder than he ever has, something like this happens.

I feel I need to say it because to many people call the boston bombing and sandy hook false flags when they really mean hoax. Until we learn anything of the shooter its to early to even call it a false flag.


Times before, details and things have proven to have been missed/overlooked.

Right now is especially not the time to be throwing partisan/argumentative shit around. Critical thinking and analysis, because of how [b]real[/b] this event is.

A false flag doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. A false flag is an event pulled off by nefarious persons to further an agenda. There is nothing “false” about the dead bodies when this shit happens.

Oh so you admit then the shooter killed himself prior to the police breaching the door?

Because it seems like there's an awful lot of this "event" you dispute but somehow want to cover yourself by saying "well it could have happened but..."

LoL. Not at all what I said you daft bastard.

Go learn what a false flag is, and then you can join the discussion at the adult table. K?

I love how weak your argument is and when it immediately crumbles you default to personal attacks.

Were you listening to the scanner as it was going down? Probably not.

While the media was barking about one shooter, the LVPD was talking about upwards of 4.

What about the lady who ran to the front of the crowd screaming “you’re all gonna die”.

Or how about just like every other false flag in history, there was a lonewolf shooter who of course ended up dead so he can’t talk.

Dispatch repeatedly called out a shooter walking into The Bellagio, what happened to that guy? What about the 4 folks who left a suspicious vehicle near the scene?

Like I said, do some research, learn what a false flag is and why they occur, and then circle back to the conversation, skippy.

What I really love about you OP is who you devoured and ran with the likely real false flag: a tweeted screenshot of a Craigslist ad anyone could fake.

And other comments have pointed out that's a popular 4chan troll tactic. But boy you sure took the bait.

What I really love about you, is that you are acting like that is the only piece of evidence I’m using to say it’s a false flag whilst ignoring the entirety of the post.

Your observational/comprehension skills are terrible.

What I really love about you, is that you are acting like that is the only piece of evidence I’m using to say it’s a false flag whilst ignoring the entirety of the post.

How does one "act like" that via text? Show me where I did that or ignored your post?

Your observational/comprehension skills are terrible.

Ahh yes another juicy tidbit that resides only in your head.

I observe you have zero evidence and comprehend you are desperate to prove you figured out a conspiracy while believing a fake 4chan prank. lol

I don’t argue with folks like you. Waste of energy. Go target a less intelligent user.

Good day, sir.

I don’t argue with folks like you. Waste of energy. Go target a less intelligent user.

I'm surprised a "top mind" such as you would debase yourself with such a lowly peasant as I.

Good day, sir.

You must go. Your people need you.

Ohhhhh. You’re a TMoR guy. That explains a lot. Lulz.

You said you were leaving OP.

Why would anyone trust anything you say lol?


that advert for crowds on demand was posted in here a few weeks ago, OP of that thread predicted this. there was enough there to start crying wolf before this even started.

And thats exactly how stupid half assed rumors start.

Like it or not this is what we do here. Deal with it or fuck off.

Like it or not this is what we do here.

So were just supposed to make up any bullshit we feel like and spread it as if it were true?

Yeah, there was a post here talking about a Crowds on Demand post directed at Phoenix (speculating it had something to do with Arpaio and his pardon). I saw that one too while trying to turn up the old topics, but there were even more talking about Las Vegas as well. Like this one:

There are others as well. Try a google search limited to (since reddit's own search system is terrible), include the phrases "Crowds on Demand" along with terms like "Vegas" and "conspiracy" and you should be able to find more. A lot of the posts speculated this would be connected to the McGregor Mayweather from the end of August, so adding "McGregor Mayweather" with the other terms should get you some interesting results too.

Yep, that's the one saw.

that definitely sounds like 2 different guns

Or echos, it is at least 10 seconds of automatic fire in other videos of what sounds like an AK of some kind.

Definitely not echos. They are distinctly different. Different cadence and sometimes one stops while the other continues to fire. Definitely more than one shooter!!!!

Yes real but planned.

Someone, or a group of people, from here need to respond to one of these Crowds on Demand ads, go along and see what happens. Would help to solve this mystery. Because if they're getting any old person to be involved in these types of events then you'd think that'd be dangerous for them as someone would speak out, even if they'd had NDAs slapped on them, someone would have a conscience and say something, surely? Or at least, they'd run the risk of someone saying something. So I think it'd be v informative to have some people properly investigate this crisis actor thing. I'd do it but I'm not in the US.

This was my first thought. Surly randoms getting crowd work would talk. And with all the camera/phones filming constantly, we would at least over hear someone

I replied to one a long time ago, after the Orlando shooting, it was some sketch company, G4 I believe. Even if they aren't involved in stuff like this, I'm pretty sure they were involved on the profiting end of 9/11 and are generally a scummy lot.

Proof? Like an email or anything? Or is it "from an email account I don't even have anymore, this was a long time ago"

Its on this subreddit if you search for it. But I probably posted it with a different account. But honestly its probably a nothing burger at the end of a long tunnel that I don't feel like digging through so yeah sorry, no links.

Hahah how convenient. So you have no proof, just name dropping the "flavor of the month." Nice.

All of what I stated is true, I said it for no benefit other than to say it. Why does the dog fly?

Woof woof said the monkey.

It's happened before..Sandy hook phone operator saying it's just a drill..

But of course..when presented with this have more just cannot believe the government wants to lie to you.

Wierd thing to be skeptical about if you ask me

The awful truth that few want to accept on /r/conspiracy is that violence like this is real. Mentally disturbed people exist, and when they have access to weapons, they sometimes use them. I know it's comforting to think that it's a conspiracy and that these crowds aren't real, but the ugly truth is that reality is not always scripted.

Especially when they are groomed by the fbi.

I think the crisis actor thing is a conspiracy in of itself started by the powers at be who noticed the internet digging too far into things, so to discredit the conspiracy culture they added nonsense like crisis actors to the culture to deter conspiracies from being acceptable in discussion.

It doesn't explain the same people being seen at multiple events though.

It does though. If you look at thousands and thousands of people broadcast, under different lighting and different cameras, some are going to look similar.

What about that guy that survived like 4 terror attacks? I am neutral on this (unsure) and am genuinely curious.

What guy? Need a bit more info.

Dude was just unlucky.

Thanks. So basically he was injured in Brussels, somewhere in Boston when that went off and in the same country when an attack happened in Paris.

At best he survived two attacks. Still freaky but way less amazing than surviving 3 or 4.

Thanks for checking it out. I am a longtime lurker here and that was my first comment here. This sub is not really a place where I want to get into my personal opinions (negativity, downvoting, divisiveness, hatred) but I wanted to mention that. His whole existence is like part of the evidence of false flag events so I felt like mentioning it.

Fair enough. It's an interesting point. It just doesn't seem quite so remarkable when you dig into the details.

You can make a lot of money in ads and superchat donations by scaring people with such things so don't forget the profit motive too.

I think theres just alot of dumb people ina country of 300 million

Yeah. I agree. TPTB don't even need to waste resources inventing outlandish counter-intel to discredit all conspiracy theorists, the lowest-denominator of the group will do it for them.

All they need to do is give us enough rope to hang ourselves.

the lowest-denominator of the group

The whole group.

and the internet gives them all equal voices. you wouldnt listen to the ranting man in dirty clothes stumbling through an alley, but give him an internet connection and a username and hes just as credible as anyone else

Glad someone else is on the same page. If there's indeed anything shady going on, this seems like the most likely use for those ads. Ridiculing sandy hook deniers seems to be a narrative favorite.

Except that many of the Sandy Hook parents are literally actors with IMDB credits and no evidence that they actually had children.

Fuck. Off.

You Sandy Hook deniers are almost worse than the fucking holocaust deniers, at least they can blame their idiocy on racism.

I like how you responded calmly and were able to lay out your logic and reasoning for why you think these people are not paid actors.

Just kidding, you resorted to childish name calling, most likely because you don't have any actual facts to support the government's story.

No actually the name calling is appropriate, because Sandy Hook truthers are truly the worst people ever. There's no saving them, with or without logic. It's been tried. So it's best just to point and laugh.

It's certainly a lot easier to call me names than it is to produce evidence of anyone dying at Sandy Hook.

You've been presented with evidence. You reject it. You are incapable of distinguishing good information from bad information.

I'm just here to point and laugh at you.

You've literally presented no evidence whatsoever.

At least give me a link or explanation of some kind. Or is that too much effort?

The dudes correct.

Fuck Off


Looking through your comment history is hilarious. Hillary can do no wrong!! Vaccines are great!! The government cares about us and wants us to be happy!!

Thanks for the laugh mate

Conspiracy theorists have done really convenient outs, I tell yea. Every retarded or abhorrent thing they do can be blamed on some attempt by the powers that be to discredit them.

The awful truth is these false flags do not mean the events don't actually happen. They do. And many innocent people die. It just means there are ulterior motives backed by sinister people.

I can't think of a recent event where anyone seems to have actually gotten hurt.

Obviously it would be better and easier for all involved to not actually hurt people.

While I certainly can agree. It looks like people died on this one. I would need some evidence to show that it's faked. I do hold out that will surface we are only few hours in. I'm sure there will be weeks worth of investigations.

The NWO is angry. They are not getting the WWIII they want. Their quest for a one world currency is being side stepped by the BRICS. So them killing innocents would not surprise me.

Plus. There were calls for crisis actors in Vegas just recently. So. We shall see what that turns out to be.

That was 100% bullshit. Please come back to reality.

No it isn't. I was responding to a very very deep conspiratorial belief that it didn't happen. I don't personally believe no one died. I believe it happened in full and it was planned and another False Flag to push gun control and marital law. Now go back to your vanilla reality of "good" and "evil" and when you wake up and realize that reality is fucking horrifying join us on r/conspiracy.

Funny how gun control and martial law never actually happen, isn't it? Almost like that narrative is absolute bullshit.

There is no NWO. Nobody is gunning for WWIII. There is no 'quest for a one world currency.' There are no 'crisis actors.' You have fallen into a massive world of bullshit claims that are absolutely not any semblance of reality. Please come back to reality.

Lol. That last paragraph I've read quite literally a hundred times. Word for word. So. I assume there is agenda behind you. But. Who knows.

Yes. There is a NWO there have been many references by numerous politicians about it. No i am not doing your homework. Get them yourself they're everywhere.

Really? So prominent bankers calling for cashless society and movement toward continental currencies/world reserve currencies aren't a step towards a world currency? Why not? Makes sense. I'm all for a one world currency. Just not controlled by the NWO.

Bullshit claims? Like operation north woods? Operation paper clip? USS Liberty? Going back further the Nazi false flags to justify the invasion of Poland?

Grand connection? Jumping to David Ickes thoughts that it's "all connected"?

It's a mass shooting that when objectively looked at is kinda crazy. That's all.

You may not yet be a completely lost cause. Please seek psychiatric help.

I'll be alright. Thanks. Made a great deal of money off of the shooting due to gun stocks and the general market rally. Life's pretty great if you know what's up. Hope you hedged your bets. The elites do it all the time.

Please share proof of the calls for crisis actors in Vegas.

It's actually in the post that you're commenting on. Didn't think to read the links? Or are you guys on full damage control on your latest botched false flag?

Exactly. If you doubt the US government would kill civilians to push an agenda, look up operation northwoods, then keep in mind who put a stop to that plan.

Innocent people die from cancer, heart attacks, and muggings gone awry. Not at Ariana Grande concerts, Christmas markets, Sandy Hook, Eagles of Death Metal shows, etc.

I love that you state this like it's a fucking law of nature. People die EVERYWHERE.

The awful truth is these false flags do not mean the events don't actually happen.

Then it's literally not a false flag.

Yes it is. A false flag is something that happens but is used to push another hidden narrative. The action happens. The narrative and what actually happened is kept secret to produce whatever the planned solution to the initial planned problem was.

You're either new to conspiracies, a useful idiot or a government shill. Which I doubt. But hey they're everywhere nowadays.

Yes it is. A false flag is something that happens but is used to push another hidden narrative. The action happens.

Here's the actual definition:

The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that activities appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.

And it's derived from pirate ships flying different flags to get in close before attacking.

Saying "the action happens" is such a cop out. You're now covering all the bases here.

Also then you're admitting the gunman did indeed fire from his hotel room and suicide prior to the police breach. A real false flag wouldn't go down like that.

You're either new to conspiracies, a useful idiot or a government shill. Which I doubt. But hey they're everywhere nowadays.

Ahh personal insults. The last refuge of the weak.

I've been on this site much longer than you have. But my profile history does show I was recently arguing in r/Israel so I must be a paid lizardman.

Oh my lord. You guys are terrible at this. Instant response times. Goes right for Israel and the Lizardman. Perfect reddit formatting. I don't believe Jews run the world lol. So. I dunno where you're going with that. Your argument is so bad and literally makes no sense as I presented no information saying this is a false flag.

Simply pointing out to the poster people do die in "false flags". I'm not sure if this is a false flag. I have no evidence. But I did add actual discussion explaining a bit about false flags. Which is bad news for you guys over in the Air Force bases. Or whatever you serve. Haha. You're losing. You guys botched this one.

I don't believe Jews run the world lol.

How droll. Send someone who does then.

Yea it may be truly ugly, but crisis actors and media propaganda distort the reality. Oh and sometimes it is fakery / magic show.

This one, its too early to tell, based on what ive read so far

I don't see any conspiracy here like I almost immediately did at Ft. Lauderdale. How the media tries to spin it is a whole different story.

That was hoax as fuck, just like this is hoax as fuck. The shill response to this nonsense is IDENTICAL to when the Orlando HOAX nightclub "shooting" AND the morning news live TV "shooting."

Learn how they react and you can readily spot the staged hoaxes as they occur.

What red flags are there?

Hahaha you people are seriously fucked in the head.

How they act? Everyone responds differently when in a crisis. What's the "normal" way to act in a situation like this?

Thank you! It’s almost like these people are trying to illusion themselves by saying it’s a conspiracy

Very few people have access to weaponry like this.

What do you think the correlation is between the CoD ad and this shooting? Do you think the entire country music concert was filled with crisis actors? Was the shooter hired to fire a "fake" gun into a crowd?

I'm honestly wondering why people think there's a link here, this was a pretty major event with very wide visibility.

I'm honestly wondering why people think there's a link here

Because they are desperate for this to be a conspiracy/false flag.

Imagine being so delusional you abandon all empathy and start frothing at the mouth during global tragedies at the prospect of it being a false flag attack propagated by the Illuminati. Absolutely disgusting.

Orlando was. Omar matern is an actor. Full imdb page playing security guard/policeman. Listen to his 911 call. 100% scripted.

Orlando was.

I'm listening

Omar matern is an actor. Full imdb page playing security guard/policeman. Listen to his 911 call. 100% scripted.

No, there isn't. There is an IMDB page for Omar Mateen quoting articles from the Los Angeles post, New York times and the USA today.

Listen to his 911 call. 100% scripted.

Not an actor. Just because you think it is scripted based on pure speculation doesn't mean it is. Try looking up the definition of confirmation bias.

CHeck the wayback machine it was scrubbed.

He's an actor playing his part as para-military.

Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called The Big Fix, here are some Trailers

I mean, it is a conspiracy. A meeting of the minds to do something illegal or immoral. Apparently the shooter had a female accomplice. Only takes two.

Why would they need to? Even if it was false flag, any crowd will do. The only person needing hired at that point is the shooter... Hiring crowd members for something like this seems completely pointless. Even counter productive, because it opens you up for questions...

You do not understand yet that they are not Interetested in hiding anything.

Once you come to terms with the fact that they want you to know own..then it will make more sense

I'm sorry if I do not believe habitual liars.

You can go ahead and do so.

I think you completely misunderstood my comment.

i wonder if the same people would be pushing it if the shooter was muslim...probably be a bunch of 'religion of peace' posts

In the thread at the_donald, a couple of users tried pushing in that direction.

I think the theory is that the actors are used to pose as witnesses and victims for the news in order to set a certain narrative during the aftermath of an event such as this

Sinple: the Craigslist ads are all faked from 4chan or this place. The way to prove them would be so ridiculously easy yet magically no one has. We've had a few people try and claim they had a friend who got replied and just like the supposed posts looking for people it's all unverifable claims and imgur posts. This place refuses to accept that mentally ill and/or fucked up people do violent thing sometimes, and until it does it will remain a laughingstock.

They are most likely fake, false flages themselves posted by the alt righters in advance of political protests so they can "find" the "Smoking Gun" and claim those Antifa protests are all fake.

That post was made around the time of DACA protests being organized in Las Vegas. Likely nothing to do with this.

Or the posts are made by people who know alt-right people or conspiracy people will pick up on them and make the claim that there are crisis actors.

You have to look at the result to determine who is most likely to be behind it. The result here is that conspiracy people look crazy. So the question to ask is who would be motivated to make conspiracy people look crazy?

It's called poisoning the well.

if you attended one that was legit for a false flag. once you knew enough you'd be in a position that revealing what you knew could kill you. so you may end up begrudgingly having to take part.

You could just put your own ad on craigslist and tell the people that respond youre going to do a mass shooting hoax and watch how fast you end up in jail.

What is with that 21 y/o girl celebrating her birthday talking about? Some lady told her she was going to die 45 minutes before the shooting? Wtf??


Yeah what???

Damn. If this girl is accurate it would mean venue security had an accomplice in custody 45 minutes before the shooting began.

Who says she was in custody for the remaining time?

I'm not, wondering if it happened at all.

for real. Theres a good chance security thought she was just some nutjob and all they did was toss her outof the venue.

I have a feeling the security guys are second guessing themselves big time.

I have a feeling the security guys are second guessing themselves big time.

I doubt they're second guessing themselves even, security throws tons of people out of every concert, I doubt they take the time to interrogate everyone being disruptive.

Youre probably right.

Okay but after what she said was true, you would think they would think there was some substance to what she was saying.

After the fact, yes, I'm sure the authorities are very interested in the exchange. I mean that at the time, the security guards did their job exactly right.

Threatening to kill somebody is not disruptive.

To be clear, I'm only speaking from anecdotal experience but these guys haul off the disruptive people so fast and so efficiently that I doubt they actually ever speak with or hear a word from the people they're throwing out. They would never have the opportunity to understand what is wrong with the person they remove before hauling their ass on the sidewalk.

What? If you had a chance to stop mass murder as part of your job, and made a decision that let it go on - even if it wasn't your fault, that suit would haunt you.

Yeah it's weird but I wonder how many concerts get crazies stating stuff like this.

I work part time doing stage power and lights. You would not believe how often some religiously insane lunatic shows up at shows preaching doom and gloom for those attending.

Usually,such people get removed. Especially if they are bothering other customers.

Yeah, I'm not surprised.

Enough that it would be reasonable to learn that she really was a crazy and the events are unrelated.

Guessing this is the woman they are currently searching for, she shared a room with the shooter.

She was cleared.

Was she not actually sharing a room with the shooter? Or she was and was still cleared?

She says 5... Not 45.

And if she's not, it's total horseshit and a waste of everyone's time.

According to the nbc news article i read the shooter had a female roommate theyre still searching for. In the same aricle they claimed they searched his room but "It was not immediately clear what kinds of weapons were found."

I keyed in on that last bit she said, not knowing if she'll be safe on a airplane tomorrow. I'm just being a conspiracy nut today but out struck me as strange. Wonder if something will happen tomorrow too.

At multiple points when I was in vegas I was told I was going to die for my sins and other bullshit.

It is vegas

People are always saying this shit to people

You leave your house?

why wouldn't I?

I think he was mocking you.

didn't do a good job did he?

I suppose if it didn't hurt your feelings then perhaps not.

I've been waitting for this argument to emerge from the crazy wing of the religious people. Thankfully, I haven't seen it yett.

Pat Robinson got the memo

i go multiple times a year and have never been told i'm going to die....

Yet this 21 year old was told she was.

Both are anecdotes. I guarantee you that there are tons of people who have been told that they will die for their sons while in Las Vegas. I'm from fucking Boston and get told that by the religious weirdos occasionally.

She didnt mention sins or anything religious though.

She said the lady was being so menacing and threatening about it that they left the show early.

True. But was this concert a paid admission concert? I understand all the weirdos on the streets doing it. But a woman actually paying admission to get into a show and doing it seems unlikely

While it's awesome that you haven't experienced that, it doesn't make what the previous poster said any less true. I've lived in Vegas for almost ten years now. I don't often go to the Strip anymore, but I've been approached by people saying similar things. There are legit nutjobs all over The Strip at any given time.

Normally they are religious crazies that say you're going to burn in hell. However I've been told numerous times by random people that I would die that night.

Sometimes it comes from someone who's had too much to drink, others from someone who gambled a little too much and want to ruin your night. Sometimes it's a homeless person that you didn't give cash to. In all cases it's largely ignored.

It definitely happens. In this, specific, case though, the woman just happened to be right.

Yes but this girl said the lady was saying they would all die "tonight." Completely different.

you really have two choices

1) she knew about the mass shooting. Very unlikely.

2) she just randomly rants at people, and gets pissed off.

i mean if your crazy and randomly tell people they are going to die tonight. . it is spooky. My son (Aiden) is 5 and he has said such things "Daddee you will die tomorrow" and he gets yelled at.

I never died

this lady got lucky

I can confirm this. Las Vegas might be the poor mental health capital of the USA, it both attracts and makes crazy people. I worked there for a while last year in a capacity that required much contact with Las Vegas residents including homeless, my life was threatened on an almost daily basis. I was also offered hooch on an almost daily basis, not on the strip mind you but at public libraries, stores, and movie theaters by complete strangers.

Out of all the hundreds of shows I've been to I can't recall ever been told I'm gonna die by a crazy person. Crazy ppl like that usually don't goto shows randomly. Maybe this show was free admission and ppl can just walk in off the street but a rational thinking person who pays for a ticket to get into a show isn't gonna spew some nonsense like that around

yeah, the more likely course it is a giant government conspiracy and this person knew of it, and they decided to randomly yell at people, like a crazy person, so no one would notice or care.

Been to Vegas numerous times because I have family there. I have never encountered this.

Your N of 1 (and my N of 1) is insignificant other than it can occur to an unknown frequency - but the fact it happens is all I needed to point out.

Source please !

This was the strangest aspect I've seen of any of this yet.

They believe the woman was Marilou Danley, I had her facebook up earlier, but now it looks like they took it down.

0 personal information, just a few pics, it did show recent checkins to Mandalay Bay on 9/18-9/19

Linkedin shows she worked at a casino

I believe she has now been arrested.

Sherrif just said during a press conference that she was out of the country and is no longer considered a person of interest. Paddock was in possession of some of her IDs, possible used them when checking into the hotel.

wait so youre saying the "Youre all going to die" lady was using someone elses identity?

Did you see the interview with the girl who told that story? That was a drunk mexican lady that got into it with some chick in front of her. The mexican chick was with her boyfriend and the 2 of them were kicked out for being belligerent. It's at that point she said the line. I think it's just an effed up coincidence.

No, "You're all going to die" lady was just a random crazy person. Go to any event with 22,000 people and you will hear a crazy person yelling nonsense.

Paddock was the shooter.

ohh gotcha. thanks for clarifying. I was going to say thats some sophisticated shit

Recent check ins? Wonder if they were scoping out the shooting potential from the hotel rooms?

I don't know, but the pic of the shooter going around was pulled from Facebook, I checked out all her pics, but I didn't think it would get shutdown so fast.

That Facebook is fake. Only 6 friends one of which is another of her pages?

It sounds like he/they had been there for a while in the same room. It would take some time to get all those guns and ammo into the hotel without raising suspicions. They probably weren't all compact little M4's either. Measuring on google earth the shorter shots to the venue was still 300 yards.

But on the other hand, that's a lot of fish in a huge barrel. Spray and pray would still be devastating.

Good point. Wonder how they smuggled all the kit in.

She was out of the country. This is wrong.

He's flat out fabricating lies just to further a conspiracy. Wtf.

That would certainly be a first around here!

Stephen Craig Paddock, 64, dob (04/09/1953) - Registered democrat (Florida), Antifa member and Satanic cult member. Girlfriend Marilou Danley (filipino), dob (12/12/1954), height (4'-11"), Weight (111 lbs). Worked at Mandalay Bay. Stockpiled weapons in room 126, 32nd floor. Earlier said, "people are going to die tonight." Read more at

Antifa & Satanic connection? I haven't seen anything on this yet, source?

Source please pal?

Seems legit

Antifa member and Satanic cult member

There is nothing backing this up. Let's just look at the facts right now.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself for peddling such inaccurate bullshit.

A news site claimed she was confirmed out of the country...I wish I could remember which one, I've read so many articles.

I can't help but believe a 21 year old on her birthday is too drunk to be considered reliable. Probably got in a small shoving match and got threatened while drunk and the story kept changing in her mind as she got more and more attention. Her hamstering probably went from "she said she'd kick my ass!" to "she said she'd kill me!" to "she said we'd all die!" to "She was the terrorist!"

According to the Daily Mail article, the woman was also saying THEY'RE ALL AROUND YOU and you're going to die...

Was that the accomplice marylou'?

When did she say 45? I know she said 5, but unless there's more interview, she didn't say 45.

The video linked to my comment shows her saying 45 minutes.

Sounds like typical Vegas homeless people bullshit more than anything honestly. Have the people scaring others saying random cringeworthy shit

Google "louise rosealma". Same girl...

Gun control. CIA have been trying to get gun control restriction for so long, and this is how they intend to do it.

CIA has discovered a while back that mind control involves trauma. By orchestrating (through operatives) or sometimes LETTING these mass shootings happen, it inflicts a psychological shock wave into the minds of millions of people. And while they are in this state of shock and panic, the CIA and media will happily push the gun restriction narrative.

Search up Operation Northwoods, it was same style of mass-event tactic.

Look at it, it's working. So many people are posting things like "ban guns", even thought it's totally against the constitution. The CIA wants to ban guns because it does not want any civillian guerillas or anti-governments to form in the future, in response to the criminal activities & political interest of the US-CIA government.

Look at the pattern of CIA policies. It deliberately allows the formation of terror groups such as taliban, al qaeda, and ISIS. It funds both sides of the war in order to create mass chaos and subdue civillian population into psychological submission on reliance on government policies. As a justification, the US military will invade here and there, steal resources, possibly traffic humans or drugs. Oil stolen from Iraq, Opium stolem from Afghaistan.

Do politicians know about this? Of course. But they are all blackmailed puppets caught in compromised sex acts. They cannot do anything.

The CIA is utilitarian. It does not give a shit about morality. And if you must know, the earliest CIA researchers were Nazis who were brought in after World War 2 through Operation paper clip. They were the ones who invented Trauma based mind manipulation and mind control.

If the CIA wanted this, don't you think they could strong-arm some key Republicans into supporting gun control laws? They're capable of orchestrating all these attacks but can't get Joe Bob (R) from Texas to vote for the "Obama takin ur guns" law? This is fucking stupid.

No cuz then republicans would then lose votes. What they want is the civillians to push republicans into making policy change, therefore the people wouldn't be able to blame politicians once they regret banning guns.

Pushing on republican into voting gun control wouldn't change the opinion for gun control by the masses. US citizens as a whole would only abandon gun control after repetitive traumatising events such as mass shootings.

These are the words of a person that only knows what conspiracy sites tell him about the government.

Mk Ultra was definitely real and happened. That is not representative of anything else you said.

And the Daily Star? Yes, it pretty much is.

"One witness claimed she saw a woman pushing to the front of the crowd with a man yelling "THEY're all around... You're all going to f***ing die today".

Sounds like a CIA operation.

First of all, you post the worst sources imaginable. I saw the actual interview with the birthday girl. A different girl and her boyfriend got into an altercation with some people and said, "you and your friends are all going to die!" and was escorted out. This all according to one 21 year old girl. Stupid shit like that happens at concerts everyday. If that even happened.

Literally nothing about any of that says CIA. Try apply even the slightest bit of logic to your thinking and tri to have a little bit of respect for the people who just died. It's wild, retarded, unfounded speculation like what you're saying that creates paranoid killers. Congrats on making things worse.

It's people like you that gives government so much power to get away with shit. The less you question everything around, and foster doubt in society, you become just another mix into the chemistry pot for the new world order.

This guy that shot up 100 people had no fucking motive to do so. Except that he disappeared or 6 months, and targeted trump supporters at a country music festival. CIA brainwashing.

Disappeared for 6 months? He had talked to his brother over the last several weeks and bought his mother a walker.

If someone thinks one theory is fucking retarded that doesn't mean they question nothing. It means they think you're putting no actual thought into what you're saying and SERIOUSLY can't discern between reputable sources and bullshit.

Couple of things.

First of all, the dude was wrong about everything except the city of Las Vegas. Literally everything else he said was inaccurate.

Secondly, if you frequent 4chan, someone says something like that more than once a day. Every single day, more than once. You're smarter than this.

how is all of this more believable to you then just some dude snapping and killing loads of people? im honestly surprised these mass shootings dont take place more often. and i definitely don't believe theyre all just made up. humans are fucked up and do fucked up things. especially when guns are involved, its very easy for delusional people to just point a pull a trigger.

"One witness claimed she saw a woman pushing to the front of the crowd with a man yelling "THEY're all around... You're all going to f***ing die today".

Sounds like a CIA operation.

  1. you just linked the sun
  2. that lady never said "theyre all around." every single witness who heard her, said she only said "youre all going to die."
  3. there was only one shooter. everyone who actually knows about gunshots (not saying i do) has said that there was only one shooter firing in all of the videos, all of the "extra" shots are echoes.

Sounds to me like the girl and her friends were in the front row, the woman pushed her way to the front, the people already there said "WTF BITCH!!!" and then she said, "Fuck you, you're all gonna die tonight!!!". She has no connection. Just drunk and talking shit.

This is what I was thinking as well too, especially since whenever these shootings happen everyone and anyone has some sort of "useful information" that ends up having little to no relevancy when the facts are sorted out. Sucks that so many people think of these kind of events as a false flag simply because they don't understand how much misinformation is spread by the public/officers in the initial hours after.

I remember during the San Bernardino shootings someone mentioned an explosion a few blocks away being a terrorist explosive device, but eventually it was discovered someones water heater exploded miles away.

Still, found this to be an interesting quote in the moment.

Shooter's girlfriend that the police are looking for.

I wonder if it was the guys wife who they are still looking for who told them.

Edit: nvm I read the rest of the comments

I heard from a thread on T_D she may have been a prostitute who was in the shooter's room beforehand, but somehow got kicked out of the hotel. No conclusive evidence though

Edit 22 man.

This is fucking terrible guys.

That image fucked me up. She had dreams, friends, family, beliefs, ambitions...a life. Now it's over, forever.

Welcome to r/conspiracy. This is likely prosthetics or a crisis actor. Look beyond what you see...just helping you out since your account is only 12 days old ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

Jesus you people are pathetic. The blood hasn't even tried and you're already banging the false flag drum.

Yep, we are indeed at r/conspiracy. Are you lost?

This didn't used to be a place where we claimed people didn't die in false flags. People didn't say that about 9-11. It started with Sandy Hook and now it's every single one. It was a dumb theory then and it has never been a good theory.

In fact it reeks of disinformation spread by alphabet groups to divide the conspiracy community and make them do insane shit like harass grieving families and turn the public against the idea of conspiracy theories. You are feeding into that and hurting the cause by supporting these nonsense ideas.

Crisis actors and staged events are definitely real; thinking the government wouldn't dare perpetrate one goes against the information we already have about government conspiracies.

In this case, however, there's literally no data that has surfaced suggesting this was staged.

It could very well be a false flag (the radio scanner activity last night told a vastly different story than the media narrative), but it's seriously doubtful that people were just LARPing their injuries.

Crisis actors and staged events are definitely real...

Definitely? Do you have a single piece of proof that would let you use the D-word? Because I've read a shit ton on the subject and I definitely would not say they are definitely real.

I don't think the government "wouldn't dare" use it as if it's such a heinous tactic. It's just a horrible tactic that would get them caught immediately. It requires you to ensure that everyone in the chain from victims to EMTs to doctors to funeral directors and morgue workers to all be involved in this fraud.

False flags make sense and have occurred because they can involve only people who work for military and intelligence agencies to pull off. Crisis actors hired off of Craigslist? Emergency workers and hospital staff? If you just think about it for a second you can see it would never work.

Crisis actor agencies are a real thing, they're used to run simulations for LEOs to hone their tactics and strategies.

A group like this, in combination with a coordinated and controlled media narrative, can easily be used to manipulate the public perception just as well as an actual incident.

The problem is that after Sandy Hook and the countless investigations into the data, the public has demonstrated that simulated tragedies won't pass a legitimacy test without adequate documentation and logical consistencies.

Yes. I am aware that crisis actors are real. Like I said, I have read a shit ton on the subject. A group like that could definitely not be used to manipulate public perception about an actual incident. There are too many uncontrollable factors involved.

There is no proof that crisis actors have ever been used to simulate anything. There's not even solid evidence. The best you have is a grieving father who was caught laughing, which people do at funerals all the fucking time, and some people who have conflicting stories about a high stress day.

You guys never respond to the complicit emergency workers that would have to be involved because there is no answer to that. It makes these things impossible. It doesn't matter if the media was 100% government run, which it is not.

implies you couldn't hire crisis actors to play the role of the emergency personnel

site in question specifically states they offer these services

EMTs, cops, fire fighters, nurses, doctors. These injured and dead people are being pushed through the entire casualty management system. We're talking dozens or hundreds of people interacting with each injured or dead person. None of whom blow the whistle.

How in the fuck does a crisis actor company manage to replace a giant segment of society who have worked these jobs for years or decades with actors with nobody noticing?

The whole point of faking an incident is that no victims pass through any area hospitals, because there are no victims.

And you don't think all the area hospitals are going to find it suspicious if no victims show up when 50 people die?

Shut your mouth.

As usual. Reached the end of the line already. You're out of arguments because you theory makes no sense. I can go all day because mine is an easy logical argument.

You want to talk 9-11, I can go all day on how that one could actually be a conspiracy. It actually makes sense. This crisis actor bullshit is just embarrassing. Stop wasting your energy.

It's all real.

Nothing is real.

Fucking go outside dude. Shit happens out there. You are not well.

I'm your prophet, whether you like it or not.

Because it would be so difficult for a crazy guy to open fire on random people. It just HAS to be a false flag right?

Possible, but I would definitely not say "likely"

You really think they scattered 400 people in the crowd with prosthetics for their injuries and all of them are going to stay quiet and all the cops and EMTs are also going to join in on the conspiracy? Do you realize how dumb that sounds?

Again, you are here at r/conspiracy. Yes I stand by my statement 100% and you're welcome to form your own opinion - nobody is forcing you to believe my point of view.

Check out "Crisis Actors" and "False Flag" events and see where it takes you. Supposedly 260+ people were injured in Boston but that has never been verified.

So you think nothing like this ever happens?

Yes, I know where I am. I can't stop you from pushing these conspiracies but I do genuinely feel that they are hurting the community. They are pushing our community to attack family members and giving the media ammunition to attack all conspiracy theories by lumping them in with these ridiculous ones.

I have looked into the crisis actor theories. I've looked at all the photo evidence of the Boston Bombing with the hoodied man and people supposedly dumping fake blood on each other. I am not convinced.

Once again. The amount of people necessarily involved in these conspiracies would be enormous. You're talking about every cop on the scene, every EMT on the scene, every firefighter, every nurse, every doctor who saw these "fake" injured people. Every single one of them would have either have to be fooled by the fake injuries or agree to go along with the conspiracy. It is literally impossible. It's not just implausible it could not have happened. Not without a single person whistle blowing.

You are wasting time and energy on a theory that could better be spent on something plausible. Spending more time on Building 7 or JFK would be a better use of your time.

Did anyone hear, when there were less than 9000 listeners, before Zebra 20 was in the stairwell leading to floor 32 - when someone called in a man in fatigues walking into an RV, possibly with a gun and everyone basically ignored him?

Not to mention, did anyone hear from Zebra 20 after he was called to SWAT base by "Ghost"?

Are these recorded/available at the moment?

Any way to get to an archive without having to pay for a service?

Any way to get to the archives without have to pay for a premium service?

Thank you!

after they breached the room, there were definitely more automatic firing in another location on broadcastify, maybe cops but very odd if only 1 shooter as this was probably 40 minutes after the breach and confirmation of 1 suspect down.

Is it in that hour record from above? Have a time for it? I've heard the same reports to, on several occasions (and I could could have sworn I heard something when I was listening live as this was getting updated) but can't find the audio.

no, it's not on that one it stops before the breach. there is a longer one I'm sure... there has to be a recording of the full thing.

Times are a little skewed from switching between tabs but I tried to pick out the important shit and translate as best I could.

At 6:00 an officer says he is "a floor below automatic fire"

10:32 they reached the 32 floor, and waiting for backup "there's only two of us"

14:30 officer says concert goers think there could have been three shooters.

16:00 mandalay bay 32 floor room # confirmed shots in room

17:00 Says shots fired at 29th floor as well as 32

17:20 coming out onto 32 floor

18:20 confirmed two shooters

19:30 officer advises to others to lock their vehicles citizens are trying to grab their shotguns

30:00 officer says shots have not been heard for about 15 minutes

32:00 team on 29th floor and 2 man team still in stairwell of 32 floor

33:50 clearing west wing of 32 floor

34:00 two strike teams moving into mandalay

34:38man in fatigues and a black bag seen getting into a white rv at a motel 6 near Tropicana.

Asked to repeat immediately after and it was.

35:50 civilian stole a patrol car (lol) 36:40 being overrun by people trying to take patrol cars

38:00 think it's most northern room of 32 floor, still unsure about 29th floor

39:10 20+ casualties in standing area of concert

42:00 need units at Tropicana for a "possible"

42:50 posted outside rv at Tropicana

44:00 confirmed room 135

44:35 second team radio in to meet two man team on floor 32

46:00 in stairwell at floor 32 two teams contact

47:00 in the hallway of floor 32

48:20 zebra one on floor 31 holding at stairs leading to 32

Aaaaaand end at 51 and some change without anything else going on.

Idk pretty interesting to hear but anticlimactic. Man in fatigues never got any closure so that's still a curious thread to pull on.

I don't know the codes they use so I could have missed some stuff.

some other interesting stuff:

0:36 - "Coming from upstairs, upstairs Mandalay bay... halfway up... upstairs Mandalay bay... halfway up."

2:00 "Do we have anyone covering the south-west corner between Mandalay bay and the venue?"

2:20 - "Can you tell me where its coming from mandalay bay"

3:05 - "Shots are coming from gate 7"

3:15 "We have a rifle deployed... were trying to see where the shots are coming from"

4:41 - "Its coming from the 50th or 60th floor, north of mandalay bay, its coming out a window"

4:59 "I'm seeing multiple flashes in the middle of mandalay bay on the north side, kind of on the west tower but towards the center of the casino, like one of the middle floors."

at some point in this audio they have a guy come on and say something about the house of blues and you can hear gun fire in the back. I wonder what it up with that or is HOB close to this place?

House of blues is in the casino on the ground floor, same side as the broken windows probably right beneath them.

35:50 civilian stole a patrol car (lol)

i know this isn't a joke, but i actually laughed at this one

I heard that info too. Man in fatigues going into an rv and swat chased by a ghost.

Is "ghost" code for somthing?

Im not sure. I was thinking undercover.

Hmmm, odd

Its all very odd. Theres a huge discrepancy in the amount and lengths of shots. 10.08pm was first dispatch. 11.13 or 11.15 they blew up his door. Officials say 4 or 5 bursts, singers there say at least 12. There was a man in fatigues going into an rv dispatched, but is being ignored. This dude doesnt really fit the profile....neither did oswald. Remember?? Remember during sandy hook the tracked a guy in cammo into the woods and nabbed him? But never explained it???

Oh yeah man, I know. This smells of something.

Hes the oswald of the new millenium.

Ghost = Spook = FBI?

Yup. Not much else to add, just wanted to confirm you are not crazy.

You're on /r/conspiracy, you're all a bunch of fucking nut jobs.

Why are you here then

Because it's been linked on a bunch of other subreddits pointing fingers and laughing.

Yeah, a bunch of other subreddits were pointing fingers and laughing when some people on this sub were saying that Nashville was racially motivated. Then they found a note in his car talking about retaliation for Charleston.

God forbid we have one sub that questions the narrative.

Fight the good fight.

Cutting edge material right there!

Holy crap. I think I was listening to it. Was it around the time some guy was whispering erriely?

Found it, 34:45

Well it is vegas, lots of people have guns here and wear shit like that. If you are planning or part of a shooting, you wouldn't wear camo, you'd want to blend in.

24:00ish. TOWER is reporting multiple people running across the actve runway! HOLY SHIT. that sounds like Djibouti not a first world country.

25:00ish. black chevy denali peeled out of parking lot.

Yes also wondering what happened with the blacked out truck that went screaming out of the parking garage.

Edit 14 and 16 don't work...

Checking them now.

Both are working for me, man.

And about a half dozen others.

So because an ad was placed for crowd work we're using it as evidence of crisis actors?

And people here wonder why conspiracy theorists have a bad name...

No, skippy. I dropped it in because it’s relevant. It isn’t proof of shit and I never said it was. Go get some rest.

I’m simply creating a timeline of events for reference if needed.

Why the ad hominem? Try and stick to the argument. It's relevant only when it's been demonstrated to be so. Justify the correlation between the ad and the shooting

It’s relevant because Crowds On Demand has taken part in false flags before.

If you aren’t already aware of the correlation, then I have no more time to waste with you tonight.

Have a good night.

You want me to believe that a company operates hiring crisis actors without bothering to change their name for each incident, without any of the "actors" spilling the beans?

Or is it more likely that the company is legitimate and put out ads all the time regardless of where a major event happens or not

Obviously the former


Why the ad hominem?

Because it's a weak argument.

Also it's funny that he bought the tweeted screenshot of Craigslist when people are saying that's a common 4chan troll made just for the lulz.

(Original comment posted by OP) The ad was put up by Crowds On Demand. COD is the same company that had ads up in Orlando before the Pulse shooting, as well as ads before the Boston Bombing. Type in “Crowds On Demand” in the r/conspiracy search bar. You’ll find plenty of info on them.

from the initial videos i suspect there were two shooters. the first initial firecracker shots I assume something from maybe an mp4/5 cause it was faster then followed by the AR.

Apparently another woman was involved, but was not found in the hotel room

Stay frosty, folks. Beginning to see some brigading and possible folks who shant be named in this thread.

Don’t get sucked into battle.

"brigading" - like what may I ask? Also, can I ask about your edit 29 - what do you think has happened?

Look at the amount of people online

It's called

They cannot sit there and say one minute that there was only ONE shooter at Mandalay and that he wa s working alone....

When thousands of people have been listening to the scanners and have all heard the same thing. I believe they lost the fucking shooters and are trying to downplay.

Oh and now there is all of a sudden a possible 2nd suspect. I THOUGHT HE WAS WORKING ALONE YOU FUCKTARDS.

Exactly. To me, the “multiple shooters to one shooter” angle is a red flag. Listening to the scanner and they have not once said there was only one suspect.

Being honest though, if these guys are genuinely trying to figure out a situation as dire as this, I'm sure there will be changing story lines as everyone is caught in the craze trying to piece together what's happening and how to stop it.

This happens all the time though. Right after a shooting happens, people panic and begin seeing shooters everywhere. People mistake police for shooters. People mistake people running away from the shots as shooters chasing others. People get confused where the shots are coming from and assume they're coming from multiple directions. That why like 99% of the time there's a "multiple shooters search", it turns out to be a lone gunman. It's not a red flag - it's typical.

Fair, but the strange thing is that no one picked up any mention of a single shooter and suddenly MSM is all reporting it simultaneously.

I think there's a distinction to be made between someone (who has a reason to create this hypothetically) intentionally pulling down to one shooter and the media doing it, the latter of which can happen both with and without agency.

As a side note, if there was a entity (that I'm assuming is of a profile that would require some semblance of secrecy and would prefer for this to not be questioned, so basically not natural terrorists) performed these shootings simultaneously in multiple places, and the game plan was to just say "one did it lol" as their game plan, that would a comically bad plan. Further I don't really get why they'd pull it down intentionally, it seems counterproductive to what I imagine someone would like to portray imo.

I'm not saying there haven't been comically bad plans, just saying its more probable (four hours after it happened, ofc) that its the media pushing it with or without agency, just based on all of this and how much the media falls over themselves for the number of reasons they do

As a side note, if there was a entity (that I'm assuming is of a profile that would require some semblance of secrecy and would prefer for this to not be questioned, so basically not natural terrorists) performed these shootings simultaneously in multiple places, and the game plan was to just say "one did it lol" as their game plan, that would a comically bad plan. Further I don't really get why they'd pull it down intentionally, it seems counterproductive to what I imagine someone would like to portray imo.

Isn't that how you execute an operation and blame it on a cut-out/fall guy?

Draw your cutout into a group, come up with a plan and then convince the cutout he's the guy they're invested in performing the operation. Only the operators know the guy really can't be counted on, so there are backup/secondary operatives who guarantee the mission goes down. The whole thing is planned so that the cutout is nearly guaranteed to get killed, thus making the "lone gunman" narrative impossible to question and the conspiracy's evidence dying with the cutout.

I'm not saying this actually happened, but since this modus operandi can be applied after the fact to nearly every lone gunman shooting, it becomes kind of standard conspiracy theory logic.

Okay, so here is how it works because /r/conspiracy has very strong opinions without knowing jackshit about any of this works.

People confuse SWAT and heavily armed officers for additional gunmen; in the campus stabbing a couple months ago or whenever that was, there were reports of multiple gunmen there too, even though it was just a dickhead with a knife, for the exact same reason.

Same reason why there were reports of gunmen in adjacent casinos; visibly armed cops clearing the area, civilians call them in.

When the police kill the actual lone shooter and suddenly people stop dying, and they tell the press, of course everyone reports on it simultaneously.

These "strange things" have reasonable explanations if you just think for a second. Every fucking time, /r/conspiracy leaps from ignorance to grand fucking criminal conspiracy.

Gunshots also echo.

There's also potentially hundreds calling police/talking to media etc. recounting their version of events. It takes time to figure out all that information. It's also better to assume worst case and act on their being multiple shooters just incase.

Not just that, if i was LE, id announce we caught the only suspect while the investigation starts for the remaining accomplices.

They weren't expecting full auto fire though. The sound of those rounds going off was like a youtube video. Just praying and spraying mag dumps. When one is getting shot at, I imagine it sounds like the whole world is shooting at you.

Lots of crimes get crooked down in the record to "one suspect." For instance, the Son of Sam murders.

Berkowitz definitely had accomplices.

This early in the stage of the investigation, they will be getting a bunch of misreports, uninformed people reporting, just a complete cluster fuck trying to be the 1st to report something.

They are trying to relay as much information as they can, some of it will be incorrect.

According to the Daily Mail article, the woman was also saying THEY'RE ALL AROUND YOU and you're going to die...

Well as far as anyone knows some bad guys broke into a hotel room and killed the guy inside and used it as a base. We really don’t know anything right now.

14 works now but not 16... it's probably my phone

This is bizarre. There is all kinds of info flying on the scanner, and there have been at least 3-4 reports of shots fired that were recanted. The police sound confused. This sounds like complete chaos.

We've been listening also, and feel the exact same way.

anyone ever think its weird that unemployed low intelligent people are the first to pick up on craigslist ads- i dont think they would be crisis actors in something like this and NOT keep their mouth shut about it to all their friends.

"Hey guys, i wuz an actor at this event, not real but dont tell anybody ite g'night fb."

Your probably right, not like the government has a problem killing people elsewhere. If it is a conspiracy it would be a false flag where they hire a gunman or recruit a crazy guy and give him a gun then shoot a bunch or real and innocent people because hiring a army of people to fake a whole attack would cost a lot of money, and why would the elites actually care enough to hire actors instead of the alternative.

person on FOX news just said HIMSELF announced 15-20 people dead?? apparent fireman

Serious question; If they are using machine guns, shouldn’t the death toll be in the high hundreds by now? Seems like the death count is very low for multiple machine gunners... which of course is good, less death the better, but it strikes me as odd, the videos posted sound like a war zone 😔

Would be miraculous if this "2" number they keep saying holds, at least 100+ shots fired into a compact crowd of 30k, most wearing short shorts and tank tops, no cover in general.

I'm seeing at least 20 dead, so utterly wishful thinking to hope otherwise.

Sheriff just said during the press conference that they're looking at 20+ dead and 100+ wounded. Apparently there's video somewhere of a girl talking about a woman coming into the front row about 45 minutes before the shooting started saying that they were all going to die.

Bad times!

Any further news on that women!! That’s shocking, clearly in on it. The shooters will be killed, as always, but she could be picked up for interrogation, preferably enhanced!

Here it is skip to 5:08


So security got her, but did they detain her? Who was working security at the event? G4S, if conspiracy is to be had

The concert venue may have hired contract security but Mandalay Bay security is in-house

Las Vegas is full of people saying "you're all going to die/judgment is upon you" etc etc

A broken clock is right twice a day.

This isn't a video game, depends on the rounds used, the distance, and what they hit prior to hitting a person. There are a lot of people injured.

Far distance and lack of knowledge on how to actually shoot a automatic probably. Plus death toll is 22 now, probably going to skyrocket over night as people die in hospital or are found over the next few hours.

Possible. I’m from the UK so haven’t fired a gun, so I cannot speak on shooting difficulty. Would of expected the shooters to be competent. Blessing they are not, I guess

We're lucky.
Competent people rarely go off their nut and shoot places up.

And when they do they're usually surrounded by other competent people. (like the military base shooting a few ? years ago.)

there is also a video of dan bilzerian running from the scene. its on worldstar

I thought he was a tough wannabe marine haha.

He did try to join the SEALs at one point

Twice I believe, and one of the times had a broken leg as I recall.

Internet tough guy. You wouldn't run when somebody next to you gets shot in the fucking face? Grow up

Bilzerian as an eye witness confirms that this is not a false flag. He could have been a little less callous in his narrative regarding the deceased.

He was definitely in shock

I mean, I'm trying to leave out my already formulated opinion of him. He is no stranger to heavily armed warfare.

Yea I don't think he was in shock. I think he wanted to be able to help more than anything.

If I were in that situation I'd be ecstatic if he was present. The guy is apparently one hell of a shot and isn't afraid of shit.

Oh, totally. Leaving some of his choice life moments out of the equation, he seems like a fine dude. I'd certainly be honored to fight alongside him if ever there is a fascist coup d'etat. All that said, given his Trump endorsement, his legal trouble involving his violent and bizarre antics, but also considering and weighing in the historical genocide of his own Armenian family genocide at the hands of fascists, he's kind of a mixed bag politically speaking, so I'm not certain for which side he'd fight.

Not a false flag CONFIRMED!

Illuminati confirmed!

The fact that some poker playing male celebutante was there (and stupid enough to grab a gun and go back) doesn't mean anything.

That's all I'm saying.

No, it means he's a total badass! Haha, no I'm thinking this is nothing. Dan I mean.

It doesn't mean anything to you.

Yeah, he was also 400 yards from where the shooter was. You could be a foot away and not know what's going on. That doesn't tell you anything about whether it's a false flag or not. I'm not suggesting this is a false flag, but if there are dots, we should be connecting them.

He was a Navy Seal. He saw her brains.

Yeah, I’m not a conspiracy guy, but I’m definitely a connect the dots guy.

The dots have been connected. The dude killed himself. You don't buy it? Will there ever be massacre where we accept the official FBI release? I blame J. Edgar Hoover, who as its founding director undermined its reliability by manipulating its trust to target and harass Americans, our celebrities and our most prominent civil rights advocate. No one has trusted them since. Comey? Out with him. No good. Sad. Mueller? This guy is breaking my balls!

Let's start calling them manufactured opportunities.

A rich Jewish man telling you it "DEFINITELY" isn't a hoax. Totally believable.

A random internet conspiracy theorist spewing racism. Totally surprising.

Is he NOT Jewish?

Not the thousands of other people there, too? lol. You people are fucking loony.

Just because people died doesn't mean this wasn't a false flag, you're misunderstanding the term.

Whoever said that above me didn't mean false flag, what they meant was "fake." They were saying that since he saw it, it was real. I should have corrected OP. Ole boy thinks the government stages this shit and errbody's OK.

Yeah, regardless of whether Sandy Hook was faked or not, I think the public has made it clear that we are looking into the details here and will expose inconsistencies we find.

They're definitely not going to try and fake something this huge.

And don't get me wrong -- I'm not saying this guy couldn't have been influenced by a state actor. I do think that's extremely unlikely but not impossible.

No, I meant "false flag" on the basis that government won't stage an event that requires murdering 50 Americans.

9/11 wasn't about gun control, there's more than one reason to engage in an attack like this.

Maybe they wanted to accelerate the growing division amongst our people?

How does his presence confirm that it wasn't a staged event with 50 dead Americans??

He is purportedly an eye witness. Take it for what it is worth. It means little to me, but it might be vital to a legitimate investigation. Ask yourself what it might mean to this community, commonly intent in their formulating their own independent opinion, despite the widely accepted information available to them, as was the case in Sandy Hook, 9/11, etc.

Are you just putting words together in sequence? What I'm asking you is why you take his presence as an eyewitness to mean it couldn't possibly have been a government-sponsored event.

I don't think it's a false flag. I don't think Sandy Hook was fake. I don't think 911 was rigged. But your conclusion isn't supported by the record.

I already answered your question. Apparently I can't persuade you with the little amount of information available to me.

You didn't make a coherent statement. I'm sure you think you explained something. My question to you, then, is why are you sitting there saying it's disproven if you will readily admit you can't disprove it with the information you have? Think before you speak.

While concise, my statement was plenty coherent and that you disagree with it doesn't make it nonsense. I merely stated my opinion as I'm free to do under the freedom of expression you so dearly claim to value while lashing out at those with whom you disagree. You think before you speak. Hurr durr. You sound like my dead, condescending father. Don't have children.

Re-read what you posted. It doesn't contain an answer. It's just words.

I answered your question before you asked it. I guess there was no point in you asking your question or even continuing discussion, since it's all apparently just nonsense.

take your meds

You're out of line.

LOL you changed it from "you're an asshole." OK, let's try this again.

Your ORIGINAL POST was "DB's presence confirms this is not a false flag." You claim to have subsequently answered HOW his presence confirms it is not a false flag. You have not done so. I'm not even really interested in your response except to the extent it stirs you to the realization that you can't derive the background of the event from some instagram celebrity's presence.

There is no point in replying. You will only continue to attack me and try to bait me into getting a ban. I'm not going to stoop to your level to engage in your battle of ego/wits over a stupid disagreement. Keep it civil.

Patently irrational

Exactly, 911 was a false flag.... and look at the blood and bodies from that day.

I don't misunderstand the term. I simply don't believe it was a false flag and even if it didn't persuade anyone here, today, I still expect that the typical gun nut community will value the eye witness testimonial of Blizerian and their gun nut ilk. Also, Blizerian didn't use the term at all, so you're mistaken there.

No, you were mistaken in thinking Blizerian's word means anything here.

Blizerian can't confirm anything other than that people were killed.

I was referring to your words here, "Blizerian is misunderstanding the term." Blizerian did not use the term at all. I alone used the term in my own persuasion. Just because it doesn't speak to you doesn't mean no one is listening.

You were completely wrong and you need to delete your comment.

Oh, opinion is fact now, I see. According to you, opinions are objectively wrong and you should also, on that basis.

I said, delete the message.

Blizerian can't confirm shit except that he saw someone die.

I said, "no you," in so many words.

Delete the cocksuckin' comment.

You sound like a revisionist.

Not a phrase.

Delete the commeeeeeent.

Don't blame me. I target my comments accordingly.

Odd thinking this isn't a false flag because Dan said so.

He didn't "say so," he only quite tactlessly claimed to have seen a woman's "brain's hanging out."

You do realize a false flag can have real victims?

Yes. Is the emphasis meant on "can?" Certainly, it is possible, I acknowledge. To use your rhetorical tone, you do realize that no U.S. led false flag has had real victims?

I believe the USA has taken part in various false flags with real victims.

Also, do you have any valid proof that substantiates your story ?

I trust the FBI release on the matter due to lack of any valid proof that substantiates any alternate narrative, such as a false flag. Also, I wouldn't haven't seen this reply if I hadn't checked the context.

Good job for checking the context brother!!! You are much smart. Def Ill stick to my story and wait for any proof that substantiates any story... so far we haven't had that from the FBI and tis there job to tell us the truth govnnnnaaa. Check mate, eat a dick.

The press release is the proof. It's up to lawyers and concerned citizens like you to use FOIA to get anything more. Also, keep it civil.

The press release is not proof. I've been on a mission using FOIA to get Marijuana related info, and come on FOIAs are a joke, if you don't want to eat a dick, don't. I'm not force feeding it to you.

Keep it civil... seriously? What makes you think a printed paper means its truth?

FOIA wasn't a joke when it exposed the FBI's own founding director as a tyrant who manipulated the FBI and abused their power to for a widespread harassment campaign against American celebrities, the civil rights movement and against the best interest of black Americans. Hell, even the FBI can't claim the FBI is a good thing, so I'm right there with you, man.

Was he seriously coming back with a gun? The cops would shoot him dead.

I don't think there were cops on the scene while he considered it in this video. After reaching his hotel room, he updated that he went home, that he knew he couldn't be of any help.

Did he claim that he "got one of the guys" after he went and grabbed his gun?

In this video? I didn't hear him say anything like that. He was early on the scene so maybe he had a chance to be a first responder, but when he got back to his room he realized that SWAT was already handling it.

God, anyone read the comments on that video?

It was on hus Snapchat. I was veyond confused seeing that tgis morning. And then hearing about the actually event.

You alright?

Seems a little fishy...

From Dan Bilzerian Wikipedia:

  • His father was a corporate raider on Wall Street who set up trust funds for both of his sons.[17][18][19] Bilzerian entered the Navy SEAL training program in 2000; however, after several attempts, he did not graduate. He was reportedly dropped from the program for a "safety violation on the shooting range"*


if im not mistaken, i could swear I hear more than one automatic weapon. it doesnt sound like any M-16 or AR-15. Its much heavier. I believe during the second volley of fire you can hear yet another weapon.

There is definitely more than one gun firing. It can't even be an echo because the reports are different in length

I've read somewhere that they found multiple automatic weapons when they breached the room, seems like that would explain it if they were multiple different guns.

His rate of fire changes even within the same ... fire cycle? Not sure what the term is, but as he's unloading whatever he's firing you can hear a variable rate of fire. Points to bump firing to me.

With the weird varying rate of fire Im gonna guess it was a bump fire stock, or a shitty conversion that was able to run away when it got too hot and out of spec.

even more telltale is that you can hear two different rates of fire.

Two different rates of fire can be accounted for by echoes and the "crack" of the bullet followed by the noise from the gun firing.

The rate of fire is not consistent. And it's not winding up or down. It varies through.

Most likely this is due to the bump firing technique others have posted about. It involves removing your trigger hand front the gun and locking it in place, then using the recoil and reboot of the rifle off of your shoulder back in to the rigid trigger finger to fire another round.

I'd never heard of it before last night. But in watching a video of it it makes sense to me that this is probably what you're hearing. The placement of the finger, the movement of the body as he fires and adjusts aim, could all create a change gun's recoil travel distance altering the rate of fire.

its a cheap at-home mod anyone can do.

Bump firing my dude

Sounds like a helicopter man.

That's because the sound is echoing off of the tall buildings


Definitely just one gun man

never heard an echo

And the bullet impacts all around.

If that's the case you should hear an echo of every single shot. Granted there is almost a second delay between the shooter and the point of impact, some of that sound overlaps as it bounces off of buildings at varying distances. What I'm saying is you wouldn't hear shot, shot, shot, shot, echo, shot, echo without hearing 3 more echos afterwards. 1 shot, x echos. But it will always be the same multiple of echos, unless a few skyscrapers duck for cover.

Bullets also make a cracking noise as they fly through the air, it is from them moving faster than the speed of sound. You will hear that before the actual gunshot.

I definitely heard more than one.

Yeah echos add to the effect but I thought you could hear 2 distinct patterns. Its not a high rpm gun slower probably a longer action say a 7.62x51 round. He probably switched between loaded guns but the weird part was they both sounded FA. If this was done with a bumpfire device then that market is toast.

It's called an echo.

TIL echoes are a thing

Can someone explain to a "normie" who this is and the implications?

he's just some rich cunt from poker but once a while ago I heard he gets paid by some elitist to push the agenda of being a pimp or someshit

He got his money from his dad. His dad got his money by being a crook. Spent time in federal prison for it.

He could be president someday with credentials like that

He ran for president. He also endorsed Trump. :\

So Jared Kushner?

So what? Fuck the government.

He's a trust fund/inheritance kid who lives a public "wish you could be me" lifestyle. Poker happens to be one of the ways he fucks about.

There is conjecture he uses poker as a way to explain away having money he gets from less than legal means.

I only even know that much because his shit shows up in various social media feeds. He's basically the equivalent of a scuzzy male kardashian. Fuck the whole lot of them.

He's a famous socialite. He's basically a male Paris Hilton and there are no implications.

He's also a Bitcoin investor who is at least partly responsible for the recent rise in price. It's worth considering that he may have been a target, however implausible that may seem.

You can take a few things from this but mostly this man is a really rich social media mega star who knows a lot about weapons.

He's such a tool.

He may be a douchebag.

But any training about an active shooter can be summarized as, run, hide, and fight.

He is doing the first one flawlessly. You can't render any sort of aid if your dead.

I carry a glock 22, I don't care what kind of handgun anyone might have been carrying, you aren't hitting a guy on the 32nd floor of a hotel from the ground, nor would you try because you'd be firing rounds into people's hotel rooms for one, not to mention you should be running your ass off away from the sounds of fire.

Exactly. What he should of been doing nothing else than running away. What doe peopl expect him to do.

Exactly. It would be completely moronic to return fire. He was doing exactly what he was suppose to do. What are people expecting him to do.

Everyone thinks they are a hero, I imagine they have metal detectors there which is what makes people sitting ducks at big events. I'd assume a lot of that crowd (especially country fans) carries guns, but probably left them in the car because of security, even if they all had guns, you'd be insane to return fire at building with thousands of innocent people and likely be shot by police or certainly arrested.

As pro-gun I am, I don't condone carrying firearms at a concert. Mixing hundreds of people, confined spaces, alcohol, and energetic young men with guns is not a good mix. Carry a gun requires great responsibility and self-awareness, and determining when/where it is and is not is part of that responsibility.

People never understand when I try to say this about bars as well.

Seriously. It would require a much, much more serious weapon than you are going to have on you to try and fight back. Run, hide, and wait for the professionals to get it sorted.

Except for maybe Jerry Miculek

You open carry with that thing? More of a glock 23 kind of guy myself.

ideal conditions in a stress free environment you STILL arent hitting 32nd floor with any accuracy.

OMFG Run, hide, fight, fuck that shit, why are soooo many people receiving this asinine training.... and if you guys are receiving this training how the fuck does a concert instruct people to stay still during an event like this? running over barriers, so stupid... the bigger story here is how is that this could happen. sad.

How is he a douchebag? Dude is just living the life we all wish we could and he's pretty damn good dude overall.

Throwing women off of balconies. Endorsing Trump.

Yeah I'm sorry but anyone pretending they'd stick around to go fistacuffs with a shooter while selflessly body shielding a crowd of people is fucking misjudging themselves. What kind of cunt shames someone for trying to save their own life?

You hear gunshots? You flee. Judge the actions of others when you too have experienced that type of chaos.

He may be a douchebag.

Sorry, but what does your opinion of him have anything to do with what happened. He's a celebrity, have you ever met him or done business with him?

of have

Done. Thanks!

-run, film selfie footage for followers

I'm so confused because I watched that video, he was just on the news and his narrative on the news doesn't match this video. He was in his vehicle driving home and on the news he is saying he saved his buddy that was shot and transported 4 wounded in his truck and one died in his arms. What really makes me wonder, it is completely different than this video where he talks about a womans brains falling out. Idk, but its disturbing me. The whole thing is sick.


Haven't there been several posts in the last month or so mentioning Craigslist crisis actors posts for the Vegas area??

Yes, you are correct in both regards. There were multiple posts about craigslist postings from a company called Crowds on Demand in Las Vegas and it was speculated by many here that those postings were for crisis actors for a planned tragedy at the McGregor Mayweather fight. Seems this could fit the bill too.

can you link that? I mentioned see it in comment below and recanted when couldn't find it. Now I have some asshat razing me for it.

It was over a month ago at this point. I have no idea how to find those topics, but searching for "Crowds on Demand" along with other words like "conspiracy", "Vegas", and "McGregor Mayweather" may help. I used this search on google and turned up a few examples, like this r/conspiracy thread that includes a screencap of the group's craigslist post.

You can also search "Crowds on Demand" without Vegas and notice how every single post corresponds to the location of a major political rally (there are literally hundreds of posts in every major American city). Those posts are made by alt-righters in advance of their Nazi protests so they can point to it and say "look! Soros plants!" when liberals show up. It's a fake false-flag.

So, a flag?

i didnt archive it or anything, but i saw the ads while they were up and even applied to one, but i didnt hear back.

Of note: multiple postings claiming to be from CoD, none of which corroborated it to actually be from the company and not just trolls (spoilers: anyone can po st a Craigslist ad saying they represent a company). Skepticism is the strongest tool we have.

To think that anonymous actors picked up on Craiglist would be professional and discrete enough to cover up a false flag shooting seems... Delusion.

this is why i can’t buy these theories. old outlaw saying that the only way three people can keep a secret is if two of them are dead

You assume they want to.keep it a secret.


Its clearly an attempt to damage the more sensible accusations of facilitation, by association

You are saying something is impossible..that governments have kept secret and admitted later on?

You believe that normal people are quick to blow the whistle yet history proves this is not always the case.

What are some examples?

Of note..real ads for this can be Made as well.

Skepticism is our strongest weapon.

But..please..continue to believe the little tv has all your answers.

Do you really think people would participate in a fake mass shooting for $20/hr?

I said they were thought to be hiring crisis actors for a planned tragedy. In other words, they'd be hiring people who would be interviewed on local news immediately following the event. I never said they were committing the terrorism themselves, nor has anyone else I've seen. That's a really funny strawman you built there.

I did not say they were committing terrorism. I said they were participating

You ignored the question. Do you really think there are people who answer ads on Craigslist to pretend to be victims of a mass shooting?

Why do you need a crowd of actors when you can just make the tragedy happen?

may I ask what a crisis actor is?

check out ole dammagard on youtube for interesting theories on the subject.

A crisis actor is /r/conspiracy's go to explanation for just about any sort of emergency situation. Shooter in a nightclub? "They're all crisis actors". Plane flies into a building? "Crisis actors".

Its just a bunch of neckbeards who are in denial with whats actually going on.

Well yeah, it's /r/conspiracy. Denial of reality is the bread-n-butter of this subreddit.

If you think theories like these are just limited to reddit, then hah. These types of theories are rampant all over the web.

Nice hastey generalization.

I think jumping to crisis actors is a bit more hasty.

Only few are, hence hastey generalization (judging an entire group based on the actions of a minority).

This is sad, to me. There are countless "players" (not crisis actors) who play around with this world like it's their very own sandbox. Just about all of these schemes revolve around controlling, containing, limiting, and dumbing-down the masses. There are billions of dollars up-for-grabs for just about any agenda out there, and these players? They all run their schemes without a single care if you live or die - these are megalomaniac, psychopaths. There are true maniacs running this planet.

So yes, when something unusual happens - which has significant legal and financial implications, a rational first question is: was this just a crazy person? Or was this a game of one of those psychopaths of one of our psychopath owners. Not only is this a reasonable question, it's been documented history for as long as history has been kept. There are countless examples of false-flag attacks. These lethal "games" have been going on for a long time. And yes, getting back to "crisis actors" - they have been used in every one of these events, and are a required element. So, if you find a crisis actor, then you have a small bit of evidence that this may not be what it appears to be at face value.

Or, we can just go your route - sit in front of MSNBC, zone out, and take everything they say as fact... right?

Why are you even here then?

I enjoy exposing the delusional mindset of neckbeards, thats why.


That comment alone makes me hard because it shows you had no rebuttal considering you know I'm absolutely right. Thanks!

Is that the argument you are going to keep posting? Many come here to offer a dissenting opinion.

I am here to discredit conspiracy theorists because I am being paid to do so by a shadowy wealthy lizard person high up in the government

Nice hastey generalization.

I do think the whole "crisis actor" bullshit in the conspiracy realm has been hand fed by the groups that benefit from making these places seem insane.

If we only had real conspiracy discussion here, it would be too easy to convert a lot of people and make them understand how much actual fuckery, documented, undeniable fuckery has went on and still goes on in this world on a large scale.

But if we mix in hologram planes, crisis actors, flat earth, etc, it discredits everything and makes most people want to keep far away so they are not branded a tinfoil hat nut.

I'm sure 5% of the people here really believe the crisis actor nonsense, but since 95% of posts talk about it, I have to assume that there are other forces at work to insert this so heavily into every good thread.

Actors who are paid to act as though they have just experienced a shooting or something of the like. The Sandy Hook parents are actors, and not particularly good ones. They can be seen multiple times laughing and joking about the "death" of their child.

I find it curious that there are users in this thread actively trying to downplay the notion of crisis actors, which in the case of Sandy Hook has been proven beyond doubt. I'm not at all saying that they have been used in this incident, merely pointing that users who want to attack people in regards to Sandy Hook theories may not be entirely trustworthy.

crisis actor was originally a term for people who worked with police, emergency services, military and security services organizations doing mock-up training drills of horrific situations like plane crashes and mass-shootings.

their job is to scream and cry and fake-bleed everywhere and generally act like anyone would in a high-intensity, crisis-type event, to allow the trainees the chance to get a feel for what actually responding to a school-shooting or something ACTUALLY feels like, irl, and to be able to perform more effectively when it happens, because they know what to expect.

its a legit job, and it has some crossover with the actual acting profession, in that it pays better than being an extra, and requires similar skills.

at some point, some bright spark came across a casting call, and decided that crisis actors were actually actors being hired for media-covered events that were fake (((false flag))) operations being pulled off by obama/elitists/jews in order to manipulate americans in one way or another

the usual target for these allegations are tied in with gun rights, so the sandy hook massacre right, was a "false flag operation" cynically engendering support for obama to destroy the second amendment, and all those distraught parents you saw crying on the news?? they were "crisis actors" taking money in order to destroy your right to bear arms as a proud American patriot.

well and good. well.. unless you're a grieving parent

the bit that gets me, however, is that the US government has NEVER been shy of killing people, either foreign or domestically. That they would even consider such an unwieldy and falsifiable method as inventing a bunch of children to fake-murder, forging birth certificates, staging a massacre at a school, getting the reporters involved, having a bunch of fake funerals, and then paying the parents crisis actors for the rest of their lives to keep up the pretense when they could just have some crazy fuckwit go in and ACTUALLY shoot up a school??

you know what governments care about more than gun laws?


You know whats cheaper in America than pensioning off a bunch of "crisis actors" to keeps up some facade??


Came here to see the shit-show of inevitable idiots clamoring over weak ass claims, was not disappointed.

That said, you're probably the only person here making any sense.

I will never understand why so many people here will reach for the most convoluted, complex, difficult explination when there exists ones that meet the same ends but is far simpler and believable.

Why are you here then?

Came here to see the shit-show of inevitable idiots clamoring over weak ass claims, was not disappointed.

Just because people have come to divergent opinions doesn't mean everyone is crazy.

So what is your belief, all knowing, omniscient witness?

I have nothing against questioning authority and the official accounts of events, but when the vast majority of those types of comments here are based around a method that can be dismissed with a half-effort of critical thought, the claim of "crazy" seems to stick. Wanting so badly for this to be a thing that simply logic is dismissed... is crazy.

Seriously, the comment I originally replied to actually makes sense, and I don't have many reasons to say why I'd conclude it absolutely isn't wrong.

The others.... a child has the capacity to explain why they don't make sense.

Oh okay. So you're subjectively drawing the where you want, without any sort of substantial proof. That's called a confirmation bias. You see them as intellectually weak simply because you don't agree with them. Cool, good to know that's why you're here: to try to shit on people.

You don't even have the truth. So please shut the fuck up and let people discuss what they want and how they want to.

"The others"- dude you're so full of shit. You're just looking for comments that confirm your view while dismissing others as 'crazy'

You really don't now more you're just here to put yourself on a pedestal and make fun of others for what they went to believe in.

Go somewhere else honestly! You're a fucking troll.

I'm pretty sure your "bright spark" was Alex Jones.

You're aware that people use those kinds of services for like...everything, right? Movie fillings, reality TV shows, grand openings. Fucking youtubers put out Craigslist ads for crowd extras. Y'all are reaching high to think there are hundreds of average Joes hiding entire plots of mass shootings for some money. Crisis actors are always the weakest thread to follow in these mass shooting posts.

You are talking to a bunch of people who think Sandy Hook was a hoax/hired crisis actors. So, no-they are not 'aware'.

At least 4 Sandy Hook parents literally were/are professional actors/actresses

I am very interested in Sandy Hook being a false flag; do you have further information / sources to support the Crisis Actor Parent claim?

I just watched this last night, Sandy Hook definitely stinks

I never saw a lot of this. Great video! I didn't even know about this guy. He explains so much of the skepticism of what went down that day and why it's so hard to accept the official story.

Yeah same, I found it in r/conspiracy of course. Really interesting that it's so convoluted.

What's it like being stupid? I've always wondered.

That doesn't imply they're "crisis actors" who helped invent the death of their child.

When they are in more than one tragic event..thanks it's suspicious.

Bit yer way to awesome of a skeptic to even care

LMAO so your theory is that they orchestrate these entire scenarios and reuse actors? Why is the Illuminati always just dumb enough to get caught out by totally awesome skeptics like you?

Because they know there are enough people like you that it doesn't matter how sloppy or terrible they are at this stuff. It's why they get away with everything they do.

Why not just hire another actor though?

But don't they know there are people like you Blowing It Wide Open? It seems like an extremely easy thing to avoid if you're going to all the trouble of pyrotechnics, fake social media, video editing, etc.

Yes they do. Most of the people "blowing it open" are also part of the deep state as well. They always control both sides. Eventually this will all be common knowledge and will be used to fuel the "revolution" that they will guide into their new synthesis.

TIL that professional actors can't have children enrolled in public schools.

TIL that Newtown is a hotbed for professional actors to send their kids to dilapidated school.

why be aware when you can be woke amirite.

Woa dude. Deep.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

Sandy HOAX

You don't know the context and death affects people in a multitude of ways. You people are literally bat-shit.

You don't know the context and death affects people in a multitude of ways.

You're 100% right, but that doesn't make someone

literally bat-shit.

to question a polar opposite reaction that goes against the grain of all human emotion. If you're not allowed to question something like that then I've got a bridge to sell.

Yes it does. If you follow real crime in a any way, people have what seem to be, inappropriate reactions to real loss every single day.

Not everyone is a inconsolable, blubbering mess 24/7.

So if he ran around kissing people, tore off his shirt, dropped to his knees and shouted 'Haleluja!' that wouldn't raise an eyebrow with you?

Yeah, I guess people who have an awareness of human emotion probably do seem insane from your perspective.

No because that would make sense from someone who has lost a child. I would quite literally lose my mind.

But, coming from someone who won't procreate, I understand your confusion.

Also; do these people think these actors are now dead, or didn't ever exist?

Because I just saw a video of people literally dying at a concert.

If you serious push this kind of thing, fuck yourself.

How cute..he believes the tv box.

Guess everyone who recorded a viral video was in on it too.

Who else is in one it?

How cute, he believes that "people" exist. It's only me and the lizard people here.

Wrong subreddit for logical thought on cover ups.

You are aware that it's just presented as a possible connection?

No, any time we decide, anything is fake!

Good catch.

This is what is making me so sad and horrified right now. The fucking Craigslist crisis actor ad. Holy shit our country is dirty. Lord have mercy, this is foul from start to finish.

Crisis actors are paid hourly and would definitely not be part of some huge cover up. Too many people to leak whatever "conspiracy" you think is going on here.

For sure Craigslist ads are irrefutable evidence. It's not like anyone with a phone number can post those. Oh wait.

There is some SERIOUS collusion here. Why is this thread not being upvoted? We need the freshest information possible

Reason for not being upvoted; it’s chilly around these parts these days.

The reason is it was posted Sunday 3am East Coast. It's also the reason it's completely missing from the Front Page. I just got to work and hearing about this now, shit's insane.

There is some SERIOUS collusion here.

Between whom?

20+ killed 100+ injured. Wow.


double those numbers now

Quadruple injured...

"I think the wise among us realize what has happened here."

I'm not wise. What do we think happened?

Probably that this was actually some mercenary team that's gunna slip away and and they're gunna blame it on someone like BLM to further stoke racial tensions

So it's obviously just another rouse to flip our eyes?

"Obviously" is extremely disingenous at this point. People who desperately want to connect any dots will do so, but no one truly knows what happened right now.

Lots of conjecture presented as "proof" or something in this thread.

Someone with a lot of power feared losing that power. So they coerce someone with less power than them to enact terror on the American people despite lacking a clear political message to send with their irrational violence. Because terrorizing American citizens helps this sort of person maintain and expand their political power, not only over Americans but around the globe.

Does this person happen to have scrotums for eye lids?

gotta be honest, if shit like this is done by the government, I don't think the orders are coming from the president or anyone near him, much less someone like Trump (especially if we're sticking with the line that he's an incompetent fool).

I can however see deeper power structures pulling something like this off in order to push his hand. "Oh you don't want to do what we say about Syria/Russia/NK? Look at what we can do and how easily we can do it. You will obey us."

I never mentioned Trump. It's funny to me that you'd respond to me as if I had.

just realized the other comment "scrotum for eyelids" was about Soros... facepalm lol.

Trump's eyelids are pretty scrotal too. Rereading your comment without my first assumption, I'd actually agree with you.

I think it was way more likely that some guy got wasted in Vegas, couldn't sleep off his hangover and thought "fuck this noise" Pa pa pa pa..

He was 65, after sixty-five years of shit, it might not take much for you to snap and go out thinking 'I want to be remembered'. Kids like attention, if you don't nurture that good behaviour, they're going to act-out. Some people don't grow up.

First of all, it's always likely that someone snaps. I think anyone with an IQ over room temperature can figure out how to kill a lot of people if they really wanted to.

However, it is also true, and documented that sinister groups linked to and funded by our government or certain radical political beliefs are all over the internet trying to radicalize weak minded people that are in a bad place. There are many places you can go seeking answers, seeking help, seeking to vocalize your rage, where these snakes are waiting to brainwash someone into committing a mass violent act.

It could be that an angry bitter man snapped and wanted to inflict pain on as many as he could, it could also be that he was pushed over the edge by trained operatives that fed his rage and loneliness, we'll never know.

According to The Guardian:

The dead man lived locally and his motives are not known, he added. There were no explosives involved in the attack. But police used a controlled explosion to get to the suspect he said. The suspect shooter is dead but his companion Marylou Danley is still at large, according to Joseph Lombardo, the sheriff of the Las Vegas Metropolitan police department.

"Operation Gladio Patsy" that's what I read there..

I sincerely doubt he lost a lot of money in Vegas, decided to off himself, and then some black ops program decided to take advantage of the situation.

Never in my country.

What would be the point? Wouldn't Occam's razor suggest it's not some elaborate false flag?

Question everything. Don't take what they feed you at face value.

There are a million and one agendas in the world.

It could just be a disgruntled guy that lost at the tables in Vegas. He's not going to be accurate at 300 yards with a sub-machine gun, but with a densely packed crowd he doesn't have to be. 9mm is lethal at that distance, as I'm learning. But the talking heads lie to us enough that I'm going to question their story.

Okay. Still doesn't make it insanely more likely it's not a false flag.

You have to admit it's vastly more plausible that it was just a tragic mass shooting, right?

Or are you that intellectually dishonest?

The guy said that either is possible

But one is vastly more plausible right?

Why is it so hard to admit that it's most likely not a false flag?

I don't see how the evidence points strongly enough in either direction to make conclusions yet. Likelihood is not conclusive. Not by a long shot.

If you don't think that we get fed misinformation on a daily basis you're being dishonest with yourself.

Is the reporting factual? Are we going to get all the correct details?

I don't know, but dig into yourself. Just because somebody has a job at a news outlet doesn't mean you can trust them. Some of those are run by billionaires that have their own agenda.

Why do you keep bringing up non sequiter bullshit?

Just admit it's probably not a false flag. I know you can do it.

Why do you need me to admit something about a developing news story we don't have all the details on yet?

That wouldn't fly for a scientist running an experiment.

Because even without all the details we can already logically conclude that a regular old mass shooting is almost infinitely more likely than an elaborate false flag perpetrated by some shadowy non state actors.

Now we're assuming that they're non-state?

Dude, I still have doubts about 9/11.

I don't buy anything 100%. Why would I even need to?

Okay you and your mental illness are a lost cause.

Convenient that anyone that questions the official story is mentally ill.

Maybe someday we'll have some progress, and they can lock all of the sick people up in asylums where they won't bother everybody that watches the news and believes it all like good Americans should.

It'll be a glorious day when that happens.

You're sooooo woke hahaha

Why are you even on this sub?

So you are suggesting we all just take the Lame Lying Stream media (which since the repeal of the Smith-Mundt act is State Propaganda) at full faith?? Then you claim it is mental illnesses that cause skepticism of a rogue oligarchy? Brah,,.. Bro.. Seriously Brah.. You are fucking sleeping.

Have you seen the brother's interview?

That's not what it means at all

No political, religious, or sociopolitical motive, no side to point blame at, can't blame the left for lack of gun control because he used illegal guns, can't blame the right because he wasn't targeting minorities or the left. This is an odd situation. I can't see it being a false flag because there's no agenda gain in this attack.

I'm sure that there's more info to come, and there's also speculation that he used something called a gat crank for the auto fire. That would make both the weapon and the modification legal to own.

I'm going to wait for the whole story before I make my judgments, but I have to admit that the story sounded pretty out there when I first heard it.

Its weird because we almost always have somewhere to point a finger at and draw blame. ISIS, radical left or far right, white supremecists, gun control, whatever. This time is weird.

It's a perfect scenario for pointing the blame squarely at guns though. The movement to ban guns outright has always been talked over due to other factors in previous shootings (ISIS, mental health, white supremacist groups, drugs, etc.) But this time, the worst shooting in American history, there is nothing in the way and all the focus can be placed on guns themselves. It's Christmas day for the left.

Hey sorry for my non-Americanness but is shit at the point where the left is potentially killing 58 innocent people just to win public opinion on banning guns? I am super aware about a lot of the fucked up shit in your politics, but it's usually a loooooot deeper than wanting to ban guns

Hey sorry for my non-Americanness but is shit at the point where the left is potentially killing 58 innocent people just to win public opinion on banning guns? I am super aware about a lot of the fucked up shit in your politics, but it's usually a loooooot deeper than wanting to ban guns

Yeah to be honest I'm 99% sure that isn't the true motivation. This is a sub for conspiracies so those were my most conspiratorial thoughts on the matter.

ah yes, thanks man

Except illegal weapons will only further the left's attempts to make guns harder to mod into illegal making more guns illegal. Ti's all to suspicious, it's not adding up.

Im going to say that nobody who supports trump would go and do this and shout "trump". It fits the msm narrative and each and every time a "trump" supporter does something it turns out to be a liberal cuck in disguise

What the hell are you talking about

You're fucking stupid. Why does EVERYTHING need to be politically affiliated. Shut up and wait for proper details. Jesus christ.

That's the anti-thesis of this whole sub.

Yeah but it probably is a political killing tbh, If anything MSM is going to try and cover up the fact he was liberal yet ANTIFA said they were going to start the revolution this fall.

lol. people talk about antifa like it was one group. or that they were any better organized than this sub-reddit.

Antithesis is a single word.

Well to be fair it probably was politically motivated and he was shooting at a country music concert which means he probably was mad at conservatives.

Anyway there are sources saying that he was ANTIFA and had just converted to ISIS. Just be honest with yourself.. its probably political. ANTIFA said they were going to start hurting people this fall anyway.

This is a prime example of humans being bad at statistics. You can read about this in the book "fast and slow" thinking.

They ask you to consider a male, they ask you to guess which occupation this male belongs to based on set characteristics, farmer or libertarian. all of them are things you might associate with a libertarian, well read, introverted, etc etc.

Almost everyone that takes the test says the male is clearly a libertarian, without considering the fact male farmers outnumber male librarians 10-1, so obviously, you'd be more likely to find someone with that set of characteristics farming.

What you just did is the same. You didn't consider the other factors here.

This was a 65 year old, wealthy, retired white male. This demographic is overwhelmingly conservative, if we were going to take a shot in the dark, statistically, it's more likely he's a conservative.

Here's a thought - wait for more information before you start making wild and absurd accusations, and the fact you think a 65 year old retired white business owner was somehow involved with ISIS is even more hilarious.

ISIS claims every attack that happens because they know dumb people will believe it.

Use occam's razor. Youre doing mental gymnastics to suit your bias. Why the fuck do you think he targeted a concert full of white conservatives?! Puuhhhhh-leeeaaase!

This guy was most likely conservative

He was photographed at several radical leftist protests!

This is obviously the work of mainstream liberal media brainwashing people into thinking that all trump supporters or conservatives are evil racist nazis that deserve violence! It's fucking obvious!

Furthermore there were reports that apparently he made Islamic comments lately and the police were aware of him. He was also photographed in dubai.

Please. Do not be purposefully obtuse! The victims do not fucking deserve people ignoring what is going on. The liberal media is trying their hardest to radicalize and divide people.

Use occam's razor. Youre doing mental gymnastics to suit your bias. Why the fuck do you think he targeted a concert full of white conservatives?! Puuhhhhh-leeeaaase!

By mental gymnastics, do you mean statistics and math? And I'm not saying he wasn't - I'm saying wait for the actual facts. Also, that concert was full of Hispanics too. It's perfectly likely he wanted to kill as many people as possible, locally. A massive open-air music event would be a clear target if someone wanted to do that.

He was photographed at several radical leftist protests!


this is the guy from that paper, should we copy paste some of it:

Stephen Gorham Paddock, Jr., 71, of Colorado Springs, passed away on January 24, 2013. Steve was born on July 28, 1941 in Cleveland, Ohio to the late Stephen and Helene (McNally) Paddock. After attending high school in Dallas, Texas, Steve graduated from Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia. He worked in Aerospace engineering for over 40 years and retired from the Boeing Aerospace Company in 2002. On October 31, 1964, Steve married Louise "Lou" McConnell and together raised three children.

It took me under 10 seconds to debunk the claim the shooter worked at NASA.

As for the rest of this, I'll have to wait until more information surfaces. The pictures look like a different guy to me - the nose is shaped differently, but I wouldn't be comfortable forming an opinion until the police release more.

But I don't have high hopes for your image, considering it confused a well known aerospace engineer for a mass shooter.

Use occam's razor. Youre doing mental gymnastics to suit your bias. Why the fuck do you think he targeted a concert full of white conservatives?! Puuhhhhh-leeeaaase!

By mental gymnastics, do you mean statistics and math? And I'm not saying he wasn't - I'm saying wait for the actual facts. Also, that concert was full of Hispanics too. It's perfectly likely he wanted to kill as many people as possible, locally. A massive open-air music event would be a clear target if someone wanted to do that.

He was photographed at several radical leftist protests!


this is the guy from that paper, should we copy paste some of it:

Stephen Gorham Paddock, Jr., 71, of Colorado Springs, passed away on January 24, 2013. Steve was born on July 28, 1941 in Cleveland, Ohio to the late Stephen and Helene (McNally) Paddock. After attending high school in Dallas, Texas, Steve graduated from Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia. He worked in Aerospace engineering for over 40 years and retired from the Boeing Aerospace Company in 2002. On October 31, 1964, Steve married Louise "Lou" McConnell and together raised three children.

It took me under 10 seconds to debunk the claim the shooter worked at NASA.

As for the rest of this, I'll have to wait until more information surfaces. The pictures look like a different guy to me - the nose is shaped differently, but I wouldn't be comfortable forming an opinion until the police release more.

But I don't have high hopes for your image, considering it confused a well known aerospace engineer for a mass shooter. So that's all I'm comment on in relation to the picture for the time being.

This is obviously the work of mainstream liberal media brainwashing people into thinking that all trump supporters or conservatives are evil racist nazis that deserve violence! It's fucking obvious!

I see. So for example, is the right-wing media to blame for carrying out his bombing, they sure talked about how evil the government was pretty often, using your own logic.

Was this the work of the right-wing media fearmongering about gun control and brainwashing conservatives? To remain logically consistent, you'd have to say yes.

Was this bomb plot because Trump spreading anti-immigrant fears and brainwashing his base? To remain consistent, you'd have to say yes.

Furthermore there were reports that apparently he made Islamic comments lately and the police were aware of him. He was also photographed in dubai.

I'd have to see credible proof of the Islamic comments thing. But this was an interesting little tactic you used here, did you think I wouldn't catch it? After you made the dubious claim (he made Islamic comments) you said the police were aware of him, trying to make it seem as if the police said he had made Islamic comments.

Indeed, the police were aware of him, and here's what they said:

As the death toll continues to rise, the FBI has disputed a claim by the Islamic State.

The shooter who took the lives of 58 people and injured more than 500 others during Las Vegas concert had no connection to an international terrorist group.

The Islamic State claimed hours after the massacre that the shooting suspect, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, had converted to Islam several months ago.

FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse told reporters Monday that such a claim was false.

So right here you've revealed that you fell for literal ISIS propaganda, the FBI has already refuted.

As for your dubai claim. Lot's of people travel to dubai, millions yearly.

This statistic shows the number of international overnight visitors to Dubai from 2010 to 2016. In 2016, there were 14.87 million international overnight tourists to Dubai, up from 14.2 million in 2015.

So I'm not sure how him going to dubai confirms this conspiracy.

Please. Do not be purposefully obtuse! The victims do not fucking deserve people ignoring what is going on. The liberal media is trying their hardest to radicalize and divide people.

Are you trying to use the victims of a mass shooting to push your agenda here?

Do you ever feel like you're nailing jelly to a wall?

Try harder. Youre obviously going through some pretty severe mental gymnastics just so you can deny the obvious.

Some conservative media has been bad at times but never has it got to the point which liberal media has recently. Literally all of them are calling Trump supporters and conservatives nazis and racists and even hinting at punching them in the face or telling people to end relationships with them.

They have been making people paranoid and targeting weak minded liberals. Liberals are much more often people with mental disorders or personality disorders. Conservatives are much more likely to be responsible or familiar with safe handling of firearms.

Im sure at some point there has been conservative media which was bad in the same way but that was probably some fringe thing. Fox news never tells people to go out and kill people. Meanwhile we have CNN and MSNBC comparing Trump supporters to nazis and saying they are all racists and fascists which need to be stopped.

Its no fucking surprise they pushed someone over the edge finally. Radical leftism appeals to people with mental disabilities and they know this. Regular leftism appeals to people who are disenfranchised so its obvious that the media has been trying to push people to do violent acts. You are fucking blind if you cannot see this.

And I just included what Alex Jones said because i thought others might find it interesting. You can choose to not believe the part about him being islamic if you want but I still think its a possibility.

Lastly. Youre being ignorant if you dont acknowledge the most obvious motive is shooting conservatives. Why would he pick a country music concert? Maybe it turns out to be something else later but you cannot deny that the simplest explanation would be that he wanted to killed conservatives, and probably white people at that.

How the fuck was he supposed to know that their were a bunch of hispanic people there? Average person usually associates country music with white people and conservatism. Also this was supposedly an even which had something to do with christians. So maybe that had something to do with it..

Again. If you havent noticed the constant race baiting and radicalization which liberal mainstream media has been broadcasting lately you are being obtuse and disingenuous.

Again if you deny that the simplest motive is to kill conservatives because it was a country music concert you are being disingenuous.

There is an obvious motive staring you in the face yet youre trying as hard as you can to find something else to believe in because it hurts your ego to believe that liberals could do anything wrong ever.

Also just fucking google "trump supporters racist" or "trump supporters nazis" to see how the media is trying to signal to people that conservatives deserve violence. Its fucking obvious and you fucking know it.

Try harder. Youre obviously going through some pretty severe mental gymnastics just so you can deny the obvious.

I don't see you refuting a single thing I said. And yeah, someone here is going through some pretty severe mental gymnastics.

Some conservative media has been bad at times but never has it got to the point which liberal media has recently. Literally all of them are calling Trump supporters and conservatives nazis and racists and even hinting at punching them in the face or telling people to end relationships with them.

Because of course it's not like the right-wing media has been accusing liberals of being baby-murdering nazis for 15 years now.

It's not like Obama was called a Nazi constantly by the tea party, going as far to hang billboards:

Ignoring the historical illiteracy in this billboard, sure seems they're comparing Obama to Hitler.

And lets not forget the abortion clinic shooting that was tied to that false claim about selling baby parts:

Should we keep going?

They have been making people paranoid and targeting weak minded liberals. Liberals are much more often people with mental disorders or personality disorders. Conservatives are much more likely to be responsible or familiar with safe handling of firearms.

Should I cite my own questionable science? How about the fact conservatives have lower IQs:

Im sure at some point there has been conservative media which was bad in the same way but that was probably some fringe thing. Fox news never tells people to go out and kill people. Meanwhile we have CNN and MSNBC comparing Trump supporters to nazis and saying they are all racists and fascists which need to be stopped.

Can you please provide citation of CNN and MSNBC telling liberals to go out and kill people?

Its no fucking surprise they pushed someone over the edge finally. Radical leftism appeals to people with mental disabilities and they know this. Regular leftism appeals to people who are disenfranchised so its obvious that the media has been trying to push people to do violent acts. You are fucking blind if you cannot see this.

Funny, the media is to blame for those "radical leftists" but right-wing media isn't to blame for those radical conservatives, even though they cited the media as their reasoning for carrying out these attacks.


And I just included what Alex Jones said because i thought others might find it interesting. You can choose to not believe the part about him being islamic if you want but I still think its a possibility.

Well, if Alex Jones said it, then it must be true. Alex Jones isn't a well-known purveyor of fake news or anything.

Lastly. Youre being ignorant if you dont acknowledge the most obvious motive is shooting conservatives. Why would he pick a country music concert? Maybe it turns out to be something else later but you cannot deny that the simplest explanation would be that he wanted to killed conservatives, and probably white people at that.

If you were a mass shooter looking to kill a bunch of people locally, why would you not target a massive outdoor music event, irregardless of motive?

This is not the simplest explanation, it's the explanation you want to be true so you can continue running around the internet screeching about the other tribe, making questionable claims and explaining away anything that makes your own tribe look bad.

How the fuck was he supposed to know that their were a bunch of hispanic people there? Average person usually associates country music with white people and conservatism. Also this was supposedly an even which had something to do with christians. So maybe that had something to do with it..

A music festival in Nevada? Who could have possibly suspected there'd be tons of hispanics there.

Again. If you havent noticed the constant race baiting and radicalization which liberal mainstream media has been broadcasting lately you are being obtuse and disingenuous.

Again if you deny that the simplest motive is to kill conservatives because it was a country music concert you are being disingenuous.

"if you deny my weird conspiracy theory with no evidence currently supporting it I formed after being indoctrinated in a hyper-partisan echo chamber and from watching alex jones than you're just being disingenuous!!!"

There is an obvious motive staring you in the face yet youre trying as hard as you can to find something else to believe in because it hurts your ego to believe that liberals could do anything wrong ever.

See above,

Also just fucking google "trump supporters racist" or "trump supporters nazis" to see how the media is trying to signal to people that conservatives deserve violence. Its fucking obvious and you fucking know it.

Fbi hasnt debunked anything. They have a public and a private face and Alex claimed to have had inside knowledge. I dont care if you believe it or not and I'm not even sure if that part is true.

Even if the pictures of the guy in the pussy hat are not Paddock that does not disprove that this was probably a hate crime against country music fans specifically, because they are perceived to be mostly white and conservative.

I'll concede that Conservative media sometimes goes to far, like with abortion, and that mainstream media in general is designed to subvert the general population. I'll also concede there might have been violent psychos that were inspired or motivated by conservative media. But currently liberal media is objectively more radicalizing.

No question about it. They are literally telling people that they are in a war with Russia and that we must overthrow our government, and it's remarkably similar to 2003 when both sides of the mainstream media convinced people to support overthrowing Iraq's government. This is incredibly radicalizing and many users on r/politics literally think any other opinions must be coming from a Putin agent.

Mainstream sources may not explicitly call for violence but they directly call or compare Trump, Trump supporters, white people, conservatives, libertarians, anyone calling for less immigration and anyone calling for more freedom and independence (like states rights) to fascists, nazis, KKK, racists, xenophobes. The understanding is that groups like Nazis or the KKK are "crossing the line" and therefore deserve violence (like a punch in the face) or their rights infringed upon such as free speech.

Keith Olberman literally just called the NRA a "terrorist organizaiton" even though they are nothing but a group of people who defend American's right to defend themselves. Ironic because he's using projection to deflect the obvious fact that the las vegas shooting was probably a terrorist hate crime against white conservatives. Olberman also defends terrorist by insinuating that immigration does not lead to increased terrorist attacks like in Europe.

Olberman's latest vid where he calls the NRA "terrorists." He also calls Trump a nazi and a "russian agent."

Can you please provide citation of CNN and MSNBC telling liberals to go out and kill people?

They don't explicitly say go out and kill Trump supporters but they are constantly race baiting and telling people that Trump is a leader of nazis and white supremacists. A common line they say all the time is that "not all trump supporters are white supremacists but all white supremacists are Trump supporters." Do you understand how this fucking radicalizes people, especially weak minded liberals that their only political opinion is they want handouts from the government?

It's easy to focus on the angry white men in paramilitary gear who looked like they were mobilizing for a race war in the Virginia college town. But it's the ordinary people -- the voters who elected a reality TV star with a record of making racially insensitive comments, the people who move out of the neighborhood when people of color move in, the family members who ignore a relative's anti-Semitism -- who give these type of men room to operate, they say.

You see how their telling people that Trump supporters are supporting nazism and white supremacy? They are literally trying their very hardest to radicalize people without explicitly stating that Trump supporters are nazis.

''You have to have millions of people who are willing to be bystanders, who push aside evidence of racism, Islamophobia or sexism. You can't have one without the other,'' Naison says.

It's fucking obvious and right in your goddamn face yet you choose to defend it, sick!

Literally painting the picture that Trump supporters are mostly violent skin heads.

Literally hundreds of pieces about how Trump was dog whistling to racists by saying "both sides." Do you understand how dangerous that is? They are calling people racists because they didnt say something. That means anyone who doesnt say the magic words is autmatically a racists. I personally lost a friend becuase I agreed that ANTIFA were violent. They are conditioning people to perceive people as racists just for calling out radical leftism or not condemning someone. Do you understand how dangerous that is? Now instead of "nigger" being the magic word which permits violence, simply not saying something will put you into the racist category.

All it takes to reduce support for housing assistance among Donald Trump supporters is exposure to an image of a black man.

The results showed that the more voters identified with Trump, the more they tended to blame welfare recipients for their own poverty when the lead photo showed a black man.

Demonizing all Trump supporters as racists. They completely ignore people who may have voted for Trump because of economic reasons, taxes, states rights, or even one issue voters which wish to keep their gun rights.

"If you hold down the woman while the rapist is raping her, and you didn't rape her, are you a rapist?" Moore, a filmmaker and liberal activist, told CNN's Don Lemon. "Let's cut the BS and start speaking honestly."

CNN supports Michael Moore saying that Trump supporters are rape enablers. That is flirting very close to explicitly stating that Trump supporters are all rapists.

A group of hard-right extremists came to Berkeley to hold a rally in support of Trump. While they are, of course, claiming that they only resorted to violence in self-defense, it's clear from the social-media organizing done ahead of time that their intention was to start a riot.

Completely ignores that ANTIFA starts the violence and that people have to defend themselves. They are demonizing Trump supporters and praising ANTIFA as non-violent actual anti fascists when we all know that ANTIFA is nothing but violent communists!

There are literally hundreds if not thousands of more examples. You see they are not explicitly saying go out and kill Trump supporters but they are putting them into categories like "racists" or "fascists" which automatically justify violence against them. You cannot deny this and it's objective fact. They are conditioning people to excuse violence against Trump supporters because they are sub human or demon-like racist or nazis.

They are telling people also that all Trump supporters want violence against minorities. This is enough for lots of people to justify violence against them or infringe upon their rights, like free speech. I've even seen the Young Turks making fun of free speech by saying the freeze peach meme.

Also i dont have time to link all the times that "The Young Turks" have insinuated violence against conservatives, libertarians, or white people but they do it continuously.

You are comparing fringe "conservative" media like stormfront to mainstream liberal media. What makes radical leftist media so insidious is that it's presented as the de facto status quo. It's presented as the mainstream reality. Fox news surely doesn't match CNN or MSNBC in terms of radicalization and people like Tucker Carlson even debate against ANTIFA members and Carlson took the position that no one deserves violence for speech. You are bending over backwards to try and defend neoliberal authoritarians that try to destabilize and dive the population.

But even "alternative" "right wing" or libertarian media often tells their audience not to incite violence. Alex Jones, who you wrongly hate so much, continuously tells his audience not to be violent towards liberals. He has many crazy listeners and they have done things wrong before but that's not because Alex is telling them to do so. And the radical neoliberal globalist media twists his words and even his supporters's words.

They made Roger Stone to look violent when he was simply warning people that impeaching trump could lead to violence. He even said that he does no condone violence! Yet the media twisted his words which then could even have the negative effect which they are criticizing!

Look how radicalizing leftist media causes people to commit violence towards Alex himself! They turn people into literal fucking goblins! There were multiple people that attacked Alex that day and this is only one example:

So. I understand how you can say that conservative media has historically negatively influenced people in the past and they certainly have unfairly inspired prejudice against people like drug addicts, or women that get abortions. But almost always conservatives are smart enough to tell their listeners that violence is never okay, especially recently as the liberal media has begun to escalate their calls for violence!

And just because trailer trash has low iqs that ignores how conservatives usually have more money and are more successful. Billionaires are often conservatives or libertarian.

that makes your own tribe look bad... hyper-partisan echo chamber

LOL, I am a fucking liberal! An actual liberal! A classical liberal! Youre just confused because you've been subverted by neoliberal authoritarianism.

Man if you're not a troll, I really feel sorry for you. You are so comfortable in being brainwashed that all you can do is call other people out for it, even when presented with literal facts and evidence.

You have so much more potential than what you are doing with your brain. It's fucking depressing seeing someone be so wilfully stupid.

Yeah cause liberal media isnt telling people that all conservatives are evil and he didnt shoot up a country music concert? What's wrong with you? You know what the most obvious motive is.

Hi friend, I've decided to come back as more information is released, and it's starting to look like (shocking) you were wrong.

The guy was booking rooms over other large music festivals and likely had planned to hit others only to cancel them:

Investigators are looking into whether gunman Stephen Paddock scoped out bigger music festivals in Las Vegas and Chicago - and perhaps Boston's Fenway Park - before setting up his perch in a casino hotel and raining deadly fire on country music fans.

Paddock booked rooms overlooking the Lollapalooza festival in Chicago in August and the Life Is Beautiful show near the Vegas Strip in late September, according to authorities reconstructing his movements before he undertook the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

Remember when I told you he was probably just looking to kill as many people as possible and shot up the event that let him do just that?

Sure it's possible he was targeting other gatherings. It's also possible that he was a gun runner, as well as other theories. The police made a statement about how they were investigating "radicalization" so that partially confirms Alex Jones's source that said literature was found in his hotel and even pictures showed a notepad.

I know you completely discredit Jones but that's actually being unreasonable and you probably have such a knee jerk reaction because you have been conditioned by mainstream shills like Colbert or Oliver. Alex has been right numerous times and people actually do seek him out to leak information. He also has some degree of integrity even if he is known for gratuitously exaggerating and using hyperbole.

An example of his exaggeration was when he had a member of the Navy Seals on his show who said that the gunfire sounded like multiple shooters yet the Seal said that with the caveat that in an urban environment the echoes make it confusing and impossible to say for sure. The next day on air Jones said that "I just had a navy seal on who said it definitely sounded like there was more than one shooter." This is the kind of truth bending Alex is capable of but he still has an amount of integrity and rapport with his listeners.

For example he is known for famously predicting 9/11:

He knew because of this:

The media actually makes fun of him for exposing things that are true: Atrazine was actually discovered by a feminine black man so idk why liberals hate it so much:

Also Alex Jones is not racist like everyone thinks he is hes a fucking suuuuuuuper open minded guy and got super stoned and drunk on Joe Rogan's podcast. The reason that liberals are trying to paint him as a racist is because he is just the only one with balls enough to call out radical Islamists on air. But he also features Muslims on his show sometimes and they even talk about how fucked up parts of the fundamentalist culture are. Anyway it's ironic because liberals used to reject dogma but now defend it with regards to Islam.

Anyway, my point is that it's likely someone really did contact Jones claiming to be Nevada Hostage Rescue. I can't verify his source but even Alex's employees questioned him on this while they were broadcasting and Alex has defended this source numerous times. I don't know if he verified them or not but i doubt that it was a bold faced lie. Mainstream media can afford to lie through their teeth but alternative media has to have some form of trust with their audience and Alex is ironically somewhat credible on a personal level.

That taken into consideration plus the police's statements about investigating radicalization makes me think it's likely they found some sort of literature or hints that he was into Islam or ANTIFA.

Then again that literature could have been a plant. This man could have been trying to orchestrate blame being put on Liberal media. It's possible that he was thinking about doing the same thing but reverse by attacking the other concerts you mentioned. Have you seen any of the forensic psychologists talk about this? The common theme in their analysis is that men usually have a motive, especially older men, when they do these kinds of things. His insanity could be multilayered and multifaceted.

There are also other theories like he was a gun runner. And there is no security footage that has been shown yet so that leaves a lot of questions. Apparently this guy had his own cameras as well. The whole thing leaves a lot of questions unanswered but I don't think my original theory was disingenuous as, again, the obvious first layer would be to look at the victims and speculate that he was targeting that group of people for a reason. I didn't mean for that theory to be the end all be all to this story but I think it was the obvious way to look at it from the first dimension of analysis.

Regardless liberal media, especially mainstream neoliberal media, is poignantly radicalizing and divisive. It seeks to paint conservatives, white people, or especially libertarians as the enemy. The fact they are targeting libertarians and capitalism, which in essence is just free trade, should be a huge red flag they are trying to brainwash people and get them to submit to authority, while also demonizing anyone who does not submit to authority.

Have you seen people saying that state's right's and low crime rates are dog whistling terms for racism? That is irrational and shows how scared the neoliberal establishment is of liberals realizing they would benefit from decentralized power. Trump getting elected proves how centralized power is vulnerable, like in our case, to the political pendulum. States rights would allow people to have their cake and eat it to but the neoliberals want control of the bakery.

Look at this clickbait shite that tries to lump states rights in with random racism and even tries to demonize people that criticized Obama as racists:

Liberal media even calls anyone against mass immigration racists or xenophobes. There are perfectly rational reasons why someone might not want open borders. Crime rates are real verifiable statistics yet countries literally do not record the origin or ethnicity of criminals to mask the fact that immigration is correlated to rising crime rates, which is especially noticeable in small European countries. It also does not help immigrants that are already in a country if that country loses stability because of immigration. The bottom line is that neoliberal politicians know that immigrants are likely to vote for socialist policies which give them more power and immigration causes a runaway authoritarian snowball effect.

Ann Coulter of all people eloquently explains this in her interview with Ben Shaprio:

Radicalized Redditors:

Advocating for climate terrorism Cowboy Bebop style:

And this account which almost reeks of trolling but the person was unironically being serious about their hate for white people:

What's crazy is that these ideas are being pushed by Mainstream neoliberal media and they are promoting it as the status quo. Fox news used to be pretty bad but they never called on their viewers to impart violence on liberals and lately Tucker Carlson, their most popular broadcaster, has been promoting logic and even argues REGULARLY against ANTIFA members and BLM protesters about how everyone has a right to free speech:

Here is Tucker talking to Bill Nye about his comments that "climate deniers" should be prosecuted for negligence or held for mental health reasons:

The only right wing media which comes close to what the neoliberal establishment is peddling as mainstream, is extremist websites like storm front. Even Alex Jones has decency and tells his audience to respect people's rights. If you actually watch his show you will hear him constantly telling his listeners not to take the law into their own hands and always be model citizens, and its safe to say that since the Sandy Hook debacle, which he is apologetic for, he is careful to encourage his listeners in a healthy way and never to engage in violence. Meanwhile people like Rachel Maddow are telling their listeners that they are at war with Russia and to stop being friends with Trump supporters.

Get a load of this fucking shit. Morgan Freeman telling you that you are at war with russia.

Remember Iraqi WMDs? How are you not having flashbacks? I feel like its a case of Deja Vu. The mainstream neoliberal media is trying to tell people to overthrow their own government (regime change) based on a false narrative which would surely result in violence and a power vacuum. Except instead of ISIS gaining control it would be brutal authoritarians enacting a totalitarian police state.

Go look at r/politics. They are literally convinced that anyone that speaks out against them are Russian Agents. I have literally been accused of being an agent of Putin many times. That's fucking ridiculous and if you don't call that radicalizing brainwashing I don't know what the fuck is.

My point is that yes, this latest shooting could be more complicated but it's still not off the table and neoliberal media is going to cause acts of violence in the future if they haven't already. And I am not some tribalist either. In fact, I am liberal, but I am the real kind of liberal, the kind that actual believes in liberty (You know word which liberal is derived from).

Liberalism actually used to respect freedom of the individual before it was fucking subverted and hijacked by actual Russians in the 1960s when the KGB planted agents in American Academia to traffic collectivism and blame the individual's freedom as a cause for inequality:

Marxism is really nothing more than rationalizing violence and theft with jealously. That is why it's so dangerous. It's the same spirit which compels people to steal from corporations or rationalize theft or violence against rich people who they wrongly perceive as their oppressors. Sometimes things really should be free like with information property but if ANTIFA had its way there would be people forcefully entering your home and demanding to sleep there and redistribute any possessions you have worked for.

If you found this post informative please consider buying some water filters or dick pills from Alex Jones to help fight the globalist:

I'm not interested in reading your giant incoherent wall of text that seems to consist of random political declamations.

The fact is your conspiracy has been irrefutably debunked at this point in relation to the recent mass shooting.

Take from that what you will - you should ask yourself why you were gullible enough to fall for an image from 4chan that contained a claim I was able to debunk in 15 seconds.

Cool you just admitted that i win. The reason you don't like reading it is because all of it is fucking true. And if you would have bothered to look, I conceded that it's possible that he wasn't only targeting conservatives, yet I provided irrefutable evidence that mainstream liberal media is much more radicalizing than mainstream conservative media, and even Alex Jones is much less radicalizing.

It also hasn't been completely debunked and did you know that all 3 of the concert stages he targeted were facing Mecca? Did you know that the police had made a statement they were investigating "radicalization"? This corroborates Alex Jones's source within the HRT team that said they found ISIS and ANTIFA literature, although I conceded it's possible that he left that writing there on purpose and could have a multi layered motive to make different groups look bad.

Anyway I should expect nothing less from a radicalized liberal such as yourself. You cannot bare to look at evidence that you are wrong because it's like holy water to a demon possessed individual such as yourself. Or should I say it's more like blasphemy which challenges your deeply ingrained dogmas. You have been conditioned so hardcore by neoliberal mainstream media that you actually support CNN doxxing redditors that say mean things on the internet. You don't care about free speech and all you want is death to the infidels.

Just know that, even though many real liberals like myself keep our mouths shut in the workplace and such; when you open your mouth talking about how Russia "hacked" the election, or you talk about impeaching Trump or supporting neoliberal authoritarianism, we cringe on the inside and make a mental note that you are a total dumbass. You think that you are in the right and everyone supports you but there is a silent majority and the neoliberal status quo won't last for long.

And btw all your comments are giant blocks which use a bunch of quotes. Funny how you're only a fan of that writing style when it reinforces your violent dogmas.

Cool you just admitted that I won.

You're entitled to tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to maintain your delusion.

You're claiming I am delusional when you cant even stand to look at the evidence I have served you with. Anything to protect your dogma.

And no, I do not unequivocally believe I know the shooter's motive, but you cannot completely rule out radicalized liberal even if the other concerts make it less likely.

The sheriff and the author of that article are liars. That article said there were no other political references or evidence of extremism even though the same Sheriff said they were investigating extremism earlier, and he is a confirmed liar and the FBI stands behind him in every fucking press conference and makes sure he doesn't spill the beans. That article clearly lied when it said Paddock hadn't been to any countries lately because there were pictures of him in Dubai dated to only a few months ago.

Anyway, the case seems much more complicated now with the new evidence that is emerging. There was a helicopter close to the mandalay bay that was giving off a transceiver signal of southwest airlines then joined a group of 7 sightseeing helicopters when it left the rooftop. Paddock's fucking hard drive was stolen from his home after it was made into a crime scene. And his brother was busted for child pornography and his other brother for drugs. Who knows what kind of political evidence there might be on that missing hard drive.

Now, the whole thing seems much more suspicious and there is evidence of organized crime, including Paddock's family, and even private helicopter pilots being involved.

Immediately after this event happened my intention was to draw attention to the victims and the possible political motives of shooting up as country music festival, because the neoliberal progressives would not even consider that he may have been targeting conservatives, which is very hypocritical because you know they would be up in arms if he had shot up a rap concert.

Furthermore, it seems that the Las Vegas HRT did really contact Alex Jones or at least someone claiming to be them, because he even admits now that they could have been feeding him misinfo or trying to hint at something else.

If you actually look into this case it's very confusing and there are a bunch of possibilities, but considering the radar evidence about the helicopters I think it was probably a heist that set up Paddock as a distraction and fall guy. The place where the helicopter landed is connected to the Mandalay by a series of hallways and corridors. Ever seen Oceans 11?

Repeating yourself doesn't make you look any more intelligent. That article is full of conflicting information with what Sheriff Lombardo already said. And you are acting like it's impossible for someone to think that Trump may be doing the right thing with the stock market but still target conservative country music festival goers or still be radicalized from neoliberal regressive failstream media. And you have completely ignored all other aspects of the incident such as helicopters or a widely changing narrative.

You are doing nothing else besides trying to troll me now, sad!

Dude, so many other types of people despise Trump than your T_D go-to bogeyman 'liberal cuck' - yet there's really only one type of person that still supports Trump any more. You must feel so lonely.

Listen cunt, our president has more support than ever. I /we feel very much not alone in our support for a true president. This must be evidence of this sub being flipped with share blue shills.

You sound like a fucking bot


We know you're too retarded for reality. No need to tell us.

I voted for Trump. You are an embarrassment. "Support for a true president"? He claimed he was going to be the president of ALL the people yet he has been so divisive. I supported him so much that I had a bumper sticker so don't even try to label me a shill. You are a disgrace to any level headed person who voted for Trump but has the sense to realize that he is not being the president that he said he would be.

I respect people like you a lot, even when we disagree politically

Listen cunt, our president has more support than ever.





Holy shit you ARE alone... :/

Removed. Rule 4.

Give me a fucking break already.

When has it "turned out to be a disguise?"

Also, the world hates the man. Not just left-leaning folks, as you so broadly brush. Hell, he can't even bully his own party into playing along with half of his bullshit.

It goes directly against the MSM narrative. Why would they want anyone to know that a deranged leftist murdered a ton of people at a country concert? (that will most likely have many Trump supporters)

Thing we won't be talking about tomorrow: Puerto Rico. Trump had a reallllly bad week. Time to change the narrative.

Won't care about who's taking a knee either.

It's Monday. We'll be back to the knee talk come sunday. We forget shit like this in a matter of 3 days.

There was already two attacks yesterday and the Spanish referendum to distract us, this seems like over kill. Plus this isn't his style, if he wanted to distract us he would go to twitter and say that the world is flat or something, although who the fuck knows, maybe they didn't account for the other world events.

There was already two attacks yesterday and the Spanish referendum to distract us, this seems like over kill. Plus this isn't his style, if he wanted to distract us he would go to twitter and say that the world is flat or something, although who the fuck knows, maybe they didn't account for the other world events.

What's the conspiracy with Puerto Rico

If this turns out to be a right winger, watch out for Trumpists falling over themselves to try and blame this on Hillary, ANTIFA, Soros and the Deep State.

Jesus you people never learn... Left-wing, right-wing... It's all the same bird...

Civil War is coming. This is all planned. They are losing control

yeah, I've been hearing that for 30 years. Not holding my breath.

I just watched a live report of a young girl who was celebrating her 21st birthday there, said a women walked up to them and said they were all going to die, she was kicked out. Young girl described them as being Hispanic. KSNV news

Not to be a dick, but source?

Turns out the woman is of Asian descent and is somehow linked to all of this.

Last I heard a woman was taken into custody but no name or description was released. not sure if same woman being described or another. this was heard on the radio

She was pacific islander. So darker asian.

She was out of the country during the shooting.

r/hapas was right

It's weird but I know it's a common popular idea that you'll "die" on your 21st, especially in a place like Vegas. Maybe there's a possibility that was the context

strange how theres always some catalyst the first year in office. Its weird in 2017 you make a controversial joke on fb and get a knock at your door the next morning, mass surveillance of suspected terrorists yet shit like this still happens right on time. I wonder what the motivation of this security breach is? Radical islamists? North Koreans? Home grown White Terrorists? How can we use this tragedy to our advantage?

Its weird in 2017 you make a controversial joke on fb and get a knock at your door the next morning


in the EU this is true, especially Germanistan

bring total political tension and confusion, wait for manufactured solution ( forgetting about leaked emails )

Homegrown white nationalism, whatever the motivations of this guy are, will be used as a scapegoat for this shooting. With or without enough evidence to make such a claim. Mark my words!

I don't think they can get away with that when it was a country music event that was targeted.

strange how theres always some catalyst the first year in office.

So now mass shootings only happen because it's someone's first year in office?

some catalyst

Fuck we knew this was going to happen. This is really really bad.

How did you know this was going to happen?

There hasn't been a mass shooting event in a few weeks.

Because everyone is getting to woke, it sends a message to Trump. NFL losing tons of money, they want the guns etc. They needed a major false flag event to reign us in.

You guys are fucked. Have you ever considered that people this crazy and violent exist in real life? Not everything is a conspiracy

Timing is everything.

Check your sub bruh

True , but it does seem like these shootings happen regularly every year, like natural disasters

With 300 million people and relatively easy to get guns of course there will be a successful crazy or two a year. Surprised it's not more common to be honest.

Thank you. How can people be so blind to acknowledge that having so many easily accessible guns in a country with fucked mental health support will lead to these sorts of incidents regularly. Makes the mind boggle.

Wouldn't be surprised if certain agencies knew about this and let it happen and/or enabled him/them.

How did you know this was going to happen?

This is starting to resemble the Dallas shootings... I bet the shooter turns out to be an exmilitary crazy

Who else could do something like this? if not the mentally disturbed.

Oh they're mentally disturbed. Extreme violence is nothing short of a mental disorder. But who said this country had a mental health crisis on its hands?

The government

Nobody here would actually say the ones that run the country (any country as a matter of fact) is mentally healthy...

Or he'd been in close contact with FBI informants prior to this event...

Guessing communist.

Key the moron gun lovers screaming false flag to distract from the USA's gun problem.

Tell me the process of getting a Class III firearm. Do you even know what that is?

Most likely it was a converted weapon.

Thats what I was thinking. A converted AK with a couple drum mags. Plus he had multiple firearms in the room too.

That sounded like bump fire to me in the videos I've seen.

The US has a lot of issues but guns are just a symptom. (Full disclosure I'm a gun loving Canadian)

Cue the, gunman was a racist trans hating trump supporter give us your guns and say hi to your new milterized police.

You spelled "mental health problem" wrong.

This guy was a thug.


I think the wise among us realize what has happened here.

Please elaborate?

Better ban assault rifles!

Wait a minute.... O_O

What are you implying?

That it's already banned and you can't get any fully auto weapons made after 1986 as a civilian. And those pre-86 are roughly 15k and upwards.

Could've just been a modified semi auto. Either way it just goes to show that guns being legal doesn't stop attacks like this.

Is it just me or does anyone else hear at least two, if not more, distinct shooters here?

They are echoes bouncing off the hotel and other large structures in the area. What I did notice though is a couple of flashes coming from the top left of the hotel building. It might just be reflections/glare, but it looked like it was coming from the same spot throughout the video.

Hundreds of people still just kind of standing around even while more shots are being fired? Wtf are they doing, waiting to get shot?

Probably too shocked to do anything is my guess

I guess Darwinism is still at work for humans then.

Also they are out in the middle with no cover whatsoever that they don't even know what direction to go or are already wounded therefore can't move, nobody really knows how you would react if it was you in real life, I know instincts would tell you to run and take cover but here is all open to the slaughter

I know how I would react because I was in the military, then I was a contractor, then I worked in law enforcement. Get low, move unpredictably, find cover, and either look for an escape route or look to engage and turn the tables. I don't expect civilians to calmly think these steps through in their head in the middle of a situation like that but I don't see any urgency or attempt to do anything from most of the people in the videos. They're just randomly milling about or standing around.

Alright man. If only you were there, you would have instantly spotted the shooter in the hotel window and dodged every bullet because you "know how to react".

I think he's saying that it's odd to be casually milling about as gunfire rains upon your head.

They don't realise the shots are coming from above. They think there is someone in the crowd shooting and thus are trying to stay low to the ground thinking that will keep them from the shooters view. Most people would not be so quick to realise the shooting was coming from high up.

The echo of the building and the shooter was pretty far away may have caused confusion as to where the shots were coming from..

Look at the picture of the sheriff, his pupils definitely aren't round....

Reposted from a different thread I commented on, but it applies. If ever in a situation like this always remember -- distance is your best friend. Not reacting is the absolute worst thing you can do. Get away as fast as possible. LEO friend told me this and it always rings in my head when I see people freeze. Act, retreat, survive. I pray none of you ever need this advice, but don't forget it.

Yea when I was watching the videos people in them keep yelling "get down". Like wtf? Laying on the ground out in the open isnt going to stop you from getting shot. The stupidity pissed me off so much.

Nobody prepares for something like this. It wasn't meant to be a criticism whatsoever. A lot of people simply do freeze when overwhelmed. I agree, it is sad to see. However, if you've never been around a firearm, heard one in the distance, or simply don't have it in you -- I can understand. You need to go back to your instincts. Unfortunately in a situation like this you need them the most. React, find cover, and create distance.

It's sad we live in a world like this.

We jyst went through active aggressor training at work. Run. Hide. Fight.

They pointed out that our will be easy to freeze up but to counter that you should prepare by thinking about what you would do. Especially at workb where you are at most of the day. What is your escape route. Do you have anything on your desk you can throw. If you have to kick yourself in your office move furniture ahead of time (keep a book case by the door) so it's easier to block the door.

They played the (heart breaking) audio recording of the school librarian who called 911 at Columbine. she directed the children to hide instead of run....and many of them died even though there was a window in the library. So learn that lesson- run if you can, hide if you can't run, fight as last resort, don't be a victim.

Completely agree. Always have an exit, always be ready -- don't get caught with your pants down. Do anything you can to survive. Create distance, fight if needed, and don't be a victim.

Sad we live in a world like this, but people need to understand this. 99.9% of people aren't going to step in and help you. You can only help yourself, and others if possible.

lol good advice right here.... don't be a victim, got it.

I know it's kind of weird but if you go to active aggressor training that is what they teach you. Don't cower in fear when you can run. And If you outnumber the shooter then do something about it. Don't let all of you be shot. If five people throw hat objects like a stapler for example all at once the attacker can be overwhelmed.

Right... again... so run first. Buttttt if we outnumber the agitated active aggressors then find weapons to combat the assailant with whatever you can find. Awesome training sound superb.

It's: run. Hide. Fight. If there's no where to run or hide, then you fight. Because you have no other options.

So why isn't hide... fight... run? Why do you think it's run first? Bullets travel very fast in a straight line.... at least the ones I know about do.

That training is so dumb. So confusing. So retarded.

I agree on the "hide" part. Distance is your friend, like I originally said. However the training makes sense for the 90% of the population that won't react, or know what to do. We're all armchair quarterbacks at this point. Training makes you do things on instinct. Good or bad, but I'll take that 51% over 49% when your life is on the line. And your best shot is to get the hell out of the situation to begin with.

In most of these active shooter situations, lets assume its a shooter and not "aggressor" like some people try to dumb it down...

In a situation with a shooter, obviously shooting for mass casualty is what were using in our scenario... do you want to give him a full body target running away where you can't see him or predict his movements? What does honestly running away... usually down a hall or a building, running away gives the active shooter plenty of more opportunity to shoot MANY MORE people if people are moving.

At this point, STOP, DROP AND ROLL as a best practice seems best to me. Stay down, usually active shooters shoot at 90 degree angle...

if you roll around in a 3-4 circular ball crazily, your chances of an active shooter are only going to wound you drastically DROP if you do. (running away in masses creates a huge blob of a target that usually creates a disaster)

IDENTIFY the assailant and start throwing everything and anything at him, not to piss them off but to throw off their programming. Most actors do not come in this situation saying hey, im gonna shoot a bunch of people and when they start throwing anythign at me i'm going to continue my gameplan, NO. They have to adapt to whatever it is coming at them, LITERALLY. It would not only break their concentration but cause a snap in usually their crazy psyched out brains....

at least this is what makes sense to me, thinking about it for 15 minutes.

I wanna new PS4.

You better have a hell of a tactical advantage, or an equalizer (concealed carry firearm) for what you're suggesting.

Don't be a hero. Go home to your family, survive, and don't involve yourself. This is life and death we're talking about here. You're no good dead to anyone.

Not criticism, just discussion. I hope you get what I'm saying.

Oh no trust me, I'm no good with a firearm, can't aim for shit and I even suck at computer games. I am all for people who want and know how to use them to be armed so its not only the bad guys with em. And I just don't agree with the run part... when you run, at least in there instructions is to run away, when you do that, what direction is your back to the active shooter? I'd rather not turn my back on that person.... wouldn't you agree?

If it's life or death, 51% is better than 49%. Much less than half are capable, or equipped to react. Don't overestimate a crowd in a catastrophe. On a whole, fleeing works #'s wise. Again, morbid, but it saves more than otherwise. That's the most simple answer to your opinion.

I didn't ask any opinions. I also doubt that in a mass shooting scenario more people running away from the shooter to allow him to continue to shoot would amount to less people being hit.

Lots of people prepare for something like this.

I wish more did than do. From the comments, not too many unfortunately.

Fair enough

From personal experience, YES even the extremely feisty humans among us can freeze when being attacked. So surprised at my own reaction as I like to think of myself as a brave revolutionary type who could fearlessly face any danger.

Running won't save you either, not out in the open.

It's not always about purely saving yourself but becoming as difficult a target to hit as possible.

I imagine in this situation it was hard to know where the shooter even was.

I think they were operating on the assumption that the shooter was at ground level instead of on a roof or something. The reflections off buildings must have made the shots really hard to locate.

Curious how Seth Rich's murder gunshots were located and found within minutes.

There's a gunshot detection system in DC I think

Yes I know. From the interwebss.... in 2015.....


At the end of September, General Electric signed a tentative agreement with SST, Inc., maker of the popular ShotSpotter gunshot detection system now in use in more than 90 cities worldwide. ShotSpotter utilizes sophisticated acoustic triangulation technology to identify the location of gunfire from a wide range of firearms. According to the company, the system has the ability to pinpoint the location of shots fired to within 10 feet, notify police dispatchers in real time of a crime in progress, and help law enforcement agencies create databases to ascertain shooting trends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Within 10 feet.... in 2015.... they have better technology we're sure... Las Vegas.... has this. Has to have this.

I don't know what you're getting at. They used ShotSpotter in LV and they were able to quickly triangulate the location.

I hope so.

The reflections off buildings must have made the shots really hard to locate... for the panicked people being fired upon.

Wut. You're saying reflections off buildings is why people couldn't see the shots or the shooter?

sound echoes off of flat surfaces. It looks like the arena was surrounded by several highrises. A football field has a nearly 2 second echo. So distinguishing the source of a shot amidst a flurry of echoes and reverberations would be very difficult in the chaos of a crowd. Especially if you don't know how high up the gunman is positioned.

OK. Is this your theory on the 2nd shooter on the grassy knoll too?

Don't think that was in downtown Las Vegas...

Have you been there?

It is if you believe!

Sometimes when I'm driving or just bored w nothing to occupy my mind, I envision myself in a crisis... Bank robbery, car crash, etc.. I think about what I would and should do. I feel like this has come in handy many times bc the times that I have found myself in emergency situations I feel like I react and act quickly. I don't always do exactly what i should have done, but at least I think on my feet, assess the situation and do something instead of just freeze like a dear.

Many researchers in the field think that imagination evolved for exactly this purpose. The best way to handle a crisis is to train for it, if it's hard to train for, running the scenario in your head is the next best choice.

It's also why people are drawn to reading everything they can about situations like this, they are trying to keep the theoretical model in their head of how these things go down updated so they can run the simulation as accurately as possible.

Definitely, sounds right. Very interesting too. I never thought about the evolutionary and survival reasons for it.

There's a YouTube channel called active self defense which gives some pretty great advice on what to do in an active shooter or armed robbery situation.

Having been the victim of an armed robbery, I can tell you that it's hard to know what to do in the moment, especially if you're caught off guard and there are multiple gunmen like there were in my case.

I think I have actually seen that channel... Or something similar. They show security footage of robberies and attacks and analyze how the people reacted. They show both the good outcomes and bad outcomes.

Yeah it's a really good channel. It seems dumb to have your concealed carry if you don't know how to use it in that type of situation.

One of the keys points stressed is to not unholster Immediately, you wait until the armed attacker is distracted, even momentarily and then unholster and do what needs to be done.

I remember them talking about that. They show a few videos of guys trying to unholster too quick and shooter shoots them immediately. It's gotta take balls of steel to wait for the right time while a gun is in your face. Everyone's natural reaction is to go for their gun immediately

That's what they teach you in the military, at least in Finland. Once the lead starts flying, first thing you do is drop.

Now, in this scenario it wouldn't work if the shots were from and elevated position. But generally if you're being shot at, making your profile smaller is a good idea. Dropping to the ground might do the trick, usually.

Laying still like everyone else while a few people run away makes the ones that are moving the immediate targets. It all depends on the situation.

makes the ones that are moving the immediate targets

But not necessarily easy targets, especially when you have sitting ducks sprawled out on the ground.

Running in a zigzag line is supposed to help...but idk how much it would help if an automatic weapon is aimed at you.

But you would think the shots are coming laterally. You can't just assume everything is stupid because you aren't there to experience it yourself

In a gunfight you should get the fuck down since both sides are exchanging fire, but in a terror situation like that laying on the floor it's going to be like shooting fish on the barrel for the shooter. Problem is understanding in the middle of the chaos if it's a gunfight or a massive shooting

Laying on the ground in piles like seals on a beach. That was freaking me out.

It's not stupidity it's a natural response to danger. People will fight, flight and freeze. Some people just freeze up when in danger.

If you didnt know the gunshots were coming from up high, playing dead could actually be a good idea. However, if you know the guy is on high ground and firing indiscriminately, then, yeah, run the fuck away.

I saw one video where in the middle of the shooting these three guys were standing around with beers in their hands (around 14s in video)


Passivity training. You're supposed to wait in place for authorities.

While I'm at it, if you ever hear gunshots and panic, the first thing you need to do (other than ducking/getting small) is attempt to gauge the general direction of the mayhem. Once you know where it's coming from you can then intelligently move away from it or seek proper cover.

Bullets flying through the air, the instinct is to get down out of the air. Mass confusion doesn't help, nor does not knowing where the shots are coming from. That said those "get down" spans absolutely added to the death toll exponentially, nobody had any cover at all.

The LVPD ordered the crowd to get down in the active shooter situation that Michael Bennett was briefly detained at.

The sheriff emphasized that Bennett did nothing wrong when Metro officers detained him outside The Cromwell, 3503 Las Vegas Blvd. South, the morning of Aug. 27. Lombardo said Bennett was detained for 10 minutes because he ran from a reported shooting inside the hotel while police commanded people to stay down.

At the time they didn't know where the shots we're coming from. With hindsight you do. The stupidity pissed me off so much.

people didn't know where the shots were coming from. getting down if the gunman was ground level would've been a good idea since it sounded like it was coming from afar. obviously getting down when someone's raining shots on you from 30 stories up is a different story

They most likely didn't know the shooter was in an elevated position with a clear line of sight.

Run, Hide, Fight. When you have the chance always run, when running is not an option hide, when hiding is not a option grab whatever you can and prepare to fight. That is what we teach during active shooter training.

If the shooter is in the same room with you, especially somewhere small like a club, I think it ought to be fight and encourage everyone else to fight. If you don't get his guns, the next guy will.

Well you can still use run, hide, fight for that scenario. Your first 2 options are out and you're left with fight.

A couple of alphas charging with bar stools could save lives.

I don't know about myself being an alpha, but I have decided to be at peace with the fact that we will all die. Having accepted that, I'm ready to react if need be.

Yeah same. I know I'm gonna die eventually so if me dying in that situation means I saved numerous others from dying in the same way then I would be okay with that.

And the politicalvand economic elite think we're savages....

You say that, but in the moment its easy to get scared and hesitate.

Jesus, that's such a cringy spin to put on it.


Your Alpha-ness oozes across the screen

So a guy just mows all of you down until one guy gets lucky? Yeah sorry I wouldn't be the first one to charge at a shooter with a beer bottle.

Yes, that exactly. He can't stop the assault if enough keep trying. 6 dead is better than 22 or 40.

So you're telling me you would charge headlong into certain death? A gun is aimed at you and you would charge him? It's easier said than done I presume.

I did it a lot in the army. It's really not that hard to do. We are a warrior species with fighting in our dna


Yeah because everyone is ex army with warrior dna.

Unless you were in the army in WWI or a soviet in WWII no you didn't just charge the line unarmed.

We have evolved our tactics since then.

If you've already lost the situation and you being a victim is inevitable, I agree. Fight for your life, all rules are completely off, do anything needed to survive. Great example: 9/11 Flight 93, "let's roll" passengers. However, they had no exit. If you don't have an equalizer, or another option (you 99% of the time do), flee. Let someone else take care of it with proper training/equipment.

Flight 93 never happened.

Or in a subway

Or any small restaurant.

In a restaurant you can try to go outside / hide yourself (under the tables, cellar, etc.). You can't do that in a subway.

That's why your only / best hope is: the people you're traveling with.

Making yourself farther away makes you a smaller target (inverse square law!). Running is always the best bet.

Fuck that, shoot back should be the first option. Bad guys got guns, good guys need to protect each other and ourselves.

Well this is what we teach to unarmed civilians, of course if you have a weapon and you're capable of doing it without risking your life or others sure return fire. Just know what to do when we storm the building is all.

It's take a lot of time for the good guys to get to the bad situation... do more people get shot in mass shootings from the front/back? Some money should be spent on the science behind how we respond to mass shootings right now, I have a feeling were doing it wrong.

There is some science behind it, dont remember ever seeing numbers for where people got shot, but normally they dont last long and almost always a LEO arrives and thats when the shooter either takes his life or gets killed in a shootout. Thats the thing about it tho when it comes to adding the human variable its impossible to determine whats gonna happen.

Edit: also youd be very surprised at the numbers of how fast we respond to the scene and end the chaos, now vegas is different as you see in the videos people had no idea where the shooter was.

Right, which means they have not properly prepared for such event. This is the mistake, either not being prepared or a preparations being outdated/ or just broken.

Understandably no one wants to prepare for 50 dead and 500 injured for a concert, but it happened, now what?

We life vests on boats, what do we have for concert goers? Life needs to change, some way.

This is exactly why every law abiding citizen should be able to carry a weapon on them at all locations at all times.


Come on you honestly think a bunch of drunk concert goers returning fire at a hotel would've solved this?? Then we don't have one suspect we'd have HUNDREDS, all shooting at each other all not even knowing who the real shooter is. Terrorists would know this and take full advantage, you'd eventually not even have to shoot anyone anymore just throw fire works into crowds and sit back and watch them shoot each other in the chaos.

Right, because all concert goers are either drunken idiots or just incapable of making logical decisions (like shooting into a hotel filled with innocent people in the distance with a handgun, or shooting everyone around them chaotically in a free for all manner) ... are you kidding me? Another classic generalization to say that good people shouldn't have the option of self defense.

Great advice.




It's interesting that many animals already have this sequence instinctively programmed into them.

This was shockingly also part of the new hire on boarding process at a hospital I worked at in northern ca. Basically they said if there is an active shooter situation, barricade yourself in a room and block the door. If someone has the intention they are coming in, arm yourself with anything that'd available and prepare to make your last stand.

Actual advice from the hospital. Mind blown.

And it may save your life one day. Hopefully you wont need it.

There's one video where a couple of drunk guys are just stood up and everyone's telling them to get down, one even sticks his finger up at the shooter.

Risked his own life not to mention the countless people on the floor around him, idiot.

This is true, but on the other hand many didn't know where the shots were coming from. In fact, I heard some on tape saying "it's just fireworks!" It can be paralyzing to need to run but not know whether you're running into or away from the threat.

People just don't do that in vegas for some reason, it's crazy. When I moved there in 2006, there was a fire on the top floor of the Monte Carlo. I was playing poker there. The TVs are literally showing this fire spreading in the hotel I'm in, so I get up to leave. Everyone else looked at me like I was crazy for wanting to leave a building that was ON FIRE. Weird place, man.

To quote the original Men in Black --

Edwards: Why the big secret? People are smart. They can handle it. Kay: A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.

The most important thing is to not freeze up and go into shock. Keep your head down, run when the shooting stops while they are reloading. If possible, try and count how long it takes the perp to reload. When shooting picks up again, drop down to the ground, preferably behind cover. Rinse and repeat until you are out of the danger zone.

There was someone on this sub that posted the ad for crisis actors in the vegas area. They assumed it was for the Mcgregor fight.

I think they're rolling out the crisis actors on CBS. I said to my GF a half hour ago that it was weird that this hadn't started already. The first people they showed were two younger women where the one was literally telling the other what to say. Real or not, these goofballs ALWAYS pop up.

No, that's not what was happening. One was helping the other recount the event. It would've been extremely chaotic during the whole scene, then having cameras, lights and microphones shoved in your face don't help lessen the stress.

Guessing you've never been in an incredibly stressful situation. Then again, you clearly want there to be "crisis actors" here so you'll see what you want to see.

That's a big part of the problem.

I absolutely 100% believe the event happened, someone in the small town I live in in Pennsylvania was attending it with his wife and he was killed. I watched some awful footage of bodies on the ground with blood everywhere and now the link has been take down. I was more observing that I think they mix these types of actors in sometimes to confuse people, that's all. And I could be wrong on that as well. I don't "want" there to be crisis actors because I believe the event happened it was just an observation I made.

I wonder who they're going to blame it on this time


Steve. It's a conspiracy against Steves everywhere.

Shooter confirmed a Bernie Sanders supporter

I am not saying you are wrong, but you state "thing we know" about the shooter"and then don't just

They aren't married any more and the guy doesn't live in Vegas. Marilou Danley has a roomate named Stephen C Paddock though

But according to the media, the name is Steven Chee Paddock 64 YEARS OLD.

Did you guys did it again? A witchhunt of an innocent man?

Before the scanner went offline, there were reports of active shooters at multiple casinos, but LVPD were aware that it might be a distraction.

Sounds to me like maybe it was just one with one or two accomplices. Maybe a preliminary thing to gauge their response?

The crazy thing was that I heard on the radio the call to breach the room on the 32nd floor.

Officer gave the call "Breach, breach, breach" BOOM

Wonder if some reports of additional gunfire wasn't the breach charge...

Shortly after that, the scanner app, streaming broadcastify, went offline. They probably should've gone offline a lot sooner.

Is it possible those claims of multiple shooters were the gunshots echoing off the buildings?

Id imagine there were several people pulling out their ownguns trying to be a hero. If thats the case, it would be easy for others to mistake them for the shooters due to all of the confusion.

There were two guns of the same type and caliber firing simultaneously most certainly from basically identical location.


Those weapons heard in the video are automatics and basically illegal, I say basically because the hoops are lengthy and very costly (20k costly). If it was a concerned citizen with an illegal weapon then they're just as fucked as the people/person that did it. If it was a legal gun then the person carrying it is a special kind of retard to walk around with a 20 thousand dollar gun on their shoulder

To be fair the 20k gun is a pretty good self defense

Yeah it could be, but there are far cheaper models that are also much newer and better qualitiy since an automatic newer than 1986 is flat out illegal.

Well dealers can have new ones.

LEOs still need their automatics

Pretty easy to recognize a hero steadfastly aiming their weapon in the direction of gunfire.

From listening to the audio on twitter it sounds like its echoing all over the place. But i wasn't there so i'm just guessing at best.

Was listening to the scanner feed last night as it was happening. There was definitely more automatic firing about 35/40 minutes after they had breached the room in Mandalay Bay .

Now only 1 shooter apparently, very odd.

Echoes and armed police being mistaken as perpetrators (remember that stabbing at a college that was initially reported as a multiple gunman situation?) leads to reports of multiple shooters.

On the 32nd floor firing off as many rounds as he did, any ricochets and echos are going to make locating the source that much harder, probably leading to a lot of different stories going around (like a really fucking tragic game of telephone). With everyone running and screaming, there's going to be a lot of confusion and bad info.

I was thinking ricochet snaps off the concrete but your probably not wrong about the echoes


and helicopters. saw one video on twitter that was definitely a helicopter being mistaken for fire

Yes, just about every shooting that takes place in an urban area there is reports of multiple shooters. This because of the repeat heard from echoes.

If a shooter a few blocks away to your left and a few building in just right place to your right your will hear the shoots coming from your left followed by the repeat on your right.

This happens in the woods sometimes as well.

No, if you listen closely you can hear at least two separate firearms from a distance apart.

This is a fantastic possibility. Good thinking.

Audio engineer here. Absolutely. You ever walked, made noise in a neighborhood near a garage door?

We use a hydraulic hammer on our excavator for construction and all night you can hit hear the hammer hit, then hear it bounce on every building around us. Sometimes there's a big delay where you can hear it hit a building and bounce back really far away

The reports of active shooters at different locations were likely 911 calls reporting SWAT teams that entered other casinos.

I heard this later in the news... Its possible, but you'd think people would know organized SWAT teams from some loser in tactical gear. Maybe not though.

Holy shit that fucking crisis actor thing from Vegas was fucking real, holy shiiiiit

Wtf? It's just a generic acting ad haha you people are nuts.

So interesting to me that they had to "breach" the room...


So this guys been shooting hundred of rounds off, unverified reports of explosions.... and they had to use an explosive to "get to the suspect"

That's how you breach a room you idiot. Standard procedure.

You breach a room full of weapons and ammo? That's awesome. What's your proof? Haha.

Are you serious? That's HOW you breach and clear a hostile room.

Blow the door, throw stun grenades and file in guns drawn.

You can't be this stupid...

Assuming you know there are no explosives.

You do not use explosives if you do not there are explosives, right??? You can't be serious...

I know there wasn't anyone in the room, but you'd want to breach and cleaer??

Usually you take a hostage negotiator, rarely do police ever breach and clear...

you have to know this.

There was no hostages and he was in the room, wtf are you even talking about...

I can't deal with this retardation right now.

God you are sorry....

I know there wasn't anyone in the room with him....

I am talking about the unknown about explosives you shit.

Let's play a game... do you know if there were explosives used in this event or not?

No and it wouldn't matter because you can still breach a room with explosives.

Oh my god, ok you win. But you're wrong.

Same, but I think they just wanted to startle the attacker. The officer was in the stairway down the hall on the 32nd floor whispering that he had eyes on the room. A SWAT element was moving up the opposite end of the hall from the sound of it.

I'm unsure why nobody is just chalking it up to people calling 911 because they THINK the shooter is in their hotel. After all, all of these resorts are literally side by side and sound echos. Just because this is a conspiracy sub doesn't mean we need to skip over a probable reasoning for this occurrence and chalk it up to intended distractions.

Before the scanner went offline, there were reports of active shooters at multiple casinos, but LVPD were aware that it might be a distraction.

So, false reports meant to pull cops away?

That's what I got out of it. I mean, it might be their protocol to suspect such things just as a precaution.

But it had me a little curious as well.


Pizza rolls.



I mean if we're going to just say words that are unrelated to this event...

More of a flounder guy.

ANTIFA said they were going to start the revolution this fall so its honestly pretty likely.

Hard to believe how much youre being downvoted for this.

In Edit 25 that doesnt sound like gunfire to me. The speed increases the decreases almost like someone cranking a wheel of sorts.

I wont say ive fired heaps of weapons but enough automatics to know that when you pull the trigger the rounds go. It doesnt speed up then slow down.

And some dude just casually stood at the fence with a beer in hand.

it's probably a bump fire stock

I know what bump firing is and the video clip sounded like an automatic that was speeding up and slowing down so I dont feel that answers it really.

sounds like a gattling crank

i saw someone suggesting possible user error, and the shooter was gripping too tightly at times.

Almost sounds like a crank on a gatlen gun

Yep. Exactly that kind of manual movement. It isnt mulitple spurves either.

From the news thread

Firstly. Good find. However the shots are very standard for a long time at one speed then change then back. This guy the rythym was all over the place because its a short handle (if that makes any sense).

Not unplausable but I still dont think that answers it.

Sounds like someone is making a run at aftermarket magazines and tried to simulate what you just shared.

The guy chillin with a beer by the barricade is really odd to me. Not only is he just hanging out, he isn’t reacting to any of the “gun shots”.

Which only comes from someone that is very well trained (sf) or knows they are coming. Ive seen that in multiple tour sf guys but only because they knew where the shots were coming from.

Anyone have a link to the footage of a guy holding the beer can by the barricade?

Its in one of the videos in the OP

Largest and easy to find are Magpul D-60, holding 60 rounds. There are a bunch of others you can find with a larger capacity, but they are uncommon. Given it is Nevada, you can find larger mags easier than a lot of states due to the full auto market being pretty big there.

Ah so Nevada has 'loose' laws? Perhaps thats exactly the narrative then. "Hey, you can keep your rifles but you gotta give up the gucci extras" kinda thing. Thats what my money is on then.

Thanks for the info.

Overall Nevada is pretty lax. Lots of gun owners and the largest firearms convention is held there.

Sorry. Is that magpul basically a gatling style attachmemt or just a chain/barrel mag?

Ive been listening to a lot of the videos and that is one of the most peculiar things to me. The rate of fire itself. In each separate video i have seen the rate of fire is the same and goes on for an extended period of time or until the clip is empty. This would take large drum style clips to accomplish, and reloading these clips would take a long time. A professional shooter with an automatic weapon would shoot in small bursts to maximize the effectiveness of their ammo and be able to aim easier. I would love to see actual security camera footage. I mean these are casinos. You would be hard pressed to find another building with more security cameras than these places.

I used to own an ak-47 with 75 round drums. of course it was not fully auto but I could unload a lot of rounds just pulling the trigger fast. im sure there could be bigger capacity magazines than that.

One of my coworkers was there and got shot. He's in ICU.

Right on queue.


You saying U/DNinja is a plant, another cog in a vast false flag, just waiting for his $20 check from SorosCorp LLC?

False flag or not, people get killed

I'm sorry to read this. I hope he pulls through :(

Wait...i thought you can't open windows in Vegas for gambling/suicide reasons?? What the hell how dod he snipe people from 32nd floor if u cant open the windows? Possibly a balcony??

he couldve shot out the window??

He could have shot from the ground and the sound bounced off of the building making it sound like the shots came from a top floor balcony. This phenomenon is called echo.

There seems to be video from the concert where you can see tiny muzzle flashes in sync with the shooting sounds.

A man in a near room heard the window smash from the shooters room, initially thinking shots were being fired at the building, but was actually the gunman shooting out the window.

I was informed that he shot the windows out, would make the most sense since I'm pretty sure those windows do not open for the aesthetic of the building.

Wait...i thought you can't open windows in Vegas for gambling/suicide reasons?? What the hell how dod he snipe people from 32nd floor if u cant open the windows? Possibly a balcony??

Ah yes, however could a man with a gun defeat a pane of glass? Critical thinking is abound in r/conspiracy

And also the windows supposedly have alarms in case the break. So the question should really be, what's up with floor 29 if the hotel knew the window was broken on 32?

A hammer

Shooter is a white 60 year old called Steve

Lazy left eye? Could be MKUltra.

Well it's important that we are afraid of everyone 24/7, that old white guy in the fun Hawaiian shirt? He might just be planning to execute everyone in this taco bell.

I'm not saying this was some covert sponsored attack, just that we are being conditioned, intentionally or not, to fear everyone and everything.

That is the purpose of these kind of operations.

Welcome home O.J. :D

That's what you get for your second amendment laws, you dumb fucking retards, you.

Yupp! You must be right!

are any controversial laws being passed today? wondering if this is a distraction from something else.

Supposedly the SHARE Act was supposed to be heard and voted on today. Here's a link .

No way

So someone might be trying to .... silence that story?

Or the opposite: influence a Nay vote.

Interesting that Hillary Clinton in her condolences to the vegas shooting tweeted the need to restrict silencers and suppressors directly. So weird she just directly and only pointed that out instead of focusing on automatic weapons.

Probably because that's the most politically relevant thing to point to right now.

But yeah, HRC totally orchestrated this whole thing... /s

Puerto Rico

This line of thinking is stupid and offensive.

And like really icky and eww. Also, there is a new gun-related law relating to suppressors today.

go to a different sub then, you are in r/conspiracy. Jesus, you people hang out in r/politics then flood this sub when shit happens. Gtfo

No, not why must everybody in this sub so fucking desperate to enact their own conspiracies?

Don't you see, you all are not discussing conspiracies, you are birthing them?

It's disgusting.

There's some interesting google timestamp anomalies: there's a news article going all the way back to June 2016 detailing this mass very shooting, and another blog on Marilou Danley timestamped 4 hours before the start of the shooting.

Fox News just reported that trump tweeted about the shooting. The date on the tweet was from January 24,2017.


Was there some other shooting then and they're just reusing it to cover his silence on this one? I mean usually he's up at 3am rage tweeting about something

It could easily be a typo, or even a photoshop.

Well, it's not photoshopped. link

That's prob just a template they reused you guys are really grasping at straws here

Upvoted for visibility

Those timestamps aren't reliable, especially for random blogs. There's no way to know when a page was actually created, so google looks through the HTML and tries to find something formatted like a date that looks like it could be the "published on" date.

The problem is, sometimes the article writer copies an old template and forget to update the date, or they put other dates in there for some reason, or countless other things that confuse googles parser, and it ends up with the wrong date.

You can do a search for "google new timestamps" and see it's a pretty common problem.

If you go to google and try to do a news article search for any shooter, any event, any famous person in the news, it will give you hits from decades ago because there are links to the current event on the page. Try it for any shooter now and see what comes up.

I would keep in mind about multiple shooter theories that Las Vegas "news" tries to keep the lid on as much as possible violent/depressing or bad news that occurs because it scares off tourists & their money.

If a hooker kills a john in a hotel or vice versa you can bet it WILL NOT SHOWUP in the newspaper or local news television. That material does not get broadcast otherwise the hotel/casinos don't want to send that advertising money when you are scaring off their customers.

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas - it's not just a catchy tourism slogan, it's how things are run.

Nor are they ONLY talking about herpes.

Can confirm. This is how it's done out here.

I remember in '08 when the tourist murders started to pile up; media wouldn't cover it and cops were told by top brass and local government officials to just close the case on as many as thirty dead tourists that were mutilated that year.

Vegas is a mini Baghdad

Wait, what?

30? in a year...?

Yes. Um I need more. I have never heard of this.

Of course you haven't because they covered it up. /s

Exactly I googled it and could find nothing.

Uh I've been to Vegas tons of times and never seen as much as a street fight while there.

Guess they're doing a good job keeping it hidden then

Don't attribute too much power and mystery to your delusions.

Wait what?

Oh, yeah, I'm in /r/conspiracy, I forgot. Although this is definitely one of the more compelling theories I see on here.

The Red Cross is killing the homeless,

Vegas is executing tourists,

and Cancer foundations are doing "research" and endless money gets funneled to them in the name of science so it can't be bad, right?

Wrong. Wake up and smell what state our Country is in.

No the fuck it ain't. It's just a city, built by the mob, to sell entertainment.

Can you please expand on the '08 tourist murders? Please?

This makes too much sense. This is probably the real conspiracy here folks^

Follow the money.

This is true. My personal experience is that I took a self defense 1 credit class as a freshman at university of Pittsburgh. It was taught by a police chief in that area and he stressed over and over how unsafe we actually were there as students and they had to quietly cover up many stories of murder, rape, robbery, etc to keep the image that it was not an unsafe school so parents felt ok sending kids there.

Lots of colleges do that.

Penn State anyone?

Are you saying that the police chief told a whole college classroom that they were covering up crimes? Or was this a former police chief (which would still be pretty bad)?

No it was a current police chief working currently while teaching self defense on the side

LV has it's own private security force in all the hotels which are basically all owned by two companies who's best interest it's in to make sure bad things vanish into thin air and don't get out to the public.

The entire economy here is based on millions of people being willing to come here and feel safe walking in the open and spending their money. There is shitloads of crime and violent crime happening to people that will never see the light of day.

I'd be curious to hear more about the officer that got shot in the leg on the 32nd floor.

There a now 50 dead 200+ injured according to the MSNBC live link I'm watching on YouTube.

58+ dear and 517+ injured now

its now 50 people dead, 200 injured

plus another 200 injured by stampeding crowds.

on BBC News page it advised police shot the Shooter dead, now they are saying they found him dead in his hotel room with multiple guns around him, how can they get that information confused

How is this even a question?

This shit happens literally every time an incident like this happens. It's chaotic and messy and information is fluid and unreliable at times.

You people are just looking for anything to cherrypick and satisfy your perverse conspiracy fetish.

Give me names of people who have died then I’ll stop

You’re on the wrong sub Reddit if you don’t like it, go on r/news

I’m now reading the article of names, so I will stop have a great day

The death toll keeps rising...just like the holocaust

Am curious (am from UK ) ,

Why are you police/ambulance radio frequencies accessible with a scanner ?? isnt that a quite serious security risk ??

here in the UK they are digital and scrambled so you cant listen to them

Here in the US, some are encrypted, and some are not. Even within departments they may have some channels that are secure, and some that are open. I'm not sure why, but I can make a guess. It is a pain in the ass to keep all radios on the same "fill" when it comes to encryption (we used freq hopping in the military) and it can make comms very difficult. So part of the reason could be just plain resources, and the other may be they don't want to have to worry about potential comm issues when the shit hits the fan.

Remember when TV signals went digital a few years ago? Many of those frequencies that had been used for analog broadcasting were given over to emergency services for use with encryption technology. I'm not sure why some bands aren't encrypted, but either way that was part of the deal when they switched up broadcasting methods.

ah ok , after 7/7 we have airwave introduced with multi agency functionality so for example multi site incident such as 7/7 , police/fire/ambulance can all talk on the same talk group on a command channel for example

As they should. PUBLIC airways. PUBLIC officials actively performing PUBLIC duties.

Also they may want to have unencrypted Comms for some things eg talking to casino security and the like.

Land of the “free” bro.

The police and government are in service to the people. (I literally couldn't type that without rolling my eyes) Anyhow, it's a public service and since they are public servants, they must use open frequencies unless doing so will jeopardize public safety or the element of surprise. For example, when they go to execute a warrant and raid on a house, they used encryption for that.

The unencrypted ones are loaded with disinformation.

imo they should be open for transparency reasons

A near near me just upgraded their PD radios to digital encrypted. It cost millions of dollars and now ambulances and fire can't directly communicate with PD without special radios as we're on the old system. Most of the reason why places don't upgrade is just cost

Insane that it cost millions. Someone is simply pocketing a lot of that.

Not really. In the event of an MCI, alternative methods of communications are available once a command is established. Definitely would be a shitshow in the moment though.

Fact of the matter is that most of our radio traffic in police/fire/ems is so mundane its not worth encrypting.

As a Paramedic in London involved in several major incidents over the years . Can confirm comms is a shitshow for the inital part of the incident - thats why since 7/7 , its drummed into staff to give windscreen and METHANE reports asap and to help set up the command structure

Not looking forward to the day I have to participate in one of those.. Stay safe dude

HMMMM, they could have set all the stage lighting to full power to face beyond the first 100m of the crowd, and maybe creating a blind spot

Might be nothing but kinda weird Fox News reported president trump tweeted minutes ago. But the tweet date at the bottom of the screen January 24, 2017.

They put in the wrong date.

Why isn't this on the front page?

it is now. how i found it

Who was security for this? G4s?

Shooting from the 38th floor, which is roughly 400+ feet up. Fully automatic gunfire?

Lots of weird things around this terror attack.

Serious question --- what's the point of a "crisis actor" Craigslist ad if they're just going to kill everybody? Why is hiring actors necessary??

I think the theory is to hire crisis actors and fake gun shots and violence, but no one actually dies.

And why the fuck would they do that? Why not just actually kill people? The "crisis actor" narrative makes literally no logical sense, and is so laughable when you think of how riskier it is versus handing a crazy a gun and setting him loose if you honestly think literally every bad thing to happen in America ever is some government conspiracy.

Organizing hundreds, even thousands of people? Including journalists, many of which are honest people who are looking to expose government corruption (mostly on the local level - not talking about national CNN/MSNBC pundits and the like)?

It seems to me this whole thing came about because people started talking out their asses during Sandy Hook, found some "convincing" evidence that turned out to be fabricated, and are just running with this narrative whenever something bad happens.

Welcome to r /conspiracy. Where logic doesn't count and when you try to use it you're told "wtf are you even doing here".

Logic? I rarely see skeptics use logic.

You ask them why at Sandy hook everyone there wore actor badges and skeptics flock to give explanations which are clearly illogical to the context of the evidence presented.

Or why Sandy hook victims and standard bystanders all just walked around in circles in and out of the school and around it..a skeptic will always have some stupid explanation.

It's good to be skeptical. you ask questions..try to allow yourself to follow the evidence

What the fuck are you even doing here?

The subreddit sidebar used to say skeptics are welcome. Not sure what happened to that...


hes not even a skeptic.. just a 110% non-believer

I believe there's more to the JFK story.

I believe the official Roswell story leaves a lot to be desired.

I do not believe the government routinely stages fake mass shootings with thousands of people participating, including journalists, and yet there's still no smoking gun, so to speak, proving this.

You must be a non believer! You don't assume everything in the world is one huge mass conspiracy. If you don't think the government is hiring actors to die then you can't believe in aliens.

What the fuck are you even doing here?

Called it


You misunderstand much about this issue. The answer is obvious because they want it to be obvious.

The reason tof have actors and other to cause comment fusion..many times real people are killed other times no one is killed. Truth is fake fake is truth..even when they make it hideously obvious to be fake such as botson..they laugh in your face.

Many shills are this very thread..I applaud you all.

Many are truly concerned skeptics..I question..of what are you skeptical? That the government is incapable of creating such false scenarios? Please understand..they are not as dumb as they like to be portrayed. They are wolves.

Also consider shills show up to make many sound theories appear illogical.

As for this's always good to take in evidence before making claims. There already exists immediate concerns of how this is happening.

Dude you literally sound fucking insane. My cousin was at the shooting last night and ran for her goddamned life. She isn't an "actor" and none of this was "staged". She's a fucking warehouse manager out of our family business.

The guys spreading fake news bitch about fake news the most. Glad your cousin made it out of this real Mass shooting. are asking a real question that involves logic. Just play along

These are the dumbest comments on Reddit.

The only people I've even seen mentioning it is the person you're responding to. Plenty of inconsistent fuckery here without some craiglist BS.

What? Literally the first edit in this post is a supposed Craigslist link for crisis actors.

No, it's an add for actors that OP has told you is for crisis actors, and you took the bait.

Crowds on Demand is a company that provides actors for astroturfing campaigns and asinine "I want to pretend to be a celebrity so I'll hire 20 people to follow me around and take pictures of me." Which is sadly a thing in today's society. I'm not sure who is stupider, the person paying strangers to care about them, or the people getting paid to pretend to care about someone.

Lol took the bait for fucking what? Some dumbass claimed the ad was fit crisis actors and he got called out for it. What is the point of your bullshit comment?

What's the point of my comment? To point out that the company running the ad isn't asking for crisis actors, doesn't do that kind of thing, and that it's a part of the country known for tons of people that want to be actors.

Do you really think that the government or whomever you would have orchistrate a fake mass shooting would put an ad up on craigslist looking for people?

No, I'm just pointing out that obviously there are plenty of braindead people in here that believe that.

What inconsistent fuckery?

...if he was using logic wouldn't he just utilise it to realise that crisis actors are a load of shit and anybody can place an ad on Craigslist?

I've always read of the freaks in r/conspiracy that consider literally everything fake and staged - but was never exposed to them.

Until today. Today I witness what can only be described as a collective of mentally ill, uneducated fools with no grounding in reality.

collective of mentally ill, uneducated fools with no grounding in reality.

The people posting such bullshit are most likely Mockingbird operatives tasked with posting bullshit in orderto make conspiracy theorists look like lunatics.

It's the flat Earth strategy.

This makes a lot of people tune out.


Bro. The earth isn't fucking flat.

We all know

They just want people to think that we think that.

He's saying that flat earthers are just there to discredit real conspiracy theories, not that he is a flat earther

So no one believes the earth is flat, really?

No, there are people that do. It's not a large number but the amount of people who consider it ridiculous means it gets more attention than you'd think. The people who actually do think it's flat are welcome here just like anyone else interested in conspiracies, though they are likely to get ridiculed even by the people who complain about how conspiracy theorists are unfairly ridiculed.

I'm not saying that real flat earthers don't exist, because there are always idiots, but it's a plausible theory that the reason flat earthers are so prominent right now is because it discredits actual theories due to people associating the stupid theory of a flat earth with real theories that could actually be true.

Often associated spuriously with "climate change denier". Which is a disingenuous term in itself because there are very few people who actually think the climate never changes.

Please tell me you’re joking

And encourage them to attack grieving families which makes them look crazy and evil and turns the public against the community. It has worked wonders as I see this attack on th conspiracy community all the time now. And these people are playing right into their hands.

Another goal is to deflect attention from media personalities and how they use freedom of speech to encourage stochastic terrorism.


That's cute

You think poisoning minds is cute? Okay.

I think it's cute that you believe that.

The average poster in here is a moron that likely has heavy prescriptions.

And you must be a complete moron to think a documented program does not exist.

That or your being paid to both propagate bullshit and to deny that such a program exists.

So which are you? The fool? Or a mercenary for the 1001st chairborne typing monkey brigade

I'm the mercenary. I'm paid to tell you that you're a dumbass

By who?

You are the best example of

collective of mentally ill, uneducated fools with no grounding in reality.

That I’ve seen yet.

Sarcasm or irony? Genuine question.

Nope bro, with that statement you’re doing just fine yourself. are such a witness. Where did you "read of the freaks"? I wanna know a real "source" for that one!

You seem to be great at being there at the right time to down play any narrative that doesn't work towards your beliefs. All he did was post an ad he found and as it might not be for this particular event its out there that they do have people hiring for protest to push their agenda. If that doesn't bother you, I suggest you open your mind to possibilities.

No one in this thread said this was a fake event.... I think you might be ill bro or read at a 3rd grade level.

Dumbass, OP suggested it with a link to a craigslist ad for crisis actors.

welcome to the sub

After seeing what the world is really like, you tend to question. Nobody knows. But we question. If you think you know because the talking head on tv said so, I probably can't help you.

One only has to look at the past to know certain powerful people are willing and capable of fakery of this magnitude.

Today I witness what can only be described as a collective of mentally ill, uneducated fools with no grounding in reality

That's exactly what people said after the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Millions of people died in the war that started after that. Maybe if less were like you and happy to lap up the government sponsored narrative the Vietnam war might not have happened.

I stumbled into a 'The Pentagon was hit by a missile, not a plane' thread only last week. It was an eye opener. There are some delusional morons 'round these parts. It's all pretty crass.

Reported for rule 10. If you have a gripe with an issue, try using an actual argument.

Idgaf neckbeard

The people mentioning Craigslist ads in regard to this event are complete idiots.

Yeah, frankly, I see the connections they are making, but I can't imagine that scenario ever actually playing out. The person "they" are supposedly looking for would have to be easily manipulated; the odds that they find that person without giving too much information to someone smart enough to blow the whistle has to be astronomical.

It might be genuine disinfo or a strawman type of distraction tactic.

genuine disinfo or a strawman type of distraction tactic

Quality post.

Agreed but it was a little disconcerting it mentions rallies, protests and PR stunts.

The hell?

They can do interviews and push a narrative silly...

Oh yeah. The super-secret cabal that is organising the deaths of 50+ people is totally going to rely on some $20/hr wannabe actors that they hired on Craigslist to not spill the beans that they're being paid.

Seriously? If you signed up for a $20/hr gig, and they told you that they were going to kill everybody and then you have to lie to a camera, you wouldn't think about maybe going to the police? ALL of the random actors they hired can be trusted?

I'm not commenting on this incident but just of the general theory.

If you think this is the case, infiltrate them. Its your duty as citizen, but you won't because what you believe is horseshit. People can't keep secrets.

"Hey I need money, oh look an acting job."

(next day, at the training center)

"...So you will need to watch a bunch of people die, then say exactly this script to the news, you got it? No, I need to hear all 25+ of you who the news will be interviewing that you got it. Okay. Great! I fully trust that none or all of you will intentionally fuck up this interview because what we're asking you to do is fucky!"

I mean - if the government wanted to stage this, it's fairly easy to do...exactly...what...we...think...happened, only with a hired gunman and not a 60something guy from a retirement community.

But then you wouldn't have interviews pushing your narrative, or victims going on world wide media tours pushing your narrative. It's not that hard to sign a nondisclosure agreement.

It's not that hard to sign a nondisclosure agreement.

How in the world would this NDA be enforced other than by a suspicious string of deaths of the survivors who spoke out? It's not like the US government can take them to court and sue them for this, exposing the whole thing.

Also - what narrative needs to be pushed? If this was "faked" there's only one vantage point from where the gunman was, and a bunch of big buildings echoing the shots - no one could immediately pinpoint what was happening anyway - what could a non-actor possibly say that would be off-narrative?

This whole thing is very cut and dry. Also - why is it so hard to believe that someone would/could do this without the government having to order it?

What you're assuming it has to be all that, of course is probably not all those things, but it could be one of those things or it could be just hiring people for interviews on the news who knows I'm just playing Devil's Advocate.

They're the ones you put on tv as 'victims' that give the optic you want if needed.

Also who you use to pump up the noise level to drown out any unwanted optic.

Also they may not even know what they are.
They could just be extra people to make sure the crowd is big enough.

They are the magicians assistant in the tight dress. Look over there not over here!

Not that i know if this is one such incident.
But those are a couple reasons why you might want to hire people.

Who said they killed anyone?

My friends and family in Vegas who knew people personally?


The old pathetic 'Sandy Hoax special.' "I swear I knew people hurt you insensitive prick! I cannot back this up in any fashion, but it's true!"

Shill on about this hoax, liar.

How would you propose they back it up?

I don't think anything I could say or do will convince anyone at this point.

Show personal information like family photos and facebook accounts= get doxxed by retards

Don't show verifiable information=lying shill

Can't win with these guys

People can down vote me all they want for not providing proof

Because you can't, LIAR. Exact same MO pulled during the last bullshit staged psyop events.

Fuck off. You wouldn't believe proof anyway. Keep believing your stupid fucking narrative.

The story is fairly simple. There's no need to fake anything. If the government wanted to do this (they probably didn't BTW), all they had to do was hire a gunman and promise to protect him and set up a fall guy.

Why wouldn't the government have any reservations about killing people if they were gonna stage this? Why would any of this need to be faked in that sense?

God you guys are moronic.


I'm not the guy who said he knows people. I have nothing to prove.

And what would proof even look like to you? A home movie (you'd claim it was edited)? Pictures (same)? What would it take to convince you that 1.) People actually died at Sandy Hook. 2.) One of those people were acquaintances with /u/AFatBlackMan?

Seriously. You apparently have this stringent set of parameters that constitute proof: share them.

Gee, I sure wonder what your dog is in this fight. Did you talk about it at your synogogue?

That wasn't an answer. Even us chosen people can answer badic questions.

Called it 100%.

Incredible how the majority of status quo disinfo posters coincidentally all turn out to be Jewish.

Yeah - I'm not jewish. I'm making fun of you.

Odd. You sure jump out of your skin to defend them whenever the J word is mentioned. Must just be a coincidence.

The amount of effort you're putting into this is entertaining. I should defend jews more often than once a year.

Based on your post frequency, I suspect your other alts are used for that purpose far more often.

This has been so much work....

your other alts

Man - everyone who has ever stated their opinion when it's different than yours is in on the conspiracy, aren't they?

Why does /r/isrconspiracyracist and /r/topmindsofreddit exist? Why did /r/conspiratard originally exist?

Zionist apologists infesting ANY discussion of the truth.

Or you guys accuse everything, ever, of being a conspiracy and your arguments that support it are poorly thought out and racist.

It's as if something can't happen without something massive being behind it.

I get it. You don't trust the government and you shouldn't for a great deal of what they do. But shit dude...learn to pick your battles.

When anytime something happens it shows up as a conspiracy with grainy video to "support" it using pseudoscience, then when real shit happens, no one is ever going to believe you.

"you guys..."

LOL. Try to keep a straight face.

Apparently calling you a Jew is his version of an argument

Yet you didn't know anyone personally?

If I said I did, would you even believe me?

So you don't.

Who says anyone was killed? Oh yeah..the media..

So, the hospitals, doctors, ambulance drivers, EMTs, nurses and staff are all paid off as well? What about the staff of the hotel? The housekeepers, servers, drivers, cooks and front desk staff. Are they paid off? How many people would have to be on the payroll for this to be false? Dozens? hundreds?

Literally thousands, these fuckers don't have a shred of common sense (or decency)

The exact same was done with the Mateen Orlando shooting HOAX, and it was quickly exposed.

Tens of thousands.

How about my cousin who watched people get shot at the event? You're a fucking retard.

The dead actors signed a non-disclosure and received higher union wage. So we'll never know.


Maybe that's how they recruit "MK Ultra" victims.

You'd be surprised what an out of work actor will do do get a callback.

No one mentioned crisis actors in this thread but you... Wtf is going on in this thread lmao. People are making statements against topics not even present in this thread.

It's all over this thread. What is you talking about?

It’s mentioned in the body of the post by OP...

Umm it's in the first edit of this post...

You need to interview someone who says the correct things for the news. No guarantee the actual victims will say what they want them to.

Devils advocate - they need someone who isn't going to go home to their family at the end of the day. If you're sitting around a table planning out a supposed false flag mass shooting, do you think they are going to draw straws as to who shoots at people and kills themself in the room when it's over? No. You would hire someone stupid and/or gullible, tell them they are part of some kind of training with a fake gun, have them shoot people, then you kill them so they can't tell their story.

I'm not suggesting that's what is happening, just playing devils advocate as to the logic behind it.

I second this question, and I would like to follow up with:

Have you ever considered that Craigslist is free and anon, and these "ads" are actually just trolls who know how you'll react to them?

It's not a crisis actor ad, regardless of how often people keep posting them. It looks to be hiring people for flash mobs, paid protestors, and people for rallies like when certain snowflakes need their ego stroked by big supportive crowds.

Yeah, really? A CL post a month ago asking for enthusiastic, energetic actors for a large event couldn't possibly be anything but this, could it? Not for a commercial, or a political rally, or anything else, right?

and like NONE of them would come forth with it with only being paid $15-20 an hr!

Interviewed witnesses for tv maybe?

Because it's not an ad for crisis actors, just regular actors and OP assumes that in a city where movies get filmed, only 5 hours from LA, that all actors are only for this purpose.

The only point of a crisis actor, one that was not actually shot or wounded, is to be interviewed by the media and help shape the narrative.

Lots of people hire companies like this to gather signatures for petitions, bulk up press conference/rally turn-out, etc. I actually run a small signature gathering company, and I'm very familiar with Crowds on Demand. They did the "9 California's" petition in 2014. Some people I fired for fraud that year (for forged ballot petitions) were the people they hired to run their operation... which failed due to low validation rates (go figure).

CoD typically works for conservative political action committees and politicians.

Wait, people believe Craigslist paid protester and crisis actor ads are real?

For the interviews afterward.

What's interesting about the footage for this is it looks real. It looks like what you would expect something like this to look like.

Compare it with something like the Orlando shootings - where there is very little footage, and what footage does exist doesn't look like this.

I haven't looked into the Orlando shootings very much, but I rememeber at the time seeing the footage and asking myself "is this really what it looks during/right after a mass shooting?"

How do u think it looks like?

Well a lot of people were already recording the concert, this could explain why there is such a large amount of footage available.

How many real mass shootings have you witnessed firsthand?

I thought I made it clear I was talking about footage of mass shootings...

But you need a control sample to authenticate. What is your control?

This is critical thinking 101.

Calling it now. This guy is a crazy dude on the left who was radicalized by russian agents. He attacked a quintessentially right wing group. This is an attempt by russia to turn political turmoil into violent civil war. Don't fall for it. Everyone calling for violence against "the other side" is either fake or very stupid.

Americans and their guns, when will they ever learn.

Regardless of the Nevada is open carry laws and no limit on Amber noonish and I still have some kind of doubt that the how can a regular person have enough ammo for 10 minutes just walk it up and be cool with it

He was shooting from a hotel room with an illegal automatic weapon. Much easier to get that much stuff up into a hotel room than into a concert.

99% of mass shootings are fake bullcrap

another one happens


I don't think there's been a single shred of evidence to support this "all high profile mass shootings ever are false flags!" narrative. You'd think if private companies are hiring hundreds of people to participate in these, including jouranlists, some one would have spilled the beans by now.

don't think there's been a single shred of evidence

Well, then you're wrong and possibly have your head up your posterior aperture.

No, it's just that people never post evidence here, they post conjecture combined with deliberately misleading "interpretations" of fake photographs.

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

Tell me what you know about Operation Mocking Bird.

you mean the program that has as one of their objectives the task of making conspiracy theorists look like lunatics?

The term "Conspiracy theorist" wasn't invented until the Warren Commission era. By the cia to discredit people that question the official narrative.

Are you trying to have a conversation or just shitting on everything?

The whole crisis actor/false flag crapola is just that-an attempt by mockingbird operatives to deflect attention from what appears to be a case of stochastic terrorism thatwas inspired by some media personality hiding behind freedom of speech in order to poison peoples minds.

Mocking Bird ended years ago.

And it's OP: NORTHWOODS that make any of that shit plausible.

And Northwoods is plausible because of what we know.... The explosion of the USS Maine. And the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

Both of which were used to justify wars that killed thousands.

Mockingbird is alive and well. It just goes by a different name these days.

Its also not the area of responsibilty of a single alphabet soup angency,either. Pretty much every goverment agency, including the armed forces,have their own versions of it these days. Hell, the US Army runs tv commercials for recruiting people to join the team.

Then theres the private corporations and their own,in-house versions of perception management.... Industries like big agriculture(monsanto,etc...) and the pharmaceutical industry are also engaged in the practice.

My brain hurts now.

Removed, violation of rule 6, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

Good thing there was a recent crisis simulation.

recent crisis simulation.

link please? I tried to find something on this and came up with nothing. was recent hard to tell when as it is not dated like the other articles.

August 2016

Link please.

False flag. I'll bet money the shooters and names change and this is turned into a conservative white mail shooting up other conservative white males..

Just cause it's a country concert?

Yes. Jason Aldeans target audience is white conservatives.

The narrative is going to be "They voted for Trump. Trump wants to take healthcare away from people. That's literally murdering people. And he was afraid he was going to lose the subsidies that paid for him to live in the old folks home." It's so obvious it's painful.

This is what im thinking

Without a doubt for me. Just watched the interviews. Everything screams false flag and, yes, crisis actors (again, stumbling their lines... it would be laughable if it wasn't so sad)

"no known political affiliations"

So how much money did I just win?

Front page of "Deadliest mass shooting in US history!"

Hmmmm, the previous "deadliest shooting" was the Pulse nightclub hoax, during which no one actually died. None of the victims at least.

The "NSFL" image is more staged nonsense.

The best thing to do is let the shills and idiots run around in a panic and have their little fun pretending this was a real event and wait like literally 12 hours for all the seams to start coming apart and all the exposure of the scam to happen.

Kind of like the Charlottesville event. People were kvetching about NAZIS for several days until it was completely exposed as a staged hoax. Hear about any NAZIs doing anything since then? Nah. But you would have thought they were a clear and present danger...

Charlottesville wasn't exposed

Hmmmm, the previous "deadliest shooting" was the Pulse nightclub hoax, during which no one actually died. None of the victims at least.

Nope, pretty sure 49 people died in that shooting. Do you just automatically assume literally every bad thing ever is fake?

The "NSFL" image is more staged nonsense.

You sure showed me with those hot opinions.

Where do people like you come from? Mississippi?

You clearly are poorly educated. This wasnt staged or fake.

What are you, some kind of racist?

What are you, some kind of racist?

There’s a sickness in this country and deranged people like you are clearly a symptom.

See you in 12 to 48 hours.

I bet you thought this was some clever response but it literally makes no sense and you look even stupider now having just said that. Have a great day and see a doctor.

I think he was saying that in twelve to forty-eight hours the hammer would drop and we'd all realize that the truth is entirely different than we supposed.

Is this a hot False Flag(People actually died) or is this another crisis actor Hoax with fake deaths?

Neither. It's a tragedy caused by a mentally ill man, who for whatever reason decided to kill tons of innocent people.

There are no fake deaths, nor is it a false flag.

Hello, I'm new to this sub. What "reliable" news source(s) can I refer to to keep updated on this incident? Thanks.

trick is there is no single "reliable" source. you have to kind of surf it like surfing a wave.

Thanks. All I know so far is to stay away from MSM except objective-ish ones like AP and Reuters.

Take all of the with a grain of salt. They will form the narrative and explain to you what they want you to believe.

Did they finally get Ariana Grande?!?!?!?!?!?

I'm not alleging any conspiracy in particular but...

GIF showing the muzzle flash during gunfire:

Diagram of muzzle flash location and correlation to floor count:

This did not happen on the 32nd floor.

That's not the 1st floor

That is true - didn't notice they made that error. But the flashing still isn't the 32nd floor.

Updated links, please!

Wait, edit 29 - what do you think did happen?

OP clearly had an agenda and bias coming into the post. If you notice the very first thing he hunted down was the Crowds on Demand post, suspiciously so I might add. There's just as much evidence that the post might be authentic versus it might have been created by theorists to point to when a tragedy happens, since they're in literally every major American city.

I wanna see evidence of him being dead. For all we know he could be a scapegoat for out government and he's in witness protection somewhere

Honestly I could see putting in the obviously idiotic crisis actors narrative to discredit any real questioning the official narrative.

Lmao nigga got 2 MOABS

🅱️ang 🅱️ang

Notice how the place of the shooting is being referred to as "Harvest" HMMMMM

Lots of fall concerts have Harvest in their name. It is because harvestfestivals are a tradition that dates back to the days of the very first humans transforming from simple hunter/gatherer societies to agrarian societies and communities.

Do we know what company was in charge of security at this event?

Yes, a redditor last night in /r/Vegas thread said his friend was in security name and even said company name. Good luck searching for that though. I swear I saw it.

It was being outsourced to another company? I found some information about Mandalay Bay security going union recently. Wonder if they outsourced some of it to get rid of the union.

Security at the music festival. Which was not at the casino+hotel,but across the street

Keep talking about a Craigslist ad for actors guys, you don't come off like complete fucking morons at all.

people were saying that was an AR, it couldn't have been. The fuck was that?

Will some one please link the Craigslist ad asking for actors in LV, in Sept!

Great write up OP.

So is this the false flag that was talked about not too long ago?

r/news threw me out and recommended this subreddit for me:

All I said was that this was another Newtown. Heavy on dramatics and fireworks, designed to regulate guns...

Except this time we have a Republican in the White House who has never expressed an interest in gun regulation since becoming president.

So after this theatrical display this is going to change gun laws? It's funny that not one gun victim was shown anywhere after 1,000 rounds were popped off. Not 1.

/r/pics had a photo of 3 bloody victims near the festival stage last night around 12:30am pdt

You're fucking retarded

Removed, violation of rule 10.

Funny how you people never seem to find these "crisis actors" craigslist ads until you want to.

I've seen people warn that they have seen the ads before a big event. The last Super Bowl in fact.

Casting calls for large made for tv events arent that unusual. Something like a super bowl needs hundreds,if not thousands, of extras to act as 'fans' of whoever is playing the half time show.

I saw the ad. It was for crisis actors. Obviously it could have been a larp. I'm just saying I, a person skeptical about the idea of that level of false flag, saw such an ad.

This Vegas one was posted just before the Mayweather-McGregor fight and people were theorizing it was part of some crisis acting aimed at launching a race war.

Don't you ever trust the 4chins bro, just don't!

Apparently they found him dead in the room. A local TV reporter reported that, according to her local LE source, the shooter was in a suite and had 'more guns than any person should need, had thousands of rounds in many magazines, had two shooting platforms set up in the suite to utilize different angles, and had a camera system so they could see anyone approaching their room'. Press release says they found the shooter dead while earlier reports made it sound like he was killed by LVPD.

Definitely some advanced planning involved, it would not surprise me if the dead suspect is innocent and was planted there to be the escape goat. It sounds like there is no real motive.

planted there to be the escape goat

Don't let your escape goats become scapegoats.

Scapegoat dumbass

So much aggression, have you ever gotten laid?

Yes, but I'm assuming you people who have nothing to do but fret over absurd conspiracies during a tragedy have not.

Go back to sleep, sheep. We are just discussing different angles on this, we dont KNOW what happened. Get out of here and watch CNN or something.

Its like ricky from trailer park boys

This has been exactly my thought. Guy is known to frequent Vegas and country music festivals specifically, family can't think of any reason he might do it: state that he didn't own any guns when he moved, has never been known to be into guns or have any violent tendencies. My thinking moves towards a serial-killer-type person who is casting the blame on the suspect.

The logistics of the plan just seem strange. Carrying hundreds of pounds of equipment by a 65 year old man up 32 stories without anyone noticing anything strange is odd. Long rifles has a specific shape, seems difficult to sneak in 10 without someone seeing

put em in bags and use one of those hotel bag carrying carts

Hotel baggage dude. Cart to carry it.

Also (if it was an ar15 for instance) the gun could be split from the upper and lower receivers so it's in a much shorter package


You can check yourself in at these casinos. Go check in without any bags, go back to your car to get everything and you can completely avoid the main entrance and bring anything you like

i'm disturbed you've never heard of luggage or elevators before

Easily done over a few hours, no one would notice you bringing in duffle bags, even gun cases are not out of the ordinary, nevada is a gun friendly state, but likely these weapons were concealed in large bags or broken down to fit in normal suitcases.

Is that surprising? Most shooters in these things off themselves before police can capture them.

That's pretty convenient. Dead men tell no tales

Yeah they also don't have to go to jail. The mental calculus behind a mass murderer offing themself prior to being taken into custody is rather obvious.

Not when you have a message to spread

This is part of what screams some kind of conspiracy to me. Guy, 64 years old with nothing more on his record than traffic violations, checks into Mandalay Bay with 10+ guns and ammo. Four days later he shoots 400+ people from his hotel room window and SWAT finds him dead when they breach the room, claiming he took his own life. Something about this just doesn't sound right.

The police sound confused. This sounds like complete chaos.

No this is just what they want you to believe to cover up the 3-4 reports of shots fired that were recanted.

Just heard on scanner **

"do not evacuate the Michael Jackson theater. Everyone there needs to stay there."**

Someone posted the first hour of Police Traffic here:

After 15, the cop says it's now "confirmed" that there's 4 shooters ("elements"). Hmmm.......

Here's some pics I took to out it in perspective. 32 Floor of Mandalay Bay is where the shooter was. The music festival was at the auditorium looking place across the street.

Massacre at the base of the pyramid. Hmmmm...

Here's what I am having a hard time with. He was obviously in a perfect room to do this. Did he request this room? Or at least request this side of the hotel? And he'd also need to request a high floor. Are hotels in Vegas that accommodating to requests? Are concerts/events like this in this specific location common? If no, that makes this even more puzzling. So he would have had to reserve a room in a specific hotel for a specific date on a high floor facing a specific direction. Seems like this would be challenging to accomplish.

We're all ready getting the calls to take people's guns. I posted this on a similar thread.

Actually, you don't have a clue why your talking about. The US government does like a every 5 year review of what would happen if there was an organize insurrection/ civil war. And it doesn't go good for the US military.

Simply because there is about 1 gun for every American, the government have 300k soldiers. U.S. have 330 million people. So, imagine just 5% of the U.S. population armed like the hotel shooter. That's 15 MILLION people with 5 loaded shotguns and extra ammo.

There's supplies at every local store to make bombs. Not to mention what people can do during war time.

And that's not getting into details.

But the fact is that the US is wall to wall all over the whole country, dispersed better than our military, heavily armed citizens. Everywhere.

If people decided to take down the government, it would probably only take like 2.5 percent and a bit of organization.

You have to understand, the US government relies on at people to run shit. Imagine what happens if ALL electric grid goes down. And all the bridges get taken out.

This "take away your guns shit" is the US government trying to lull you into become truly defenseless. For ever 1 mass shooter, there hundreds of thousand of responsible gun owners. The government wants them gone so there can't be an insurrection in case they want to do something bad.

Imagine if the government decides to outlaw and kill any antifa member as they are a domestic terrorist Group. Summary execution. The government has all your internet data, all your calls, all your texts, where you live, what time your home, where you work, who you associate with, and your location for the past 60 days.

Trust me, those dumb fuck knee jerk liberals will want the guns then.

Everyone's like, our sweet government would never do that. Except that's why government does. Protects its people from domestic terrorists. It just why group they want to exterminate first.

Shit I'm listening to some person talk about black lives matter as a terrorist group. You all don't know what your talking about.

This is how I can believe that there is no real terrorism in this country. Because realistically the first thing they would attack are gas stations. They're literally just sitting there waiting to burn and explode. Very visible and easily gets your point across

What? What sends a bigger message, blowing up a gas station with probably little deaths or firing into a group of people having fun, making them question if they want to go out and be free?

What's the message? That's assuming a lot because the guy killed himself

Yes, it would be trivially easy to request a room near the top. Once you've done that, it's a 50/50 chance that you're facing the concert. If you're not facing the concert, you complain and they put you where you want to be. Worst case scenario, you come back and try again the next day.

He was in the hotel for three days, so it seems like he prepared for the eventuality that he got the wrong room.

Also, even when hotels "sell out" they frequently have rooms reserved for VIPs. IE, if you're a big gambler and you show up at the Mandalay Bay and the hotel is "sold out", they'll figure out how to put you up in a room. And ironically, those "reserved" rooms are often the suites with a great view and lots of room (because you're a VIP.)

Vegas hotel rules are a lot different than your typical business hotel.

I've requested specific rooms at hotels before and had no problem as long as they were vacant.

Mandalays occupancy rate is 90% on average. Not a lot of wiggle room there. I'm just surprised he was exactly where he needed to be to do this as effectively as he did.

It is being reported now that he requested two rooms facing the concert.

I think the casino experience is very different for high rollers. I can absolutely see them comping him a suite, wherever the fuck he asked for.

That last pic is scary. Even someone with a blindfold on could do massive damage. Just point in the general direction of the venue and fire away.

From the venue to the 32 floor is about 1050ft. Tough to shoot accurately but still deadly.

I think 32 floors is about 400ft. 10 to 12 feet per floor. 1050 ft is 32 feet per floor. It like you multiplied the number of floors by the number of floors for height. When to find height you would do height of floor by number of floors. Here 12 foot floors times 32 floors = 384.

You did not factor in distance from the venue to the hotel which is nearly 1,100 feet to the closest corner.

I'm sorry. I thought you meant up. Edited response.

No big! By the way, do you have a source regarding concert attendance and the ammo type the shooter used?

The concert attendance and type of ammo I heard in cspan. I listen to it while I work.

The type of ammo I don't think was released yet. They were speculating on ammo.

And honestly I can't find the attendance numbers online. Only death and injured numbers. My bad

Ah, yea there was 22k attending the event said the sheriff in charge. Lombardo or something like that.

No, not all bullets are made to pierce one person and go into another. Some explode in the body. Some are blunt like rubber bullets. We don't know, but it is suspected the guy had basically military grade ammo.

We will know within the next couple weeks. They will announce.

Ah, yea there was 22k attending the event said the sheriff in charge. Lombardo or something like that.

Good info thanks

No, not all bullets are made to pierce one person and go into another. Some explode in the body. Some are blunt like rubber bullets. We don't know, but it is suspected the guy had basically military grade ammo.

Ah I understand what you meant now

Interesting that it seems they created a diversion. Stephen Haddock was also claimed to have had an excessive criminal history, and there is nothing in the Las Vegas criminal records for him-,2202,2203,2204,2205,2206,2207,2208,2209,2210,2211,2212,2213,2214&NodeDesc=Justice%20Court

Also seems strange that his picture was lifted from his "female companion's" Facebook page and that her Facebook page was suddenly deleted? Who deleted it?

You read the article wrong. His dad was a bank robber who escaped prison.

You're right, my mistake. Love your username and the Dark Tower!

Long days and pleasant nights.

The "Shooter" was FOUND dead in a hotel room by SWAT. How convenient. FALSE FLAG

50 killed

I've got a feeling this was planned to further regulate gun control, there is something off about this.

Things don't add up, that's for sure. A lot of people think it was either bumpfire, an FA mod or a crank mod due to the fact that the speed of the bullets fired didn't seem consistent.

The false reports of multiple shooters could be due to echoing of gunfire, leading people to believe there was more than one shooter. The scanner audio does suggest there were multiple shooters though, so I am conflicted about that. It could very well be a confusion tactic.

I think the biggest thing that throws me off is indeed the supposedly massive amount of guns and ammo found as well as the rest of the setup in the hotel suite.

The floor shown in the picture is more likely to be around floors 16-18, the hotel has 43 floors total. Then again I've also read that the layout of the hotel is odd and that it skips numbers (?). The flashing in the picture was also present in later live footage on FOX I believe, so perhaps it is not muzzle flashing. Ofcourse I could be wrong about any of these things, just adding my two cents.

I just read that ISIS has taken responsibility for the attack, they are saying that the 64 year old man had converted to Islam..? And now we received a "motive" from the media. I guess it's possible but i don't believe it myself, yet. too much weird shit.

Welp, guess a lot of people will be going 'I told you so'. Personally I don't believe it either, it's too easy.

One thing about the multiple shooters... I see a video going around of a dude talking to his cell phone about the shots being fired and how he was on his way to his car to get a gun to fight back with...

Dan Blizerian? I would take that with a grain of salt to be honest.

Yeah, that was Dan Bilzerian. It doesn't seem like he actually fought back with the gun though.

Just serves as an example of the mindset of certain types of people that could lead to armed plainclothes civilians scouring the streets with a firearm... even if you don't fire the gun people are gonna think you are one of the bad guys.

Yeah, I agree that in terrorist attacks like this civilians should NOT interfere in any way because that would confuse the cops and increase the risk of getting killed yourself.

I think the simple explanation is people in other areas heard the gun shots, saw people running, and called to report gun fire.. It's not some grand conspiracy. Just some panicked people.. Are the police just going to ignore a call they received saying someone is under fire? Obviously not. People just panicked.

Yeah, this is probably what happened but it's still some fishy shit going on.

To address the machine gun part, and only that part, it's most likely he was using a "gat crank" or bumpfire modification to simulate full auto. The rate of fire varies widly within individual bursts which is a pretty clear indicator. All that means is he had possibly easy to acquire firearms that were simply modified.

So OP, how does that crisis actor thing work? You recruit normal unemployed or underemployed folks to work for you for $20 per hour and just desperately hope that nobody ever spills the beans? Seems pretty likely that one of them would balk at your proposal and go run and tell.

Not even that, they need to involve the media too. Say what you will about MSM cable news reporters, but I find it very hard to believe out of the hundreds of journalists that would need to be complicit in this, there's not one that would spill the beans of the biggest government conspiracy in US history. That's a career-defining revelation.

So do you now realize why everyone views this subreddit as insane?

We live in a decentralized media environment where things go viral and spread through networks without any top down intervention.

See its wrong to think everyone in the MSM is complicit with any "conspiracy" or theory, they're just told what to report. For all they know, they're reporting the "truth". Not saying this shooting was a conspiracy or anything, but to think that X amount of people are involved and keeping quiet seems illogical, is just a false premise. You have people feeding the MSM what to report on and what to say. Again, all these people know is that they're reporting the "truth", but the "truth" is whatever they're told to report. Say, "I don't believe that happened, therefore, I'm not gonna report on it", won't get you very far in MSM. The experienced MSM reporters still have a job because they don't question what they're reporting, and they do their job and report.

They're told by whom to report it? The implication made in these posts seems to say individual journalists are being recruited by teh government to orchestrate this event. And I'm saying that's wrong because no journalist worth his or her salt would be complicit in something like that without breaking the word about hte biggest government conspiracy in history.

I agree, which is why you have to assume that they're just doing their jobs.

Told to report by whom? Their editor, the news bureau they're paying for their information? I'm not 100% sure the hierarchy of news outlets (and google doesn't seem to be any help with this), but I'm pretty sure for big news stories, they're given information about the situation and then report it how they see fit (adding biases, etc). If they're not getting their information from someone/somewhere, where are they getting their information from? There has to be some source for where they get the information to report.

I'm not 100% sure the hierarchy of news outlets (and google doesn't seem to be any help with this

I'm sorry, what does "not 100% sure the hierarchy of news outlets" mean? Do you know how news organizations work or not? Do you have journalism experience? Have you worked at a major newspaper or on a TV news crew? What experience and knowledge do you really have of how news organizations work?

It's ok to admit you don't know things. What's bad, is making things up, like "I'm pretty sure for big news stories, they're given information about the situation and then report it how they see fit (adding biases, etc). If they're not getting their information from someone/somewhere, where are they getting their information from?"

News reporters engage in a process of discovery when a major story is breaking. The first thing they do is they start calling people. Police, hospitals, the venue, all good places to start. They check social media, check police scanners, essentially, they dig for information from any source they can find.

If you were listening to the BBC last night for instance, you would have run across them doing this live, calling a hospital in the middle of the crisis to inquire about casualty counts from the desk nurse, on air. They are not "given" information, they look for it. Once they have a piece of information they try to confirm it. If they can confirm it, usually with a second source, they report it.

It's not possible to control what information they get since the government can't control who they call, who they talk to and what information they gather. They can't possibly anticipate who each individual journalist would call or contact.

How did they know about the shooting in Las Vegas? How did they find out? They just cold call city hospitals to make sure there weren't any major incidents? How do they initially know that something has happened? If it's all independent research how are they so quick to report something? And not just "something" but a story that seems to be consistent with every other story that is being reported on the same thing. You'd think independent research would yield varying results. I guess they use the same sources, I guess they're all getting their information from SOMEONE OR SOMEWHERE.

I think the problem your having is believing all journalists to be independent and credible. Not all journalists are going to be out interviewing witnesses, fact checking stories and then publishing articles. For broadcast 24/7 News your going to have the anchor, segment producer, executive producer and station owner at least slightly involved in any story. What the anchor is reporting may have filtered through a number of people before they read what’s in front of them.

Except those "journalists" know if it gets published, their families will be without their breadwinner. The chilling effect is real.

Nope. You use it to fill out crowds with payrolled employees who act according to the terms you set when you paid them. Eg. No phones, no entering "controlled areas," no interaction with the "wounded/killed," etc. Specialists handle the more visible roles.

"Holy shit, local news, you'll never believe what happened. I got hired to get paid $20 per hour to attend a concert and act natural and then it ended up being the one that got shot up. Here's someone else that was working with me that same day."

The crisis actor thing never makes sense.

If you're willing to believe that the government will fly planes into skyscrapers then what's stopping them from just opening fire into a crowded concert? Why would you need crisis actors to run around screaming?

It doesn't make any sense at all lol

Seriously, I really don't understand why an inconclusive Craigslist ad from a month ago was included in this post. There is almost no way that word of something like this wouldn't get out if it was planned and staged a month in advance, especially if they're only getting like $20/hr

"Did you or a loved one respond to this Craigslist ad from 9-1-17? You might be entitled to a settlement! Call now!"

Well, there are things like non disclosure agreements. Not to mention people would likely think you were lying if you said told the truth. Not saying that is what happened here but just saying that there are ways of making people keep quiet about something

things like non-disclosure agreements

Dude, lmao.

Stop for a second. Think about how stupid that is. Seriously.

Now consider what is wrong with the way you think that has resulted in you forming an idea as stupid as that and then posting it on the internet.

Try to change that.

If the FBI can’t stop leaks, what makes you think an NDA will?

For 20 dollars an hour they can buy themselves a new life in a far flung corner of the world like Texas.

Confidentiality agreements exist and can land you in huge trouble, even jail or prison, for breaking a contract with terms that say so

I think the crisis actors were for the active shooter training that took place on the 30th.

I may have found something interesting. If you go to the NV Clark site you can actually look up voter history-

Basically you choose the year, and the election and then by selecting "Generate Voter History File" you get a big long text doc showing you a list of every voter who participated in that election. Obviously it doesn't list who people voted for, but it does list party affiliation, district number, voting method etc etc.

I've gone all the way back to the 2000 General Election and I see no record of a Stephen Paddock or any similar name. I also don't see any "Paddocks" that were registered in Mesquite NV.

The obvious conclusion being that this person was not an active voter. (at least not in Clark County, NV)

His name does appear in property record databases, however, with a deed dated 2015. It looks like he moved to his current residence on that date. Maybe he was registered to vote at an old address? Or just didn't bother registering given how much of a shitshow the most recent election was.

Using the site Family Tree Now, he’s bounced all over the place. Go type in his first middle and last name. 64 y/o. Should be first hit.

They have said that he moved form Florida, and I think Texas too, him not voting or having a voting record is not supspicious, many americans do not vote

I'm not even saying it's suspicious. Just that a lot of people have been trying to pin down a motive and it would seem that the brother was correct in saying he had no political affiliation.

Until a year ago he lived in Melbourne, Florida so it's useless going back any further than that in Nevada. Sadly it looks like you have to request the data from Brevard County.

“It doesn’t fit our narrative so it must be a false flag.”

I've been seeing a lot of ads put out by the Las Vegas tourism bureau in the past month.

Sitting ducks.

obviously it was mossad who did it

I think the wise among us realize what has happened here. Enlighten me

someone should backup all this stuff up off site,.knowing how stuff on reddit simply vanishes when convenient.

That is so true..

The sept 19th post about something happening in Vegas has disappeared

This sub is hilarious to read. Are you people all retarded or do you just have nothing better to do? Put your tin foil hats on and go back in your basement.

Removed, violation of rule 10.

Lots of polarizing opinions and ideas going on right now


Marilou danleyou face book fare as hell

Find a link to Soros.

Where is video or livestream of people being shot? There is no way that no one there did not record or livestream that shit happening.

everywhere. 100's of video's all over all these threads, you trolling?

Oh great! Theres video of people being shot and killed? Can you link it to me? Or can you only link video of the sound of gun fire and people screaming?

You don't get out much on the Internet, do you?

Hey in stead of being a fucking smartass, you could link the video.

Holy shit, they are all over YouTube!!

Because you sound like you are donning boxing gloves and ready to spar with anyone who challenges you i'm hesitant to oblige but.....I'll concede.


Still doesn't show anyone getting shot, closest thing it showed was a 5 second clip of a guy talking about seeing someones head being shot. How fucking hard is it to link and Thanks for the downvotes r/conspiracy.

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Well I'll see if I can find a body-cam footage of someone getting shot!!!

I'm not sure what your point is? This JUST happened a few hours ago. I don't think those who were there feel their priority is to upload video for your approval!!

Are you suggesting this is a fake story?...therefore a false flag? (why do I think I already know the answer)

Fuck me for questioning why there are not more live stream videos of this happening in this day n age where people ill record others being beat instead of helping them.

It. Just. Happened. In a week, if more 'up close and personal' videos don't surface, I'll consider your frustration. But my gawd, this just occurred.

Now if you were pissed off because 16 years later the Pentagon missile, I mean airplane videos weren't released then I'd understand.

You MUST be a millennial due to your instant gratification reality you seem to be living in.

I simply am asking why there weren't more live streams and video of this event and I get attacked.

You're being totally unreasonable. Give it time!!! Maybe the 50 dead people have something on their phones for your entertainment but until then.....just chill out. Not sure why you are demanding instant footage! For all you (we) know maybe there's something posted on Facebook that hasn't made it over to Reddit yet. Uploading vids are not priority at the moment.

Get ready for more instances like this to keep happening. Make no mistake, they will keep happening until we all surrender and say "Okay, we will give up our guns if the government will keep us safe." More shootings will take place in the near future until, as a country, we are forced to give up our defenses. Mainly the southern region, but many other Americans carry weapons as well. It's happening guys. Anyone else wonder if these things are orchestrated? I'm sure we all have those thoughts. If only we could get definitive proof and evidence. Most of the evidence is just not enough, but we know what is really going on.

Serious question, and not looking to argue, just looking for other perspectives: if we keep putting more guns in people's hands, will mass shootings not just continue?

When this totally normal, $400k house owning, ex-pilot with no criminal record goes berserk, what is the solution? Just let shootings happen and call it an anomaly?

Once again, not trying to attack, just looking for other views.

That's a very valid point and I absolutely see where you are coming from. The truth is, this is a complex issue and there will never be a great solution to it. Where I live (Missouri) MANY people in the town (population of about 15,000 people) own weapons, more than one. We have never had a school shooting or anything even close to it. Most people are hunters, gun enthusiasts, or own one for protection. It's easy for me to say "keep the guns," because I live in a small town and haven't had much experience living other places except for a year in St. Louis, MO, and half a year in China. I definitely feel a lot safer here than I did in St. Louis and I was like 1 of the 6 or 7 white dudes living in my densely populated neighborhood. So, I am biased because I have grown up conservative. Maybe it's the bigger cities that don't need guns, but had someone with a handgun been next to the shooter without him seeing, he could have - not would have ended the shooting at 4 dead and 25 wounded instead of what it is now. Granted, that's an optimistic outlook. With this guy going berserk, I don't think it's a matter of who it is going berserk but rather who can be there to stop that person instead of waiting for authorities when it may be too late. Thanks for asking sincerely, I love when I can converse with people without harsh underlying comments and what not. This was my genuine answer. :)

Do you believe the account that this was just one person that was normal and snapped?

Everyone I know that owns guns is a reasonable person that isn’t going to snap and shoot up ordinary people, especially with fully automatic assault rifles.

I don’t know what to believe but I always ask questions whenever MSM delivers a “fact”.

I personally believe that citizens owning guns keeps the government in check.

Why do we not see the following in any of the news reports, or photos or footage from cameras that everyone has in their pockets?

1) blood

2) dead bodies, or bloody lumps covered in sheets or tarps, etc.

3) bloody victims being attended to by EMT or being loaded into ambulances, or being unloaded from ambulances at the hospital, or being carried into a hospital ER

4) bullet holes or marks in the ground, or cars, or in anything

5) actually panic. we se people running with drinks in their hands, but no real panic

I think there are a few photos of dead bodies. One is in the OP, but there's a couple more. There's also a video that shows supposed victims being treated and the person filming (they're in a car) is asked to take them to a hospital.


Video I mentioned in my comment.

Doesn't change my first post.

Can you link to it please.


Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Video I mentioned in my comment.

Uhhh have you been under a rock? There were plenty of videos and pictures last night as soon as it was happening


Search /r/pics for "vegas" there is a blood spattered hospital hallway. There are pictures of victims laying.

Also, many were deleted over the past 7 hours.

Saw plenty of videos and pictures just after it happened. Hard to miss unless you only watch videos from major news networks.

They're in /r/watchpeopledie

Dude you didn't even look did you?

Also if I'm pinned down by automatic gunfire increasing my instagram portfolio isn't probably my principle concern.

What a great way to distract us from Puerto Rico. Wake up man.

Any ideas?

Not yet. But there was also an "attack" in canada yesterday. Look her up.

There is something about to go down.

Can't say what yet


Be blind if you want to be blind That's not my problem.

how was the edmonton attack fake?

PR is getting tons of supplies. The fucking mayor is a douche and playing with people lives for political posturing.

Yeah I know bro.

Here is a pr police officer on the radio spilling the beans.

You won't believe your ears

I am so glad I grew up in an era (1970's) where the news wasn't as fake and people weren't as cynically stupid as they are now.

Because from now on....every single solitary shocking event that happens will be shared by MSM then ripped apart by forums.

"Welcome to The Machine"

I feel sorry for the future of those under 35. Because humanity needs to go through this dark period before it can ever see the Light!!!

People caught posting emoji laughing faces while this was channel airing/streaming on facebook. Someone needs to log and screen capture who these asswipes are.

We need superheroes :/

The perp Stephen Paddock? Does not make sense. This guy had no motive.

Maybe he was a pedophile forced into action by the satan-worshipping illuminati?

See that interview with his brother? Bizarre.

Do you have a link to that interview?

Lived near Las Vegas and may have worked at Lockheed as an auditor?

Ok.. so... Top shooters with a semi-auto can shoot about 180 rounds per minute, but in short bursts, not sustained for a full minute.

Vegas mass casualty was 400 injured, 50 dead. "She said the shooting seemed like it went on for more than a minute. "


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Apparently they are saying multiple shooters with fully auto weapons. Could be bump fire but unlikely you'd hit anything after people started to scramble.

i just read that up after i posted that :( sad day.

This is why we have to be careful what we communicate in times of sa cial media. "Confirmed shooting at Tropicana" - false alarm. "Shooting in NY" - false alarm. Same thing happened here in Munich during the shooting last year. Hundreds of experts confirming shootings on various places, at the end all false information.

I don't think that phenomenon is related to social media that much. It's been happening far longer than we've been online.

More likely, the buildings on the strip made the gunfire echo and this caused various locations to think someone was firing there and call 911.

People running from the crowd and in shock piling into the lobby of a hotel across the street all saying someones shooting... People there gonna call 911.

It happens. Police are trained to expect it and quickly code 4 it.

This is video of the tropicana

Sorry if I‘m mistaking and I don’t want to be disrespectful regarding that matter. But is this the Tropicana? If yes, doesn’t this video underline my statement? I mean it shows two dudes „identifying“ some person at a window as the shooter. They see a person looking out of a window and claim it is the / a shooter. Or which building is this? It clearly isn’t the 32 floor so it can’t be Paddock at Mandala Bay, right?

Why are people shooting innocent people , why dosnt someone shoot someone who matters fer fuck

This is something I'll never understand.. If you plan to murder at all, why would you kill innocent people instead of those who you see as causing your problems? It sure as hell isn't random people minding their own business

killing politicians makes people happy, rather than spreading terror

killing politicians also only leads to similar politicians being elected, but killing innocent people teaches other people to change something, to change gun laws maybe or move away from the U.S.

Do you think most politicians are savvy enough to realize these events are caused by them and not independent from them?

I would think most politicians blame "the extreme" other side and move on.

This is the ban evading account of /u/FalloutFan2, and is a recruitment account for the kiked up Alt-Right psyop.


Liar Liar. Set yourself on fire. The admins will find out.

Especially when you reply to yourself like a fucking shill. You have to be a shill.

Honestly, I've been screaming for someone to help me kill myself for three years now. Nobody's stepped up.

/r/politics needs to be shuttered!

I wonder what impact this will have on international tourism in the area. Las Vegas just had record pot sales and then a horrible event sure to make international headlines makes way. This will have an impact on conservative family members in other countries who will influence younger kids not to tour Las Vegas for pot.

Does anybody know off-hand if the Mandalay hotel room windows can even be opened? Shooter created a hole to fire through? I thought the whole look of the outside building was the shiny reflective yellow windows.

He shot the window out.

The critical thinkers of r/conspiracy, ladies and gentlemen.

/u/Cubs1617 informed me that the windows were shot out, which is what I was asking about. Edgy banter m8.

There are pictures of two windows shot out from his room.

Lone wolf Fully Automatic "Hey guys, here's why need gun bans and even tighter security in public!" Candlelight Vigils/Riots Rinse and repeat

I see you’ve read this script before..

It's getting tiresome. And I am still amazed how many people fall for the ole bait and switch going on.

Why can't it be an actual view? Oh my people in our country like to shoot people, let's restrict that. Or are you saying mental health care in America is without flaw?

It's an amendment right not a negotiation because of a few bad apples. Absolute freedom means absolute risk, you take the risk or leave. Pretty simple even if you are mentally ill.

So why criticise people?

Who's being criticized?

So who did this and what agenda they will be pushing?

Or was it just an insane loon?

White extremists strike again

Fox just reported that the shooter converted to Islam a few months back.

ISIS said that. Not reliable.

I wasn’t inferring that it was. I was simply passing the message along.

Is this gonna be the new gun grab?

I would count on legislation being ready to go. It is also interesting that both times the SHARE act has gained momentum there has been a mass shooting.

lets hope so. you americans never gonna learn that having guns so openly avaliable like in your country is not a good idea. you defend the 2nd amendment at ANY cost. just cus "muh guns" . you dont care about aurora, columbine and other random mass shootings. cause "muh 2nd amendment". retarded.

Too late to turn back now... there are so many guns everywhere that you will never be able to get em back now.... the only solution is to make more guns or invent some sort of magical gun magnet to haul them all up into space or something.

Here's a take maybe he was fighting tyranny.

Lolol 10 butthurt Americans downvoted this comment hahaha you are so pathetic!!!

Same could be said for religious beliefs, throughout history has killed more people by just believing something.

as a european, how many more of these shootings must you have until you guys realize that automatic rifles in the hand of civilians are not a good thing. please learn from the rest of the world. I understand deeply your 2nd amendment, and your right to defend it. But it comes with a cost. And youve seen that cost time and time again, from columbine to aurora to this. Isnt it time you guys really looked deeply into your 2nd amendment? Is it worth it? I get it, at one point the government might turn against you and attack you, and you would want to defend yourself. But honestly, thats such an entirely big stretch that its extremely unlikely it will ever happen. Besides, if it does happen - are you prepared to just open fire against multiple police? IF that should happen? Are you even capable of that? And again, at what cost? Is it really worth it?

Automatic rifles are banned here in the states. Try again.

uh. What? So youre saying you cant go out an buy lets say a submachine gun, or assault rifle?

You can buy semi automatic weapons (one shot at a time)

youre wrong. I just did an extensive search to double check. fully automatic rifles are legal in most states.

it seems after a google search, that fully autos made after 1986 are banned, not those before.

Im not arguing, I think we should have more restrictions on guns in the US. I'm just letting you know you might have a skewed view of American gun laws.

Yes I might have. And I'm getting highly contradicting information about it. I've seen dozens of youtubers exhibiting fully automatic weapons. So how do these citizens get the weapons to show on YouTube if they are banned?

You are able to shoot them if you have a military background and access to shooting ranges that allow them to be used on premise. Usually the range is on a military base anyway.

Lol it's obvious you haven't done a single search on YouTube. Please do that and them tell me these are all military personnel on shooting ranges lol. These are literally people shooting off machine guns on their own property. And there are thousands of youtubers doing this. How did they get their guns?

They paid a vast amount of money for the ones that are still legal due to the grandfather clause. As others have tried to inform you, some weapons are still legal as assault rifles, those cost a lot of money. Typically people that have them have had them before 1986 or they were given to them by a family member or friend.

There's also the black market, or modding a semiautomatic rifle which apparently isn't that hard. Illegal to do it, but it's also illegal to shoot people.

Exactly. It's illegal to buy or own an automatic weapon. It's called the "assault weapons ban" and its been around over two decades.

a google search tells me you are wrong. Fully auto rifles are legal in many states.

Have fun. $50k each and it said there was 10. He probably just modified one. He was apparently a smart dude. I can modify my Glock to be full auto with a $50 piece of aluminum and 30 seconds.

There were weapons that were grandfathered in iirc, but in this case, im guessing bump stock mod

Yes i can buy an assault rifle. An Automatic rifle and a semi automatic rifle are two different things. Unless he had automatic rifle before 1986 it is illegal to purchase an automatic rifle.

You guys ate already contracting each other. Or we are talking semantics here. Question - is an AR15 or any other assault rifle, or let's say a fully automatic shotgun like the AA12 - banned in the US? Then how come famous youtubers in the thousands have exhibitions of various smg's, ar's and handguns like the glock 17?

Because people can modify guns. Fully automatic guns are illegal.

Sigh. Thousands of people are showing fully automatic weapons on YouTube. How are these people getting all of these guns. Just search for any fully automatic weapon and you will find thousands of videos of people showcasing them. All of these people being American.

Lol ok. Im telling you the U.S. law on automatic weapons and you still arnt listening. Just because people acquire automatic weapons doesn't mean that its legal. No gun law will keep criminals from acquiring weapons.

You still aren't answering my question. So all of these thousands of youtubers are openly breaking the law and noone bats an eye?

I am answering your question, you just dont like the answer. A) it is illegal to buy a fully automatic weapon. B) you can modify weapons to make them go fully automatic. C) i dont know how "rednecks" all over you tube have fully auto. See B. and D) look at some of the post on this sub. Seems like he could have been using a trigger crank on a semi automatic weapon.

and you are dodging my question again! How come thousands of people are openly displaying fully automatic weapons, if they are banned and illegal? Are they all breaking the law? Openly on youtube? One such popular youtube channel is "FPS RUSSIA", by an american who portrays a russian that likes guns. Here is a video of him shooting the fully automatic AA-12 shotgun. ( ) So he should be in prison by now, by your logic.

can you provide a link to one of those videos?

Of course I can. I could provide thousands of them. But it's much easier for me, if you Just go to YouTube, and search for any gun you find interesting and you will see hundreds of results of people showcasing them in their literal backyard. Where do they all get the guns from? Try for example aa-12, mp5, glock 18, mp7, ak47, akm, scar, or basically any fully automatic weapon you would like to see.

hard to know if those weapons are from before 1986 though. It is legal to own them before that year.


downvotes for this? im assuming you are butthurt americans who misread my whole post, and just downvote cause it seems im bashing america?? Im not bashing you. Im asking an open and honest question to you. If the 2nd amendment is worth the cost. I cant fathom why you felt the need to downvote this. Go figure.

It's just a very loaded question, and a misleading one. You put me in a position where I have to assume moral responsibilty for the crimes of a depraved psychopath, and weigh that against my right to defend myself from others like him.

That's why you're getting downvoted. Not because we Americans are "butthurt", but because you're using a tragedy as an unfair appeal to emotion. It's not even a question of the 2nd Amendment in this case, but I will try and answer it anyway.

If a concealed carry or rightfully born arms can save one innocent life, if it can put one of these psycopaths down before they have a chance to hurt anyone else, then hell yes. It is definitely "worth it".

So you don't think it would be better that that depraved psycho only had access to knives for example? That wouldn't be better because YOU want GUNS?

Seeing how high the cost is, for the high availability of guns in your country - is it worth it?

How high the cost? Your victim disarmament laws didn't prevent Breivik from getting even higher dead count. Was it worth it?

What do you mean, was it worth it? Was what worth it?

Depriving your people of the means of self-defense, in exchange for the illusion of safety?

Tell me how many school shootings or mass shootings occur in for example the UK, compared to the USA. One country has extremely strict gun laws one sells them in every town in the country. But to answer your ridiculous claim : a) guns do not mean self defense. There are about a million ways to defend yourself that doesn't include guns. B) illusion of safety? What illusion is that? It's quite hard to perform a mass shooting or school shooting if all you have available are for example knives.

I dont think that ad in the OP means they were looking for "crisis actors". It's Las Vegas, ads like that are probably a dime a dozen.

And would $20 be enough to get you to participate in a murderous activity? Who would go along with this?

According to his Linkedin he was a prffesional gambler and something about visiting casinos often.

Chance he lost all his money and wanted to go suicide via cop??

Or had untreated mental illnesses, as is the case with many people that snap and start shooting up crowds or random gatherings. If he lost all his money, the reasonable thing to do would be to sell some of his arsenal to stay out of debt.

Depends how much money he lost. He could have lost everything, if he went to casinos a lot it is likely his favourite casino would have him on the high rolling tables. I doubt it was 100% this motiviation more likely a mix. Lost money, fragile psych, not hard to see how he thought suicide by cop + taking anger out on people enjoying vegas might be a thing.

Seems like if it were a grievance with a casino, he would've shot up a casino floor instead of a concert. Plus suicide by cop is much easier to accomplish on the ground rather than a high vantage point. This dude was straight nuts and that's probably all there is to this story.

Fair enough. Just thought his gambelling connections might be linked to his story.

Is 62 common for breaks in mental psych (presuming he was a productive and healthy citizen before this)? I know early 20s/late teens is a sensitive age. Not that it matters, just makes me feel as bad for him as the victims. Hard to think something like an illness would make you do a thing like that.

Yes, especially in Bipolar disorder (which is also common in gambling addicts)

"However, large population studies suggest that mental illness alone does not increase the likelihood of violence,” says psychiatrist Michael Peterson, MD, PhD

Was definitely one of the scenarios I was imagining.

wanted to go suicide via cop

Surely not...Why would he open up on a crowd, repeatedly, if all he wanted was to get shot. He could have simply left the casino waving his gun around and would have accomplished the same thing.

He may owe money and this was some calculated fucked up to get back his debt holder.

Ex. Owes money to a loan shark who has some financial stake in the concert or Mandalay Bay itself.

If he wanted to go that way then he wouldn't have "taken his own life" before SWAT got there. And you'd think he would've put himself closer to the police so that could happen, not 32 floors up where he could remain somewhat hidden for a while.

Has anybody seen on the Today show Matt L. Says the leading Pulse shooting ER correspondent, Miguel(something), on how to deal with large numbers of gunshot victims at once in the ER, spoke in detail about this in Vegas within the month at local hospitals....I'm trying to get a recording.

Eye witness testimony is the least reliable evidence of any event. Just saying.

How much of a difference was there? Was it "white", "silver", and "gray" or "red", "yellow", and "blue"?

Create beige and eggshell

Sorry but a simple google search will show you numerous studies from around the world that say eye-witnesses aren't reliable. Technology is actually starting to play a big factor in measuring this data. I don't remember the exact study but when I was in college we were taught this in psych. Human error is pretty much the reason for automation

Sorry but a simple google search will show you numerous studies from around the world that say eye-witnesses aren't reliable. Technology is actually starting to play a big factor in measuring this data. I don't remember the exact study but when I was in college we were taught this in psych. Human error is pretty much the reason for automation

Sorry but a simple google search will show you numerous studies from around the world that say eye-witnesses aren't reliable. Technology is actually starting to play a big factor in measuring this data. I don't remember the exact study but when I was in college we were taught this in psych. Human error is pretty much the reason for automation

Sorry but a simple google search will show you numerous studies from around the world that say eye-witnesses aren't reliable. Technology is actually starting to play a big factor in measuring this data. I don't remember the exact study but when I was in college we were taught this in psych. Human error is pretty much the reason for automation

Sorry but a simple google search will show you numerous studies from around the world that say eye-witnesses aren't reliable. Technology is actually starting to play a big factor in measuring this data. I don't remember the exact study but when I was in college we were taught this in psych. Human error is pretty much the reason for automation

Sorry but a simple google search will show you numerous studies from around the world that say eye-witnesses aren't reliable. Technology is actually starting to play a big factor in measuring this data. I don't remember the exact study but when I was in college we were taught this in psych. Human error is pretty much the reason for automation

Sorry but a simple google search will show you numerous studies from around the world that say eye-witnesses aren't reliable. Technology is actually starting to play a big factor in measuring this data. I don't remember the exact study but when I was in college we were taught this in psych. Human error is pretty much the reason for automation

Sorry but a simple google search will show you numerous studies from around the world that say eye-witnesses aren't reliable. Technology is actually starting to play a big factor in measuring this data. I don't remember the exact study but when I was in college we were taught this in psych. Human error is pretty much the reason for automation

And yet the judicial system relies many times on on witness testimony to convict people.

" quick, you better give up all your guns now ya country bumpkins, so you're unable to defend yourself against maniac shooters of course !! 1 !!!233 3239Q4H9b "

Don't the claim everything?

Everything they can yes.

Good to see conspiracy has the tin foil hat on tight, regardless of who is president.

So now, Trump is looking to take away guns via a shooting of concert goers at Las Vegas?

OMG - are you saying that when there is a mass shooting with high powered weapons some people would say - shit man, maybe we shouldn't make it so easy/better track these guns.

I mean . . .really -

that isn't just a natural response? From people with 2 brains?

Like when a jet engine falls off someone says, shit man. . maybe we should look at other jet engines

That doesn't prove a conspiracy

It just means that some people have a couple brain cells left. . .

Its more sad that literally the day after the shooting... Not even 24 full hours later, its being used for politics. Maybe wait a little before using innocent lives to push politics. Or is it "Never waste a good crisis" and fuck the lives lost?

oh wait

that is the classic republican stance. . .lets not do anything now

You know, because not doing anything right away

will help us

not do anything ever

Not a Republican, but thanks for making peoples lives about politics.

Well, good news, they won't do anything

If they couldn't be motivated to change legislation based on kindergartners getting shot - they won't change a law for country music fans.

People getting shot is ABSOLUTELY about politics because it is legislation that allows anyone to purchase weapons of all kinds and ammo with little or no tracking.

It isn't about stopping crazy people

it is about stopping crazy people from being able to kill/injure over 200 people while being a old 64 year old man.

Crazy people will kill

guns will help them kill a LOT MORE

There are speeding laws.. So by your logic You dont speed..? Heroin is illegal, your telling me people dont OD on it daily? Your logic is flawed. If people want to do something, they will. If they want a fully automatic gun and dont have the appropriate license (which is extremely illegal) so they can shoot out a window of the mandalay bay they will get that gun and shoot out the window of the mandalay bay onto a crowd of innocent civillians. Tell me more how this is a political issue?

And all the previous shootings didn't seem to do much. Hell this one is actually causing more gun sales.

I just want to say that there's a guy name Dan Bilzerian who was backstage at the Aldean concert before the shooting started. He ran away when the shooting started, got his AR and went back to help people. I'm assuming with the gun. Not going to say 100% that this is why we're hearing a guy in fatigues was running around down there with an AR but it could be. You can find pictures of him down there with police (none with his gun though).

That's such a stupid fucking thing to do. You want to help people against a sniper? Get them down, hidden, or running away. Getting a rifle yourself is only going to make you a target for the police.

There was no way of knowing if it was a sniper or not. If it would have been a Paris style attack where the attackers were on site if Dan engaged the attackers he could have saved lives. So I think getting your gun out and try finding the attackers is something that may be called for and heroic given the risk of getting shot by the attackers themselves, by the police or by another good samaritan.

That's a good point.

I just want to say that there's a guy name Dan Bilzerian who was backstage at the Aldean concert before the shooting started. He ran away when the shooting started, got his AR and went back to help people. I'm assuming with the gun.

Why a fucking idiot. That’s a good way to get mistaken for a 2nd shooter by everybody.

People trying to play hero only create confusion for the police and anybody running around with a gun who’s not in a cop uniform is going to scare all the panic bystanders around them.

Sometimes heroes are necessary and it would have been worth the risk to get mistaken if it meant you could engage the shooters and end the threat. In Paris for example Dan would have been really useful because the terrorists just shot people in site with no one confronting them. Although in Vegas he couldn't have done much because the threat was concealed in a vantage point very far away, at the moment he had no way of knowing if he would be able to engage the threat. So I think if he came out with a gun he did the right thing. But the problem is what if there is another good samaritan with a gun and there are still shots ringing out, they both can mistake each other, specially in such an anxious state of mind. But I guess that's an acceptable risk which happens many times in actual combat in war zones.

This sounds like this Dan guy is a real idiot.

He is.

that's a good way to get yourself shot. How do I know he is not one of the bad guys?

I don't normally do conspiracies but

"In an interview on Monday morning, Eric Paddock spoke about how shocked he was to learn that his brother was the suspected gunman.

Eric said that his brother was 'not an avid gunman' and 'has no military background' while speaking with CBSN, adding that he had no idea how he might have been able to obtain automatic weapons.

"He had a couple of guns but they were all handgun, legal...he might have had one long gun, but he had them in a safe,' explained Eric."

Give me a a break. No military. No "10 rifles", and he was a 62 year old schooled retiree with a wife and kids. This is not a gunman. And who the fuck brings 10 rifles. Two max and a bunch of drum magazines would have the same effect. "An orgt of evidence" is what I see here. And for what?

Scapegoat.. Jesus christ, it's also the 100 year anniversary of the October Revolution in Russia which was orchestrated by the Jesuits which control most of USA.

Why would the jesuits want that if catholics are anti-communists?

The Jesuits do WHATEVER they can to serve their own agenda, they can kill ANYONE and EVERYONE if they have something to gain from it. The Jesuits are not bound by moral, laws or anything. They are also called "luciferians".

What are you talking about?

Given how unreliable drum magazines can be I think if you hunker down in a specific position to fire and don't expect to leave the place alive it makes sense to bring a couple more rifles.

He's not a shooter. I want to see the footage of him bringing in 10 rifles and 1,000 rounds of anmo.

I edited a quote of yours in to make it less confusing for you.

If you bring it in enough pieces i imagine its actually rather easy to get a gun into a hotel

I was surprised by how many rounds can fit in a single ammo box

He ca ould have put the all in a golf bag or a large duffle bag, probably made afew trips, does that really make it a conspiracy?

Well if the footage is missing or he didn't have that kind of luggage, yes.

It's vegas, golf bags are a thing, wow!

Regardless there should be tons of footage of him walking into the hotel, are we to believe that they don't have tons of security cameras. So the footage should be easy to get and pretty black and white. If we don't see it we have to assume it's a scam. It should go without saying

You have a good point there should be footage of him walking in with luggage where those things can fit. I wonder if there are cameras of the hallways also, that would be more useful. But if it was a false flag and the hotel is in it they could easily fake a footage.

They have never bothered faking the footage before, that I remember at least.

Yeah, it really isn't that difficult to learn how to take a rifle apart. They have those carts in hotels that can hold a lot of luggage. Probably wouldn't even need that many trips.

It's all a plot to get guns taken from The People. He was obviously given those weapons by someone. And with no military background, how did he manage to get those weapons into the hotel?

? With luggage and a baggage cart dumbass.

oh lord - you're going with this one again - this was the argument after Sandy Hook and nothing happened - what makes you think anything will happen this time.

Look, Sandy Hook happened and people died. But it wasn't Adam Lanza. Otherwise the security photo of him entering the school would exist. But it doesn't. Despite brand new security cameras being installed and one specifically to view people entering the front door.

the poster you are replying to did not mean that literally nothing happened at sandy hook, he meant that nothing happened in regards to gun control. Just like nothing will happen in regards to gun control after this shooting.

Things definitely happened. You are now technically not allowed to own a gun if you have a medical marijuana card for example. The mental health issue was where that went.

3 states including CN passed gun legislation within one year.

See: State Actions,

thanks for the info, looks like laws actually did change after the shooting.

While everyone feared federal legislation, the States were entirely willing to do what they were constitutionally allowed (and only they are allowed), which is make laws concerning the right to bear arms. It was, how do they say? A Kansas City Shuffle?

Two max and a bunch of drum magazines would have the same effect.

No, they would overheat.

It takes a long time to overheat two rifles.

LOL So each soldier is given 10 rifles to carry around in Afghanistan?

The UT shooter from the 60s brought three rifles, two handguns, and a sawed off shotgun. Just because you wouldn't bring more than two rifles doesn't mean someone else wouldn't bring more than two.

As for the son knowing of his father's possessions, who's to say? A lot of that knowledge depends on their relationship.

Right because his brother in Orlando who he hadn't spoken to since the hurricane and who described his relationship as "distant" has to have known every single item the guy ever purchased.

He was 64

So they framed a guy who would look like bad pick. Jesus christ, lay of the hash tonight.

He was a hunter though. But I don't know if he did it.

I'm not sure how accurate this is or plausible but the shots in some videos almost sound like they sped up or slowed down so maybe it was a semi auto with a bump stick?

How the hell does a guy hear someone shooting from a 32nd floor shout Trump? I would put this guy into custody. I wouldn't be surprised if he was an accomplice.

What if this is an inside job from the current administration to move the conversation past the failed response to the hurricanes? It a quite suspicious how quickly they are jumping to address the nation about this when with the hurricanes they were not so eager to communicate...

If you are on this sub enough you'd see the hurricane response posts. They have the aid, the government in Puerto Rico is trying to push their own political agenda.

Is this r/news now?

Indeed, it's only here that you could get semi-biased opinions on things.

Does anyone else remember a Craigslist ad that was posted on here for I took a screenshot and the picture is watermarked on August 18th on my phone

In any case, life is beautiful and don't let anyone or an event like this keep you from loving life. Love you all, stay strong.

I see where you're going with this. Don't do it.

Of course the police were confused. They had thousands of 911 calls pouring in, with dozens/hundreds of varying points of view. Everything remotely suspicious would've been reported, and they have to rule out each non-threat.

The total death count wasnt even known before politicians started calling for more restrictive gun laws.

Yeah. The conspiracy bandwagon got jumped on so fast that it is obvious that people here want it to be a conspiracy and will start piecing together anything to make it one.

Sorry what exactly is meant to be the conspiracy here?

There is always a ton of wrong information, and I think people are just putting the pieces together. Relax, hopefully there is no conspiracy.

A 64 year old male with no criminal record and no experience with firearms owning 10+ guns that are not easy to obtain legally, plus ammunition with which he killed 50+ and injured 200+.

That event is ripe for conspiracies. I personally think that one scenario is that he was killed and framed, and the real shooters are at large. But police probably won't even think about that possibility.

Question: how did he manage to open a window on a Vegas strip hotel?

It's not possible to just open them. He had to bust it out, which should have been noticed.

Strange. Someone must have noticed the gunshots too.

Fox News is showing two windows on the 32nd floor broken out

Ok. I'm not watching the news yet, but the thought had occurred to me that they should have noticed a broken window.

Are you really questioning if a man who shot a bunch of people would break the hotel windows or not?

No, I was asking how he did it since Vegas hotel windows cannot be opened. He had to have busted it out, meaning he would have drawn attention to the window prior to the shooting.

It's not like he would have had to break the windows hours in advance.

Probably Smash, seconds later RATATATATATATATAT

Right. I was just curious.

Or the first couple bullets go right through it and suddenly its open? Its not like it takes long to break a window.

I'm pretty sure they noticed him.

Yeah, I was thinking about how much time it would have taken between busting them out and then shooting. It must've been just right after he busted them out then.

There's no crisis actors there. You can hear rounds impacting in videos on YouTube

I'm a las Vegas local. This is as real as it gets. I know people who witnessed head shots.

What is supposed to be a conspiracy here? Some fucker killed a bunch of people at a concert. What else is there to it?

Hopefully there isnt one. Thats the point of mass compiling info.

That's the way the local police investigators probably think. But the guy could have been killed and framed.

So, to the people who own guns and train with them: Can a single man carry enough rounds to damage this many people? And how long would it take to reload? What kind of weapon do you need for this?

From a stationary position that 1 person is hold up in? Yes, without a doubt.

With practice and full mags, it would only take seconds for a reload..even less time if the shooter was just picking up already locked n loaded rifles and switching them out when they ran out of ammo (allegedly 10 different guns)

This is all long gun. Rifles. Not sure on make or caliber. Probably something popular like AK format or AR format.

Yeah fair enough. I thought he was in the crowd.

Not legally. It's sounds similar to the weapons I've used in the military. I can reload belt fed rounds in under 5 seconds, mag fed rounds in under 10. The shooter would need to change barrels after about 150-200 rounds at the rate he was firing.

whut???? I have had in the past several boxes of green tip 556 that I bought at walmart. 1000 rounds for $400 dollars. You could easily carry 3000 rounds in a suitcase.

the tricky part is getting enough pmags.

but change barrels at 150 rounds??? what kind of shit 556 are you buying? my Colt put down 300 with no issue. It wasn't quite sustained fire like this, but between myself and a few friends we put 10 - 30 round clips through it in about 15 minutes. shit was just fine.

He was firing A LOT faster than 20 rounds per minute! It's the rate of Fire that determines the necessity of a barrel change.

If you watch the videos of the incident you can hear one distinct weapon firing on fully automatic. Sounded like a small caliber too which is perfect for the situation.

I don't think there were multiple shooters involved this time folks.

The claims of multiple shooters include multiple locations; the videos from the concert aren't going to cover the interior of multiple Casinos/Hotels.

Of course they're not but there were no victims inside of any casino/hotel. So it's safe to assume that the shooter or shooters would be aiming outside at the concert. The people in a Vegas hotel room partying it up, or sleeping only to be woke by gunshots echoing through a large building, are less credible than the video evidence I've been looking at so far. It's not impossible that there were multiple shooters it's just highly unlikely.

The 12 second long twitter video of gunshot sounds makes it sound like a bump stock. Fully automatic guns don't speed up and slow down

Supposedly the shooter is a big gambler. If ge had a bunch of gambling debts he could of just snapped or maybe someone promised to pay it all off if he went on a killing spree.

Yep enjoy a debt free death... Wtf

Except he was a Millionaire with several properties.

Not to say this is great timing, but this feels like a great time to wag the dog with this situation.

Every week needs something new. Hurricane, NFL, Puerto Rico, Mass shooting now, it feels like these situations are never ending and could be a perfect way for Trump to try and claim hes "Presidential" I think however we can all agree its too much of a coincidence that each week has a new topic, while the important ones like his impeachment fall to the side.

I am not saying thats what this is and I am devistated by the loss of lives here. I am just saying it seems convenient.

With everything thats happened and how Trump knows how to strategically divert the medias attention, it wouldn't be the most unheard of thing.

bro,just go out and live life

-go to outdoor concert at LV to "live life"

-get shot

would have been better off jerking off to hentai TBQH

That ad for crisis actors looks more like an ad for paid protesters. One of the questions in the ad asks "are you ok with participating in peaceful protest?"

"Ad for crisis actors" Where does it say that? I read the entire ad, did I just totally miss the part where they say "we need people to pretend to get shot"?

metal detectors are going to be in hotels now

First mass transit. Now hotels. Why go on vacation at all?

if i cant bring my arsenal whats the point!

Forests <3

How bout we just ban guns?

im in favor of gun control, ESPECIALLY for the mentally ill but it doesnt keep guns out of places they dont belong. this will be like 9/11 for vegas. everything will be about security now, though it ultimately wont mean much.

any huge outdoor public gathering is susceptible to this, especially if guns that can be made full auto with high capacity mags are available

Isn't if funny how America's lapdog, the ISIL, was so quick to claim responsibility for the shooting (claiming the psycopath had converted to "Islam" before the attacks) despite there being zero evidence yet of any connection between the murderer and some organization?

You mean the CIAs puppet statement.

It's good PR for them even if it's a lie.

They'd claim responsibility for a dropped kebab if they thought it would get them media attention.

USA should ban white men, sinche they are the majority of mass shooters

Funny if the shotter would have been brown and i posted the same thing (USA should ban muslims, middle easterns, mexicans, etc) i would be getting ton of upvotes

Following this logic the USA should also ban all people who live in inner cities, or "ghettos" since they statistically commit more crimes than any other demographic. Teenaged drivers should also be banned because they cause the most accidents. All men should also be banned since they are the majority of domestic abusers. Women should be banned because they are the percentage majority of convicts charged and imprisoned with theft, larceny, and fraud. Also anybody who has ever committed a crime should be banned, since they are more likely to commit another crime than people who haven't. Juveniles should be banned as well, since they are the most likely to commit vandalism and underage drinking. Just because the majority of mass shooters are white males, does not mean that the majority of white males are mass shooters. Using that kind of logic is how the holocaust happened.

MK Ultra?

Video of gunfire that could prove the crank gun mod theory.

You can definitely hear a "galloping" to the report pattern.

sounds like 40 rounds go off.

i wonder why someone downvoted you

Comments in this thread questioning the Crisis Actor angle have substantially more upvotes than other topics.

Kinda odd given most r/con folks wouldn't trip on Crises Actor on way or another. Certainly on the table during these events, but not central to any theory.

I've noticed something siliar too. Seems like that it's more prevelant then previous threads. Almost every reply to a post mentioning Crisis actors is stating how absurd that notion is. They are pretty similar in sentence syntax and wording.

Yep noticed that too. Shareblue is trying to hide the crisis actor mentions. Makes you wonder..

Crisis actors end up being a small part of false flags. They are never the deciding factor for me. They are merely supporting evidence after the fact. Normally, many other huge flags go up signaling inconsistencies. Just depends on the specifics. We had a ton of injured crisis actors in the Boston Bombing vs just the parents in say Sandy Hook who weren't injured at all. They are present at all of these events but each have differing roles of importance to television and image so to speak.

Thats why they get paid $15 bucks an hour

This is my first time ever believeing a conspiracy theory, but... does anyone else find it suspicious that this is the best response Trump had to a disaster, and it happened right when people were starting to freak out over his lack of a response to Puerto Rico. Like maybe it was set up as a diversion and a tactic to show America's might? I hate to say that I'm starting to believe this, but I can't help it given the circumstances.

Trump has sent plenty of help to Puerto Rico, Jesus your first time believing in a conspiracy theory just because of Trump? Lmao fuckin leftie

Nice, keep perpetuating the left v right divide. That totally helps the country learn and grow.

No, I'm glad people would question the "official" story, but to do it because of Trump Derangement syndrome is a bit annoying.

Not sure how this could be relevant but here is the trends data for "Stephen Paddock".

Wonder why they were so relevant in 2004

The brother of Stephen Paddock in a interview with local news this morning

No wonder!!!

Hiding the coverage of Catalonia secession.

THIS is the most shocking event for the power hungry. Peaceful voters change the way things go.

Tractor Power!

Singer Luke Combs was just interviewed on CNN and stated he did not see any injured people. Just thought that was interesting.. Maybe someone on here can find & post that interview clip?

I have yet to find any wounded or dead in the footage. It reeks of hoax.

There's twitter vids of people,on the ground falling over getting shot

Words are wind, I have looked and found nothing. Any video links?

I've also been looking, save for the pic of the hospital with blood on the floor, and the girl on the ground with blood on her legs, I haven't seen much else.

listen to 911. multiple officers are shook with injured and dead. one officer got shot in the neck.

one officer said "I have 3 hurt, one shot in the head"

I think the wise among us realise what has happened here.

Do we have any footage of Casualties or Blood? I find it odd after pouring through the footage I can't find any wounded or dead in the footage. 50+ dead would look like saving private Ryan, this reeks of False Flag Hoax BS.

Just photos of what appear to be dead people, and people treating seemingly injured people. Ofcourse photos can be easily staged and I agree with your skepticism.

I think the wise among us realize what has happened here.

I think you aren't capable of rational thought.

Very thoughtful doug diggler

The sound of the explosion that was picked up on mic when they "breached" the hotel room sounds exactly Ike someone just making an explosion sound with their voice into a microphone.

I watched this all unfold live with /pol/ here's a recap of the events:

Times are PST - this is without speculation as to questionable/falsified claims on behalf of the news and police

~10:00pm - shots begin to break out over the Route 91 Harvest Concert

~10:30pm - videos captured and uploaded start to spread online, media begins reporting active shooter, /pol/ identifies Marilou Danley as a suspect who previously went up on stage and said/warned/declared to the crowd "you're all going to die soon" and begins connecting her online profiles, her husband Geary Danley is also found and identifies as a hardleft democrat.

~11:00pm - Police shut down parts of Vegas strip /pol/ and T_D continue to view various streams on the ground include multiple periscope feeds from civilians.

~11:30pm - people begin getting evaced to medical facilities, I-15 is closed, death reports start coming in.

~12:00am - police breach suspects room and declare suspect is "down" (reports vary between this time and later on when it's declared the gunman shot himself.)

~1:00am - admist evacuation planning and orders police declare they are still on the hunt for Marilou Danley in connection to the shooter.

~1:30am - death/injury toll is upgraded to 20+/100+

~2:00am - police scanners go quiet, sheriff starts getting ready for a press conf. (seen by local periscope feeds)

~2:30-2:45am - sheriff announces suspect ID as "Stephen Paddock, age 64" and that the suspect was found dead on the scene (piror to announcing this, the sheriff seen on a local periscope being handed the script which he reads from by a female reporter who quickly scurries away before they go live on tv)

~3:30am - at some point the local authorities declared Marilou Danley is no longer a person of interest in this case.

~4:00am - periscope removes all videos from the area

~4:30am - death count 50+ injured count 400+

Did anyone back up these periscope vids?

Dunno, /pol/ maybe? I wasn't smart enough to download them.

~10:30pm - videos captured and uploaded start to spread online, media begins reporting active shooter, /pol/ identifies Marilou Danley as a suspect who previously went up on stage and said/warned/declared to the crowd "you're all going to die soon" and begins connecting her online profiles, her husband Geary Danley is also found and identifies as a hardleft democrat.

All false. Why post this?

Because it's what happened, I was there.

Exactly. What he should of been doing nothing else than running away. What doe peopl expect him to do.

should of

Did you mean should've?

This is a bot account.

best bot.

So this a throwaway. But I have plenty friends and family in Vegas and they knew people in attendance at the festival. Thankfully nobody they know we're injured or killed, just very shaken up. There was definitely more than one shooter. My cousin was listening to police scanners live and they were calling in false shooting reports at multiple hotels. One person couldn't have possibly executed such a calculated and organized massacre by themselves. This needs to be exposed. A lone wolf attack is one thing but an organized strike with diversion calls being made is another thing. Fuck the media, this needs to be known.

I disagree with this statement. It would be very simple for one person to pull this off. In fact its probably the least chance to get caught. I have two big pieces of luggage (cause I self park and carry my own bags in) best there is footage of the shooter dragging bags like everyone else. Fitting say 1000 .556 (AR ammo) into a bag is does not take up that much space..the other bag is my weapons broken AR taken apart could fit in a small bag...but ok so say I have three long guns and 7 handguns...all that very easily fits in one of my wifes bags she takes on vacation....

this is actually not a complicated attack..IMO you don't even have to be a great shooter..where he was compared to the crowd you just spray and pray ...

dont forget about the echoes bouncing around the hotels and street too

This is retarded. False alarm calls were made by unreliable panicked civilians hearing and seeing shooters and threats where there aren't any.

Use some critical thinking, fuck.

I worked in a police communications centre for a little bit. There was one high profile shooting while I was there and they were looking for the guy all night. The next morning we had so many people calling in for anything that looked suspicious. People panic and read into things.

Extra shooter reports happen at every shooting. It's like shooting tradition at this point.

One person couldn't walk into a hotel room with guns in big luggage bags and kill 50 people in a crowd of 10,000 people firing full auto for 5-10 minutes? Ok dude lol.

I see a lot of fighting in this thread.

Can we all agree that despite every little nuance and difference of opinion, what happened today as reported over the scanners DOES NOT match with what we're being told has happened by the media.

and rarely does when something is going down...

I haven't listened to the scanners. What are the inconsistencies?

Multiple shooters. Shooters being reported by officers on the ground at a certain gate. Officers reporting the shots coming from middle of Mandalay Bay. Not just the north side. Mandalay Bay security reporting shots on two floors; the 29th and 32nd. I listened to parts of it earlier. These are just a few that stuck out and that I can recall.

Do remember that during the heat of situations like that, situational info is always changing. Many have pointed out that there are a lot of big buildings for sounds to echo off of, giving the idea of multiple angles. People will also being calling the police from the ground giving inaccurate location information. Not to say this is guaranteed to be one shooter, or multiples, but during heated situations like this, the information that is factual will be wildly different from the information authorities have during the event itself. They're just trying to cover all possible angles of the situation to get it resolved.

There are always inconsistencies. Bad information and rumors run rampant in crisis situations and police aren't immune to that. There were no windows out on the 29th, most likely a error from the hotel sensors.

It's almost like listening scanner chatter is merely that, and the result of many people untrained people frantically calling 9-11 trying to piece together and report an extremely confusing and traumatic event happening in real time.

And then you have idiots hundreds of miles away playing armchair zapruder in real time.

And you end up with the absolute clusterfuck that is the top post in a the sub.

when you're watching those videos from the ground most of the sounds are bullets snapping by the cameras. the gun shots are far away and heard AFTER the snaps. its a confusing situation if you've never heard the like

is this your first time following an event like this? There is so much wrong information going around all the time. No one has an overview of what is happening

Odd that this happened right after news starting coming out that the new tax plan would reduce corporate tax and cause middle class taxes to go up....

Puerto Rico

That too.

How long did the shooting last?

my best guess from listening to the 911 feed, 5 minutes.

I heard 10-15 min...

I live in Vegas and something just isn't sitting well with me about all this. The windows at those hotels don't open, specifically mandalay bay I've been in tons of times and their windows don't open. If he shot the window out, it should've sent off alarms, Vegas hotels are really vigilant about not being the hotel someone used to jump out of a window, or a fire. The cops blew open the door supposedly but those locks are all electronic, the front desk can buzz them open. I have friends on my social media that reported shootings elsewhere on the trip on their facebook, this isn't a 'distraction' cause they posted as they heard them telling people to be careful of the area... there's no way this shooter acted alone, and Vegas is infamous for covering up bad news, or making it seem less 'bad' -- a 1 off crazy retired guy is an easier pill to swallow than 5 shooters and we only found one.

If he shot the window out, it should've sent off alarms

it did. thats how the police immediately found him despite the thousand rooms

Wasn't it thanks to the smoke alarm going off in his room?

It would've been a lot quicker response than that. As soon as the first bullet broke the window (assuming he needed to fire a few shots), everyone is alerted and external cameras would focus in on the window (I know a lot of hotels have external camera for monitoring rooms, not sure if Mandalay for sure does). They should've made contact with the room a lot quicker. And unlocked the door.

You mean a full hour after the shooting started?

guy only shot for 10 mins

The second that first shot went off, the hotel knew exactly where. But for some reason on the scanner they actually said that Mandalay security reported shooters on the 29th and 32nd floor. And the official story is telling us just the 32nd and one guy. And why the hell is there two windows shot out?

Maybe a suite?

It's been reported he had 'two shooting platforms' set up. both of those windows are in the same room/suite.

I'm not buying the official narrative at this stage either. Early days obviously but something just doesn't add up

poor guy may have been killed and framed. I wonder if hotel staff was involved if that is true.

What is stopping the "men at large" from continuing their spree then. If they didnt get caught is there a reason for then to stop? Reports in situations like this get jumbled. There is always a lot of false reports because in the chaos people will report anything.

Whatever was their mission it is probably done.

I saw that they're saying he used a hammer like device to smash out the reinforced glass.... Right.

  • a hammer breaks glass easily

  • he started shooting right after and there's no police barracks on the 32nd floor

  • a barricade blocks doors easily

  • a Facebook anecdote? Really?

He was quite prepared. He had a camera watching the hallway. Also if he was a patsy then why does he have "no known political affiliations." Where's the logic in that?

I'd like to see you take a hammer to those windows and see what kind of luck you have. And it's not A Facebook anecdote, it's many. My timeline all night was "I'm at so and so and heard gunshots coming from (not Mandalay Bay)" I don't hold firm that they heard it for sure, could've been a lot of echoing around a bunch of tall buildings, idk. All I'm saying is a lot of things aren't adding up for me.

As someone that has grown up on the strip, they react FAST to situations.

Thu, Apr 20, 2017 (1:22 p.m.) FRESNO, Calif. — Acoustic sensors mounted on lampposts and telephone poles picked up the crack of gunfire and rapidly enabled police to zero in on where it was coming from. Within minutes, the alleged gunman in the deadly rampage was under arrest.

Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer credited the technology Wednesday with the swift capture of Kori Ali Muhammad, a 39-year-old black man who authorities say killed three people Tuesday in a bid to wipe out as many whites as possible.

"He was in custody within 4 minutes and 13 seconds," Dyer said Wednesday at a news conference where he played audio clips of the ShotSpotter technology. "Kori Muhammad would be outstanding today if it wasn't for shots-fired detection."

SpotShotter is widely used in U.S. cities. The Fresno rampage is one of the more serious crimes in which it played a vital role.



i think you are the only one arguing that. This news belong also in conspiracy.

LOL a live news report smh

the singer just ran! he didnt warn anybody what was happening. no one seem to yell over the PA to warn people!

He had to get backstage so he could tell all his fans on social media that he was ok and had to put a couple obligatory hashtags in their as well because you know people love their hashtags immediately after a tragedy. #heartbroken #stopthehate . What a clown.

He was wearing a cowboy hat, the biggest pussies in the world wear those.

He probably couldn't wrap his mind over what the hell was going on. He was singing and his voice dropped in nano seconds. I'm not a country fan at all but that seems like a normal human reaction. Just complete confusion.

Are you fucking kidding me with this crisis actor bullshit? You seriously think they're going to post an ad on Craigslist for $20/he and stage the worst mass shooting in US history with a bunch of randos off the street? I can't think of a better way to blow their cover.

This is the problem with conspiracy junkies. You find puzzle pieces and decide that they fit together without doing anything of the work to demonstrate that they do.

The pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are the same general color but never the same shape

The police sound confused. This sounds like complete chaos.

This is why I'm thinking it was a mostly organic event.

And that makes it all the stranger.




from 4chan thread "Watch any of the videos and listen to the rate of fire. It keeps speeding up and slowing down in regular rotation. He was almost definitely using a semiauto rifle modified with a gat crank: [Embed]

That shit costs 40 bucks:"

The audio in this video definitely makes it sound like he is using a crank modded gun.

That was my first thought as well. Its definitely not full auto.


I'm really interested in the Craigslist ad for "Vegas crisis actors" that was posted a month ago....

For reals, people think that if you do search for a crisis actor, you use bloody Craigslist?

Ya, you'd think shit like that would be on the down low and only people with no fucking conscience would be part of it...

But people do insane stuff for money...

Just not sure how something like hiring crisis actors off Craig's list could keep that kind of secret.. Dozens of people murdered and they think they need to shut their mouths for a few hundred bucks? (Assuming it's only $25/hour like the ad said)

The whole crisis actor theory is kinda far fetched I think. There's no way the average Joe, who is hired to be part of a mass murder could keep their mouths shut about it...

Archive it all!

What happened with the report of an Audi strapped with a bomb? I haven’t heard anything else about it.

It wasn’t true.

all the crying about "what if the shooter had a silencer"

Let's think real hard about who controls Hollywood, who's telling people that "silencers" make guns 100% noiseless.


Also they aren't called silencers but suppressors

yes, that's why I said "silencers"

I hope this does not create a shit show but, I have to ask this, what is connecting that post from CL with the actual events. Yes it is strange that it was posted 15 days before hand but I'm not seeing the connection. Is there any proof that people were supplied for this? And to be honest I have yet to see any actual proof that these type of situations have been staged. Not one.

Is anyone else out there wondering if Stephen Paddock was even involved in the shooting at all? Now, I know he may have been responsible. But I can't help wondering if perhaps there's more to this story than just that.

LVPD Scanners: Multiple shooters/aggressors

• (Edit 4 - MSNBC and LVPD (on the scanner) confirming at least 2 shooters.)

MSM: Single shooter narrative

• Edit 24 - MSNBC now saying on air “no more shooters involved.” However eyewitness accounts claim multiple. Let the fuckery begin.

• Edit 27 - “Can you please tell media to back off, we don’t have all suspects accounted for.”

• Edit 28 - MSM continues to push the “no more shooters” narrative. Meanwhile, LVPD keep saying they have not apprehended all suspects.

LVPD: Meanwhile, Stephen Paddock already dead (yet the chaos continues)

• Edit 7 - Suspect down, floor 32 Mandalay Bay, room 135.

• Edit 13 - Looks like the remaining active shooter is at The Flamingo

• Edit 15 - Male walking into The Bellagio with a rifle.

• Edit 19 - Shot fired at Bellagio. Automatic fire could be heard on the scanner.

• Edit 20 - Audi with car bomb was left by 4 males.

I know we don't have much information yet, but I tend to take whatever the media says and turn about 85-90% of it says and usually believe the polar opposite. What are you guys thinking on this? Was Stephen Paddock the sole shooter, part of a team of shooters, or even setup to take the fall?

Potential for a set up?. Rooms were ready and occupied, he was there for the weekend etc - room gets taken over, stashed with weapons by real shooter he gets shot, real shooter does rest of the work and runs off

Tragic isn't even scratching the surface, but I think there's more to it

What if he was a hostage? Got shot in the head and the real shooter escaped.

Exactly. These are seriously my thoughts. The media wants to talk about his gambling but the man was in vegas, of course it's probable that he's gambling. The man the media is pointing out now could be a bystander like anyone else, wrong place wrong time. They found weapons that are very hard to get your hands on even in the black market.

And police investigators probably aim to close the case as quick as possible without exploring possible conspiracies so they probably would never explore the killed and framed scenario.

This. Or the CIA steps in and shuts out the police completely. We will never know, but this story has so many loose ends- not because it's so fresh and still being researched, but because of what happened in the hotel room that isn't being released. Bouncing around from "he was shot by LVPD" to "he shot himself." Neither of those could be the reason or the answer.

The MSM story is a total wash. They take advantage of the ensuing chaos and confusion to give themselves 'plausible deniability' regarding the information eyewitnesses come forward with, or what they themselves later recant. This is probably gonna end up like Sandy Hook and Orlando, relegated to the fringe internet theories of a few tin foil hat crazies.

long shot here but remember this? any connection?

this was back around the time of mayweather vs mcgregor.

Please don't tell me you're so fucking stupid to think that they'd hire actors at 20/hr on Craigslist.

Man that guy on edit 26 saying the shooter shouted "Trump" should be on Stan Lee's Superhumans show with his otherworldly hearing.

Without a doubt this smells of a false flag. The deceased supposed perpetrator does not seem to fit the usual paradigm. There has been an obvious movement to create divisiveness in the USA and a domestic crackdown is to be expected.

So not only should we be scared of foreign terrorists we should be scared to death of domestic terrorists too! My god, what liberties do I need to surrender to feel safe?! Should I start reporting friends and family who own scary guns too?! Jesus Christ this country has gone to shit.

Things have been manipulated into manifesting this.

How do you know what something smells like that you've never smelled before?

This is a throwaway (for obvious reasons)

I am one of the people that responded to the Craigslist ad last week. I was NOT hired for the job as I did not have the liik. They were looking for people in their late 20s to early 30s.

If that means anything to you.

What's this about?

Someone planting false information.

There was a Craigslist ad that was supposedly looking for actors for a fun job that night. The link is posted somewhere in this sub if you search for it.


Well, call me crazy, but I'm not even convinced this guy actually did it. It sounds more like a gun deal gone bad to me and one of the parties went nuts (or maybe I've just seen too many movies). I mean, I think Paddock may have had limited involvement in putting the deal together (or something) and renting the rooms (perhaps), but I don't think he's the one that actually did the shooting. Of course, I could be wrong, and we may never know what really happened, but video of activity in the hallways and parking garage before and during the event would prove me right or wrong. I hope we get to see it.

Was any legislation supposed to be passed today? Any events worldwide we need to keep an eye on?

Pay no attention to PR and the devastation!

The thing is, I don't think that many people care about Puerto Rico or even know where to locate it on a map. I think you give people too much credit for being informed. Just like people will go along with whatever draconian legislation is passed after this shooting because 'it's in their best interest' or because 'terrorism'. You don't need to carry out a complex act of terrorism like this to distract people, just show them football and some athletes kneeling.

Very true.

Smith and Wessons stock was down 26% YTD

Edit 29- And tell me what the wise among us know the rest of us don't.

It's not just an obvious false flag, it's a badly executed obvious false flag.

re: Edit 30...what person, after seeing carnage like that first-hand, would refer to the scene as the "concert venue?" Who talks like that?

I think you meant "Edit 29". What he meant was is how convenient the shooter is now dead, and we'll never know his true motive. Now the MSM can make up any motive or scenario at their leisure. Even if the shooter was alive, we'd never know if he was duped, or brainwashed, or must made a patsy to stand there holding some guns, all the while the real shooter or shooters made off already.

HOW. The. Fuck. Does one shoot from the Mandela bay all the way to new York new York???

Probably an auto aim noob

I live in Las Vegas and coworker's we're at the concert.

My coworker's confirmed there were multiple shooters, some in the crowd, but for some reason Media isn't posting it.

there was also some bitch in the hotel lobby telling people they were going to die.

False flag. Had to be multiple shooters. We're supposed to believe that some untrained lone wolf, killed 50+ people, and wounded 400+ people, (using what they are probably gonna say is an AR-15 with a standard barrel length of 16in and firing 5.56x45mm) while high angle shooting from the 32nd floor (at least 320ft up), and more than 400 yards away, (and oh by the way 400 yards is close to the max effective range of that weapon) on full automatic, for less than 2min total shooting time. And oh by the way it sounds like multiple weapons of different caliber's. Yeah i'm no tier 1 special operator, but i don't fucking believe that.

Firing bullets in to a giant crowd is pretty effective.

So is trapping people in again


Check the_donald I'm sure they're working on a few as we speak

I can't understand why there were so many weapons in the room for just 1 shooter.

I know it's just TV shows, but when they find a suspect with an "arsenal" they instantly begin to think big picture, like there being accomplice. There's logic in that thinking regardless of it being acting.

They're saying 19 guns found in his room.


How much are guys getting PAID $$$$$$$$$$$ ??????????

I'd really like the authorities to report what specific weapons were used in this attack. Did they even find them? Anybody have updates on this field?

Based on this thread I have managed to determine it is a 'false flag' with this information:

  1. People who run top-secret false flag attacks recruit via Craigslist.
  2. The people running the false flag operation chose a person that would not normally shoot. This, of course, arouses suspicion.
  3. This was a drug deal gone bad. The gun fire was probably accidental.

What did they know about the Clintons

Rumor has it the shooter had pizza before the shooting too!

30 edits - maybe 5 true/confirmed... leave it to the pros

Las Vegas Concert Attack - Numerous Eye Wintness Accounts

There are 2 automatic weapons firing simultaneously in many of the videos. Am I wrong?

You were probably hearing the initial thud of the gun in the distance and then the supersonic cracks of the bullets. Either that or gunfire echoing off buildings. Watch the shootout scene in Heat for an example of it - when filming that scene they used the original audio because they thought it was more terrifying.

Turned on Rush, heard him on his soapbox about he's handling this with dignity, unlike others, blah blah... 1st caller - Accuses the shooter of having a cancer diagnosis, and being funded by George Soros.

So the first caller was someone from this sub.

So the first caller was someone from this sub. reddit.

I think it's clear that the incident happened. What's not clear is the motive. That is the frightening part. False Flag operations usually create situations where some new law is enacted, and thus more civil liberties are taken away. Scary times.

Radio narratives are pushing for gun control discussions to finally take place. That's the civil liberty they've always been after.

Maybe someone from the Deep State saw how "People Power" was pushing back at the police/military forces in Spain during the Catalan Referendum, and they got scared, so they created another false flag to create fear & panic. I know they want to take our guns away. I know they want us to become docile sheep. The question is how are they going to pull it off? The good news more people are aware about false flag operations thanks to the Internet. If the Internet ever got regulated then we're all screwed.

Good points

What about the other end? Gun companies looking to create fake demand to prop their sagging stock prices? They control congress so they know no actual laws will be passed.

That's a good point too... I just don't know. I'm just sad & scared for the future for every decent loving person's sake. We're all being duped, but by whom or by how I just don't know. The Government takes more of our civil liberties away, and at what cost?? Banning Muslims sure as Hell didn't work this time. If they ban handguns or MR15's, then what if someone uses a home made bomb? Ban kitchen pots? I'm upset at the loss of life, and if this guy named Steve is guilty then may he burn in Hell forever! But what if he was a patsy, and set-up to hold those guns in those rooms? I am just at a loss for words, and I'm emotionally drained. It's as if fear has griped the entire nation, and anything we do or say takes us one step closer to a Totalitarian State.

I just can't believe that 500 people were injured in 9 minutes.... by one guy. And he's way off into the distance yet he's picking people off left and right. Hardly any logic behind these claims, yet everyone is gobbling up the (likely) fabricated story like a Thanksgiving dinner. There's more to it than that. What exactly? I'm not sure.

Links are not working

I've been battling these tards all day.. Like all day in r/conspiracy

And there was a couple users that helped but, legit just eventually gave up

There was nothing I could do to prove anything. They could provide me with obviously fake news and I'd give real news and I was still wrong.

Its crazy they have a way to falsely sway so many minds. It's really messed up to even think a large group of people undertake such a task

Idk im Canadian, maybe I never really fathomed something like this takes place.

You I always see this as traitorist, act of treason, the effort they make to deliberately damage and corrupt the American people and the way it operates.

If thats not unpatriotic thing a think a citizen can do to its country.

There should be no way all this goes unchecked

Wasn't there just a territory attack in Canada like 2 days ago tho

Was there any blood?

I'm wondering this also. There should be trails everywhere. If I were trying to scare the public into surrendering guns, i'd show blood...everywhere.

Look at the downvotes on my question. This is CONSPIRACY people! Yeah I don't know what their motive is anymore. The gun thing always fails. Maybe it's just continual trauma to get people to shop.

actual blood at an actual hospital. Maybe it's a real one for once

I honestly don't know.

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Warning!!!! NSFV Extremely graphic. Dead bodies. Not even sure if I'm allowed to post this!;v=XGAp5PTNgbE

Maybe it was their ridiculous Boston Marathon blood that stopped that meme. The Charlottesville blood was tiny but mostly believable. Most everything else about Charlottesville was not, so that was an accomplishment for them.

Why is r/conspiracy covering this and not r/news or r/worldnews? Is reddit censoring this?

They probably don't want to cover it because it may spark actual debate and controversial opinions. Something Reddit doesn't like.

I have a feeling they are going to reveal the shooter was an anti-Trump leftist. Reddit is getting their ducks lined-up for it, so to speak.

It goes without saying liberal safespace reddit was hoping that it was a white guy alright, just not one of 'theirs.'

I mean it is a white guy though

A white guy who is also a fervent lefitst, just like the mods and admins on reddit.

Yeah for sure. Awesome ISIS is claiming responsibility too.

I've been listening to radio/news on all major shootings recently.

When the gunman is black/middle eastern the narrative goes as follows: "This is a tragedy." The nationality/race of the gunman is kept to a minimum, and the word terrorism is carefully tip-toed around.

White shooter msm narrative: "This is absolute Terrorism. White supremacy is the worst and most dangerous form of terrorism the world faces today." I heard that on NPR.

According to a reddit leftist, me saying the term 'MSM' means I'm a moron, afraid, and 'living in constant fear.'

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What are you talking about? It is being covered in r/news also.

It is literally one of the top posts in /r/news. Top 2 locations as of about 30 minutes ago.

Then why isn't it on the front page like top 3 posts at least?

As it happened hours and hours ago.

Over time, it gets fewer upvotes and the upvotes it has are worth less so it sinks. It is almost 12 hours ago now.

You're delusional. There are topics this large on the front page for a full day.

No there aren't.

Then why was it deleted a couple times?

It was locked for one hour and unlocked. It was never deleted.

Even if that's true, with things this big, there's surley some update 12 hours later that makes the front page. I've been online since last night and I can tell you I never saw one post in the top 5.

The original thread on /r/news was deleted, then locked, then deleted again while this was unfolding. It was later reinstated with sensitive information removed so we didn't have another Boston situation.

That could have affected its visibility. I found out about what was unfolding via this sub.

[Video shows muzzle flash coming from around the lower levels, under the 'M' in Mandalay Bay.]

Doesn't correspond with the photos of the glass being broken on the 32nd floor.

Im sorry does anyone else see some people acting like nothing is going on or holding their fucking beers in hand while sitting on the ground like its a drill. Also the reaction from the crowd when the gun shots start...just seem off. I expected a lot more panic and a lot more running. Why would you sit there, still instead of running away. Can someone make sense of very confused.

If i'm on the streets and I hear shots, I first wonder what noise is that and when I realize they are shots then I would either remain in place and duck, lay on the ground or run to a location that I think will provide me cover.

You are easier to hit if you remain in place. I would instantly run and worry about the source at a much later time. What is logic behind remaining in place and ducking. Bullets don't care if you are crouched. I wonder how many lives were spent because people we told to remain in place. I understand the potential for a stampeding innocent but that would cause a few injuries or maybe deaths than sitting still so the shooter can get a clear shot. Also why are you holding a beer during an active shooter event? At that point when people are on the ground or running away it should be clear that its time to ditch the beer and gtfo.

I have been in a couple of situations where i heard what appeared to be gunshots, so I'm speaking from experience of what I did. Regarding the beer, i guess that person didn't go into panic mode just yet, and he/she was still in the stage wondering what to do.

Yeah i guess i wouldn't know what i would do either as I've never been in such a situation before just saying i expected a much different response. We must be very desensitized at this point to hear gun shots and not think to run but to remain still and continue to drink beer.

It's not desensitized it is just that when you hear gunshots you at first don't even realize they are gun shots, although with automatic fire you probably realize more quickly they are gun shots but my guess is that most people would be more in a state of disbelief and wonder than in a state of panic. Maybe gang members in Chicago would panic more easily if they hear gun shots but people who are not used to gun fights don't really have a warning system in their mind that makes them go in panic mode for gun shots.



smells like a false flag.

These Vegas fat-cats - Sheldon Adelson and the like - ARE Deep State. No way they would crimp their cash cow with this. It's more likely retaliation AGAINST the Deep State probably by a state actor or perhaps Chinese/Asian gangs who compete with Adelson and his ilk.

If you see personal information in this thread please report the actual comment and not the submission.

Thank you u/Balthanos. I’m making painstaking efforts to find information and I am still updating the post.

I’m a user in good standing here, and I think you and the rest of the mods are well aware that I would not dox someone.

You and I both were updating this event as it happened. I was watching the whole time to see if you were posting personal info. It's all good mang.

Speaking of.. did you catch the female police officer who checked in from the Bellagio reporting that she was being held by two men and couldn't talk?

Yes. As well as the REPEATED calls of a man walking into The Bellagio with a long gun. What happened to that guy? Or the 4 people who left the car behind? This whole fucking thing is fishy.

Anyone who listened to the scanner knows that the LVPD was getting worked. They sounded like chickens sans heads.

The guy who went through the employee entrance, eh? Yeah, It's all fucky. They were definitely being led on a wild goose chase and they KNEW it.

Yeah. And as a Twitter user brought up; what cop says when they’re breaching over the damn radio? Seemed like a TV show on the radio.

Well, that I understand. It sounded like there were two teams in that hallway. I don't know if you remember this but the guy who set the breach off was on the radio telling dispatch that they wanted the other team to know they were coming down the hall about 5 minutes before they breached the door.

It did sound like something right out of a movie, for sure.

Ahhh. That’s what I missed (the second team). I was a bit inundated between scanning twitter and 4chan for leads and listening to the scanner while providing live updates. Thanks for clearing that one up for me man.

Not much context to go on here. Was this a bad practice, then? It sounds very careless, but I don't know what specific language they used, since this is the first I've heard of it. Aren't they supposed to have codes for this kinda stuff? Also, it's my understanding that police use secure communication channels, but still use open airwaves for low security clearance stuff. I'm not disputing you here, but I'm super curious to know more about what happened. No worries if you don't respond, because I'll probably do my own research later after I look through the thread a bit.

Thanks for keeping a vigilant eye, even on quality posters and regulars, regardless of how valuable they might be to the community. I very recently observed a moderation situation on r/portland, who – despite their rules – protected the pretty low insults and attacks of a generally civil and very regular user who has had a few rare outbursts. It's often difficult to differentiate many otherwise quality subs from cliques and popularity contests. My participate there has dropped immensely there, despite my being a lifelong resident of 39 years.

Regarding multiple 'Shooters' there were swat teams and off duty police officers going around the scene and hotels. I heard an eye witness account of swat storming into their suite and everyone inside thought it was more shooters.

Also even local people had weapons and were trying to help. Hell Dan Blizerian has on his instagram story a video of him running to get his weapon and then reentering the scene with his weapon.

Realize that this is a chaotic situation and yes people may have seen other people with guns, but it doesn't mean its some conspiracy.

What make a man do something like this?

Any more info about the car bomb left by '4 males' in an Audi?

Why is ISIS taking the blame for this? That's what makes this all seem suspicious to me.i don't think the shooter(s) was a guy who converted to Islam

Ok but why was the shooter's Facebook updated AFTER he was dead. Profile pic and cover photo.

Can't link because the page was removed a couple hours later.

Yes it's super bizarre. My mind can wrap around pretty much any part of this except for the lack of obvious or even not-so-obvious motive.;src=typd

Fox news does it again, 4 days early, they must know the future.

Didn't the Benghazi trial start today?? Coincidence??

This thread was down voted 500 times and has as many comments as up votes. Gee, I wonder which posters are voting this down?

I too am wondering why this is being censored and by whom.

Anyone else not able to click the eyewitness talking about a woman screaming you're all gonna die?

MK Ultra much? Dude was off RADAR and suddenly went batshit...

I'm definitely leaning towards the possibility that Paddock was killed by one of the real shooters. The injured security guard who was up himself???...yeah right. More like shooter with a self inflicted wound easily getting out with police assistance at that under the guise that Paddock shot him.

It was called "Route 91 Harvest," not "Harvest 91," named for the historical context of the highway and its relevance to the country music community.

Not to mention, the MSM forms a verdict before the authorities even have a clue what's going on. Yet, society is so brainwashed by the media, most don't even bat an eye at the fact that the media is always dreaming up a narrative (without facts) like a fiction writer. But alas, the media is truth, right?

Yeah. They have the cops running around. They seem to be moving north up the strip.

Those back robbers, if I'm thinking of the same instance as you, had the advantage of having significantly superior firepower and body armor for the times. The cops didn't have a chance until they got some better equipment from, IIRC, nearby gun stores and SWAT. Then they cleaned house.

Link was broken. I fixed it.

/you small like a an idiot


Egyptian North Korean. Korean - e = Koran

Did you notice the quotation marks? Did you read the rest of my comment? Do I really need to spell out everything?

/you smell like someone with reading difficulties

I'd suspect some kind of break-in is also going on with this event too, given there are way too many juicy targets in that regard. Multiple teams in this instance. Two or three are causing chaos to keep the police busy, and some other team is blowing into vaults. Might not even be stealing bulk cash, but transaction records and various ledgers which are likely just as important for big casinos these days.

However if that guess is right, I'm not sure if the unseen group is going to make the news like the ones doing all the random shooting.

Spraying full auto isn't a good shot

Exactly. To me, the “multiple shooters to one shooter” angle is a red flag. Listening to the scanner and they have not once said there was only one suspect.

Gladio B. Other link.

I'd happily engage with you Schotel, if I thought you were participating in this sub in good faith. I've been noticing your "contributions" here. Tchuss.

That was Dan Bilzerian

They're rolling them out in interviews on CBS news as we speak. Real or not these goofballs always pop up. The first girl who was there literally had someone else standing behind her helping her along with her lines. Like, really? Getting sloppy

This early in the stage of the investigation, they will be getting a bunch of misreports, uninformed people reporting, just a complete cluster fuck trying to be the 1st to report something.

They are trying to relay as much information as they can, some of it will be incorrect.

According to the Daily Mail article, the woman was also saying THEY'RE ALL AROUND YOU and you're going to die...

doesnt take much training to shoot into a barrel full of fish.

Agreed-I'm disturbed by how odd that sounded. Fucking models all day must have him desensitized.

As a side note, if there was a entity (that I'm assuming is of a profile that would require some semblance of secrecy and would prefer for this to not be questioned, so basically not natural terrorists) performed these shootings simultaneously in multiple places, and the game plan was to just say "one did it lol" as their game plan, that would a comically bad plan. Further I don't really get why they'd pull it down intentionally, it seems counterproductive to what I imagine someone would like to portray imo.

Isn't that how you execute an operation and blame it on a cut-out/fall guy?

Draw your cutout into a group, come up with a plan and then convince the cutout he's the guy they're invested in performing the operation. Only the operators know the guy really can't be counted on, so there are backup/secondary operatives who guarantee the mission goes down. The whole thing is planned so that the cutout is nearly guaranteed to get killed, thus making the "lone gunman" narrative impossible to question and the conspiracy's evidence dying with the cutout.

I'm not saying this actually happened, but since this modus operandi can be applied after the fact to nearly every lone gunman shooting, it becomes kind of standard conspiracy theory logic.

I guess Darwinism is still at work for humans then.

in the EU this is true, especially Germanistan

don't think there's been a single shred of evidence

Well, then you're wrong and possibly have your head up your posterior aperture.

Last I heard a woman was taken into custody but no name or description was released. not sure if same woman being described or another. this was heard on the radio

That's not the 1st floor

Is it possible those claims of multiple shooters were the gunshots echoing off the buildings?

Tell me what you know about Operation Mocking Bird.

She was out of the country during the shooting.

put em in bags and use one of those hotel bag carrying carts

Hotel baggage dude. Cart to carry it.

I saw the ad. It was for crisis actors. Obviously it could have been a larp. I'm just saying I, a person skeptical about the idea of that level of false flag, saw such an ad.

The reports of active shooters at different locations were likely 911 calls reporting SWAT teams that entered other casinos.

You alright?

Because he made up the girl getting shot story for attention. See how we're all talking about him now? He's a socialite, being at the scene of a terrorist attack is great for his image and will probably end up being quite profitable for him.

Why would CIA operatives know much about guns? They sell them, sure, and they have others use them, but for the most part, the CIA would rather use any tool other than a gun.

Things don't add up, that's for sure. A lot of people think it was either bumpfire, an FA mod or a crank mod due to the fact that the speed of the bullets fired didn't seem consistent.

The false reports of multiple shooters could be due to echoing of gunfire, leading people to believe there was more than one shooter. The scanner audio does suggest there were multiple shooters though, so I am conflicted about that. It could very well be a confusion tactic.

I think the biggest thing that throws me off is indeed the supposedly massive amount of guns and ammo found as well as the rest of the setup in the hotel suite.

The floor shown in the picture is more likely to be around floors 16-18, the hotel has 43 floors total. Then again I've also read that the layout of the hotel is odd and that it skips numbers (?). The flashing in the picture was also present in later live footage on FOX I believe, so perhaps it is not muzzle flashing. Ofcourse I could be wrong about any of these things, just adding my two cents.

Why are you here then?

I did not say they were committing terrorism. I said they were participating

You ignored the question. Do you really think there are people who answer ads on Craigslist to pretend to be victims of a mass shooting?

r/hapas was right

You can check yourself in at these casinos. Go check in without any bags, go back to your car to get everything and you can completely avoid the main entrance and bring anything you like

Automatic rifles are banned here in the states. Try again.

downvotes for this? im assuming you are butthurt americans who misread my whole post, and just downvote cause it seems im bashing america?? Im not bashing you. Im asking an open and honest question to you. If the 2nd amendment is worth the cost. I cant fathom why you felt the need to downvote this. Go figure.

If you think theories like these are just limited to reddit, then hah. These types of theories are rampant all over the web.

I thought it was weird too. I'm not sold this is 100% real yet.

Attack on pro-gun crowds, with a major pro-gun celeb in attendance? Smells fishy.

Holy shit that fucking crisis actor thing from Vegas was fucking real, holy shiiiiit

Because...Dan Bilzerian?

Seeing how high the cost is, for the high availability of guns in your country - is it worth it?

How high the cost? Your victim disarmament laws didn't prevent Breivik from getting even higher dead count. Was it worth it?

Everything they can yes.

🅱️ang 🅱️ang

because he is fucking tool

Any way to get to an archive without having to pay for a service?

Any way to get to the archives without have to pay for a premium service?

Just photos of what appear to be dead people, and people treating seemingly injured people. Ofcourse photos can be easily staged and I agree with your skepticism.

Obviously the former


Nice hastey generalization.

So interesting to me that they had to "breach" the room...

You can definitely hear a "galloping" to the report pattern.

i'm disturbed you've never heard of luggage or elevators before

It's called being in shock, it would not be abnormal for a regular person to start filming themselves in that moment, let a lone a social media star, he was acting like anyone would in shock.

You're right, the ads could be anything. But in this thread right now are people who will tell you that this is obvious evidence of a false flag operation and all of the victims are paid actors. Once the seed of possibility is planted you'll see grieving family members being called liars and two hour YouTube "documentaries" that people smugly post links to in comment sections telling users here to wake up and see the influence of Hillary Clinton and the Illuminati.

So no one believes the earth is flat, really?

And don't get me wrong -- I'm not saying this guy couldn't have been influenced by a state actor. I do think that's extremely unlikely but not impossible.

Easily done over a few hours, no one would notice you bringing in duffle bags, even gun cases are not out of the ordinary, nevada is a gun friendly state, but likely these weapons were concealed in large bags or broken down to fit in normal suitcases.

"Did you or a loved one respond to this Craigslist ad from 9-1-17? You might be entitled to a settlement! Call now!"

You don't know the context and death affects people in a multitude of ways. You people are literally bat-shit.

You didn't make a coherent statement. I'm sure you think you explained something. My question to you, then, is why are you sitting there saying it's disproven if you will readily admit you can't disprove it with the information you have? Think before you speak.

Are you serious? That's HOW you breach and clear a hostile room.

Blow the door, throw stun grenades and file in guns drawn.

You can't be this stupid...

I believe the USA has taken part in various false flags with real victims.

The dude does nothing but shoot guns and fuck bitches and post it online all day.

whut???? I have had in the past several boxes of green tip 556 that I bought at walmart. 1000 rounds for $400 dollars. You could easily carry 3000 rounds in a suitcase.

the tricky part is getting enough pmags.

but change barrels at 150 rounds??? what kind of shit 556 are you buying? my Colt put down 300 with no issue. It wasn't quite sustained fire like this, but between myself and a few friends we put 10 - 30 round clips through it in about 15 minutes. shit was just fine.

I worked in a police communications centre for a little bit. There was one high profile shooting while I was there and they were looking for the guy all night. The next morning we had so many people calling in for anything that looked suspicious. People panic and read into things.

Extra shooter reports happen at every shooting. It's like shooting tradition at this point.

He's flat out fabricating lies just to further a conspiracy. Wtf.

To address the machine gun part, and only that part, it's most likely he was using a "gat crank" or bumpfire modification to simulate full auto. The rate of fire varies widly within individual bursts which is a pretty clear indicator. All that means is he had possibly easy to acquire firearms that were simply modified.

If his life revolves around the internet and being seen it's kinda normal.

Kind of like if your life revolves around your family you'd probably call them immediately.

It's an amendment right not a negotiation because of a few bad apples. Absolute freedom means absolute risk, you take the risk or leave. Pretty simple even if you are mentally ill.

I'm unsure why nobody is just chalking it up to people calling 911 because they THINK the shooter is in their hotel. After all, all of these resorts are literally side by side and sound echos. Just because this is a conspiracy sub doesn't mean we need to skip over a probable reasoning for this occurrence and chalk it up to intended distractions.

In a restaurant you can try to go outside / hide yourself (under the tables, cellar, etc.). You can't do that in a subway.

That's why your only / best hope is: the people you're traveling with.

Before the scanner went offline, there were reports of active shooters at multiple casinos, but LVPD were aware that it might be a distraction.

So, false reports meant to pull cops away?

What I really love about you, is that you are acting like that is the only piece of evidence I’m using to say it’s a false flag whilst ignoring the entirety of the post.

How does one "act like" that via text? Show me where I did that or ignored your post?

Your observational/comprehension skills are terrible.

Ahh yes another juicy tidbit that resides only in your head.

I observe you have zero evidence and comprehend you are desperate to prove you figured out a conspiracy while believing a fake 4chan prank. lol

Wonder if he still believes in the tooth fairy? Santa claus? How about the well documented Iran-Contra affair? Watergate?

...And right away, he moves right into personal attacks.

Then why was it deleted a couple times?

Ahhh. That’s what I missed (the second team). I was a bit inundated between scanning twitter and 4chan for leads and listening to the scanner while providing live updates. Thanks for clearing that one up for me man.

Oh well then that settles it. Case closed.

I saw a Craigslist ad taken down for a moped recently. I bet that's how the crisis actors got around. Also there was a long line at Starbucks. I bet that's how they got free coffee.

It's all coming together now.

Welcome to your typical easily convinced user on r/conspiracy

In this video? I didn't hear him say anything like that. He was early on the scene so maybe he had a chance to be a first responder, but when he got back to his room he realized that SWAT was already handling it.

What's the message? That's assuming a lot because the guy killed himself

Long days and pleasant nights.

There are clearly two separate fully auto firearms going in that vid.

Well as far as anyone knows some bad guys broke into a hotel room and killed the guy inside and used it as a base. We really don’t know anything right now.

Sometimes heroes are necessary and it would have been worth the risk to get mistaken if it meant you could engage the shooters and end the threat. In Paris for example Dan would have been really useful because the terrorists just shot people in site with no one confronting them. Although in Vegas he couldn't have done much because the threat was concealed in a vantage point very far away, at the moment he had no way of knowing if he would be able to engage the threat. So I think if he came out with a gun he did the right thing. But the problem is what if there is another good samaritan with a gun and there are still shots ringing out, they both can mistake each other, specially in such an anxious state of mind. But I guess that's an acceptable risk which happens many times in actual combat in war zones.

What you're assuming it has to be all that, of course is probably not all those things, but it could be one of those things or it could be just hiring people for interviews on the news who knows I'm just playing Devil's Advocate.

If the CIA wanted this, don't you think they could strong-arm some key Republicans into supporting gun control laws? They're capable of orchestrating all these attacks but can't get Joe Bob (R) from Texas to vote for the "Obama takin ur guns" law? This is fucking stupid.

These are the words of a person that only knows what conspiracy sites tell him about the government.

Because he's famous and likes attention. Could easily be lying or embellishing the situation.

I'm your prophet, whether you like it or not.

Lol no one sold me on anything the dudes a tool.

No, I'm just pointing out that obviously there are plenty of braindead people in here that believe that.

how is all of this more believable to you then just some dude snapping and killing loads of people? im honestly surprised these mass shootings dont take place more often. and i definitely don't believe theyre all just made up. humans are fucked up and do fucked up things. especially when guns are involved, its very easy for delusional people to just point a pull a trigger.

Yeah to be honest I'm 99% sure that isn't the true motivation. This is a sub for conspiracies so those were my most conspiratorial thoughts on the matter.

Not much context to go on here. Was this a bad practice, then? It sounds very careless, but I don't know what specific language they used, since this is the first I've heard of it. Aren't they supposed to have codes for this kinda stuff? Also, it's my understanding that police use secure communication channels, but still use open airwaves for low security clearance stuff. I'm not disputing you here, but I'm super curious to know more about what happened. No worries if you don't respond, because I'll probably do my own research later after I look through the thread a bit.

Updated links, please!