You would have to scroll through 4 pages of "the front page of the internet" to learn that the worst shooting in american history happened last night.

338  2017-10-02 by notsarasolo

And even then it's an r/politics post saying that this shooting proves that islamic extremists aren't the biggest threat to america. What happened to this site? My money is on a handful of power mods controlling almost every major subreddit, and reddit admins designing algorithms that favor their monopoly.


I don't get it. Unreal this website.

Worst of all it seems that reddit admins are now panicking about how unsympathetic their userbase is towards the victims; reddit admins have just manually enabled a stickied r/the_donald post to appear on the front of r/all. Last year they created an algorithm to suppress thedonald that not only prevented stickied posts from appearing on r/all, but prevented any posts from that subreddit from appearing if a stickied post was made within the last 8 hours. The current sticky is 3 hours old so the only explanation is that the admins have manually bypassed their algorithm, but why?

Does reddit//all change for each user? I have a Mandalay bay footage front page. It is marked NSFW so you might have the filter on. Also our sub is #5 at least for me on rising with Mandalay Bay stuff.

This is what my /r/all looks like.

I guess all changes often. Right now my all has 6) about Vegas Victims and 22) Vegas blood donations and the Shooting Video is gone from the front page. I'm on desktop so my front page is 25 posts.

I flipped the screen so I could take a shot of the entire page, the last post on the page just showed up, this is what it looks like.

r/all is every subreddit, to my knowledge. It's separate from your homepage or whatever. You can go to categories an r/all is on the top. That changes with new submissions by the second.

I've noticed the front page changes from "not signed in" to something else once signed in every time.

Try using incognito/private mode, too -- sometimes that changes things (it's not just for porn).

Does reddit//all change for each user? I have a Mandalay bay footage front page. It is marked NSFW so you might have the filter on. Also our sub is #5 at least for me on rising with Mandalay Bay stuff.

not the worst shooting in American History. that newspeak works..

I'm not sure how /r/all works, but this is still all over the front page of /r/news.

If he has 200+ subscriptions to subreddits it might get buried but it was the top 2 on my /all.

Usual suspects.

/all and your front page are two different things. The front page is a summary of all subs you subscribe to. /all is a mix of all subs, with the exception of /The_Donald, which has been somewhat filtered by a fairly recent algorithm.

Stop filtering out major subreddits and that won't be an issue for you. It was #1 when I woke up this morning.

That's not true. I logged out and looked at r/all before making this post. The only one on there was from thedonald which raises even more questions because it's a sticky post which should not only have not appeared on r/all, but by posting that sticky thedonald should have been prevented from reaching r/all with any post for a period of 6-10 hrs per the new reddit algorithms implemented last year to prevent them from stickying posts and unstickying them once they reached enough upvotes to make it to r/all.

"this morning"

Glad to see some other people picking up on these things.

Picking up on what exactly?

Picking up on the fact that there are different timezones? You do know that not everyone lives on 'America-time' right?

Been on the front page since it was live for me

your front page isn't what normal people see, it's what you see from subreddits you're subscribed to. log out and look at r/all if you want to see what reddit wants its average/new users to see.

That was the point I was trying to make to you. Not just what we sub to however, but what we upvote or click on or participate in most often.

The algorithm is more complex than you'd think. That said it has been a while since I've logged out and checked the front page on r/all in incognito. Note that even if you logout it could still read cookies so I'd recommend incognito or a different browser

That's why I hate the reddit practice of limiting the submissions on any particular story. If a story deserves the top 20 spots on the front page, give it the top twenty spots.

When it happened it was top post on /r/news. I could also see the Reddit live sticky from the front page.

Not located on the 4th page.

I agree. Something about this is screwy.

I'm shocked that isn't a single post in r/worldnews about it. Still.

worldnews excludes US events.

Oh! I did not know that. Good to know.

I woke up at 5:30am Central Time this morning, and like I always do, check a couple pages of r/all on Reddit before I get out of bed. I had no idea anything had happened until I got to work and someone told me. First time in a long time I heard news like that after most other people. It's absurd.

Thats because /r/politics is full of a arrogant "educated" 20 somethings with zero life experience. Those are the people who will ruin america.

what the fuck are you talking about it was the #1 thing on r/all within 15 minutes...

Liberals have gone off the deep end for years... take everything they say with a grain of salt

This is grasping for straws. What reason would Reddit have for keeping this off the front page? If anything, it makes way more sense that they'd want this story all over Reddit considering their history of shilling for the power structure that wants you to be thinking about this.

This sub doesn't make sense sometimes. This is supposedly a false flag, to take away your guns, and reddit is a compromised mouthpiece for the powers that be, and for some reason they're suppressing the false flag? Wouldn't they be pushing it?

As long as we cover every possible angle every time, we'll eventually get one right. /s

I don't watch mainstream media at all and have no social media barring Reddit. I browse Reddit a lot and I only found out about this when my sister messaged me to ask about it. This was about 5 hours ago. Didn't see it on reddit until I looked for it.

I'm not a regular on this sub so thought it was strange that the only story about the shooting on my front page today was a link to /r/conspiracy.

Had a professor in grad school that had a theory about something like this, except it was a Ron Paul supporter that worked libertarian articles into a similar platform (forget the name) in order to expose people to his idea's prior to the 2008 election. Obviously he wasn't elected but it helped grow the party. Kid ended up dying in a motorcycle accident a few years later and his dad is extremely litigious to anyone that asks questions about his son.

ITT: people thinking their front page is the same as r/all.

I thought the idea was not to plaster this kind of thing all over the news to stop copy cats?

It was on top via live post and has remained on top of all and news since it happened, when sorted by hot. Dunno about your feed.

My r/all and r/worldnews didn't have a peep about it. 4 pages of my front page for the whole day had at most 1 or 2 small inconsequential stories about it, I would have expected a major post all day. Very fishy

Oh cmon this has been all over Reddit. I've seen it at the top. The real conspiracy is the shutdown of debate on false flags.

It was all over mine ...

If they wanted to silence you, wouldn't they just take down your subreddit? That would absolutely silence you off of Reddit.

It's not a conspiracy. It's just that a majority of Americans care more about cat videos than they do a mass shooting.

It would've been a lot more than that if the shooter was Muslim.

or turn on ANY public news channel tv or radio. Literally ANY.

I have to agree with OP. When I checked reddit at 8am there was only one large thread in my hot feed. This thread was from conspiracy sub. Could not find anything significant from worldnews or politics. I was pretty surprised. Usually both of those subs will have multi large threads going. Went over to 4chan to check out happenings because of the lack of inital threads on reddit.

This is probably because half of you have unsubbed world news and news.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot and it could simply be that Reddit is taking its users advice not trying to influence more shootings by over publicizing this event.

Not for me. I can't get away from it.

Shows up for me...