I remember seeing posts here early Sunday morning commenting on the huge jump of active sub users...

104  2017-10-03 by CivilianConsumer

Then a few hours later the shooting went down, now I see new user after new user shooting down and mocking theories.

Refuse to be labeled a conspiracy theorist. Correct them and mention you’re actually a Truth Seeker. Destroy the cabal with your words and ideas.


they came to stack the deck

I notice that declaring a person mentally ill no longer requires the diagnosis of a psychiatrist, and ghetto diagnoses is a way to deem non ass kissers as ill. To Hell with ghetto nurses.

Hmm. Hanging out in a conspiracy forum. Shooting down any thing that doesn't flit the msm narrative. Hmm

The shillvary Has arrived

It is so blatantly obvious too

Yep. Testing out their botnet to make sure it was ready to roll for the shooting.

Honestly it's eerie how much they are a presence here and feel the need to control. They're afraid.

certainly nothing interesting in the easily available statistics


Yesterday's subscriber growth was at a 2 year high for a daily spike. That could of course be a reaction to the event.

It was healily noticed Saturday also.

Thanks I just realized it was Saturday too. Wonder if they decided to wait a day? So many coincidences

Wear conspiracy proudly, i use to hate the label and avoided those who spoke about conspiracies

just trying to get my liberal jive on by trying to forecast the next 8 years on the in-party's plan. The last 5 years has been a wild ride. With CTR and shareblue accusing every liberal of being a conspiracy theorist.

They dun goof'd up i think, attacking everyone who won't swallow down propaganda about russia...they broke the wheel trying to spin too hard.

I know because i read about seth rich and pizzagate