MKUltra "Sleepers". One minute you're baking cookies, next minute you hear the trigger word and you are a deadly assassin.

29  2017-10-03 by wildfireonvenus

US Government Mind Control How the United States Government Finds, Chooses and Creates "Sleepers" There is a huge effort to supress any and all information regarding the United States government sponsored experimentation on human subjects for the purpose of mind control and ultimately assassination. Early US efforts at developing the methods of mind control date back to the 1950's project Monarch and the infamous Project MK-Ultra (The MK, in spy-speak sophistry, stands for Mind Control)

Through a combination of hypnosis and powerful drugs it was discovered that a human subject could in fact be programmed to kill at hearing a "trigger" word or command that had been planted in a subject's mind through intensive programming effort.

Through these mind control techniques, subjects are first “de-patterned” by manipulating their individual mental states and altering their brain functions. This is done through E.C.T (Electro Convulsion Therapy), the administration of drugs, hypnosis, sensory and sleep deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other various forms of torture.

Jesse Eisenberg is a stoner and a sleeper assassin in this bloody American Ultra American Ultra sees him play a stoner convenience store clerk turned into a super-lethal sleeper agent by a code word. As the movie's new red-band trailer shows, he's suddenly able to disarm goons with his hands, ricochet bullets off frying pans into torsos, and murder people with spoons.

I met an MKUltra Trainer.


"oatmeal raisin" activate

It could very well be.

Of course its possible, and I'll just leave this here:

So why didn't he start killing everyone?

Wasn't a kill trigger.'s a trigger to just make him stare into space?

It's whatever they want to do with him. That's how it works. They are in control.

I doubt they'd want to risk their cover by making him look like a fuckin weirdo.

His trigger word was initiated, which put him in a trance. Why would he just go on a rampage? You are just showing you are more retarded than most people here, sorry. That's not how it works...

I don't understand much sleeper agents in general, honestly. I guess I drew the wrong idea. But it's weird that Al Roker was triggered but nothing really happened afterwards. He hasn't been involved in a mass shooting yet.

I figured it was Holy Ghost.

They do mess with the reporters. Did you ever see the videos that show how reporters start speaking gibberish?

Wow. I know I could get incoherent when I was having a panic attack (used to happen due to meds, not anymore), but this is on an entirely different level. The most surprising aspect is that they continue to ramble on, long after noticing that they're not making any sense.

Granted, part of it may be due to a monitoring malfunction. If the news readers get their own voice fed back to them (I'm not sure that they do) the way singers on stage do, it could occur that some kind of hardware issue introduces a delay in the circuitry that feeds them back their own voice a couple of moments late. It becomes virtually impossible to talk coherently from then on.

The dude on the radio sounds more like he was in the process of having a stroke.

Stop using this video as some mkultra proof. He reacted that way because there's a pretty easy catholic paedo joke in there. I make the same face when I want to say a joke I really shouldn't make.

Like Winter Solider or Zoolander.

So this trigger made the guy buy multiple guns and ammo... book a hotel room, travel to Vegas and then massacre 40+ country music fans.

That's a pretty odd situation to program into your mind controlled sleeper agent.

Maybe r/conspiracy should stop trying to twist every event into something it's not.

It's like death note.

There could have been many assassins involved???

That doesn't address what I said at all.. in fact it just complicates things further... Why have a sleeper if there are others involved... do you picture the other assassins also being programmed? If so Why? Aren't sleeper agents used for infiltration? Isn't it a spy tactic? Your train of thinking is irrational.

The sleeper is the patsy.

upvote for the title.

The St John Neumann School in Pueblo Colorado has a very bizarre story about 60's mind control of a choir boy. The boy kille Priests.

I went to this kind of summer camp and all I can remember is that I'm glad Hillary lost.

Nope. 100% bullshit. It's a cinematic/literary plot device and everyone seems to have bought into it wholeheartedly thanks to - GASP! - being brainwashed by films and TV shows!!! Congratulations. You just admitted you are being mentally controlled!

Writers love to write themselves as the hero. You used American Ultra as a reference, a movie written by Max Landis, a known socially-awkward and spoiled stoner brat. The lead was Jesse Eisenberg. Hmm. Is it really believable to you that the uttering of a codeword could enable someone to commit spoon-murder or any other sort of superhuman feat?

Never mind the mental aspect - how do you explain the physical aspect? Muscle memory? I was out chopping wood last week. Haven't chopped wood in probably fifteen years. Sure, I remembered how to chop wood - but holy shit after ten minutes I was struggling to swing the axe. The next day I could barely move.

I'm sure someone could be swayed and actually consciously convinced to commit some heinous act - but to outright just completely snap and go from Mall Santa to Supadupa Ninja Warrior all of a sudden? Nope. Bullshit.

Nope. 100% bullshit. It's a cinematic/literary plot device and everyone seems to have bought into it wholeheartedly thanks to - GASP! - being brainwashed by films and TV shows!!! Congratulations. You just admitted you are being mentally controlled!

Writers love to write themselves as the hero. You used American Ultra as a reference, a movie written by Max Landis, a known socially-awkward and spoiled stoner brat. The lead was Jesse Eisenberg. Hmm. Is it really believable to you that the uttering of a codeword could enable someone to commit spoon-murder or any other sort of superhuman feat? Or is it more believable that some fucking loser thinks it would be cool if he wasn't actually a loser?

Never mind the mental aspect - how do you explain the physical aspect? Muscle memory? I was out chopping wood last week. Haven't chopped wood in probably fifteen years. Sure, I remembered how to chop wood - but holy shit after ten minutes I was struggling to swing the axe. The next day I could barely move.

I'm sure someone could be swayed and actually consciously convinced to commit some heinous act - but to outright just completely snap and go from Mall Santa to Supadupa Ninja Warrior all of a sudden? Nope. Bullshit.

Stoner Easy Who You? When You Are Become You A Ultra American Lethal Stoner Who Are You A Bloody American Ultra American Bloody Stoner Super Lethal to Become when you Emerge and Transform to Destiny of Who You Are a Stoner Ultra Lethal it is Cool have you seen Cocoon it is Ultra You A Secret Stoner Ultra Lethal American Hero You Can Become You.

There's a lot of movies on it. Unfortunately you're sadly mistaken. You really need to read up on it, there's years worth of references, interviews, victims, and research that has been done. There are even actual lawsuits that have been filed against the government by MKUltra victims that can be found with a simple search. Look at famous mkultra victims like Ted Kaczynski. It's people like you that keep the truth buried all because it just doesn't sound "Normal".

And, no offense, but it's people like you that pervert the word "truth" to suit your own means.

Your ignorance doesn't offend me.

So what if i told you that I was, in fact, an MK Ultra handler? Would you believe me? Why not?

Why why not? Why not why or why not?




I blame /r/333

Nope. Don't need to go that far. This guy was framed, coerced, then shot. He wasn't the shooter.

yep been saying this all day

The most recent/scary electronic harassment I experienced was completely blacking out, doing something and had my memory of doing it erased. I found out from the evidence later because I woke up not remembering going to sleep and they wanted me to find out so it'd scare me.

I realize this is a mental illness symptom, I'm not ill, at least not enough to dissociate like that...come on.