People say conspiracy theorist are crazy but will watch a Tom Cruise movie about the CIA buying transporting and selling cocaine to fund a revolution, which was a proven conspiracy. They now say the Afghanistan opiate trade is a conspiracy...

2833  2017-10-03 by showmeurboobsplznthx


Normalization. Oh, it's happening, but what can we do?

Occupy your local centre of government. Everything else is concern trolling.

It's the only source of income for a lot of poor, rural people in Afghanistan.. It's been that way for hundreds or thousands of years. The taliban used to cut down the fields and families would starve because they had no money.. The poppy is extremely drought tolerant and requires little nutrients. Other crops are the opposite. The soil is barren semi-desert in a lotof places and it's the poppy is the only crop they can grow. That's why soldiers were guarding poppy fields

Personally I try to shut down the silly conspiracies. Legitimate conspiracies all too often get lumped in with interdimensional pedophilic vampires or the lizard people running the deep state government.

In my opinion this is done on purpose.

I also try to shut down ideas that I judge unworthy because I am the only unbiased source on who can decide what is reasonable.

I think that is a very good strategy in the long run...
The more movies like that come out, the more normal people will believe all the crap to be movie plots...

I mean, how often have I gotten the "you watch too many movies" remark when I tried to explain conspiracy theories with people...

Goddamnit, I just typed out a long post about this and now I see you said it in three fucking sentences.

If you want to see a great example of this, watch the latest season the The X-Files.

Is that why the movie about geo-engineering is coming out RIGHT after all these hurricanes?

Wow, you weren't messing around:

The blatancy infuriating. People are going to come away from these movies and question the acting rather than how their intelligence is being insulted.

being labeled a loon is part of the conspiracy experience. i wouldn't have it any other way

I would.

Society couldn't function if a majority could find plausibility, let alone acceptance, in anything but the official/apparent narrative.

It's because they are extremely brainwashed. We Conspiracy Theorist don't take the brainwashing seriously enough.

No one has made a movie about CIA drug smuggling out of Afghanistan yet dummy.

It is not real until they make a movie about it, dummies.


So I guess you didn't see Jack Reacher: Never Go Back then.

Oh, I want to see that. It is in my line up of stuff to watch.

Definitely not as good as the first one, but still pretty entertaining.

Knowledge of American involvement in the opium trade during the Vietnam war didn't really start coming out until ten years after the fact.

It was supposed to be about stopping the spread of Communism. The war itself dragged on for over a decade without a satisfactory resolution. It also just happened to take place right next door to the Golden Triangle, which was the largest center of opium production in the world at that time.

Now we have "The War on Terror". The war itself has dragged on for over a decade without a satisfactory resolution. It also just happens to take place in Afghanistan, which is the largest center of opium production in the world right now.

Funny how things never change. Even more funny how most people never notice.

I called the heroin wave after the invasion. Several close friends were amongst the initial special operations guys on the ground. All kinds of shady deals made early and maintained to the current day. We allied with opium dealers against the taliban who were hardcore anti drug at the time.

I emailed back in 2002 because they were running ads showing people removing weapons from the trunk of a car and said that if you buy drugs you are supporting terrorists. I am sure my email pointing out the obvious fallacy of the fact that the Taliban was working hard to reduce opium cultivation and bumper crops have been producing ever since US occupation but I doubt anyone gave the email an actual read.

I remember those commercials, and my recollection is of Pot being demonized in particular. I remember thinking that your purchase of weed probably funded a Grateful Dead or Phish tour.

Yeah, they were mostly anti-Marijuana ads from what I remember.

At a time when the U.S. received most of it's fine green from Canada .... the land of terrorists?

Or California or any state of the union really. Marijuana prohibition came about because of racism and the cotton lobby. The drug war is a farcical failed experiment and it needs to end. If all of the money earmarked for the drug war was redistributed to mental health and harm reduction strategies we could save so many from suffering.

Never heard the cotton lobby angle before. Could you elaborate?

Hemp was going to replace everything because it has a bazillion uses.

Oh I didn't know if there were specific companies or lobbyist involved and stuff like that. Just curious about the historic figures involved.

But yeah, absolutely right about hemp having many different uses and most better than other natural products.

Harry Anslinger and William Randolph Hearst ran made up stories about marijuana. Along with the Du Pont company supporting the two, which enriched them a great deal. There is a significant amount of historical facts that you can look into.

Nice! Thank you. Appreciate that.

Chasing the scream is a pretty good read. Goes into Anslinger and some of the wars/current policies

Get yourself a copy of the book " The Emperor Wears No Clothes" it will give you all the answers you need about the bs campaign against " the devil's weed" by the great US government.

Alcohol lobbies, pharmaceutical companies, police nnions, private prisons, etc. They all fund lobbying efforts to keep weed illegal. Here's a link:

"America's Drug Companies Are Bankrolling The Crusade Against Legal Weed"

There were a number of early US industries that felt threatened by weed/hemp including cotton, tobacco, and paper (and now big pharma). Hemp has so many uses its actually ridiculous.

The point of the 'war on drugs' is not to keep it away from US citizens. Its purpose is two-fold: - to criminalize Nixon's political threats around 1971; the antiwar left and blacks

"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying?" Ehrlichman told Baum. "We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."

- to disrupt competition from Latin America on the US illegal drug market;

The CIA is heavily invested in the production and distribution of narcotics, for the purpose of financing unacknowledged black projects with money that never reaches the surface. The billions earned from this drug industry can be used to finance terrorism and such, without anyone knowing these funds ever existed.

Of course the cotton lobby was involved in the marijuana ban, but mostly the secret services want to sell their goods domestically before the Latinos do.

You guys know that most of the heroin in the us comes from mexico?

Depends on where you are at. Pure opium is sold by war lords in Afghanistan to refiners in Pakistan associated with the ISI who in turn does deals with the CIA for guns, or viagra(not kidding). The Mexican cartels make brown tar shit often from high quality product they purchase rather than produce. To state what should be obvious here the CIA works with drug cartels all over the world, and if a group fucks them over they put dea on them.

Wouldn't surprise me if the CIA was running the heroin trade through the cartels, they do have the distribution. Also, if the brother of the US installed president of Afghanistan was on the CIA's pay roll and a huge Heroin dealer](, I don't see why they wouldn't work with an organization like the Mexican Cartels who probably have great references from HSBC & Wachovia/Well Fargo.

Right? I firmly believe that the drug war has allowed CIA to finance anti American activities all over the globe. Worst part is that much of the money comes from American desire for otherwise cheaply made products that are over valued due to the huge profits possible because of this stupid crusade.

Not sure I understand you. Are you saying that rather than producing the tar heroin, the Mexican cartels instead purchase high quality refined heroin and intentionally turn that into a lower grade "tar-type" heroin?

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Can you post that again I missed it.

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Bro, I have seen some repeat comment posts on Reddit but yours takes the cake. Connection error! :)

It's interesting, I've seen this glitch happen a few times on controversial comments in the past couple months.

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold."

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold." I have little doubt the same is true for meth and heroin.

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold." I have little doubt the same is true for meth and heroin.

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold." I have little doubt the same is true for meth and heroin.

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold." I have little doubt the same is true for meth and heroin.

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold." I have little doubt the same is true for meth and heroin.

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold." I have little doubt the same is true for meth and heroin.

Judging by the methodology of the Los Zetas, the CIA also has a hand in the violence occurring in Mexico. Also interestingly enough I have heard several military say they are instructed to provide security for the transport of cocaine as the it is already "sold." I have little doubt the same is true for meth and heroin.

I'll predict the future. Next wave will be uppers. Doctors over prescribing vyaneese and adderall to college kids. Shitty parents not spending time with their kid and when the kid acts out, parents put the lil munchkin on Jr. Meth. Just like the uptake of prescribed opiates, the speed seeds are being planted.

Yeah, but most uppers can be produced pretty much anywhere, unlike opium and cocaine.

This is already happening. I spent 4-5 years at a popular, major university and vyvanse and adderall were easier to find than weed or cocaine

5 years

You'd think the amphetamines would make you study better.

I’m guessing you got a degree in 3 years or less from a prestigious university as well. Or probably fucking not

I hope not. I hate uppers. Opiates at least feel good. Being up for days watching porn and masterbating gets old

Uppers are pretty good if you take a small amount to function properly. They're just shit for recreational highs.

I guess. Meth has a good rush IV but it's the 8 hours after that which kinda suck

Jesus Christ 8 hours? I thought the come-downs from adderall were bad.

Meth high lasts a long time. One shot and you won't be sleeping for 24-36 hours

Yep, feel good for an hour to feel like shit for two days no way. Opiates suck with the addiction but feel amazing. Good stuff can keep ya going 12 hours before feeling sick.

There is some kind of fake heroin going around. Made from codeine base instead of morphine. Burns terrible but sometimes works.

Yeah opiates are pretty amazing until you run out. I've been addicted 10 years now. I'm on methadone now but I still miss the high and low of heroin. It made me feel very alive

@csthetruth & @GeorgWebb are taking down all forms of #Ratlines. From #PakistaniMangos & #DU to #HeartsFromHaiti & #PedoGate.

Even more funny how most people never notice.

I wouldn't consider this all that funny.

Sad. Yes.

Rage inducing. Yes.

Funny, not so much.

I don't think he was using funny in a hahaha context.

I ask this because I am not knowledgeable about the production process of opium flowers, but wouldn't it be easy to make a huge plantation somewhere hidden in the United States and make our own instead of using these massively expensive wars as a cover to take over foreign farms? Maybe it's because of the specific climates needed?

You deserve top comment.

The Afghanistan war is also being prolonged unnecessarily to steadily drain the military budget into the corporations in the military-industrial complex.

What I don't understand is why do all this over Drugs? Just make it legal so you can tax it and get bunch of legal money from it. Why do all this covert stuff just to get Drug money? That's what don't make sense to me.

Also vast quantities of lithium are in Afghanistan

I deployed to Afghanistan in 08-09. I worked as the vehicle commander of the chase vehicle on a O-7's PSD. We had a really good rep, if you wanted to go somewhere fast and safely in Kabul you rode with us.

Occasionally we would have people ask for rides. The usually rode in the chase vehicle because it's harder to exfil a VIP if there are a bunch of passengers in the VIPs car.

One day two US GS types ask for a ride, they mount up in my vehicle. One passenger work with the Department of State another the DEA. They were arguing about a poppy field, well more specifically the destruction of it. The DEA agent wanted it burned, the DoS said that couldn't happen because it was Karzai's (President of Afghanistan) brothers field. His brother was the #2 opium dealer in the world.

After we came home I found out the CIA was paying Karzai a 250k/mo. I also learned that the weird creepy build I drove by all the time was the SALT PIT, where they tortured/interrogated people.

Now you know why veteran suicide rates are so high.

The propaganda is really good. Go out and fight for your friends and family and freedom and shoot at shit. But when they wake up they realize they're just a soldier working for an illegal drug / finance / oil cartel.

And I thought realizing the religion I was raised in was bs was a rough pill.

Yeah I went through that. DMT helped, along with LSD and shrooms.

I'm better now, I also run alot, that helps.

Afghan heroin is the best on the planet and all watched over by the US military. A little back story, in this very long-range plan: in the eighties, you could get heroin from most any taxi driver in Bangkok. Then the DEA put tremendous pressure on the Golden Triangle area, where Laos, Thailand, and Burma used to grow poppies. No more and junkies can't score in Bangkok now. The Deep State has all the poppy fields under guard. Lots more money for somebody, but not you and me.

It's not just about street heroin. Pharmaceutical companies need poppies for codeine, morphine, vicodin, oxycontin, etc

It's grown legally for medical purposes on Tasmania, an island state of Australia, under armed guard.

Sometimes the wallabies get into the crops and eat the stuff which makes them hop around in circles for hours.


Fuckin wallabies we need undercover wallabies


they don't?


Legal production in India is much more traditional. As of 1996, opium was collected by farmers who were licensed to grow 0.1 hectare of opium poppies (0.24 acre), who to maintain their licenses needed to sell 4.5 kilograms of unadulterated raw opium paste at a fixed government price of 320 rupees ($8 US) per kilogram. One kilogram represents two days' work for a family. Some additional money is made by drying the poppy heads and collecting poppy seeds, and a small fraction of opium beyond the quota may be consumed locally or diverted to the black market. The opium paste is sun-dried and stirred in large pans before it is packed into cases of 60 kilograms for export. Purification of chemical constituents is done in India for domestic production, but typically done abroad by foreign importers.[76]

Legal opium importation from India and Turkey is conducted by Mallinckrodt, Noramco, Abbott Laboratories, and Purdue Pharma in the United States, and legal opium production is conducted by GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson and Johnson, Johnson Matthey, and Mayne in Tasmania, Australia; Sanofi Aventis in France; Shionogi Pharmaceutical in Japan; and MacFarlan Smith in the United Kingdom.[77] The UN treaty requires that every country submit annual reports to the International Narcotics Control Board, stating that year's actual consumption of many classes of controlled drugs as well as opioids and projecting required quantities for the next year. This is to allow trends in consumption to be monitored and production quotas allotted.

India grows it legally for Pharma companies. This is literally heroin for people who like heroin. Any exec who thinks the risk of buying taliban heroin is worth the risk and profit should be fired.

In 1946, US engineers and their families are going to Helmand Valley to build a new world. The king wants to harness both the power of the Helmand River and the verve for modernisation that has transformed America under Roosevelt. Dams are built, the salt level rises in the surrounding soil as a consequence, which proves to be excellent for growing poppies! Coincidence?

Wait, so is the DEA a part of the Deep State or not? If they're a US Gov agency then they surely must be...

I think they are all working together.

Yet in these 2 examples the DEA was trying to shut down these drugs

That's not what I meant, and should have been clearer on. DEA wanted to shut down opium production (and thus heroin production) in the Golden Triangle, and then to contain and control production in Afghanistan, where, for a variety of reasons, was more practical. The CIA does have a documented history in distributing contraband.

Can you get other former members of the military to come forward and tell their experiences regarding drugs in Afghanistan, or would that compromise them?

It's out there, it's pretty much open source at this point. Soliders guarding fields, etc.

I only did PSD work while I was over there. But there was alot of shady shit going on. Rapes, people signing out a shitload of cash from supply, etc.

I very rarely believe the stated motive of why the government does something or their depiction of what happened. I can thank my time with the Army for that.

People are stupid.

Who says that? They? Link to They?

lol wat

your algorithm is stuck again.

sweet meme brah

your algorithm is stuck again

sweet meme brah

Removed. Rule 5.

Removed. Rule 5.


looks at you


what is that supposed to be, a guttural grunt?

I c what you did there.

The only people who have ever said anything like that too me are old and watch way too much television.

Stereotypes and propoganda works.

People say conspiracy theorists are crazy because you have people who think the Earth is flat and Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing and Pulse shooting literally never happened.

There are logical and believable conspiracy theories and a lot of them turn out to be true, but some are so ridiculously stupid and easily disproven.

I cannot explain how pissed off this movie makes. The crack cocaine epidemic of the 80's was a horrible plague that devastated the African American community but not only in the way addiction affected people but in the larger effects of feeding the War on Drugs and Prison-Industrial complex. Then you had Gary Webb whose career and reputation was ruined by media outlets (NYT, WaPo, & LAT formed a fucking alliance just to disprove one reporter, imagine if they put that much effort into the Bush Claims about the Iraq War) after he uncovered the link between the CIA and cocaine. Eventually he 'committed suicide by two shots in the head' and he's not the only one who uncovered the link of the CIA and cocaine and just happened to 'commit suicide'.

Now you have fucking Hollywood creating these movie like it's some fucking joke with of all people fucking Tom Cruise, a noted sociopath. I'm just waiting for the movie to come out in 20 years about the CIA being the ones who orchestrated 9/11 starring Jaden Smith.

YES. When I saw the trailer I was like wtf is happening?

I think it confuses people and leads them to believe atrocities only happen in movies.

In fact growing up, my abusers (programmers) would create these setups that were just like scenes in movies I was made to watch repeatedly. One reason they did this was so that if I ever told anyone, it would be clear that I was just talking about something that happened in a movie.

To me, this is kind of like that but maybe I sound crazy.

'...only happen in movies.'

This. The public has been numbed and/or brainwashed into this thinking & mindset with decades of movies and tv shows. There are several generations out there that this is there source of information as well.

Like in that marvel movie where the Russian guy's handler named off numbers and words to call out a certain alter.

I was like oh great now when survivors come out and say that's really how it works everyone will call bullshit.

we should also take into account that the entire premise of any Manchurian Candidate movie has included what you described above. They've been doing this kind of concealment via the media for a long time

Yep. And then all us crazies try to say it's real and people are like stfu crazies.

I'll believe you though, survivors.

Do you believe to be a victim of Project Monarch-type programming?

I don't know what it was, but if I had to guess, my programming was primarily for sex and blackmail. I don't believe it was ever their intention to use me for life.

Me and my girl went out to see american made. We were both disgusted. What surprised me most, was the fact that a movie like this could go into such detail without being censored/blocked/banned in some way.

Its almost as if they want people to be aware of the atrocities committed by TPTB..the catch is, theyll never admit to it, until at least a few decades after shit goes down..


Your... Programmers?

That's what abusers in ritual abuse are sometimes called.

Should have said something else here probably

can u elaborate or do an AMA?

I've thought about doing an ama but I obviously have NO way to prove anything. It would just be me spewing wtf and people being like...okay

Maybe I will though

Hey man or gal I'm sure this community would be more welcoming than most to an AMA. We'd all be interested respectful and supportive!

I know most are here. Thanks for being so kind.

How do I post one? Just "I'm blah blah horror story. Ask me anything!"?

Hey bro - read through your comments and as insignificant and corny as it may seem, I want you to know I’m glad you’ve escaped your bs past with some degree of levity and are able to reflect on it in a (I hope) non traumatic way. Best wishes for the future.


Maybe message a mod and get their input? You'd have quite the audience no doubt

Dude what? You was abused in rituals? I'm sorry to hear that happened to you but my curiosity wants to know what happened, if you don't mind could you share please?

Don't worry if you don't want to either, I'll understand.

In short, I come from a long line of psycho-ass pedophiles who horrifically abused their children. I believe this made me and maybe one generation earlier than mine good candidates for ritual programming by someone. I'm still not sure who was doing it and I was never allowed to look at their faces in normal circumstances (like, not at a ritual or programming session) but they wore black suits if they came to my house, which they did sometimes.

Both parents are serial killers. No fucking idea why no one will investigate it, but the murders all happened in the same area of the same state so that makes me think there's some kind of cover up. My parents also abducted children from stores and parks and gave them to people (??) But those memories are very vague. I was little.

Sounds finders-y, huh? But I never could find a lot of information about that.

Later (age 6ish to age10) I was trafficked. Went to fancy parties and also shitty truck stops. Abused in church basements by men in scary black clothes and scary black hats. If I ever talked, I got electro shock and drugs. Told it was better if I forgot. (maybe, but this kind of abuse always manifests itself somehow and it's very difficult to be...normal)

Eventually my parents got busted by CPS for some stuff and had to lay low because of the social worker visits. We eventually moved and I think it stopped but I don't know. My dad knows how to call out my alters and the rest of my system doesn't remember what happens to them.

I've hear weird stuff about my dad like he "has a place in the country" and "goes outside in the middle of the night, just standing there for a good amount of time". But I will never see my parents again.

Jesus Christ, this is like something in a horror movie

Yea I say that sometimes. My horror movie childhood.

There's that movie topic again though! Movie plots come from somewhere.

Have you considered writing a book?

I don't want to tell anything other than the truth, and that's extremely difficult when you have amnesia and DID.

Maybe when I'm older and have been through more self-reflection and times of actual safety. Maybe when I have a better idea who was behind it all, you know?

it would not be a bad idea to keep a journal and a dream log as well though. best of luck to you

Dude I got stacks on stacks from like age 11. Dreams have been extra weird lately, maybe because it's October.

Thanks for being so nice. :)

a little too detailed to be a LARP I think... thank you for sharing. While P*zzaG8 never amounted to the arrests and justice that people wished for, I think it acted as a sort of awakening to stories like yours. For me it did, at least. I will never forget some of the details I've read, many very similar to your experience. I think for many, the concept of such evil is incredibly hard to accept, but I will not cease trying to spread awareness, and I think your story could be very useful in that regard.

Wishing you the best!! If you're ever down, r/conspiracy is here for ya!

Pizzagate is why I started looking into conspiracies in general. When I realized what happened to me, I thought "what other stuff has been a straight up lie?"

Thanks for saying I'm not LARPing. I could go into a lot more detail but I tend to freak people out and lose friends.

I check this sub for people like you. People who don't think so many people could be making up such similar stories. Thank you.

You use your own judgement. That's all we can ever really do.

Yah that really happened. You were pimped out by the illuminati and years later just casually mention all of it on reddit and have no fear of being whacked for speaking out about it. Yup, bullshit.


why would anyone need to kill him?

"normal people" like you will never believe in ritual abuse

is what he is saying here gonna cause some mass awakening and spawn and enormous public investigation or something?

he ins't telling us anything that "people like me" haven't heard before, have researched into, and already know is going on.

what reason does he have to make these things up?

That's exactly why it's so fake. He's just regurgitating details he's read online and can't remember any other useful details. This is so blatantly fake.

yup children are never abused by adults. all made-up. pedophiles are just imaginary.....


You just told us from your own mouth there's no reason to believe anything you say.

It's a hard situation to be in, for sure. When traumatic things happen, even a car wreck, our brains don't retain what's happening like it's a regular day to day happening. That means trauma memories can be hazy and at times unreliable. I have to be careful.

That's why I said I hesitate to write a book or something. If I remember my life wrong, what are the consequences?

Memory is an odd thing. Here's a cool song about that.

I think you're bullshitting on reddit

I feel like I should respond here, but I don't know what to say.

I believe you.

did u ever watch true detective season 1?

No I haven't.

the story centers around the two main characters investigating ritual child abuse in Louisiana.

in 1999 they think they get their man when they find two abducted children tied up inside a compound (one of them already dead) in a rage one of the detectives shoots the suspect in the head

they frame everything so it looks like they had to shoot in self defense and are proclaimed heroes.

years later the 2 men have had a falling out and one of them hasn't been able to let go of the case, still investigating even though he ins't a cop anymore he has found how deep this goes, with ties to the governor and his brother who is a minister at a large church...

he has evidence including a video of a child being ritually raped by hooded men in "scarecrow" type costumes that he stole right from inside the governors brothers mansion.

in the end they get someone maybe a little higher up in the organization but who was also seemingly just a mentally abused patsy. they end the show by saying that the real perpetrators got away and that they were never really "supposed" to catch them, they are too powerful.

In what way were you tortured? And what were your abusers motives?

Lots of ways. Near-drowning, had to stay in a dark basement with bodies and other people who were beaten, sexual torture, electro shock, forced participation in torture of others (at 4 or 5 years old)

Some peoples motives were just fun, I think. They were psychopaths. Others did things to instill a "lesson" or a pattern of behavior. Like suicide if I told or left. Again much of this happened when I was very young. I may not remember too many details.

An AMA would be awesome but this subreddit is probably not where you want to do it. If you dont already know of a few to go to PM me and I will lyk

I honestly think it's a way to normalize the fucked up shit the CIA and other intelligence organizations commit. I think of it this way if Watergate hadn't been proven through true by Woodward and Bernstein then we probably would have gotten some Ocean's 11-sequel heist movie about it 20-30 years later.

I agree. It seems that way with the shit I see in movies.

Then survivors get to watch everyone zombie out watching it. It's genuinely pretty creepy but mostly it's sad. And it's lonely.

What movie?

Primarily Fantasia but also Snow White and maybe other old Disney ones.

I'm just waiting for the movie to come out in 20 years about the CIA being the ones who orchestrated 9/11 starring Jaden Smith.

I'm so cynical these days, I think this has a 70/30 chance of happening.

Neo Yokio was pretty dope.

Man, that's the truth.

These Fuckers....

It's a crazy situation. I have to look into it some more but I know Freeway Rick Ross was involved somehow. Do you have any more insight on what happened during the 80's and how the CIA was involved?

Did anyone see this movie? I heard it was going to come out before elections but they puched it back until now becuase if you googled the original title, which they also changed, it would bring up all sorts of info about the Clintons and drugs etc.

Wait, how is it a bad thing that a movie exposing this is coming out? Isn't it good to make more of the general public aware of the shady criminal doings of the CIA? I am heading to watch it in 1 hour, will report back on how it portrayed the events.

Pedophillia in the Catholic Church used to be a conspiracy.


So many people don't know about mkultra. I mentioned it to my in-laws and they had no idea what I was talking about. That's scary as hell.

Mindblowing right..I just told my roomates about WTC#7 and they were baffled that they didn't know a third building fell

Its honestly some of the best psychological warfare the world's ever seen. The truth has been hidden in Hollywood films for at least decades and they don't even have to try anymore. People can't separate fact from fiction at this point.

People rationalise it away with "oh that was a mistake we made a long time ago, we certainly wouldn't do that now!".

Plus, I haven't seen the Barry Seal movie but I wouldn't be surprised if it portrayed the whole contra drug op as just a few bad apples. That's the usual methodology - lone-wolf or a few people operating in an unauthorised fashion, And always with the best possible intentions!

I saw the film over the weekend. It was entertaining

Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Snowfall, here are some Trailers

I do want to note that Afghan sourced heroin almost never makes it to America. Typically it is converted into #3 heroin (the base form) where it then goes to Europe or the rest of the world. The US used to be mainly supplied from SE Asia where they convert the opium to #4 (the hcl form) and then sends it to the USA.

Now the vast majority of American heroin comes from the America's originally. Either from Mexico where it is converted into tar (basically hcl but with a bunch of residue) or from South America where it is converted into #4.

That isn't to say that there aren't shenanigans going on in Afghanistan in relation to heroin, but it isn't going to the USA really.

Source? Curious about that

Yeah I’m on my lunch break but I have a great research paper about that topic saved on my computer. I’ll send it in an hour.

Awesome thank you. No rush


How should I trust this story when it gets even the most basic facts wrong. The Colombian heroin is from Peru, and then brought over the border to Colombia to be traded and shipped to the US.

Where did you see that? Everything I have seen indicates that opium production in S America comes from Columbia.

How should I trust a random redditor over a well published economist?

I guess the American heroine and opioid epidemic just exploded out of nowhere, for no apparent reason! I'm a Coincidence Theorist too, so this fits comfortably into my world view.

That isn’t even close to what I said.

My point is that America doesn’t get its heroin from Afghanistan.

Your point is false.

You think it's a coincidence that once we reinvigorated the Afghan opium industry, that America became plagued with heroine and opiate addiction, causing countless deaths and broken lives everywhere? That's a helluva coincidence.

US heroin does not come from Afghanistan man. It isn’t even the same type. You never see base in the USA.

There is a chance that if afghan base prices go down Europe will buy it all up freeing up Mexican and Colombian heroin for us consumption, but the Afghan dope isn’t in the USA. It would make no sense when there are perfectly good supplies already on established smuggling routes.

I’m not saying the us isn’t complicit in drug running, just not from Afghanistan to USA.

You keep saying that, without acknowledging the dramatic uptick in heroin and opioid availability in the us. If you're going to say what you're claiming, then what prompted the huge surge in heroin and opioids in the mid-late 2000's?

I'll hear you out, but until you show a significant development that isn't related to Afghan opium, then all we see is "coincidence", which is why I replied the way I did.

Alright imagine if the entire world is demanding heroin and the only sources are SE Asia and S America. Suddenly almost all of Europe's demand is met by the reintroduction of Afghan heroin. That means the price of the SE Asian and S American heroin will go down. Drug markets function like any other market. Just because Afghan heroin isn't seen in America doesn't mean it has no effect on the price.

Just a note there are three different types of heroin. The type that is produced in Afghanistan is called #3 and it requires an acid to be added for it to break down into liquid. You cannot snort it as is because it is not water soluble.

4 is what you can sniff and that comes out of SE Asia and Columbia. In the 1990's the Cocaine cartels began growing poppy fields. There was not history of opium production in Columbia but because the cartels had the distribution networks in place it was a no brainer. This is the type of dope you see on the east coast of the USA. Most east coast users will NEVER see #3 or tar.

Finally Tar. This is relatively new to the market and comes from Mexico. It is a really quick and easy way to produce heroin without needing to first make morphine. It can't be sniffed because it is a goo but it will dissolve without the addition of an acid.

Even more importantly, the reason you see the opioid crisis growing so quickly is not just heroin, it's fentanyl and its analogues. You can currently buy fent and similar analogues off the darknet from China or resellers in the USA. Because it is orders of magnitude stronger than heroin, dealers can cut poor quality heroin with it to make it sell better.

The problem is that it is so powerful that if it is not mixed properly, you get hot spots of too high concentration fent. To properly mix the two powders you would need to dissolve both in liquid and then evaporate them. Most dealers don't do that.

Almost all dope in the USA is contaminated with fentanyl, greatly increasing the supply.

Afghan is still supplying ~80% of the world's opium, and these manufacturing techniques aren't restricted by geography, even though one region can trend one way or another.

But a couple points, in spite of that. Flooding the market with Afghan product will collapse the price of it, from all around the world. The price collapses, but you make up some profits by "hooking" more customers, offsetting lower prices with much higher demand. And regardless of which specific region it comes from, its availability is directly related to the Afghan production. And since ~80% of it still comes directly from there, it's safe to assume that at least much of it comes from there.

And this isn't addressing the pharmaceutical end of it, which is the gateway for a large number of heroin users. Opioids have been handed out like candy, especially among vets, adding to the artificial demand, that they themselves are creating.

And Bayer is the company that originally perfected and marketed heroin in the early 1900's. Pharmaceuticals have always been the money behind the drug epidemics.

I don't know why the middle paragraph was bold.

You actually are incorrect, the manufacturing techniques are geographically based but I'm sure there are some exceptions. If you travel there are three distinct types of heroin that are completely unique to certain regions. Tar is almost exclusively found in the western usa, #4 in the east and #3 in Europe. I have been to all three regions and sampled them all. They are almost 100% exclusive to those regions except for where they meet.

That paper actually touches on a lot of that.

The pharma industry is critical to introducing people to the drugs which will be the key to solving this problem. Based on my experience with addiction I figure that 90% of addicts are a lost cause and a waste of resources trying to "cure." The best we can do is stop new ones.

Fentanyl and carfentinil are the key reasons that the problem has gotten so bad. We will never be able to stop the supply when carfentinil can OD 1000 people with just a gram. How could we possibly stop that type of shipment when you can hid thousands of doses in the hem of a shirt sleeve?

I was trying to convey that the manufacturing isn't limited by geography. Sure, we have trends in place that shows "x" kind of heroin comes from "y" location, but there's nothing to stop a decently funded lab from starting up and mimicing the same techniques from a different area. It's not a critical point, just trying to clarify.

But yeah, pharma's the biggest culprit on the selling end, and should be criminally pursued. But they won't. They own the regulators, write the laws, and will continue to do whatever they feel they can get away with, without too much public outrage.

Meanwhile, junkies are criminalized and driven underground, to the point that getting help and staying helped is unfeasible, expensive, and ostracizes them as "criminal" social pariahs. We can't afford that kind of human focused infrastructure, but we can let pharma rake in trillions, while their victims die.

I'd better stop, before the ranting really starts :). Have a good one.

I was trying to convey that the manufacturing isn't limited by geography. Sure, we have trends in place that shows "x" kind of heroin comes from "y" location, but there's nothing to stop a decently funded lab from starting up and mimicing the same techniques from a different area. It's not a critical point, just trying to clarify.

Yeah we are both saying the same thing just not clearly enough lol.

I really think cracking down on pharma is the only way. We absolutely cannot stop the supply at this point. We can't stop the demand either. Addiction is just too strong. All we can do is prevent the next generation from getting hooked.

From the eastern US and I can vouch for part of what he is saying. I was addicted to heroin for years and know MANY users and people in recovery. I have NEVER ever seen tar heroin and I don't know anyone who has. Only the light brown/gray powder kind.

Afghanistan supplies 90% of the worlds poppy production. That shit is coming here, anyone telling you different is full of shit. Mexcio and South America couldn't produce enough to supply the US

But the DEA, White House and other official US sources claim that US heroin derives almost entirely (96%) from Latin American opium (based on seizures of shipments); the DEA in 2014 claimed that Latin America was the source for the vast majority of US heroin, with southwest Asia (i.e., Afghanistan) accounting for only 4% of US heroin in 2012.

This is highly unlikely. In 2008, the UN estimated that the US and Canada accounted for 13% of global heroin use. With about 95% of global heroin derived from Afghanistan, Burma, Thailand and Laos, Latin America (mainly Mexico with a small amount from Colombia) does not produce enough to supply the majority of US heroin, let alone 96%. In fact, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy undercuts this claim when it says Mexico had 10,500 hectares under poppy cultivation in 2012, while Afghanistan alone had 154,000 hectares in 2012 and 224,000 hectares in 2014, per UN estimates.

This DEA claim, based on heroin interdiction, suggests a different explanation. Perhaps heroin shipments from Afghanistan are at lower risk of being seized than heroin coming from Latin America.

This research paper explains most of what I was saying. I would weigh that a bit more heavily than that blog post.

Which is why I included all the links to the her source material. Check those sources and you can not dismiss the claim as just a blog post.

Tellingly, 90% of heroin in Canada comes from Afghanistan, are we supposed to believe that just stops at the US border.

Literally nobody is claiming that there are no conspiracies.

The fact that there are conspiracies does not mean that every conspiracy theory should be taken seriously.

As a conspiracy theory skeptic, I’d say it’s pretty well accepted in the mainstream that we have turned a blind eye to opiate production in Afghanistan.

That movie was pretty much made to make it look like Barry Seal acted on his own.

Another interesting story.. Kill the Messenger 2014

Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Kill the Messenger, here are some Trailers

I can't understand why people aren't outraged by this. I mean I know this stuff happens I guess I don't think there is anything I can do. But if everyone knew and there was organization of protest maybe we could do something?

U aren't supposed to do anything about it, infact feeding all ur energy into frustration about it, is just a distraction from seeing what's really going on.

So basically I just shouldn't care about anything cause it's all just out of my control? I'm not sure about that.

You should care, pay attention to what is happening and also keep yourself informed, but don't let it drag you down in frustration and anger. Thousands of people have fought that battle throughout history, and things tend to just get worse and worse. Everybody seems to have become more and more corrupted and evil. Instead observe the phenomenon with a calm mind and figure out what's going on. There is some very interesting scientific research backing up how consciousness work on a larger scale. Anger, fear, desperation, hate spreads like wildfire to surroundings and our fellow humans.

Love Jeremy Reiner, have to check this out.

Yeah he is cool. He is portraying Gary Webb. It's a true story, based on a book I think. Gary is one of the few people that has ever committed suicide by shooting himself in the head twice.


I think the issue is that conspiracy theorists are not all in agreement they are people with separate ideas, since every event that makes news seems to have a theory attached to it of course some are going to turn out true. Need to stop drawing invisible lines and look for actual evidence that would hold up past coincidence. That's just my take though.

There's so many conspiracies that wind up being true, anybody that gets labeled a conspiracy theorist need just point out the obvious ones thst have been proven true and admitted to.

I wonder if this movie will portray Bill Clinton's role accurately, or at all for that fact.

Originally, this movie was gonna be named 'Mena', but they decided to change the name last year, during th election.

Clinton is an old Dixie Mafia dude.

She is mentioned, and even Bush Sr, but he not. There are some right facts but mostly a whitewash. Not as bad as Sicario though.

What was bad with Sicario?

Saw this movie over the weekend. A large part of it does take place in Mena, and there is one scene where Tom Cruise's character is freed from police custody after the AG gets a call from the governor. I believe they even refer to him as 'governor Clinton', but it's such a quick moment and basically just a throwaway line that I think it'll go over right anyone's head who isn't already well-versed in the history of it all.

that line got a solid chuckle in the theater and is probably the reason that the movie was held back until after 2016

Where does Big Pharma get its opium? The reason I ask is because this epedimic we are experiencing seems perfectly timed with the Afganistan war. Opioid use was down before 2001 and has now overtaken its previous epidemic proportions.


If they admit it, it effects their perceived reality of life. A lot of people are more scared of how the world really is than how it is in their immediate life.

I think it's important to remember that most people are easily controlled, gullible, and/or stupid.

There are 2 different routes for "opiates", one's source is legal the other not so legal. Afghanistan is a source for opium and heroin. Purdue Pharmaceuticals grows its product on the island of Tasmania. Perhaps fentanyl is manufactured using product from Afghanistan, but I assume the legal prescription opiates are manufactured through the legal routes, in places like Tasmania.

The left going on and on about Russia forever disqualifies them from criticizing anybody about conspiracy theories

How would one become connected with this “opiate trade?” Asking for a friend.

Have a ton of money and/or power, no conscience, trace amounts of fear, and zero sense of honor. In other words, you're probably not a candidate.

I’ve got 3/4. I figure the money/power comes with the connections.

I mean, my friend has and figured those things.

Because most people live in a fantasy world. You're literally destroying their reality and committing murder when you tell them the truth.

I don’t know how much of the movie is accurate, but what actually happened, happened in my hometown (which is apparently mentioned multiple times in the movie)

Afghan heroin goes to Russia/EU, they make powder heroin base, #3. Must add citric to IV.

Colombia and more so now Mexico supplies the US with the readily IVable heroin #4, depending on where you are in the country and what cartels/gangs have distribution networks set up you will find it in either powder or tar form.

What's the movie called?

When the same person tells you about the Opiate trade, chemtrails, lizard people with moon bases, flat earth, and actors at Sandy Hook....yeah, I stop listening. You might be right about one or two things, but how is that track record any better than your supposed fake news?

Huh? I never brought up lizards or flat earth. It's also called geoengineering not chemtrails. People are in jail for selling the cocaine the cia brought here. This causes gang violence and corruption. They then want guns so the gangsters the government creates can't shoot us. That's conspiracy not lizards....

Also since going to Afghanistan opiate sells have gone up 6 times and opiate deaths have 10 fold. It's the same as the tom cruise movie thats basically admitting the cia broke the law.

Not you specifically, but conspiracy theorists in general. I have had conversations with people who hive you one after the other...

Your comment was below zero, but it's the same valid point /u/Brolegario said here earlier:

Legitimate conspiracies all too often get lumped in with interdimensional pedophilic vampires or the lizard people running the deep state government.

/u/CurraheeAniKawi nailed it as well, in my opinion: it's done deliberately.
You only need to have a handful of (false) contributors who are so far-fetched or extreme that the entire group is cast in a bad light. Then those most extreme messages serve as an excuse for others to hand-wave awa even their most valid points.


Zingo. People back in the say "That's a conspiracy that the cia illegally sells drugs bc it's against the law." Then they say they had no idea. They then deny modern conspiracy that follows the same line as their Hollywood bull shit. People are in jail for selling drugs our own government Gave them. Gangs and crime stim from this yet the government continues and is like we need your Guns to keep you safe. Stooopud

"people say" Who exactly?

Who are "they" who 'now say' the afghan trade is a conspiracy?

Weasel words.

The US needs our own glasnost.

Our military. Protecting America's interests at home and abroad.

now you wanna REALLY blow your mind, there is a movie from 1998 called Enemy of the State, starring Gene Hackman and Will Smith.

Back in the day we called them Tinfoil Hat conspiracies. Go watch it now, in light of the Edward Snowden disclosures. It's fucking eerie how right it was.

Great film - the scene where he’s stripping all the bugs out of his clothing etc rings ever so true in the current age. God only knows how much shit is bugged...

I had a non-fiction book in which the author extensivley speaks of the RFID chip and how Walmart wants to attach a much smaller version than that of the implant design onto as much of the merchandise as possible for anti-theft purposes - clothing, appliances, etc. So small it would be unremovable unless you had an RFID reader. Without trying to overreach, it makes me wonder what else you you could install into this chips or how to exploit its potential.

So do a lot of people get caught shoplifting in Walmart?

Walmart wants to attach a much smaller version than that of the implant design onto as much of the merchandise as possible

I said Wal-Mart wants to implement them, not that they have. And to answer your question more directly - no, Wal-Mart I think doesn't give a fuck about theft for the most part. I tried to report someone I saw stealing to 3 associates and I was laughed at.

Yeah movies are fun!!

Remember... Most of the herd are idiots, this is normal, they lap up conspiracy movies but don't believe in conspiracies.

While we have an opium catastrophe here

Well nothing on the front page of this sub is about the Afghan opiate trade. Instead it's all bullshit claiming that another mass shooting is a fraud, just like every single one apparently.

That's why you get called crazy.

Who is they?

People who deny the us government is manufacturering and selling opiates from Afghanistan to fund off the books projects. That we went to war for oil and unregulated drug manufacturing.

The oil part is played. We haven't taken a drop of oil from anyone and our allies have plenty of oil. Hell, the top export in the United States is OIL. As far as opiates go I don't think anyone really gives a shit.

What currency do they do all that oil trading in, and what currency was Saddam accepting before we invaded?

Not hard to figure this stuff out, unless you feel like ignoring our history of doing all this stuff...

We don't need Iraqs oil. We never have. Which is why it's irrelevant.

We need them to only accept USD for it though, that’s why we went to war.

Also not true because the rest of the world was and is still doing business in dollars. There was no way the Iraqi dinar was ever going to become the worlds currency. It's never had any value.

It wasn’t the dinar either.

It is actually international law that 100% of Iraq oil revenue be handled by the New York Federal Reserve bank.

Business is done in dollars partly because the largest market (energy) is done in dollars; this creates demand.

It's not about THAT specific oil. The US can't have a breach in the monopoly because that would create an oil market outside of their direct control.

This is entry level stuff that people well outside of the "conspiracy theorist" community accept as totally real. Why are you even here?

Well I did serve in Afghanistan so I know a little bit about the u.s. Military. Obviously money and power are a part of the equation but the government was never concerned about the fucking dinar. What a joke.

Alright, i admit that coming out swinging isn't what i should do if i want to convince you of anything. I'm just confused why you're on r/conspiracy but don't believe Iraq was about the petrodollar. That's something tin hats and normies generally agree on.

And no, nobody was worried about the dinar... unless they started pricing oil with it because that would open up a way to launder oil, weakening the power of US trade sanctions. The US really likes having a hand on everyone's off button.

We'll see what happens with Venezuela selling oil in Chinese currency, which is very new and with bigger stakes for the US. Can't attack China and they exchange their currency directly with gold. That means that anybody in the world can buy oil directly for gold as long as Venezuela will broker the trade.

I agree with everything you just said. That's not how it was presented in the original argument, or maybe I misunderstood.

Good talk.

People are fucking retarded.

Form your own opinions. Do your own research.


Oh Dem Clintins....

Tom Cruise needs to wipe that silly fucking grin off his stupid face.

These Fuckers

Amen! Fucker

The USA network show Shooter had a scene where they burned a stockpile that apparently belonged to the ****SPOILER**** central intelligence agency. Of course the main characters had conflicts about it and what to do.

There's video and pics American soldiers protecting the poppy fields. People wake up!

That's conspiracy fact

It's OK to believe something if the TV gives you permission.

that movie functions as a limited hangout and "Barry and the Boys" by Daniel Hopsicker is a lot more informative

Wars are fought for G.O.D. Gold Oil Drugs

Of course conspiracies exist. Some conspiracy theories are true and some are false. You can bet anything involving drugs has conspiracies involved because it really is as close to money "growing on trees" as you can get and people are going to want to control it.

But the influx of heroin addicts in the US came from nothing

Lol influx? Like heroine refugees??

Not heroin refugees. People from here who are addicted to opiates. They start with the prescription pills and when that isn't enough they go to the illegal stuff

Because the movie is satire obviously. Why wouldn't anybody watch it?

Never forget MKULTRA

Ignorant fools have no idea what to say when one of these conspiracies actually get proven.

"Ya next is the moon landing, lizard people, and flat earth. You were all right all along!"

Those are the people that believe because a terrorist is middle eastern, all middle eastern people are terrorists. People need a swift kick in the ass repeatedly.

The movie is about Reagan's Cash for Contras program

What do you think about they are doing with the opium money?

Buying Donald Trump more golf balls

The CIA controlled what they were allowed to put in this movie, they consult the military for war movies. I'd be hard pressed to believe Scientology hasn't infiltrated the CIA either. They were able to get into the IRS to achieve the goal of tax exemption.

While tons of people die from over dose.

I always wondered why there were DEA agents in Afghanistan....

Where do those crazy kids come up with that conspiracy stuff?

There are so many countless examples of this. But most are inside the box and trust anyone but known liars

Tom Cruise is crazy actually


Mm bop

The Americans are obviously involved in the Afghan opiate trade. It's no coincidence that we have a heroin addiction epidemic nearly immediately after we invade the number 1 opium producing country in the world. Same shit happened in Vietnam

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ AMERICAN MADE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

In Theaters Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I know must of you know this and this is something we need changed to get out county back. In 1948 the smith-mandt act was signed. This act made it illegal for the US Government to propaganda against the citizens. In 2013 Obama signed the National Defensive Activities Act (NDAA) In this Act Obama repealed the smith-mandt act so it's now legal for Our Government, the people that took an oath to be a public servant, to propagandao against us. this is the reason why we have to question everything especially when things don't add up.

Can someone post a link to the proven conspiracy?

I know this is a really late comment, but if you are still interested just look up information on the Iran-Contra scandal, Gary Webb (the journalist who wrote Datk Alliance and broke the story linking the CIA to the crack epidemic), and the CIA report where they eventually admit their involvement in cocaine trafficking. I'm on mobile so it's a lot of effort to look up & link pages, but searching Iran-Contra will tell you everything you need to know!

Thank you! :)

Happy to help 🙂

It's fiction but the new Netflix series The Punisher does a decent job talking about how the Afghanistan opiate trade would have gone down

I called the heroin wave after the invasion. Several close friends were amongst the initial special operations guys on the ground. All kinds of shady deals made early and maintained to the current day. We allied with opium dealers against the taliban who were hardcore anti drug at the time.

The propaganda is really good. Go out and fight for your friends and family and freedom and shoot at shit. But when they wake up they realize they're just a soldier working for an illegal drug / finance / oil cartel.

In my opinion this is done on purpose.

Your point is false.

You think it's a coincidence that once we reinvigorated the Afghan opium industry, that America became plagued with heroine and opiate addiction, causing countless deaths and broken lives everywhere? That's a helluva coincidence.

Oh, I want to see that. It is in my line up of stuff to watch.

You keep saying that, without acknowledging the dramatic uptick in heroin and opioid availability in the us. If you're going to say what you're claiming, then what prompted the huge surge in heroin and opioids in the mid-late 2000's?

I'll hear you out, but until you show a significant development that isn't related to Afghan opium, then all we see is "coincidence", which is why I replied the way I did.

Have a ton of money and/or power, no conscience, trace amounts of fear, and zero sense of honor. In other words, you're probably not a candidate.

I'll predict the future. Next wave will be uppers. Doctors over prescribing vyaneese and adderall to college kids. Shitty parents not spending time with their kid and when the kid acts out, parents put the lil munchkin on Jr. Meth. Just like the uptake of prescribed opiates, the speed seeds are being planted.

@csthetruth & @GeorgWebb are taking down all forms of #Ratlines. From #PakistaniMangos & #DU to #HeartsFromHaiti & #PedoGate.

People who deny the us government is manufacturering and selling opiates from Afghanistan to fund off the books projects. That we went to war for oil and unregulated drug manufacturing.

Even more funny how most people never notice.

I wouldn't consider this all that funny.

Sad. Yes.

Rage inducing. Yes.

Funny, not so much.

that line got a solid chuckle in the theater and is probably the reason that the movie was held back until after 2016

I agree. It seems that way with the shit I see in movies.

Then survivors get to watch everyone zombie out watching it. It's genuinely pretty creepy but mostly it's sad. And it's lonely.

Yeah he is cool. He is portraying Gary Webb. It's a true story, based on a book I think. Gary is one of the few people that has ever committed suicide by shooting himself in the head twice.

We don't need Iraqs oil. We never have. Which is why it's irrelevant.

I ask this because I am not knowledgeable about the production process of opium flowers, but wouldn't it be easy to make a huge plantation somewhere hidden in the United States and make our own instead of using these massively expensive wars as a cover to take over foreign farms? Maybe it's because of the specific climates needed?

You deserve top comment.

It's interesting, I've seen this glitch happen a few times on controversial comments in the past couple months.

The Afghanistan war is also being prolonged unnecessarily to steadily drain the military budget into the corporations in the military-industrial complex.

I also try to shut down ideas that I judge unworthy because I am the only unbiased source on who can decide what is reasonable.

yup children are never abused by adults. all made-up. pedophiles are just imaginary.....


What I don't understand is why do all this over Drugs? Just make it legal so you can tax it and get bunch of legal money from it. Why do all this covert stuff just to get Drug money? That's what don't make sense to me.

Also vast quantities of lithium are in Afghanistan

Meth high lasts a long time. One shot and you won't be sleeping for 24-36 hours