So a white millionaire country music fan pilot with no criminal record and little interest in guns shoots at a mostly white crowd of country fans in the middle of the night from over 300m with hard to acquire weapons and then kills himself in a highly secure casino. #WHATTHEFUCK. It doesn’t add up.

211  2017-10-03 by [deleted]



The weapons shown so far are some of the most popular and easiest to acquire.

If the supposed belt fed machine gun surfaces, that's a different story.

I haven’t seen any pictures of the weapons. Link please?

Yeah that sure shows us a lot..

What more do you want? Thats all that has been released so far.

Thank you.

It's weird the scope in the second picture down the page still has the cap on it. Usually if you're firing a weapon with a scope you have to take the cap off to see through it.

I don't know anything about scopes but it's been said a lot that it's not actually the cap. Either way he b had like 18 other rifles to use

I don't see a scope cap?

The thing on the rear-most part of the scope is a knob, typically called a variable scope. So you can adjust the 'zoom' on your scope.

Ahh..that may be it then!

Interesting that neither of those seem to show a bump stock. Sure, he had many more guns, but it seems to suggest that these are either full auto/assault rifles (not easy to get) or these guns were never used.

doesn't the first one have a bumpstock?

You may be right. It looked like a Magpul stock at first, but I now see it's likely a Slide Fire stock. Good catch.

Why would you use a bump stock? Your goal is to kill as many people as possible before you are killed by the police. You buy a surplus auto sear, drill a hole and drill a hole in the lower, put it all together like Lego's and you have a illegal full auto weapon. Like the guy would give a shit about gun laws?

And that's why the millionaire part matters. But they don't want their patsies to use already illegal equipment. They want to tell you all the things that are still legal are horrible killing machines

well, are they or are they not capable of being killing machines?

You can also use them as hammers too.

Why would you do all that when you can just buy a bump stock

Ever tried to accurately aim a bump stock? I have one and it's garbage. From the audio I've heard I say it was a rotary firing mechanism. Btw, you don't need a bump stock to bump fire a rifle.

Hard enough to aim that you don't think you could take out 50 people in an hour and fifteen minutes with a tripod from an elevated firing position?

Hard enough to aim that you don't think you could take out 50 people in an hour and fifteen minutes with a tripod from an elevated firing position?

Into a crowd of 22,000

At that vantage point why would one need such a device anyway? If mass carnage is the goal why even use guns in the first place. The whole thing kinda smells funny to me but the sounds are what caught my attention.

Why use guns?? The dude just became the most lethal american mass shooter of all time. If his goal was to create mas carnage its mission accomplished.

haha thats the most neckbeard comment ive ever read! This guy just pulled off the biggest mass shooting in american history and you're second guessing his methods from your computer lmao. let me guess you'd use a different method and totally create more carnage?!

Ok kid. You've got this consipracy thing covered. All I said was that this wasn't a slidefire and a slidefire is basically junk because you can do the same thing without it from the hip and with a little practice and technique, from the shoulder, and do just as much damage. My interests aren't in creating carnage at all but yes there are other methods that could and would have a higher rate of carnage. It's not that difficult of a concept. For about $20 bucks in plastic and a ball bearing you can overrun pretty much any semi auto rifle and aim the thing without a bipod. I've only spent about the last four years and about 120k on this particular subject so maybe I'm skewed. Trust me. I would rather dude just didn't do his thing at all but i damn sure wish he'd done it with some other method which didn't affect my revenue directly.

We've seen three of the guns so far, and one of them had a bump fire stock, I'd say the chances are pretty good that there was another AR modified with the rotary trigger.

As someone who owns one of these. Let's just agree that there are better methods out there.

As someone who owns one of these. Let's just agree that there are better methods out there.

No, not for the price and ease of access.

Ever tried to accurately aim a bump stock? I have one and it's garbage.

You must be a shitty shot or don't know how to properly handle the slide fire. There is a technique to it.

But that is completely moot because he was using bipods. So are you saying you can have substantially better accuracy with a full auto on a bipod vs a slide fire on a bipod? That is bullshit.

No. What I'm saying is there are better methods out there. A bipod from 32 floors up isn't ideal either. Either way. Enjoy your slidefire.

Guns tend to be super unreliable when fitting a new sear in, takes a few hundred rounds to even be consistent at all, while a bump fire stock works right off the bat. I'd imagine a home made sear, even made by a professional would be even harder to get right. What's he going to do, make 10+ full auto sears, fit them in and gradually go to the range to test them?

If you're doing this illegally you wouldn't take them to the range to test fire would you? It would get reported by the range officer, then to the ATF. A smart person would drive out to the woods and work out all the kinks there.

Full auto fire would surely be reported, at least the amount you would have to do.

Who's going to report the gunfire in the middle of the desert or in logging country when there's nobody around for miles? Do you think the U.S. is one big city?

You just don't want to admit you're wrong? Instead just downvote anyone that disagrees with you. My point was on top of the fact that bump fire is super easy and cheap to do, legal, and raises no suspicion. People can still hear gun shots in the middle of the desert or a forest. I live in a rural area and I've had people report my gunshots that live miles away.

Did neither of those things, but you don't want to admit you're wrong, so you accuse. I live in space and can see the stars, people have reported my laser beams that I shoot at asteroids as they pass by. Sometimes, these calls come from light years away!

Because they are easy to get and slide fire work really well in terms of still keeping accuracy.

I see a muzzle brake also, where is the flamethrower

Lol so you don't know the weapons he used but you claim they're difficult to acquire? So you're just pushing a narrative by pulling shit out of your ass. Got it.

I was under the impression that these modded weapons were in fact not easy to acquire, which makes further gun control for normal people even more asinine.

Nope. 100% legal.

If by "hard to acquire" you mean "I can order them online from my iPhone for $179.00 and they'll be shipped right to my door" then yes they are extremely hard to acquire

Israeli intelligence revealed his girlfriend converted him to Islam.


Hardly convincing but thanks for the link

This is a troll/meme of Sam Hyde, his fans trying to get his image plastered anytime theres a mass shooting. Just Google "Sam Hyde shooting" and the like

I'd say TL:DR but this is the entire linked article

According to an unofficial report from Reshet Bet, the Las Vegas shooter's name is Samir al-Hajib.

He is an American who converted to Islam at the age of 30 and lives in Las Vegas.

It's 2 fucking sentences /u/Jo-Calderone try reading what you link. "According to unofficial report..." From a website that is not an official news website in Israel, with no sources, or any information other than the exact point you wanted to make. This sub is a joke.

His girlfriend is Indonesian, a predominantly Muslim country. The event he targeted was in blatant violation of the Islamic doctrine against music and drinking. It was so similar to the Manchester bombing that comparisons are being drawn on many subreddits. This is far from conclusive but it is worth considering that, despite the attacker being white, he may have been politically motivated and a terrorist. And leaked Israeli intelligence isn't going to be a five page document with an alphabetical reference list, it's just a leaked memo. Calm down okay?

Muslims don't gamble and she apparently was a dealer at a casino, and he gambled a shit ton too.

Muslims don't have drug fueled orgies but the 9/11 pawns... whoops.

Well they don't represent all Muslims, they typically follow the religion strictly, an example would be sharia law and the way women and gays are treated. I believe the manchurian candidate possibility before the isis one. It's definitely super weird and suspicious. Paddock just seems like a typical old retiree who can afford to gamble heavily. I don't think a lot of old white guys would be drawn to Islam either.

People don't suddenly convert to Islam (radical, at that) when they are 64. This is the biggest load of horse shit I've ever seen.

To me, it would be worse if it was an unmotivated act of pure evil. At least if it was religious, it would be easier to understand why he committed such an atrocity, due to extremism and brainwashing. Maybe we will never know why.

Yeah imagine if it happens again. Someone that wasn't on a list and was the last person you'd expect.

You can't prepare against that shit

Calm down Shlomo. This sub is for discussing conspiracy theories, the report may or may not be true, but it is out there and worth considering. Add in the fact that ISIS is claiming the very same thing and it is certainly a possibility. Honestly, you're a moron for not considering it.

the report may or may not be true, but it is out there and worth considering.

No no no. If it's not true then why would we consider it? Just because it's out there doesn't make it worth consideration. I could say: "he was actually a Lizardman with 12 dicks," so now that is out there, will you consider this info? Of course not, the only reason you want to consider the Islam thing is your brain wants to match your underlying belief that only Muslims do bad things.

There are two sources saying it. Again, this is a conspiracy sub, we consider all of the available information. If you think that MSM is the only valid source for information, you're in the wrong place. The guy very well could have been an ISIS recruit, hopefully we get more information (and hopefully the information isn't suppressed).

I get the feeling that you two are in the wrong sub, you sound brainwashed.

In the search for truth our standards should be higher, not lower. The only reason anyone is willing to entertain these websites (which do not have any air of reliability to them) is because they conform to the World-view that people had previous to reading them. Before we found out who it was they screamed "Muslims did it!" and now that it turns out it was an old white man, they have to find meaning by refocusing it into their worldview. The man is in Las Vegas, he can find far worse halal than a country concert.

I won't respond to the brainwashing nonsense, other than to note that this hoping that he is a Muslim seems like successful deployment of Fox News' brainwashing tactics of blaming Muslims for all bad things.

So you believe the MSM narrative that he had no religious nor political affiliations? And that any source to the contrary isn't worth considering?

Sorry, that's not how a conspiracy forum works. Here, we realize that the truth is often hidden from us and you have to go looking for it. That doesn't mean you should necessarily believe any random source, but it can be considered when looking at the big picture. And if more pieces of corroborating evidence come out, it can strengthen the source's credibility.

I would not be surprised if this guy had some connection to ISIS or radical Islam. You have ISIS claiming that he was, and that he had an Islamic name, you have this Israeli source, and then you have the fact that his wife was originally from a majority Muslim country. Hope this helps you understand how these forums work.

i like how reporting his brother's comments that he was not religious is a "narrative" now

he's definitely a lizard muslim

Yep, two other sources state that he recently converted to Islam, and yet the MSM says "He has no know political or religious affiliations." Without mentioning any other possibility. He was probably a muslim, as for being a lizard, that is still up for debate.

1 source is a family member and the other 2 sources are the_donald and the israeli version of the national enquirer

2 > 1 though so i guess you win

You forgot ISIS. And have you ever considered that the family member might not know that he had recently converted to radical Islam?

The point is that we don't know. You don't, and neither do I. So stop acting like you do.

you're right I should stop worrying and trust ISIS

You can not trust both MSM, and shitty internet sources. Instead of being whipped up in a frenzy about Muslims (which is a result of the brainwashing you have received via the Idiot-in-chief) I'm concerned about what's actually happening. What is this covering? Corporate information collection hearings that TPTB don't want us to think about at all since they are heavily invested in collecting everything they can. You said before maybe I was in the wrong sub, I think you are, as this isnt r /t_dummies.

It's a gun grab, a way to hurt Trumps reelection (these fakes won't stop until 2020) and it was a continuation of their gaslighting campaign on the America public. If you aren't as mad as you've ever been and ready to root out this scum you never will be. America is worth saving from Zionist pigs

You should get checked for Schizophrenia

No thanks. Very comfortable with my mental Heath and ability to see rationally

Come on buddy, Just go back over to The_Donald

Trump is hurting himself with every tweet

What does being a millionaire have to do with it? All that means is he (probably) doesn't have money problems. Other than that, he probably has all the same problems as most other people... depression, pain, etc.

When you are a millionaire, you can slay as much pussy as the body can handle, you can do as many drugs as you damn well please. You can go on any trip you ever wanted. You can stay anywhere in the world. You can swim with sharks, have a cocaine fueled orgy with ten smoking hot women (look at leanardo decaprio on his boat).

Basically, even depression is small in comparison to multiple millions of dollars.

Sure he had problems. But those problems seem small in comparison to what your doing tomorrow. Everything sweeter when life is greener.

you clearly have no understanding on how depressions work.

You clearly don't know how it works.

how old are you, 14?

What about Robin Williams and more recently Chester Bennington (Linkin Park)? Those two were loved by millions, had millions in the bank, yet still committed suicide due to severe depression.

Just because some depression is caused by a lack money, doesn't mean it all is. I'm going to make a safe assumption and say that having a lot of money can also be depressing. Imagine not knowing who likes you for you, and not your money or material possessions.

Though I do agree that there does seem to be a lack of motive. Guess we won't really know until someone close to the accused comes forward

Yea. They had money so long, there wasn't enough hookers in the world to satisfy them.

Could be the same thing for this guy. Money can only buy happiness for so long. Then it gets old.

Happiness doesn't come from outside of yourself with worthless material possessions and cheap hookers. Happiness only arises within. Millions of dollars won't change that fact, only make your life more comfortable and easy.

More comfortable and easy you say?

Yep... That's what I said. In some cases, mo' money mo' problems but for the most part it opens up a new level of comfort and ease.

So, your saying life becomes more comfortable and easy? With a boat load of money. Who would have thought.

Uhh yeah. My point was, happiness doesn't come from piles of money, it only makes life easier. I think you missed that point I was trying to make

but not less depressed

I'm willing to concede the point.

You're so edgy.

Dude no...

Actual depression is not the same as boredom or just feeling down.

You could literally wake up with the powers of Superman and be all like "Meh" and roll over to go back to sleep because the thought of doing anything was bleh.

I'm fucking bi polar you idiot. Legit diagnosed and disabled. I know how fucking depression works.

You are actually going to be condescending and smug to a god damn person who has to live it. You mother fuckers, I swear to god.

I'm not a clinical psychologist (granted I can tell you aren't either), but I don't think depression is equivalent to bi polar disorder.

But glad to see your medicine is balanced. /s

What are you 12?

Do you think that is a witty remark? Your maturity shows by responding with a question about age. It's a tired old joke. And someone made the same comment on either this comment or another on in this thread.

So not only are you using a tired old joke. But you are using the same joke you probably just read.

I hate to question age or aptitude. But I'm suggesting you look in the mirror. Your either very low functioning or just all around useless.

"Slay pussy" Rick and morty username Naive comments about money Triggered by comments about age

Yep. Totally not a kid.

Haha yeah you totally come across as mature and well read. I mean 'how could anyone be depressed if they were rich, they could slay pussy like Leo'

This just screams as a comment made by a mature individual.

This is super cringey

You're a confused individual

When you are a millionaire ...

I am a millionaire so I can tell you that all of that shit you mentioned doesn't cure depression. Most other millionaires I know are miserable people. You can do awesome shit all day and still be depressed the rest of the time.

I know it's hard to believe, but think of the last thing you bought that made you happy. It only lasted for a brief time right? The same is true for big houses, trips, cars, etc.

Also, it's not that hard to be a millionaire these days. 6.5% of American households have at least 1 millionaire living in them:

When you are a millionaire ...

I am a millionaire so I can tell you that all of that shit you mentioned doesn't cure depression. Most other millionaires I know are miserable people. You can do awesome shit all day and still be depressed the rest of the time.

I know it's hard to believe, but think of the last thing you bought that made you happy. It only lasted for a brief time right? The same is true for big houses, trips, cars, etc.

Also, it's not that hard to be a millionaire these days. It took me 12 years after finishing college, and I have an English Degree... so according to Reddit I should be working at Starbucks. But it's true, there are a lot of millionaires these days... 6.5% of American households have at least 1 millionaire living in them:

Do not pursue money, pursue what makes you happy (and that thing is rarely money). Money gets you out of the hole, but it doesn't lift you above the ground.

Yea man I get it. My point was money makes life easier and more comfortable. Not it cures depression.

A lot of people cope with mental issues with drugs and sex. It certainly makes coping a lot easier.

Dude had a gambling problem right? Maybe he went high steaks with the wrong people.

You mean like maybe some evil individuals forced him to do this? It's possible they extorted him with threats to his family.

It's a possibility, only speculation. It wouldn't be the first time...

Don't forget the part where it happens in front of an ancient Egyptian-themed hotel with a pyramid on it and there's also a pyramid on our dollar bil. DC also has an obelisk. These people love this shit.

They are literally calling us blind

Oh shit...

Are they literally doing that?

Hopefully they will start doing some bigger press briefings soon. Usually there are multiple smaller pressers through the day to update but hasn't been any yet. Maybe then we'll start to get some more info.

Liberals are calling for bans of every weapon the shooter had in his hotel room.

Add up now?

So you think this was an anti gun false flag? Me too.

Absolutely. Have you seen the guns he supposedly had? Every single popular rifle in America.

I expect calls from Democrats to ban AR-15s soon, if it hasn't already happened.

Really glad I ordered my lower receiver last month.

Nice. Stock up on ammo!

buy stock in smith and wesson while youre at it. they really love a national tragedy


Why kill so many and risk the discovery by so many brilliant investigators when you can just buy congress?

Buying congress doesn't send fear into a population. Its basic level propaganda and control.

yet sandy hook did fuck all for gun control? buying congress has worked for the gun industry and nra forever

To be completely honest the gun debate is just a big distraction while corporations like Lockheed Martin, with the support of the left and the right, deals weapons to war criminal countries like Saudi Arabia while the people stay focused here with there grips on their guns. All the while America and many other countries become less safe in the process.

TBH if Sandy Hook didn't cause anti-gun legislation, then this won't either.

They tried, but for the most part failed after Sandy Hook.

There's no correlation between mass shootings and increased control afterwards.

There is however a very direct correlation between mass shootings, fear mongering about gun control, and subsequent increases in gun/ammo sales.

If anyone was going to organize a mass shooting to push their goals it would be the pro-gun side, because they're the ones who benefit from them.

maybe smith and wesson needed a boost this quarter

be sure to buy stock in gun companies! thats the only sure thing to come of this

Where? I haven’t seen anyone calling for bans of all the guns he had there. Oh and Trump today said ‘We’ll be talking about gun laws’, guess he’s one of those liberals you’re taking about.

Ofc he'll be talking about gun laws, liberals won't shut up about it. Doesn't mean he's going to enact any.

Well he didn’t say we won’t be talking about gun laws. Keep trying tho.

Trumper's gotta Trump...Sometimes I just wish you guys stayed at The_D

We feel the same about you. Go back to /politics

This isnt The_EchoChamber...There is no us...Only you...

Yeah, liberals won’t shut up about it because there is a mass shooting like this bigger than the last every year with legally acquired guns.

Liberal here, you don’t need these guns. You guys ruined it. Bolt action rifles for hunting only.

Come and get them.

This isn’t a fucking game anymore. You guys are so out of touch with reality it’s sick. Coward keyboard warrior.

You are a traitor. You are advocating taking away American rights.

This is why everyone hates liberals now. You guys are really anti American.

Cute. It’s a “right” that sadly just doesn’t make sense in modern society. It’s so funny you guys actually think you’d stand a chance against the American military.

America has a gun problem, putting your head in the sand and blaming “libruls” ain’t gonna change that.

It's not happening, you loon.

Over 70% of shootings in America are committed by Democrats. It's time to ban Democrats.


"Guns are killing people we need to ban guns!"

"Actually most shootings are committed by Democrats, why don't we ban Democrats?"

"Liberal buzzword used to deflect from the actual argument"

I’m calling out your argument fallacy, you’re so obsessed with liberals it’s fucking sad dude, we’re not talking about political leanings we’re talking about gun control and it’s clear you’re just obsessed with blaming everybody but the problem: fucking guns designed to kill people.

I won’t reply to your next comment, you’re not worth my time. Have a good day, don’t shoot anybody.

You're blaming inanimate objects. You people really are mentally ill.

hey you sound like stephen paddock

And who profits the most when liberals call for stricter gun control laws? Gun manufacturers do. Every time.

What exactly adds up? Republicans control congress and there's a snowflake's chance in hell they will pass gun reform. If the left actually wanted to ban weapons they would wait until they had the power to do so before sparking mass outrage in a staged attack. Quit blaming others for the actions of this idiot.

It should be known that guns can be disassembled. So whoever continually points to this discussion about large bags being carried in, please be aware that a few high powered assault rifles with extended magazines can be broken down and put into duffle bags. 100 round barrels on bump stock rifles can dump out a lot of rounds, albeit inaccurately. The discussion about these being hard to obtain is incorrect. Bump stocks are a loophole item of sorts but are not difficult to obtain if you're in a place where they're more easily obtained. READ. A bump stock tactical rifle is NOT a full auto "machine gun." Semantics are very important here. A cart from the lobby could carry these bags. Like it carries everyone else's bags. It wouldn't be difficult to carry 10 guns on a single cart from the garage to room, in luggage bags as conspicuous as anyone else's.

Number of bags is what most of us are looking for.

Number of bags or frequency? I can imagine him using ONE bag to go get disassembled firearms out of his car. The thing that a lot of people are missing (having stayed at MB and Four Seasons several times) is that you typically are valeted. I always fly in, but i don't normally see folks getting their own luggage out of their cars....not at a hotel like MB

It's not even that it had to be a bag per say. People travel with all sorts of large cases and wardrobes. You probably could have fit a lot of that equipment in one large road case.

Especially in vegas. When I have went there for work to an expo, we took our businesses equipment and had lots of big pelican cases. Larger stuff we couldn't carry on the plane was shipped there of course.

It is really a stupid argument for them. It is the least of the suspicious things surrounding this.

You probably could have fit a lot of that equipment in one large road case.

Also, he was there for 5 days before hand... he could take up a 2-3 bags/day and nobody would blink an eye.

. . . but wouldn't the bag be heavy?

a single ar weighs about 4-6 lbs Ammo is heavy but every hotel in that area has a cart for luggage. and he could have gone out and bought some of this stuff while in vegas and brought it in pieces at a time. It's common for those of us who enjoy firearms to order separate upper and lower assemblies. It takes two seconds to separate an AR into two very manageable parts. And, some ARs are polymer upper/lower, so they are extremely light weight

4-6 lbs is lightweight for an AR, 10-12 is more common for a loaded AR. ex:

How many guns you think could fit into a hard golf club travel case?


I woulda guessed a couple more at least, but they could be transported fully assembled none the less

Number of bags is means nothing. He was there for four days. Him bringing in three bags a day at different times of the day/night = 12 bags without anyone giving a ripping fart about it. And he probably only needed 3-4 bags so adjust the numbers accordingly.

And for that, I thank you!

This was a total sacrifice at the base of a pyramid.

Dad was a psychopath, maybe apple didn't fall far from the tree.

freemason ritual

You know you can just join the Freemasons right? It's not a secret society, it's just a bunch of old people sitting around doing charity work

I think he means the actual "Freemasons" not the literal freemasons

What's the difference?

The actual people who are behind the scenes controlling everything. The ones who actually control the world and its events.

And those people who control the world events call themselves "freemasons"?


LOL you know nothing about the legitimate free masons.

He had dozens of guns, little interest in shooting? Also it was a psuedoautomatic weapon so not that had to acquire.

Found this link interestingly enough, goes along with the detached tweets Hillary Clinton sent out after the shooting. As well as different video sources showing what looks to be muzzle flashes from a room on the 4th floor. Listening to the weapon itself it's easy to tell that this was not an automatic weapon, as an automatic weapon can empty a 30 round clip in under 5 seconds, let alone the fact that one man that was interviewed claimed his buddy was shot 3 times in the chest... Think a 10 inch grouping (automatic or semi with a handcrank system) would be nearly impossible from the distance.

Link to the part about three hits on the same person please?

Thanks. That is quite insane.

I mean, the whole thing is quite insane.

But at 350+ yards distant, automatic fire getting a grouping of three shots on a single person's chest. I woulda thought the gun would be shaking all over the place.

I'm not an expert on this topic, maybe someone can lend an analysis of more merit, but that seems really unlikely.

Yea that's exactly right. This wasn't the video that I was looking for but it raises good questions. If you skip to 13:35 it shows accuracy while holding down the trigger on a automatic weapon

Link Missing.


When you're so caught up in tribal politics that you literally can't understand why a white person would shoot other white people.

If you have enough money/power/influence, I'm sure 'hunting' excursions like this can be arranged. Some people pay to kill lions in africa, others humans in Vegas.

Almost certainly. I won't name names, but there are people working in certain rural cities in 3rd world countries, where there are local conflicts, who basically sell "tours" to millionaires, where they set POWs loose in an uninhabited area with natural boundaries (think of Holes) and the client goes out and kills these people. Sometimes they do this with criminals who were going to executed anyway.

Now the ones they really don't tell you about (I shouldn't even mention them) are the police agencies (several in the USA) who actually allow "ride alongs" with wealthy billionaires who pretend to be cops and get the chance to kill those black guys you hear about who get unjustly killed. Not all of them are billionaires, of course, but sometimes they are. Sometimes they're just Russian agents who infiltrate US police forces in order to create racial/ethnic strife. I have this one friend, well had this one friend, who, well, nm.

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I need answers! My brain can’t handle this.

Here's my Unpopular Opinion since nobody asked.

That is the ultimate source of most of the commentary we see surrounding incidents like this.

People don't like to think that a nihilistic prick might just start shooting for no good reason because that means we can't do anything about it.

This strong need for control becomes more or less pathological, leading to cart-before-horse reasoning and leaps of logic. People will talk about 'rituals' (that don't ever include specifics because there are none), secret groups, etc. Things with correlative but not causative relationships like "the gunman had an orange hat, the same color as the president's skin!!!! OMGWTFBB".

Sure. It’s very possible he had no motive. But unless he mentally snapped, there’s a reason why he snapped, right?

The guy was well off. IIRC this would be the first time a 64 year old guy threw it all away and offed himself “just because”.

People have psychotic breaks at all ages and income levels. This link has a profile on a ton of mass shooters in America over the last 50 years and several of them are around the same age:

He was most likely a psychopath. We have no info about his personal relationships because he probably didn't have many. He made a bunch of money and got some freedom and got bored and decided to end it. His dad is an infamous bank robber psychopath and he probably has the same genes. He's a smart guy--multimillionaire. Probably planned to be the best mass shooter ever. Did it in a pretty smart way if you ask me if you want to inflict max carnage for as long as possible.

There doesn't have to be a "reason" for someone to mentally "snap".

Mental Illness is scary this way.

hey didnt we have two successful musicians commit suicide recently?

Oh, he certainly had a motive, but it might not be one that we ever get to know, or it might be very unsatisfying, like Columbine. That kind of dissatisfaction makes people really reach- they tried to blame the music they listened to, their fashion choices etc, because "there is no way you could have prevented this" is a terrifying reality.

Are you kidding? You think people rather believe an evil organization can secretly function above all authority than to believe in a lone wolf?

Maybe if your name is Jack Ruby...

Yes, they would, because an evil organization is something you can at least theoretically do something about. Some asshole who just decided to do this, not so much.

I'm not saying there aren't evil organizations- there certainly are (and I do think one of them is behind that day in Dallas).

But I do find it ironic that people invent them, lacking evidence but sure someone besides the person we know about must be involved, which serves the interests of the actual evil organizations by deflecting attention and robbing places like this of credibility.

The concept of "conspiracy theories" was invented for a reason.

The concept of "conspiracy theories" was invented for a reason.

Lol, the concept of conspiracy theories was invented because there's been a history of conspiracies since as long as anyone can remember. The CIA embraced the term while turning it derogatory via various psy-ops to mock people questioning their manufactured narrative.

Again, people would rather believe an idiot did some shit than finding out WW2 never ended and we're controlled by literal Nazis.

The reason people are choosing to believe in conspiracies is not because the "problem" is easier to solve (it's not) -- it's because the alternative lacks any kind of motivation. At least with 9/11 it was about our freedom.

That invention is exactly what I was referring to :-)

Were you... being sarcastic about 9/11 there?

No. If the Las Vegas shooter wasn't white, we probably wouldn't be discussing motivation. Well, this sub would, but most people would just call it another 9/11.

I’ll buy it when we find out he went all in with both his planes, rental property and credit card debt over $100,000 (Almost every small plane is worth at least $20,000-$100,000.)

This info can be easily manipulated by the way

Freemason sacrificial ritual? Oh ok so now you people are literally no better with these nut job theories as 4chan. Guess I can't take either seriously. What a fucking joke.

That's what this sub is for. Go back to r/news if you don't want to see discussions like these.

No, sorry. I come here to at least find some plausible and realistic ideas of what could be or could have happened. Questioning is fine, saying it might of not have happened the way we are told is fine.

But once we start getting into symbols and sacrifices it starts to get downright stupid and silly.

“Freemason sacrifice ritual” you never go full retard

maybe he had a brain tumor like the guy in the tower in texas

maybe his lady who is out of town left him and was with someone else

I see so much argument over what the motive for an attack like this would be, and I think nobody is really bringing up the idea that these sort of events are intended to shape our minds, and keep our psychology slave like. 9/11 worked to change the world into a state of permanent war because the mass destruction and display of force spoke to our ID. When you feel the roar of the lion reverberate through your body, you understand your mortality. People who are kept socially isolated, afraid, and most importantly in touch with their mortality, arent likely to organize and rise up. I believe that is the point of things like this.

BTW not a gun guy at all, but I've seen a ton of Iraq war footage. That gun sounds exactly like an M42 to me. Check videos on YouTube and tell me what you think.

One of the pictures of an AR used in the attack, has a muzzle brake on it...

Im still looking for a video that shows a flamethrower coming out of a window.

I like how his dad being a bank robber is an SUPER obvious key to why he did it. Jesus this thing stinks.

So a white millionaire country music fan pilot with no criminal record

Your bias is showing. BTW he was a hobby pilot, not that it matters.

little interest in guns

Didn't the gun shop owners confirm he had frequented their stores? And wasn't he a hunter? Dude amassed a small armory over the years and you describe him as having "little interest in guns?"

hard to acquire weapons

He used legally acquired guns.

a highly secure casino

How it is highly secure? Have you ever been to a Vegas Casino? There aren't metal detectors or security checkpoints. They're huge with 3000+ rooms. Thousands of people coming and going every day. There is tons of surveillance but that doesn't mean they're secure. Look up a few of the high profile casino robberies over the years. They are not secure. Vulnerable would be a more accurate description.

Isn't it interesting how the LV events are similar to the JFK assasination? "Lone-wolf" rifleman targets victim(s) from a tall building across the street. Eye witness and police scanner chatter indicate at least one other shooter near ground level. Uncontained, predominantly white, outdoor event. Description of the "Lone-wolf" doesn't seem to stand up to scrutiny when describing the crime commited.

I have a theory that if this was politically motivated in some way that we'll never know. Something like that could set off a chain reaction of violence and break out into a civil war.

Yeah the motive is really missing. If there was a suicide note, maybe that will shed some light on this. My initial impression is financial somehow.

Of course it adds up, it's economic terrorism against as Vegas. Also, let us not forget of Trump's own important casino industry ties to L.V.

Why was this deleted?


I'd say TL:DR but this is the entire linked article

According to an unofficial report from Reshet Bet, the Las Vegas shooter's name is Samir al-Hajib.

He is an American who converted to Islam at the age of 30 and lives in Las Vegas.

It's 2 fucking sentences /u/Jo-Calderone try reading what you link. "According to unofficial report..." From a website that is not an official news website in Israel, with no sources, or any information other than the exact point you wanted to make. This sub is a joke.

Muslims don't have drug fueled orgies but the 9/11 pawns... whoops.

how old are you, 14?

What about Robin Williams and more recently Chester Bennington (Linkin Park)? Those two were loved by millions, had millions in the bank, yet still committed suicide due to severe depression.

Just because some depression is caused by a lack money, doesn't mean it all is. I'm going to make a safe assumption and say that having a lot of money can also be depressing. Imagine not knowing who likes you for you, and not your money or material possessions.

Though I do agree that there does seem to be a lack of motive. Guess we won't really know until someone close to the accused comes forward

I think he means the actual "Freemasons" not the literal freemasons

People have psychotic breaks at all ages and income levels. This link has a profile on a ton of mass shooters in America over the last 50 years and several of them are around the same age:

Ever tried to accurately aim a bump stock? I have one and it's garbage. From the audio I've heard I say it was a rotary firing mechanism. Btw, you don't need a bump stock to bump fire a rifle.

Hard enough to aim that you don't think you could take out 50 people in an hour and fifteen minutes with a tripod from an elevated firing position?

Hard enough to aim that you don't think you could take out 50 people in an hour and fifteen minutes with a tripod from an elevated firing position?

He was most likely a psychopath. We have no info about his personal relationships because he probably didn't have many. He made a bunch of money and got some freedom and got bored and decided to end it. His dad is an infamous bank robber psychopath and he probably has the same genes. He's a smart guy--multimillionaire. Probably planned to be the best mass shooter ever. Did it in a pretty smart way if you ask me if you want to inflict max carnage for as long as possible.

We've seen three of the guns so far, and one of them had a bump fire stock, I'd say the chances are pretty good that there was another AR modified with the rotary trigger.

There doesn't have to be a "reason" for someone to mentally "snap".

Mental Illness is scary this way.

LOL you know nothing about the legitimate free masons.

It's not happening, you loon.

Over 70% of shootings in America are committed by Democrats. It's time to ban Democrats.

hey didnt we have two successful musicians commit suicide recently?

I’m calling out your argument fallacy, you’re so obsessed with liberals it’s fucking sad dude, we’re not talking about political leanings we’re talking about gun control and it’s clear you’re just obsessed with blaming everybody but the problem: fucking guns designed to kill people.

I won’t reply to your next comment, you’re not worth my time. Have a good day, don’t shoot anybody.

a single ar weighs about 4-6 lbs Ammo is heavy but every hotel in that area has a cart for luggage. and he could have gone out and bought some of this stuff while in vegas and brought it in pieces at a time. It's common for those of us who enjoy firearms to order separate upper and lower assemblies. It takes two seconds to separate an AR into two very manageable parts. And, some ARs are polymer upper/lower, so they are extremely light weight

To be completely honest the gun debate is just a big distraction while corporations like Lockheed Martin, with the support of the left and the right, deals weapons to war criminal countries like Saudi Arabia while the people stay focused here with there grips on their guns. All the while America and many other countries become less safe in the process.

Oh, he certainly had a motive, but it might not be one that we ever get to know, or it might be very unsatisfying, like Columbine. That kind of dissatisfaction makes people really reach- they tried to blame the music they listened to, their fashion choices etc, because "there is no way you could have prevented this" is a terrifying reality.

1 source is a family member and the other 2 sources are the_donald and the israeli version of the national enquirer

2 > 1 though so i guess you win

You just don't want to admit you're wrong? Instead just downvote anyone that disagrees with you. My point was on top of the fact that bump fire is super easy and cheap to do, legal, and raises no suspicion. People can still hear gun shots in the middle of the desert or a forest. I live in a rural area and I've had people report my gunshots that live miles away.