/r/news is deleting anything to do with the girl that claimed a lady warned everyone of the shootings

1175  2017-10-03 by petersanchez


Because its been posted a thousand times.


Well, they’ve been deleted.

https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/73xbbd/mystery_woman_screamed_youre_all_going_to_die_45/ No they haven't. You guys like blurt shit from your ass without checking. A 5 second search is all it took to find it. Jesus fucking christ.

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I was making a joke. Lighten up. Mossad guy was here a bit ago. You see him?

But /u/petersanchez' karma :(

it was posted on /r/conspiracy the day of and even people on /r/conspiracy were saying it was likely some nutjob because surprise surprise, nutjobs exist.

Could've just been a legitimate coincidence. Or not.

Well hopefully it was a nut job, it would be way worse to find out all these people died to make some dude a bunch of money. That is what this sub is for tho.

Pretty fucking huge coincidence, if so. As in, an unbelievable coincidence.

Death threats aren't everyday things, at least not where I'm from. America might be different.

Things probably are a lil different here, but not that different! As far as death threats go, the worst I've heard is "I wanna kill that guy," or "I'm gonna kill that guy," if someone is really angry. I've never heard anyone say "You're all gonna die tonight." That seems really specific...

Yeah that's why I don't see it as very coincidental. There is definitely more that we're not being told, whether through intentional omission /unobserved details/context.

I heard the same thing about it being a homeless person, but in the video the witness says that the "nutjob" woman was dressed normally and with her boyfriend. The witness didn't describe the woman as crazy at all.

I mean I've met some normal looking people with real mental issues. Working at a grocery store you meet everyone.

It would take some hardcore mental gymnastics to believe that its a coincidence.

Cognitive dissonance? When the alternative is accepting that mass shootings are planned and executed for financial gain and not just by random crazies...

Ignorance really is bliss, the alternative is terrifying

/r/conspiracy has been flooded with shills since the incident

So what do you think about the video? Please, I would like to hear your reasoning why this should be dismissed. It seems to be what you do best.

I'm sure glad everybody is hanging their hat on the testimony of exactly one person, without any corroborating stories from anyone else. Makes me seem like we got a solid case for sho!

They remove reposts very often, I don't like that news tends to be one sided, but this is mainly because of how reddit works, not a conspiracy

They will also shadow ban stories just like they shadow ban users. This gives the poster the illusion his submission is still up, just not popular. Tn, if someone else posts the same story, they will see it has already been posted. Pretty neat system actually.

Posts here are reposted regularly. I think people here tend to think there is some sort of conspiracy when anything isn't reported 500 times.

Spez is a cuck.

spez that out of your post before you get banned

Because the only evidence is someone saying a lady was yelling around saying everyone was gonna die. That's it. Nothing. One person. Get out.

How many people have to witness something for it to be newsworthy?

probably more than one

Well, the woman was apparently hauled off by security, so it should be fairly easy to verify, right?

verify that a woman was kicked out, or verify her identity and what she said? that she was kicked out might be easy to verify, if you can find the security guard that did it or someone he might have reported it to. Verifying her identity, not so much. I highly doubt they did anything other than show her the exit and let her go on her way. They arent going to take names, or file a report with the cops for simply kicking someone out for screaming shit at people.

but really just more concert goers corroborating what the single interview said would be the "more than one". Thus far I have seen that one single youtube video and nothing else.

Right, if its verified then that will be newsworthy. Waiting on the verification....

Yea, because if she someone had foreknowledge, which goes completely against the official narrative of the story, those in power would certainly tell us all about it and not attempt to cover it up!

Christ, some of you guys are so naive.

Is it weird that people quibble more in r/conspiracy than in real life? I showed this video to some friends and they all thought it was super creepy and were amazed that they hadn't heard about it yet.

Actually, I think that it's becoming a Reddit policy in some subs to delete anything about mass shootings. Not sure why but it seems to be the case. I saw several posts yesterday saying that anything posted about the shooting was being deleted.

Because it floods every fucking sub. r/videos is usually well modded, but every other video was stuff from the shooting. You don't need a million posts on every sub that has the exact same shit as the rest of the posts. They're probably just deleting the reposts in 9/10 cases.

Because reddit almost ruined the investigation of the Boston bombings and almost got an innocent man thrown in jail

Well that's ominous...

more like that's a drunk angry red-neck concert goer who was pissed off

You have literally nothing to base that statement on at all.

But you have nothing to base that it has anything to do with it on either.

That's why I'm not calling to have it blacklisted from Reddit.

you arent that bright. Her and her BF were spanish

Not seeing the relevance of their race, but okay.

Her and her BF were spanish

Literally nobody cares. Fuck off.


drunk people say stupid shit like this all the time. It has way more basis than SOME RANDOM LADY KNEW ABOUT THE ATTACK AND WENT TO THE AREA WHERE THE BULLETS WERE GOING TO BE FLYING. It's fucking idiotic and the fact the logical response (/u/juicy_brucesky's comment) was downvoted shows how god damn ridiculous you guys are. You say his comment is off base but some drunk woman on an angry rant knowing about the attack isn't?

Once again, completely baseless statement with no substantiation for it.

I would of left tbh... I get nopes and I leave.

nice duping delight you got there

Yes, I was wondering if she was trying not to cry but you're right she may be trying not to smile\laugh.

Cannot understand how anyone can find something like what she is doing amusing.

I blame APAP and social media.

How to get the population to reduce themselves?

  1. Kill off all the mirror neurons (by alleviating first-hand pain experience, acetaminophen affects not only how much pain we think others are experiencing but also how much of that pain we feel or vicariously experience ourselvess),

  2. Glorify the recording of gore. I have read that in some countries (Germany?) they have had to instate laws that make filming suicide attempts illegal. Because people would rather film and get those JUICY YOUTUBE VIEWS than help someone NOT FUCKING DIE.

So, basically, it's cool to be a friggin' sociopath/psychopath. Like I said, I will never understand (even though I can comprehend because humans can be total pieces of shit).

Well shit. That describes most humans. Sad.

Yeah compassion is becoming a thing that only Buddhists and other statistical anomalies care about.

And me. Sadly, cuz if I was a fucking asshole my family and I could have tons of money and vacation wherever and whenever we wanted (at the low LOW cost of morality)! /s

Sad news pal, you're just another boring human too

Don't tell me what I am. Thanks. Unless you want me to tell you what you are.

I'm sorry you're not special.

I can guarantee that I'm more special than you will ever be.

You know how I know that? Because I don't try to negate comments regarding how people shouldn't be attention-whore pieces of shit for their own benefit.

Only technically "human". The brains of psychopaths and sociopaths are known to be wired differently. The are not like the rest of us... they have no sense of guilt or remorse, no conscience about what they do to please themselves or how much harm it brings to others. In general their intelligence is above average and they see all our normal feelings as a weakness they don't share and something that can be easily exploited for their own ends and they take a delight in being able to manipulate others that way.

They already believe that they are better and more powerful than others and generally work their way into positions of authority in order to do that. They are expert liars and deceivers who can pass any lie detector because the truth or a lie has no more meaning and makes no difference to them beyond how well it simply happens to serve their own purely selfish purposes. By any proper definition they aren't human at all but soulless predatory creatures who look just like human beings but actually aren't.

Yep, and it's easy to see how, in our society, these types of 'people' end up in the positions of power. They now basically run the world. I think if people really realised that, if it hit home for them that most banks, big businesses, law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies, political positions, were filled with these sociopaths, they'd find it much easier to understand that most of these so-called 'conspiracy theories' have a hell of a lot of truth in them.

it's cool to be a friggin' sociopath/psychopath

actually this is kind of true, we have been deep into hyper-social communication for a few years now and the obsess over views,likes etc causes this exponential 1upsmanship in most communities. mental illness has become glorified and its a contest to see how depressed or psychotic and random!!! you are

Wait wtf

Your appropriate reaction is appreciated.

She also looks like the antifa Berkley girls.

she said the bf was hispanic as well?

Sounds so fucking rehearsed

Well I can't witnesses too seriously anymore. After all of the witnesses in Ferguson "swore Micheal had his hands up and his back turned when he was cut down". People lie.

/r/news is terrible. I always filter by new and there are rarely new stories. Idk if they are just deleting them. I find it strange that the shooting isn’t a big deal but Tom petty is.

I'm kinda broken up about that actually.

If I recall correctly, Amy Winehouse passed away right around when Anders Brevik(spelling?) went on his spree. The news obviously covered both stories but more people were talking about Amy. Why? Because they can put a face to the name and her albums were in a lot of homes. More people had a connection to her based on her popularity for music. The victims of Anders were unfortunate, but for many people there was absolutely no connection to be made to that atrocity.

Holy shit. You're right. Breivik massacered on 22 july 2011 and Amy died the day after on 23 july.


Can we find other such 'coincidences' of celeb deaths and massacres?

You can find anything you're looking for if you look hard enough.

This you can say about anything so that's a pretty irrelevant statement.

Irrelevant? It's completely relevant

No, it's actually relevant BECAUSE you can say it about anything.

You're going to find patterns and coincidences if you look for them. There has to be a lot more than that for there to be evidence of something bigger.

Statistics? Pretty sure statistics help us understand patterns in data. Just saying...

With a sufficient sample size and an actual statistical analysis, of course. Not just a few isolated incidents presented to support a preconstructed conclusion.

Well, no. The scientific method involves observing a pattern, for example like here we have two instances epople remember of an attack happening and a famous person dying shortly after. So you then migh tformulate a theory, that after big attacks, celebrities die the day after. And then you would take all the big attacks over a certain time period and look at how many of them had a celebrity die in the couple of days after. Then you would do a statistical analysis to see whether the number of times that happened was likely just due to chance, or if it was statistically likely that it was no accident. If you get a result that it is 95% of more likely to not be due to chance, then you have something to go on. That is how these things work. Yes you can find patterns when you look for them, but there are established ways of determining whether those patterns are just naturally occurring 'coincidences' or whether there is likely something else to it.

Absolutely, I'm all for looking into something and doing the research. It's just not evidence of anything bigger until you can prove a statistical correlation outside the likelihood of pure chance. Then there still might not be anything there, but it's worth moving on to the next step and investigating further.

So you're against people coming up with new ideas and theories and discussing them? Because at the time they threw the idea out there there was only some evidence and not a full fledged thesis? Imo when intuition intersects with reality it is worth investigating. Currenyly we have TWO major shootings involving TWO bigish celebs dying day after. Worth finding out if more exists. This is what this sub is about. Gtfo.

This sub is dead and full of people unwilling to share IDEAS and discuss controversial subjects

yep, and if you try you obviously get downvoted to oblivion by bots and other disinformation agents. And the mods are next to useless, it's sad really.

Then do the boring research and come back when you have statistical evidence.

Two out of Two actually IS statistical evidence.


If you pick a sample size of two it is a 100% correlation! Now compare the last 20 mass shootings and celebrity deaths and look at how the percentage goes down.

Sure.. it's still a statistic though. A bad one, but it IS.

Ok then let me reword my comment from above. Do the research and come back when you have meaningful statistical evidence.

There is a whole scientific process in place for statisticians to avoid cherry picking facts, biased thinking, overlooking factors etc.

And btw even if you do find out that statistically more celebrities die after terrorist attacks "correlation does not mean causation". See: http://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations

Yadda yadda.

If we can't discuss openly ideas and intuition etc in a (THE) goddam CONSPIRACY subreddit then what's the frikkin point?

It's meant for discussion, not for posting complete scientific thesises. ffs.

'Come back' when you have meaningful comments to add to the discussion!

Well if your intuition is that celebrities are getting killed to distract from conspiracies during terror attacks then there is an easy way to find out if your feeling leads anywhere. Look at the data that is available. There are lists of celebrity deaths and of terror attacks. Just google those and use a calendar and a spreadsheet to see if there is a correllation.

But if you just wanna smugly discuss you "intuitions" and "feelings" about the media and the elites and sheeple being fooled then you are dishonest if you think you don't do that for some kind of feeling of wokeness or superiority. You know better than those dumb people blindly following the narrative created by the elites and you can be sure you are onto something because of your intuition and your feelings. That is the most important part anyway because facts and evidence are controlled by "them" anyways so it's pointless to even try to rely on anything other than your own vague emotions and ideas.

If you treat it like that it's not a discussion but a circlejerk and you should at least admit why you like getting your intuitive dick stroked here.

Celebrity deaths happen almost every day. Not big celebrity deaths necessarily, but still deaths.

So it is probable that a shooting and celebrity death will occur on the same day from time to time.

What, no, how did you get that from my post? Why do people get so damn defensive about everything?

I said a pattern ALONE is not evidence of anything, because if you come to a pre determined conclusion and go looking for evidence to support it you're going to find things whether they're relevant or not.

So, like you're saying, it's a starting point. Investigate it, do the research, and discuss your ideas. I never said anything against that. Just don't be so close minded that you only see things you WANT to see.

Ok no worries then. ;)

Yes, exactly it's a starting point. The funny thing is, that if I (or others) bring up such a starting point, in a (the) conspiracy subreddit, of all places, then I get bashed and downvoted and dismissed etc! Makes no sense. Kind of mind boggling to me.

Where else would I bring it up??? (hysterical laugh)

/r/conspiracy in a nutshell.

Confirmation bias.

Didn't Tom petty just die


ding ding ding

Yes the LV shooter had a magic uber wildcat bullet that left the barrel, did a 180, flew to California and struck Tom Petty in the chest. I mean, really, how can it possibly be related?

Petty had a heart attack. The heart attack gun exists

It has to be this. I can think of zero other reasons why a 66 year old with a history of alcohol and heroin abuse and health problems in the last few months would just die like that.

We better go over every Tom Petty song for clues.

Hey I get it. But I'm just throwing darts out there like the rest of us. I'm sure it was more his past than the CIA. You never know though, that's why we're all here in this forum.

You’re a moron.

You don't know me friend.

You don't know me friend.

Look at the sub you’re in. These are people who probably barely graduated high school, but think they’re “woke” cause they think every mass shooting is some sort of government conspiracy. They think chemtrails and fema death camps are a thing. And if you think they are crazy, well it’s cause you’re a “sheep”. That’s why these morons will find a way to somehow connect Tom Petty and a shooting are connected. Even though celebrities dying and shootings happens almost every day.

I wonder what your motivations are for coming to a conspiracy sub and then spending considerable effort in writing a response doing nothing but slacking the users of that sub.

Cause it bugs me how fucking dumb 99% of this sub is. You all think any screen shot or photo is real. There isn’t a single thread of consistency to any of your thinking. NWO and the GOO behind 9/11. No ducking consistency because you all just forget about it and move on to the next thing. It’s a fucking joke.

True! But you also gotta realize that there are a lot of disinformation agents (the shills! - hate that word). I believe there is an active campaign of making CTs look bad (e.g. flat earth, hollow moon etc.). This way when we do talk about a real theory then the sheep will just lump that in with all the 'crazy' stuff.

Don't fall for the disinformation! Don't get played. The rabbithole goes deep.

Good luck.

Yea and the websites are posted on this sub all the time. They make up bullshit and make ad money when you gullible fucks click.

They don't do it for ad money, they do it for disinformation and to discredit real CTs.


Those are all good points.

All the more reason to fuck off outta here.

People in here aren't going to change because of your little hissyfits, but you'll probably end up getting banned if you keep on this track of user bashing.

Seriously. Why bother?

Because it’s enjoyable to me.

You're a fucking loser. A bigger loser than anyone in here.

And people who think every mass shooting is a conspiracy are fucking morons. Starting on with their theories like they know what happened and it’s barely been any time since it happened. It’s fucking sad that people are so dumb that they think anything that pops in their head should be considered a legitimate theory. And then they support these shit websites by reading their garbage articles and spreading the links around like herpes and make the whole situation worse when any bit of critical thought pokes so many holes in these half baked theories.

I agree fwiw, but you aren't doing anyone any favours shouting at them.

Don’t really care, honestly. It’s not like they can be reasoned with. If I’ve learned anything these past few years, people’s minds don’t change. They hunker down in their mind set and dig in deep. Facts don’t matter. Logic doesn’t matter.

What a sad existence you have when the only enjoyment you get is trolling/wasting people's time on an online forum, in a desperate bid to raise your self-esteem.

Seriously man, get a life.

Who ever said it’s the only enjoyment I get? Lots of reaching there and so fucking trite. Again though, the reaching and grasping at straws, common in this sub.

Keep telling yourself that.

You're a loser, pure and simple.

See you around then, loser.

I imagine the idea is that when one of these false flag attacks is staged, it's useful to have public attention diverted or divided at least, so they are less likely to concentrate on the details of the attack and work out that something is amiss. Or just to traumatise people more because it makes people easier to influence and control when they are traumatised. Just some guesses.

Easy. The conspirators killed Tom Petty in order to distract the public from the LV shooting. For what reason? Who knows.

Yeah, and it was reported on "early" before he even died, with no warning. It was definitely done intentionally.

Did the clairvoyant BBC report it?

Rolling Stones actually. which is basically tabloid garbage at this point, but you seen how quickly it got promoted.

Actually it was the LAPD and CBS.

Tom Petty?

"Interesting" telling

Tom petty just died

Lol you people find "clues" in any odd thing.

I remember someone famous died (forget who) after the Munich shooting and everyone stop paying attantion after the shooters true motives were revealed.

It's not a "coincidence" or some crazy legend.


Literally, with 23 random people in a room, the odds are 50% two of em share the same birthday. Remember in elementary school when two people in your class had the same birthday?

Now, it only takes 70 random people and it is a 99.9% probability that two people will share a birthday.

100% is reached at 367 people. (366 days)

How amazing is that?

Now that you read this, I'm sure you remember two elementary grades (2 grades out of 5 grades) where two kids share a birthday.

Math ain't so bad

So you're saying that any major event would have a celeb die coincidentaly. Right? Except thats clearly not the case. You're doing it wrong (the math).

With the proliferation of artists and celebraties in the past few decades alone they will pretty much be dying consistently and more often nowadays.

Yeah seriously if someone from this sub sets out to find a celebrity death after each mass shooting/terror attack he will extend the definition of celebrity or the timeframe before or after the attack where a celebrity can die as far as he needs to to find one dead "celebrity" death close to any event.

What's your problem dude?

151k people die every day in this world

Didnt Tom petty just die? lol don't think it was that crazy though. He was old.

nobody liked amy winehouse, not even amy winehouse



Ahem, I liked her....Me...I did.

how dare you

They don't allow resubmissions, and that video was posted before. News has to be new, I'm not sure why they're upset that they're not accepting old news. That's how they keep from having it full of spam, the only new stuff you'd actually see would actually be new.

Fwiw, r/worldnews mods are verified tumblrinas.

News has groups of Anifta trolls that dig for personal information and attempt to dox anyone that's pushing the wrong narrative. I accidentally posted a comment from my "business account". The users posted my info in a thread and bot upvoted it. They proceeded to dox my Google reviews, website forms and my phone.


For real how do I sign up to get paid to post on Reddit?? I already do it way too much for free. Shit would be a sweet gig.

Comment got deleted - what did it say?

I think they said something about a Facebook friend who got paid to run several Reddit accounts. It was kind of a long comment and seemed somewhat believable.

I was sort of joking but not really, getting paid to argue on Reddit would be awesome lol

Yes! This is great. Keep on the trail man, fuck that shit!

Wow, good work. Would be so interesting to find out who pays him. Are there specific narratives he has to follow, or is it just suppressing and intimidating anyone who questions the official story about any topic?

Hey if you find out who pays him please send me an address. Sounds like a great gig and if some shady ex convict can do it I am sure I can do it too.

May be. The reason I think hes beng paid to do is because his family basically lives in welfare housing but he constantly post pics of his PC setup. Im talkin 4 screens, high end gaming hardware etc. Pretty sure hes also a mod with EnoughTrumpSpam and related subs. Legit Shareblue shill. The sad part is Reddit mods 100% know about it. They got 2.

I've been on news sites and channels all night, and I've seen nothing about Tom Petty and everything about the shooting.

Stay strong free thinkers.Forum shifting and psychological attacks, and bans(lol at getting banned from r/news btw) are going around for those who seek to speak out about the inconsistencies all around this terrible event. There needs to be a Real investigation into if/how the deep state just waged war in Vegas on American civilians

Please list these inconsistencies. I'm really intrigued.

And what war was waged? Everyone literally woke up on Monday and went to work like they always do

Seriously, we've already lost the fucking war. Everyone is in debt, there's no hope for anything to get better, the government is run by complete idiots and only the rich get to pick who get elected. But I guess it's too ridiculous that someone in this society could snap and murder a bunch of people.

after the 20 fake dead kids from the Sandy Hook false flag failed to have the desired effect and they didn't pass any meaningful gun control legislation, maybe they were trying to go bigger this time

People are more sympathetic to country music fans than they are to children?

No they aren't. That's why I can't figure out why the govt did this. When are they going to learn false flags don't work!

I'm getting attacked left and right even on this sub

you take snopes seriously? Seriously?

I take slopes with a grain of salt. It's sometimes useful though and this seems to be one of those instances. If Breanna really does think the lady shouting at the concert was unrelated to the shooting, that is relevant because she was one of very few eye witnesses to the altercation.

Hendricks saw events differently afterward, telling us on 3 October 2017 that she no longer believes the woman’s threats and behavior were related to the shooting...

Their only source for the comments "debunking" it are... themselves? And I am supposed to take that as fact checking?

I think the video is far more credible than Snopes using an unrecorded interview as a source.

They spoke with her directly, it says so in the piece. What more do you want?

Well, on one hand I have a video of the woman in question stating very clearly the things in question.

On the other hand I have amateur "fact checkers" making a written and unverifiable statement that they "spoke" to her.

You don't see the evidentiary discrepancy?

Are you saying they made up speaking with her?

I am saying that they provide no evidence that they did. I have video evidence of what they are trying to refute, but they expect me to value their non-evidence higher than actual evidence. That isn't "debunking" by any stretch of the imagination.

They are not debunking anything and never claim to. Breanna added detail to her account and gave those details directly to whomever she spoke with at Snopes. The default position is not, everyone is lying to me and making shit up for the benefit of some nefarious concept or persons yet to be named.

This is easily verifiable information and clearly this girl is not in hiding. Why would Snopes risk what reputation they do have over a deadend side story? It simply a bizarre assertion that lacks any credibility other than it sounds good to you.

This is easily verifiable information

No, it isn't, and that is why I consider what is on video to be actual evidence and their article to be unsourced hearsay. You are not good at comparing disparate evidence.

Yeah, it is. She is obviously taking interviews. Get press credentials and give her a ring. Until then, leave it to those that are actually doing the work.

This is called blind trust. I simply don't blindly trust Snopes. You are welcome to, I wont call you an idiot for doing so (to your face) because that's your choice.

Neither do I. However, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and this is simply not an extraordinary claim, nor is it difficult to verify.

I highly doubt Snopes will be the only ones speaking with Breanna, they were just the second outlet that happen to do so.

nor is it difficult to verify.

You suggestion to verify it: Get press credentials, hunt the woman's contact information down and call her myself. You claim it's so easy that you can believe the claims without doing it.

I don't need to, Snopes has already done that. I'm not the one saying Snopes made up an interview.

I have the video saved to my phone. New that was going to happen

Is there a good source to read on this?

Has there been any update on this? I'm surprised the security guards dont have any footage of her or a sketch has been drawn by the female?

Is there proof it even happened? I've only seen one witness mention it.

I see you have had a busy day today

Snopes wasnt there, glad they talk like they were

Fucking snopes is garbage.

I feel like that gives a bad name to garbage.

You are correct. I wash my recyclables before I throw them in the bin. Even if I didn't, it would still be cleaner than snopes.

r/news also removes stuff about Muslim acts of terrorism

My best guess is that woman was just trying to sound wicked and scare people more than be actually related to the shooting.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and Gullible Bickering Imbiciles.

We are surrounded

Ok, this is the same thing as mainstream media not really covering the same sort of things. Mainstream media covers mainstream news, r/news is the CNN/MSNBC of Reddit. There exist different channels for this sort of news, like r/conspiracy, but just because they aren't covering it, doesn't make it a conspiracy, your post should have been, "Possibility that a woman warned people of the shooting", fuck yeah, let's get into that. But calling out mainstream media for not covering more fringe news, and calling that the conspiracy, is so absurd.

It's probably a fucking conspiracy because they want to censor

I saw her brief interview earlier where she said she didn't know if the lady was warning them or threatening them. I can't imagine making that mistake. Unless I was barely listening I would certainly know the difference between "YOURE GONNA FUCKING DIE TONIGHT BITCH!" And "OMG GUYS, seriously you're gonna die here tonight if you stay!!" Nor did this concerned citizen try to get to the stage, and when security took her away she would have told them the same thing surely yet none of those minimum-wage temp security workers are coming out to talk about it.

obviously it was just said in an ambiguous way. how are you unable to comprehend something so simple?

If I had previous knowledge of a massacre about to happen at a concert, the last thing I would do would be push my way to the front of the stage.

Tough spot to get out of.

Well said. To put it bluntly, they are human in physical form, but they think they are superior. In modern times, they may technically be in, terms of survival. In terms of being "human" they are worthless, evil turds.

she was an escort I bet and she was in his room before it went down

Wouldn't be surprised. Is there any news of this person being picked up, questioned by the police?

good theory

reddit has been compromised for years.

i forget which reddit thread this was linked off of, but it does sound like multiple sources of gun fire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBbOFwWquAw&app=desktop

'they' would be right. she was right.

From a proud America jew, and tweet "FBI= Federal Bureau of Islam!"

I will not trust her to tell me the time of the day.

If a female was warning people in the concert that they were going to die, then by definition she was also in the firing line and also she was very likely to be hit by bullets fired from above.

Q1 Why would a person attempt to warn other people of an impending attack and be unconcerned about their own safety?

Q2What evidence has been presented to definitively link the shooter with any organisation? I have so far seen nothing.

Normal. Because she is the proof that this was planned.

There's always a crazy lady who said you all gonna die tonight!

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I was making a joke. Lighten up. Mossad guy was here a bit ago. You see him?

People are more sympathetic to country music fans than they are to children?

They called the girl and asked her directly. You can do the same. This isn't some mystery.

Yea, as usual there was nothing interesting about the Snopes article, no matter how hard they try to cast doubt on it. Lame, that will probably be the last time I click on a Snopes link.

I don’t think the couple had foreknowledge of a mass murder. To me it sounds like the Latino couple were making empty threats after a drunken confrontation. This sort of stuff happens very frequently at concerts and any large gathering of people where alcohol is involved. I seem to recall the girl who was interviewed about it saying the couple who were making making threats were escorted out by security.

The threats were unrelated to the shooting.

What?? This could easily have been a coincidence. What doesnt add up is a 64 year old millionaire with no zero violence in his past and no affiliations to any organization decides he wants to die and take a bunch of people with him. This guy was probably murdered to be the patsy. Those were military grade weapons, where the fuck would he get those??

Those were not modified weapons

Can you provide evidence of this statement?

I'd be willing to bet that at any given moment there is a drunk lady threatening to kill someone in Vegas. It's Las Vegas...

still learning to read? she never threatened to kill anyone..

Those were not modified weapons and i dont give a fuck what the official story claims. He somehow got real fully auto guns or that part of the story is a bold face lie.

...i don't understand. You asked where he would get those weapons, I told you where you could get those types of weapons.

You can buy fully automatic weapons. You can modify guns to fire automatic. I'm not sure what you're arguing here

And me. Sadly, cuz if I was a fucking asshole my family and I could have tons of money and vacation wherever and whenever we wanted (at the low LOW cost of morality)! /s

I'm trying to understand the end conclusion? That this was all planned? Dude holed and armed up for 4 days getting ready to commit this act, so it was definitely planned, well in advance.

So therefore it's plausible someone else could know, like this lady. But if she is down in the crowd warning people, she's not assisting the shooter or helping make it easier for him. I mean, she might be some hate filled person who knew and just wanted to be down there seeing the victims up close, but why tip people off on the threat in advance if you want the shooting to happen?

Or the flip side, if she knew and wanted to stop it, yelling at randoms at the concert that they are going to die, instead of calling the authorities doesn't make sense either.

I guess I'm saying that if this lady actually knew the shooting was going to happen in advance, her actions don't make much sense regardless of which side of the situation she may be on. If she wants the shooting to happen, you don't warn the victims. If you don't, screaming death is coming isn't rational or effective.

So either she's a nut who knew and figured screaming at the concert goers was the best course of action...or it might just be a drunk chick hurling insults for some unrelated incident that happened at the concert.

I just can't think of a logical result for what value her actions if she really did know added. Therefore I err to the side of: drunk chick at a country concert. It actually makes the most sense to me. But It's late for me too and I'm rambling so any thoughts are appreciated.

A huge red flag.

With the proliferation of artists and celebraties in the past few decades alone they will pretty much be dying consistently and more often nowadays.

Spend an evening in a drinking city with enough homeless people and you'll get warnings of imminent death pretty consistently. The first time I visit Bourbon Street there was at least 2 methed out homeless dudes talking of the end of the Earth and one soap box preacher that had a giant sign hanging on him proclaiming the same thing, although his reason was the gays.

But /u/petersanchez' karma :(

Yeah seriously if someone from this sub sets out to find a celebrity death after each mass shooting/terror attack he will extend the definition of celebrity or the timeframe before or after the attack where a celebrity can die as far as he needs to to find one dead "celebrity" death close to any event.

So in this case we trust people interviewed by the news?

Gay people after night club shooting = actors Liberal parents after sandy hook = actors Country music fans = "very authentic and genuine"

Once again, completely baseless statement with no substantiation for it.

151k people die every day in this world