Couldn't Jason Aldean have warned the crowd, his fans, that they were being shot at? Either from on or safely offstage? His crew, the promoters, anyone with a mic could have warned people, right? But he just sprinted away.

0  2017-10-03 by filmfiend999

Wtf. I don't listen to his stuff, but if I did, I wouldn't now.


I think it is possibly he didn't know what was going on.

...until he did, and then ran. Fast. And tbat is fine, but once they knew, backstage... wtf?

People panic and don't think straight.

If they do make a movie of it, though, that's probably what they'll have the singer do, and maybe have him sing the national anthem as well.

Of course! He did what he was instructed to do in case there is a problem.

He did what most people would do, which is run to safety. What do you think he should have done?

He hid in his trailer which also got sprayed with bullets. But no, some random reddit fuck wit needs him to stand through a barrage of fire to start a stampede. Do you ever use your brain, like ever?

First time. It was fun.

I still think he, or at least festival staff, could have given people an audible warning. People were still walking around, clueless, long after it started. Because nobody said shit.

Ok so I am going to stop the conversation now as you are too brain dead to comprehend what happens if you scream "shots fired" into a 22,000 strong crowd. You do not use logic, reason or any form of intellect which is why you are incapable of seeing the reality. You are in a Hollywood movie in your head where someone walks onstage amidst flying bullets to calmly say "someone is killing people, please leave cordially" then the stampede hits. Like seriously, for 2 seconds, get off reddit and do some actual research. You are making yourself look like a fucking retard.

Ok, go fuck yourself. Your cowboy hero ain't nothin' but yella.

I personally hate country music so he ain't my hero. I just use a thing called logic which has clearly managed to evade you for your entire life. If you ever come across some reason, intellect or anything else useful you may notice a slight uptick in your mood but I doubt that ever happens.

Lol. I'll donate an upvote since you put so much into your responses.

You sound like you're about as cowardly as he is. Do you have a reference to anything that says his trailer got sprayed with bullets, or are you just a lying piece of shit like him? At least his ex-wife was safe, far away and forgotten.

I don't even know the singer lol and you are so fucking angry at him, why? Did he fuck your girlfriend and make you watch? I can't see any other reason for you to be so enraged haha. I watched the news for about 13 hours straight after it happened. Fox, CNN and MSNBC all reported bullets hitting the artists trailers. The artists themselves also said this. Dan Bilzerians friend who was ON THE STAGE ALSO said the same. You are so fucking retarded it's actually hilarious to watch.

Shut up dummy. I've seen your shitposting. And I hate to burst your bubble, but you're never going to be with Jason. Even that cheating lying coward is too much man for you.

My first thought would be that he did not know what was going on, and if he yelled: "Gunfire, everyone run" it could've caused a stampede, and if he was wrong, he would've been liable to injuries that resulted from it. You know the whole "you cannot yell fire in a crowed area".

Just my two cents.

I agree. He hesitated, and probably did not know until he saw people falling.

Either way, there is a procedure to be followed, and he followed it. By stopping the song and exiting the stage, people knew that something was not right. It is up to the security personnel to do crowd control. I bet even they did not realize at first. The last thing you would expect is someone to be firing down on 22,000 people with a machine gun.

Exactly how do you know what 'the procedure' is? He's a coward, and he ran for his life and didn't give a shit what happened to anybody else. And you're less of a person for defending him. People died there that night helping other people, and your comment is an affront to them.

I know people who sing and I asked them.

There is a video of him singing the first song. There were shots, and he said something to the crowd. Did you see that video?

No, I'm not less of a person. I have been in a random shooting, and it is not what people expect. It is very different.

He did what he was supposed to do. The singer is presumably not trained to do crowd control. Other people are there for that.

Send me a link to the video of him saying something to the crowd. Which random shooting were you in?

Portland, Oregon in 2009, I believe it was.

I will look for that video again. It was someone standing back from the left side of the stage (left side if you are facing the stage). There were a few shots before the machine gun fire. The few shows occurred right before he finished the first song. The machine gun fire was after he started the second song.


At about 3:12 or so. The singer asks the crowd to "back up a little bit".

I didn't realize this before, you can you hear a loud crack right before the machine gun opens up. Listen at 3:51 to 3:55.

He said "What do y'all say we pick it back up a little bit?" implying he was going to do a more upbeat song.

Either way, there is no point arguing about it. I think it is more important to figure out who is responsible.

There is a single rifle shot as the machine gun is firing at 3:12. This indicates multiple shooters.

I just rewatched this video, and you can hear muffled machine fun fire at about 2:00, then you hear much louder machine fun fire on top of it. This eliminates the echo theory, and makes me think there were two shooters.

I am not convinced that Paddock was involved. If he was, he was not the only shooter. He seems like the perfect dupe to me.

Your thoughts?

I agree with you. I'm being insulting myself to what happened to people there by venting on Aldean. He didn't hurt anybody, and it wasn't his responsibility. The SNL thing set me off, I apologized to you for anything I may have said that was offensive.

I'm struggling to understand what happened, and why. I think somebody said if you could actually understand something like this, you'd have to be as fucked up as the person that did it. It just doesn't make sense. Apparently he was planning to get away, and it wouldn't be incomprehensible to think that somebody that was there with him, might have. I'm not a conspiracy person, but this one is a damn mystery.

-He apparently didn't have anything against Mandalay Bay or Country music fans, he had cased other venues with different crowds.

-He didn't need money, so it wasn't an extortion thing like with the Beltway sniper (which started out as a plot to murder his ex wife)

-He doesn't seem to be a domestic or otherwise fanatical terrorist

Brain malfunction, like the Tower Sniper?

I don't know.

No worries. I think he was a dupe. There is a lot more to this story then we are being told. A huge clue is that there have been no recent videos of him releases, such as in the casino before the attack. I have not seen any videos of him carrying all of that equipment up, either. This makes me suspicious.

If he was the only one involved and he is dead, then there is really no reason for them to hold back these videos.

They hold back details of crime scenes so they'll know if suspects will drop details that they couldn't have known, or if people that falsely confess are telling the truth. That said, this whole thing is a mystery, and there's no telling what the truth is. You have to remember, this is a huge case, and they're going to err on the conservative side. What are you thinking? Don't start that false flag shit with me.

Then that means that they are lying about the single shooter angle, which we already know. I wonder if they are covering their own asses.

What do you think happened? I'm taking it as my life's mission to talk you out of the conspiracy shit, even though this might not be the best situation to talk to you about it. Something stinks.

I think there were multiple shooters. I don't see how he got all that equipment up there undetected. The hotels in Vegas have state of the art security.

The top four floors of Mandalay Bay is Four Seasons, which is partially owned by the Saudis.

You're a conspiracist. Of course you think there were multiple shooters. And you think it was Islamic terrorism? I'm not disagreeing.

I had to reply to this. You actually think that coward thought through not causing a stampede? Jesus Christ. He was running for his life the second he realized what was happening, and he couldn't have given two fucks what was happening to anybody else. I'm sure he was at McCarran 10 minutes later headed home to his new wife.

Well, what if he did yell, "RUN EVERYONE, THERE IS A MAD SHOOTER". Might have hurt more people doing it that way, and he would be liable.

No, sadly, seems he did the right thing.

Put yourself in the shoes of a fan there. He absolutely should have announced something like "there is a legitimate threat" (or maybe not him but the venue, management). There should have been an emergency plan in place for fires and such. Those people deserved a chance but instead the band left their fans in a combat zone unarmed.

All of the musicians, including Aldean, wear custom molded in ear monitors. You literally can't hear anything but what's coming through them, so depending on how loud they have them cranked, the only way he could have heard gunshots was if his vocal mic was picking up the sound, and maybe crowd mics (sometimes they put condenser mics on the ends of the stage facing the crowd so the performers can hear a little bit of the crowd noise)
I don't think anybody in production would have known what was going on at that moment, much less have a chance to address the crowd.

I was hoping someone with musical knowledge would explain this.

Jesus you people look for any reason to bitch.

Which "you people" are you referring to?


Me? The people telling you to eat a dick?

The crew did the right thing by shutting off the music and turning off the stage lights. The crowd knew what was happening within seconds.

I wouldn't say that the entire crowd knew within seconds, simultaneously, but agree with your first point.

It's possible he was one of the last to know since his back was to the direction of the gunfire and he probably had those ear buds singers wear to eliminate background noise/feedback.

I have seen videos where it seems that they also turned on every overhead light they could facing the crowd which was a very bad move. Before the shooting the crowd is dark, after it starts they are spot lit.

I understand what you mean but it's not like the shooter was aiming. Maybe they thought whatever was happening was coming from the crowd or thought the people would be able to see and not trample each other. But it was probably just automatic to turn up the house lights when the stage lights were shut off. It signals that the show is over.

He's an entertainer, and not security. The entertainers are instructed to exit the stage at the first sign of trouble. It is up to security personnel to take care of crowd control.

I asked a singer friend of mine, and this is what he told me.

I actually don't think this is sorted out in law yet. This was a precent setting case and Sugarland was held liable for millions I believe. Pretty sure they had to declare bankruptcy.

FYI: The screams in that video gave me nightmares for months. If you're sensitive, don't watch it. Or watch it on mute.

That is pretty crazy. Very sad for those people. Maybe they did not check the weather report, and that is why they were liable. I mean, it was foreseeable that the stage could collapse with winds that strong.

It it interesting that the people were standing there. I would have been gone.

I was about a mile away. This wasn't on radar. It literally built up on the northwest side of the city minutes before. This was almost smack dab in the norther central part of the city. This kind of think isn't uncommon in Indianapolis- they get wicked storms out of nowhere kind of a lot compared to a lot of places.

OK! I see. I am not familiar with the weather in that state.

I'm pretty sure this incident actually led to a gay rights case too because gay marriage was recognized in Indiana at the time and one of the people who died had kids but was married to another woman in another state. Big issues with custody and estate.

Liability issue.


I sincerely doubt his immediate thought was "how would my lawyer want me to approach this?"

He was probably pissing his pants and ran off stage the same pretty much anyone else would react.

I agree it would have been 5 star customer service to announce something, but during a moment like that - really? No idea where it was coming from, who was doing it, if there was something worse coming, but hold on - let's run back and find a mic to tell people to panic.

Causing a stampede could have added more dead and injured to the counts.

That is not true. There were stampede casualties but minimal as it was an outdoor venue with large sections of wire fencing. Put yourself at the show. Would you have felt like you were protected against a stampede or that a bunch of people took care of their own safety?

I’m saying that someone getting on the mic and yelling that everyone is getting shot at could have caused more injuries due to the stampede and people were STILL going to be shot at.

I hear you but would ask again, if you were at the show would you have wanted a warning (with the potential to start a stampede) or no heads up so you stood there in the light for a good 5 -10 minutes before you started to realize what was happening. I am convinced many lives would have been saved with a warning.

I think he just ran because he was fucking afraid

Has he released a statement or anything? Even Ariana Grande released something on twitter and she licked people's doughnuts that one time.

He probably had no idea what was going on. You probably would have done the same thing.

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I wish he would shut his mouth. " Something has changed in this country" no shit, shit is changing all the time. Stop using this as a platform to drive whatever your agenda is.

I know news outlets probably pressed him to make statements, but shut up!

There is no excuse for this. He and his people were told it was a legitimate threat and they immediately bailed but if you watch the videos the crowd lingered for so many agonizing and unnecessary minutes calmly debating whether the sounds were far off or not etc. So many lives could have been saved just from announcing there was a legitimate threat. Don't buy the stampede excuses. In that situation would YOU want to be told as soon as someone realized it was an intentional attack? Absolutely disgraceful.

He's a coward. Listening to him 'singing' about standing his ground last night on SNL was an insult to Tom Petty and to the people that actually stood their ground and helped victims that night.

I didn't see that, but that really pisses me off.

I didn't see that, but that really pisses me off.

I agree. He hesitated, and probably did not know until he saw people falling.

Either way, there is a procedure to be followed, and he followed it. By stopping the song and exiting the stage, people knew that something was not right. It is up to the security personnel to do crowd control. I bet even they did not realize at first. The last thing you would expect is someone to be firing down on 22,000 people with a machine gun.

I actually don't think this is sorted out in law yet. This was a precent setting case and Sugarland was held liable for millions I believe. Pretty sure they had to declare bankruptcy.

FYI: The screams in that video gave me nightmares for months. If you're sensitive, don't watch it. Or watch it on mute.

I'm pretty sure this incident actually led to a gay rights case too because gay marriage was recognized in Indiana at the time and one of the people who died had kids but was married to another woman in another state. Big issues with custody and estate.

I had to reply to this. You actually think that coward thought through not causing a stampede? Jesus Christ. He was running for his life the second he realized what was happening, and he couldn't have given two fucks what was happening to anybody else. I'm sure he was at McCarran 10 minutes later headed home to his new wife.

Either way, there is no point arguing about it. I think it is more important to figure out who is responsible.

There is a single rifle shot as the machine gun is firing at 3:12. This indicates multiple shooters.

I just rewatched this video, and you can hear muffled machine fun fire at about 2:00, then you hear much louder machine fun fire on top of it. This eliminates the echo theory, and makes me think there were two shooters.

I am not convinced that Paddock was involved. If he was, he was not the only shooter. He seems like the perfect dupe to me.

Your thoughts?