An overlooked aspect of the Las Vegas situation

183  2017-10-04 by ryanpeverly

I see a lot of people here speculating on motivations and details based on information provided in mainstream media reports. There's an angle for everyone: lone wolf psychopath; deep state arms dealer; occult ritual sacrifice.

The narrative over the last 24 hours on this sub has went from wild speculation on the latter to more mild speculation about the narrative provided by the "LVPD leaker". Personally, I'd urge those of you buying into that narrative to refer back to the case of Tupac Shakur, which the LVPD has helped cover up since 1996.

To think they weren't in on this recent event on some level is ludicrous. They're one of the groups who would benefit the most when you consider the possible outcome of this: more laws, more restrictions, more security, greater police presence, etc. They have a stake in this game: more funding for their organization.

And then there's the media. There does seem to be a growing push among the mainstream that this story doesn't seem right. ABC News filing for FOIA about Paddock's employment history with the government is a clue here.

My angle on the media is also simple: no one trusts the mainstream news agencies anymore, so you need to restore faith in them. Let them break a juicy story about undercover arms dealings in the FBI, which pacifies a large majority of "conspiracy theorists" while alerting the masses that they're really not as safe and secure from the feds as they think, which means greater trust placed in your local authorities, who are now getting greater funding for their increased militarization.

It's a two-birds-with-one-mass-shooting thing. Increase trust in the media by allowing them to shine light on an deep state arms deal gone wrong, while also providing the groundwork for increasing local police presence in major cities.


EDIT: I should also note that the FBI, from what I've read here and on 4chan, seem to be the more America first group, while the CIA seems to be the arm of the globalists. Another way to take heat away from the agency.


I’m waiting on MSM to give us a “motive”

They can't just make something up. They need to have sources that confirm whatever they find.

They don't try to find anything. They just wait for the CIA/FBI memo to arrive and repeat it verbatim.

Did you forget to put /s?

Did you?

No I just think your comment is funny because the Msm is not known to do its fact checking

No I just think your comment is funny because the Msm is not known to do its fact checking

This is such a broad sweeping generalization that it's almost meaningless. Sometimes the MSM does fact checking and they get it right. Because we live in the internet we are inundated with millions of instances where the MSM has gotten it wrong, thereby allowing people to say "The MSM doesn't do fact checking" ...when in reality they do, and most of the time they may even be right, but that doesn't matter because there are people don't trust their institutions anymore.

We have reached the point where the people in charge, don't trust the institutions they have taken over to lead. This should end well.

You say it yourself "we are inundated with millions of instances where the MSM has gotten it wrong...".

1) you prove my point, the MSM is not known for fact checking.

2) slinging shit at the wall and hoping something sticks isn't exactly the best method of reporting when you have as large a platform as they do.

Thier not going to. The motive is "no motive". The idea that anyone can do this your neighbor, your friend or your brother. Keeps you scared of everyone divide and conquer... also guns...

it is not just about GUN CONTROL!

It's about rolling out TSA on the streets; hotels, concerts, movies, etc...for your safety, you'll have to be searched everywhere you go...the new AmeriKa.

Im not arguing agenst that. Infact thats exactly how i feel. Normalizes us giving up rights in the name of security.

I think we found it

And instantly downvoted.

This section is really filled with non regular since the shooting. I see a lot of people on here that refuse to believe anything about the vegas shooting. it happens. I think in a month from now we can have real discussion about it all

Seems you're upvoted now

This is one of the best commentaries I've seen here about LV, yet it is getting downvoted. Downvoters, comment to say why you are downvoting.

Good argument - though I don't buy the media part. The media is history and TPTB have no interest in turning the clock back. Media is now "Social" and we see a power grab for gaining control over it. I don't envy the owners of major social media platforms now, as they are either "sidelined" or sucked in to these evil games.

True. So apply the same logic to the "social" media. You create personalities on there, whether real people or bots, who break the news. Instead of on your TV, it's in your Twitter feed. This is our mainstream media now. You're telling me you can't have the modern-day equivalent of a news anchor walking through a crisis scene after the fact filming a 4-minute "on location" video where he's taking the pulse of people lying on the ground? That does more to build a narrative on social media than anything you'd see on TV.

This is true. Whoever wields the Truth will win.

Yo do you like conspiracies? I took your conspiracy and put it inside another conspiracy so you can have a mega conspiracy!

Essentially OP's take is there is a conspiracy (the MSM manufactured an undercover FBI arms dealing conspiracy to build up MSM trust) within a conspiracy (Paddock wasn't a lone wolf) and we know this because Tupac. Conspiracy-ception!

Sorry but I'm going to need something better than that. The FBI conspiracy doesn't even have legitimate traction. I haven't seen any of the MSM touch this 4chan FBI theory. If MSM is using this as its cover up to build up national trust, the first step would have to be them actually USING it as its cover up.

Look, I'm not saying this is what's happening. It's speculation. But you do have to build it up as an investigation. You don't just come out a day or two later and say, "Hey guess what? Undercover FBI-ISIS arms deal gone wrong!" How does that possibly seem legitimate?

But what MSM source is reporting that? All I'm seeing is a 4chan screenshot going viral.

Supposedly, ABC News has filed a FOIA for Paddock's government employment history. They can connect everything through that information once received and investigated. They're not reporting it right now because they don't have the info.

It's important to note the history of Las Vegas here.

It was literally founded by a Jewish gangster who sought to replicate the success of Atlantic City.

He worked closely with the mafia in getting the whole city running.

Point being that it is literally a city whose founding principal is curroption.

Vegas is definitely a hub for the "Underworld." I wouldn't be surprised if this man was involved in selling weaponry to the black market.

Why does he need to sell them? He could give them away for free since his money is no longer his.


You will never get a motive. You never do. Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech etc. et. al. It all remains a mystery as to exactly why they did it. And that's done on purpose. Why?

Because if we knew that these guys were specifically trying to make a point about being wronged, or a bad break up with a girlfriend, we'd better accept their actions. And when we accept their actions - even if they are unreasonable - we take the focus off of the guns.

With no motive the blame goes to guns. He did this because of guns. And right now, that's all you got to go on and later on that's all you'll hear about - he had guns and used guns to kill people for no reason. Guns are the problem. Guns are the reason. We can't trust people with guns because they'll randomly without cause kill people. That's the narrative we're being fed.

The common theme is hat they were prescribed medication for anxiety/depression

One third of the population is on psych meds. Now how many of them are gun owners?

You make a good point. If you need pills to be baseline normal, one thing you don't need is guns.

Or pills.

I don't think this is necessarily fair -- I take prozac/fluoxetine to keep my thoughts on track and focused throughout the day, and seroquel xr to sleep through the night without waking up every hour and mellow out a hot temper. Both of these medicines help me be "baseline normal" but without them I would never ever consider harming someone or even enacting violence towards any species. I have gone through many different periods/levels of withdrawal with these medications and others, and even knowing how awfully those affect my thinking and behaviors, I would never expect to feel like I couldn't trust myself with a weapon.

You might think you're fine but that doesn't mean society should bear the risk that you're wrong.

Yeah but you're removing his right to due process. By that logic anyone who takes psych meds shouldn't be allowed to drive, vote, or have children because society shouldn't have to bear the risk of his decisions.

I agree, but I have just as much right as society to my safety, and if I need a gun/weapon to protect myself from people I deserve it just as much as anyone else.

"Mellow out a hot temper" LOL, perfectly acceptable to own guns if you need meds to quell a hot temper.

Acknowledging that snapping at people with bitchy/snide comments (and generally being irritated by the general population) is an unhealthy behavior is a VERY far cry from harming others.

Yes people like you, a person who admits to being on medication to control their "mental health problems", whixh is you ajd eveyone else in America being a big ass puss shouldnt be allowed to own guns.

I’m not sure what your level of experience with “mental health problems” is, or your familiarity with medication, but medication for the way that you think and feel is not any different to pain medicine, anesthesia, etc. How is your mind less important than your body?

Thanks for pointing this out, I read a piece after the Tucson shooting about how this was the only common thread to a lot of the mass shootings in the past 10 years or so. I'd imagine big pharm has enough influence to keep burying this if so desired

Wow you nailed it. Depressed people killing others and themselves. Mystery solved folks.

Please don't misunderstand (or twist)my comment. I wasn't claiming or trying to 'solve' anything actually, I should have elaborated by suggesting that perhaps adverse reactions to anti-depressants(or coming off said drugs) could possibly be a factor in some of these shootings. But i actually see the wisdom behind your sarcasm, It could very well be THAT simple, depressed people committing mass homicide/suicide, when they have the means. I guess when a lot of things don't add up, the people most affected want better answers.

Our enemies are less than twelve men. They are members of the Bank of England and other higher financial circles. They own and control newspaper chains and they, oddly enough, run all the mental health groups in the world that had sprung up […]. Their apparent programme was to use mental health, which is to say psychiatric electric shock and pre-frontal lobotomy, to remove from their path any political dissenters […]. These fellows have gotten nearly every government in the world to owe them considerable quantities of money through various chicaneries and they control, of course, income tax, government finance — [Harold] Wilson, for instance, the current Premier of England, is totally involved with these fellows and talks about nothing else actually.[29]

Quote from the 1960's from the last person you'd expect.


L Ron Hubbard

You're paranoid aren't you. Either that or shilling for NRA

Or he can remember things that happened over a week ago.

This entire post doesnt make any sense. How would that take the focus off guns? If anything, it would embolden gun control advocates to say that any crazy person upset over a breakup shouldnt be able to kill 50 people with automatic weapons.

Mental health became the issue when similar happened. The dude was legit fucked up by society though.

I look at it as who was trying to make a gain from their Agenda... Aurora shootings, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas massacre? Who was pushing for stricter gun laws, banning of AR rifles, making it harder to obtain ammunition, and now fighting the NRA on the "Hearing protection act"? All fingers in my book point to Hillary Clinton, who also helped Obama donate money to ANTIFA.

Well said. This articulates exactly why we don't trust the official narrative. Quick add on theory here: After the Port Arthur Massacre, Australia has a massive gun ban. That shooter had a pretty clear motive (at least for the initial murders) and documented mental problems (very low IQ). Soon after, the US gets Columbine; clear motive. The motives get more vague with every event after that (except the Islamist ones).

What was the motive for columbine?


Has it been confirmed that he was antifa? Seems like this is a terrorist act against Christians and Republicans?

Do it even know what antifa is?

Great editorial.

I agree with you but I think you forgot two other motives.

  1. This pushes the gun control agenda.
  2. This completely distracted the whole world from Texas and especially Puerto Rico. Where Americans are dying of hunger as we speak.

Yes, both are clearly motives here as well. And it could be that simple. Divert attention from other disasters while also continuing your play to control (or even confiscate) guns.

I think it's a combination of many motives. They very rarely kill only one bird with one stone. This event definitely has multiple purposes, as others did.

There is no way in the world that our government is going to "confiscate" over 100 million guns. Logistically impossible. Also, If you speak with most military guys and LEO, they would not condone such an operation.

you think a PD would slaughter, or try to slaughter 500+ people for fucking funding????????????????? think about what you're saying. The whole damn PD would have to be socio and psychopathic to pull that off..... this isn't Gotham kid

I never said they were directly involved as shooters. I was speculating on them being complicit.

Dude use your fucking brain. The point is not every LEO employed for LVPD is going to know about it. Only those few at the top that are involved know the truth. And they'll just tell the same official story to their underling employees and they'll all believe it. That's the point. Keep those under you uninformed to the real truth and following orders, while the very select few at the top are pulling the strings. Of course the whole police department isn't in on it. That would be retarded and would spill the beans guaranteed.

If the reports of Paddock trying to rent other hotel rooms above other outdoor concerts is true then the whole arms deal theory is null. Is it really that hard to comprehend someone could snap and want to be the bad guy? Humans are fucking weird and do really fucked up stuff all the time, just look at last year's election.

No, that could be perfectly legit, and I think everyone’s accepts that.

What people don’t accept is if that’s true, there’s absolutely a message on the video that he filmed or the note on the table.

People just want to see the video or read the note, that’s really it.

Could be left wing rage and he was trying to make a point about how he could buy all these guns etc...

He could have also been radicalized.

Those are perfectly acceptable motives for everyone.... just prove it.

Those things take time to investigate. Detectives will want to go over everything to make sure other people aren't involved.

Are you seriously comparing Hillary losing with a mass murder LMFAO.

No, I'm comparing the whole debacle that was the 2016 election and the country losing its mind and nominating both Clinton and Trump to the craziness of someone snapping and then committing violent acts. People are fucking stupid and weird.

Is it really that hard to comprehend someone could snap and want to be the bad guy?

means motive opportunity

money yes

motive ?????????

opportunity !!!!!!!!!!

the motive thing goes against human nature in a civilized society.

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you won my upvote with 2pac coverup

I feel I have to point out that LVPD doesn't have jurisdiction on the strip, that's why the sheriff is running the press conferences, the strip is in the county

I could be confused. Didn't someone say Las Vegas Metro had a leaker yesterday and also responded on the night of?


What's the difference?

Las vegas is just a part of the valley. Las Vegas Metro covers a wider area Within what a lot of people consider Vegas is a lot of smaller...I don't know what to call them. Sub-Cities I guess Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Paradise (which I believe is where the strip technically is), Summerlin. LVPD, LVMPD, and NLVPD are all different entities.

Source: Have lived in Vegas my whole life.

the people in charge in 1996 (21 years ago) are most likely retired. you don't get to have the kind of power to cover up something without already having significant time in the force

LVPD doesn’t have jurisdiction in the’s the sherif. & sorry but this dudes visibly shaken. LEO’s weren’t in on this. If it was anyone it was private security contractors.

Also very plausible.

there are many who benefit. gun manufacturers, politicians, police, media

O really gun manufacturers benefit from this?

look at how sales of firearms spike after events like this are broadcast.

Ok yes there is panic buying after things like this happen. And what would happen if we did what Australia did after their massacre?

Gun manufactures do not benefit from these types of things. They benefit from large scale conflicts.

i have no idea what your first point is trying to make. surely they make profit after this type of thing happens. will there be political agendas for gun control? of course but they know it isnt going to end with removal of guns all together, the nra has money in govt just like everyone else. sure they make more money with wars but this will also help progits in the end

The first point was Australia did ban guns all together. And no gun makers won't profit because they won't increase production. The guns that are bought during the spike were already sold to distributors. Only the gun shop making the sale will profit off of the OVERSTICKER prices people will pay during a craze, in addition to increased sales.

This is economics 101

does increased sales not dictate increased demand therfor increased supply? i think you are fighting against this way harder than im fighting for it

No the point is gun makers don't want these types of things to happen.

i didnt say they wanted it but if it drives sales they wont say no.

Lurker here, and I'm not looking to argue, just curious; why is every single act of violence immediately labeled as a conspiracy? I mean I was anticipating these posts here as soon as it happened. Surely some of these things must happen for no reason. When you label everything as an inside job doesn't that lose credibility to things that are actually internally nefarious? Is there a mass shooting or act of violence that you would or have deemed as unaffiliated with the government? Again, not looking to argue, not saying you're wrong, just looking for some insight.

I can see where you're coming from. This one did seem particularly obvious in its missing pieces, bits not adding up, smelling of a cover up etc, almost like the intention was to have people question it. The again there are theories out there that TPTB actually want humanity to awaken, it's just they know it's going to happen whether they like it or not, so they want the masses to awaken on their terms, in a negative and controllable manner rather than in a positive, spiritual and collaborative way. So who knows.

No, I don't think you're right. Their plan would never include implicating the FBI like that.

Also I'm guessing the FBI manages the Shakur case, not the LVPD.

Vegas is a factory town and the mayor, PD and most city officials are bought and paid for by the casino bosses. This incident is positively horrible for business. There may be other governmental agencies involved in this, but it is a safe bet to assume that the LVMPD has no involvement beyond doing the FBI's cleanup work this week.

I agree that the LVPD leaks are more than likely bullshit.

look at the AP photos of the LVPD, posed and photoshopped for the camera.

a mass shooting going on and LEOs allowing AP photographers to creep about and literally crouch down in front of them taking 'action' pictures, I don't think so, not in any reality based world.

Look, I'm not saying this is what's happening. It's speculation. But you do have to build it up as an investigation. You don't just come out a day or two later and say, "Hey guess what? Undercover FBI-ISIS arms deal gone wrong!" How does that possibly seem legitimate?

No, that could be perfectly legit, and I think everyone’s accepts that.

What people don’t accept is if that’s true, there’s absolutely a message on the video that he filmed or the note on the table.

People just want to see the video or read the note, that’s really it.

Could be left wing rage and he was trying to make a point about how he could buy all these guns etc...

He could have also been radicalized.

Those are perfectly acceptable motives for everyone.... just prove it.

Are you seriously comparing Hillary losing with a mass murder LMFAO.

Wow you nailed it. Depressed people killing others and themselves. Mystery solved folks.

Our enemies are less than twelve men. They are members of the Bank of England and other higher financial circles. They own and control newspaper chains and they, oddly enough, run all the mental health groups in the world that had sprung up […]. Their apparent programme was to use mental health, which is to say psychiatric electric shock and pre-frontal lobotomy, to remove from their path any political dissenters […]. These fellows have gotten nearly every government in the world to owe them considerable quantities of money through various chicaneries and they control, of course, income tax, government finance — [Harold] Wilson, for instance, the current Premier of England, is totally involved with these fellows and talks about nothing else actually.[29]

Quote from the 1960's from the last person you'd expect.

Is it really that hard to comprehend someone could snap and want to be the bad guy?

means motive opportunity

money yes

motive ?????????

opportunity !!!!!!!!!!

the motive thing goes against human nature in a civilized society.