Who started "fake news"?

18  2017-10-04 by Fluxcapaciti

Seems like the new "conspiracy theorist." Very weird that such a previously unheard of phrase would become a mainstream political buzzword overnight. Trump is well known for using the term now, but does anyone remember when it started? I think I remember Hillary hit pieces first being called fake news, but I can't find the genesis of this term



It was the mainstream media when the batch of Podesta emails pertaining to pizzagate dropped that the term started surfacing

I disagree, the first time I heard the term it came out of Trump’s mouth.

False, either you're shilling on purpose or accident. Any google search or a small amount of research will show that it was coined immediately after pizzagate. It blew up after Podesta took that editorial job too.

Anyone who has been watching everything that happened after the election knows full well how and why that term started.

The first time “I” heard it.

I answered the question honestly.

Why are you getting so defensive? I have heard him use the term at least a hundred times since he was elected.

Then you shouldn't disagree, because you don't have enough information to disagree. You would be fine if you only said "The first time I heard the term it came out of Trump's mouth," because that could be true, but it certainly doesn't mean that is where the term originated.

Hang on now you are getting defensive, is the term “fake news” derogatory coming from the person who says it?

Who gives a shit where it came from, I thought the first time I heard it Trump said it, and like I said he has used the term at least a hundred times on tv, what’s the problem?

How am I being defensive? lol

I'm just telling you how its silly to disagree when you have no idea and your only piece of evidence is when you first heard the term. We're just telling you that you're wrong to disagree. Its no big deal, though, don't get defensive.

The problem is you are not informed at all, and you're using false information to feel even more comfortable with your given agenda. It's the most ignorant firm of confirmation bias.

You're objectively wrong, though. Trump co-opted the phrase. The first mentions of "Fake News" were in the mainstream media.

This is the correct answer.

But the truth is that the news has always been fake.

Infotainment propaganda and distractions.

Except it isn't the correct answer.

Yup. If you look at google trends, both terms (and Spirit Cooking) rose from nothing at virtually the same time.

November 9th the msm hit "Fake News" and "Russia" by the evening news. November 10th it was leaking into boards everywhere as one of the crutches of the Hillary loss.

Thats when I saw it pop up

This. The term fake news exploded on every MSM channel as a counter pizza gate media blitz. The level of coordination between channels was Erie.


Jon Rappoport’s website has used the term since 2001, the fake MSM borrowed it from him.

Fox, CNN, Breitbart, Infowars

Wapo, nytimes

It started before the birth of Jesus.

Makes sense since Jesus is fake news

First time I heard it was from left wing hacks. Then. Hillary Clinton. Then Obama. Then Trump hacks.

Mainstream media spawned from a sea of propoganda and misinformation in the first place during the ww2 era.

The MSM created the term Fake News intentionally to inject it into the public's conscious. It may seem it backed fired on the MSM but with the mass censoring of Social Media after its injection I think it has served its purpose.

Now it's in the public eye everyone will be looking to see what is "fake news" MSM gets to slam alternative news as fake news, alternative media gets to slam MSM as fake news.

Some of the alternative media is or has already been coopt by the legacy media. We are in the age of falsehoods. Where one person can't reasonable be able to ascertain the details of any situation. Our reality is being shaped so we won't know truth. Even if truth smacked us in the face.

Facebook first used it to describe ridiculous news stories that were populat on facebook coming from eastern europe. After that it was coopted by the right

My recollection is that it began with the MSM (CNN and/or MSNBC IIRC), and that it was used to describe the Pizzagate story.

Then, it was used against them by Donald Trump and/or his supporters.

After that, MSM tried to discredit the term.

Norm MacDonald.

Probably Pedesta and the Democrats. Then Obama started saying it along with ALL the mainstream news.

So, definitely a preplanned coordinated thing at the exact same time Pizzagate hit so...

DS schmucks. Obama introduced it at the Frontiers Conference on October 13, 2016, the seventh day of the Podesta email leaks. This is where he talked about a "wild west of information" and needing to curate information for people.

Doesn't really matter. If you use this term, you're a fucking idiot.