What's more to blame for mass shootings; the second amendment or the entertainment industry's obsession and glorification of violence?

13  2017-10-04 by CIA_Gangstalker_lol

Always hear people talk about changing gun laws after something like this, but we never have a discussion about our culture's glorification of violence.




It's almost as if there was a country above America with the same media habits but strict gun laws, where mass shootings don't happen.

Exactly. There are easy ways to help determine what adds to the problem by looking at similar countries. People just don't like the answers. Mental health is expensive, would need to accept helping each other is part of civilised society, may need to go through a bigger hassle to get guns, etc.

there have definitely been mass shootings in canada, certainly not as many as in the US, but you're talking about a country of 35 million versus one of 320 million. I'm not even making the argument that gun laws shouldn't be stricter in the US.

I just think its sort-of weird we can't show a nude human body on television but someone being violently murdered is somehow okay.

Try actually analyzing the proportions.

try actually adding to the conversation.

There are ten times as many gun murders in America than Canada. That's how many there should be.

They also have very few blacks.

Over 30,000 people a year die from distracted driving, obama never got on the news to say "we really need to crack down on cell phone use while driving"

People responsible for distracted driving deaths per year : well over 30,000

People responsible for mass shooting deaths per year : less than a dozen

Actually Obama banned texting while driving for federal workers in 2009.

Wait, it's illegal but people still do it?

Hasn't murder been illegal since long before assault weapons existed?

I thought the goalposts were on whether or not he tried to crack down?

Try to follow here, I mentioned he was never on the news talking about cell phone laws. You replied that he wrote an executive order making something that was already illegal -- what -- still illegal? more illegal?

Did you have a link to one of his news briefings where he talks about saving the 30,000 lives lost to distracted driving?

What is your hope - that trump makes an executive order making murder with a gun more illegal?

He made his announcement at a conference in Washington that included 300 academics, law enforcement officials, legislators, telecommunications and automobile industry representatives, as well as families of people killed by motorists who were talking on cellphones or text messaging.

“This meeting is probably the most important meeting in the history of the Department of Transportation,” Mr. LaHood said at the end of the two-day conference. He added that the order to restrict text messaging by federal employees behind the wheel “sends a very clear signal to the American public that distracted driving is dangerous and unacceptable.”


Ok clearly this is difficult for you to follow - obama got on live news 13 times to say "we need more gun laws" - even though murder has been illegal for hundreds of years.. When did he get on live news for the 240,000 people who died from distracted driving during his term.

Not some executive order announcement at some conference that was not on national live news channels. Making any more sense to you yet? easier to follow yet?

I don't have any hopes, I just like seeing people make hot takes with bullshit they could have Googled first but didn't.

So that link to that live news briefing is... where?

Damn, looks like another goalpost has been misplaced. How are they moving this quickly?

The obama executive order for no texting while working on the federal time clock?

Lets examine the reduction in distracted driving deaths since he signed that bill in 2009 - what was it's impact?

What about propagandists telling white men they're being subjected to genocide?


I don't think it's either. Honestly, laws only keep honest people honest. By definition, criminals do not obey the law. How could gun control laws help at all? Isn't murder already illegal, even if it's committed by use of a spoon? I'm trying to follow the logic here but studies have repeatedly shown that people who watch/play violent things are less likely to commit a violent crime in life. I don't think we have anything worse than we ever had, it's most likely that now with a 24 hour news cycle and the speed of the internet things get around globally much better. It seems to me like the tougher laws get the easier it is for criminals to commit crimes without having to worry about a law abiding citizen might attempt to stop them.

You can apply game theory to work it out. It you're a criminal with a gun, say you're robbing some place, if the shopkeep or whatever has a gun you're far more likely to kill them.

But as the criminal you're also far more likely to be killed. If you were certain the shop keep had a gun you'd be more likely to skip that shop completely and seek an easier target.

You probably don't know whether the shopkeep has a gun. It's a variable. If the trend is towards all shopkeeps having guns then criminals can either give up crime and go to college or make sure they shoot first.

This shit happens every time. Blame guns. Blame video games. Blame music. Blame movies.

How about we stop shifting the blame and blame the crazy fucks that do shit like this?

I agree with your point but it's only human for us to look for answers and ways to improve.

I don't disagree, but there's always way too much blame shifting and dishonest discussion when it comes to these situations.

The conversation has to start without shifting the blame, or being dishonest about guns, before we can ever get real answers or make meaningful improvements. Otherwise, it's a waste of time.

Why not blame the system that fosters crazy fucks to the point of being able to accomplish their crazy fucking schemes?

No one is saying that they aren't responsible. They're just saying that there are other other factors that we can affect.

Here's a -

Here in Europe we don't consume Hollywood culture or videogames so yeah maybe yeah sure why not.

I definitely think there is something going on with violence in movies and whatnot. I remember feeling really "off" after seeing the movie Logan. SO MUCH VIOLENCE and with little kids as the main actors in that movie... just felt... wrong i guess.

Kickass is another one with a ton of violence and kids in it.

Movies never used to show so much gruesome stuff. So yes i think it's something to think about. But good luck trying to get the sheeple to think about it.

shootings have gone down over the years, so your suggestion that movies getting more and more violent is the cause is baseless.

fair point. so maybe we can't blame that. but there is definitely a desensitization to it... along with so many other things in society. i don't know the statistics though, so yeah, maybe shootings have gone down.

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I agree with your point but it's only human for us to look for answers and ways to improve.

Why not blame the system that fosters crazy fucks to the point of being able to accomplish their crazy fucking schemes?

No one is saying that they aren't responsible. They're just saying that there are other other factors that we can affect.

The obama executive order for no texting while working on the federal time clock?

Lets examine the reduction in distracted driving deaths since he signed that bill in 2009 - what was it's impact?