No on is going to post about the recent change in the sub?

81  2017-10-06 by AFuckYou

Upvotes have been at an all time high. You know those joke comments that make everyone laugh on the rest of Reddit that never make it on r conspiracy because we take each other seriously?

Yea just about every thread has a joke comment too upvoted.

And the "regular people" are here in large. The normal circle jerk is broken. Which is okay because it's making us work harder.

I wonder if we're being fostered and encouraged. There may be more to say but I'll leave it at that.


I have said it recently, i sense this place is currently being utilized/undermined for something more sinister; using Vegas as a catalyst.. Just my intuition.

We are on the same page.

do u guys have theories

Catalyst for what? I'm intrigued...

Maybe it is just that more people than normal are seeing the cracks in the official story. They're coming here to see if we "crackpots" are putting any significant pieces together, and of course many of them, being classic redditers, will disparage us vehemently as soon as they believe they see the slightest flaw.


What are the odds? Bots vs people? The internet is becoming useless. We can't tell.

It is literally painful how right you are.

It hurts but we're real. We can tell. Do your thing. We are on the last vestige of our time. This is before AI.

Looking forward to the Pursuance Project launching. With that type of communication, we will get a lot further.

Yea key. Right on!

I limit my responses now. It feels so weird

You wish. The real world is the one we live and walk around. 99.9% of the people we interact with everyday are dead asleep. They are so easily manipulated. The information has been won. Reddit is hard proof of that. This sub "new" fans are bots and Spez's admin control group cleaning up the corners of information people could find by accident on

I'll be honest I came here looking for people who instantly thought it was a false flag or whatever because that always happens after this sort of event. And then the pics got leaked and I saw it here first and the "official story" doesn't add up so here I am listening to "crackpots" who have been far more informative than any other website or subreddit I've been on.

Well if I can speak for the community (I am in no way able to speak on behalf of this or any other community) I say welcome!

Yes, it is true that for every event, someone here will claim it is a false flag. It is a bit of a knee-jerk reaction at times.

But honestly, after looking at the fine details of so many of these events, I really don't feel confident at all in telling you which ones are real and which ones aren't

There seems to be a double-think going on in the public when it comes to these conspiracies. Everybody knows the government lies to us. Everybody knows the media isn't very trustworthy. Everybody knows our leaders have skeletons in their closets.

Everybody has seen real, factual, honest-to-gob-conspiracies happen, whether it was Fast and Furious under Obama, Iran-Contra under Reagan, the Tuskegee experiments, operation Gladio, operation Paperclip, MK-Ultra, operation Mockingbird, the list goes on and on.

But as soon as you point to a specific conspiracy that might be happening now, suddenly you're crazy for thinking that the government/media would lie to us.

Great comment, IMO sadly it goes to show that people are quite literally conditioned. the word 'conspiracy' triggers them into cognitive inability. there are other terms like that and it's no accident

I don't call the assumption of every public terror event to be a false flag to be a knee jerk reaction. It's the rational reaction.

State run terror (real or hoax) is the absolute norm. Private(aka amateur) terror is extremely rare because it requires resources most private people simply don't have access to without "help".

At the most you could claim that open crime cartel related terror is "private" in some fashion but personally I consider it a dangerous mix between private/corporate/state terror agendas.

Just wait until we link it to Nibiru. Jokes aside; this sub usually has lots of insight into these types of events, and some crackpot theories.

A few minutes perusal through the comment histories of these jokers should be enough for anyone to see their true intentions. Anyone who unwaveringly parrots the MSM narrative whilst attacking other users contributes nothing to the conspiracy sub, yet these type of comments garner the most upvotes lately. The number of critical thinkers active in this sub has also mysteriously been elevated beyond normal in the past few weeks. How odd..

Lots of people came to r/conspiracy after a really weird massive event that doesnt make sense? Must be a conspiracy!

I know my comments aren't as informative as average here as I tend to ask a lot of questions and haven't been paying as much attention to shadowy stuff lately.. but now I just check the new tab here religiously. I don't buy the arms dealer story. I'm just waiting for some way for this to make sense. And in the meanwhile maybe it's time to hear what people have to say in questioning the central narrative at sandy hook.

Any one who compares comments to others is automatically suspect. No one here gives a fuck about quality.

You just give your best guess. We research your comment. Look at it on google. Then try bing. The try livelink. Then try specialities.

We give thought to a no nothing post. You make it clear that you are trying to "fit in" by asking what to do.

You are not a Truther. You are a joke. And you made it clear.

Fuck you. Confidently. Duck you.

Duck you too bud.

I am not a main theorist and primary researcher. I'm here for semifinished and fully finished products. As such I don't give a flying pig fuck whether you think I'm a duck or a MKULTRA victim.

But there absolutely are sinister neoliberal elements at work here. I see them in most threads. Trying to divert discussion from constructive paths.


I love cheers.

You are egging on the sub.

I've been a lurker on this sub, first comment was yesterday... Vegas just doesn't add up for me. I guess I'm looking everywhere for ANY sort of motive because I just don't want to believe what I "feel" really happened. Even on Facebook, grandma's are not even buying the narrative! I think that is the why on the uptick in traffic of this sub.

I am not a regular to this sub...well I wasn't until now. I've always said that conspiracy is a necessary way to test what you are told is true. What happened in Vegas gave me an excuse to delve deeper. (Puts tinfoil hat on) I am now one of you.

Tinfoil hat? Might want to change your attitude towards conspiracy theorists first.

Pretty sure in this context it was a term of endearment

Interesting. With the number of blogs removing comment sections, it's another attempt to hold "the narrative."

I'm a normie and I'm here because there is obviously something fishy going on. I've been making a lot of dumb jokes and puns in addition to my serious comments because I'm a jackass and I just can't help it.

Fight on, brothers

I'm just going to say, I've been lurking here a long time, and didn't believe any of this "the sub is being infiltrated" stuff. However, my mind changed when I saw someone question why anyone should be investigating the LV shooter at all. That's when I realized there are actually people in this sub trying to dissuade independent thought and just accept the narrative.

They mightve went too heavy

I’ve been talking about these things with my dad and had to show him reddit and then I found this sub and have been totally blown away by the “omg I didn’t think about THAT” moments I’m having.

I am new to r/conspiracy. Just too many things don't add up. There is something going on.