0  2017-10-06 by ___---________------

It has begun




It's happening again

What is the weather like Where you are located right now? Starting to get stormy here


What is going on?

I wonder if its windy and cloudy around the world? Can anybody else confirm the weather where they are at? All we need is one place to have perfect sunny weather to debunk this...

Canary Islands: night, cloudy with a gentle breeze.

So windy again. Anyone else?

You're welcome. Can you please just explain in one sentence, why or what you think is going on?

OP is claiming the nibiru destruction apocalypse is starting right now. I am trying to find a correlation in the weather from everyone to either debunk or find out if we might have something on our hands

Noticing a trend?

Wind. Lol you see what I see

I'm in arizona..... not a single cloud in sight

Are you sure you don't see nibiru out there?

Windy and cloudy here in Brazil

80 all day no clouds. Breezy.

San Diego, CA

It was as of 4 hours ago.

No clouds here. Breezy.

Got wind here too, and some large bright object that looks like a ball of fire possibly. I stared at it for a while trying to make it out and now it cannot be unseen. I mean I literally cannot not see it, it's permanently burned into my vision. Hold on to your buttocks guys, this is it.

Omg I see the same thing, I'll stare at it too to see if it gives me he same afect

That fireball isnt supposed to be there?!??

After staring at it for awhile, it is now everywhere I look

Hmm. Windy here, but not too unusual weather where I'm from.

central florida, night, cloudy but literally no wind.

No wind. debunked.

It's going to crash into flat earth and shatter it like a plate I take it

Just Santa in test runs.

OP can you provide a source or a reason why you think something is happening?


Where are you located

Take a guess


This post is full on BS.

Most likely... Usually is when its a one word answer for everything


where is it bro? hes late again?....

lol no. Is here



Wind. Lol you see what I see
