/r/wikileaks is compromised (posted a link re: Las Vegas False Flag - got banned for posting a "conspiracy"). Next day, Julian Assange tweeted "Almost all 'terror' plots are created by the FBI" (now the mods won't even respond) // proof that Julian is authentic and /r/wikileaks is compromised

52  2017-10-07 by xolotl-tlaloc

/r/wikileaks is compromised (posted a link re: Las Vegas False Flag - got banned for posting a "conspiracy"). Next day, Julian Assange tweeted "Almost all 'terror' plots are created by the FBI" (now the mods won't even respond) // proof that Julian is authentic and /r/wikileaks is compromised:

Here is their comment:

subscribed to /r/wikileaks_org instead


/r/conspiracy is the only place with a large sub base that is not tightly controlled. We have our core mod team to thank for that.

They continue to post top shelf shit here and there, too. Definitely some awesome work/mods.

yup, i am surprised we have survived this long, to me honest.

/r/worldpolitics is also fairly good.

To be fair, the WL sub is a WL sub.
That post was highly off-topic there.

highly off-topic

considering this post from julian:

... i "highly" disagree.

but, whatever -- they can do whatever they want -- they are not members of "wikileaks" with their own agenda.