Quote from J. Edgar Hoover

61  2017-10-07 by monkey-see-doggy-do

"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.''


The deep state raping murdering and eating children.

Society would rather watch Chimp violence than a Bonobo masturbating...

He would know!

Ted Gunderson said all the rumors of cross dressing were unfounded slander. Though old Ted was a little slow on the uptake.

Gotta admit, I'm not sure I trust Gunderson. There have been some statements made by the McMartin families saying he disrupted their investigation and suppressed discovery of the underground tunnels until after the case was settled.

He also said in one lecture that he didn't notice SRA and deep Steve stuff until he'd left the FBI. I wish I could remember the actual statement, it seemed weird. His son claims he was involved in JFK and Marilyn Monroe's cases. Then there's all the talk of his involvement in creating COINTELPRO.

I could be wrong, maybe he was just slow on the uptake but I don't really trust him.


Ya I agree, the whole "it didn't dawn on me till I was out" never sat right with me.

Hoover was part of the conspiracy he mentioned. He was controlled and blackmailed by Jewish mob boss Meyer Lansky. Lansky had photos of Hoover performing fellatio on another man, probably Clyde Tolson.