When did this sub go from legitimate and actual discussion to far right bullshit?

4  2017-10-07 by [deleted]




There are none. He's only seeing what he wants to see.

Why are you so upset by OP posting his thoughts? And to call him a 'far left SJW' for asking a question? Interesting.

Haven't seen that dude around here until today. Now I'm seeing his moronic comments every thread I go to.

Go back to /r/politics.

You're one too.

How am I one? One what?

An overly emotional far-left SJW projecting your own insecurities out into the world.

What have I projected? Sources please.

How is that "far right bullshit"?

It isn't.

That is from before.

Okay? Now, how is that an example of how this sub is now "far right bullshit"?

question been asked a 100 times already, /pol/ went hard for trump first as a joke then for real it seeped in here and took off, mods were pro trump and deleted or buried any negatives about him which furthered the trumptards expansion and agenda. mods were wrangled a couple of times (most recent a few weeks ago) and it's much better now. still way too many pro-gov't, trump dick sucking tards in here but some seem to be waking up finally.

Lol wahhhhh

which part is wrong?

You're train of thought supposes that people were spontaneously pro-Trump with no regard for the fact that every establishment figurehead, mouthpiece, and organisation felt threatened by his dialogue and disdain for them.

felt threatened by his dialogue and disdain for them.

this is funny.

you answered your own question...

You're full of shit. Where are all the supposed "far right" posts or comments? Why don't you also define "centrist" because it sounds to me like you're just another far left SJW to whom everything left of that extreme is "far right".

Wahhh wahhh

Direct appeals to conspiracy heads by a candidate, surely recognized and amplified by operations like Cambridge Analytica, Giles-Parscale, Infowars, Breitbart, neo-Bircher, libertarian, fascist theorists, enduring Birthers and Jade Helmers, etc. Nobody thought it odd that he and Roger Stone were directly reaching out to the conspiracy community, when it should have always been a huge red flag.

The sub has since focused on dismantling Democrat establishment theories about Trump and/or Russia, amplifying revealed quasi-conspiracies about Clinton and DNC, and trying to prove all the others (Seth Rich, Pizzagate, Clinton Kill List, Charlottesville "hoax," now the Vegas "false flag"). A fair amount of "work" done on these have been fabrications, deliberately misleading, shitpost and meme-like efforts meant to be spread virally, regardless of truth or correspondence to sources or evidence.

Conspiracy theories have become an American political team sport, as they have been in multiple contentious political situations throughout the world.

Damn. Nailed it.

keep crying fuckboy

If someone is directly targeting the protagonists of every conspiracy theory, MSM, intelligence agencies, deep state, then of course people studying conspiracies and facts will side with them. Trump was targeted so heavily by the MSM, aka the mouth of the establishment. Every classic swamp member of the establishment attacked Trump including Intelligence agencies. Now I'm not sure how new you are but the MSM and intelligence agencies are rooted in every conspiracy theory out there. Anyone they collectively attack is going to be the "hero" of every conspiracy theory and the one we should side with. Nobody has ever discredited the MSM like Trump has and thus, no political figure has fought against the establishment's interests like Trump has. You need to have a lack of simple critical thinking skills to not put two and two together.

sometimes things take another perspective, its not as simple as two and two. i think youve given a good explanation thats given me something to think about. one thing...

trump has berated the press in general, apart from fox? afaik. now fox are as bent as they come, they are the epitome of fake news. doesnt trumps open approval of fox news seem a little hypocritical? doesnt it seem like a bit of a double standard to laud him for attacking the left leaning media, but ignore his approval of fox?

Fox has been more fact based and less biased than other news sources. A recent study showed they had about a 50% positive /negative coverage, whereas other networks, not only have had 95/5 splits, but have been caught blatantly lying many times and engaging in the questionable practice of the loud lie and quiet retraction. If Trump was openly supporting news pieces that were demonstrably false than it would be worrisome. As it stands the media climate we have is extremely deceitful. Because it is so demonstrably dishonest it isn't at all wrong to point out which news shows or anchors give good reporting.

ooh i have trouble believing those figures, but i dont have the info to argue against them. this is reddit, so obviously i see a bias againt fox and a ton dishonesty pointed out, but if you disregard the bias for a second, it still shows fox cant be trusted. whether they can be trusted more or less than other news is open to debate.

Well take this Harvard study instead of my word: https://shorensteincenter.org/news-coverage-donald-trumps-first-100-days/

Not saying that as a network they can be trusted. I think certain people there can definitely be trusted, especially if you know they are biased, you can hold them to the standard of providing primary evidence, having an honest standard of journalism, providing their analysis, which has a clear bias, and then you can make up your mind from there. Trump points the good ones out, like Hannity and Tucker. There is nothing wrong with pointing out honest journalists with standards.

Sometime at the end of 2015.

What the fuck happened?


Then the 2016 election happened

Well, there's your answer.

Turns out right wingers are just really fucking stupid in America. Well. In most places really.

There's a reason the republican party is still around. And it ain't good policies =.

They ran out of meds

God just quit whining. If anything, you guys just started getting offended by certain conspiracies. This sub is made up of the full spectrum of people, and yes that includes some people on the far-right. Get over it.

Why are you so upset by OP posting his thoughts? And to call him a 'far left SJW' for asking a question? Interesting.