You know how pissed I'm gonna be if there's a time gap or missing footage from Paddocks room + 2000 Mandalay Bay cameras?

31  2017-10-08 by [deleted]



Prepare to be pissed. If ISIS can somehow attack directly outside of the British parliament at Westminster, in a country with 1 CCTV camera for every 12 citizens, they definitely wont "procure" any footage from the shooter at Vegas. Shit's fucked.

Why do you think there is no footage? Because they didn't release any?

He's saying the footage does exist. 1 camera for 12 people in the U.K. Is implying that he doesn't believe the footage doesn't exist and would be the same case for Vegas. There's no way it doesn't exist.

"Cameras mysteriously went offline" but when they cameback online Paddock already shot himself. Im calling it guys

Or.. The footage was recorded over or lost. Like how Nasa lost the moon landing (hoax) videos.

Oh shit some random conspiracy theorist snowflake is gonna damage his property and get all in a fucking rage if he doesn't get the evidence he deserves!

I'm glad you told them. I bet they're going to change their plans for you.

2000 cameras? Lmao what building in the world has that setup?

Mandalay does


This guys a shill

The Bellagio has near 2,000 cameras. Also a large casino. Why are you skeptical about this?



Public information

A place where millions of dollars are made a day and the owners don’t want to get conned out of it .


This guys a shill.

You haven’t been to a Vegas casino clearly. Can’t take a piss in your own room privately.

Lmao source?

This guys a shill

Dude just leave

Kill yourself.

Removed. Advocating violence. Final warning.

Source: been to Vegas multiple times and no how casinos operate we have smaller versions littered here in Oklahoma. They watch EVERYTHING.

No they don’t. Not in private rooms dude

I am aware they don’t watch you piss sorry for the exaggeration for the casino expert.

They have thousands of cameras and multiple cameras viewing ever square inch of the casino floor and hallways/elevators etc..

If they don’t have footage of this dude and what all happened before the shooting and after then someone is lying.

Lmao go back to /r/hiphopheads ya fuckin clown

That’s so cool bro, wow! You do know casinos only put cameras on floors? Not in people’s rooms? Or does that BS fit your narrative?

Yeah i already knew that bro! I never said the casino had a camera in his room! I stated that Stephen Paddock had his own cameras set up in his room!! He also had a camera positioned in his hallway!!! His cameras were being livestreamed back to him!! Ever since the LVPD leak we have known that paddock had his own surveillance cameras setup in his room and hus hallway!!

So how’ve you been?

Pretty shitty man i had a 13hr shift lastnight and I'm fuckin wrecked but I can't sleep for shit. How about you?

I feel ya, went down with 10 hours, only 8 hr shift today. But it’s been 9 days straight and I’m praying for the day off soon. Exhausted with ya

I see you are also deleting your comments that had negative karma. You're a clown.

I misinterpreted the one comment for sure. But come on, do us all a favor and lay off the coke and stick to the trees

Everythings alright in moderation in my books lol.

Uhh a casino...

1999 are on the casino floor. WTF u expect a camera in the guys room showing it offing himself?

There's cameras in every hallway so they would presumably show him bringing bags up the day/s leading up to the massacre. Also the second door that swat "had to breach cause it was deadbolted from the opposite side/could not gain entry", paddock wpuld have had to move through the hallway to his main suite. It would show that. Also video evidence of him shooting HIMSELF BY HIMSELF would clear up a lot of narratives.

Source for cameras in hallway? As far as i know, Mandalay Bay does not have cameras in the hotel, just the casino.

The police scanner audio at one point has a male officer saying someone should get on the cameras on the 29th & 32nd floors. I know it's not much, but I'm sure police knows there should be cameras on each floor.

Also, I'm sure elevators have cameras.. That would timestamp a lot of movement.

I heard that too, on the scanner. But police can't possibly know the location of all the cameras in all the hotels in Las Vegas. I am very certain Mandalay Bay does not have cameras in the hallways. Elevators, yes, I believe it's a legal requirement, but not the hotel hallways.

Did anyone ever consider he chose the Mandalay Bay because of the lack of cameras?

Knowing which floors don't have security cameras in the hallways...makes sense

No real source here but every hotel I've ever stayed in has had cameras somewhere in the hallway or by a entrance like an elevator or stairwell. I stayed at the Bellagio last summer and the golden nugget in Reno, they both had cameras in the hallway. Remember how they caught O.J Simpson on that armed robery charge at Station Palace LV? There were cameras in the hallway.

I agree, every hotel I've ever stayed at also has cameras somewhere, but not necessarily the hallways. The Mandalay Bay is one of the few in Las Vegas that does not have cameras in the hallways. The lobby, the Elevator, the casino, yes. But not the hotel.

Did anyone consider he chose the Mandalay Bay because there was no cameras?

I have stayed at many nice big hotels, and I'm not a fan of cameras in the hotel hallways. What if my husband and I wanted to hire a hooker, which is very illegal in LV, or buy a bunch of blow from a shady fella who delivers to your door? Or what if I want a weekend away with someone that isn't my husband? No ones gonna want to take the chance that that will be caught on camera, especially if you're a public figure. That's explotlitable material right there.

I didn't know that about O.J and the Station Palace, very neat bit of info, thank you.

How about next to nothing? Will that do?

I already know which wall I'm gonna punch

But seriously... this is going to drive us all batty. There is no way they could ever wrap this up neatly at this point

Everythings alright in moderation in my books lol.