You say "Mandalay", I say "Mandela" effect.

0  2017-10-08 by Beneficial1

Pointing out the interesting similarities and wondering if anyone in the Mandela camp has noticed this synchronicity? Posted here because this is a topic I have seen in conspiracy before.

Interesting to note is we have no official established 'timeline.' We have many segments from viewers cameras, but those would all be in their own timeline. Correct? I think this is how it works..


There is a whole 1:21:00 video on YouTube under scanneraudio of the whole entire event. I’m putting together a podcast highlighting all the points and additional information surrounding this whole event

So in your timeline you are taking a past timeline to the future to analyze it's segments.. Thus blending three timelines together.

What? Uh there’s one timeline, all captured audio from the police scanner. That’s the info I’m using because it seems that people can’t be bothered by listening to those actual facts yet there’s so much misinformation spread about

There is not one time line of any one event because each person is perceiving from a different vantage point. Even an 'official' scanner timeline could not be entirely the same timeline as somebody with a camera Right at the scene. So essentially you are looking at multiple timelines to find synchronicity.

Are you drunk right now?

Can you not read the title of this post? Try to keep up guys. If talking about timelines offends and confuses you then don't research Vegas and all the different timelines. Don't respond and don't enter this timeline if this is the case.

So … yes, then?

I don't drink in this timeline. Are you simple minded?


Ok. That's great. (Wtf) and what else are you doing today in your timeline besides making unjustified remarks of others as being drunk?.

You’re drunk in my timeline, then.

There's only one timeline(unless they have time travel). People have different perspectives of what occurred during said timeline but it's still one timeline.

Which timeline is the One timeline?

Is it related to a person's perception, or is it just some official reality everyone is a part of?

I think it's just a passage of time with events in chronological order.

So we are basically organizing segments of time and synchronizing them into a time framework. We have human perceptions as segments. We don't have , for example a view from paddocks timeline besides a few images of him in past segments.. That would be the closest to an official timeline we can get I think would be paddocks since he is what this is centered around.

Bro you’re more stoned than I am. Give my podcast on this a listen, @wcgpodcast. It might blow your mind haha

They're talking about seamless recorded audio files and you talk about the perception of human consciousness... We get your point, but you're of no use here.

Also yeah there is documented proof from video, and I’m sure all of the videos are time stamped(I should get in contact with these people but most videos are taken down or reposted by others) but mostly I’m focusing on all the audio from officers

Correct? I think this is how this works

The last lines of his post.

I like the question of what are the "Mandela theories" over something so widely viewed and shared. All of these supposed happenings are of things that go far back enough in people's memories that not one I've seen, and it's been a lot as many of you can attest I'm sure, can prove anything but bad memory or miscommunication. The one thing I do find credible is the interest in and connection to CERN and the tangible proof of media and experiments coming straight from that organization's mouth.

mans - delay in perception

Thank you.

Fuckin retard.

Oooh, nice one. Haven't heard that on the internet from a guy with a racial epitaph as an alt account , before! Way to go man, shine that light.

This is my main you fucking retard.

Dude you got a triggered alert on your phone. I just sent it to you.

Dude you got a fucking retard alert on your phone. I just sent it to you.

Don't steal my fire, man. Just admit you love me and carry on.

Lol you are owning this ass clown. Good work.

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So in your timeline you are taking a past timeline to the future to analyze it's segments.. Thus blending three timelines together.

What? Uh there’s one timeline, all captured audio from the police scanner. That’s the info I’m using because it seems that people can’t be bothered by listening to those actual facts yet there’s so much misinformation spread about

Also yeah there is documented proof from video, and I’m sure all of the videos are time stamped(I should get in contact with these people but most videos are taken down or reposted by others) but mostly I’m focusing on all the audio from officers

I like the question of what are the "Mandela theories" over something so widely viewed and shared. All of these supposed happenings are of things that go far back enough in people's memories that not one I've seen, and it's been a lot as many of you can attest I'm sure, can prove anything but bad memory or miscommunication. The one thing I do find credible is the interest in and connection to CERN and the tangible proof of media and experiments coming straight from that organization's mouth.