A new name for "conspiracy theorist"?

12  2017-10-08 by 4FR33D0M

We know from declassified documents that the CIA undertook a massive secret campaign to smear critics of the Warren Commission with the label “conspiracy theorist.”

Today, the smears have taken new shapes.

There has been a concerted effort including psyops to conflate conspiracy theories with right wing extremist viewpoints. (coughalexjones*cough) There have also been a lot of psyops to lump legitimate conspiracies (9/11, moon landing) with nonsense conspiracies (flat earth, hollow earth reptilian aliens).

Today, there seems to be a widespread media assault on all conspiracy theorists. Some examples…

My question is, can we find a new name for who we are and what we do that has a positive connotation? I sometimes jokingly call myself a conspiracy factualist, but that doesn't have a very good ring to it. ;-)

Would love to hear your ideas and see other links about the current media assault on conspiracies!

Edit: Going to compile contributions!

Conspiracy Theorist

  • Conspiracy factualist
  • Conspiracy researcher
  • Forensic investigator
  • Crowdsourced truther
  • Crowdsourced fact-finder
  • Free thinkers
  • Truth Seekers
  • Brain Users
  • Crime Solvers
  • Contrarian
  • Independent investigator
  • Independent speculative investigator
  • Reality analyst
  • Alternative thinker

While your theory is in development, worry not about the label. When you prove it, they will call it an investigation that was product of research, not wacky theorizing. Good luck.

While I agree with your statement, that's not the point of what I'm asking here.

In light of a coordinated effort to discredit all conspiracies by giving them a negative name, lumping them together, etc. how can we counter those efforts? One way would be to find new terminology for this kind of thinking and work.

You may or may not think it's a good use of time to counter the way we've been "branded." I'm looking for folks who'd like to help come up with a new "brand."

What were they called before the media (and whoever else) marginalized it around the 1960s?

Great question. Haven't seen a specific name. The CIA report cited above just calls them "critics." Would love to know there was a particular name in the past.

Skeptics is a very old term that had its fair share of derision a thousand years ago. Will put this question on my list.

Thanks for thinking about it! Given your username, perhaps this will be a fun new kind of counter-propaganda for you?

conspiracy theories are merely the product of asking questions, which are the product of thinking critically when accepting information. call them whatever you want... Alternative views, critical assessments, evidence-based hypotheses, unpopular truths...

Forensic Investigators

Haha love your user name — and appreciate the contribution. :-)

Crowdsourced truthers

The integration of crowdsourcing is nice, though "truther" has also come to have negative connotations. Perhaps "crowdsourced fact-finders" or such?

"Free thinkers" or "Truth Seekers" or "Brain Users" or "Crime Solvers".

"Brain user" got an actual lol out of me. :-D

People have been told that conspiracy theorists are crazy and that conspiracies rarely, if ever occur. And when they do occur, there can only be a tiny amount of people involved because someone would leak the information out.

1) Keep the name and show people all of the proven conspiracies. Many of them are very similar to current conspiracy theories, so if you show a historical trend, it makes the theories sound a lot more plausible.

2) Show them that a conspiracy can involve large amounts of people and be hidden for many years before anyone leaks out the information. Show them all of the people leaking the information that they never heard of. You can find that information here.

Thanks for the links! I agree with all that and often share similar information with doubters. This conversation is about branding. Words matter and small changes can change perception. I like the idea of keeping "conspiracy" -- it accurately conveys what we're talking about. But your post made me think of "conspiracy researcher." Somehow that sounds less wacky and more sciencey than "conspiracy theorist."

Yes, maybe we just have to get rid of the word "theory."

I have found that people try to distance themselves from the word "conspiracy" when they are forced to accept that a conspiracy has occurred. For instance, if it was written about in a mainstream newspaper. When someone points out that this is a proven conspiracy, they tend to say things like "no, this is proven, so it's not a conspiracy." So I'm not really sure what the best method is. If they accept that a conspiracy has taken place, but don't want to call it a "conspiracy," then I'm not sure they would be any more willing to accept as yet unproven conspiracy theories. I think you just have to serve them a massive, PTSD-inducing redpill full of proven conspiracies and make sure to call them "conspiracies." It might also help to show them the definition of "conspiracy."

A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.



Why would you want to call yourself something? Labeling groups of people leads to division--that's exactly how divide and conquer works. Make your observations, and share your experiences with others.

We've already been given a moniker to stigmatize and discredit anything we say, no matter the facts. This is about actively taking on a larger narrative that is being shaped whether we like it or not. We don't need to make teeshirts and hats, but it could be very helpful if online forums talk about "conspiracy researchers" (or other less-negative name) than what we have today.

TPTB have made the term the way it is in order to group dissidents together under a term that is meant to discredit them. There is no other less-negative term that TPTB would allow to prevail (i.e. especially in MSM). Besides, "conspiracy theorists" are just normal people...it is not actually a "group." TPTB pretend that it is. It's probably best not to play that game.

It's probably best not to play that game.

I've never been one to roll over and do what our elite rulers tell me to do. ;-)

Independent speculative investigator

This could go on a business card!

Alternative thinkers

Reality Analyst.

Nice. That's what it's all about ultimately -- uncovering what's really real.

"Brain user" got an actual lol out of me. :-D

Skeptics is a very old term that had its fair share of derision a thousand years ago. Will put this question on my list.