Why is there so much partisanship politics on a subreddit that's supposed to be about Conspiracy? Isn't the biggest conspiracy that they all work together and the "left vs right" is just to divide us?

56  2017-10-09 by [deleted]



Good point.

When /r/politics got taken over and pushed out anyone that goes against their narrative, those people went elsewhere. Here is one of the places they went to. And the group that took over /politics followed them.

Eh, I tend to disagree. The same thing happens here now. If you go against the grain, you're labeled a shill. There's a load of the_donald-like headlines that are voted to the front page of this sub where to top comment completely debunks the headline. Plus, when we a post from here hits the actual Reddit front page, people are surprised there are 10k people come and almost prepare themselves for a war instead of a conversation with users who might not agree with the dominant narrative.

Thats because the people who flood in are usualy r politics paid shills

Ppl from td came here to replace r politics. So u have trump supporters never trumpers and anti govt ppl all fighting about the same story

Personally id like to see real stories holding him accountable here. you won't find that in politics or the Donald

But instead fir the past month it's been all reposted 9/11 conspiracy conspiracy theories and now flooding everything with the same post about Vegas

That's my point. I don't think the people you think are paid shills from r politics are paid shills. I don't think r politics ventures over here even to muddy up any narrative, like at all. Quite honestly, I align with liberal views and don't feel like I belong either place at all. Here, you have a vast number of people who are neo cons, yet swear they are. They want to Nuke North Korea because "it has to happen" and it's not the same as "obama's wars".

People on r politics are neo liberals through and through. They whine about Russia and still think that Donald will be impeached. They want people to have shit, as long as they don't have to give up too much of their money and look progressive to their friends.

People from the d came here because they were intrigued by a dominant republican narrative, where a now "retired" mod led a crusade to steer the conversation towards his beliefs. Do you remember the whole "refugee" thing?

It boils down to free will, which we've never had. Some people don't want to be censored and feel they can openly hate on races or religions, yet they don't want people to be gay or have boobs and dicks at the same time.

The world has always and will always be like this unless the proletariat unites.

R politics definitely has paid shills. Ive watched the narrative change at the blink of an eye over there. Sure not all of them are. Plenty are gullible liberals who beleive Stephen colberts words to be prophetic

But a large number of them are.

And and if you wanted to deny that you would have to admit that Liberals are so uninformed they can be manipulated by even less than paid Bots

I said I don't think the people YOU THINK are paid shills ARE paid shills. Shit, I've been called a shill hundreds of times and I don't get paid for this. I wish I were getting paid to argue with gullible conservatives who think that Hillary Clinton is a lizard. And to boil it down to people's beliefs so small and insignificant as they could be changed completely by what some random said on the internet makes me think you've used the phrase "sheeple" and when you weren't being ironic.

I could also argue that the Donald and conservatives in general are so uninformed that they can be manipulated by bots, but that would be doing what we should be. You took one small snippet of a long post and focused on that, even going as far as taking it out of contexts like no other words were within 20 feet of it.

Welcome to r/conspiracy.

Yeah, summed it up quite nicely I think.

Same can be said of t_D, which seems to have taken over threads over here at times.

Trump isn't in the mainstream right, they hated him!

needs more "BUT HILLARY"

Needs less. Thrown in prison and forgotten.

instead it looks really likely that she'll at least try to run again

It's surprising that Trump hasn't been thrown in prison for his past corruption. There still may be a chance, though . . .

yup and yes.

I'd say because some of the best investigators and influencers have their own leanings and beliefs. I'd prefer everyone be totally centric, but The Donald subreddit contributors consistently do great research

What you may be digging into is that there was a rumor where Trump was going to make a major disclosure having to do with one or more conspiracies, like 9-11, or p-gate, or ufo disclosure - something that big. That's what many people took "drain the swamp" to mean.

So the sub may seem to an outsider to lean politically Republican because of that, when in fact the two Bush presidencies come in the absolute worst ever for conspiracy dealings.

I think there's still a wide ideological range in this sub. We all understand that politics is just smoke and mirrors anyway, and what's most important is all the incredibly strange activities that both party's elected officials seem to cover up left and right.


Because some of these issues are partisan in nature. Case in point, some of the conspiracy theories about Obama that are pushed by the right (and by our current president), e.g., birtherism.

It's actually authoritarians vs libertarians and there are a lot of authoritarians. A lot of people are disenfranchised with capitalism here to which is falsely being mad at their own freedom basically. Property rights are one thing but currency and free trade is literally within people's individual liberties.

I think these people really need to understand the benefits of distributed power and decentralization. Instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water and setting things up to be ripe for another even more heirarchal system they should think of how things like the free software foundation and github or bitcoin has allowed people to produce things together without leaving their homes.

I think that also rent and debt based "slavery" has disenfranchised so many people that they start to blame money in general or other crazy shit. There are other options besides holding your money in banks and there could be alternative set ups for allowing people to start their lives than forcing them to rent and be in debt.

Imagine if people started out with a very small piece of land outside of cities and then everyone concentrated on building their own self sustaining habitat. Then there would be less need for labor and feeding the rent and debt machine and we could focus on more creative endeavors in a decentralized way especially with things like 3D printers and such.

The problem is that there are organized interests which seek to stamp out that kind of "disruptive" technology. But instead of all this infighting if we organized online we could pool our resources together to purchase agency and property to start these kinds of self sustaining communities.

The Alt Right and the far left pricks from Politics are having their playground battle in this sub. Thats why it seems divided

needs more "BUT HILLARY"

Needs less. Thrown in prison and forgotten.