Antifa: not a terror organisation.

0  2017-10-09 by 435435435

Antifa are not a terror group.

You shouldn't listen to the definitions / labels handed out by groups that literally support real terrorists with money and guns




Why do you care? Have you been attending your local Antifa chapter meetings?

Na not yet.

But I see in my local media them fighting people with large swastika Tats on their faces.

Good people.

Communism is shit, fuck you for supporting it. They kill the useful idiots, that means you would die. Antifa are terrorists and I hope they all suffer for it, fuck you.

Nazis meanwhile are just amazingly wonderful. Lol

Your goal is communism, it has nothing to do with nazis. You can be against nazis and not for communism. You'll die in vain in the streets and people will be happy for it.

Their goal is anti fascism. You are so frightened of the reds under the bed.

Don't worry - 6 people officially own half of humanity. It's all commi a the top. Lemon socialism. Only capitalism for the mugs like you and I

Stop pretending that there are only two choices Fascism and Communism. Both are garbage ideologies. You just support Communism because you want a handout and excuse why you are a loser.

I only support had outs to too big to fail banks

Like Obama?

Obama is a puppet man.

Like trump.

It's the American commi at the top system that gave the companies trillions.

Open you eyes lad

Based on my own observations they still seem like a terrorist organisation. Vandalise and ruin everything in sight. I could link you some cozy films of antifa acting rather terroristy too if you would like that. What good do they do? Do they actually promote an agenda? A side from «EVERYONE THAT DONT AGREE WITH ME IS LITERALLY HITLERFF!!!111» Look at how Martin L. King protested. He did it right. No need for violence. No need to hide behind masks if your intentions are pure.

So you think fascism is chill?

Antifa is not anti-fascist.


From your narcissistic POV? Cool nobody gives a shit

From your narcissistic POV? Cool nobody gives a shit

I asked for your POV.

You can call me names & whatnot, but I want to make it clear: I asked you.

You didn't ask me anything? I didn't call you a name. Narcissism isn't a name

Alright, I'll rephrase:

What does antifa want?

I am not an activist. So I don't want to speak for those who are. But from my research and personal experience with those who do actively promote the antifa movement, they seem to stand to oppose fascism by any means necessary. Also to anyone who says mlk did it in the right way, you are talking about someone who found possibly the only path at the time to free a race who was literally enslaved then segregated by a "superior" race. His movement was a peaceful one, and we are all lucky. Because I know a few people that had their family been enslaved or segregated for the color of their skin who would seek the highest form of revenge. So the spectrum of fighting oppression ranges widely and most of the antifa ppl I know oppose direct action. But a primary central group advertise direct action in the face of oppression. Those same people who are like central ppl in any movement have a political agenda that doesn't represent the majority of the movement.

No? I hate it like the plague. That is part of why I hate antifa so much.

You hate people who hate fascism so much they do something about it.. pow pow

You are on the wrong side of history, friend.

Everyone's entitled to an opinion.

Yes, that is true. Could you please reason with me tho? Why do you support antifa? What good are they doing? Why are they hiding if they are just law abiding citizens? Why do they actively try to quench free speech, when that is EXACTLY what a facist would do

I never directly said I support antifa, although I support anyone who stands up to fascism in any way. I think the better question before we reason with eachother , is what exactly do you think they are and represent

They are a selfproclaimed anti facist group that actively go out, protest, vandalise, and in general cause disruption. They have repeatedly broken shops, burnt cars, hit people. They offer NO solution to whatever they are protesting, but that does make sense, because i dont think they really know what they protest. And again, the masks. Why the masks if your intentions are pure? Now, you tell me, what do you think they are and represent?

What does the black death have to do with alt right dickheads ??

Right then or the kkk 😒 *heavy sarcasm *

They're using homemade weapons in an attempt to cause chaos, disrupt normal day to day activities. They have a malicious political leaning, they operate in secrecy now and are funded by someone whose goal it is to sow division into the fabric of the country.

The end goal of Antifa is civil war. An organization that pushes for civil war, for the hatred of your neighbor, for the distrust in those who have sworn to uphold the law, whose tactics are to use violence to enact their change, who silence anyone who disagrees with their progressive agenda, is a terrorist orginization.

Would you be more ok with the label if they were brown or had planes?

Then end goal is to defeat fascist groups. Like it was in 1930 Germany.

America doesn’t have a Nazi problem you moron. Stop making stupid excuses for your Soros owned mercanry group. Nobody believes this stupid shit. At least come up with a believable excuse.

It has a oligarchy / fascism problem

Oligarchy yes. Fascism no.

If anything we have a Zionist problem.

Zionist funds antifa huh?

Fascist israel...

I have doubts

Dude Zionists are essentially modern day Nazis.

AskeNAZI jews were the ones who created the Nazi party and directed Hitler and Stalin to kill off the authentic Jews. They hijacked the Jewish race. They aren’t even Jewish. They are Khazarian. The Khazarians control Israel.

No Soros was working for the fucking nazis.

So he's working for nazis and antifa

Sounds like a conflict of interest.

He's the the ultimate bogey man around here. Atheist Jew. Commie Nazi Palestinian funding Zionist.

You guys expose your chilly tactics so quickly.

Question to ad reductum an issue to further splinter people in to groups and ridiculous discussions. Antifa is a terrorist group. Stop pushing this false narrative for your own sake.

It isn't a 'terror' group.

Stop being delusional pls

We'll see I suppose, I would be ok with being wrong here. Just like I hope were all wrong about Pizzagate.

The elite sacrificing or rooting children is likely all too real.

Unlike antifa being a terror group.

I think you're trying to engage me in a battle over the definition of words. Simple logic says they are. I'll stick with simple logic.

Do you know the history of the definition of the word terror?

It's worth learning

Its not going to work, you'll simply have to be ok with us disagreeing here :).

Watch the video of Isis burning the Jordanian pilot alive in the cage - which apparently is a real video.

Then compare that to a random antifa rally

You're a cutie

I am cute but it isn't pleasant viewing

Unless I'm remote viewing you

I'll put some pants on then

Nice green shirt

Is that a monogrammed black pen I see?

Better than brown shirt lad

Pretty quick to the Nazi insult there. Still trying to bate me in to agreeing with you. What's your bonus structure if you get someone to agree with you? I'm assuming it has to be pretty big if you manage to change someone's mind right?

Soros gives me 10 euros every time

You're the only fascist I've seen lately. Agent.

That's agent 435 to you

Any time you have to cover your face to express your views, you're probably in the wrong side of history.

Why do police cover their face?

Why do the 'altright' often do also?

Weak argument

Lol still beating the altright horse? Just call it what it is, people with an opposing viewpoint that others are so deadset on painting as this violent racist caricature that's hiding under your bed waiting to lynch every minority. Authoritarians are authoritarians and the sooner people stop falling into lockstep with the first group that voices a similar ideology the sooner these false movements would die. I don't support extremists because the ones on the left much like the ones on the right seek to remove liberties in order to instate their doctrine. Pro tip: if you have to force others to your way you're probably a fucking asshole no matter what fucking group or flag you are hiding behind.

Why do police cover their face?

Why do the 'altright' often do also?

Weak argument

Bullshit, Antifa are absolutely a Terror group. Dont need an "authority" to tell me that, can make my own deductions from watching videos of them, listening to interviews with them. They are by definition a terror group. WTF is your agenda?

Anti fascism agenda obviously


Antifa is the closest thing to an American version of ISIS I have ever seen.

Apart from the are not Islamic and not being supported by the MIC.

Nor do Isis have historical roots fighting nazi Germany

Isis and Antifa are both mercenary groups funded by Zionists. They don’t actually have enemies. They just do what their slave-masters tell them to do.

Thank the lord for the alt right keeping us safe from these Zionist overlords.

There are many Zionists slaves in the right. Just as many as there are in the left n


Oh boy. Here come all the fascists to complain that antifa doesn't like them.

Neo nazis with emotions and safe rooms

Antifa doesn't really strike me as the self-hating type though...

antifas woke. where they go wrong is painting all alt right as nazis when really alt right and antifa should be meeting in the middle.

The alt right are essentially losers thought.

Too weak to declare themselfs far right

The alt right are essentially losers though

from where im standing we all losers lol

Trying to incite a civil war when you're not a fan of firearms is probably a bad idea.

Antifa are worldwide.

Try and open your mind further than a American centric perspective.

Antifa are a bunch of spoiled kids. They do not want a war. Lol

Wiide sweeping generalisations.

Wiide sweeping generalisations.

As long as antifa's message is stupid shit like "bash the fash!", no one can hear you. You'll be the respondent of generalizations.

Lay out what you want in comprehensive terms.

It's easy.

Bash fascists isn't stupid.

It's rather noble.

As long as antifa's message is stupid shit like "bash the fash!", no one can hear you. You'll be the respondent of generalizations. Lay out what you want in comprehensive terms. It's easy.

It's like you can't read.

Bash fascists isn't stupid. It's rather noble.

Noblemen negotiate, do they not? I asked you questions. According to what you stand for, you should have answers.

Found the angsty teen.

How are they not a Terror group?

ANTIFA are driven politically and are willing to use violence to achieve their goals, they are most certainly domestic terrorists. Trotsky Death toll Calling for

A reminder to those not very familiar with commies. Flag on left=1920s Europe communist flag. Flag on right=Antifa, modern day version.

Antifa=terrorist commies, treat them precisely as such, show them no mercy. Communism=judiasm.

Lololololol. Antifa faggots will all be taken down when you start your antics in November.

That's been said for 100 odd years and they continue to get stronger

If they wanted to do something productive they can go protest the health insurance facists who charge ungodly sums for simple proceedures and commit economic extortion with life and death.

Protest the corrupt politicians and the companies bribing them. Those are your real facists. Not some tiki tortch fratbois.

Protest the media and thier collusion with pharma and war profiteers.

Throwing piss bottles at rednecks is only provoking them when you all really have a common enemy in corruption.

Both sides are being played to distract from focus on open corruption and bribery.


Antifa is the definition of a terrorist group.

I like being in the middle and hating both sides. Gonna make it more fun for me if a war starts. I can shoot them all.


Antifa is just a bunch of ugly, pathetic, self-hating losers who are only taking their frustrations out on the world that rejected them.

Good banter. Nice work

No banter, just facts.

Antifa members are "ugly" is factual hey

Yep and the alt right are truly the beautiful people.

There main purpose is to shut down protests. Pretty soon they will shutting down anti war protests. Do your research on OPERATION GLADIO

So it's antifas fault; the far right authorities want to remove protests?

Didn't mean it to sound like that man. What I mean is the right wants this to happen. Antifa movement I don't think realizes it yet

Like I said read about OPERATION GLADIO and you will see what I'm talking about

Will do, cheers

When you do i want you to pm me and I will explain it further


Antifa is meant to divide us. Do not buy into it. Smart people know to avoid extremists no matter what side. People who are antifa are being manipulated plain an md simple.

Saying Antifa isn't a terror org; as opposed to say isis. Who of course the west supports in conflicts where it suits them is "divisive" right.....

Extremists are extremists. realize you are fighting the war they want you to fight idiot.

To be anti fascist isn't extreme.


Thats fine. But name calling isnt really pleading your case. You are making antifa the stereotype right now. Why should I join Antifa? Whats the purpose and whats in it for me?

I'm not the spokesman

What is the conspiracy behind Antifa promotion that led you to this sub?

I was led to this sub by things like the fed being privately owned and such. Not antifa

I assumed some American douch authority has claimed them to be a terror group which is both bizarre and stupid.

More so when you Take into account they are supporting actual terror groups like in Syria and the new nazis in the Ukraine.

Insukts aside. You make a good point. How do you feel about antifa being allegedly funded by George Suros?

Doofus isn't really a insult. If it is, it's a very light / friendly one.

I am not an expert on soros or antifa but I am unsure as to the reliability of those claims.

Antifa is essentially people counter protesting far right / neo nazi rally's. What funding do they require? It's free essentially.

My assuming soros is portrayed as they boogy man , perhaps even like Rothschild to muddy the waters as to the true powers that be.

Whom I of course don't know who they are but i think the r/RomeRules theories seems to carry a lot of weight.

You're right.

ter·ror·ism ˈterəˌrizəm noun the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Using the common definition of the word, they do unequivocally engage in terrorism.

But they are better described as a movement rather than an organization.

AntiFA is a terrorist movement, made up of some organizations which could rightly be called terrorist organizations, some individuals who could rightly be called terrorists, some individuals who are better described as terrorist sympathizers, and some individuals who are just plain confused.

The peaceful refuse to denounce violence (MUH DIVERSITY OF TACTICS) and the movement brands itself as violently standing against people who are not breaking the law.

The definition of 'terrorism' changes every month to suit the needs of the imperialists.

It's worth remembering it was originally terror by the state onto the people.

Maybe, but that's been the standard common usage for a very very long time.

Note I'm not referencing a formal government definition.

And I'm explicitly acknowledging that some folks find the use of terrorism acceptable in some circumstances.

Some folks like the USA gov. That support Isis or at least that's the evidence on here.

Or the creators of that state o Israel.

Na not yet.

But I see in my local media them fighting people with large swastika Tats on their faces.

Good people.

America doesn’t have a Nazi problem you moron. Stop making stupid excuses for your Soros owned mercanry group. Nobody believes this stupid shit. At least come up with a believable excuse.

Their goal is anti fascism. You are so frightened of the reds under the bed.

Don't worry - 6 people officially own half of humanity. It's all commi a the top. Lemon socialism. Only capitalism for the mugs like you and I

I only support had outs to too big to fail banks

As long as antifa's message is stupid shit like "bash the fash!", no one can hear you. You'll be the respondent of generalizations. Lay out what you want in comprehensive terms. It's easy.

It's like you can't read.

Bash fascists isn't stupid. It's rather noble.

Noblemen negotiate, do they not? I asked you questions. According to what you stand for, you should have answers.

He's the the ultimate bogey man around here. Atheist Jew. Commie Nazi Palestinian funding Zionist.

Found the angsty teen.

No banter, just facts.

Antifa members are "ugly" is factual hey

Yep and the alt right are truly the beautiful people.

Extremists are extremists. realize you are fighting the war they want you to fight idiot.

You're the only fascist I've seen lately. Agent.

You guys expose your chilly tactics so quickly.

Question to ad reductum an issue to further splinter people in to groups and ridiculous discussions. Antifa is a terrorist group. Stop pushing this false narrative for your own sake.

Watch the video of Isis burning the Jordanian pilot alive in the cage - which apparently is a real video.

Then compare that to a random antifa rally

Thats fine. But name calling isnt really pleading your case. You are making antifa the stereotype right now. Why should I join Antifa? Whats the purpose and whats in it for me?