What are Hannity, KDC and Trump, and MegaAnon all hinting at? Is it legit?

104  2017-10-10 by clit123

So Kim Dot Com said "Calm before the storm. 5 billion". A week later trump says "this is the calm before the storm" and "you will see". Mega Anon shows up on the Chans and says Trump will make 3 presidential addresses where he discusses all the conspiracy theories and lays waste to the deep state. And last night Hannity tweeted "major major tick tock" and "t minus 7 and counting" It wasnt 7 hours. So it could be 7 days. What are all these people hinting at?

All the bizarre stuff with Assange internet being cut happened a year ago to the day pretty much, next Sunday/Monday. Which is, if Hannity meant 7 days from last night, is of course next sunday.

Thomas Paine said last month, alot of moving pieces were in the works and that a major announcement would occur, if everything lined up, the middle of October. Which is October 15 or thereabouts.

What is all this stuff?

What is this leading up to?


"Calm before the storm. 5 billion"

What does KD's "5 billion" quote refer to?

US gives Israel $5 billion a year. Only thing I can think of.

Do you have a link to a video where he said this?

He didn't say that. The US government gives Israel 5 billion a year. Thats just a fact.

Also this:

SHOCK REPORT: US Paid $5 Billion & Released 5 Taliban Prisoners For Deserter Bergdahl (Video)


How many burgers he ate this month.

Oh you're funnY!

his ICO is this month

!remindme 7 days.

Remindme! 7 days

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Well, guess it wasn't a LARP

I didn't hear anything. what happened?

Clintons got kickbacks for uranium sold to Russia


Look like anywhere on the internet or tv. It's been huge news today

I didn't see anything in /r/news about it.

That they are all running larps simultaneously.

A coordinated LARP strike you could say

Can someone enlighten me on what LARP means?

Live action role playing

Live action role play.

Live Action Roll Play

It's literally all known LARPers. So, as much as I want to believe it. I think you are correct.

I think Hannity has a lot to lose from peddling false information. He's a high profile guy with a reputation to keep up.

I don't know much about KDC other than being the 200 lb. hacker Trump connected to the Podesta/Wikileaks email dump.

MegaAnon is even more enigmatic. Common sense tells me to dismiss anonymous weirdos that hang out on 4chan. However, those autists over there are eerily accurate on many things. If they're giving credence to MegaAnon maybe we should pay attention.

My gut feeling is that something is about to happen. It's gonna be a takedown of the deep state on several fronts. They're anticipating chaos chaos and/or civil unrest as a result hence the meeting with the generals and high level military.

When asked by a reporter to comment on Harvey Weinstein accusations, Trump’s reply was "I'm not surprised". Of course he wasn't, he knew it was going to happen. Weinstein is a reveal of what's to come.

Trumps reaction is similar to the theory i buy into. He knows all these people. he did deals with them as a private citizen for decades. Contributed to their campaigns. Had parties with them. he knows them. And knows their secrets and all that. Trump said to Hllary's face at that dinner something about Haiti and child trafficking, to her face and in front of a huge audience. he said to her face he would get a special prosecutor to lock her up. His whole cabinet was or is full of conspiracy theorists. His son, Flynn, Sessions, Bannon, etc... all of them know all we know. Trump calls Alex Jones regularly they are friends. Trump has to know about Pizzagate and Seth Rich and all that. he knows of course the media is lying and that he isn't a russian agent. And that he knows theres a coup in progress to force him out. he knows about Assange. He knows all this.

The big question is why nothing has been done about it.

Everyone we've put faith into to do something has left, been fired or done nothing. Sessions, flynn, Gowdy, Chafetz, and on and on. Hannity, George Webb, Julian Assange, are on our side, but they dont or cant drop the hammer and deal the knock out blow to the deep state.

They know all of this stuff. What is the hold up?

There has to be a key role that's dirty. My bet is Sessions.

They know all of this stuff. What is the hold up?

"you will see your whole family die IF you do that, so think about it" ... seems to work pretty well at shutting people up

I hope you're right!

Hannity can always break a minor news story and claim thats what he was alluding too. He doesn't seem like the type that would know any world breaking information. Hate to say it but i'd rather put my conspiracy chips on MegaAnon, high risk high reward. There are some real nuggets of truth on 4chan. Hannity will probably unveil some DNC tomfoolery that won't amount too much.

You're probably right

KDC is a lot bigger than 200lbs. Ijs.

200 Kilograms

ljs? Sorry I don't know what that means.

I'm just sayin.

My gut feeling is that something is about to happen. It's gonna be a takedown of the deep state on several fronts. They're anticipating chaos chaos and/or civil unrest as a result hence the meeting with the generals and high level military.

For all it's worth, MegaAnon appeared in another thread on Sunday (most likely on 2 IDs), and made clear that chaos is something they want to prevent.

Links to 4chan threads archived via 4plebs, filtered by IDs:



tagging OP u/clit123

Thanks for the links I appreciate it. I'm not a huge 4channer but I go there lookin for tidbits of truth. It's very frustrating to filter through the 95% of BS to find the 5% of worthwhile posts so the links are a great help. I agree that the those working to dismantle the deep state want to avoid chaos. That's why I think the "calm before the storm" meeting with military leaders took place. They're planning their response to possible civil unrest - declaration of Marshall law maybe?

Couple questions :

I'm intrigued by this statement: " 2. to specifically ensure you'd make the DeVos connection..." What was this DeVos connection? I've gone back through the MegaAnon threads I'm aware of and I can't find this. What am I missing?

Based on writing style and language what can be gleaned from MegaAnon posts related to her credibility? It appears to me her style is informal and she's comfortable using common 4chan slang and phrases. This doesn't discredit her, it just means she's been doing this for a while. What say you?

It's very frustrating to filter through the 95% of BS to find the 5% of worthwhile posts

Ditto here, haha

What was this DeVos connection?

I think it's clear from the context, see blackwater.

"As for the "blackwater Anon", the post was accurate of a few specific things that caught my attention. So was the "-john" poster. But whether they were purposefully being vague (like I often am) or they just weren't completely informed, they were both right about enough that I can personally confirm, which makes me believe they're mid-level with lower clearances within whatever organizations they're actually with. I do believe blackwater referred to himself as blackwater on pilurpose because first, most people just recognize blackwater right away and know what they did. A lot of people don't know blackwater was acquired and 2. to specifically ensure you'd make the DeVos connection... and y'all did. 2. No dirty bomb, no nuke. Just a devastating detonation that had the capacity to level have a flat desert city and conveniently take out thousands of people corralled into a single proximity via the hysteria ensued through "active shooter" reports and "shots fired".

She is apparently talking about two other 4chan anons, a quick search revealed the "blackwater" anon: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/144152896/

But she "corrected" the blackwater's infom commenting there was no nuke but another typo of huge explosion prepared, and averted.

What say you?

I have found some more posts of her, starting May, not finished reading all of it yet, hard to analyze and evaluate everything but... I find her rather on our side.

Thanks - I've read "-John" and Blackwater. It's all so sensational that it's hard to process. It's like trying to figure out the plot of a Clancy novel for crying out loud. Thanks again for the links.

That's what it is, indeed: a Clancy novel.

By the way, I have found one of her May threads where she accpets the Mega nickname.

don't know much about KDC other than being the 200 lb. hacker

KDC hasn't seen 200 lbs. since he was 12.

Like I said, don't know much about him. BMI aside, do you think he's credible?


Fair enough

He's going to fire Mueller

Oh hell no he ain't. We'd probably start ww3 before Mueller gets fired.

Trumps definitely not taking down the deepstate. That illusion may be played, as with certain words you can communicate to a group of people that are tuned in, listening for those kinds of words so one would be lead to believe this, but in reality if the switch is thrown, either ww3, martial law, some sort of economic or other form of crisis. Then if he's seen as this anti-deepstate hero, those that have supported him and hoped he'd do so (and probably quite a few who haven't supported him before) would listen to anything he'd say, then perhaps a regime/government structure change or something similar and it wouldn't be for the majority's benefit. The idea that he's an honest, "every day" man is ludicrous. Especially someone so involved in big business being against TPTB is absurd.

I sure hope you're wrong. He's obviously not an every day man. But like OP said in another comment, he knows who is who and what's up. This means he's really the worlds only hope at the moment. Why do you think the Rothschilds are calling for him to be impeached? Hopefully it's not just one big larp. So I'm not saying you're wrong, but damn, I hope you are.

this is another good point. Why alot of people got interested in trump during the election was not because of who was supporting him. But rather who was against him. The media, the banks, wall street, the war machine, the FBI and the 3 letter agencies, Obama, Hillary, and on and on. Im interested in why this is. Why everyone I hate, is all against trump.

Trumps enemies speak volumes.

"If he wins were all gonna hang from nooses."

FBIAnon did say, however, that Trump was a master of confirmation bias. So if we go down the 4chan road, that must be remembered.

That said, MegAnon, like FBIAnon, does seem eerily accurate to the point it must be considered as truth, especially since Aaron Rouse (Podesta's son in law, you know, the one in charge of this investigation) was just transferred here to Vegas just before the election...

That's a fake quote.

That's actually a fake quote.

The idea that he's an honest, "every day" man is ludicrous. Especially someone so involved in big business being against TPTB is absurd.

So if I'm reading you correctly, your point is that it would be impossible for a moral, good person to succeed in business as much as Trump has?

Difficult, but not impossible. Selfish gain is the name of the game for successful business. But to be successful in the business world and elected president? He's no saint. He doesn't care about the individual... at all. He'll tell you anything to get support or publicity, not to mention he's also been a reality tv star.

Can you imagine a scenario in which a good person wants to save the country by getting to the top political position legally while circumventing the political 'swamp'? I can't imagine anyone doing so without first: a) gaining a lot of popularity and recognition throughout the USA and b) becoming independently wealthy and making the right connections.

Make no mistake: Trump was planning this presidential run for decades and did it the only way in which he could have succeeded. He won against the establishment GOP, establishment dems, mass media and astroturfed social media, which all did everything they could to stop him. Anybody who thinks that Donald Trump is an idiot is clearly less clever than he and will likely never understand the game as she is played.

Yes and it's not within the confines or the environment of this current system. This I can assure you. TPTB would not allow Trump to become president if he wasn't playing the game. Politicians in the US are like wrestlers, the political arena is just a show. Perfect tools to manipulate the masses that believe in it.

He's not a good person. At all.

I don't think he's an idiot. I think he's amoral and doesn't give a damn about living beings. Only his own power, greed and money. That's it. Not you. Not me. Not the US. Those are just tools to use to get what he wants, including playing for the powers that be. What an ego trip it must be.

Trump and all his buddies were all made by TPTB. Here's a video everyone should watch: (Trump and Hillary Promote NWO at Jesuit Dinner Party) [https://youtu.be/lHDHd99wbP4]

wow ....

Your video leaves out some important parts of Trump's speech that evening.


Thank you for adding this.

Oh cool, more shit that isn't going to happen.

But if something does happen they'll claim that's the thing they said would happen.

Nothing. It means absolutely nothing.

Trump is talking about war with North Korea

Because he told you personally or because you have a source for the information you posted to prove it's not something you're passing off as fact because you feel it is true?

It’s my strong opinion. There’s no storm quite like a war

That seems to obvious. I hope not, though.


Has megaanon been wrong before?

Hannity and kdc are jokes. More then likely so is mega anon.

There has to be a key role that's dirty. My bet is Sessions.

They know all of this stuff. What is the hold up?

"you will see your whole family die IF you do that, so think about it" ... seems to work pretty well at shutting people up