Is Alex Jones liked here or disliked?

15  2017-10-10 by rapboi

I used to unironically watch him but now it's just for entertainment. His news is good but he doesn't go "deep" enough for me.


Everyone has a different opinion.

I think he's batshit crazy and makes us all look bad, but I've heard some people share interesting information on his show. After the info is shared, I mute his insane ass.

I agree, I dont watch him. I watch some of the people on infowars, but not AJ.

The courtcase tho, that was the mother of his child trying to take her away(i think, something similar atleast) so in court Alex said he just acted as crazy as he does for the show. That is legit, because he do get cray there sometime, and if youve seen clips of him when his not on the show he is a different person. I would not hold that case against him

Same, he's controlled opposition

He seems like controlled opposition... I don't trust him, in a court case he said his persona is an act. I wouldn't trust a word he says.

He's controlled opposition. He gives a lot of truth with bullshit mixed in. He acts like a complete moron and if you say anything that is even remotely similar to what he's said, you are automatically labelled a nut jub.

Honestly .. I feel he talks like how we all talk when we are in our close and small groups... Much like trump. Unfortunately the media virtue signals and applys some off the cuff thing he says on the mainstream forum and it guilts or embarrasses ppl for listening to him

Here, people are encouraged to think for themselves and draw their own conclusions. You'll find people for him, against him, and anywhere in between.

Mostly against

He is almost universally loathed by posters in this sub. Many are convinced he is a comedian, and a bad one at that, who was funnier as Bill Hicks.

He plays his role. 85% of what he says is rooted in truth/facts. But every once in a while he goes off the rails and gets to be the poster child for "crazy conspiracy theorists" when the MSM needs to discredit something. Once he says something incredible stupid, it then discredits everything he says.

Nobody will go "deep" enough for you. You have to do that yourself.

AJ is controlled opposition, he's still only allowed to say what they grant him to. Think Soft cushy disclosure for the soft squishy brains.


we indifferent at best. most of time dudes suspect tho

I look forward to the day he's in prison.

Have you ever seen the video where he "infultrates" the Bohemian Grove??? It's all a freaking joke. How would he influtrate literally the biggest gathering of the highest officials from the western nations... He is obviously a member or at least one of their pawns

You think he set up that entire thing? They were 100s of people there around the Owl...unless they LET HIM IN?!?

Can you imagine the security in a place like that? They definitely let him in

Isn’t that what he claimed? That he had an insider that let him in or something.

I'll just leave this here.

That's pure awesome

We Love Our Somalis

"they" control the news feed. "they" set up the narrative on both sides. "they" expect if they do this correctly, and they know how people will react that they can coerce the behaviour of the crowd.

it's important to know that what you hear in the media is likely upside down in one form or another. it's important to observe the ratchet of authoritarianism and its acts - as you'll know them by their acts.

I wanted to like him for the longest time, but he's just way off the wall for me, he's pretty cringy and about 60% of his show is trying to sell you snake oil. Even tried to check it out today and he was absent with some other guys doing his job, which from what I remember was pretty often.

He's a CIA "plant". This guy is being used to destroy the conspiracy movement by associating wackiness and crazy loony tune vibe because of Alex Jones and the way he acts. He gives us a bad reputation and he needs to be arrested.


Don't rely on him as a single source. Take what he says and do further research.

I believe that AJ would report all he knows if he could do it safely.

Limited hangout. Mixes truth in with crazy bullshit so it all seems like crazy bullshit

I think by being controlled opposition, it's set up that way. If it was all "water is making the frogs gay" nobody would listen. Sprinkle in a couple of truths and it makes him almost palatable.

His off the wall stuff is mostly entertaining. His racist, sexist and anti-immigrant cr*p is not.

He flings a lot of shit at the wall and sometimes a little sticks. But mostly a lot of shit.

Liked, with reservations

I like him. He'll always get credit in my eyes for exposing Bohemian Grove.

I feel like that was just to get him in the spotlight so that he would have the public platform to than disseminate a bunch of disinfo and bullshit and pandering to the lowest common denominator.

Love him or hate him he is a player in the game and I wish him the best luck. Go Alex Jones!

I love wild rant AJ. One time I caught him saying he was at peace with God and his hand will be on his shoulder when the Globalists put him in the Woodchipper. Underrated moment

Done some really good things. Also got caught in a few honey pots. Easy fodder for MSM, and also a lot of folks here interestingly enough. They will rail all day long about MSM lies, but buy the Alex Jones MSM lies all day long. The gay frogs is probably the best example.

The guy admitted to playing a character so what's that tell you smdh

David icke has been right, he has been saying the things we see now for decades

The dude is Stratfor, both based out of Austin.

I rarely click on his videos and when i do i move on once he starts screaming which is usually about 20 seconds

liked byme

Zionist shill

Removed. Rule 10.

You think he set up that entire thing? They were 100s of people there around the Owl...unless they LET HIM IN?!?
