Drug problems and wars...

29  2017-10-11 by skeeter1234

In the 80s what countries were America primarily engaged with militarily? South American countries like Nicaragua and Panama. What was the big drug during the 80s? Cocaine. What drug did those countries primarily produce? Cocaine.

Who is America primarily engaged with now miltarily? The Middle East including Afghanistan. What drug do those countries primarily produce? Heroin. What drug does America currently have a problem with? Heroin.

Big fucking coincidence.


War Is A Racket

-Major General Smedley Butler

Smedley Butler was a goddamn hero, this country should be proud men of his intelligence have blessed it with their lives.

Ever wonder how getting a bag of dope is almost as easy as a box of KRAFT macaroni and cheese in every single city in America? They would need some massive distribution chain. hmmm

This is pretty common knowledge. Any new revelations or summary of most damning facts?

This is the first time I thought of it in these terms so thought I'd share. Also, I'd say this viewpoint is far from "common knowledge."

Welcome aboard. I meant to say common knowledge around here. There is all kinds of content here from all types of people. Part of a community service some of us do is browse new and vote on quality of posts. There is a lot of speculation surrounding votes so some people will fire off a short comment explaining why it doesnt belong, or suggest changing the title.

Thats all a diplomatic way of saying: Low effort and quality post, downvoted.

Go deep on the united fruit co banana wars too. Same thing, just another "war".

An example of how they roll:

A couple of random dudes tell some big time bean growers down in South America that, hey, if they build a railroad through their mountains, they can ship the beans quicker, meaning more profits, etc. We'll provide the railroad construction and the loan to finance, cool? Yes yes do it! Well guess what my friends, through controlled "monetary policy" those poor sons-o-bitches default on their payments to the banks (of England) thus giving the land to "them". tee-hee

Anyone want to take a shot at what the next drug of choice will be to create the next war?

Everything traces back to basic human desire; whatta we want? Drugs! Sex! Food! Safety!! Then everything goes to the fuckin' max.