
357  2017-10-11 by [deleted]




But this isn't a very scientific experiment, so I imagine people will downvote you for that. Which is why it's unscientific.

I think it's social science. The results certainly will tell a tale, in my honest opinion.

I downvoted you because I think posts that are "upvote if .... " are trash and shitposts, and this isn't scientific or logically sound as an experiment and will serve no purpose other than to indulge and reinforce your already held beliefs without actually offering up any unique or new evidence.

Boom. 100%

Also, oh great we now know that 50% of the users are shills. Do we now just ban every other user?

This doesn't let us know anything about the percentage of users who are shills.

yeah, it'll tell you whatever you want to hear. if you have any hope of useful informatoin you have to share how you're analyzing it before you do so.

Yeah, what an awful idea that won't produce anything meaningful. I had someone accusing me of being Russian just yesterday.

Edit: Try this out for yourself in a different way. I'm not joking, it can be proven by all of us on here within a week. I know there are a lot of real people who subscribe here, and people who are tired of this shit so I'm trying to get the ball rolling. Experiment, play games like them. Let's out-manipulate them!

I think most people like myself are coming to this sub due to Paddock Story and I haven’t subbed.

But yes I do agree with your post and I actually believe that this sub and YT has impacted the LV shooting cause if this incident occurred back before the Internet it probably would have been closed already.

Same I came here to find out more info here, but I’m feeling like this sub is being suppressed.

If the increasing numbers of subscribers to this forum, like yourself, are the result of it being suppressed then bring it on, and welcome to truth-diggers-r-us, btw.

If you want the most discussed issues here duking it out with the silliest cat vid of the day I'd rather they didn't keep company or try to compete against them for the attention of far too many people looking for mindless info-tainment that are going to skip them anyways. If you're looking for a serious and honest discussion of the wicked world out there and what actually goes on in it, this is the best places to be if you want to find out how it got that way.

truth be known. there is rarely more than 30 actual users here at any given time. the rest are bots and fake /weighted user count.

How do you know that? Could you share so myself and others can become aware too?

in 3 days?


50%? Nah.

Posting to verify my upvote.

No idea what the percentage will be, but something close to 1 for 1.

Upvoted. I was just responding to a post here in this sub, and thought, is this even a real person?

I did that on a random r/AskReddit thread the other day. The "person" responded back with such bad English I could only assume they were a bot.

I definitely realise shills and bots existon reddit, but I don't think they make up 50%. Memes, social pressure, expectations and things peddled by the "useful idiots" who make up the relative majority. I couldn't accurately give any number, but if I were to pull some out of my arse I'd say 10% bots, 10% shills, 20-30% useful idiots, 15-25% normal objective users with mild biases, and 35-45% lurkers.

I'm not convinced people aren't actually coming here to look around. Look at Britain making looking at conspiracy websites illegal.

Deep state is in damage control.

Yes I think 50% are Trump shills, 25% liberal shills and the rest real users.

But Trump already self identified as our President.

Yeah all the rednecks and 70 year old Republicans that barely get online have taken over Reddit. What a joke.

Don't think this thread will gain enough traction to properly estimate. 22%

I'd say about 50% most of the time, but there are peak hours when it's wall to wall BS, and the percentage rises.

I think it doesn’t matter. It’s far too easy and anonymous to come to any conclusion that means anything.

Up until this event, I only came to Silph Road on Reddit. Now I'm here everyday and telling others about it.
I'm not sure what it looked like before, but I think that many new people here just want the truth. There is more truth here than anywhere else. Could that be why it looks compromised? Because the newbies don't know what the long timers know?

Unfortunately, this sub looks nothing like what it used to pre-election. It's going to take at least another year to settle down.

I just don't understand why there is no outrage that we have one party with publicly filed financial / donation records as well as media coverage, showing they directly hired astro-turfers to hits social media (specifically including reddit), to the tune of millions of dollars, with the intent of "correcting the record" and influencing public opinion. I'm sure the other side hired PR agencies too, but so far there doesn't seem to be any direct evidence pointing to them shitting up reddit, especially in their publicly released financials. To make matters worse, after losing the election, the party that managed to fuck reddit up so bad actually doubled down and increased their funding of said astro-turfers.

The funding should eventually dry up for both sides, and then given enough time before the next election, opinions should cool a bit.

I didn't know that. I'm taken aback. So can I trust the information here?

Don't trust anything. Verify everything. And unfortunately, you can't really trust what appears to be the consensus here in terms of comments or voting. Stick around long enough, and you will see that there will be some topics in particular that are always political shitfests that are always attempting to de-rail and "slide" the actual topic.

I do not believe for one second that the scores that posts receive are directly related to the amount of updoots or downvotes that are given.

I've had enough accounts over the years, and in the past year or two the whole system has been weird as all hell.

I doubt it's 50%, but they have enough power that it doesn't matter.

What a bad thread. What if I think reddit has been compromised, but not to 50%? This isn't scientific at all as others have said.

You know what's weird is I downvoted this because I think this is silly and reddit changed that to an upvote some time between then and now(about an hour).

What. The. Fuck.


I'm pretty new to Reddit (came from my desire to stop drinking, and subsequently brought in by r/stopdrinking) and now I am addicted to this sub. I am learning so much about bots and such (never knew). Nevertheless, my reality has been shattered. I picked a hell of a time to quit drinking!

35%-60% and it fluctuates.

I don't know what to believe anymore

I had to downvoted, I truly believe this sub just has a lot of lookie loos who have no intention of understanding anything at all besides what the media has told them. I wouldn't even give them the credit of being anything more than asleep.

You're not going to get scientific data from this, because many users will downvoted and "upvote if" posts, as they should since they are against Reddit rules.


what's the best reddit replacement that doesn't have shills and bots?

voat, i guess

shills can be anywhere though... just make an account and spread FUD... write long, passionate arguments to make the other guy confused... some do it for lulz, others do it on a Washington budget

others do it on a Washington budget

I want in, please?

Asking for upvotes is against reddit's sitewide rules. I'm removing this.

Of course you are asshat.

wasnt here to see this. could someone tell me what the hell is so important about up votes? got this from comments. do you get paid after a while or is it some sort of high school competition going on?